City of San Marino Traffic Safety Measures

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#1Public Safety Commission Meeting Monday, February 17, 2020 City of San Marino Engineering & Traffic Survey City of SAN MARINO CALIFORNIA SLOW Prepared & Presented By: The Transtech Engineers, Inc. TRANSTECH Est. 1989#2Introduction & Background City of DRAFT COPY SUBMITTED TO CITY ON 01-29-2020 SAN MARINO CALIFORNIA CITY OF SAN MARINO ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY CVC SECTION 627 Effective Date: January 2020 Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. 13367 Benson Avenue Chino, CA 91710 (909) 595-8599 TRANSTECH Est. 1989 ✓ Transtech Engineers, Inc. prepared a Citywide Engineering & Traffic Survey (ET&S) for 64 street segments in the City of San Marino since the current survey is set to expire this year. The previous Speed Survey was conducted in 2010. The purpose of the Engineering and Traffic Survey is to establish updated speed limits that can be enforced using radar at pre-determined locations. Engineering and Traffic Survey's are good for a maximum of 10 years. States and local agencies should conduct engineering studies at least once every 5, 7 or 10 years, in compliance with the California Vehicle Code (CVC Section 40802) to reevaluate non-statutory speed limits on segments of their roadways. Applicable sections of the California Vehicle Code (CVC) and Department of Transportation California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CAMUTCD), as read January 1, 2012, with updates to the CAMUTCD in March 2019 have been followed so that the posted speed limits can be upheld by the courts and do not constitute a "Speed Trap" as defined by CVC Section 40802. City SAN MARINO CALIFORNIA 2 TRANSTECH Est. 1989#3Recommendations for Approval by Traffic Safety Commission It is recommended that the Traffic Safety Commission recommend that the San Marino City Council approve and adopt the following items: 1) Approve and Adopt the 2020 City of San Marino Engineering and Traffic Survey which includes the reduction of the posted speed limit along two street segments as follows: Street San Marino Ave San Marino Ave Sierra Madre Blvd NB Sierra Madre Blvd SB Street Segments with Recommended Speed Changes From To Existing Posted Limit New Posted Limit Change in Speed North City Limit Huntington Dr North City Limit North City Limit Euston Rd South City Limit 30 25 -5 30 25 -5 Huntington Dr Huntington Dr 35/40 35/40 35 -5 35 -5 2) Approve and Adopt the resolution classifying six street segments as in a residential district based on CVC guidelines for classification of a residential district. The street segments are as follows: (1) Canterbury Road between California Avenue and Sierra Madre Boulevard; (2) Canterbury Road between Sierra Madre and San Gabriel Boulevard; (3) Kenilworth Avenue between Lorain Road and Huntington Drive; (4) Kenilworth Avenue between Huntington Drive and Sierra Madre Boulevard; (5) Oak Grove Avenue between Circle Drive and Rosalind Road; (6) Ridgeway Road between Roanoke Road and Lorain Road. Cityy SAN MARINO CALIFORNIA 3 TRANSTECH Est. 1989#4Street Classification Breakdown ✓ The ET&S includes a total of 64 street segments with various street classifications. Street classification is the process by which streets and highways are grouped into classes, or systems, according to the character of service they are intended to provide. • Segments are classified and defined with roadway classifications as listed in the California Road Systems (CRS) Maps that are approved by the Federal Highway Administration and maintained by the Department of Transportation (CVC 40802). Functional classifications are used in determining which type of roads are eligible for Federal funding to maintain the roads. Principal Arterials Carry most of the trips entering and leaving the City • Serves the major centers of activity of a City • Carries the highest traffic volume along its corridors while carrying the major portion of trips entering and leaving an urban area. Minor Arterials • Includes all arterials not classified as principal. • Places more emphasis on land access and offers a lower level of traffic mobility. • May carry local bus routes, but ideally should not penetrate identifiable neighborhoods. • This system includes urban connections to collector roads where such connections have not been classified as urban principal arterials. Collector Streets • These streets provide both land access service and traffic circulation within residential neighborhoods, commercial and industrial areas. • It differs from the arterial system in that facilities