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#1TeamViewer 04/ FY 2020 Preliminary Results (unaudited) Investor Presentation 9 February 2021#2Importance Notice This presentation as well as any information communicated in connection therewith (the "Presentation") contains information regarding TeamViewer AG (the "Company") and its subsidiaries (the Company, together with its subsidiaries, "TeamViewer"). It is being provided for informational purposes only and should not be relied on for any purpose and may not be redistributed, reproduced, published, or passed on to any other person or used in whole or in part for any other purpose. All stated figures are preliminary and unaudited. The Company intends to publish its annual report 2020, including its audited annual financial statements, on 25 March 2021. Certain statements in this presentation may constitute forward looking statements. These statements are based on assumptions that are believed to be reasonable at the time they are made, and are subject to significant risks and uncertainties, including, but not limited to, those risks and uncertainties described in TeamViewer's disclosures. You should not rely on these forward-looking statements as predictions of future events and we undertake no obligation to update or revise these statements. Our actual results may differ materially and adversely from any forward-looking statements discussed in these statements due to several factors, including without limitation, risks from macroeconomic developments, external fraud, lack of innovation capabilities, inadequate data security and changes in competition levels. The Company undertakes no obligation, and does not expect to publicly update, or publicly revise, any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. All subsequent written and oral forward-looking statements attributable to it or to persons acting on its behalf are expressly qualified in their entirety by the cautionary statements referred to above and contained elsewhere in this Presentation. This document contains certain alternative performance measures (collectively, "APMS") including billings and Adjusted EBITDA that are not required by, or presented in accordance with, IFRS, German GAAP or any other generally accepted accounting principles. TeamViewer presents APMs because they are used by management in monitoring, evaluating and managing its business and management believes these measures provide an enhanced understanding of TeamViewer's underlying results and related trends. The definitions of the APMs may not be comparable to other similarly titled measures of other companies and have limitations as analytical tools and should, therefore, not be considered in isolation or as a substitute for analysis of TeamViewer's operating results as reported under IFRS or German GAAP. APMS such as billings and Adjusted EBITDA are not measurements of TeamViewer's performance or liquidity under IFRS or German GAAP and should not be considered as alternatives to results for the period or any other performance measures derived in accordance with IFRS, German GAAP or any other generally accepted accounting principles or as alternatives to cash flow from operating, investing or financing activities. TeamViewer has defined each of the following APMs as follows: "Billings" represent the (net) value of goods and services invoiced to customers in a given period if realization is probable - it is defined as revenue adjusted for change in deferred revenue P&L-effective; "Adjusted EBITDA" means EBITDA, adjusted for P&L-effective changes in deferred revenue as well as for certain special