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#1Emerging Donors and the Changing Landscape of Foreign Aid: Public Perceptions of Development Cooperation RUSSIA REPORT Patty A. Gray Department of Anthropology National University of Ireland Maynooth [email protected] NUI MAYNOOTH Oiiseil on hEireann M Nund#2BACKGROUND Soviet-era aid Offered socialist model of development to compete with capitalist "No colonies" - Soviet Union could claim the moral high ground, esp. in Africa Strengths in health care and education: ▪ e.g. Hospital in Ethiopia ■ e.g. Friendship University in Moscow 2 NOVA COOP an. ПАТРИС ЛУМУМБА 1961 NUI MAYNOOTH Oiiseil on hEireann M Nund#3BACKGROUND Russia as aid recipient Dissolution of Soviet Union in 1991 - subsequently targeted by multiple aid programmes – framed by triumphal rhetoric "Transitioning economy" rather than "developing economy" Demeaning subject position: "We are not starving Africans!" WESTERN AID TO EASTERN EUROPE From Janine Wedell's Collision and Collusion: The Strange Case of Western Aid to Easternm Europe IT WILL BE LIKE DOLLARS FROM THE SKY! ADVICE LOANS The expectation The reality INVESTMENT SCHEME NUI MAYNOOTH Oiiseil on hEireann M Nund#4BACKGROUND Russia as (re)emerging donor As early as 1994, Yeltsin issued decree creating a "Russian Agency for International Cooperation and Development" - but this did not pan out. Idea for such an agency re-emerged in 2004 Russia's Presidency of the G8 and hosting of the G8 Summit in St. Petersburg in 2006 (Russian only member of G8 that is not also member of DAC) ➤ 2007: 'Concept on Russia's Participation in International Development Assistance' (MinFin, Ministry of Foreign Affairs) 8 САММИТ 2006 Санкт-Петербург NUI MAYNOOTH Oiiseil on hEireann M Nund#5МИНИСТЕРСТВО ИНОСТРАННЫХ ДЕЛ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ ДЕПАРТАМЕНТ ИНФОРМАЦИИ И ПЕЧАТИ 119200, Москва Г-200,Смоленская Сенная пл., 32/34 тел.:(499) 244-4119, факс: (499) 244-4112 e-mail: [email protected], web-address: КОНЦЕПЦИЯ участия Российской Федерации в содействии международному развитию 1017-25-06-2007 Концепция участия Российской Федерации в содействии международному развитию (далее - СМР) представляет собой систему взглядов на содержание и основные направления политики Российской Федерации в области оказания зарубежным странам финансовой, технической, гуманитарной и иной помощи, призванной способствовать социально-экономическому развитию государств - реципиентов, урегулированию кризисных ситуаций, возникающих вследствие стихийных бедствий и/или международных конфликтов, а также укреплению международных позиций и авторитета Российской Федерации. Настоящая Концепция призвана обеспечить системный подход Федеральных органов исполнительной власти к участию Российской Федерации в СМР. Концепция определяет основные цели, задачи и принципы политики Российской Федерации в области СМР. Правовую базу Концепции составляют Конституция Российской Федерации, Концепция внешней политики Российской Федерации, Концепция национальной безопасности Российской Федерации, Бюджетный кодекс Российской Федерации. Кроме того, Концепция основывается на положениях Устава ООН и других международных документов, таких как Декларация тысячелетия, Монтеррейский консенсус, Йоханнесбургский план выполнения решений Всемирной встречи на высшем уровне по устойчивому развитию, Итоговый документ Всемирного саммита 2005 года, Парижская декларация по повышению эффективности внешней помощи 2005 года и другие. Concept of the Russian Federation's participation in International Development Assistance NUI MAYNOOTH Oiiseil on hEireann M Nund#6KEY ISSUES For Russia as an aid donor Latent character of Russia's aid programme ■ Intentions declared but mechanisms not yet in place - almost unknown among Russian public ПРАЙМ-ТАСС продукты И УСЛУГИ | ОБ АГЕНТСТВЕ | РЕКЛАМА | Искать: ЭКСПОРТ НОВОСТЕЙ | ENGLISH Тикер текст АГЕНТСТВО ЭКОНОМИЧЕСКОЙ ИНФОРМАЦИИ Вход для подписчиков | Подписка 10.11.2009 做网 Новости Бизнес-Лента Горячая линия Антикризис NEW Новости DJ FOREX Новости DJ Stocks Комментарии Анонсы СМИ Пресс-релизы Анонсы событий Экономический календарь Интервью Статьи Экспорт новостей Бюллетени Архив новостей Валюта Ценные бумаги Главная > Новости Сделать домашней страницей Добавить в закладки Россия в рамках "большой восьмерки" намерена расширять сотрудничество в сфере содействия развитию - Заметили ошибку? Выделите текст и нажмите Ctrl-Enter С.