Forest Investment Program Burkina Faso

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#1BURKINA FASO FOREST INVESTMENT PROGRAMME PRESENTATION OF THE INVESTMENT PLAN Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development of Burkina Faso FIP Sub-Committee Meeting Istanbul, November 5th 2012#2PRESENTATION OUTLINE Part 1: Part 2: Part 3: Part 4: Introduction Review of the Investment Plan preparation process The revised Investment Plan Expected impacts of the FIP Part 5: Institutional Arrangements and partnerships Conclusion MALI 100 200 100 200m NIGER Quahigouya Кауа Pédougou OUAGADOUGOU Bobo- Dioulasso Tena Kourou Banfora CÔTE D'IVOIRE Koudougou Tenkodogo Fada- "Ngourma GHANA BENIN TOGO#3Part 1: Introduction#4RATIONALE FOR CHOOSING BURKINA FASO Burkina Faso represents a unique case among the eight pilots selected by the FIP program and offers an opportunity because: It is representative of semi-arid forests covering more than 500 million ha hectares in the world Important replication potential (The experience with the Brazilian Cerrado will allow exchange of experience and cross-fertilization) Long-lasting commitment to sustainable forest management that could be leveraged by the FIP Sustainable Landscapes: Forestry - Agroforestry - Agriculture Nexus, consistent with the green growth and food security focus of the last Rio Summit Triple win Mitigation-Adaptation-Poverty reduction The FIP/IP is an instruments that seems particularly suited to help Burkina Faso implement its REDD+ agenda#5ECOSYSTEM SERVICES • Woodlands in Burkina mainly include woody and bushy savannah lands, which represent the total of 13.3 million ha and a stock of about 1 330 million tons of carbon (above ground carbon) with at least as much below ground carbon (based on similar contexts such as Brazil and Ghana). • • The agricultural lands with significant woodland cover comprise an additional 12.6 % of the total land area, and agro-forestry covers 8.45%. Important economic contribution of the forest sector to GDP (Fees, taxes, permits ...) → 5.6% of GDP. NTFP (non timber forest products) → Important socio-economic contribution in terms of revenue (collection and transformation), employment, food security and health ....#6LAND OCCUPATION MAP OF BURKINA FASO (2008) 1600000- 1400000- 400000 CARTE DE LA VEGETATION ET DE L'OCCUPATION DU SOL DU BURKINA FASO + MALI SOLENZO NOUNA DEDOUGOU Quest-Mouhoun ORODARA 1200000- SINDOU BANFORA BOBO DIQULASSO HOUNDE TOUCAN SO ROMO TOMA DANO DIEBOU COU GACUA Comoé Sources Projet Campus $8 212 101 Inventare carts graphique de la végétation et de foccupation du sof BNDT (1GB)) COTE D'IVOIRE 400000 BATIE 600000 TITAO OUAHICQUYA 800,000 GOROM GOROM Sahellen DJIBO KONCOUSSI COURCY YAKO BOUSSE Subsahelien KAYA BOULSA ZINIARE OUACADOUCOU REO Ο κουρουσου 4 KOMBISSIRI DO RI BOCANDE SEBBA GAYERI ZOROHO KOUPELA FADA NCOURMA Soudanien septentrional TENKODOGO SAPOUY Est Mouhoun LEO + GHANA MANGA 50 0 50 100 Km 600000 Edition cartographique Direction du Suivi Ecologique/DGCN 1000000 N -1600000 W E NIGER QUARGAYE Pendjari TOGO + LEGENDE + DIAPACA BENIN CHEF LIEU DE PROVINCE ROUTE NATIONALE LIMITE DE DISTRICT PHYTOGEOGRAPHIQUE OCCUPATION DES TERRES CULTURE INDUSTRIELLE/BOUDANIEN FORET GALERIE FORMATION MINTE DES VALLEES ASSOCIEES AUX CULTURES FORMATION RIPICOLE SAHELIEN FORMATION RIPICOLE SOUDANIEN JACHERES ET CHAMFS A ALLURE DE SAVANE ARBOREE A ARBUSTIVE JACHERES ET CHAMPS A ALLURE DE STEPPE ET SAVANE ARBOREES DES VALLEES PLANDEAU PRAIRIE AQUATIQUE DES MARES SAVANE ARBOREE SAVANE ARBOREE A ARBUSTIVE SAVANE ARBOREE A ARBUSTIVE ET BOISEE SAVANE ARBOREE A BOISEE SAVANE ARBOREE A BOISEE ET FORET CLAIRE SAVANE ARBUSTIVE A ALLURE DE SAVANE ARBOREE A ARBUSTIVE BAVANE ARBUSTIVE A ARBOREE STEPPE ARBUSTIVE STEPPE ARBUSTIVE A ARBOREE STEPPE ARBUSTIVE ET FOURRES STEPPE HERBEUSE STEPPE HERBEUSE A ARBUSTIVE SVILLE 800000 1000000 Septembre 2008 1400000 -1200000#7Part 2: Review of the Investment Plan preparation process#8Steps since March 2010 2010 2011: A scoping mission, two joint missions and consultations with civil society all along 2011 Endorsement in principle of the Investment Plan in Cape town conditional upon addressing the following six points raised by the s/committee: • more information on how the interventions address the drivers of deforestation; • more information on the mitigation potential of the proposed interventions; • estimates of replication and scalability potential and how the plan would affect national forest cover; • ⚫ how the investments will catalyze self-sustaining, economically viable models for REDD+ at scale; . • information on the enabling environment, including institutional and regulatory frameworks, to support the proposed investment plan; and more information on lessons learned from previous initiatives#9Steps since June 2011 Oct 2011, Burkina Faso launched the preparation of a R-PP (Readiness Preparation Proposal), which addressed, in particular, the drivers of deforestations and included a discussion on forest governance aspects. ⚫ June 2012, in Santa Marta (Colombia), the R-PP was submitted to the FCPF Participants Committee which issued a very favorable statement regarding its quality. • On the basis of this R-PP, the Investment Plan was revised and submitted to an internal review process by the World Bank and African Development Bank.