Barclays ESG Investor Presentation 2021

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23 February 2022



#1ESG Investor Presentation 2021 BARCLAYS#2Contents Our strategy and ESG progress Environment Social Social and environmental financing Governance See slide 36 for where to find further information on ESG at Barclays • 3-8 9-16 17-24 25-30 31-35#3Our strategy and ESG progress#4Our Purpose, Values and Mindset underpin our strategy Our Purpose... along with our Values and Mindset... influences our strategy... creating positive outcomes for our stakeholders The reason Barclays exists; the societal need we fulfil We deploy finance responsibly to support people and businesses, acting with empathy and integrity, championing innovation and sustainability, for the common good and the long term Our Values: Our moral compass; what we believe is right Respect. Integrity. Service. Excellence. Stewardship Our Mindset: How we get things done مرا Strategic priorities to sustain and grow Deliver next-generation, digitised consumer financial services Deliver sustainable growth in the CIB Customers and clients Colleagues Society 4 | Barclays ESG Investor Presentation 2021 | 23 February 2022 Empower. Challenge. Drive Capture opportunities as we transition to a low- carbon economy Which in turn helps us fulfil our Purpose Investors BARCLAYS#5Our ongoing focus on ESG priorities 2020 2018 2016 Announced ambition E to be a net zero bank by 2050 Launched BlueTrack™ to E measure/track our financed emissions Joined Paris Agreement Capital E Transition Assessment (PACTA) pilot Targeted £100bn of green financing by E 2030 and £175m investment in green innovation One of the first mainstream UK "green mortgage" Launched £100m E COVID-19 S Founding signatory banks to launch a Community Aid of the Principles for E Package Responsible Banking Launched our Race (PRB) S at Work Action Plan Group ExCo position created for Group G Head of Public Policy & Corporate Responsibility 2019 E Signed statement of support of the FSB's Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) Sustainable Finance E Framework developed Began working with Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) to E calculate supply chain emissions from top 39 suppliers Published first S S Group Statement on Modern Slavery 2017 Launched S Unreasonable Impact accelerator Published Human Rights statement Founding signatory of the HM Treasury Women in Finance Charter S Joined the Paris E Pledge for Action S Launched LifeSkills Launched the G Barclays Way - our Code of Conduct Pre- 2016 5 | Barclays ESG Investor Presentation 2021 | 23 February 2022 BARCLAYS#6We made significant progress against our ESG strategy in 2021 Environment Founding member of the Net-Zero Banking Alliance (NZBA), part of the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero (GFANZ) Achieved an -86% reduction in our Scope 1 and 2 emissions, exceeding our target of -80% Reduced our absolute financed Energy emissions by -22% and our Power portfolio emissions intensity decreased -8% Facilitated c.£62bn of green financing since 2018, making strong progress against our £100bn target by 2030 • Developed BlueTrack TM to cover Cement and Metals (Steel), with targets to be announced in advance of 2022 AGM Joined the Get Nature Positive Commitment and Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) Forum 88 Governance Social • Exceeded our £150bn social, environmental and sustainability-linked financing target • • £100m COVID-19 Community Aid Package supported >370 charity partners to date around the world Added socio-economic inclusion as our sixth D&l agenda . • Introduced new Race at Work ambitions to increase black and minority ethnic representation in our workforce Extended our Female Innovators Lab in partnership with Anthemis to cover UK and Europe Expanded eligibility criteria of our Green Home Mortgage to include new build properties of EPC band A or B Launched our updated Purpose, Values and Mindset Announced 'Say on Climate' shareholder vote to be held at the 2022 AGM Elevated climate risk to a Principal Risk effective from 1 January 2022 Established our Operational Sustainability Steering Committee A 2021 data reproduced from the Barclays PLC Annual Report subject to independent Limited Assurance under ISAE (UK)3000 and ISAE3410. Refer to the ESG Resource Hub for details:| 6 | Barclays ESG Investor Presentation 2021 | 23 February 2022 BARCLAYS#7We measure our progress against key metrics and targets Emissions GHG emission Scope 1 and 2 (market based) reductions against 2018 baseline Energy/Power portfolio emission¹ reductions Targets FY21 performance -86%A -22% / -8% -80% (2021) -15% / -30% (2025) Environment Social, environmental and sustainability-linked financing facilitated Financing & Investment Green financing facilitated £150bn (2018-2025) £193bn £100bn £62bn (2018-2030) Sustainable Impact Capital Programme £175m (2025) £54m 33% (20252) Females at Managing Director and Director level 28% (28% by 2021) 88 Colleagues Colleague engagement 'Maintain engagements 82% at healthy levels' Social Communities LifeSkills - Number of people upskilled 10m (2018-2022) 9.8m Females on the Board ≥33% 33%³ Board composition Ethnically diverse members of the Board 214 3 Governance ExCo composition Females on Group ExCo and ExCo direct reports 33% 25% A 2021 data reproduced from the Barclays PLC Annual Report subject to independent Limited Assurance under ISAE (UK)3000 and ISAE3410. Refer to the ESG Resource Hub for details:|1 Refers to absolute emissions (MtCO2) for Energy and emissions intensity (KgCO₂/MWh) for Power | 2 Newly announced Gender ambition | 3 With the appointment of Robert Berry (effective 8 February 2022), the percentage of females on the BPLC Board of Directors will decrease to 31% | 4 Aligned with the Parker Review on the ethnic diversity of UK Boards | 7 | Barclays ESG Investor Presentation 2021 | 23 February 2022 BARCLAYS#8Our external ESG ratings Scale Agency Rating type 2019 2020 2021 (best to worst) Year on year MSCI MSCI ESG rating AAA - CCC BBB A AA Upgraded by one notch SUSTAINALYTICS Sustainalytics ESG Risk Rating 0-100 31.7 (high risk) 23.9 (medium risk) 25.1 (medium risk) -1.2pts (stable at medium risk) S&P Global S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment 70 100-0 (CSA) 77 78 (77th percentile) (88th percentile) (92nd percentile) +1pt (+4 percentiles) FTSE Russell FTSE Russell ESG Rating 5-0 4.8 4.7 4.2 (97th percentile) (94th percentile) (92nd percentile) -0.5pts (-2 percentiles) ISS ESG Corporate Score A+ - D- C- C- C- Stable (C+ highest attainable score for banks ISS ESG‣ ISS Environmental Disclosure QualityScore 1-10 1 1 At highest available score MOODY'S ESG Solutions ISS Social Disclosure QualityScore Moody's ESG Solutions ESG Assessment¹ 1-10 1 1 At highest available score 48 100-0 (limited) 49 (limited) 55 (robust) CDP CDP Climate Change Questionnaire A - D- A- B B +6pts Stable with improvements in underlying scoring categories 1 This ESG Assessment was originally provided by Vigeo Eiris, which is now part of Moody's ESG Solutions | 8 | Barclays ESG Investor Presentation 2021 | 23 February 2022 BARCLAYS#9Environment#10Environment Social Financing Governance Our climate strategy In March 2020, we announced our ambition to be a net zero bank by 2050, becoming one of the first banks to do so. We have a strategy to turn that ambition into action: 1 2 3 Achieving net zero operations Reducing our financed emissions Financing the transition Barclays is working to achieve net zero operations and supply chain emissions, investing in the continued decarbonisation of our operations and in the development of a net zero pathway for the emissions from our supply chain See slides 11-13 Barclays is committed to aligning its financing with the goals and timelines of the Paris Agreement See slide 14 Barclays is providing the green and sustainable finance required to transform the economies we serve See slides 26-29 Our strategy is underpinned by the way we assess and manage our exposure to climate-related risk. Climate Risk is a Principal Risk under Barclays' Enterprise Risk Management Framework 10 | Barclays ESG Investor Presentation 2021 | 23 February 2022 BARCLAYS#11Environment Social Financing Governance Progress against targets for our own operations GHG emission Scope 1 and 2 (market based) reductions against 2018 baseline -86% against a target of -80% by the end of 2021 Progress against Barclays' commitment to RE1001 94% against a target of 90% by the end of 2021 and 100% by the end of 2030 Waste diverted² 46% against a target of 90% by 2035 On-site renewable electricity generation² 0.1% against a target of 10% by 2035 Energy intensity reduction against 2019 baseline² -21% against a target of -70% by 2035 A 2021 data reproduced from the Barclays PLC Annual Report subject to independent Limited Assurance under ISAE (UK)3000 and ISAE3410. Refer to the ESG Resource Hub for details:|1 Global corporate renewable energy initiative with a commitment to source 100% renewable electricity for our global operations by 2030 | 2 Refers only to our key campuses | 11 | Barclays ESG Investor Presentation 2021 | 23 February 2022 BARCLAYS#12Environment Social Financing Governance Barclays is working to achieve net zero for its own operations Our operations¹ have been carbon neutral² since 2020. We will continue to invest in sustainable workplaces GHG emission Scope 1 and 2 (market based) reductions against 2018 baseline -86%A against a target of -80% by the end of 2021 Progress against Barclays' commitment to RE100³ 94%A against a target of 90% by the end of 2021 and 100% by the end of 2030 Progress against 257.1 targets 106.7 (-58%) 228.1 69.7 (-73%) 94%A 79% 80.6 35.4A (-86%) 64% 48.2 13.4A 29.0 26.1 21.5 22.0ª 2018 2019 2020 2021 2019 2020 2021 Scope 1 ('000 tonnes CO₂e) I Scope 2 ('000 tonnes CO₂e) GHG emissions Scope 1 and 2 (location based) ('000 tonnes CO₂e) GHG emissions intensity4 (market based) (tonnes CO₂e/FTE) 197.4 170.2 146.2ª 171.3 148.7 2.16 124.24 1.07 26.1 2019 21.5 2020 22.04 2021 2019 2020 0.46ª 2021 Total energy use (MWh) 654,990 598,037 553,048A 2019 2020 2021 A 2021 data reproduced from the Barclays PLC Annual Report subject to independent Limited Assurance under ISAE (UK)3000 and ISAE3410. Refer to the ESG Resource Hub for details:|1 Refers to our global direct Scope 1, 2 and 3 business travel emissions (of 2,406 MtCO2e in 2021) | 2 Defined as first reducing GHG emissions from our operations then counterbalancing remaining emissions with carbon offsets | 3 Global corporate renewable electricity initiative with a commitment to source 100% renewable electricity for our global operations by 2030 | 4 Includes Scope 1, 2 and 3 business travel emissions | 12 | Barclays ESG Investor Presentation 2021 | 23 February 2022 BARCLAYS#13Environment Social Financing Governance Creating world-class sustainable campuses Campus¹ sustainability Energy intensity reduction against 2019 baseline measures by 2035 -70% On-site renewable electricity generation 10% Waste diverted² 90% Improve water efficiency BARCLAYS Pune Built to the standard of two internationally accepted benchmarks for the design, construction and operation of high-performance green buildings: the US Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) and WELL certifications Includes the largest solar power plant in the Barclays global property portfolio, reducing carbon dioxide emissions by 80 tonnes from February 2021 to September 2021. This supports our intention to generate 10% of our key campuses' total operational energy from on-site renewables by 2035 First of our key campuses to have a fully integrated rainwater harvesting system and two grey water treatment plants. In 2021, 89% recycled water was used at our Pune campus Glasgow Our new Glasgow campus will achieve TRUE zero waste certification by 2025, which means we must divert a minimum of 90% of solid, non-hazardous wastes from landfill, incineration (waste-to-energy) and the environment to recycling facilities or locations where the waste can be reused • In Glasgow, we have already partnered with Soulriders to redistribute surplus food to local charities and started to replace single use items with reusable items and repurposed the onsite compost for landscaping needs • We are installing a Sustainability Centre that will provide self-generated solar energy and rely on carbon-free technology to heat and cool buildings on the Glasgow campus We will produce our own honey and support biodiversity through a rooftop apiary filled with 60,000 honey bees 1 Refers only to our key campuses | 2 Divert solid, non-hazardous wastes from landfill, incineration (waste-to-energy) and the environment to recycling facilities