Hagerty SPAC Presentation Deck

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August 2021



#1HAGERTY For People Who Love Cars Proprietary and Condidental CARTES#2Disclaimer The presentator Presto proved for formation peties only and has been prepared to assist invested partes in ang her own with respect to a poter basis condition torsection between del Financial spoc papose accorgery and The Hagety Group, LLC oper with subcaries, Hagerty or the Compare and wated sanctions the Portal Dan Combination) and far no other purpose. The contents of this pressetakice abould not be considered to be legal tac, inveatract or arhet advion, and any adorar praspective investor conadening the parchase or disposal of ary scurtes del or the Company should consult with its own counsel and advicers as to allegata, regulatory, feands and related users coming on inwament in or a disposs of such secarses and as to their suitability for such investor or prospective inwestor The indseason in this Presertion was obtained frons Aidel Hagerty and over sources and does not purporto be edustive or to necessity contan all of the informace that a prospective we might ces misgarp Alet the Company of the Partul Bano Contation The Pentation and any cral statements made in cosuctor with the Prestaban do not constitute in offer to sell or solicitation of offers to buy any acurbase any particicon Any other to sell separties will be made cely pursue to a defritin plonagement and will be made in relance on an easmpson trors regatration under the Secuaties Act of 1900, as amended for attas and sales of secures that do not invale a publicoffing A inovation sented a ts Presentatice with respect to the estag business and storical operating results of Hagerty and essinates and projections as to future operatices are based on aviat prepared by the management of Hagerty and inve significasteleneres of subjective judgment and analysis which may or mayecto corect There can be no ansurances that managements padgment and anato correct, and none of the Company, tatutes reponertaves JP Morgan Securts LLC CJP Morger) or any other personas porability for vertying the information conted hereinar benar provided or ina ay napotably for t accuracy or completas Pasi pafcimarca a net an indicatice or guwarton af Adamets Futsar induty and market data used in this pressation has been chesined from sources including thad paty austry publicions and serons as well as for reassich reports prepared for other purpcoas Nether Aldelar the Company fave independently verlod the dane obtained from these sources and cassotassale you of the dara's accuracy or completeness. In addson is posentation does not purporto be as inousive or to conta o of the information that may be loquired to make a fosysis of the Company of the proposed business combination. Vowers of mentation should each make their own eation of the Company and of the relevance and adequacy of the formation and should make such other entigations as they deamcay Alde Hagerty, and the respective dect and add holders, menar, marapers directors, otows, employees afates, and resectives and JP Morgan rake no presentations or warranties expsss or implied as to the accuracy or completessss of the information contained in this Presentation, or any otherwise or oral comune Fansdod or made available to a prospective waster of any of is atates or sertives and nothing hereinis or shall be reled upon as a presentation or minarty with respect to past or future fects or resalts Only these spoof reposentations and manares.fary which may be made to a prospectives in one or more subsequent definite within agrements when, as and execured and subject to such Intions and restrictions as may be spected in such celistve urtan agreersets shall have any legalefact. To the fullest extent permised by law in so caourraiances will be the Company or any of their respective subacores wholders, ares, representatives, patters directors officers, employees advisers or agents be responsible or liable for any direct indirect or casseruentarloss or loss of profitanising nam the use of tha presentation is conneras, as onssions ance on the information contained wahisar o opinions communicated in an Faroe begin coctor hon Each recipient acknowledges and agrees tut it is seceiving this presentation only for the purposes stated above and subject to all applicable confidentity obligation and as the unted states secuesaus prohibing any person who has received material non-public information from purchasing or selling cues from communicating schiafomanion to any other person u prownstances in which it is asonably feseeable that such person is key to purchase or such soutes Cerainstamas reded in this Prestation are not alorical facts but are forward locking sitements Forward looking statements generaty are accompared by worth such as may rate bateandexpect should would