#10Part 3: The revised Investment Plan#11A STRONGER ANALYSIS OF THE DRIVERS OF DEFORESTATION • The drivers of deforestation: Direct Drivers Agricultural expansion Overgrazing Wood removal from forests - fuel wood consumption Bush fire Overexploitation of Non-Timber Forest Products Mining Indirect Drivers Rapid increase of the rural population Weaknesses in Land use management Low technical capacity (in forestry, agro- forestry, or agriculture) Poor fire management Weaknesses in Forest governance (law enforcement) Lack of financial capacity Direct drivers depend strongly upon climatic zones and social contexts, which requires to adapt the approach to the targeted areas.#12A STRONG LINKAGE WITH THE REDD+ APPROACH • • The FIP approach is consistent with the initial REDD+ strategy, in particular through focusing on the following aspects: • • . 1) Land use planning (underlying driver for all direct causes), 2) Land titling (underlying driver), 3) Agro-sylvo-pastorales practices (underlying driver for almost all direct causes), • 4) Capacity building and institutional framework (underlying driver for non enforcement of laws and regulations and deeper cause for weakness of institutions and thus of all direct causes) Need to focus both on governance (at the central and local level) and concrete investments with the participation of communities. It is important to note here that the specific interests of local communities will be further taken into account through activities financed by the DGM (dedicated grant mechanism) for which an amount of 4.5 million US$ has been allocated for Burkina Faso.#13BURKINA FASO FIP/IP OBJECTIVE To meet these challenges, the objectives of the FIP have been defined as follows: * •Objective 1: Improve the legal/regulatory framework and forest governance •Objective 2: Decrease net deforestation and degradation* (a) in the state forests and (b) in other woodlands (communal forests, fallows, private lands) •Objective 3: Reinforce capacities and improve knowledge sharing in order to stimulate similar investments in the country and in other countries as well. Corresponding emission reduction would be in the order of 8 to 20 MtC/year over the next 10 year period#14PROPOSED INVESTMENT PROJECTS Project 1 : The decentralized management of forestry resources and wooded spaces (PGDDF) Budget: 18 millions $US Executing Agency: World Bank Project 2 : participatory management of state forest project (PGPFD)) Budget: 12 millions $US Executing Agency: AfDB Component 1 (implementation of R-PP): Development of a REDD+ strategy and public consultations (Budget : 5 millions $US) Component 2: Support to landscape approach (Budget: 9 millions $US) Component 3: Forest products, value chain (budget: 2 millions $US). Component 4: Sharing of information, coordination of program activities and lessons learned and research (Budget 2 millions $US including project management cost) Component 1: Baseline REDD+ and development of MNV (integrated in the implementation of the R-PP) (Budget: 2 millions $US) Component 2: Governance of forests and lands(Budget: 4 millions $US) Component 3: Management of state forests (Budget: 6 millions $US)#15Part 4: Expected Impacts of the FIP program KAVA#16EXPECTED IMPACTS FROM THE FIP Innovative integrated approach mixing governance, institutional/regulatory and on the ground investment focus Transformational → Landscape approach with realistic objectives will impact local development choices. Catalytic approach will enhance results on the ground, inspire institutional/regulatory framework changes and inform decision making. Strong potential as a climate change adaptation/mitigation tool → REDD+ approach reconciling local development and forest protection could lead to reduction of emission for deforestation and degradation in the order of 8 to 20 MtC over a period of 10 years. Strong replicability potential at the local but also at the international level#17Part 5: Institutional aspects and partnerships#18OVERALL INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENTS Structure organisationnelle du REDD BURKINA FASO Gouvernement MEDD Conseil national pour l'environne- ment et le développement durable Plateforme nationale de consultation REDD Groupe de discussion Comité national REDD+ Comités régionaux REDD Secrétariat général du MEDD Unité de coordination nationale REDD * Secrétariat technique >> Comités communaux REDD DEP/DAF/DGMP DGFF Point de contact REDD PIF1/UE PIF2 PASF IFN2 Autre Fonds commun Comité de pilotage#19CO-FINANCING AND PARTNERSHIPS Total financing available for implementation of FIP related investments and activities is estimated at US$ 103 million. In addition to the US$ 30 million FIP grant funding requested, several partners are very interested to align their activities with the FIP and they are in the process of confirming their support. In particular, the European Union has announced its willingness to link an 8 million Euro grant to the PGDDF through a trust fund arrangement between the EU and World Bank.#20CONCLUSION The implementation of the proposed FIP IP in Burkina will have important social and environmental co-benefits that are difficult to value in $ terms but are essential. Social: important potential of the proposed activities in the Investment Plan to generate employment in rural areas. Environmental: The protection of watersheds, contribution against land degradation and desertification, protection of ecosystems services, synergy between Rio conventions .... • Demonstration Potential at scale: FIP is about supporting models of intervention on the ground that can show measurable results and that are replicable. Drylands / savannah / woodlands cover most of Africa and the challenges are similar across countries. Hence, the interventions in Burkina have a great potential of creating replicable knowledge to other countries.#21THANK YOU

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