on the collector system may penetrate residential neighborhoods, distributing trips from the arterials through the area to the ultimate destination. • Collects traffic from local streets in residential neighborhoods and channels it into the arterial system. Local Roads • Provides direct access to individual residential properties, schools, and churches typically with a posted speed of 25 MPH. Through traffic on local streets are usually discouraged • Local roads within residential and business district zones are not subject to Speed Trap provisions and are posted at the Prima Facie speed limit. • Service to through traffic movement is usually deliberately discouraged. Cathy SAN MARINO CALIFORNIA 4 TRANSTECH Est. 1989#564 Segments Included in the City of San Marino Other Principal Arterials As Classified by the Federal Highway Administration ✓ Huntington Drive (EB) between Garfield Avenue and Virginia Road Huntington Drive (EB) between San Marino Avenue and San Gabriel Boulevard Huntington Drive (EB) between Virginia Road and San Marino Avenue ✓ Huntington Drive (WB) between Garfield Avenue and Virginia Road Huntington Drive (WB) between San Marino Avenue and San Gabriel Boulevard Huntington Drive (WB) between Virginia Road and San Marino Avenue Los Robles Avenue between North City Limit and Monterey Road Los Robles Avenue between Monterey Road and Huntington Drive Sierra Madre Boulevard (NB) between North City Limit and Huntington Drive Sierra Madre Boulevard (SB) between North City Limit and Huntington Drive Minor Arterials: As Classified by the Federal Highway Administration Allen Avenue between North City Limit and Orlando Road California Boulevard between Sierra Madre Boulevard and San Gabriel Boulevard ✓ California Boulevard between West City Limit and Sierra Madre Boulevard Del Mar Avenue between Huntington Drive and South City Limit El Molino Avenue between Monterey Road and South City Limit El Molino Avenue between North City Limit and Monterey Road Garfield Avenue between Monterey Road and Huntington Drive Granada Avenue between Huntington Drive and Alhambra Road Lombardy Road between Sierra Madre Boulevard and San Gabriel Boulevard Cityy SAN MARINO CALIFORNIA Minor Arterials (Continued): As Classified by the Federal Highway Administration ✓ Granada Avenue between Wilson Avenue and Huntington Drive Lombardy Road between West City Limit and Sierra Madre Boulevard Mission Street between West City Limit and El Molino Avenue Monterey Road between Garfield Avenue and Old Mill Road Monterey Road between Old Mill Road and Virginia Road Monterey Road between Virginia Road and Huntington Drive Parts of Oak Grove between Circle Drive and Rosalind Road Oak Knoll Avenue between North City Limit and Huntington Drive Oakwood Drive between San Marino Avenue and Sierra Madre Boulevard Parts of Orlando Road between Cameron Drive and Chester Avenue ✓ Parts of Oxford Road between Orlando Road and Monterey Road Robles Avenue between Sierra Madre Boulevard and Santa Anita Avenue Rosalind Road between Virginia Road and Oak Grove Avenue San Marino Avenue between Huntington Drive and South City Limit San Marino Avenue between North City Limit and Euston Road Santa Anita Avenue between North City Limit and Robles Avenue Stratford Road between Oxford Road and San Marino Avenue Virginia Road between Rosalind Drive and Euston Road Virginia Road between Euston Road and Huntington Drive Virginia Road between Huntington Drive and Lorain Road West Drive between Huntington Drive and South City Limit Wilson Avenue between El Molino Avenue and Granada Avenue Parts of Winston Avenue between North City Limit and Huntington Drive 5 TRANSTECH Est. 1989#664 Segments Included in the City of San Marino (Continued) Major Collectors: As Classified by the Federal Highway Administration Alhambra Road between Sherwood Road and Lorain Road Duarte Road between Rose Avenue and San Gabriel Boulevard Euston Road between Virginia Road and Wembley Road Euston Road between Wembley Road and San Marino Avenue Lorain Road between San Marino Avenue and San Gabriel Boulevard Lorain Road between Sherwood Road and Virginia Road Lorain Road between Virginia Road and San Marino Avenue Mill Lane between St. Albans Road and Virginia Road Rose Avenue between Del Mar Avenue and San Gabriel Boulevard Saint Albans Road between Huntington Drive and Lorain Road Saint Albans Road between Mill Lane and Huntington Drive Parts of Sherwood Road between Alhambra Road and Del Mar Avenue Parts of Sherwood Road between Granada Avenue and St. Albans Road Wembley Road between Euston Road and Monterey Road Local Roads: As Classified by the Federal