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#1The Education System in the Czech Republic#2E The Education System in the Czech Republic#32 6 Key Facts about Education in the Czech Republic Financing 14 8 € Structure and Responsibilities 30 Vocational Education and Training and Adult Education 26 Tertiary Education 22 Post-Compulsory General and Vocational Education (Upper Secondary and Post-Secondary Level) of the Czech Republic within the 1 2 10 Education Policy System Welcome to the Czech Republic of Education TABLE OF CONTENTS M 18 Compulsory Education 4 16 Pre-Primary Education 5 7 6 Glossary 34 3#44 Welcome to the Czech Republic Czech Republic Area: 78,866 km² Territorial administration: 14 regions (higher level of territorial self-government) divided into municipalities (basic self-governing units) Capital: Other cities with population of over 100 thousand: Plzeň Liberec PRAGUE (1.2 mil. inhabitants) Brno Official language (language of instruction): Czech (belonging to the western Slavic family of languages) Religion: the traditionally low number of people practising a religion has further decreased. 32% of inhabitants declare themselves to be believers, 83% of these are members of the Roman Catholic Church. Ostrava Economic situation GDP per capita: $ 26,046 (data from World Bank for 2011) Currency: Czech Koruna (CZK) Unemployment rate: 6.6% (July 2012, Eurostat) Governance The Czech Republic is a parliamentary democracy with direct election of the President (first time in January 2013). The Parliament is divided into two Chambers: Assembly of Deputies: 200 members elected under the proportional system - Senate: 81 senators elected under the majority system Executive power is held by the National Government headed by a Prime Minister. Public administration is carried out by the central state administration and self-governing regional and local authorities (regions and municipalities). Olomouc People Population: 10.5 mil. (133 inhabitants per km²) Minority groups: Slovaks, Poles, Germans, Roma etc. Other foreigners with residence permits: Ukrainians, Vietnamese, Russians, etc. 5#51348 Historical milestones for Czech education --- Charles IV established a university in Prague - first institution of higher education north of the Alps. 1592 - John Amos Comenius - often considered the founder of modern education was born in Moravia 1774 - Empress Maria Theresa introduced mandatory primary education in the Habsburg Monarchy Czech Republic nowadays. 1989 --- after the "Velvet revolution" Czechoslovakia returned to a liberal democracy 1993 -- The Czech Republic came into existence after splitting with Slovakia 1995 1999 --- The Czech Republic is member of NATO 2004 The Czech Republic is member of the OECD The Czech Republic is member of the European Union - with the first Presidency in 2009 Prague Brno Olomouc Organisation of the Education System in the Czech Republic Mgr., Ing., MUDr., MVDr., MDDr.... Age ISCED SA ལྷཪ་ཀླུ་ལ་ཌ་ཐཱ་ ྴ་ Age Grade 20 O ISCED 5A ISCED 6 HEIs Ph.D., Th.D. Doctoral study programmes 3-4 HEIs Mgr., Ing.... ISCED 5A follow-up Master study programmes 3 Bc. 1-2 Dis. ISCED SA ISCED 5A ISCED 5B HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS ISCED 5B TERTIARY PROFESSIONAL Master study programmes Bachelor study programmes SCHOOLS 6 5 4 4 3 3,5 DiS. 5B ISCED 4A shortened courses with school-leaving exam ISCED 4C shortened courses ISCED 4A follow-up courses 1-2 with apprenticeship certificate 1-1,5 2 precondition: school-leaving exam SECONDARY SCHOOLS and CONSERVATOIRES incl. schools for pupils with special educational needs 19 O 13 5B 18 ISCED 3A 12 CONSER- 17 VATOIRES 16 11 3B SECONDARY EDUCATION WITH SCHOOL-LEAVING EXAM general fields other fields ISCED 3C ISCED 3C SECONDARY EDUCATION APPRENTICESHIP CERTIFICATE ISCED 2C/3C SECONDARY EDUCATION 15 10 8 4 2 2 1 15 10 14 9 8 7 11 6 8 10 5 4 3 6 2nd stage ISCED 2A BASIC SCHOOLS incl. schools for pupils with special educational needs 1st stage ISCED 1 9 10th grade for pupils with special educational needs 2nd stage (7th-10th grade) ISCED 2C NURSERY SCHOOLS incl. schools for pupils with special educational needs, preparatory stage of special basic school, preparatory classes for socially disadvantaged pupils ISCED O Compulsory school attendance SPECIAL BASIC SCHOOLS pupils with a severe mental disability, multiple disabilities or autism 1st stage (1-6 grade) ISCED 1 10#66 Key Facts about Education in the Czech Republic Compulsory education Compulsory school attendance is for all children at the age from 6 to 15 years. In 2010 the number of children of compulsory school age was 834 thousand, i.e. 7% of the population. The official language of instruction is Czech. Only the Polish minority has its own schools teaching in Polish (in 2010/11 there were 25 nursery schools, 21 basic schools and 3 upper secondary schools). EU benchmarks in the Czech Republic Benchmark Czech Republic in 2011 Czech Republic target for 2020 EU benchmark for 2020 Participation in early childhood education (4 years old - year before start of comp. primary) 88.7% (2010) 95% Education attainment (2011) Early leavers from education and training (age 18-24) 4.9% 5.5% 10% Early leavers from education and training Low achievers 4.9% (15 years old, PISA study results) Population aged 25-64 having completed at least upper secondary education Tertiary educational attainment (age group 30-34) 23.8% Reading Mathematics Science 23.1% (2009) 22.3% (2009) 17.3% (2009) 15% 15% 15% 92.3% Higher education attainment (age 30-34) 23.8% 32% 40% Source: Eurostat. Adult participation in lifelong learning (age 25-64) 11.4% (2010) 15% Number of schools and pupils/students (2011/2012) Type of school Number of schools Nursery schools 4,931 Primary schools 4,111 Number of pupils/students 342,521 794,642 (for primary and lower secondary education) Secondary schools 1,393 501,220 (upper secondary education, incl. VET) Conservatoires 18 3,557 Post-secondary colleges 180 29,335 Higher education (2011) --73 Higher Education Institutions divided as follows: 28 universities (26 public, 2 state) -45 private institutions --392,429 students Sources: Eurostat, OECD - PISA, European Commission: Analysis of the implementation of the strategic framework for European cooperation in education and training (ET2020) Investments Public educational expenditure: 8,881.2 mil. EUR Educational expenditure relative to GDP: 4.38% (2009) Sources: Eurostat (data for the year 2009) 7#7Structure and Responsibilities within the System of Education Distribution of responsibilities The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (further referred to as MEYS) preserves the integrated state educa- tional policy by formulating long-term policy objectives of education and development of the education system every four years (approved by the government). In terms of higher education, long-term plans are formulated now for 2011-2015, and updated annually. The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MEYS) above all: is primarily responsible for the conception, state and development of the education system; determines the content of education: approves framework educational programmes which are the base for the development of school educational programmes; accredits educational programmes for tertiary professional schools and for higher education institutions; is responsible for the state financing policy in education - for drawing up of the education budget and for determining of principles of its allocation; is in charge of the school register which has a constitutional meaning: only a registered institution has a right to provide recognized education and receives public resources; is an organising body of institutions for in-service training of teachers and facilities for institutional care and also of some schools and schools facilities. Regions are given a high degree of autonomy. They are responsible for education on their territory. Regional au- thorities formulate long-term policy objectives for their territory every four years in compliance with national ob- jectives. Regions are also organising bodies in particular for upper secondary and tertiary professional schools. The municipalities are responsible for ensuring conditions for the compulsory school attendance, thus they establish and administer basic schools. Usually, they are also organising bodies of nursery schools which are not compulsory. Legislation § Education Act on Pre-primary, Basic, Secondary and Tertiary Professional Education (No. 472/2011) sets out the principles and aims of education and the education system - composed of (1) schools, which organise education according to framework educa- tional programmes, and (2) school facilities, which provide education and services complementing or supporting education at schools. The Act also regulates administration: the legal status of schools, their registration, financing, status and responsibilities of different levels of administration, e.g. municipalities, regions, and