or locations where the waste can be reused | 13 | Barclays ESG Investor Presentation 2021 | 23 February 2022 BARCLAYS BARCLAYS#14Environment Social Financing Governance BlueTrack TM is how we measure our financed emissions BlueTrack™ is our methodology for measuring our financed emissions and tracking them at a portfolio level against the goals of the Paris Agreement 1. Select sector 2. Measure 3. Link emissions to financing 4. Aggregate to portfolio level benchmark client emissions 5. Compare financed emissions to benchmark . • Methodology covers not only lending but also capital markets financing, better reflecting the breadth of our support for clients through our investment bank Initially covered Energy and Power; Cement and Metals (Steel) targets to be announced in advance of 2022 AGM Early adopter of a 2025 Energy absolute emissions reduction target Progress against 2025 portfolio emission reductions targets Absolute emissions (MtCO2) BlueTrack TM Financed emissions - Energy -22% against a target of -15% vs 2020 baseline Dec-20: 80 75.0 60 60 40 40 BlueTrack TM Financed emissions - Power -8% against a target of -30% vs 2020 baseline 400 Dec-21:58.6 -15% (-22% YoY) Emissions intensity (KgCO₂/MWh) Dec-20: 320 300 Dec-21:295 200 (-8% YoY) -30% 100 0 2021 2025 2030 2035 2040 Portfolio target path 2020 2021 2025 Barclays' progress 20 2020 1 | IEA SDS Benchmark OECD¹ 14 | Barclays ESG Investor Presentation 2021 | 23 February 2022 2030 2035 2025 emission reduction targets 2040 BARCLAYS#15Environment Social Financing Governance Barclays engages extensively in cross-industry climate initiatives TCFD TASK FORCE ON CLIMATE-RELATED FINANCIAL DISCLOSURES CDP UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INSTITUTE FOR SUSTAINABILITY LEADERSHIP Banking Environment Initiative Pre-2019 • • . ° Joined PACTA pilot - a leading tool developed by the 2° Investing Initiative Piloted UNEP FI's scenario analysis under their TCFD pilot Joined the PRA-FCA Climate Financial Risk Forum (CFRF) Innovation working group Founding signatory of the PRB Became a member of Ceres PCAF Grantham Partnership for Carbon Accounting Financials Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment 2020 Founding member of the NZBA, part of the GFANZ Co-chaired the SMI FSTF Net Zero working group which published a Net Zero Practitioners Guide for banks Co-chaired the Capital Markets working group under PCAF, developing a methodology to account for emissions associated with capital markets transactions of banks Joined Banking for Impact on Climate and Agriculture (B4ICA), backed by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) • • Founding member of the Banking Environment Initiative (BEI) Joined the Paris Pledge for Action in 2015 Signed statement of support of the Financial Stability Board's (FSB) TCFD and aligned disclosures since 2017 Began working with CDP to calculate supply chain emissions from top 39 suppliers in 2016 2019 ФРАСТА Paris Agreement Capital Transition Assessment UN Ceres environment finance programme CFRF initiative CLIMATE FINANCIAL RISK FORUM Joined the Partnership for Carbon Accounting Financials (PCAF) • Joined the 'Financing a Just Transition Alliance' led by the Grantham Research Institute at the LSE UN environment programme finance initiative Joined the PRA-FCA CFRF Disclosure working group Principles for Responsible Banking 2021 Net Zero Banking Alliance Sustainable Markets Initiative wbcsd 15 | Barclays ESG Investor Presentation 2021 | 23 February 2022 BARCLAYS#16Environment Social Financing Governance Engaging on the transition towards a nature-positive economy Addressing nature and biodiversity considerations in our financing and operations Biodiversity risk addressed through our policy statements on Forestry & Agricultural Commodities, World Heritage Sites and Ramsar Wetlands, and Climate Change Our green finance targets include financing for categories related to biodiversity such as 'sustainable food, agriculture, forestry, aquaculture and fisheries' Barclays is a signatory to the New York Declaration on Forests and its objectives of ending deforestation by 2030 Our operational carbon offsetting strategy includes support for natural climate solutions, upheld by recognised standards and certifications Partnerships with several industry groups and leaders Member of the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) Forum and looking to the output of the Taskforce to further guide our progress TN FD Natural Capital Finance Alliance Finance sector leadership on natural capital Contributed to initial developments of the Natural Capital Finance Alliance's ENCORE biodiversity module Joined the Get Nature Positive Commitment to identify opportunities to take nature-positive action Member of an industry user group working to develop an approach to assess nature- related risks and opportunities relevant to financial institutions BLUE MARINE FOUNDATION Completed the first year of our three-year partnership with the Blue Marine Foundation (BLUE), supporting them in delivering their goal of ensuring that at least 30% of the global ocean is effectively protected and the other 70% sustainably managed by 2030 16 | Barclays ESG Investor Presentation 2021 | 23 February 2022 BARCLAYS#17Social#18Environment Social Financing Governance We are making progress against our D&I ambitions Gender Females at Managing Director and Director level Ethnicity Members of the Board from an ethnically diverse background 2021 Key highlights 2025 ambition: 33%¹ 2021 28% 72% 2021 2021 target: 28% Females on Group ExCo and ExCo direct reports 2021 25% Target: 33% 75% Females on Board of Directors Target: ≥33% 2021 33%² 67% Females Males Target³: >1 94 Ethnically diverse White Ambitions announced in July 2021 Increase number of underrepresented minority employees in UK by 25% to 5% overall by 2025 (2020: 4.1%) Increase number of underrepresented minority employees in US by 20% to 21% overall by 2025 (2020: 18.1%) At least double the number of Black employees at Managing Director level in the UK and US by 2022 (2020: 9) Achieved our gender target of 28% female MD/Ds by the end of 2021 Strengthened accountability by including a specific personal objective focused on inclusion for all colleagues Added a new D&I agenda focusing on socio-economic inclusion Evolved our Employee Resource Groups (ERG), increasing membership to