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#1November 3, 2022 Investor Presentation Financial results, 3rd Quarter, 2022 CFE CFE Comisión Federal de ElectricidadⓇ#2Key Highlights 3Q 2022 Total Income was 470.4 billion pesos CFE EBITDA was 53.3 billion pesos Operating result was -3.1 billion pesos Net loss was 50.7 billion pesos Total Assets of 2.3 trillion pesos We have increased our customer base to 47.3 million, reaching 99.2% of the Mexican population Source: CFE CFE Comisión Federal de ElectricidadⓇ 1#3CFE CFE at a Glance in 3Q 2022 Total Revenue: 470.4 billion pesos Operating Cost: 473.6 billion pesos Operating Result: -3.1 billion pesos Generation Capacity: 65,960(1) MW Total assets: 2,335.1 billion pesos Transmission Grid: 110,431 km Equity: 659.1 billion pesos Distribution Grid: 887,638 km Fiber Optic Grid: 57,469 km Electricity Generated as of 2Q 2022(2): 192.1 TWh CFE generates 74% (3) of the electricity in Mexico and provides power to 99.2% of the population. 3Q 2022 vs. 3Q 2021 Growth User Accounts: 1.8% Total Assets (4): 3.0% Total Revenue: 8.2% Operating Costs: 12.1% (1) Includes Independent Power Producers (IPPs) and Long Term Auctions (LTA) (2) Total Electricity generated by CFE from January to September 2022. Includes IPPs and LTA (3) Includes IPPs and LTA (4) Compared to December 2021 Source: CFE, CFE Generación, CFE Distribución; CFE Transmisión; CFE SSB CFE Comisión Federal de ElectricidadⓇ 2#4• Resilient performance of the National Electric System Both the electricity industry in Mexico and CFE have been resilient to recent adverse events, such as the SARS-Co virus. . As of September 30, 2022, a growth of 3.8% was registered compared to the same period in 2021. During 2022, the country's 3 electrical subsystems have grown compared to 2021, in the following proportion: BCS 6.6%, SIN 3.9% and BC 1.6% GWh/dia Source: CENACE 1,050 1,000 950 900 850 800 750 700 Energy consumed in the National Electric System 2019-2022 (7 day moving average, MWh) 2022 2021 2019 2020 650 ENE FEB MAR ABR MAY JUN JUL AGO SEPT OCT NOV DIC CFE Comisión Federal de ElectricidadⓇ 3#5Account Evolution and Breakdown User Accounts (millions) As of 3Q22, our user accounts reached 47.3 million 6.8 4.9 12 1970 1980 1990 Source: CFE 18.7 34.2 47.3 46.6 45.6 44.5 42.2 42.5 40.8 2000 2010 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 3Q22 CFE Comisión Federal de ElectricidadⓇ Account Breakdown by Sector 3Q 2022 Industrial Agricultural 0.8% 0.3% Services 0.5% Commercial 9.3% 89.1% Residential Revenue Breakdown by Sector 3Q 2022 Services Agricultural Commercial 3.3% 2.4% 12.3% 21.9% Residential 60.1% Industrial 4#6CFE in a Snapshot, as of 3rd Quarter 2022 Installed Capacity* Transmission and Distribution Grid 65,960 MW Clean technologies accounted for ~32% 998,069 km International Connections 13 Coal USA (11), Guatemala (1) and Belize (1) 8.3% Additional Business Lines Fuel Commercialization Fiber Optic Grid, Internet CFei CFenergía CFE Internet Telecomunicaciones para todos CFETelecom Combined Cycle A Steam 38.8% Hydroelectric◆ 14.8% Generation CFE 18.5% Nuclear 2.4% Comisión Federal de Electricidad Geothermal Turbogas Installed Capacity 5.4% 1.3% Wind 6.1% Internal Combustion 0.5% 3.9% Solar Infrastructure Investments CFE Capital Test laboratory Efficient Energy Use LAPEM PAESE Programa de Ahorro de Energía del Sector Eléctrico Source: CFE, CFE Transmisión, CFE Distribución * includes: Independent Power Producers and Long term auctions CFE Comisión Federal de ElectricidadⓇ Distribution HE Transmission Distribution Clean Residential Clients Industrial Clients Commercial Clients Natural Gas 5#718.0% Evolution of Technical and Non Technical Distribution Losses* 16.1% 16.0% Luz y Fuerza del Centro liquidation 14.0% 12.0% 11.2% 11.6% 11.0% 10.0% 8.0% 6.0% 4.0% 2.0% 0.0% 11.6% 11.6% 12.5% 11.8% 11.7% 2002 2003 2004 * Low and medium voltaje, less than 34,500 volts P: proyected Source: CFE Distribución CFE Comisión Federal de ElectricidadⓇ 2005 2006 홈 2007 2008 15.3% 15.9% 14.6% 13.9% 13.1% 11.6% 12.4% 11.7% 11.2% 11.5% 11.3% 11.0% 10.0% 9.5% Goal 6.0% 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 3Q22 2022p 2023p 2024p 6#8• . 