the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, or other relevant ministries. § The Act on Educational Staff and on the Amendments of Several Acts (No. 563/2004) regulates requirements for the performance of educational staff's duties, their in-service training and career progression. § The Act on Providing Subsidies to Private Schools and Pre-school and School Establishments (No. 306/1999). § The Act on Institutional Education or Protective Education in School Provisions and on Preventive Educational Care (383/2005) stipulates the requirements for the education of children and adolescents lacking proper family support or those with behavioural problems. § The Higher Education Act (No. 111/1998), amended several times, extended the non-university and private sectors of higher education. The majority of these are no longer state institutions (with the exception of military and police higher education institutions which are entirely state-funded) but public institutions (state-subsidised) that manage their own property and have wide-ranging autonomy. New Higher Education Act is being prepared. § The Act on Verification and Recognition of Further Education Outcomes (No. 179/2006) opened up a new pathway for adults to obtain a certificate for a qualification attained in practice without formal education. Schools autonomy Since January 1st 2003, all schools have been granted the status of legal entities. School heads were given full responsibility for the quality of the educational process, for financial management of the school, for appointing and dismissing teachers and for relations with treir local community and the general public. By law, the school organising body must establish a School Council enabling parents, pupils, teaching staff (except for the school head), and the public to participate in the administration of the school. Organising bodies appoint school heads on the basis of a tender and they can only be dismissed for reasons defined by law. Public higher education institutions were granted autonomy at all levels of management. Internal management of institutions, the establishment of self-governing academic bodies, content and organisation of study, labour relations and funding is exercised by the Academic Senate, the rector, the Academic (Art) Board and a Discipli- nary Commission. The Board of Trustees safeguards public interest in the institution's activities and efficient property managment. The faculties also have autonomous bodies, but these are not legal entities. Higher edu- cation institutions also have a representative body, the Higher Education Council, made up of representatives from the academic community. State higher education institutions (The University of Defence and The Police Academy) are established by the relevant ministries and their autonomy is limited. Private schools Private schools have been in existence since 1990 (at university level since 1999). These schools are mostly non-confessional and the most common legal form is a for-profit or non-profit making grant-aided organisation. Both private and denominational schools represent 3% of the total number of basic schools and 1.5% of their pupils; in the case of upper secondary schools this is 25.7% of schools and 14.7% of pupils; for tertiary profes- sional schools they represented 33.9% of institutions and 29.6% of students in 2010/11; for universities the figures were 62% of institutions and 13.7% of students in 2011/2012. Advisory and consultative bodies The MEYS is assisted by several advisory bodies in deciding on the development of education and different levels of the educational system, recognition of educational institutions, economic issues, etc. The Education Act specifies situations in which the opinion of interest groups is required; sometimes other ministries have to be consulted. The highest advisory body at the national level is the Council of Economic and Social Agreement (tripartite: government employers - unions). The Czech School Inspectorate is a central control body under the direct supervision of the MEYS. It is respon- sible for monitoring of schools and school facilities: their educational programmes and outcomes, the quality of management, how effectively funds are used and compilance with binding regulations, at all levels with the exception of the higher education institutions. The National Institute of Education (established in June 2011 by merging three formerly separate institutes) focuses on development in the area of pre-primary, primary, secondary and post-secondary education, and also provide guidance. The Centre for Evaluation of Educational Achievement prepares evaluation tools for the school-leaving exami- nations and supports pupils' assessments at basic schools. The National Institute for Further Education arranges courses, seminars, lectures and other activities for thr further education of the pedagogical staff. Within the higher education sphere, a similar role to that of the above mentioned organizations is played by the Centre for the Study of Higher Education which has the status of a public research institution. Teacher training Education for would-be teachers is described in the relevant chapters. The obligation to ensure in-service training of teachers in public and state schools is stipulated in the Act on Educational Staff. In-service training is organised by higher education institutions, institutions for in-service training of educational staff and at other facilities on the basis of an accreditation granted by the MEYS. Teachers may prefer the self-study option, where they are entitled to 12 working days off for study in the school year. In-service training programmes for teach- ers are mainly provided by the National Institute for Further Education, which consists of a centre and thirteen regional stations. Higher education institutions offer refresher training courses for teachers returning to the profession after a long interval, qualification training courses providing upgrading of educational qualifications, specialised courses, and educational studies for graduates from non-teacher training faculties. 8 00 9#810 10 Education Policy of the Czech Republic The Czech system of education has undergone several important reforms during the past 20 years. Several reform processes and changes are especially of high importance: The Education Act set a two-level structure for educational programmes for pre-primary, compulsory and upper secondary education (incl. initial vocational educa- tion and training). Framework Educational Programmes specify the concrete objectives, form, length and compulsory content of education and some general conditions for their implementation, as well as conditions for the education of pupils with special educa- tional needs. Each school has to draw up its own School educational programme in accordance with the Framework Educational Programme and the school's conditions. In the area of higher education the Bologna process has fundamentally influ- enced the system of tertiary education in the Czech Republic. Besides significant massi- fication of higher education, all initiatives approved by the Ministers in the framework of Bologna process have been adopted (i.e. 3-structure system, ECTS, diploma supplement, quality assurance, etc., the national qualification framework is being developed). Bologna process implementation report 2012 - results for the Czech Republic: Degree System Range of five colours: Quality Assurance Recognition from dark green (fully implemented)-green-yellow- -orange- to red (not implemented/insufficient implementation) Sources: -The Czech Republic has adopted the key principles of lifelong learning and in line with the European Union policy the Strategy of Lifelong Learning was approved by the Government in 2007. Seven strategic priorities for the development of lifelong learning in the Czech Republic have been defined: (1) recognition and permeability, (2) equal access, (3) functional literacy, (4) social partnership, (5) demand stimulation, (6) quality, (7) counselling services. This strategy is followed by the Implementation Plan, where responsibilities, timetable, financial provision and procedures are specified. In response to the Recommendation of the European Parliament and the Council of the EU on the devel- opment of European Qualification Framework (EQF), the Czech Republic is developing the National qualification framework which is should be based on a national qualification register and national qualification framework for tertiary education. Ongoing reforms A number of reforms have been introduced to respond to current challenges (results of Czech pupils and students in international surveys, labour market needs, demography, support for competitiveness, etc.). These reforms are also mentioned in the National Reform Programme of the Czech Republic. The following reform steps are crucial: 1) Improving the quality and availability of pre-school education The Government