plin redet polental ser book to and sons that predict or indicare future evects or seeds ce that are not atrets of barica rs, but the absence of the words does not mean that a start is not found locking These sterts ambased on vasous assumptions, whether or not denied in this Presentation, and on the careet espaction of des anelor Hagerty's masagsment and en not predictions of actual performance These forward locking statements are provides for stotive reoses only and are atiended to serve as and mestnot be sees on by any person as a guarare an assasance, a prediction or a defedve start of factor oroboty Actual events and cparstarces adficator pable to predict and will df from aurepbom. These faward looking staramants a saject to a number of raka and uncertains tary of theseks ruterials or our ansumptoms prove incorrect, actares could dracmaterially from the used by the forward looking watererh This Presentation containe pjected financis information with respect to the Company, amely revesas adjusted gross profit lons rado, reswirion, and instance reverse. Such projected financial interation cassares forward look og information and is for utrative purposes only and should not be a nad ad upce as necessarily being indicative of future ressts. The projectes estimates and sorget in this Presensation are forward looking statements that are based on asserotices for are interenty subject to sig-art secota des and contingencies, many of which are beyond the Company's ossvet The assertices and estimates underlying the projecte expected or tangetret are inherently ascertain and are subject to a wide variety of significant bainwas economic, regulatory, compare and others and unceraintes that could cause acalresatto dformatasaly from those contained in auch projectora, estts and targets Nether the independent midtom of Adel mar the Company tasadd revind comped or performed any procedures with expect to the projections for the purpose of thele adusion in this presentation and accordingly, nether at the expressed an opinion or provided any other form of assurance with respect there for the purpose of this passention Further, the financial information and at contained in this presenter unudled and may not conforto Regston 8-x. Accordingy, sech mation and dalo mas not be included in may be ailed in or may be preserloddfently in any przey stakereprospects or registration stateretto be Med by ide with the SEC, and sach differences may be material The information in the Presentation is provided as of the date of apparation and there is no obligation for Aldal, the Company, or their respective direct and indirect shareholders members managem, cectors, officers erleyen afia or repassartatives, or JP Morgan to update or otherwise ne this Ponentaion, and tha Presentatice snot be construed to indicate mathese has not been any change in the financial condon business optices of one atsis of the Company since the use of as preparation rating the Presentate, some of de the Company, ther pective direct or indrect shareholders morters, managers, dracons, officers erleyees, atutes or presertiti nor JP Mangan andafakes any obligation to provide the recipent with access to any addalsformatice, and feyxpressly reserve the right. without giving means therefor at any time and in any aspect to tarinasedacions with any or aproapective inweiz, to reject any or at proposals and to negotiate with any party with respect to a pobavialismert Futher, ach of Abel Hagats their respective and det stasholdes merbes, managers cieros officers, employees aties and representatives and JP Morgan expressly disclaim any and all ability or damages, director or indirect, which may be based as or relate to in any manner the information contained in this Presentation or that is heather provided Each of Akdel and Hagety cwrs or has righh to varices hackeraks, serice marks and trade names that are ined in onection with the aparation of their respective businown the Prestation muy who contain tickersaka. service marks, hade mares and copyrights of thed pats, which are the property of the respectievers The use or diaplay of the patas traders senis marks, trade names or products in this Presentation not sended to and does not imply a maionship with Alsel the Company or an endorsement or aponsorship by or of Aicelor the Company Some of the fasolomation and cat contared in this Presentation nave not been repored in accordance with the States gesecally accepted accounting poores GAP These GMAPireasales and one nessas that are solares usg sed e-QAAP neosles are in a33on3 and not a subforor superior to measures of ancial performance prapased in accordance with CAAP and should not be considered an an aberrative to reverae, operating income, peste bers to retrcane or any other performance saures dered in accordance et GAAP The Company believes these re-GAAP Tres of francial resets, rneberg on