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#1CAREER EXECUTIVE CAREER EXECUTIVE SERVICE BOARD SERVICE angulan ang Maglingkod sa Bayan Academy Roll-out in the Philippines: The CESB Implementation Strategy Maria Anthonette Velasco-Allones Executive Director Career Executive Service Board, Philippines Academy of ICT Essentials for Government Leaders 2nd Regional Trainers Training Seongnam City, Republic of Korea 9-14 March 2009#2CAREER EXECUTIVE CAREER EXECUTIVE SERVICE BOARD SERVICE angulan ang Maglingkod sa Bayan Our story ■ About us, Presentation Objectives ■Rationale for training government managers on ICT ■ Before The Academy: The NICS-CESO ■ After the Academy: A Marriage of Excellent Results ■ The Roll-Out Roadmap#3CAREER EXECUTIVE CAREER EXECUTIVE SERVICE BOARD SERVICE angulan ang Maglingkod sa Bayan Objectives Describe the experience of the CESB in: developing ICT competency framework and training program for government executives; Adapting the Academy ICT essentials for government leaders; Synthesize lessons to determine practical recommendations that may be useful to other ongoing or future parallel undertakings.#4CAREER EXECUTIVE CAREER EXECUTIVE SERVICE BOARD SERVICE About us - 1 angulan ang Maglingkod sa Bayan Created in 1972 Mandate: create a continuing pool of career administrators who are development-oriented ■ Central national agency for HRD for the higher civil service Manages recruitment, capacity enhancement, performance improvement, morale and welfare promotion#5CAREER EXECUTIVE CAREER EXECUTIVE SERVICE BOARD SERVICE angulan ang Maglingkod sa Bayan About us -2 Bureaucracy's Managerial Class Total of 6,389 CES positions* 3,489 in national government agencies 2,900 in government-owned and controlled corporations and financial institutions → Promotes careerism and professionalism → Provides policy continuity and program stability Excludes local government units#6CAREER SERVICE EXECUTIVE CAREER EXECUTIVE SERVICE BOARD angulan ang Maglingkod sa Bayan Why train government leaders on ICT? Macro-trends and Strategic Policies Political Vision and Leadership Technology + Public Value Capacity of Organization Efficiency, Effectiveness and equity Adapted from Jerry Mechling's Framework for Analysis as part of a course on Leadership in a Networked World, KSG-Harvard University, Fall 2006; Mark Moore's strategic triangle theory; and Antonio M. Oftelie, (Ibid).#7CAREER EXECUTIVE CAREER EXECUTIVE SERVICE BOARD SERVICE angulan ang Maglingkod sa Bayan Externally: What drives us? (1) macro-trends and strategic policies, e.g., technological shifts, changes in the way work is done, procurement policies. (2) varying levels of political support and leadership The core element is the compelling goal to create public value among public organizations, leaders and managers.#8CAREER EXECUTIVE CAREER EXECUTIVE SERVICE BOARD SERVICE angulan ang Maglingkod sa Bayan Internally: (1) technological changes What drives us? adopted by public organizations. (2) Organizational capacity: Financial resources, organizational processes, systems improvement, hardware and software People-ware!#9CAREER EXECUTIVE CAREER EXECUTIVE SERVICE BOARD SERVICE angulan ang Maglingkod sa Bayan The NICS-CESO Project -1 National ICT Competency Standard for Career Executive Service Officers (NICS- CESO) ▪ Began in 4Q, 2005 ■ Collaboration between CESB and the Commission on Information and Communications Technology - Human Capital Development Group • Supported by Intel Philippines#10CAREER EXECUTIVE CAREER EXECUTIVE SERVICE BOARD SERVICE anglan ang Maglingkod sa Bayan Project GOALS The NICS-CESO Project - 2 Establish high level identification of ICT knowledge and skills; ■ Provide basic reference on what to understand and to be able to do in agencies doing e- government.#11CAREER EXECUTIVE CAREER EXECUTIVE SERVICE BOARD SERVICE angulan ang Maglingkod sa Bayan Project OBJECTIVES The NICS-CESO Project - 3 Define core competencies needed by non-IT career managers and executives; and Formulate and implement a training design for ICT management capacity building.#12CAREER EXECUTIVE CAREER EXECUTIVE SERVICE BOARD SERVICE The NICS-CESO Project - 4 angulan ang Maglingkod sa Bayan Key processes ADVOCACY 1) Articulation of relevance of ICT in overall e-govt context. 2) Identification of selected global best practice standards. 3) Focus group discussions among CES representatives in Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao. 4) Consolidation of FGD results into matrix of knowledge and skills definition. 5) Stakeholder national validation and agreement on knowledge and skills domain. 6) Formulation of training program. 7) Pilot conduct of training. 8) Evaluation and planning for next steps.#13CAREER SERVICE EXECUTIVE CAREER EXECUTIVE SERVICE BOARD angulan ang Maglingkod sa Bayan The NICS-CESO Project - 5 Two Skills Sets Core Skills Set 1: e-Government Awareness ■ Advanced Skills Set 2: Management and Implementation of e-Government Initiatives#14CAREER EXECUTIVE CAREER EXECUTIVE SERVICE BOARD SERVICE anglan ang Maglingkod sa Bayan The NICS-CESO Project - 6 Core Skills Set 1: e-Government Awareness defines the requisite ICT skills to set a broad e- government vision and foster commitment to that vision by: 1. articulating positive impact of e-Government on efficiency, service quality and customer service; 2. Identifying potential benefits of e- government.