will take steps to facilitate the establishment of pre-school education institutions by removing existing regulatory barriers, especially the superfluous demands regarding specific conditions for the establish- ment of such facilities. The Government will also financially support the establishment of company nurseries and increase the availability of preschool education for children from socially disadvantaged backgrounds. i. 2) Systematic improvements in the quality of education and reform of the education system Beginning with the school year 2013/2014, the Government will introduce systematic evaluation of results of education of pupils of the 5 and the 9 basic school grades and of the corresponding grades of six- and eight-year secondary grammar schools with the aim of using such results in its own evaluation of the school. The evaluation will focus primarily on the pupil's orietation in his/her own knowledge and on his/her ability to make use of attained skills. Such evaluation system will be motivating for the school; concrete results will be provided only to the pupil and to the school. ii. Focus will be placed on the social integration role of basic education and equal access to education. By 2020 the Government will reduce the number of children educated outside the mainstream. iii. Conditions for teaching staff should be improved by a new system of remuneration for teachers, which will be closely linked to the career system and both these systems will motivate teachers towards lifelong improvement of the quality of their work. iv. Reform of school-leaving examination (at the end of upper secondary education) focuses on the comparability of knowledge among all students from different types of upper secondary schools. A new final examination in vocational education should also be introduced. v. European tools such as European Quality Assurance in VET or others should be also used for improvement of cooperation between VET and employers. vi. Further steps are planned for the support of adult education, especially through the recognition of further education results and the development of a national qualification framework.. vii. A new model of norms for financing of the regional education system are being elaborated. This model will include also other parameters, which will contribute to the optimisation of the network of schools (with regard to the demographic development). The reform will also take into account all types of special educational needs and will provide support to the basic schools involved in the integration and provision of mainstream education with the aim of educating pupils with special educational needs. 3) Higher education reform Reform targets in higher education are focused on the following priorities: raising the quality, excellence and relevance of education and other activities of higher education institutions; the diversification of higher educa- tion institutions according to their specific mission and the performance achieved; the opening up of higher education institutions in an international, national and regional context and to the needs of various social part- ners and groups; the efficient use of legal, economic and other Government instruments to rationally guide the development of higher education. The main instruments for achieving these targets are of both a legislative and non-legislative nature. The new Higher Education Act, which is being prepared, involves the financial participation from students and the Act on Financial Assistance. These Acts are the basic legislative materials concerning the higher education system and which will newly define, among others, the basic types of higher schools, will balance the competencies of the main bodies of public higher schools and will ensure comprehensive regulation of the relation between the state and the higher schools. 11#912 Quality assurance- Quality assurance is reflected in the long-term policy objectives for education and the development of the education system and annual reports on the status and develop- ment of the education system. The evaluation of schools and school facilities is carried out by the Czech School Inspectorate, which is responsible for studying and evaluating education outcomes, the quality of professional and pedagogical management, working conditions, teaching materials and equipment for public legal auditing, the use of the funds from the state budget and for compliance with generally binding regulations. The results of inspections are inspection or topic reports, control protocols and also the annual report comprising a summary evaluation of the education system. The system of quality assurance at higher education institutions is based on the prin- ciples of internal and external evaluation. In line with the Higher Education Act, the external evaluation is carried out by the Accreditation Commission or (in case of interest of the HEI) also by international evaluation organizations, for example by the European University Association. The system of evaluation is in line with the international prin- ciples formulated by the ENQA (European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education), CEEN (Central and Eastern European Network for Quality Assurance) and INQAAHE (International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in HE), of which the Accreditation Commission is a member. EU dimension and international cooperation Cooperation within Europe and other states is an integral part of the education policy in the Czech Republic, particularly after its accession to the European Union The Czech Republic: cooperates with all relevant international organizations - The European Union, Council of Europe, OECD, UNESCO, Visegrad Group, etc. participated in important reform processes, e.g. the Bologna process joined various international programmes, e.g. CEEPUS has concluded more than 100 bilateral international agreements. Internationalisation has been an integral part of all strategic policy documents, especially in higher edu- cation. The Czech Republic is actively involved in the European cooperation in education and training and implements initiatives approved at the EU level. Emphasis is placed on the increasing possibilities for mobility of students, teachers and academics. European programmes and the Financial Mechanism of the EEA have been the most important tools in this respect. Special focus is placed on the mobility of higher education students which should be the rule, rather than the exception according to the Bologna process and EU objectives. Number of students in the Erasmus mobility programme in 2010/2011 in the Czech Republic: Number of students from the Czech Republic who used the Erasmus programme between 1998 and 2011: 6,433 51,275 (with Germany, France and Spain as the most popular countries for mobility) Incoming student mobility between 1998 and 2010 in the Erasmus programme: 24,379 13#1014 Financing Expenditure on education in the Czech Republic comes mainly from public funds: from the central stage budget and from the budget of the territorial administrative units - regions and municipalities. Funds are also raised from schools' economic activities and from schools' participation in international programmes. Private schools The funding of private schools is based on the same per capita principle as for public schools. Basic sub- sidies (50-80% of the amount granted to similar public institutions, according to the type) can be raised to 80-100% if the school meets a set of criteria. Denominational schools receive the same funding as public schools directly from the MEYS. Private higher education institutions must be non-profit-making to be eligible for a state grant. Public education expenditure (2009) 8,881.2 mil. EUR 4.38% Educational expenditure relative to GDP (2009) Source: Eurostat The funding mechanism changed fundamentally in 1992 from funding for institutions to formula ('per capita') funding: amounts of non-capital expenditures per pupil/stu- dent are set by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (capital expenditures in not funded on a 'per capita' basis). Annual expenditure on public and private educational institutions per pupil/student 4,621 EUR European Union sources of financing An important role for investments in education is played by the European structural funds, especially the two listed below (for the period 2007-2013): The Operational Programme Education for Competitiveness Focusing on the enhancement and modernisation of initial, tertiary and further educational systems, their interactions with a comprehensive system of lifelong learning, and on the improvement of conditions in the area of research and development. The total amount of EUR 1.83 million from the EU funds represents approx. 