115.0% 110.0% 105.0% 100.0% 95.0% 90.0% 85.0% January February March April Electrical Energy Sales Collection Index* гради May June July August 2019 CFE Comisión Federal de ElectricidadⓇ September October January December February November March May April June July August September October January February March November December May April 2020 June 2021 July August September October November December Over close to four years, Collection Index (IC) which is defined as the percentage of income from energy sales with respect to total billing, has remained stable, even with the economic impact of the pandemic. This reflects the willingness of CFE users to pay, due to the quality of the service provided and the diversity and breadth of means of payment that the company has developed in favor of users. Source: CFE Suministro Básico * Energy sales income/ billing January February March April May June July August September 2022 7 Average: 97.4% 96.04%#9+ Financial Results, 3Q 2022 Total Revenues 470.4 billion pesos Revenues as of 3Q2022 increased by 35.6 billion pesos (8.2%) compared to the same period in 2021 as a result of higher energy sales in the industrial, commercial and residential sectors (34.9 billion pesos), offsetting the decrease in revenues from sale of fuels to third parties due to an increase in fuel prices (17.9 billion pesos). Subsidy income increased by 5.1 billion pesos (8.7%). Operating Costs 473.5 billion pesos Operating costs increased 12.1% due to increases in fuel costs, maintenance, in order with requirement of the investment plan. As of 3Q2022, there was a increase in energy and fuel costs of 3.6.8 billion pesos, mainly due to lower consumption by third parties (private). Operating Result (3.1) billion pesos Financing Costs 38.3 billion pesos Foreign Exchange Gain 5.1 billion pesos Taxes 14.4 billion pesos Operating result increased by 15.4 billion pesos (125.4%) compared to 3Q2021 as a result of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, Financial costs increased by 1.3 billion pesos compared to 3Q2021, as a result of increases in interest rates in the financial markets and foreign exchange rates. As of 3Q2021, an exchange gain of 5.1 billion pesos was recorded due to an appreciation of the of the peso in the third quarter of 2022 of 1.35% (20.58 at the end of 2021 vs. 20.3058 at the end of June 2022). As of 3Q2022, there was an increase of 16.8 billion pesos of corporate tax generated by subsidiaries. Net Result (50.7) billion pesos Total Assets 2,335 billion pesos The net result for 3Q2022 was affected mainly with the increase of fuel costs and the delay of subsidies recognition by Total Liabilities 1,676 billion pesos Equity 659 billion pesos Source: Financial Statements CFE CFE Comisión Federal de ElectricidadⓇ 8#10434.8 billion pesos 292.3 billion 63.3 billion Total Income 3Q 2022 vs 3Q 2021 3Q2021 3Q2022 67.2% Energy Sales 70.5% 470.4 billion pesos 331.8 billion 14.6% Subsidy 14.6% 68.8 billion 46.9 billion 10.8% Third Party Fuel Sales 29.0 billion 6.2% 18.4 billion 13.9 billion 4.2% Other Income 5.7% 26.7 billion 3.2% Energy Transportation Services 3.0% 14.1 billion • • CFE's total revenues increased 8.2% vs. the same period in 2021, as a result of higher