Gender Equality and Domestic Violence Surveys

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#1MINISTRIA E SHËNDETËSISË DHE MBROJTJES SOCIALE The Albanian Experience on Data Collection in the Field of Violence against Women and Domestic Violence Etleva Sheshi Head of Gender Equality Sector Ministry of Health and Social Protection 14 November 2017, Prague#2. GBV Situation in Albania Violence against women and girls is deeply rooted in the patriarchal traditions and customs Domestic violence in Albania; Comparing INSTAT 2013 household survey with that of the 2007: % of women that experienced domestic violence (all forms of violence) "during their lives" increased from 56.0 to 59.4%. % of women that experienced physical violence "during their lives" decreased from 31.2 to 23.7%. % of women that experienced sexual violence "during their lives" decreased from 12.7 to 7.9%.#3• • Institutions responsible for gathering data on violence against women and domestic violence The Ministry of Health and Social Protection: keeps statistical data about the level of domestic violence at national level; The Ministry of Health and Social Protection (MOHSP): records the cases of domestic violence in the relevant medical documentation approved by this Ministry; The Ministry of Interior and the State Police: All the cases of violence reported and recorded by the police are kept in a database set up for the cases of domestic violence reported to this institution. Most of the victims report to the police. The Ministry of Justice: All the statistics on the protection orders or immediate protection orders issued by the Court are gathered by the Statistics Directorate at the Ministry of Justice.#4• Population Surveys Regarding Violence against Women The annual publication by INSTAT "Females and Males in Albania❞ . Two national population-based surveys (one in 2017 and the other one in 2013) on prevalence of domestic violence in Albania. National Statistical Programme 2017-2021 Demographic Health Survey (DHS).#5BURRAT DHE GRATË NË SHQIPËRI WOMEN AND MEN IN ALBANIA 2017 INSTAT Republika e Shqiperi MINISTRIAL MIRËQENIES SOCIALE DHE RINISE Dhuna në familje në Shqipëri Vrojtim kombëtar me bazë popullatën 2013 National Strategy and Action Plan on Gender Equality 2016-2020#6On line registering and tracking system of GBV cases - "Recording violence in Albania" (REVALB) In July 2014, Ministry of Social Welfare and Youth (MSWY) with the UNDP support started to implement the online data-base system for registering and monitoring GBV cases addressed through CCRs. The online tracking system is secure and respects privacy and confidentiality of domestic violence survivors. The system is used by a limited number of local and central employees, professionally trained on how to respond to domestic violence cases, on how to preserve privacy and confidentiality and how to use the system. Local coordinators trained to use the system This system is assessable at the local level by all municipalities and at central level by the Ministry at the address: . .#7• The Coordinated Community Response (CCR) mechanism Based on inter-institutional partnership and cooperation, requires a common multi-sectoral philosophy for addressing GBV - Ministry of Health and Social Protection the leading Ministry at national level in oversight and national coordination of CCRs The goal is to respond to the immediate and multiple needs of the victims/survivors CCR ensures the safest and most effective way of reporting on GBV cases and its coordinated management Victim/survivor-centred decision-making#8CCR members at municipal level Municipali ty & social services Employ ment Police OJF Court Forensic VAW&DV survivor Educati on Health Bailiff Prosecu tor#9" " " CCRs in the country and services Short-term services: emergency protection, safety, medical assistance, accommodation, transportation to safe accommodation, information on/assistance with obtaining protection orders, ⚫ referral to further services " Long-term services: " " " " support employment, social assistance, accommodation, legal advice and assistance with divorce procedures, counselling and psycho-therapy, help with children#10Main functions of the REVALB system Registration of domestic violence victims • Registration of abusers Registration of violence cases. Registrations of services given to victims. Registration of referrals • Registration of agreements between LGU's and other institutions/organizations that provide services to victims Registration of periodic meetings of the Steering Council /Technical Group that organize and coordinate the support given to the victims of domestic violence • Reporting#11. • • . . The Digitalized online system for registration of cases of domestic violence contributes in the following directions: It measures the prevalence of the reported cases of dv, progressively; It measures the effectiveness of the responsible actors in local level, members of the Referral Mechanism through the number of actors engaged and the measures undertaken to support the case; The local power assesses the new tendencies of the phenomenon through this online system; It serves to develop policies and measures in local level in cooperation with NGOs and donors; It helps to measure the progress of implementation of gender equality policies in local level.#12. Challenges The main challenge remains the functioning of the referral mechanism in each municipality. Dealing with continues institutional transformations, as a result of political influence or different reforms. Strengthening the coordinating and oversight role of the MOHSP Existing referral mechanisms need to be strengthened through: (i) improved inter-institutional cooperation and coordination; (ii) allocation of human and financial resources#13Thank you! Etleva Sheshi Head of Gender Equality Sector Ministry of Health and Social Protection Albania e-mail: [email protected]

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