6.8 % of all financing intended for the Czech Republic from the EU funds. The Operational Programme Research and Development for Innovation Focusing on the reinforcement of the research, development and pro-innovation potential of the Czech Republic, in particular through universities, research institutions and their cooperation with the private sector. It supports equipping of the research workplaces with modern technologies, developing new research workplaces and increasing the capacity of tertiary education. It is the fourth largest Czech operational program and EUR 2,070.68 million has been allocated to it from the EU funds (in 2009 in EUR, for all levels of education combined, PPS based on full-time equivalents) Annual expenditure on public and private educational institutions per pupil at the primary level of education (ISCED 1): Annual expenditure on public and private educational institutions per pupil at the secondary level of education (ISCED 2-4): Annual expenditure on public and private educational institutions per student at the tertiary level of education (ISCED 5-6): Source: Eurostat 3,163 EUR (2009) 4,766 EUR (2009) 6,208 EUR (2009) Principles for financing of schools and school facilities founded by regions and municipalities School funding comes from two sources: capital and running costs are covered by the organising bodies (regions and municipalities from regional/municipal budgets), while educational costs (salaries and teaching aids) are allocated from the state (central) budget by the MEYS via the regional administrations. Funding is based on the per capita principle. For schools, the per capita amount is determined centrally for 4 age groups corresponding to the respective levels of education (ISCED 0-3, 5B) and distributed to regions according to the number of pupils in the respective age group. Regions determine per capita amounts for different schools. Principles for financing of higher education institutions (HEIs) Higher education institutions receive funds from the state budget for both their running and capital costs. Higher education institutions receive a financial contribution according to the number of students and graduates, the economic costingness of the relevant study programme and certain quality and performance indicators. The MEYS is also used to fi- nance HEIs through project grants. Part of the budget is also allocated to schools on the basis of qualitative criteria. A new funding system currently under preparation will make even more provision for HEI qualitative performance indicators. € Important sources for especially for the mobility of students and teachers/academics are the EU programmes or other financial tools such as the Financial Mechanism EEA/Norway. Adult retraining programmes are largely funded from the Operational programme Human Re- sources and Employment (under the responsibil- ity of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs) or the Operational programme Enterprise and Innovation in the case of company employees. 15#1116 Pre-primary Education Key data for pre-primary education in the Czech Republic: 4,931 nursery schools (2011/2012) 342,521 children (2011/2012) Participation in early childhood education of children between the age of 4 and the age of starting compulsory education (EU benchmark) - 88.7% (2010) Ratio of pupils to teachers - 12.8 (2010/2011) Nursery school is a part of the education system with a long tradition - the beginning of institutional pre-school education dates back to 1832 and the Education Act of 1869 already mentions pre-primary establishments. Pre-primary education was incorporated as a full component part of the education system in 1948, however, it emphasised principles of collective education and aimed to weaken the influence of the family over the children's education. After 1989, a lively debate developed over the role of nursery schools and the personality-oriented model of pre-primary education was encouraged. The pre-primary education is regulated by the Framework Educational Programme for Pre-prima- ry Education (approved by the MEYS in 2004), on the basis of which each school has to develop its own educational programme. Pre-school education has the following main objectives: to facili- tate the children's development and their ability to learn, to enable children to acquire the basic values on which our society is based, to become independent and able to express themselves as individuals in relation to their surroundings. The Framework Educational Programme is divided into the following educational areas: the child and his/her body the child and his/her psyche (Language and speech, Cognitive abilities and functions, imagination and fantasy, thought operations and Self-concept, emotions and will) the child and others the child and society the child and the world The main components of the programme are spontaneous games and physical activities, including outdoor activities and games, walks and excursions. Sleep is also an im- portant element of the routine. Personal development and socialisation are also supported by activities related to literary, artistic and moral education. All activities emphasise emotional involvement and encourage a spirit of participation. Nurse- ry schools are moving towards internal differentiation and the individualisation of their programmes. Foreign language teach- ing, swimming courses, artistic activity, speech therapy and programmes for gifted children are also offered. Pre-primary education is also mentioned as a prior- ity also in the National Reform Programme of the Czech Republic (2011) because of its importance for the further development of children. The emphasis is on increasing the availability of pre-school educa- tion institutions, as the lack of these schools is a real problem for many families. Besides removing exist- ing regulatory barriers regarding the establishment of such facilities, financial support is provided for company nurseries. Nursery schools are designed for children from 3 years up to 6 years of age. Two-year-old children are currently accepted in some of the schools under cer- tain conditions. Attendance is not compulsory but ap- proximately 84% of the total age group (3-6 years) are included, rising to 91% in the pre-school year. The year preceding compulsory schooling is free of charge and children have a legal right to attend it. Parents can be asked to pay a maximum of 50% of the running (not educational) costs covered by the community. Every nursery school, and indeed every teacher, can choose or prepare a system for monitoring and assessing children's development. If any irregularities or problems occur during attendance the nursery school will, with the agreement of parents, provide educational, psychological or medical consultations and offer remedial and de- velopmental programmes tailored to the child's individual needs. Nursery schools are usually established by municipalities or groups of municipalities. The share of private and church founders is very low (2.6% of institutions. 1.6% of children in the school year 2010/2011). For socially disadvantaged children, preparatory classes may be established during the year prior to their starting compulsory schooling at basic schools. Nursery school teachers obtain a full qualification from a four-year upper secondary school course with a final secondary leaving examination. Nursery school teachers can also be trained in courses offered by faculties of education at universities or tertiary professional schools. Virtually all teachers of the nursery school are women, although the profession is open to both genders. 17#1218 Compulsory Education School attendance is compulsory for nine years, usually from the ages of 6 to 15. All pupils start their primary education in a comprehensive basic school (5 years). During the second stage (lower-secondary education) it is possible to: continue at the basic school - an option which is used by majority of pupils proceed to multi-year secondary general school (gymnázium), which is a secondary school providing a general education - this option is used by 11% of pupils proceed to eight-year conservatoire - which is used by 0.07% of pupils. Children with a severe mental disability, multiple disabilities or autism can attend special basic schools. An increasing number of pupils (3-5% in the past years) complete their compulsory school attendance before reaching the last year of basic school because they have had to repeat one or more school year(s) in which they had not succeeded in all the compulsory subjects. A number of these pupils continue their studies at secondary vocational schools where they gain a professional qualification. year of the compulsory school attendance age 914 BASIC 8 13 SCHOOL education) 7 12 ISCED 2A 611 5 10 49 (lower-secondary 6-YEAR SECONDARY GENERAL SCHOOL BASIC SCHOOL (2 years of lower- secondary education) ISCED 2A options MULTI-YEAR SECONDARY GENERAL SCHOOL (gymnázium) CONSERVATOIRE (8 years) BASIC SCHOOL 3 8 (primary education) ISCED 1 2 7 16 SPECIAL BASIC SCHOOLS (pupils with a severe mental disability, multiple disabilities or autism) 1 2011/2012: 4,111 basic schools with 794,642 pupils Basic schools accept children who have reached 6 years of age by 1 September of the year in question. Children turning 6 between the beginning of the school year and the end of the calendar year can be admitted if they are sufficiently mature, physically and mentally, and if their legal guardian applies for admission. The maturity of pupils is assessed during their enrolment in school. If a pupil is not considered mature enough to attend school he/she continues to attend either a nursery school or a preparatory class within basic schools. These classes have fewer children, each child is given individual tuition and teachers can use the help of teacher's assistants. Around 2% of pupils move into compulsory education from these classes. 