items relating to share based compensations and other material items that are not reflective of the operating performance of the business. This document also includes further certain operational metrics, such as Net Retention Rate, and additional financial measures that are not required by, or presented in accordance with IFRS, German GAAP or any other generally accepted accounting principles (collectively, "other financial measures"). TeamViewer presents these operational metrics and other financial measures for information purposes and because they are used by the management for monitoring, evaluating and managing its business. The definitions of these operational metrics and other financial metrics may not be comparable to other similarly titled measures of other companies and have limitations as analytical tools and should, therefore, not be considered in isolation or as a substitute for analysis of TeamViewer's operating results, performance or liquidity as reported under IFRS or German GAAP. TeamViewer has defined these operational metrics and other financial measures for information purposes as follows: "Net retention rate (NRR)" means annual recurring billings of existing subscription customers during the period considered less gross value churn plus billings from upselling and cross-selling, including foreign exchange effects and expiring discounts, as a percentage of annual recurring billings in the previous period; "Levered free cash flow" (FCFE) means net cash from operating activities less capital expenditure for property, plant and equipment and intangible assets (excl. M&A), payments for the capital element of lease liabilities and interest paid for borrowings and lease liabilities; and ,,Net Leverage" means the ratio of net financial debt (sum of interest-bearing loans and borrowings, current and non-current, less cash and cash equivalents) to Adjusted EBITDA. 2 Q4 / FY 2020 Preliminary Results (unaudited) - Investor Presentation TeamViewer#3TeamViewer Business Overview Oliver Steil#4Strong Q4 concluded a record FY 2020 Billings and adjusted EBITDA exceeding revised outlook FY 2020 Growth 1 +204% Enterprise Billings +170% Enterprise Customers Exceeded revised FY 20 outlook despite higher than expected FX headwinds Organic³ Q4: strongest Enterprise quarter ever with significant upsells and new customer wins Enterprise business ramped to 12% of total FY 20 billings Billings (Єm) 456.7 Total 460.3 +41% [ +43% CC4 +42% +44% CC Outlook was 450-455 +338% Tensor Billings +389% Remote Access Billings +360% Pilot Billings • High new product billings growth (+246%)² - further diversified revenue base across use cases and customer segments Tuck-in M&A strategy progressing well - supported by high profitability and further reduced net leverage Margin Adj. EBITDA (€m) 56.8% +0.8pp Outlook was ~56% 1. All figures on LTM 31 Dec 2020 basis; 2incl. Tensor, Remote Management, Remote Access, IoT, Pilot; excl. Ubimax with €3.6m billings; 4Growth at constant currencies 4 Q4/ FY 2020 Preliminary Results (unaudited) - Investor Presentation Total 261.4 +44%| +48% CC TeamViewer#5Innovative use cases drive enterprise traction LELY + Remote Support for medical devices. SIEMENS Healthineers "The number of use cases we need to provide with secure and high-performance access to our systems is increasing within the clinical environment. That's why the partnership with TeamViewer is becoming increasingly important for us and why we see huge potential to build on that." Wolfgang Heimsch, Head of Customer Services at Siemens Healthineers + Smart farming and dairy automation company + Remote support for