Gola Programme Conservation Vision

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#1The Gola forest programme: an innovative approach to conservation UNITY FREEDOM JUSTICE ^ BirdLife Government of Sierra Leone Conservation Society of Sierra Leone (CSSL- BirdLife in Sierra Leone) Royal Society for the Protection of Birds. (RSPB- BirdLife in UK)#2● What's at stake? Largest tract of Upper Guinea rainforest in Sierra Leone Global biodiversity hotspot-Conservation International Global 200 Ecoregion- WWF Endemic bird area (BirdLife International) Chimp area...…………. Guniée Sierra Leone Lowland Evergreen Broadleaf Forest Disturbed Natural Forest N Primary Roads Secondary Roads Liberia Cote d'Ivoire Ghana ^ BirdLife#3Priorities within the Hotspot Conservation priority setting workshop in 1999, brought together specialists from all taxa to prioritise sites within the UGF region. A8 A10 A11 A9 A12 AZ A5 A6 A3 Priorities A4 Exceptionally High Very High A4 High Project site A1 B7 B9 B8 B5 B3 E1 B4 C8 D8 C9 C12 AD6 D7 D4 D9 D5 D3. E2 C10 02 C5 C11 D2 ^ D1 BirdLife#4Guinea Sierra Leone Liberia TIWAI ISLAND -TO KENEMA Mohoi river Joru Njama G. WEST- G. EAST Tolo ZIMMY Wunde Sierra Leone Lelehun G. NORTH Mano river Pandebu Liberia Moyengema Reserve boundary Main roads Feeder roads Rivers Small towns/villages Main town 10 km. Δ Peaks Gola forests: 74,000 hectares in south-eastern Sierra Leone ^ BirdLife#5Rare bird life • 274 bird species 14 bird species of global conservation concern · Picatharte de Guinée Stronghold for the Picatharte de Guinée and Pintade à poitrine blanche Chouette-pêcheuse rousse in Sierra Leone ^ BirdLife#6Endangered mammals and plants Western chimpanzee 56 mammal species 13 rare and threatened species • Western . chimpanzee, forest elephant, hippopotame pygmée At least 2000 plant species, over 150 large tree species ^ BirdLife#7• . • . Sierra Leone - Background Empire of Mali 13-15th Century Portuguese visit in 15th century coined name Serra Loya - Lion mountain Colonialism 1787 'Province of Freedom' purchased and colonised by freed slaves. 1808-1961 - British colony. Independence Independence in 1961, political struggles since until civil war that spilled over from Liberia in 1990s War ended in 2002 with free and fair elections following disarmament. Poverty Ranked 175 of 177 countries on the 'Human Development index' Life expectancy at birth in 2001 36.5yrs . GDP per capita 2001 was US$470 ^ BirdLife#8Sierra Leone seeking a brighter future Alhaji (Dr) Ahmad Tejan Kabbah, President of Sierra Leone, meeting BirdLife delegation, 2004 ● • Rebuilding a post-conflict society Trying to restore livelihoods and create sustainable development ^ BirdLife#9Carlsberg Beer IT GEL . . Pressures. Gola commercially logged in the 1960-80s, badly. Post conflict situation has seen rise in illegal logging with chainsaws. • Big interest from commercial companies to log again ^ BirdLife#10Gola programme: Vision ....to secure the long term conservation of the Gola forests for people and > biodiversity. BirdLife#11Long-term objectives ■ Maintain Gola's biodiversity ■ Provide sustained income for local communities ■ Secure protected area status for the Gola forests ^ BirdLife Red colobus monkey#12Innovative approach ■ Stop the logging of wildlife-rich tropical forests by buying the management rights ■ Establish a 'conservation concession' to restore and protect the forest ecosystem ^ BirdLife#13A 15 year partnership RSPB, CSSL and the Government have: • • • Monitored wildlife in the Gola forests (1990-1995) Developed interim management plan for Gola (1993) Completed a feasibility study for the project (2002-04) ^ BirdLife#14FAA BEE REGIONAL SUB-ACCITANT Community relations There is an urgent need to protect and conserve the Gola Forest Reserves because of their unique biodiversity and the many products and services they provide to people" Joint statement of local chiefdoms, government and BirdLife at the Gola forest planning workshop, July 2003 ^ BirdLife#151250 Initial objectives SIERRA LEONE SILEONE 1e150 SIERRA LEONE 4:09 • • In 2004-2007 RSPB, CSSL and the Government will: Develop a detailed management plan for the Gola forests, in consultation with stakeholders Address immediate threats to the Gola forests and support some immediate development needs of the local communities Raise US$ 10 million for an endowment fund ^ BirdLife#16Why a conservation concession? Will help to mitigate risk of FD entering into Logging concession in the short term by making payments to protect and by providing support and training. Concession payments are an incentive to local communities and will provide resources and employment The ability to maintain this in perpetuity is necessary to ensure that the conservation of the resources continues and that commitment from the government and communities is maintained. ^ BirdLife#17Funding ■ US$1 million start-up costs for the initial phase funded by RSPB, Darwin Initiative and Conservation International ■ US$10 million to be raised in the initial phase to establish the endowment fund ■ 5 shareholders contributing US$ 2 million needed. RSPB and CI already make up two shareholders. Others approached. ^ BirdLife#18Operations • Final negotiations ongoing Communities- support for projects and direct payments • Local government- capacity building • FD- magt costs for Gola • Central Govt- compensation for royalties#19Long Term Management Structure The Gola Trust Representatives of GoSL and Communities, Funders Managment Board Communities, CSSL, Forestry Department, RSPB Gola Park Director Forestry Division ^ BirdLife#20Long term Partners... Conservation Society of Sierra Leone . Foremost national conservation organisation in Sierra Leone CONSERVATION SOCIETY Will provide in environmental education, advocacy and biological research and monitoring UNITY AA FREEDOM JUSTICE SIERR LEONE Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Food Security ■ represented by the Forestry Division ■ The lead agency for all protected areas in Sierra Leone, will manage the consession long-term ■ Currently very low capacity. ^ BirdLife#21• So far... Strong support from local communities • Political support at all levels of government Community development initiatives • Research activities • Forest guards employed and regularly paid • Considerable reduction in illegal activities#22Challenges Raising the funds Making sure support of key stakeholders is retained Implementation of joint agreement • Building capacity of FD and communities to manage in the long term#23Thank you

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