Сторчак БЕРЛИН, 27 марта. /ПРАЙМ- ТАСС/. Россия в рамках "большой восьмерки" намерена расширять сотрудничество в сфере содействия развитию. Об этом заявил сегодня на пресс-конференции заместитель министра финансов РФ Сергей Сторчак, принимавший участие в двухдневной встрече министров по делам развития "Группы восьми". ПЕРВАЯ ПРАКТИЧЕСКАЯ КОНФЕРЕНЦИЯ по OK ДЕНЕЖНОМУ РЫНКУ В РОССИИ Courtyard by Marriott 19 ноября 2009 г. Конференция RUSSIAN MONEY-MARKET СОВРЕМЕННЫЕ возможности "Russia, within the framework of the G8, intends to expand its cooperation in the sphere of development assistance - S. Storchak" NUI MAYNOOTH Oiiseil on hEireann M Nund#7KEY ISSUES For Russia as an aid donor Latent character of Russia's aid programme Ambiguity of existing mechanisms "Rossotrudnichestvo" is / is not Russia's aid agency NUI MAYNOOTH Oiiseil on hEireann M Nund#8О РОССОТРУДНИЧЕСТВЕ ЗАРУБЕЖНЫЕ ПРЕДСТАВИТЕЛЬСТВА ДЕЯТЕЛЬНОСТЬ НА ПРОСТРАНСТВЕ СНГ СООТЕЧЕСТВЕННИКИ ЗА РУБЕЖОМ МЕЖДУНАРОДНОЕ ГУМАНИТАРНОЕ СОТРУДНИЧЕСТВО ПАРТНЕРЫ ПРЕСС-СЛУЖБА ОБЩЕСТВЕННАЯ ПРИЕМНАЯ Полидент Россия Правительство Росс МИД РОССИИ РОССОТРУДНИЧЕСТВО Федеральное агентство по делам Содружества Независимых Государств, соотечественников, проживающих за рубежом, и по международному гуманитарному сотрудничеству CHE Европа Азия Америка Африка Анонсы мероприятий Центр инновационного сотрудничества на базе Российского центра науки и культуры в Армении планируется открыть в апреле 2010 г. в Ереване 19-20 апреля 2010 года в городе Амман (Иордания) планируется проведение региональной конференции российских соотечественников, проживающих в странах Ближнего Востока и Африки Открытие в МГУ Международного молодежного форума науки и инноваций стран СНГ 12.04.2010 12 апреля Руководитель Россотрудничества Ф.Мухаметшин принял участие в торжественном открытии Международного молодежного форума науки и инноваций стран СНГ <<Ломоносов-2010».* Форум открыл академик, вице-президент Российской академии наук, ректор МГУ В.А.Садовничий. В его работе принимают участие свыше 7 тысяч студентов, аспирантов и молодых ученых, представляющих более 70 регионов России, все страны СНГ и более 40 стран Дальнего зарубежья. Работа Форума охватывает все направления современной фундаментальной и прикладной науки. В числе его мероприятий международные студенческие олимпиады, специальная секция «СНГ: взгляд молодежи», выставка инновационных проектов научной молодежи и образовательная игра «СНГ: единое инновационное пространство». В открытии Форума также приняли участие Председатель Исполнительного Комитата СНГ С.Н.Лебедев, Исполнительный директор Межгосударственного фонда гуманитарного сотрудничества А.Б.Сумбатян, Генеральный секретарь Евразийского экономического сообщества (ЕврАзЭС) Т.А.Мансуров и другие почетные гости. ЛЕНТА НОВОСТЕЙ Видеоматериалы Видеозапись рабочей встречи Руководителя Россотрудничества с Президентом России Вернисаж молодых художников «Окно в Россию>> Визит Патриарха Московского и всея Руси Кирилла в Александрию Подробнее • Год России по брак#9KEY ISSUES For Russia as an aid donor Latent character of Russia's aid programme Ambiguity of existing mechanisms ■"Rossotrudnichestvo" is / is not Russia's aid agency ■ Aid functionality dispersed among several ministries Ministry of Finance O Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ministry for Emergency Situations O Ministry of Economic Development O Ministry of Education & Science O Ministry of Health NUI MAYNOOTH Oiiseil on hEireann M Nund#10KEY ISSUES For Russia as an aid donor Latent character of Russia's aid programme Ambiguity of existing mechanisms ■"Rossotrudnichestvo" is / is not Russia's aid agency ■ Aid functionality dispersed among several ministries ■ DAC: To join or not to join? NUI MAYNOOTH Oiiseil on hEireann M Nund#11KEY ISSUES For Russia as an aid donor Latent character of Russia's aid programme Ambiguity of existing mechanisms ➤ "Pull factor" of outside agencies ▪ World Bank, DFID, Oxfam, USAID - seminars, training programmes, consulting NUI MAYNOOTH Oiiseil on