Highway Administration ✓ Canterbury Road between California Boulevard and Sierra Madre Boulevard Canterbury Road between Sierra Madre Boulevard and San Gabriel Boulevard Chelsea Road between Huntington Drive and Sherwood Road Kenilworth Avenue between Huntington Drive and Sierra Madre Boulevard Kenilworth Avenue between Lorain Road and Huntington Drive Parts of Oak Grove Avenue between North City Limit and Circle Drive Oak Grove Avenue between Circle Drive and Rosalind Road Parts of Orlando Road between Cameron Drive and Chester Avenue ✓ Parts of Oxford Road between Orlando Road and Monterey Road Parts of Robles Avenue between Sierra Madre Boulevard and Santa Anita Avenue Ridgeway Road between Huntington Drive and Lorain Road Parts of Sherwood Road between Granada Avenue and St Albans Road Parts of Sherwood Road between Alhambra Road and Del Mar Avenue ✓ Virginia Road between Oak Grove Avenue and Rosalind Drive Parts of Winston Avenue between North City Limit and Huntington Drive Cityy SAN MARINO CALIFORNIA 6 ☑ TRANSTECH Est. 1989#7How are Speed Limits Set? SPEED LIMIT 25 Phantom 55 Applicable sections of the California Vehicle Code (CVC) and U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administrations Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) and the California Supplement are followed so that the posted speed limit can be upheld by the courts and do not constitute a "Speed Trap" as defined by CVC Section 40802. Determination of posted speed limits follow the latest Traffic Operations Policy Directive by the State of California Department of Transportation. Speed limits shall be established at the nearest (5 mph) increment of the 85th percentile speed of free flowing traffic, except as shown in the two options below: The posted speed may be reduced by 5 mph from the nearest 5 mph increment of the 85th percentile speed, in compliance with CVC Sections 627 and 22358.5. For cases in which the nearest 5 mph increment of the 85th percentile speed would require a rounding up, then the speed limit may be rounded down to the nearest 5 mph increment below the 85th percentile speed, if no further reduction is used. But then the Department of Transportation or a local authority shall not reduce the speed limit any further for any reason. CVC Section 21400(4b). If a reduction is applied, an Engineering and Traffic Survey shall document in writing the conditions and justification for a lower speed limit and is approved by a Registered Civil Engineer or Traffic Engineer. Cityy SAN MARINO CALIFORNIA 7 TRANSTECH Est. 1989#8U: HUTOAD LCBAMBO nan 3. Imalra and Dus Criah Fase z City of San Marino Engineering and Traffic Burvery Summary Data Collection and Tasks to Complete Survey H Gothel Se C D SHAZHE 1. Chan Matast ad * S Cond To T ' CC::M · T 588 P regi Singh of Ser Dolact G 5. Condom held by opa Mature SUC admr Lei Appear tortafor Cky of San Marino Public Works Department CH Rader Survey Shwet 45 2 Peter Speed Sant Perers le Speed 10 25 30 я 35 122 Total Semples Buy LAM arantira L LA Pass Anal 25 1ch Peru Speed 2 21-23 14 KE Peer Pac 130% 2. 3. 4. A field review of each of the survey segments is performed to determine highway, traffic and roadside characteristics which may not be readily apparent to the motorist, as well as to check the condition of existing speed limit signs and review speed limits that are posted on streets that continue through City limits to an adjacent city. Field radar surveys are conducted to obtain representative speeds on each survey segment. Typically 100 samples are collected for each direction separately on each street segment. The survey period is typically limited to one hour or until at least 50 samples in each direction are collected. Speed measurements are taken during off-peak hours in an unmarked vehicle on weekdays to minimize the effects of traffic congestion on vehicular speed. If there is difficulty in obtaining the minimum sample size, measurements will be taken during any period with free-flowing traffic. The collected data is summarized for each segment and direction in tabular form. A statistical analysis of the field speed checks is performed. The field information and radar samples are input into the Crossroads speed survey program along with the accident data, average daily traffic and street lengths. Accident rates are determined for each segment based on the segment length, number of accidents, and daily traffic volumes. These rates are compared with the average rates for roadways with similar characteristics to determine if the accident incidence is greater than what is typically expected. Accident information was compiled using the latest 3 years from SWITRS (Statewide Integrated Records System) reports from 2016-2018. 