#15CAREER EXECUTIVE CAREER EXECUTIVE SERVICE BOARD SERVICE The NICS-CESO Project - 7 angulan ang Maglingkod sa Bayan Core Skills Set 1: e-Government Awareness Domain and content scope: ▪ Organization, Policies and Practices Business Process Management Adoption and Use of ICT Solutions Ethics, Legal and Security Issues#16CAREER SERVICE EXECUTIVE CAREER EXECUTIVE SERVICE BOARD angulan ang Maglingkod sa Bayan The NICS-CESO Project - 8 Advanced Skills Set 2: Management and Implementation of e-Government Initiatives defines the qualifications of executives and managers to effectively develop, implement and manage e-Government programs and projects.#17CAREER EXECUTIVE CAREER EXECUTIVE SERVICE BOARD SERVICE angulan ang Maglingkod sa Bayan The NICS-CESO Project - 9 Advanced Skills Set 2: Management and Implementation of e-Government Initiatives Domain and Content Scope: Strategic Planning and Management Enterprise Architecture Program and Project Management Service Management and Governance#18CAREER EXECUTIVE CAREER EXECUTIVE SERVICE BOARD SERVICE angulan ang Maglingkod sa Bayan The NICS-CESO Project - 10 Training Program Components 1. E-Government Framework, Policy Direction and Strategic Planning 2. E-Services Solutions 3. Business Process Management 4. Essentials of Project Management#19CAREER EXECUTIVE CAREER EXECUTIVE SERVICE BOARD SERVICE angulan ang Maglingkod sa Bayan The NICS-CESO Project - 11 Initial evaluation results ■60 CES executives have been trained in the initial 3 training sessions in 2007 Participant evaluation indicates high level of agreement on positive value of the course materials, program design and delivery#20CAREER EXECUTIVE CAREER EXECUTIVE SERVICE BOARD SERVICE anglan ang Maglingkod sa Bayan Enter The Academy Aligned strategic and critical interests: Achieve universal training coverage ICT to improve governance and meet development goals (means to end) ■Fully roll out the Academy and NICS-CESO modules → Under-investment on lifelong executive education Continuously meet evolving ICT training needs → relevant, responsive modules#21CAREER EXECUTIVE CAREER EXECUTIVE SERVICE BOARD SERVICE anglan ang Maglingkod sa Bayan Strengths The Academy S.O.A.R.s! Academy authors/resource persons ■ Political support Legal mandate and capacity to train ■Training with incentives for career development Opportunities Available and willing capable trainers ■ Demand from career officers Support and interest from other institutions Private sector and e-government funds#22CAREER EXECUTIVE CAREER EXECUTIVE SERVICE BOARD SERVICE The Academy S.O.A.R.s! angulan ang Maglingkod sa Bayan Aspirations ■Train the entire Career Executive Service Expand to 1st and 2nd levels of the bureaucracy "Penetrate" the autonomous region of Muslim Mindanao ■ Include local government gatekeepers Resources ■ People Partner institutions Pesos ($ or won also OK)#23CAREER EXECUTIVE CAREER EXECUTIVE SERVICE BOARD SERVICE Academy Roll-out anglan ang Maglingkod sa Bayan What we did... 1) CESB Governing Board okayed Academy roll out. 2) CESB - UNAPCICT signed letter agreement. 3) Pilot roll out of Academy modules in October 2008 4) Synthesizing training evaluation from participants: NICS-CESO + Academy (Nov. 2008) 5) Focused group discussions among resource persons and CESB training division (Nov. 2008) 6) Write-shop for module customization (Dec 08 to Jan. 09) 7) Formulation of customized Academy training program (Jan. 09) 8) 1st Academy roll out in Feb. 2009.#24CAREER EXECUTIVE CAREER EXECUTIVE SERVICE BOARD SERVICE The Academy, Customized angulan ang Maglingkod sa Bayan ▪ 3-day training session ■ Modules: ICT Governance ICT 4 Development and Governance ICT Skills Capability Building Management ICT Sourcing Management Strategic Planning and Management#25CAREER EXECUTIVE CAREER EXECUTIVE SERVICE BOARD SERVICE angulan ang Maglingkod sa Bayan Policy and program support for Roll out - Integrating Academy modules in the CES core programs Including 20 questions on ICT in the CES written qualifying exam (Academy modules as basic reference) Including ICT management as one of the core competencies in the new CES Competency Grid → attendance in Academy training confers training credits required for promotion in rank of career officer 1#26CAREER EXECUTIVE CAREER EXECUTIVE SERVICE BOARD SERVICE angulan ang Maglingkod sa Bayan Policy and program support for Roll out - 2 Integrating Academy modules in the CES core programs →ICT-based innovation now a separate category in our annual Presidential recognition program for outstanding career executives (winners receive $2000, among other incentives) expanding capacities: national TOT Leveraging on partnerships ⇒ Accrediting other training providers#27CAREER EXECUTIVE CAREER EXECUTIVE SERVICE BOARD SERVICE angulan ang Maglingkod sa Bayan ■ A champion is essential. Lessons Advocate and mobilize support from all directions and at all levels. Convergence and intra-agency collaborations is the way to go. Stakeholder buy-in a must, otherwise "legislate" support or provide appropriate incentives. ■ Outsource when internal expertise is inadequate#28CAREER SERVICE EXECUTIVE CAREER EXECUTIVE SERVICE BOARD angulan ang Maglingkod sa Bayan End of presentation Thank you. Questions? Comments

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