hEireann M Nund#122008 The World Bank About Topics Countries Data & Research Learning News Home Site Map Index FAQs Contact Us Projects & Operations Publications Russian Federation Search Russian Federation Home > Countries > Europe and Central Asia > Russian Federation > News & Events > Development Aid Statistics: Principles o... В Русский язык Overview Data & Statistics Development Topics E Projects News & Events Press Releases Feature Stories Featured Reports ▸ Speeches Events ▸ Press Reviews Country Director Documents and Publications Procurement Public Information Center Learning & Training Focus on Civil Society IFC in Russia Contact Information Resources For Report Corruption Youth & Schools Jobs & Scholarships Procurement/Tender ▸ E-Subscription HIV/AIDS in ECA Client Connection Vacancies GO Email Print Development Aid Statistics: Principles of International Reporting and Building Russia development aid statistics World Bank - Russia Joint Development Aid Program Location: World Bank Office Begins: May 27, 2008 16:00 Ends: May 28, 2008 17:45 Also available: Press Announcement The workshop was organized within the framework of The World Bank - Russia cooperation on development aid issues. Its objective is to present international experience and standards in development aid reporting and statistics and to discuss practical measures for setting up a comprehensive reporting system on increasing Russia development aid. A. Markov - Coordinator, WB Russia Development Aid technical assistance program The An international workshop organized by the RF Ministry of Finance and The World Bank in coordination with OECD workshop included representatives of key Russian agencies involved in implementation of recently adopted Concept of Russian international development cooperation, including: Apparat of the Government, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Health and Social Development, Ministry of Emergency Situations, Russia Agency for Statistics (Rosstat), other interested Government agencies. The workshop will include key international development agencies and bilateral donors - OECD-DAC, UNDP, DFID, USAID. Several new donors will be invited to present their respective cases and learn from relevant international experience. It is expected that information from the seminar would assist in establishment of appropriate mechanism for collection of Russia aid statistics and reporting according to agreed international standards. This work would have to be completed by end 2008, to be coordinated by RF Ministry of Finance with involvement of all relevant Russian Government agencies and with support from The World Bank and OECD NUI MAYNOOTH Diisel on hEireann M Nund#13English // Русский Министерство финансов Российской Федерации При поддержке со стороны Всемирного банка и Организации экономического сотрудничества и развития WORLD BANK OECD 2010 NEW PARTNERSHIPS IN GLOBAL DEVELOPMENT FINANCE Московская международная конференция, 17-18 февраля 2010 г. Video & Photos Главная страница | О конференции | Расписание: выступления и презентации | Организационные вопросы 1 Справочные материалы | Пресс-центр | Видео и фото Ollscoil on hEireann Mé Nund H#14The World Bank About Topics Countries Data & Research Learning News Home • Site Map Index FAQs • Contact Us Projects & Operations Publications GO Email Print Search Russian Federation Home > Countries > Europe and Central Asia > Russian Federation > News & Events > Events > Strategic Communication for Russia's Dev... Русский язык Strategic Communication for Russia's Development Aid Program 2011 Overview Data & Statistics Development Topics Projects Results News & Events Press Releases Feature Stories Featured Reports Speeches ▷ Events Country Director + Economic Reports Publications Procurement Public Information Center Learning & Training Focus on Civil Society IFC in Russia Contact Information Resources Access To Information Report Corruption Youth & Schools Jobs & Scholarships Procurement/Tender E-Subscription Client Connection Vacancies Begins: Jan 19, 2011 10:00 Ends: Jan 20, 2011 16:00 Russia's relationship with the World Bank has evolved since it became a member country in 1992-going from a recipient of large