2 Basic school has two levels: 3 the first stage now covers the first to fifth grades (ISCED 1) and all subjects are usually taught by a generalist teacher the second stage covers sixth to ninth grades (ISCED 2) and subjects are taught by teachers specialising mostly in two subjects, classes are coeducational 4 Pupils can leave single structure of the basic school after successfully completing the fifth year (to attend an eight-year secondary general school) or the seventh year (to attend a six-year secondary general school). The enrolment procedure usually includes an entrance examination set by the school head. There are 11 % pupils in this age group (between 11 and 15 years old) attending a secondary general school (2010/11). The enrolment procedure for education at a conservatoire is in the form of an examination to test applicant's par- ticular abilities. Only around 0.07% of pupils between 11 and 15 perform their compulsory school attendance at eight-year conservatoires. Structure and organization There has always been an even, dense distribution of basic schools. There are a great number of small munici- palities in the Czech Republic, which implies also a large number of small-sized schools (35% of basic schools have fewer than 50 pupils). Catchment areas are defined, but the choice of schools is free. The number of pupils per class is between a minimum of 17 and a maximum of 30. In 2010/11, the average class size was 20.0 (SEN pupils are not included in this number). The co-educational classes are made up of pupils of the same age. Small communities can organise schools (primary stage only) with one or more classes of mixed age. The school year begins on 1 September and ends on 31 August of the following year. In 2010/11, the school year comprises 196 days of teaching. Lessons of 45 minutes are spread over five days a week. The timetable is 18-26 lessons at the first stage, gradually increasing to 28-32 lessons at the second stage. In 2006/07 it was extended by 5 hours. Education is running mostly in the morning. Apart from education, schools offer their pupils all-day care and interest activities in the school facilities. 19#13Curriculum The binding document for education in basic school as well as in lower stage of multi-year secondary general school is the Framework Educational Programme for Basic Education (FEP BE) approved by the MEYS in 2005. On the basis of the FEP BE, schools have to prepare their own school educational programmes (SEPs): in 2010/11 schools were providing instruction according to their SEPS in most grades. The FEP BE defines nine main educational areas consisting of one or more educational fields, cross-curricular topics, complementary educational fields and key competences of a school leaver. It specifies the curriculum of the fields, i.e. the recommended content and expected outcomes at the end of every period (the first stage is divided into first and second periods: years 1-3 and 4-5). The educational areas are: (1) Language and language communication, (2) Mathematics and its application, (3) ICT, (4) People and their world, (5) People and society, (6) People and nature, (7) Art and culture, (8) People and their health, (9) People and the world of work. The cross-curricular topics comprise: Personal and social education, Education for democratic citizenship, Education towards thinking in the European and global context, Multicultural education, Environmental education, and Media studies. 4 5 6 The SEP BE divides the curriculum into particular years (or other compact parts, e.g. modules) and into subjects and specifies the syllabus. One educational field can form part of one or more subjects or the educational content of different fields can be combined into an 'integrated subject'. Schools profile themselves through their SEPs. Teaching of a foreign language starts in the 3rd year, but the school head can include it in the 1st year if pupils are interested and parents agree. The pupils must be offered the instruction in English before other languages. Teachers can choose their own teaching methods, within the scope of the proposals or recommendations articu- lated in the educational programme and according to the general policy of the school. Each school has a free choice of textbooks. Assessment The general principles of assessment of pupils' educational results are set out in the Education Act. The rules of pupils' assessment are defined by each school in the School Code and respect the MEYS's degree and curriculum. Continuous assessment is provided by teachers and 5-point scale is most commonly used. Continuous assessment results are summarized in a school report at the end of each semester. According to the MEYS degree, the 5-point scale, verbal assessment (authorized at all educational levels since 2005) or a combination of both may be used in the school report. Final school reports are issued with proof that the required level of basic education has been reached. Pupils who have not succeeded in all compulsory subjects can repeat a year once at every sta- ge. Nevertheless, Czech com- pulsory school attendance is characterised by its low rate of failure - for a number of years the average number of pupils repeating a grade has been less than 1%. 7 Support and guidance Educational staff responsible for guidance services at schools include: educational counsellors school prevention specialists (sometimes) school psychologists or special educators. Their activities include assistance in preventing pupil failure, dealing with socially pathological phenomena, support to pupils with special educational needs and special talent and career guidance. Schools can cooperate with educational and psychological guidance services or (in case of disabled children) special educational centres. Special educational needs In general, the emphasis is on integrating SEN pupils into regular classes, which is an important principle of inclusive education and is also stressed also in the new Education Act. (2.4% of the population falls outside mainstream education.) If required by the nature of the disability, schools, eventually classes, departments or study groups using adapted educational programmes are established for disabled chil- dren, pupils or students. Pupils with serious mental disability, pupils with multiple disabilities, and autistic pupils are entitled to be educated at special schools, which exist from the pre-primary to upper secondary level. Their curriculum and qualifications are as close as possible to those of mainstream schools and the methods are appropriate to the specific educational problems. At the compulsory level, the basic special school can be established for pupils with me- dium and severe mental disabilities and multiple mental disabilities and a basic practical school for pupils with mild mental disabilities. These pupils can continue their education in courses at a practical school (ISCED 2C) or a secondary vocational school (ISCED 3C) - two secondary schools set up for pupils with lower study prerequisites - or in other special vocational courses at upper sec- ondary level (ISCED 3C) for pupils with mild mental disabilities and for those who have not successfully completed lower secondary education. Attendance at a special school requires a recommendation from the appropriate authority and parental consent. Teachers Would-be teachers at a primary and lower-secondary level of education must obtain a university qualification at Master's level (4 or 5 years course, usually at a faculty of education), which includes relatively short practical experience. Teachers at the pri- mary level are generalists, at lower-secondary specialists. They do not have the status of civil servants and their prescribed teaching load is 22 lessons per week. 20 24 21#14Post-Compulsory General and Vocational Education (Upper Secondary and Post-Secondary Level) Upper secondary education is a highly differentiated system guaranteeing education and vocational training for almost the entire population of young people between completion of compulsory school attendance and taking up employment or continuing in higher education (i.e. generally aged 15 to 19 years). The starting age of study is determined by the completion of compulsory