agricultural equipment with Tensor +Serving farmers in more than 45 countries. сл 5 Q4/ FY 2020 Preliminary Results (unaudited) - Investor Presentation TeamViewer#66 Enterprise benefiting from new business as well as high retention and strong upselling Sector Country ACV in € License Use Cases Automotive USA >200k Healthcare USA >200k Financial Services Germany >200k Frontline Frontline Tensor AR supported guidance with smart glases for mechanics at car dealers in US & UK AR supported use of medical devices by looking through doctor's smart glasses Secure internal IT Support with SSO and conditional access Technology Hardware USA >100k Media & Entertainment France >100k Industrial USA >100k Automotive Brazil >50k Tensor Tensor Frontline Frontline Financial Services Australia >50k Tensor Global IT support and external training for customers on products and maintenance Internal IT support with device management for centralized administration AR guided work instructions for manufacturing and maintenance processes AR supported work guidance for trucks Remote control of meeting room booking devices Consumer Discretionary USA >50k Tensor POS and Mobile device support for clerks in retail locations Automotive Germany >50k Tensor Remote support for sales & car diagnosis software Capital Goods Germany <50k Pilot Software & Services Australia <50k Tensor AR supported trouble shooting and maintenance for machines at the customer's side Remote support & monitoring of software needed in pharmacies Selection of Q4 2020 deals Q4/ FY 2020 Preliminary Results (unaudited) - Investor Presentation TeamViewer#7Expanding enterprise customer base with significant billings growth Enterprise billings tripled in size, now representing 12% of total billings Enterprise customers¹ (LTM) Q3 18 Q4 18 Q1 19 Q2 19 Q3 19 Q4 19 Q1 20 Q2 20 Q3 20 Q4 20 Enterprise Billings² (Єm, LTM) +204% +350% +170% Subscribers (LTM, thousand) 1,457 1,658 1,885 1,183 369 419 468 518 590 698 53.0 17.4 FY 2019 FY 2020 +115% +26% Enterprise Billings €10-50k 13% by ACV1 >€50k 12% (FY 20, LTM) 271 317 368 432 464 514 534 567 584 ■ >€100k 14% 61% 215 ■>€200k 1Customers with invoiced billings across all products and services of at least €10,000 during the last twelve months (ACV or annual contract value) 2total billings of all Enterprise Customers 7 Q4/ FY 2020 Preliminary Results (unaudited) - Investor Presentation TeamViewer#8THE WAY WE WORK HAS CHANGED Salouge 30 E >1612 sol lluq bns rau elbred llib grit ti 992 of X59 etit esie tid llinb sunitno muteЯ ΑΞ#99 TeamViewer solutions for the entire value chain Leveraging the connectivity platform for horizontal and increasingly vertical solutions Product Development Manufacturing Supply Chain Corporate Sales Service Shared Workspace Work From Anywhere Internet of Things Al & Robotics 60 Automated Shopfloor/Warehouse + ** Asset Monitoring & Management Customer Engagement Training & Quality Assurance Customer Interaction Repair & Maintenance Customer Support Q4/ FY 2020 Preliminary Results (unaudited) - Investor Presentation TeamViewer#10Mid-Term objective: €1 billion billings in 2023. Focused execution of targeted growth initiatives 2018 230m 2020 460m Selective M&A Tensor Industrial verticals Xaleon Full customer coverage Increasing enterprise footprint New use cases & products Use case expansion Global 27% Total addressable market growth 10 Q4 / FY 2020 Preliminary Results (unaudited) - Investor Presentation Frontline 2023 1 billion AR Industrial verticals loT →TeamViewer Global Use case expansion Enterprise SME يليليل SoHo & Personal 33 114 TeamViewer#11TeamViewer Financial Overview Stefan