financial support for the economic transition in the early 1990s, knowledge-sharing and fee-based services in the early 2000s, to most recently a donor of multilateral aid, with World Bank support. Russia's role as a donor is growing both in IDA- with a 60% increase in IDA16 from $108 million contribution in IDA15-and in diverse multilateral partnerships with the Bank Group in such critical areas as quality of education, infectious disease control, food and energy security, and others. Responding to the request of key Russian government agencies in adapting principles and instruments of strategic communication for development aid, the World Bank's Russia country team organized a workshop on "Strategic Communication for Russia's Development Aid Program" as part of a DFID-supported Russia as a Donor Initiative (RDI) in Moscow on January 19-20, 2011. The event engaged all Russian policy making agencies and communicators of the Russian development aid in a dialogue, also bringing experts from the World Bank, OECD, USAID, UNDP, Slovakia as well as local journalists, social media, civil society, and university professors. Participants discussed approaches to a proactive communications strategy for the ODA program, targeting major audiences-inside Russia, in beneficiary countries, and at the international level. PRESENTATIONS > Strategic Communications As Part of the National Aid Framework by Andrew Kircher > Communicating Aid: Lessons from Eight Donors - by Christopher Neal Russia's adult population views on development aid - by Sharon Felzer Russia as a Donor Initiative Program - by Sharon Felzer RELATED LINKS > Development Communication > Photo at The workshop discussed best practices of strategic communications by long-established and new donors, findings of a public opinion survey of Russian population attitudes to development aid, and key priorities for improved communications in support of Russia's development assistance. The importance of domestic support and promotion of the ODA concept at different levels of Russian society was emphasized in particular, as the public poll revealed that 75 percent of citizens would approve Russia's aid to the poorest countries. The main take-away from the workshop was a conclusion that aid communications should be a special function, to be based on branding of national aid, improved information and aid data access, and close collaboration between government aid agencies, journalists, and NGOs. The workshop discussions, findings of the public poll, and background papers prepared by international and local experts will contribute to a Strategic Communication Framework paper that will outline an action plan for the Russian government agencies to help them manage multilateral and bilateral donor activities. NUI MAYNOOTH Oiiseil on hEireann M Nund#15KEY ISSUES For Russia as an aid donor Latent character of Russia's aid programme Ambiguity of existing mechanisms ➤ "Pull factor" of outside agencies ▪ World Bank, DFID, Oxfam, USAID - seminars, training programmes, consulting ▪ World Bank / Levada Center survey of public of opinion July 2010 NUI MAYNOOTH Oiiseil on hEireann M Nund#16The World Bank About Countries Data & Research Learning Home Site Map Index - FAQs Contact Us News Projects & Operations Publications Topics Search All Documents & Reports GO Home > Publications > Documents & Reports > Report Details Email Print Expert survey report within the integrated study: 'Russia as a donor' (Vol. 1 of 2): Main report Details Document Date: 2010/07/02 Document Working Paper Type: Report 61890 Number: Volume No: 1 of 2 (See all volumes) Show More Downloads Document also available in: Russian Complete Report Official version of document (may contain signatures, etc) PDF 28 pages Text Official Version [1.96 mb] Text Version* *The text version is uncorrected OCR text and is included solely to benefit users with slow connectivity. Abstract This report presents the findings of the qualitative phase of an integrated study, 'Russia as a donor country." The objective of this phase of the study was to find out how opinion leaders and experts in a variety of socially significant spheres view Russia's role as an international donor. An in-depth