education, however some secondary schools (multi-year secondary general schools and conservatoires) also provide a programme of compulsory education (lower-secondary) and therefore even younger pupils attend them. Upper secondary education has a long tradition in the Czech Republic Upper secondary attainment (age 20-24): (EU average is 79.5%; both figures from 2011) Early leavers from education and training (age 18-24): (EU average is 13.5%; both figures from 2011) Source: Eurostat Types of upper secondary education¹ Levels of education Type of school & their characteristics Secondary general school (gymnázium) Lyceum 91.7% 4.9% Length (years) Theoretical age 4 15-19 Secondary education according to the acquired education/qualification Secondary education completed with school- leaving examination (maturitní zkouška) ISCED 3A Secondary education leading to apprentice- ship certificate ISCED 3C Secondary education ISCED 2C/3C Upper secondary general education Upper secondary educa- tion with several spe- cialization: pedagogical, economical, technical, etc. Upper secondary technical education. Art education¹ Upper secondary voca- tional education; very practically oriented Upper secondary general and vocational education acquired through comple- tion of an educational pro- gramme lasting 1-2 years Secondary technical school (střední odborná škola) Conservatoire Secondary vocational school (střední odborné učiliště) 2/3 15-17-18 Secondary vocational school or practical school 1-2 15-16/17 Those graduating from upper secondary education can improve or change their qualification in three types of post-secondary non-tertiary education (programmes) two-year technical follow-up studies offering graduates of three-year vocational 3C programmes studies of general and theoretical subjects in the area of study to achieve ISCED level 4A, two types of shortened study (technical or vocational) providingthese leaving general or technical ISCED level 3 programmes with either knowledge of another field or skills to achieve ISCED level 4A or level 4C. Prerequisites for acceptance in upper (resp. or post-) secondary education are the completion of a compulsory (or secondary) education and successfully meeting the entrance requirements set by the school (including for example an entrance examination/test. The enrolment procedure for education at a conservatoire is held in the form of an examination to test the applicant's particular abilities. Secondary schools are usually public, generally established by regions, with the education free of charge. But there are also private or denominational secondary schools where fees are paid. Classes are co-educational (except for physical education lessons). Curriculum According to the education reform programme, the MEYS is responsible for the development and update/innova- tion of the so called Framework Educational Programmes for different levels and types of education on the basis of which each school prepares its own schools education programme. The choice of teaching methods, materials and aids depends on the teacher and ICT and teaching software are used more and more often. Average number of foreign languages learned per pupil (2010) Level of education Lower secondary (ISCED 2) Upper secondary (ISCED 3) Number of foreign languages 1.3 1.5 Note: The average number of foreign languages learned per pupil at upper secondary general education is 2.0, in pre-vocational 1.3. Source: Eurostat Assessment Upper secondary schools use both continuous assessment and final assessment of pupils in a school report. The results of a pupil's education may be expressed by a mark, a verbal assessment, or by a combination of both. There are no exams at the end of a year. 22 1 Minor exceptions may occur.. 2 Nevertheless, studies at conservatoires are usually completed by an absolutorium at conservatoires (ISCED B). 1 2 3 4 23#15All upper secondary schools organise their own final examination out of the following three types The school leaving examination - maturitní zkouška. Leavers are awarded a school leaving examination certificate (vysvědčení o maturitní zkoušce) which opens opportunities to enter a higher level of education. In the Education Act, a new structure was introduced for this examination. It consists of a common part (defined by the state) and a profile part (defined by the school). The common part consists of Czech language, a foreign language and an optional subject. From the 2010/11 school year, pupils should complete their studies on the basis of this exam. The final examination - závěrečná zkouška - for three-year (pre- vailing) or two-year courses (ISCED level 3C) or shortened study (ISCED 4C level) where a part of the examination is practical. Leavers are awarded the final examination certificate (vysvědčení o závěrečné zkoušce) and the apprenticeship certificate (výuční list) which attests to their skills in a given field. A central (national) section is also being prepared for this exam. The final examination - závěrečná zkouška - in two- and one-year courses which are general or vocational (ISCED level 2C/3C). However, graduates represent a very small proportion of total graduates. Secondary general schools Secondary general schools (gymnázia) provide secondary education which aims to provide pupils with key competencies and a broad outlook, preparing them above all for higher education and other types of tertiary education, for professional specialisation, as well as for life in society. Three types of courses are offered 4-year courses for pupils who have completed their compulsory school attendance; 6-year courses for pupils who have completed the 7th year; 8-year courses for pupils who have completed the 5th year. In addition to general courses, there are 12 fields of study (for example languages, humanities, natural sciences, mathematics, physical education etc.) with a special focus on these subjects in the curriculum. Some six- year courses and one eight-year courses provide instruction in some or all subjects in a foreign language - CLIL (so-called bilingual secondary general schools). However, the majority of these schools are general in their orientation. 74% of all leavers of upper secondary education terminate their studies with the school leaving examination Those leaving secondary general school (gymnázia) represent 30% of holders of the school- leaving exam (maturitní zkouška) and 22% of all those leaving upper secondary education Secondary technical and vocational schools Schools providing technical and vocational education have a long tradition in the Czech Re- public. These schools were intended to provide an education with an intermediate level of qualifications on the assumption that these students would move directly into the labour market. The education was geared towards developing their practical application of the tech- nical knowledge and skills acquired. According to the acquired school-leaving examination there are two types of education (except a minor programmes of vocational education lasting only 1-2 years) Technical secondary education completed by the school-leaving examination (maturitní zkouška) Vocational secondary education leading to an apprenticeship certificate (when a week of theoretical education and a week of practical training normally alternate). Some schools organise two year follow-up courses leading to the school-leaving examination for pupils who have an ap- prenticeship certificate. Many pupils choose de facto five-year professional education composed of three-year training, through which they gain an apprenticeship certificate, and a further two years completed by the school-leaving examination (maturitní zkouška). The framework educational programmes for technical and vocational education include gen- eral as well as technical/vocational education areas, cross-curricular subjects, key and spe- cific competences. There are specific framework education programmes for follow-up courses (ISCED 4A level), programmes of shortened study (4A or 4C) are based on the framework education programme for the appropriate upper secondary course. Conservatoires The conservatoire (konzervatoř) is a special type of school, providing artistic education, which can be acquired through studies in dance, music, singing and musical-dramatic art courses. Courses last either 6 or 8 years - admitting pupils who have completed their compulsory school education or pupils who have successfully completed 5 years of basic school. The admission procedure requires candidates to demonstrate their talent in the form of an aptitude test. The Framework Educational Programmes (FEP) for conservatoire courses were approved in 2010. The structure of these FEPS is similar to that of FEPS for upper secondary vocational education. Education is generally completed by passing an absolutorium examination, which awards those leaving "tertiary professional education in conservatoire" (ISCED 5B) with the quali- fication of a "qualified specialist" (DiS.). The absolutorium is a comprehensive professional examination consisting of a theoretical examination in vocational sub- jects specified by a curricular document, an examination in a foreign language, a thesis and a performance in one or two principal artistic branches, or an examination in artistic and pedagogical training. Pupils in upper secondary education enrolled in vocational stream (2010): Total: Males: Females: 73% 78.8% 67.3% Source: Eurostat 24 24 The Framework Educational Programme for Upper Secondary General Education (for secondary general schools) stipulates 8 educational areas, 5 cross-curricular subjects and also the key competences of a school leaver. The school head determines the optional subjects as well as the use of the disposable lessons. 