energy sales of 39.5 billion pesos in the industrial, residential and commercial sectors. Revenues from third party fuel sales decreased as a result of lower sales volume due to higher prices. Subsidy income increased 8.7%, as a result of an advanced governmental transfer corresponding to the month of October to fund higer fuel costs. Other income increased 8.3 billion, thanks to engineering services provided to third parties for project specific infrastructure. Source: CFE. CFE Comisión Federal de ElectricidadⓇ 9#11Costs 3Q 2022 vs 3Q 2021 422.4 billion 3T2021 3T2022 60.1% Fuels 61.4% 253.9 billion 51.3 billion 12.1% 14.3 billion 4.3 billion 33.4 billion Salaries 3.4% Maintenance 4.5% 1.0% Taxes and MEM Cost 0.9% 7.9% Employee Benefits 6.0% 473.6 billion 290.7 billion 11.9% 53.7 billion 21.4 billion 4.2 billion 28.5 billion 65.2 billion 15.5% Depreciation and others 15.9% 75.1 billion • As of 3Q2022, the items of 'Energy and other fuels' increased by 56.8 billion pesos which was compensated by a decrease in 'Energy and other fuels to third parties' of 19.9 billion pesos vs the same period of 2021. • • Labor obligations showed a reduction of 14.8%, while salaries showed an increase of 4.7%, lower than the observed inflation. "Financing costs" decreased 24.0% compared to fiscal year 2021, as a result of the foreign exchange gain of 11.7 billion pesos, due to a peso appreciation of 1.3%. Source: CFE CFE Comisión Federal de ElectricidadⓇ 10#12CFE's Consolidated Financial Information 3Q 2020, 2021 and 2022 Total Revenues (billion pesos) 470.4 434.8 386.5 9M20 9M21 Operating Costs (billion pesos) 422.4 368.5 9M20 Average Price (Basic Supply) (pesos/kWh) 1.94 1.82 1.72 9M22 3Q20 473.5 18.0 3Q21 3Q22 Operating Results (billion pesos) 12.3 -3.1 9M21 9M22 9M20 9M21 9M22 Source: CFE, CFE Suministro Básico CFE Comisión Federal de ElectricidadⓇ 11#13CFE's Consolidated Financial Information 3Q 2020, 2021 and 2022 EBITDA* (billion pesos) 69.8 63.2 3Q20 3Q21 Financial Debt to EBITDA* (number of times) 7.7 4.5 3Q20 3Q21 Direct Debt** (billion pesos) 433.3 395.2 385.7 53.3 3Q22 3Q20 3Q21 3Q22 13.7 1.4 Liquidity*** (number of times) 1.5 0.9 3Q22 3Q20 3Q21 3Q22 *EBITDA adjusted for net labor cost of the period Financial debt to EBITDA annualized for the last 12 months. Includes leases **Does not include investment trust financing Source: CFE ***Current assets minus inventory divided by short term liabilities CFE Comisión Federal de ElectricidadⓇ 12#14Source: CFE MDP * • 381,853 Debt Profile 3Q 2022 Discounting the effect of currency fluctuation, increase on debt balance from December 2021 to September 2022, was of 13.5% 99,761.3 43,412 45,000 40,000 31,998 11,767 37,512 35,000 30,000 2,745 11,878 33,050 12,501 25,000 20,000 31,645 20,044 39,100 15,000 29,252 25,633 11,819 10,000 20,548 5,000 8,225 0 Debt as of September 30, 2022* (million pesos) 45,875 433,354 MOODY'S Baa2 New Debt Debt 31-dec-2021 According to Financial Statements as of 2Q22, excluding investment trust financing 2,384 Amortizations FX Fluctuation Debt 30-sep-2022 Debt Maturity Profile (Documented and Pidirega) as of September 30, 2022 (million pesos) Fitch Ratings BBB- Stable CFE Comisión Federal de ElectricidadⓇ 2026 45,333 6,233 35,176 5,077 32,829 4,671 27,938 I 24,288 4,490 22,330 4,309 30,099 12 211 28,158 23,448 22,548 13,622 6,249 5,995 18,021 5.432 4,671 761 1.740 11,444 3.457 2027 2028 2029 2030 Documented 2031 ■Pidiregas 2034 - 2041 HOR 2042 2043 - 2044 2045 14,284 12,555 12,442 9,950 5,720 12,442 9,950 2046 - 2050 2051 13 2052 Stable STANDARD & POOR'S BBB Stable#15Without Hedges With Hedges Disciplined Financial Risk Management, 3Q 2022 Debt by type of currency Local * 28.3% 71.7% Local CFE Comisión