a forward-looking basis, pavide useful information to managers and intors regarding certain financial and business trends reading to the Company's financial condition and rests at operations The Company's managervert believes tur the use of these non-GAAP financaimasures provides an additional tool for prospective westes to use in evarating projected operatingrese and ends in and inconbasig Hagerty's nonciatesses with cer sentir companies many of which presentsida non CARP feandal measures to investors angement of the Corpore does not consider these so GRAPaesi cution or as an anerele financial determiwd in accordance with GAAP However, there are a number of limasons. readed to the use of these non-GAAP measures and their seat GAAP equivalents. For example other companies may calculate ne-GAAP neases denty or may use other eases to calculate their francalpertomance and meebe Hagety's so GAAP messas may not be evely comparable to seary Viedmeasures of other companies. See the forces on the sides were these res are decussed for deters of these re-GAAP Enancialmenes and the recorosatess of these re-04AP Salmusans to the most directly compatto 4AP The Presentation is being delivered by Aldel and Hagerty to a imdad number of prospective purchasers. The information contained hesin is credential and proprietary and the distribution and use of both the information contained herein and any other information provided by Aldel, Hagerty or their respective reportives a governed ty a corddevality agement for, among other things, sicty limits me ase of such istomarice in corsodion with the Potebal Business Combination a proxy steprospectus or negatice sliterunt on Fore 3-4 he They SamantProspects' a expected to be filed with the SEC by Ad The Poey SamantPopecko w clude a primary pecey stakerson that asocomus prolematy prospects The als will contain important information about Altel the Company the combined company and the Potaal Dusiness Combirotos The Proxy Statemera Proapectus and other documents in connection with the Parents Baina Combarution will be filed after you will have made an investment decision ane way at the other regarding *PPE set the combined company. Because of this sequencing when deciding where to invest is the combined company, you should carefully consider the infomater made available to you, inding this Presentation though the done of your cecision. If you sgs a dobsoptice agreement, you will be equired to make ootam represtaban relating to the foregoing When available the retasve proay statementprospectus included in the Pisey Stew Prospect will be maled to Alessackholders as of a record de to be astashed for voting on the Portulues Consasion Interested parties will also be able to obtain copes of wach documents sed with the SEC, without the crea able at the SEC's website at www.sec.govor stockfelders may direct a request to Adel vestinary socortes describe here has not been approved or disapproved by the SEC or any other regulasty authority normas any otherty possod spoor endorsed the merits of the offering or the accuracy or adequacy of o information contained here any presentation to the contrary is a come This Presentation does not conestate a sactice of a proxy content or authersion with respect to any secure or in aspect of the Perial Business Combination Altel the Company and their respective disease tices and other members of their management and ensloyees, under SEC rules may be deemed to be pericipants in the salesition of przees of Akkets stockholen correction with the Portal Business Contination Investices and security holders may obtain more detailed informon regarding the names attes and text of Aldo's doctors and executive officers in Aldo'stings with the SEC oman reporting the perso who may, under SEC rules, be deered pariparts in the solicitation of pezdes of Aldef's stockholders in connection wit the Pantal Dusines Combination will be set forth in the form 5-4, abeg with information concerning the deats of Allefs and the Company's patopara in the sociation Suchbets may in some casse be event from those of Adels and the Company's equity kaders generally All cornicators with del, the Company at any el tatutes regarding the Presentation or requests for edebonal infomation facility toes or management met me be subred or directed only to JP Morgan of to such other personas spectically designated in wing by the Company. You may notis jecapt for the come made in the ordinary course of business and led to the information corrained in this Prestator with any directar, easati aftoor, employee or other representative of the Company or Alcal or any otorner of the Company xp with the supus permission of the Company conc Roprietary and Condensal ALDEL FINANCIAL HAGERTY#3#4#5#6#7#8#9#10#11#12#13#14#15#16#17#18#19#20#21#22#23#24#25#26#27#28#29#30#31#32#33

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