5. Speed limit recommendations are developed utilizing information obtained from the above tasks. 6. 7. A summary of the field data is then generated for each segment. The summary includes a tally of the radar measurements and the 15th percentile, 50th percentile and 85th percentile (critical) speeds and 10 mph pace speeds for each direction on each segment. Recommendations for the posted speed limits are based on the measured speeds, accident incidence, and review of conditions not readily apparent to the driver. Any reduction or increase in posted limits are fully justified, explained, and approved by a Registered Civil Engineer or Traffic Engineer. As part of the speed survey effort 24-hour tube counts (bi-directional) were also collected. 24-hour counts were taken on a Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday on a typical weekday. Citys SAN MARINO CALIFORNIA 8 TRANSTECH Est. 1989#9Recommended Speed Limit Changes Out of the 64 segments surveyed and based on the San Marino 2020 Engineering and Radar Speed survey results, it was determined that the speed limits on the following four (4) segments justify reduction in the posted speed limits. The following 4 street segments are recommended for their speed limits to be reduced as follows: STREET SEGMENTS WITH RECOMMENDED SPEED CHANGES Street From To Existing Posted Limit San Marino Ave San Marino Ave Sierra Madre Blvd NB Sierra Madre Blvd SB North City Limit Huntington Dr North City Limit North City Limit Euston Rd South City Limit 30 30 Huntington Dr Huntington Dr 35/40 35/40 New Posted Limit 25 Change in Speed -5 25 -5 35 -5 35 -5 Per Section 2B.13 CAMUTCD: Reduction of 85th Percentile Speed by Justification of an Engineering and Traffic Study and Approved by Civil or Traffic Engineer as follows: Option 1: For cases in which the nearest 5 MPH increment of the 85th percentile speed would require a rounding up, then the speed limit may be rounded down to the nearest 5 MPH increment below the 85th percentile speed, if no further reduction is used. CVC Section 21400(b). Option 2: The posted speed may be reduced by 5 MPH from the nearest 5 MPH increment of the 85th-percentile speed, due to road conditions and land use in compliance with CVC Sections 627 and 22358.5. Option 3: The posted speed may be reduced by 5 MPH from the nearest 5 MPH increment of the 85th-percentile speed, due to higher than expected collision rates, road conditions and land use in compliance with CVC Sections 627 and 22358.5. City of SAN MARINO CALIFORNIA 6 TRANSTECH Est. 1989#10Speed Reduction Street Details Segment #49: San Marino Avenue between North City Limit to Euston Road: This segment is a north/south minor arterial with 1 lane in each direction, parking on both sides of the street and is currently posted at 30 MPH. The street serves residential land use with lots of residential driveways. The street is approximately 40 feet in width with large shade trees and a curving road design that limits line of sight. Each major intersecting street is STOP controlled. This segment has a higher than expected collision rate. The critical speed is 32.4 which justifies a 30 MPH posted speed limit. However, with limited visibility and the collision rate a reduction in the posted limit to 25 mph is justified. Segment #50: San Marino Avenue between Huntington Drive to South City Limit: This segment is a north/south minor arterial with 1 lane in each direction, parking on both sides of the street and is currently posted at 30 MPH. The street serves some business near Huntington Drive and mainly residential land use to the south with lots of residential driveways. This street is used as a cut thru route by regional traffic which makes it difficult for resident to back out of their driveways. This segment has a higher than expected collision rate at 3.409 versus the expected rate of 1.84 for a similar street. The critical speed is 32.5 which justifies a 30 MPH posted speed limit. However, with limited visibility, unexpected vehicles backing into the segment and a higher than expected collision rate a reduction in the posted limit to 25 mph is justified. Segments #54 and #55: Sierra Madre Boulevard between North City Limit and Huntington Drive (NB and SB): This segment is considered a Principal arterial in the California Road Systems (CRS) Maps that are approved by the Federal Highway Administration. The northbound and southbound segments are divided by a raised median with each direction carrying 2 travel lanes with parking allowed along the street. Land use