Gaiser#12Record FY 2020 billings with sustained high profitability Billings (€m) 1 Adj. EBITDA as % of billings 12 +27% +32% CC 128.1 100.6 Q4 2019 Adj. EBITDA (Em) & Margin¹ +15% +25% cc 72.1 62.6 56.3% 62.2% Q4 2020 Q4 2019 Q4 2020 +42% +44% cc 460.3 324.9 FY 2019 182.1 56.0% +44% +49% cc 261.4 56.8% FY 2020 FY 2019 FY 2020 Q4/ FY 2020 Preliminary Results (unaudited) - Investor Presentation TeamViewer#13High regional billings diversification with broad customer coverage AMERICAS billings (€m) Strong traction across all sales channels US$ continued to devaluate in Q4 • • EMEA billings (Em) Very strong enterprise business • Well balanced growth across countries APAC billings (Em) Key markets with strong growth in 2020 Tighter credit controls and no free user monetization capped growth in Q4 +36% +27% +48% cc +28% cc 44.5 73.5 58.0 32.8 9.9 +3% +6% CC 10.2 Q4 2019 Q4 2020 Q4 2019 Q4 2020 Q4 2019 Q4 2020 +44% +50% cc +42% +42% cc +36% +39% cc 56.1 157.7 246.4 41.2 109.8 174.0 FY 2019 FY 2020 13 Q4/ FY 2020 Preliminary Results (unaudited) - Investor Presentation FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2019 FY 2020 TeamViewer#14Strong billings growth due to expanding subscriber base with higher deal values and >100% net retention rate Subscribers (thousand, LTM) Billings by category (€m) • Continued subscriber growth New subscribers with higher deal values Stable subscriber retention and ongoing conversion of remaining perpetual customers • Q4 2020: strong new billings growth paired with high renewals and additional billings from Frontline • 103% NRR (FY 20) slightly down due to FX headwinds in Q4 (calculated net of payment defaults) +42% +44% cc 460.3 +26% +27% 3.4 7 +32% cc 128.1 584 129.1 324.9 1.9 464 171 100.6 2.1 8.8 29.5 0.1 1.4 19 98.0 174 23.0 20.8 4.5 36 319.0 394 95.3 204.1 72.9 254 30. Dec 19 Retained Migrated 30. Dec 20 New FY 2019 Renewal 1 Migration FY 2020 New Other² 1 Billings generated from subscriptions renewals incl. up and cross sell from all subscribers in the given period 2Incl. non-subscription billings from deployment services, hardware reselling and perpetual licenses 14 Q4/ FY 2020 Preliminary Results (unaudited) - Investor Presentation Q4 2019 Q4 2020 Renewal¹ Migration New Other² TeamViewer#15Superior margins maintained while significant investments across. functions support future growth €m Q4 20 Q4 19 Δ FY 20 FY 19 Δ Billings 128.1 100.6 +27% 460.3 324.9 +42% Cost of sales (9.6) (6.9) (35.9) (24.2) +38% +48% % of billings 7.5% 6.9% 7.8% 7.5% Gross profit 118.6 93.7 % Margin Sales +92.5% (16.7) +93.1% +27% -0.6pp 424.4 92.2% 300.7 92.5% +41% -0.3pp (9.5) +76% (58.1) (37.9) +53% % of billings Marketing 13.0% 9.4% 12.6% 11.7% (9.3) (6.6) (31.1) (22.8) % of billings 7.2% 6.6% +40% 6.8% 7.0% +37% R&D (10.7) (7.4) (34.8) (28.0) % of billings 8.3% 7.4% +43% 7.6% 8.6% +24% Other¹ G&A % of billings (2.7) (3.6) (7.1) (4.0) (26.0) (16.4) 5.5% 4.0% +75% 5.7% 5.0% +59% (12.8) (13.5) % of billings 2.1% 3.5% -24% 2.8% 4.2% -5% Total Opex (46.4) (31.1) (162.9) (118.6) % of billings 36.2% 30.9% +49% 35.4% 36.5% +37% Adj. EBITDA 72.1 62.6 +15% 261.4 182.1 +44% % Margin 56.3% 62.2% -5.9pp 56.8% 56.0% +0.8pp ¹incl. other income/expenses and bad debt expenses of €3.8m in Q4 and €14.6 for FY 2020 (€4.2m in Q4 2019 and €15.5m for FY 2019) 15 Q4/ FY 2020 Preliminary Results (unaudited) - Investor Presentation . Cost of sales up as anticipated and reflecting investments in platform infrastructure fully in line with financial model Expansion of solutions sales and continued investments in R&D mainly in the areas of AR and loT Strengthened corporate functions Lower bad debt