interview method was chosen for the project, which allowed for Related Links See documents related to the project(s) ISSUES For Russia as an aid donor Latent character of Russia's aid programme ➤ Ambiguity of existing mechanisms ➤ "Pull factor" of outside agencies Modalities of aid ■ Primarily multilateral ■ Most sophisticated in emergency humanitarian aid NUI MAYNOOTH Oiiseil on hEireann M Nund#180 Russian cargo plane assists in transport of U.S. mobile air traffic control tower RUSSIA AIRCOMPANY "POLET" http: FAA FAA Haiti Relief FAA FAA Russian search-and-rescue team pulls a man from under the ruble a week after C January 2010 Russian response to Earthquake in Haiti FRE NUI MAYNOOTH Oiiseil on hEireann M Nund#19KEY ISSUES For Russia as an aid donor Latent character of Russia's aid programme ➤ Ambiguity of existing mechanisms ➤ "Pull factor" of outside agencies Modalities of aid ■Primarily multilateral ▪ Most sophisticated in emergency humanitarian aid ■ Priority areas food security & global health ▪ Some continuities with Soviet-era programmes NUI MAYNOOTH Oiiseil on hEireann M Nund#20KEY ISSUES For Russia as an aid donor Latent character of Russia's aid programme Ambiguity of existing mechanisms ➤ "Pull factor" of outside agencies Modalities of aid Key Partners ■ Former Soviet Republics, esp. in the Eurasian Economic Community (EvrAzES) NUI MAYNOOTH Oiiseil on hEireann M Nund#21ЕВРАЗИЙСКОЕ ЭКОНОМИЧЕСКОЕ СООБЩЕСТВО Армения Молдова Украина Беларусь Казахстан Кыргызстан Россия Таджикистан Узбекистан ЕврАзЭС ЕврАзЭС Межгоссовет Документы Таможенный союз и ЕЭП Новости Структура | История | Секретариат Вспомогательные органы | Советы и комиссии | Совместные проекты | Международная деятельность | Евразийский деловой совет В странах Сообщества ЕврАзЭС сегодня - 2011 Ссылки Контакты Единое Экономическое Пространство ЕврАзЭС АНТИКРИЗИСНЫЙ ФОНД ЕВРАЗЭС ИНТЕГРИРОВАННАЯ ИНФОРМАЦИОННАЯ БАЗА ЗАКОНОДАТЕЛЬСТВ ABOUT EURASEC ИЗВЕСТИЯ Специальная полоса ЕврАзЭС#22KEY ISSUES For Russia as an aid donor Latent character of Russia's aid programme Ambiguity of existing mechanisms ➤ "Pull factor" of outside agencies Modalities of aid Key Partners ▪ Former Soviet Republics, esp. in the Eurasian Economic Community (EvrAzES) ▪ Eurasian Development Bank NUI MAYNOOTH Oiiseil on hEireann M Nund#23Евразийский Банк Развития О Банке Деятельность Банка Проекты Для инвесторов Публикации и аналитика Управление средствами Антикризисного фонда ЕврАзЭС Пресс-центр Карьера Антикризисный Фонд ЕврАзЭс Поиск Карта сайта English version В коллективных интересах сообщества ИНВЕСТИЦИИ В РАЗВИТИЕ И ИНТЕГРАЦИЮ Новости региона 15.06.2011 Товарооборот Украины с Россией в нынешнем году превысит 50 млрд долларов Виктор Янукович > далее 15.06.2011 Медведев призвал скорее решать Новости о Банке 16.06.2011 Глава ЕАБР: Дальнейшее развитие экономической интеграции будет базироваться на основе «интеграционного ядра» Беларуси, Казахстана и России > далее Евразийский банк развития Хороший банк знает и свои рынки, и глобальный финансовый рынок. ЕАБР призван содействовать устойчивому экономическому росту и региональной интеграции своих государств-участников. Используя наши глобальные возможности и знание евразийских рынков, мы инвестируем в будущее региона. ISSUES For Russia as an aid donor Latent character of Russia's aid programme Ambiguity of existing mechanisms ➤ "Pull factor" of outside agencies Modalities of aid Key Partners ■ Former Soviet Republics, esp. EvrAzES ▪ Eurasian Development Bank ■▪ Recent financing to Tadzhikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Nicaragua and Nauru ■ Recent humanitarian aid to Haiti, China, Kosovo, Gaza, Korea NUI MAYNOOTH Oiiseil on hEireann M Nund#25WHO ARE THE PUBLICS? Most salient segmentations of the Russian population: ➤ Moscow/St Petersburg vs. "The Regions" ➤ Large urban centres vs. towns/villages/rural areas Generational ➤ Oligarchs vs. 'Siloviki' vs. 