6 7 8 9 Teachers Would-be teachers at secondary and post-secondary level of education must obtain a univer- sity qualification at Master's level - usually at a faculty of education, which includes relatively short practical experience. Graduates from academic Master's degree courses can gain teaching qualifications in consecutive higher education courses. Teachers of theoretical technical sub- jects gain Master's degrees from specialised higher education institutions (technical universi- ties, agricultural universities, faculties of medicine, universities of economics, theology and fine arts, etc.) and usually gain their teaching qualifications later. Different types of lower vocational qualifications (from non-tertiary education) are sufficient for practical education teachers. 25#1626 Tertiary Education Types of institutions and qualification acquired Higher education institutions (HEIs) Institution ISCED level Length (years) Type of examination Degree awarded 5B 2 Conservatoire (art education) Tertiary professional 5B 3 (3.5) school Higher education institution - university and non-university type (Bachelor and Master's studies) Higher education institution-university type (Doctoral studies) Absolutorium Absolutorium DiS. (specialist with a diploma) (Bachelor/Bachelor of Art) 5A 1st cycle State examination Bc./BcA 3-4 and defence of a thesis (180-240 ECTS) 2nd cycle State examination 1-3 (or 4-6 in case of "long" non-structured courses) and defence of a thesis Specific state examination ("rigorózní zkouška") and defence of a thesis Mgr./MgA. (Master/Master of Art) Ing./Ing. arch. (for technical and economic branches/ in architecture) MUDr. (doctor of medicine), MDDr. (dentist), MVDr. (doctor of veterinary medicine) For Master degree holders after taking this type of examination: JUDr. (in law), PhDr. (in humanities, education and social sciences), RNDr. (in sciences), PharmDr. (in pharmacy). ThDr. (in theology) 6 3-4 State doctoral examination and defence of a thesis Ph.D. Th.D. (theology) Tertiary professional schools Tertiary professional schools provide students with practically oriented qualifications at the ISCED 5B level. Their aim was to fill the gap in qualification needs between secondary and tertiary education. These schools have mostly been attached to secondary technical schools and they still form a single legal entity with them. Only one fifth of them are independent entities. Their curriculum (educational programme) is prepared by the school and accredited by the MEYS. These schools can charge fees where the maximum level is regulated (together with other issues) by the Decree on Tertiary Professional Education. 180 tertiary professional schools with 29,335 students in 2011/2012 Higher education institutions (HEIs) provide tertiary education to ISCED 5A and 6 levels by organising accredi- ted study programmes, which are prepared by individual institutions/faculties and approved by the MEYS after a positive opinion from the Accreditation Commission. In addition to that, all higher education institutions carry out other activities such as research, development, artistic work and possibly other creative activities, as well as organising lifelong learning programmes. They are either of university (24 public, 2 state, and 3 private institutions in 2011) or non-university type facilities (2 public, 42 private institutions). The University of Defence and the Police Academy still remain state institutions, controlled by the relevant Ministries (Defence and the Interior). Private higher education institu- tions can only function as legal entities after obtaining the approval of the Ministry of Education which is based on the recommendation of the Accreditation Commission. Study at HEIs The school-leaving examination (maturitní zkouška) certificate is the minimum entrance qualification for all terti- ary education. Each institution decides on the number of enrolled students and determines its own admission criteria and the content of the entrance examination if required. In the admission proceedings foreigners must meet the same requirements as Czech students. Currently, higher education for Czech citizens is free of charge with a few exceptions (fees for administration of admission proceedings; for extending the duration of study beyond a set limit and for the study of an additional programme). Nevertheless, a system of provision of financial assistance to students will be prepared, which will allow for subsequent introduction of tuition fees. The Government plans to introduce since the academic year 2013/2014 financial participation of students in covering of the costs of their studies and as a regulatory instrument for higher education institutions. Foreign students study at higher education institutions under the same conditions as Czech students. If foreign students are taught in languages other than Czech they can be charged special fees set by the relevant institution. Private institutions of higher education may set their own fees and the law sets no limit on these. The structure of the academic year is decided by each institution. It usu- ally begins in September and is divided into two semesters: winter and summer, with a five-week examination period at the end of each semester. Study programmes are developed and submitted for accreditation. Programmes may be for Bachelor's, Mas- ter's or Doctoral studies and may be full-time, distance or a combination of both. The classification of fields of study corresponds essentially with the traditional classification of academic fields. The accreditation is granted by the MEYS based on an opinion of the Accreditation Commission, which was established by the government and whose members are prominent professors and scientists. Within the accreditation process decisions are also taken on the authorisation to award academic titles. The Accreditation Commission also carries out evalu- ation of faculties in the individual specialisations. Although the share of people with tertiary education has been quite low, the number of enrolled students and graduates has been increasing over the long-term perspective. In 2011 the share of people aged 30-34 with tertiary education was already 23.8% (as compared with 17.5% in 2009). With respect to the Europe 2020 objectives, the Czech Republic has announced plans for at least 32% of the population (aged 30-34) to have tertiary education by 2020. 27#17Number of students at HEls and graduates (2011) Total number of students: 392,429 Women: 219,627 (56%) Students with foreign citizenship: 38,942 (10%) Students at public HEls: 339,295 (86.5%) Students at private HEls: 53,796 (13.5%) Proportion of students according to the study programme: Bachelor's programme: 63% Master's programme: 23% Non-structured ("long") Master's programme: 9% Doctoral programme: 6% Total number of graduates: 92,924 Bachelors: 51,931 (55.8%) Masters: 38,778 Doctors: 2,419 (41.6%) (2.6%) Graduates according to the study programme: Natural sciences: Technical sciences: Agriculture, forestry, veterinary: Health care, medicine, pharmacy: Humanities and social sciences: Economics and administration: Justice, legal and public administration: Pedagogy, teaching and social care: Arts and culture: Source: MEYS data fot he whole calendar year 2011 Academics 6.4% 20.7% 3.5% 5.7% 16.1% 27.7% 3.2% 14.3% 2.4% 28 Academics are those employees of HEIs who carry out both educational and scientific work, as well as research, development, artistic or other creative activities, e.g. professors, associate professors, specialised assistants, assistants, lecturers and academics involved in science, research and development. Professors make up around 11% of faculty staff and associate professors approximately 20% (2007). The structure of qualifications is rising slowly and the average age is also gradually decreasing. The law does not prescribe any special pedagogical training for academics, career development is specified by internal institutional regulations. H == 29#1830 VET and Adult Education Vocational education and training (VET) has a long tradition in the Czech Republic. The initial VET is an integral part of upper secondary education (see the corresponding section). The