expenses FY 20 adjusted EBITDA margin slightly ahead of guidance TeamViewer#16Sharp increase in FCFE due to consistently strong operating cash flow and significantly lower cost of debt 16 €m Q4 20 Q419 Δ FY 20 FY 19 Δ Pre-Tax net cash from 72.9 62.6 +17% 258.0 161.5 +60% operating activities (IFRS) Income tax paid (8.7) (2.6) >100% (33.4) (17.9) +87% Capital expenditure (excl. M&A) (3.4) (8.8) -61% (26.2) (16.6) +57% Lease repayments (1.5) 0.0 n.m. (4.9) (3.8) +27% Interest paid for borrowings and (3.2) (19.6) -83% (28.1) (46.1) -39% lease liabilities Levered Free Cash Flow (FCFE) 56.1 31.5 +78% 165.4 77.1 +115% as % of adj. EBITDA as % of EBITDA 78% 50% 63% 42% 113% 58% 81% 41% Q4/ FY 2020 Preliminary Results (unaudited) - Investor Presentation . • Capital expenditure mainly related to one-off investments in the ERP system (€13.5m) as well as the new headquarters (€7.6m) Significant lower interest paid due to substantial deleveraging and improved loan financing terms FY 20 levered free cash flow excludes loan repayments of €62.8m (net) and €84.1m cash paid for Ubimax TeamViewer#17Net leverage further reduced to 1.7x adjusted EBITDA Strong cash flow and €24m loan repayment Development cash & cash equivalents in Q4 (Em) 17 53.0 64.2 (3.4) Net financial debt and net leverage development (Єm) Cash & cash equiv. IFRS 16 leases Loan facilities Net financial debt Net leverage 23.1 27.2 (23.8) 83.5 532.3 (3.2) (3.3) 502.4 495.1 438.7 0 53.0 Cash Net cash Capex 30 Sep 20 operating Loan Paid repaym. interest Other Cash 30 Sep 20 31 Dec 20 activities Q4/ FY 2020 Preliminary Results (unaudited) - Investor Presentation 2.0x 83.5 1.7x 31 Dec 20 TeamViewer#18TeamViewer solutions avoid 37 Mt of greenhouse gases every year Based on a scientific study conducted by the Institute for Energy, Ecology, and Economy (DFGE)1 18 Remote connectivity solutions by TeamViewer contribute to an avoidance of 37 megatons CO2 equivalent (CO₂e) emissions per year. This equals the emissions of 11 million. average cars per year or the amount of carbon that 3.5 billion trees can bind in one year. A typical TeamViewer subscriber avoids 4t CO2e per year which is as much as a train ride of 100,000 kilometers - corresponding to a distance of 2.5x around the world. An average TeamViewer connection avoids 13kg CO2e which is as much as a 70km drive with an average car or 5.5 liters of gasoline. Based on 2019 data, calculated in 2020. More information here Q4/ FY 2020 Preliminary Results (unaudited) - Investor Presentation 37 Mt CO₂e TeamViewer#192021 Outlook Targeting 29-33% billings growth at constant currencies Billings (non-IFRS) Revenue (IFRS) 2020 Guidance 2020 Actual 2021 Outlook (*excl. Ubimax) (incl. Ubimax) €450-455m* €460.3m¹ €585-605m at least €450m* €455.6m² €525 – 540m Adj. EBITDA Margin (non-IFRS, as % of Billings) around 56% 56.8% 55-57% Capital Expenditure (excl. M&A) €25-30m €26.2m Ubimax contribution of €3.6m 2 Ubimax contribution of €2.9m 19 Q4/ FY 2020 Preliminary Results (unaudited) - Investor Presentation With c.30% USD denominated billings and exposure to other currencies, reported growth is subject to exchange rate changes Outlook assumes USD/EUR exchange rate of 1.20 and broadly stable other currencies Billings outlook corresponds to 29 - 33% growth at constant currencies Revenue below billings as remaining perpetual deferred revenue has been largely recognized Investments to continue in 2021 within financial model, with a greater focus on marketing initiatives Following one-off investments in 2020, capital expenditure returning to a lower level TeamViewer#20TeamViewer Q&A#21TeamViewer Thank you for your attention! 