an all- time high of 25,000 2022 focus areas Launching new gender ambitions Deepening relationships with several higher education institutions across the UK and US to drive progress in our multicultural agenda Expanding our socio-economic agenda and ERGS 1 Newly announced Gender ambition | 2 With the appointment of Robert Berry (effective 8 February 2022), the percentage of females on the BPLC Board of Directors will decrease to 31 % | 3 Aligned with the Parker Review on the ethnic diversity of UK Boards | 4 With the appointment of Robert Berry (effective 8 February 2022), the number of White members on the Board will increase to 10 | 18 | Barclays ESG Investor Presentation 2021 | 23 February 2022 BARCLAYS#19Environment Social Financing Governance We focus on six intersectional diversity and inclusion agendas • • • Approach Set priorities 11% of colleagues told us they consider themselves to have a disability, mental health or neurodiverse condition "This is Me" campaign challenging stigma around disability, mental health and neuro- diversity in the workplace Able to Enable channel aiming to remove barriers to employment 5% of colleagues told us they identify as LGB+ Sponsor of Pride celebrations in cities across the world for many years Strong legacy of engaging with external partners in the UK, US and India including earning the designation as a "Best place to work for LGBTQ Equality” in the US Launched a new Wellbeing index with a starting score of 84% Range of support provided to UK and US colleagues to help promote work life balance including access to Work+Family Space website for UK employees UK medical cover now covers treatment for menopausal symptoms² Appoint an Accountable Executive Disability Committed to ensuring colleagues of all abilities achieve their full potential LGBT+ Making everyone feel comfortable being themselves at work is central to our culture Multigenerational Supporting the diverse needs of colleagues across all stages of their lives Operate an Employee Resource Group (ERG) Gender Committed to improving the gender diversity of our leadership and to closing pay gaps Multicultural Ambitions to improve race and ethnicity diversity Socio-economic Supporting those disadvantaged from a lower socio-economic background 1 In 2021 we asked colleagues to self-identify across ten diversity questions in our employee opinion survey (Your View) | 2 When referred to a specialist by a GP | • • Consider intersectionality Aiming for diverse assessors and panels to ensure widest pool of talent considered for promotion Development opportunities for future female leaders, e.g. ex-officio roles Increased female representation in senior roles in the UK, reducing our hourly gender pay gaps One of the first signatories of the UK's Race at Work Charter in 2018 Public commitment to be a trusted ally in the pursuit of racial justice in 2020 Launched Race at Work Action Plan in 2020 and Race at Work Ambitions in 2021 Member of the City of London socio- economic taskforce Our socio-economic ERG, Inspire, launched in 2021 to amplify the voices of colleagues Committed to social mobility through our LifeSkills programme 19 | Barclays ESG Investor Presentation 2021 | 23 February 2022 BARCLAYS#20Environment Social Financing Governance Investing in our colleagues, strengthening our business, building our culture Attracting talent and developing an internal pipeline of future leaders Investing in our key sites, including our strategically placed global campuses Launched new global programmes in 2021, managing c.2,000 graduates, interns and apprentices Virtual work experience opportunities to help tackle youth unemployment and identify diverse candidates for Intern programmes Role vacancies filled internally 39% vs 36% in 2020 Attracting Developing Training and development programmes to develop people for the future Continued investment in our three flagship career development programmes Wide range of development opportunities delivered through our digital learning platform, Learning Lab Launched a new partnership with LinkedIn Learning providing digital development to all colleagues Average training hours per annum per employee (payroll) 15 vs 13 in 2020 • Supporting our colleagues through and beyond the COVID-19 pandemic Comprehensive support for colleagues during the return to office with health, safety and wellbeing remaining the top priority • In support of our approach to future ways of working, we have revised and relaunched our principles, processes and guidance on Working Flexibly Retaining Colleagues telling us their line manager supports their wellbeing 88% "I would recommend Barclays as a good place to work" 83% vs 87% in 2020 Colleague engagement and well-being remain key priorities Here to Listen and Your View surveys to gain regular feedback from our colleagues Our BeWell programme continues to provide support for colleagues' physical and mental health 83% of colleagues believe they are able to balance personal and work demands (2020: 78%) 20 | Barclays ESG Investor Presentation 2021 | 23 February 2022 BARCLAYS#21Environment Social Financing Governance ESG in our supply chain As part of our ESG strategy, we are focussed on environmental and social responsibility in our supply chain across three pillars Global spend with small and medium enterprises 8% 2020: 8% Climate Change Modern Slavery Prompt payment rate 90% 2020: 88% Diversity & Inclusion Our ambition is to achieve net zero emissions in our supply chain well in advance of 2050 Committed to identifying and addressing risks around modern slavery, human trafficking and forced labour across our value chain 88 Launched our first Global Supplier Diversity and Inclusion initiative in 2013 2025 Ambitions For service providers covering 70% of Barclays' Addressable Spend¹ to report their GHG emissions and have science-based targets in place in support of our climate change targets For service providers covering 70% of our Addressable Spend to have a Modern Slavery policy or standard in place • For service providers covering 70% of our Addressable Spend¹ to have a D&I policy or standard in place by 2025 Double spend with Black and Women majority owned businesses, with overall spend with diverse² businesses growing to 10% of Barclays annual global Addressable Spend 1 Defined as external costs incurred by Barclays in the normal course of business where