participation of adults in continuing education has been tradionally quite low (in 2010 it was only 7.5% of population aged 25 to 64 participated in education and training), nevetheless with noticeable improvements in the recent years (according to Eurostat in 2011 it was 11.4%). It is a result of many initiatives to improve this trend in the past years - with respect to the EU objectives and a general need for lifelong learning (the MEYS develops systemic and/or support tools, retraining is financially supported by the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, etc.). The key role is played by a system of verification and recognition of further education outcomes, which is based on the 2006 Act on Verification and Recognition of Further Education Outcomes. This Act makes provision for (1) the National Qualifications Framework as a publicly accessible register of full and partial qualifications and their standards for qualification and evaluation; (2) rules for awarding and withdrawing authorisation for verification of further education outcomes (partial or full qualifications); (3) rights and obligations of further education learners and (4) responsibilities of state administration bodies regarding the verification and recognition of further education. National Qualification Framework Bridge between the World of Work and Education NATIONAL SYSTEM OF OCCUPATIONS Education and training for adults is quite a broad area with many stakeholders (incl. ministries) involved. A key role is played by The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports The Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs The Ministry of Industry and Trade Catalogue of performance requirements for each profession in the labour market NATIONAL REGISTER OF VOCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS Register of complete and partial qualifica- tion described by a list of expected learning outcomes and a set of evaluation criteria Influence on initial education Findings and information gained from the cooperation with stake- holders when developing the National Register of Vocational Qualifications subsequently affect the curriculum in initial education. All ministries FURTHER EDUCATION PRACTICE EXPERIENCE Each qualification is interconnected to levels (1-8) of the European Qualification Framework. The qualification framework for tertiary education is being developed. EXAMINATIONS VIA AUTHOR- IZED PERSONS (i.e. schools or other subjects guaranteeing the exam standards) Organisations of Social partners Regions - Councils for education, training and employment - Coordination role and responsibility for the systemic framework of continuing education, incl. accreditation of retraining programmes Development of National qualification framework, incl. the system of verification and recognition of further education outcomes Outline of general framework and support through a financial development programme for lifelong learning programmes developed at HEls (the University of the Third Age) Responsibility for state employment policy, incl. National Coordination of Labour Offices which provide information and guidance services related to (continuing) VET; organise and co-finance retraining of job seekers Support for retraining of employees with respect to the competi tiveness of industry and the introduction of new technologies Responsibility for vocational training in regulated professions within their respective sectors Verification and recognition of further education outcomes and participation in the preparation of qualification and assessment standards in their sectors Aim to change the economic environment in order to encourage companies to take an interest in education and training Building links between the world of education and the world of work Support of adult education services provided by schools or regional centres for lifelong learning In addition to this Act, other legislation covering this area is quite broad, including The Education Act, The Higher Education Act, regulations related to work performance, regulations specifying qualification requirements for some professions, etc. Beside continuing education and training, civic/special interest education - although not directly connected to the labour market - plays its role in satisfying people's political, historical and cultural and similar interests. 31#19Adult education takes place in various types of training institutions Schools (basic, upper secondary, tertiary professional or other educational institutions) Higher education institutions (HEls) Non-profit organisations Enterprises, institutions and state administration bodies Commercial educational institutions Retraining establishments Schools primarily organise coherent adult education programmes, pro- viding a certain level of education through other than full-time forms of study. These programmes at upper secondary and tertiary professional levels are mostly provided in fields for which full-time programmes also exist. For those who have completed compulsory school attendance re- quirements but have not completed basic education, both basic schools and secondary schools can organise courses aimed at completing basic education. All schools can also organise various continuing education courses, including retraining, but they have to gain a special accredita- tion. Adult education is also organised by basic art schools and language schools authorised to organise state language examinations. HEls provide adults with the opportunity to study in all types of study programmes, either in the form of distance learning or combined distance and full-time study. HEls provide lifelong learning courses in addition to their regular study programmes. Courses can be offered free or for a fee, and can be career-related or for personal development, e.g. the University of the Third Age. Organisations from the education sector, professional organisations, foundations, churches, trade unions, political parties, cultural institutions (museums, galleries, libraries, houses of culture). Organisations providing education prima- rily for their own employees by means of their own education institutions or trainers, or by hiring services of other institutions. Note: Schools can also organise education- al courses on a commercial basis. These organisations provide courses of various types, subjects, levels and duration. Courses are offered depending on current supply and demand. In general, the most frequently offered courses are those in foreign languages, ICT, management and accounting. Various institutions which were granted accreditation from the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports to provide retraining. Retraining courses organised within active employment policy aim to increase the employ- ability of job seekers and groups threatened with unemployment. 32 42#2034 Glossary Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MEYS) Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy The Czech School Inspectorate Česká školní inspekce (ČŠI) The National Institute of Education Národní ústav pro vzdělávání (NÚV) The Centre for Evaluation of Educational Achievement Centrum pro zjišťování výsledků ve vzdělávání (CERMAT) The National Institute for Further Education Národní institut dalšího vzdělávání (NIDV) The Centre for the Study of Higher Education Centrum pro studium vysokého školství (CSVŠ) Nursery school Mateřská škola Pre-primary education Předškolní vzdělávání Basic school Základní škola Secondary general school Gymnázium Secondary technical school Střední odborná škola Secondary vocational school Střední odborné učiliště Final examination Závěrečná zkouška Apprenticeship certificate Výuční list School-leaving examination Maturitní zkouška Follow-up courses Nástavbové studium Tertiary professional school Vyšší odborná škola Higher education institution (HEI) Vysoká škola Adult education/ Further education Vzdělávání dospělých/ Další vzdělávání Notes 35#21Colophon The Education System in the Czech Republic Published by: The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport of the Czech Republic, Karmelitská 7, 118 12 Praha 1 Editor: Department for International and European Affairs in close cooperation with Leona Gergelová Šteigrová Based on the following sources:: Eurydice: Eurypedia and System Overview - Czech Republic The Institute for Information on Education - publications and data European Commission - publications and data Eurostat Czech Statistical Office Governmental strategic documents, incl. National Reform Programme 2012 Design: Martin Hrdina Printing: Centrum pro zjišťování výsledků ve vzdělávání (CERMAT), Jankovcova 63, 170 00 Praha 7 2nd Edition, Prague, October 2012 ISBN: 978-80-87601-12-9 With the support of the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union Education and Culture DG Lifelong Learning Programme Η Π MK MT MINISTERSTVO ŠKOLSTVÍ, MLÁDEŽE A TĚLOVÝCHOVY#22Empty

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