'Reformers' (siloviki: from the word sila ('force'), slang term for current power brokers were formerly in the military or security forces) But: World Bank/Levada Center survey found that views on aid did not depend on demographic category who NUI MAYNOOTH Oiiseil on hEireann M Nund#26MEDIA COVERAGE Russia is media-saturated: ■ Television is No. 1 source of info ▪ Leading radio stations extremely popular . Echo of Moscow • Radio Russia . Mayak ■ Proliferation of daily and weekly newspapers ▪ Sophisticated issues-oriented magazines ■ Internet bloggers have celebrity status ➤ Surveying media 2005 to present to capture run-up to 2006 G8 Summit in St. Petersburg NUI MAYNOOTH Oiiseil on hEireann M Nund#27MEDIA COVERAGE - 2005: Sparse reports – mostly press releases 2006: Russia's cancellation of Third World debt / Russia paying its debt; consolidation of terminology 2007: "Russia as a donor" increasingly a theme own 2008: Food crisis becomes a theme, but less about general aid to poorer countries (probable effect of financial crisis) 2009: Russia demonstrates its financial stability by announcing assistance to countries affected by the crisis. 2010: Russia announces it will provide hundreds of millions of dollars in aid, while DFID and other agencies will stop providing to Russia 2011: Analytical articles rather than press releases; but no clear sense of direction for Russia's aid programme NUI MAYNOOTH Oiiseil on hEireann M Nund#28STAKEHOLDERS? Private Sector: Not. Academics in universities and think tanks: ready, but no support NUI MAYNOOTH Oiiseil on hEireann M Nund#29RCICD Research Centre for International Cooperation and Development русский english найти News About the Project About Us HSE IORI Partners Contact Us HSE IORI International Organisations Research Institute (IORI) was set up in 2005. Within the framework of its projects the Institute studies the role of the international institutions and regimes, regional organisations and alliances in governing the global economic, social and political processes. It focuses on the G8 and its role in performing the functions of collective governance and reconciling domestic and international pressures, the modes and tools of G8 - international multilateral institutions interaction in the emerging multi-level governance system. The Institute research aims to assist effective participation of the Russian Organisations, agencies, research structures and other stakeholders in the international multilateral institutions, enhance the role and quality of their contribution towards effective multilateral governance. The Institute periodical "International Organisations Research Journal highlights the main analytical outcomes of the IORI research projects as well as activities of international Organisations and alliances, namely EU, G8, G20, OECD, WB, UN and UNESCO. See below: feedback News About the Project About Us HSE IORI Partners Contact Us Private Sector: Not. ➤ Academics in universities and think tanks: ready, but no support ➤NGOs: ready, even sophisticated, but no recognition NUI MAYNOOTH Oiiseil on hEireann M РУССКИЙ / ENGLISH About us Events Projects www EURASIA HERITAGE FOUNDATION Partners Contests Publications Contacts Publications Books Periodicals Articles Iterviews Engagement of Russian Business in International Development Assistance in the CIS countries 2010 Author: Polina Basova, Alexandr Borisenko, Alexey Emelyanov, Elena Kozievskaya, Elena Yatsenko Project 00070881 "Support to Russia's Effective Participation in the International ODA Architecture" (Preparatory assistance project) ➤ Public awareness is very low ➤Interviewees said it does not makes sense for Russia to actively inform about its activities ■Too early ■Probable negative reaction ■Uncharacteristic of the Russian government ➤There cannot be a clear message while there is no clear mandate or strategy - and there isn't Russia as a recruited donor: 'donor expansion'? NUI MAYNOOTH Oiiseil on hEireann M Nund#33Thank you! Questions/comments are welcome Acknowledgements: Research assistance/media analysis provided by Anastasia Gulyavina Funding for this project provided by DFID under the "Futures of Aid' programme ➤ Funding for earlier phase of this research provided by the Irish Research Council for Humanities and Social Sciences (IRCHSS) IRCHSS Irish Research Council for the Humanities & Social Sciences An Chomhairle um Thaighde sna Dána agus sna hEolaíochtaí Sóisialta NUI MAYNOOTH Ollscoil on Eireann M Nund

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