Barclays has influence over where the spend is placed. It excludes costs such as regulatory fines or charges, exchange fees, taxation, employee expenses or litigation costs | ² For Barclays, a diverse supplier is either diverse by size - a micro, small or medium-sized business - or diverse by ownership - generally 51% owned, controlled and operated by ethnic minorities, women, LGBT+, military veterans, persons with disabilities or social enterprises 21 | Barclays ESG Investor Presentation 2021 | 23 February 2022 BARCLAYS#22Environment Social Financing Governance Supporting our customers and clients • • • Retail 10m UK customers registered on the Barclays app Basic current account - access to basic banking services for everyone 642,000 accounts open as of December 2021 Mortgages - in 2021 helped >150,000 customers achieve homeownership goals including 48,000 first time buyers Supporting customers building financial confidence and plans through Digital Eagles and Money Mentors • SMEs 3,300 businesses supported through educational events in 2021 Delivered >1,000 events to SMEs through our Eagle Labs network, reaching >27,000 attendees, providing businesses with critical skills, networking opportunities and mentoring Committed to ensuring cash is available to all, including role in setting up the Access to Cash Action Group Financial advice, training and tools offered through our dedicated Money Management Hub, visited by >155,000 businesses COVID-19 support £29.5bn provided to businesses through UK government's support schemes since inception 680,000 payment holidays granted £100m of UK overdraft and interest fees waived >650 of our UK branches remained open during the first lockdown¹ Ran proactive SMS campaigns, reaching out to customers to offer support 1 Between March 2020 and June 2020 | 2 Setting out increased consumer protection standards | 3 A leading UK accessibility charity | 22 | Barclays ESG Investor Presentation 2021 | 23 February 2022 • • Cyber and digital trust Proud initial signatory of the Contingent Reimbursement Model Code² Continued investment of millions of pounds in multi-layered security systems such as 'Confirmation of Payee" - an account name checking service •AbilityNet³ independently accredited our mobile and online banking platform offering in 2021 for digital accessibility Founding members of Stop Scams UK - a cross industry group aimed at making it harder for scammers to operate BARCLAYS#23Environment Social Financing Governance Supporting our communities Building digital skills >23,000 participants supported with their digital journey across our digital upskill events in 2021 Code Playground - provided >400,000 children a start in coding Digital Wings - free online learning platform for digital education with >128,000 registered users and >50 hours of learning content Digital Eagles-passionate colleagues, helping everyone get the most out of digital LifeSkills Skills and employability 15.3m² people reached through Barclays' LifeSkills since 2013 9.8 million people upskilled since 2018 vs. a target of 10m by 2022 193,400 people placed into work since 2019 vs. a target of 250,000 by 2022² Rebuilding Thriving Local Economies - established in 2018 to support UK communities, help businesses grow and provide skills and training • Tea and Teach- online videos to help people boost digital confidence COVID-19 Community Aid Package £100 million committed to supporting COVID-19 relief • Barclays' £100m COVID-19 Community Aid Package - delivering relief to vulnerable communities through the pandemic Supported >370 charity partners to date around the world Since April 2020, Barclays matched £8.1m raised and donated by colleagues for COVID relief efforts - which has meant a total of more than £16.2m for 2,000 charities around the world • Supporting women's and girls' football Doubling our existing investment to >£30m in women's and girls' football from 2022-2025 Committed to offering girls equal access to football in schools by 2024 Sponsor of the FA Girls Football Schools Partnership since 2019 6,500 new schools joined the scheme, taking the total to >9,500 with 20,000 schools to join by 2024 New Football Community Fund will see 1,850 grants delivered annually to underrepresented grassroots groups A 2021 data reproduced from the Barclays PLC Annual Report subject to independent Limited Assurance under ISAE(UK)3000 and ISAE3410. Refer to the ESG Resource Hub for details:|1 Includes a subset of the 15.3m people reached through LifeSkills since 2013 | 2 In 2019, Barclays published new Citizenship commitments for the end of 2022. Against these commitments, the number of people upskilled through LifeSkills runs over a five-year period, from 2018-2022, and the number of people placed into work runs over a four-year period, from 2019-2022 | 23 | Barclays ESG Investor Presentation 2021 | 23 February 2022 BARCLAYS#24Environment Social Financing Governance Supporting the early-stage and entrepreneurial ecosystems Programme rise Created by BARCLAYS BARCLAYS Accelerator Barclays Social Innovation Facility (SIF) Eagle Labs Eagle Labs Foundervine Barclays Black Founders' Accelerator Female Innovators Lab BARCLAYS and anthemis unreasonable impact Created with BARCLAYS Description FinTech workspaces in London and New York Global virtual community providing access to mentoring, thought leadership and growth opportunities Fintech accelerator programme run from 2014-21 Intensive 13-week mentor-driven programme with industry experts helping Fintechs accelerate their development Incubating ideas for financial products and services addressing environmental or social challenges in a commercial way Network of co-working spaces, growth programmes, mentors and industry experts for high-growth tech startups Programme designed to champion diversity in entrepreneurship and showcase Black Founder-led businesses A US, UK and Europe based studio, with investment capital dedicated to cultivating entrepreneurial talent in women Global partnership supporting growth-stage entrepreneurs solving pressing social and environmental challenges Scale Home to >90 FinTechs Rise members raised >$600m venture funding in 2021 190 FinTechs have passed through the programme across 3 locations with a market cap valuation of $7.6bn Supported 32 ventures and launched 10 products since 2015 28 locations, c.500 resident start- ups and