Apollo Global Management Investor Presentation Deck
Important Information
Performance Information
Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results and there can be no assurance that Apollo,
Athene or any Apollo Fund or strategy will achieve comparable results, or that any investments made by
Apollo in the future will be profitable. Actual realized value of currently unrealized investments will depend
on, among other factors, future operating results, the value of the assets and market conditions at the time of
disposition, any related transaction costs and the timing and manner of sale, all of which may differ from the
assumptions and circumstances on which the current unrealized valuations are based. Accordingly, the actual
realized values of unrealized investments may differ materially from the values indicated herein.
Information contained herein may include information with respect to prior investment performance of one
or more Apollo funds or investments, including gross and/or net internal rates of return ("IRR") and gross
and/or net multiple of investment cost ("MOIC"). Information with respect to prior performance, while a
useful tool in evaluating investment activities, is not necessarily indicative of actual results that may be
achieved for unrealized investments. The realization of such performance is dependent upon many factors,
many of which are beyond the control of Apollo. Aggregated return information is not reflective of an
investable product, and as such does not reflect the returns of any Apollo Fund. Certain Apollo Funds
referenced herein may utilize a credit facility (sometimes referred to as a "subscription line") to make
investments and pay expenses and for other purposes to the extent permitted by each Apollo Fund's
partnership agreement. Such fund-level borrowing to fund investments impacts net IRR calculations because
net IRR is calculated based on investor cash outlays to, and returns from, the Apollo Fund and as such,
returns depend on the amount and timing of investor capital contributions.
When the Apollo Fund uses borrowed funds in advance or in lieu of calling capital, investors make
correspondingly later or smaller capital contributions. Accordingly, this fund-level borrowing could result in
higher net IRR (even after taking into account the associated interest expense of the borrowing) or lower net
IRR, than if capital had been called to fund the investments or capital had been contributed at the inception
of the investment. In addition, the Apollo Fund may pay all related expenses, including interest, on its
subscription line facility and investors will bear such costs. Please refer to the Definitions pages for additional
information regarding gross and net IRR.
Unless otherwise indicated, MOIC is derived from dividing the sum of the estimated remaining value and
realized proceeds by the amount invested. Unless otherwise noted, MOIC is presented gross and does not
reflect the effect of management fees, incentive compensation, certain expenses or taxes. Please refer to the
Definitions pages for additional information regarding MOIC.
Index Comparisons Index performance and yield data are shown for illustrative purposes only and have
limitations when used for comparison or for other purposes due to, among other matters, volatility, credit or
other factors (such as number of investments, recycling or reinvestment of distributions, and types of assets).
It may not be possible to directly invest in one or more of these indices and the holdings of any strategy may
differ markedly from the holdings of any such index in terms of levels of diversification, types of securities or
assets represented and other significant factors. Indices are unmanaged, do not charge any fees or expenses,
assume reinvestment of income and do not employ special investment techniques such as leveraging or
short selling. No such index is indicative of the future results of any strategy or Apollo Fund.
References to Base Plan References to a base plan or base case growth plan throughout this presentation
refer to an aspirational business plan that is hypothetical, presented for illustrative purposes only and based
on a variety of assumptions. There is no guarantee that base plan results indicated herein will be achieved.
Assets Under Management Assets under management, or "AUM", is defined in the Definitions pages. Please
note that certain references to AUM provided herein may include totals from different Apollo Funds, or
investments from different segments in order to present strategy related information. In addition, certain
AUM figures presented herein may be rounded and as a result of certain rounding differences, totals may not
reconcile with overall AUM.
Ratings Information Apollo, its affiliates, and third parties that provide information to Apollo, such as rating
agencies, do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, timeliness or availability of any information, including
ratings, and are not responsible for any errors or omissions (negligent or otherwise), regardless of the cause,
or the results obtained from the use of such content. Apollo, its affiliates and third party content providers
give no express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, any warranties of merchantability or
fitness for a particular purpose or use, and they expressly disclaim any responsibility or liability for direct,
indirect, incidental, exemplary, compensatory, punitive, special or consequential damages, costs expenses,
legal fees or losses (including lost income or profits and opportunity costs) in connection with the use of the
information herein. Credit ratings are statements of opinions and not statements of facts or
recommendations to purchase, hold or sell securities. They do not address the suitability of securities for
investment purposes and should not be relied on as investment advice. Neither Apollo nor any of its
respective affiliates have any responsibility to update any of the information provided in this
summary document.
Please see the Forward Looking Statements & Other Important Disclosures pages and Definitions pages
for additional important disclosures and definitions. Historical definitions of certain terms used herein
may differ from current definitions.
In addition, information about factors affecting Apollo, including a description of risks that should be
considered when making a decision to purchase or sell any securities of Apollo, can be found in its public
filings with the SEC that are available at http://www.sec.gov.
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