10 - 11 Feb Roadshow, Virtual (J.P. Morgan) 09-10 Mar UBS Technology One-on-One Virtual Conference 25 Mar Annual Report 04 May Q1 2021 Results#22TeamViewer Appendix#23Further expansion of TeamViewer's global footprint FTEs per function year end 20203 vs. 2019 Sales representatives (FTEs)2 per region 20203 vs. 2019 +49% 1,256 Inside 2019 Enterprise Channel Total 2020 2019 2020 2019 2020 2019 2020 +54% 495 56 69 26 61 14 14 96 144 841 EMEA 12 74 108 +42% 94 Sales¹ 322 +57% 85 49 49 54 16 42 6 AMS Marketing Tech Support 664 66 54 +51% 384 34 49 9 13 8 6 R&D 254 APAC G&A 145 +37% 198 Total 139 172 51 116 31 55 35 2019 2020 ¹Includes quota carriers, management and support functions 2 Includes quota carriers and management 32020 FTE figures include Ubimax 23 Q4/ FY 2020 Preliminary Results (unaudited) - Investor Presentation 51 71 221 323 +46% TeamViewer#24Q4 2020 reconciliation from management key metrics to IFRS €m Billings/Revenue Cost of sales Gross profit contribution Sales Marketing Management view adjusted P&L Deferred revenue D&A Other non-IFRS adjustments Accounting view IFRS P&L 128.1 (7.2) 121.0 (9.6)/(7.5% of Billings) 118.5/(92.5% of Billings) (7.7) (0.2) (17.5)/(14.5% of Revenue) 103.5/(85.6% of Revenue) (16.7) / (13.0% of Billings) (1.4) (7.1) (25.1)/(20.8% of Revenue) (9.3)/(7.3% of Billings) (0.4) (1.6) (11.2)/(9.3% of Revenue) R&D (10.7)/(8.4% of Billings) (1.5) (3.2) (15.4)/(12.7% of Revenue) G&A (7.1)/(5.5% of Billings) (0.5) (5.0) Other¹ (2.7)/(2.1% of Billings) 1.9 (12.6)/ (10.4% of Revenue) (0.8)/(0.7% of Revenue) Adj. EBITDA D&A (ordinary only)2 Adj. EBIT/Operating profit (EBIT) 72.1/(56.3% of Billings) (4.6)2 67.5/(52.7% of Billings) (7.2) (6.8)³ (15.1) 38.3/(31.7% of Revenue) D&A (total) 11.5 EBITDA Tincl. other income/expenses and bad debt expenses of €3.8m 2D&A excl. amortization intangible assets from PPA 3 amortization intangible assets from PPA 24 Q4/ FY 2020 Preliminary Results (unaudited) - Investor Presentation 49.8/ (41.2% of Revenue) TeamViewer#25FY 2020 reconciliation from management key metrics to IFRS €m Billings/Revenue Management view adjusted P&L 460.3 Deferred revenue D&A Other non-IFRS adjustments Accounting view IFRS P&L (4.7) 455.6 Cost of sales Gross profit contribution Sales (35.9)/(7.8% of Billings) 424.4/ (92.2% of Billings) (27.6) (0.6) (64.1)/(14.1% of Revenue) 391.5/(85.9% of Revenue) (58.1) / (12.6% of Billings) (5.0) (14.6) (77.7)/(17.1% of Revenue) Marketing (31.1)/ (6.8% of Billings) (1.3) (6.0) R&D G&A Other1 (34.8)/(7.6)% of Billings) (5.2) (6.6) (26.1)/(5.7% of Billings) (2.0) (26.9) (12.8)/(2.8% of Billings) 3.1 (38.5)/(8.4% of Revenue) (46.6)/ (10.2% of Revenue) (55.0)/(12.1% of Revenue) (9.7)/(2.1% of Revenue) Adj. EBITDA D&A (ordinary only)2 261.5/(56.8% of Billings) (16.3)2 Adj. EBIT/Operating profit (EBIT) 245.2/(53.3% of Billings) (4.7) (24.8) 3 (51.6) 164.0/(36.0% of Revenue) D&A (total) 41.1 EBITDA Tincl. other income/expenses and bad debt expenses of €14.6m 2D&A excl. amortization intangible assets from PPA 3 amortization intangible assets from PPA 25 Q4/ FY 2020 Preliminary Results (unaudited) - Investor Presentation 205.1/(45.0% of Revenue) TeamViewer#26Non-IFRS adjustments in EBITDA Deferred revenue adjustments Other non-IFRS adjustments €m Q4 20 Q419 FY20 FY19 €m Q4 20 Q419 FY 20 FY19 Billings 128.1 100.6 460.3 324.9 Total IFRS 2 charges (14.8) (9.7) (48.9) (36.8) TeamViewer LTIP (0.6) (1.6) Perpetual def. revenue 6.5 28.7 46.2 124.5 Release/(Addition) Ubimax share consideration (7.2) (10.5) Share-based compensation by TLO (6.9) (9.7) (36.8) (36.8) Subscription def. revenue (13.9) (21.3) Release/(Addition) (48.5) (56.7) Other