UK wide community of c.6,000 Two cohorts to date, covering 65 companies $30m capital allocated $4m invested in 5 portfolio companies to date Reached 216 companies, supporting thousands of jobs worldwide Mission/Goal To connect technology, talent and trends across the Rise ecosystem to accelerate innovation and growth Bring to market solutions meeting the needs of consumers and banks in emerging Fintech trends To be a centre of excellence for disruptive financial products and services To interconnect the UK entrepreneurial ecosystem to help connect, innovate and grow To help ambitious UK-based businesses with tech or digital bias, traction beyond MVP and one or more Black Founders To continue to bring women into entrepreneurship and close the fundraising gender gap To support 250 high-growth businesses by 2022 24 | Barclays ESG Investor Presentation 2021 | 23 February 2022 BARCLAYS#25Social and environmental financing#26Environment Social Financing Governance Progress against our social and environmental financing targets Social, environmental and sustainability-linked financing (£bn) 150 1934 ■2025 target Achieved to date £ Green bond investment portfolio (£bn) 3.4 4.0 Achieved to date ■Target Green financing (£bn) 624 100 Achieved to date 2030 target Sustainable Impact Capital Programme invested capital (£m) 54 175 Achieved to date ■2025 target A 2021 data reproduced from the Barclays PLC Annual Report subject to independent Limited Assurance under ISAE (UK)3000 and ISAE3410. Refer to the ESG Resource Hub for details:|1 Comprises of labelled, 'use of proceeds' and business mix financing in environmental categories and sustainability-linked financing that incorporates environmental performance targets | 26 | Barclays ESG Investor Presentation 2021 | 23 February 2022 BARCLAYS#27Environment Social Financing Governance Our sustainable financing commitments Sustainable financing commitments Social, environmental and sustainability-linked financing facilitated by 2025 ₤150bn + 150 1934 ■2025 target Achieved to date 2 Green financing facilitated by 2030 £100bn + environmental element of (3 62A Achieved to date 100 ■2030 target 3 Social financing (£bn) includes financing for supranational, national, regional development institutions and municipal financing Environmental financing (£bn) includes financing for corporates via green bonds, green loans or green equity financing Sustainability-linked financing (£bn) includes transactions with pricing mechanisms linked to various ESG performance targets 41.2 35.74 21.8 23.9 YoY % change -13% 22.64 YoY % change 10.84 14.8 5.0 7.8 5.3 +53% 3.1 YoY % change +118% 2018 2019 2020 2021 2018 2019 2020 2021 1.4 2018 2019 2020 2021 Joint lead on 7/81 inaugural syndicated green bonds issued by European sovereigns since 2017 Lead bookrunner¹ Ranked #11 Ranked #11 on UK Government's £10bn inaugural green gilt issuance in UK ESG Bonds in FY21 in UK Housing association ESG Bonds in FY21 A 2021 data reproduced from the Barclays PLC Annual Report subject to independent Limited Assurance under ISAE(UK)3000 and ISAE3410. Refer to the ESG Resource Hub for details:|1 Sourced from Bond Radar as of 21 January 2022 | 27 | Barclays ESG Investor Presentation 2021 | 23 February 2022 BARCLAYS#28Environment Social Financing Governance Expanding our sustainable finance activities through specialist teams Green Home and Buy-to-Let Mortgages >₤1bn completed in Green Home Mortgages Number of Green Mortgages issued 4,434 2,330 2021 Achieved to date Expanded eligibility criteria of our Green Home Mortgage in April 2021 to cover energy efficient new build properties² Launched Green Home Buy-to-let Mortgage, expanding the Green proposition to properties to let Corporate and Investment Bank Sustainable Capital Markets Sustainable and Impact Banking Origination, structuring and execution of Green, Social and Sustainability Debt products for our global clients Advisory, capital raises for emerging climate technology companies and strategic advisory for existing banking clients Origination and structuring of green and Sustainable Product Group Treasury Green Activities £3.4bn green bond investment portfolio size Launched in 2021 to expand 13 5 Portfolio impact by sector (%) Green Structured Notes Programme 2021 Market 33 Agriculture Renewable value: Transport £3.4bn 47 Waste and water Other our green product offering for clients, complementing existing Green Bond issuance and experience in equity derivatives 1 Since 2018 | 2 Previously only eligible for new homes built by panel of housebuilders | Note: Charts may not sum due to rounding | sustainability-linked corporate banking products across lending, trade and renewable project finance ESG Research c.350 meaningful research reports focused on ESG published in 2021 New Global Head of Cross Asset ESG Research hired at the start of 2021, building a new ESG Research team of subject matter experts ESG Research team engaged in building the ESG knowledge and capabilities of all Barclays research analysts across asset classes globally 28 | Barclays ESG Investor Presentation 2021 | 23 February 2022 BARCLAYS#29Environment Social Financing Governance Supporting early-stage companies delivering environmental and economic benefits through our Sustainable Impact Capital Programme Mission Investment Principles Accelerate the transition to a net zero future by investing £175m over five years (by 2025) in the equity of innovative and environmentally-focused early-stage companies Strategic Supporting Barclays' goal of transitioning its businesses, customers and communities to a net zero and net-negative long-term operating model Invest in propositions that are: Impactful Reaching meaningful environmental benefits, particularly with respect to the evolving need for decarbonisation Economic Achieving long term commercial success by investing in scalable innovations Nine investments made by the end of 2021, deploying £54m capital Deep BranchⓇ CO₂ recycling In 2020 In 2021 SaveMoney CutCarbon Sustainability- MC focused digital aggregator AIREX Smart airbrick technology 80 ACRES FARMS. Vertical farming technology ECONCRETE Ecological concrete technologies Origami POWER OVER ENERGY air protein. Sustainable air-based meat P RESPONSIBLE Embedded finance platform in fashion Real-time energy data platform ENERGYDOME GROUND-BREAKING ENERGY STORAGE Long duration energy storage