is predominately residential with some business activity at the ends. The northbound direction in the southern end does not have sidewalks with bushes and trees to the edge of the curb all along the route, as well as curves in the road which provide for hidden driveways with sight distance challenges for residents backing onto the Sierra Madre travel way. Both segments have slightly higher than expected collision rates. The 85th% speed of traffic for both directions came in at 37.4 which justifies a 35 MPH posted speed limit. Cityy SAN MARINO CALIFORNIA 10 TRANSTECH Est. 1989#11Cityy SAN MARINO CALIFORNIA Citywide Speed Limit Map Figure 1. City of San Marino Proposed Speed Limit Proximity Map Proposed Speed Limit Location Map in MPH 30 estern Academy La Met PARIS & 30 30. Fangeto le Lacy Park dation Colonial & 40 Code World 30 SuX433 Mand 30 25 30 Huntington O Library Parking GWEN BE The Huntington Library. O Art Collections, and 30 Your 40 Crowell Public (Library) of the City of San Ma Com y C 25 30 30 40 gton Q Middle School Starbuc Owen typ 25 H 30 Wanga Half and Ha Tea Express P United State 22 Postal San Marino High School Q 25 40 Tony's Pizza 40 rino Brancks Pd 25 25 CITY OF SAN MARINO MAP INDEX Proposed Posted Speed Limits Shown in MPH Roadway Classification 25 25 MPH Corridor 30 30 MPH Corridor (35) 35 MPH Corridor (40) 40 MPH Corridor St Therese, NOTES: . Residential Streets have a Prima Facie Speed Limit of 25 MPH and are not shown on Map Speed Limits are Based on 2019 Engineering and Traffic Survey 25 30 Elem P KL Carver Elementary Sq Principal Arterial Minor Arterial Major Collector Local City Jurisdictional Boundary. 2020 CITYWIDE ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY (SPEED SURVEY) SUMMARY OF PROPOSED SPEED LIMITS PREPARED FOR THE CITY OF SAN MARINO SAN MARINO CALIFORNIA PREPARED BY TRANSTECH ENGINEERS, INC. TRANSTECH 11 TRANSTECH Est. 1989#12Recommended Residential District Classification Based on the recent 2020 San Marino Engineering and Traffic Survey conducted citywide and per the data collected, the following segments meet the roadway characteristics for a residential district and are classified as Local Streets in the California Road Systems Maps approved by the Federal Highways Administration and maintained by the Department of Transportation. The following 6 street segments are recommended to be classified as in a Residential District: ROAD SEGMENTS ELIGIBLE TO BE CONSIDERED IN A RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT Street From Canterbury Road Canterbury Road Kenilworth Avenue Kenilworth Avenue Oak Grove Avenue Ridgeway Road California Boulevard Sierra Madre Boulevard Lorain Road Huntington Drive Circle Drive Roanoke Road City of SAN MARINO CALIFORNIA Uninterr To FHWA St Class # of Fronting Properties upted Street Width 40' 1 Lane Length Each Dir? not more Or less? > 16? than 0.5 mile? Sierra Madre Boulevard San Gabriel Boulevard Huntington Drive Local X Local X X X Local X X X X Sierra Madre Boulevard Local ✗ X X Rosalind Road Local X X Lorain Road Local X X X X 12 TRANSTECH Est. 1989#13Summary of Recommendations It is recommended that the Traffic Safety Commission recommend that the San Marino City Council approve and adopt the following items: 1) Approve and Adopt the 2020 City of San Marino Engineering and Traffic Survey which includes the reduction of the posted speed limit along two street segments as follows: Street San Marino Ave San Marino Ave Sierra Madre Blvd NB Sierra Madre Blvd SB Street Segments with Recommended Speed Changes From To Existing Posted Limit New Posted Limit Change in Speed North City Limit Huntington Dr North City Limit North City Limit Euston Rd South City Limit 30 25 -5 30 25 -5 Huntington Dr Huntington Dr 35/40 35/40 35 -5 35 -5 2) Approve and Adopt the resolution classifying six street segments as in a residential district based on CVC guidelines for classification of a residential district. The street segments are as follows: (1) Canterbury Road between California Avenue and Sierra Madre Boulevard; (2) Canterbury Road between Sierra Madre and San Gabriel Boulevard; (3) Kenilworth Avenue between Lorain Road and Huntington Drive; (4) Kenilworth Avenue between Huntington Drive and Sierra Madre Boulevard; (5) Oak Grove Avenue between Circle Drive and Rosalind Road; (6) Ridgeway Road between Roanoke Road and Lorain Road. Cityy SAN MARINO CALIFORNIA 13 TRANSTECH Est. 1989#14THANK YOU! City of San Marino Engineering & Traffic Survey City of SAN MARINO CALIFORNIA SLOW Prepared & Presented By: The Transtech Engineers, Inc. TRANSTECH Est. 1989

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