material items (2.3) (5.1) (5.7) (21.0) Financing, M&A, transaction-related (0.8) (0.0) (1.8) (0.6) Unallocated def. revenue 0.2 Release/(Addition) (1.1) (2.3) (2.6) IPO related (0.8) 0.0 (10.8) Other (1.5) (4.2) (3.9) (9.6) Revenue 121.0 106.9 455.6 390.2 USD hedge valuation gain/loss 1.9 3.0 Perpetual deferred revenue now largely released with €2.7m remaining on balance sheet (see next page) Total (15.1) (14.8) (51.6) (57.9) • Unallocated deferred revenue mainly consists of undue billings not recognized as receivables under IFRS 15 • TeamViewer cash-settled LTIP includes executive and key employee grants Ubimax share consideration recognized under IFRS 2 due to vesting condition with respect to continued employment of management Share-based compensation by TigerLux One (TLO) are fully funded by the selling shareholder in the IPO 26 Q4/ FY 2020 Preliminary Results (unaudited) - Investor Presentation TeamViewer#27Deferred revenue development €m Q4 20 Q419 FY 20 FY 19 Perpetual deferred revenue (BOP) 9.2 77.5 48.9 173.4 (-) Release 6.5 28.6 46.2 125.5 (+) Addition 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 Perpetual deferred revenue (EOP) 2.7 48.9 2.7 48.9 Subscription deferred revenue (BOP) 198.6 142.7 164.0 107.2 (-) Release 114.2 80.5 411.8 267.5 (+) Addition 128.1 101.8 460.3 324.3 Subscription deferred revenue (EOP) 212.5 164.0 212.5 164.0 Total deferred revenue (BOP) 207.8 220.2 212.8 280.6 (-) Release 120.8 109.1 458.1 393.1 (+) Addition 128.1 101.7 460.4 325.3 Total deferred revenue (EOP) 215.1 212.8 215.1 212.8 27 Q4/ FY 2020 Preliminary Results (unaudited) - Investor Presentation TeamViewer#28Profit & Loss Statement (unaudited) EUR thousands Revenue Cost of sales Gross profit Other income Research and development Sales Marketing Q4 2020 120,971 Q4 2019 106,934 Δ% FY 2020 FY 2019 Δ% 13% 455,614 390,191 17% (17,465) (13,810) 26% (64,102) (50,228) 28% 103,506 93,124 11% 391,512 339,963 15% 3,231 (8,132) 5,256 7,723 -32% (15,439) (11,136) 39% (46,627) (37,934) 23% (25,096) (18,048) 39% (77,707) (52,731) 47% (11,241) (12,227) -8% (38,459) (29,571) 30% General and administrative (12,604) 5,377 (54,939) (58,445) -6% Other expenses (185) 10 (415) (468) -11% Bad debt expenses (3,825) (4,239) -10% (14,576) (15,489) -6% Operating profit 38,346 44,728 -14% 164,045 153,048 7% Unrealised foreign exchange gains/(losses) 12,665 9,117 39% 27,861 7,770 >100% Realised foreign exchange gains/(losses) (244) (643) -62% (1,586) (20,721) -92% Finance income Finance cost 50 112 -55% 2,953 38,936 -92% (4,561) (7,242) -37% (22,887) (83,891) -73% Profit before taxation Tax income/(expenses) Profit/(loss) for the period Other comprehensive income for the period 46,255 46,072 0% 170,385 95,142 79% (17,316) (1,548) >100% (67,358) 8,717 28,939 44,524 -35% 103,027 103,859 -1% Items that may be reclassified to profit or loss in subsequent periods (756) (340) >100% (1,484) 202 Hedge reserve, gross Exchange differences on translation of foreign operations Total comprehensive income for the period 15 6 >100% (61) 14 (771) (346) >100% (1,424) 188 28,184 44,184 -36% 101,543 104,061 -2% 28 Q4/ FY 2020 Preliminary Results (unaudited) - Investor Presentation TeamViewer#29Balance Sheet (unaudited) EUR thousands Non-current assets Goodwill Intangible assets Property, plant and equipment Financial assets Other assets Deferred tax assets Total non-current assets Current assets Trade receivables Other assets Tax assets Financial assets Cash and cash equivalents Total current assets Total assets 29 Q4/ FY 2020 Preliminary Results (unaudited) - Investor Presentation 31 December 2020 646,793 31 December 