Note: More details on investments made as part of the SIC programme can be found here:| 29 | Barclays ESG Investor Presentation 2021 | 23 February 2022 BARCLAYS#30Environment Social Financing Governance Managing environmental risks, social risks and exposures Enhanced Due Diligence (EDD) Escalation and decision Origination, review and approval Process led by front office business teams, Sustainability and ESG team and/or Climate Risk team Detailed annual review for in-scope clients on environmental/social issues, to determine whether further engagement is required prior to transacting Initial escalation following EDD is to the appropriate business unit review committee Climate-related exposures Reporting climate risk exposures in alignment with TCFD recommendations Carbon- Elevated related More material issues escalated to Climate Transaction Review Committee or Group Reputation Risk Committee (both with Group ExCo representation) assets² 2021 15% Total L&A³ £707bn (lending portfolio) 85% risk exposures4 (£bn) 50.5 46.5 2020: 16% out of Monitoring Further client engagement calls in relation to the specific environmental and social risks that we have identified as part of our EDD process 9031 reviews undertaken in 2021 (2020: 912) total L&A of £676bn Mining 2020 2021 9031 14 36 Agriculture 12 215 4 Business & Professional Services Chemicals 30 Manufacturing Metals & Mining Oil & Gas 70 24 Commodity Traders Construction & Engineering 236 24 Defence, Aerospace & Security Infrastructure & Transportation Paper & Forestry Power & Utilities Waste Others Financing (capital markets)5 202 25 2021 Utility & Energy, Oil & Gas, Mining: 6.6% of total financing of $548bn 2020: 9.0% of total financing of $507bn6 General 4.32% Oil & Gas Diversified 9.37% Exploration & Development 6.94% Field Equipment & Services 4.46% Pipeline 5.95% Refinery/Marketing 1.22% Utility & Energy Diversified 25.60% Electric power 33.69% Gas 8.45% Includes a combination of annual due diligence reviews and individual transaction reviews | ² Assets tied to the energy, transportation, materials and buildings, and agriculture, food and forest products sectors | ³ Loans and advances including loan commitments | 4 Quantitative credit exposures to sectors sensitive to the impacts from climate change. These figures do not represent elevated carbon emission exposures and should not be interpreted as an indicator of relative carbon intensity | 5 Sourced from Dealogic | 6 Recalculated by Dealogic as data on deals is confirmed throughout the year. In Barclays TCFD Report 2020, our 2020 total financing figure was reported as $504bn | 30 | Barclays ESG Investor Presentation 2021 | 23 February 2022 BARCLAYS#31Governance#32Environment Social Financing Governance Strong Board Governance Board Governance Framework Barclays PLC Board Chair: Nigel Higgins Board Experience³ Length of tenure (Chairman and Non-Executive Directors) Board Nominations Committee Board Risk Board Audit Committee Board Remuneration Committee Chair: Committee Chair: Chair: Nigel Higgins Robert Mike Ashley Berry1 Chair: Brian Gilvary 12 Board allocation of time (%)² 60 Strategy formulation and implementation monitoring Finance (including capital and liquidity) 14 23 4 5 1 3 0-3 years ■3-6 years ■6-9 years ■9+ years Industry experience (no. of directors) 4 1 Financial Services Political/regulatory Current/recent Accountancy/ Operations/ Retail/ experience Chair/CEO auditing technology marketing International experience (no. of directors) Governance and risk (including regulatory issues) International (UK) International (US) International (Rest of the World) Other (including remuneration) 1 With effect from 1 March 2022 (subject to regulatory approval) | 2 For the year ended 31 December 2021. Includes ad hoc meetings | 3 Per the Board composition as at 31 December 2021 | Note: Charts may not sum due to rounding | 32 | Barclays ESG Investor Presentation 2021 | 23 February 2022 BARCLAYS#33Environment Social Financing Governance Oversight and management of climate-related issues are embedded within our governance structure Board Management Legal Entity/ Other Barclays PLC Board Responsible for the overall leadership of the Group (with direct oversight of matters relating to reputation, environment and culture) Board Audit Committee Group Risk Committee Board Risk Committee Group Executive Committee Chaired by the Group CRO; monitors Principal Risks and key topics of material nature to Barclays, such as climate change Responsible for the implementation of the Group's Climate Strategy across the Group Group CEO Accountable to the Board for the implementation of the Group's Climate Change Strategy Climate Risk Committee Sub-committee of Group Risk Committee. Supports oversight of Barclays Group climate risk profile Group Chief Risk Officer Senior Manager responsible for climate-related financial risk under the Senior Managers Regime Climate Transaction Review Committee Considers reputation risks associated with certain transactions and clients with reference to our stated position on climate Group Head of Public Policy and Corporate Responsibility Responsible for leading Barclays' efforts tackling climate change and for integrating our ambition and commitments to help accelerate transition to low-carbon economy into the business Operational Sustainability Steering Committee Responsible for the development and implementation of Barclays' sustainability operational strategy Business/Legal Entity Committees and Forums Business specific forums which consider individual aspects relating to climate 1 Includes climate risk which came into effect on 1 January 2022 | 33 | Barclays ESG Investor Presentation 2021 | 23 February 2022 BARCLAYS#34Environment Social Financing Governance The Barclays Way - our Code of Conduct The Barclays Way outlines our Purpose, Values and Mindset that govern our way of working Our Values Our Purpose Our Mindset Colleagues To promote respect, diversity and performance in the workplace. In doing this we: • Are open minded to and respectful of others' Point of View Welcome and foster diversity within our workforce Take personal accountability for achieving high performance Recognise and celebrate colleagues' achievements How we behave towards our stakeholders • • • Customers/clients To deliver excellent service. In doing this we: Communicate clearly and transparently without