Federal de ElectricidadⓇ 71.7% Foreign | 28.3% Foreign** | | Debt by type of interest rate Floating 29.4% Floating * Local currency UDIS and MXN. **99% of foreign debt in USD. Source: CFE 33.9% 70.6% Fixed 66.1% Fixed 14#160 2 4 USD/MMBtu 6 • Commodity Hedging On October 15, 2021, the execution of CFE's commodity hedging program began, in particular natural gas. At the Initial stage, 21%, of the Natural Gas consumption was hedged. • We are working to achieve 40% of the daily annual Natural Gas consumption. • • The portfolio includes call options and collars with different levels of strikes that protect against price increases and allow the company to participate in fuel price drops and optimize premium costs. All of the operations are held with bank counterparties of the highest credit quality. 10 Natural Gas Price Indices 2020-2022 (3Q22) (USD/MMBTU) 8 feb/20 mar/20 abr/20 may/20 jun/20 jul/20 Henry Hub Houston Sh Ch ago/20 sep/20 oct/20 nov/20 CFE Comisión Federal de ElectricidadⓇ سله dic/20 ene/21 feb/21 mar/21 abr/21 may/21 jun/21 jul/21 ago/21 sep/21 oct/21 nov/21 dic/21 ene/22 feb/22 mar/22 abr/22 may/22 jun/22 привет jul/22 ago/22 sep/22 15#17Key alliances and partnerships for operative and financial strengthening Strategic Alliance- New Fortress Energy Corporation Description: Reactivate Natural Gas exports to Europe through: (i) acquisition of natural gas plant; (ii) guarantee natural gas supply to Baja California plants; and (iii) the creation of a distribution center Total Investment: 2.2 USD billion (CFE: 15%) Strategic Alliance- TC Energía Description: The extension of the marine pipeline from Tuxpan to Coatzacoalcos Total Investment: 4.5 USD billion (CFE: 15%) Natural Gas Long Term Supply Contracts Description: 15-year contracts for the supply of 81,000 million British thermal units (BTU) per day of natural gas to the fertilizer plant in Topolobampo, Sinaloa, to be built by Gas y Petroquímica de Occidente Occidente Total Investment: 5.0 USD billion Main Objectives ✰ Diversification and consolidation as an energy company ❖ Strengthen presence in international markets Guarantee the supply of natural gas to the Yucatan peninsula and the country's southeastern region Take advantage of available capacity in CFE's pipelines Additional Benefits Encourage productive infrastructure investments ✓ Creation of ~3,500 direct and ~8,000 indirect jobs ✓ Earn additional income by leveraging existing assets Risk diversification Source: CFE CFE Comisión Federal de ElectricidadⓇ 16#181 2Q 2022 Fibra E Distribution As of September 30th, 2022, Fibra E CFE traded at 25.95 pesos per certificate. 2 3 4 On that day, CFE Capital carried out the distribution of the CFE FIBRA E, corresponding to the 13-week period from June 2022 to August 2022. The total amount distributed was 1,109.2 million pesos. This distribution has been the highest registered since the issuance of FIBRA E, in 2018. This distribution presented a growth of 3.43% compared to that registered in 3Q21. Series Distribution per certificate* A 0.975 B 0.975 The next distribution will take place on December 31, 2022 * Certificados bursátiles fiduciarios de inversión en energía e infraestructura.. Source: CFE Capital For more information visit: CFE Comisión Federal de ElectricidadⓇ 17#19CFE Comisión Federal de ElectricidadⓇ ANNEXES#20Ingresos Ingresos por venta de energía Ingresos por venta de combustibles a terceros Ingresos por transporte de energía Ingresos por subsidio CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME AS OF SEPTEMBER 30, 2022 AND 2021 Concepto (millions of pesos) Acumulado a Septiembre SEPTIEMBRE 2022 $470,428,169 Periodo de nueve meses terminado el 30 de septiembre de SEPTIEMBRE 2021 $434,814,399 2022 2021 $172,762,211 $148,851,397 331,781,913 292,320,345 122,222,996 106,977,655 28,950,378 46,885,307 11,826,087 10,815,971 14,149,303 13,930,247 4,948,925 4,587,687 68,800,000 63,279,000 25,000,000 21,000,000 Otros ingresos y ganancias 26,746,575 18,399,500 8,764,202 5,470,084 Costos Energéticos y otros combustibles $369,963,738 $323,790,174 $152,360,462 $112,869,477 261,496,978 204,698,241 110,654,442 72,214,872 Energéticos y otros combustibles a terceros 29,257,557 49,190,344 11,863,752 11,615,670 Remuneraciones 53,636,419 51,250,599 19,377,680 18,191,764 Mantenimiento, materiales y servicios generales 21,353,317 14,327,493 9,129,867 9,683,679 Impuestos y derechos 1,928,054 1,840,342 506,736 267,723 Costo MEM 2,291,413 2,483,155 827,984 895,768 RESULTADO ANTES DE OTROS COSTOS $100,464,431 $111,024,225 $20,401,749 $35,981,921 Otros costos $103,602,931 $98,665,741 $33,133,594 $30,415,452 Costo de obligaciones laborales 28,480,803 33,428,953 9,645,718 10,941,228 Depreciación 56,446,123 50,841,133 19,932,269 16,792,269 Otros gastos 18,676,005 14,395,655 3,555,606 2,681,955 RESULTADO DE OPERACIÓN ($3,138,500) $12,358,484 ($12,731,845) $5,566,469 Costos de Financiamiento $33,196,855 $43,652,714 $26,497,730 $27,586,637 Otros (Ingresos) gastos financieros netos 5,370,299 5,336,571 (1,808,328) 2,990,024 Gastos por intereses neto 32,963,838 31,699,415 12,523,128 8,795,725 (Utilidad) pérdida cambiaria, neta (5,137,282) 6,616,728 15,782,930 15.800.889 RESULTADO ANTES DE IMPUESTOS ($36,335,355) ($31,294,230) ($39,229,575) ($22,020,169) Impuestos a la utilidad 14,383,459 RESULTADO NETO ($50,718,814) (2,440,290) ($28,853,940) 11,441,682 ($2,440,290) ($50,671,257) ($19,579,879) Source: CFE, Financial Statements as of September 30, 2022 CFE Comisión Federal de ElectricidadⓇ#21CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS OF SEPTEMBER 30, 2022 AND 2021 (millions of pesos) Concepto ACTIVO Activo circulante Efectivo y equivalentes de efectivo Cuentas por cobrar, neto Inventario de materiales para operación Préstamos a los trabajadores Plantas, instalaciones y equipos, neto Instrumentos financieros derivados Activos intangibles y otros activos Activo por derecho de uso, neto Impuesto diferido activo TOTAL ACTIVO PASIVO A corto plazo Deuda a corto plazo Otras cuentas por pagar y pasivos acumulados Impuestos a la utilidad Pasivo por arrendamiento a corto plazo A largo plazo Deuda a largo plazo Beneficios a los empleados Otros pasivos a largo plazo Pasivo por arrendamiento a largo plazo TOTAL PASIVO Patrimonio Aportaciones recibidas del Gobierno Federal Aportaciones en especie (Gobierno Federal) Resultados acumulados Otras partidas de resultado integral Participación no controladora PASIVO + PATRIMONIO Source: CFE, Financial Statements as of September 30, 2022 CFE Comisión Federal de ElectricidadⓇ $ n Acumulado Al 30 de septiembre 2022 Al 31 de diciembre de 2021 237,739,582 201,662,482 78,856,596 144,669,263 77,200,194 110,442,750 14,213,723 18,978,076 1,423,882,192 4,123,865 48,680,592 520,655,347 14,019,538 17,403,036 1,383,392,158 14,826,581 47,973,403 511,367,723 81,064,014 2,335,123,668 89,723,121 2,266,348,504 275,808,673 104,556,501 141,351,556 3,933,739 25,966,877 1,400,183,505 363,207,091 364,023,305 37,944,262 635,008,847 176,806,088 37,305,250 99,481,510 14,089,276 25,930,052 1,388,850,922 356,615,652 369,920,165 26,836,535 635,478,570 1,675,992,178 659,131,490 5,251 95,111,382 (91,710,199) 633,262,066 22,462,990 2,335,123,668 1,565,657,010 700,691,494 5,251 95,111,382 (36,163,396) 622,030,269 19,707,988 2,266,348,504#22Investor Relations [email protected] CFE Comisión Federal de ElectricidadⓇ

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