2019 590,445 255,330 235,831 40,469 26,480 4,516 4,424 857 1,740 159 6,266 948,124 865,187 19,667 11,756 7,594 5,856 52 4,972 4,456 0 83,531 71,153 115,301 93,737 1,063,425 958,924 TeamViewer#30Balance Sheet (cont'd) (unaudited) EUR thousands Equity Issued capital Capital reserve (Accumulated losses)/retained earnings Hedge reserve Foreign currency translation reserve Total equity attributable to owners of the parent Non-current liabilities Provisions Financial liabilities Deferred revenue Deferred and other liabilities Deferred tax liabilities Total non-current liabilities Current liabilities Provisions Financial liabilities Trade payables Deferred revenue Deferred and other liabilities Other financial liabilities Tax liabilities Total current liabilities Total liabilities Total equity and liabilities 30 Q4/ FY 2020 Preliminary Results (unaudited) - Investor Presentation 31 December 2020 201,071 31 December 2019 366,898 (326,854) 200,000 320,661 (429,881) (61) 0 (343) 240,711 1,081 91,861 433 235 440,153 582,538 361 2,572 1,614 29,186 0 471,747 308 585,652 2,225 3,284 82,099 34,260 8,304 9,069 214,811 210,250 39,120 17,793 29 6,642 4,378 114 350,966 281,411 822,714 867,063 1,063,425 958,924 TeamViewer#31Cash Flow Statement (unaudited) EUR thousands Q4 2020 Q4 2019 FY 2020 FY 2019 Cash flows from operating activities Profit before taxation Depreciation, amortisation and impairment of non-current assets (Gain)/loss from the sale of property, plant and equipment Increase/(decrease) in provisions 46,255 46,072 170,385 11,455 9,346 41,096 95,142 36,442 (285) 13 (278) (5) 890 1,501 753 2,170 Non-operational foreign exchange (gains)/ losses Expenses for share-based compensation - equity settled Net financial result Change in deferred revenue (13,199) (9,450) (30,541) 10,869 14,115 9,742 47,308 36,830 4,511 7,130 19,935 44,955 7,349 (6,564) 2,233 (67,814) Changes in other net working capital and other 1,799 4,766 7,063 2,899 Income tax paid (8,711) (2,633) (33,417) (17,879) Net cash from operating activities 64,179 59,923 224,536 143,610 Cash flows from investing activities Capital expenditure for property, plant and equipment and intangible assets (3,387) (8,789) (26,168) (16,551) Proceeds from the sale of property, plant and equipment 0 (18) 23 0 Payments for the acquisition of non-current financial assets 0 (4,326) (51) (4,326) Acquisition of subsidiaries 0 0 (84,053) 0 Net cash used in investing activities (3,387) (13,134) (110,249) (20,877) 31 Q4/ FY 2020 Preliminary Results (unaudited) - Investor Presentation TeamViewer#3232 32 Cash Flow Statement (cont'd) (unaudited) EUR thousands Cash flows from financing activities Repayments of borrowings Proceeds from bank borrowings Payments for the capital element of lease liabilities Q4 2020 Q4 2019 FY 2020 FY 2019 (23,845) 0 (517,260) (62,832) (696,373) 536,296 0 610,313 (1,505) (4,863) (3,836) Interest paid for borrowings and lease liabilities (3,234) (19,596) (28,071) (46,100) Proceeds/(payments) from the settlement of derivatives 0 (33) 0 (131) Proceeds/(payments) in equity 0 0 0 25 Net cash used in financing activities Net change in cash and cash equivalents Net foreign exchange rate difference (28,584) (590) (95,766) (136,102) 32,209 46,199 18,521 (13,369) (1,468) (1,646) (6,082) 0 Net change from cash risk provisioning Internal combinations and transfers Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period Cash and cash equivalents at end of period (179) (99) (61) 815 0 0 0 3,768 52,969 26,698 71,153 79,939 83,531 71,153 83,531 71,153 Q4/ FY 2020 Preliminary Results (unaudited) - 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