jargon Do not offer unsuitable products Maintain customer and client confidentiality Avoid undeclared actual or potential conflicts of interest Operate in line with relevant laws and regulations and safeguard the data entrusted to us Society We are focused on the areas where we can have the greatest long-term impact: Making growth 'green', sustainable and inclusive Managing the environmental and social impacts of our business Running a responsible business Investing in our communities 1 Enterprise Risk Management Framework | 34 | Barclays ESG Investor Presentation 2021 | 23 February 2022 BARCLAYS#35Environment Social Financing Governance Barclays is committed to having a strong 'speak up' culture Our Mindset encourages colleagues to challenge actions, decisions or behaviours that they believe to be wrong Board Level "Whistleblowers' Champions¹" are responsible for ensuring and overseeing the integrity, independence and effectiveness of Barclays' whistleblowing programme Colleagues Colleagues are encouraged to speak up and raise concerns to their management, Compliance, HR or Legal. If they do not feel comfortable using these avenues, they can contact the Raising Concerns team Whistleblowing cases opened in 2021: 134 32 Retaliation First point of contact Raising Concerns Team Breach of controls, 26 Line manager Compliance Legal Receive, assess and refer concerns to the most appropriate team for review and possible investigation process or other 23 Breach of policy HR 19 COVID-19 34 Other Whistleblowing Team Dedicated team within Compliance, where concerns assessed as whistleblowing are directed • In 2021, the whistleblowing team opened a total of 134 whistleblowing concerns 205 whistleblowing matters were closed in 2021, of which 19% were found to have some level of substantiation. None of the Retaliation concerns closed in 2021 were substantiated 1 Chair of the Group Board Audit Committee and Chair of the BUK Board Audit Committee | 35 | Barclays ESG Investor Presentation 2021 | 23 February 2022 BARCLAYS#36For Further Information Investor Relations Chis Manners, Head of Investor Relations [email protected] James Ankers, ESG Investor Relations Director [email protected] Maritz Carvalho, ESG Investor Relations [email protected] Corporate Communications Susie Guo, Group Media Relations Director [email protected] 2021 ESG Resource Directory: Reporting and Disclosures 3. Our approach to Sustainable Finance 1. a) Annual Reporting Suite b) Additional ESG Disclosures c) KPMG LLP Limited Assurance Statement 2. d) Reporting and Measurement Methodology e) Partnerships f) Additional Resources Barclays' Statements and Policy Positions a) Corporate and Investment Bank b) Treasury c) Private Bank d) Barclays UK e) Firm-wide Initiatives 36 | Barclays ESG Investor Presentation 2021 | 23 February 2022 BARCLAYS#37Important Information In preparing this ESG Investor Presentation we have: (i) made a number of key judgements, estimations and assumptions, and the processes and issues involved are complex. This is for example the case in relation to financed emissions, portfolio alignment, classification of environmental and social financing, operational emissions and measurement of climate risk. (ii) used ESG and climate data, models and methodologies that we consider to be appropriate and suitable for these purposes as at the date on which they were deployed. However, these data, models and methodologies are not of the same standard as those available in the context of other financial information, nor subject to the same or equivalent disclosure standards, historical reference points, benchmarks or globally accepted accounting principles. There is an inability to rely on historical data as a strong indicator of future trajectories, in the case of climate change and its evolution. Outputs of models, processed data and methodologies will also be affected by underlying data quality which can be hard to assess. (iii) reproduced certain data assured by KPMG in the Annual Report. Barclays appointed KPMG to perform limited independent assurance over selected ESG content in the Annual Report which has been marked in the Annual Report with the symbol A. The assurance engagement was planned and performed in accordance with the International Standard on Assurance Engagements (UK) 3000 Assurance Engagements Other Than Audits or Reviews of Historical Financial Information and the International Standard on Assurance Engagements 3410 Assurance of Greenhouse Gas Statements. A limited assurance opinion was issued, which includes details of the scope, reporting criteria, respective responsibilities, work performed, limitations and conclusion, and is available on our ESG resource hub at: sustainability/esg-resourcehub/. Certain data assured by KPMG in the Annual Report has been reproduced in this ESG Investor Presentation. This is marked in this ESG Investor Presentation with the symbol A. No other information in this ESG Investor Presentation has been subject to external assurance or audit. (iv) the data, models and methodologies used and the judgements estimates or assumptions made are rapidly evolving and this may directly or indirectly affect the metrics, data points and targets contained in this ESG Investor Presentation. We continue to review and develop our approach to data, models and methodologies in line with market principles and standards as this subject area matures. Further development of accounting and/or reporting standards could impact (potentially materially) the performance metrics, data points and targets contained in this report. In future reports or presentations we may present some or all of the information for this reporting period using updated or more granular data or improved models, methodologies, market practices or standards. Such re-presented information may result in different outcomes than those included in this ESG Investor Presentation. Where information is re-presented from time to time, we will identify this and (where we think it is appropriate) include an explanation. It is important for readers and users of this presentation to be aware that direct like-for- like comparisons of each piece of information disclosed may not always be possible from one reporting period to another. 37 | Barclays ESG Investor Presentation 2021 | 23 February 2022 BARCLAYS

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