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#1PART OF A BETTER FUTURE North-West Queensland Copper Project OVER TWENTY PROSPECTS DELIVERING EXPLORATION UPSIDE 25 CASTILLO COPPER#2Disclosure The information contained in this document ("Presentation") has been prepared by Castillo Copper Limited (hereafter "Castillo" or "CCZ"). It has not been fully verified and is subject to material updating, revision and further amendment. While the information contained herein has been prepared in good faith, neither Castillo nor any of its shareholders, directors, officers, agents, employees or advisers give, have given or have the authority to give, any representations or warranties (express or implied) as to, or in relation to, the accuracy, reliability or completeness of the information in this Presentation, or any revision thereof, or of any other written or oral information made or to be made available to any interested party or its advisers (all such information being referred to as "Information") and liability therefore is expressly disclaimed. Accordingly, neither Castillo nor any of its shareholders, directors, officers, agents, employees or advisers take any responsibility for, or will accept any liability whether direct or indirect, express or implied, contractual, tortious, statutory or otherwise, in respect of, the accuracy or completeness of the information or for any of the opinions contained herein or for any errors, omissions or misstatements or for any loss, howsoever arising, from the use of this Presentation. Neither the issue of this Presentation nor any part of its contents is to be taken as any form of commitment on the part of Castillo to proceed with any transaction and the right is reserved to terminate any discussions or negotiations with any prospective investors. In no circumstances will Castillo be responsible for any costs, losses or expenses incurred in connection with any appraisal or investigation of Castillo. In furnishing this Presentation, Castillo does not undertake or agree to any obligation to provide the recipient with access to any additional information or to update this Presentation or to correct any inaccuracies in, or omissions from, this Presentation which may become apparent. This Presentation should not be considered as the giving of investment advice by Castillo or any of its shareholders, directors, officers, agents, employees or advisers. Each party to whom this Presentation is made available must make its own independent assessment of Castillo after making such investigations and taking such advice as may be deemed necessary. In particular, any estimates or projections or opinions contained herein necessarily involves significant elements of subjective judgement, analysis and assumptions and each recipient should satisfy itself in relation to such matters. Neither this presentation nor any copy of it may be (a) taken or transmitted into the United Kingdom, Canada, Japan or the United States of America, their territories or possessions; (b) distributed to any U.S. person (as defined in Regulation S under the United States Securities Act of 1933 (as amended)) or (c) distributed to any individual outside Australia, Canada or Japan who is a resident thereof in any such case for the purpose of offer for sale or solicitation or invitation to buy or subscribe any securities or in the context where its distribution may be construed as such offer, solicitation or invitation, in any case except in compliance with any applicable exemption. The distribution of this document in or to persons subject to other jurisdictions may be restricted by law and persons into whose possession this document comes should inform themselves about, and observe, any such restrictions. Any failure to comply with these restrictions may constitute a violation of the laws of the relevant jurisdiction. Forward Looking Statements Certain information in this document refers to the intentions of Castillo Copper Ltd, but these are not intended to be forecasts, forward-looking statements or statements about future matters for the purposes of the Corporations Act or any other applicable law. The occurrence of events in the future are subject to risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause Castillo Copper Ltd's actual results, performance or achievements to differ from those referred to in this announcement. Accordingly, Castillo Copper Ltd, its directors, officers, employees, and agents do not give any assurance or guarantee that the occurrence of the events referred to in this announcement will actually occur as contemplated. Competent Person Statement The information in this report that relates to Exploration Results is based on information compiled or reviewed by Mr. Mark Biggs, a consultant to Castillo Copper Limited. Mr. Biggs is a member of the Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (member #107188) and has sufficient experience of relevance to the styles of mineralization and types of deposits under consideration, and to the activities undertaken, to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the 2012 Edition of the Joint Ore Reserves Committee (JORC) Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, and Mineral Resources. Mr. Biggs holds an AusIMM Online Course Certificate in 2012 JORC Code Reporting. Mr. Biggs also consents to the inclusion in this report of the matters based on information in the form and context in which it appears. The Australian Securities Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the accuracy or adequacy of this release. NWQ COPPER PROJECT - INVESTOR PRESENTATION 2#3Castillo Copper in Focus PROJECTS We are a copper-focused exploration company with four projects across Australia and Zambia. We target and select assets for their potential to develop economic mineral resources and are actively progressing each project up the value curve. London Stock Exchange Ticker code: CCZ Zambia Projects Three high-quality prospective assets across Zambia's copper-belt, the second largest copper producer in Africa Broken Hill Project- A large tenure footprint proximal to Broken Hill's world-class deposit that is prospective for Iron-Oxide-Copper- Gold -NWQ Copper Project Over 20 high-grade targets, including Big One Deposit, situated in the Mt Isa copper-belt district, north-west Queensland, delivers significant exploration upside - Cangai Copper Project One of Australia's highest grading historic copper mines with a JORC compliant resource 4.6mt @ 2.45% Cu¹ and significant upside potential Australian Securities Exchange Ticker code: CCZ NWQ COPPER PROJECT - INVESTOR PRESENTATION 3#4Castillo Copper in Focus LEADERSHIP TEAM GERRARD HALL Chairperson Appointed April 2022 Ged, a finance professional with 20+ years at top banks, including JP Morgan and UBS, specialises in proprietary trading, derivatives, and asset management. Based in London, he manages UK investor relations Ged holds an MBA and MSc in Financial Management and has a decade of experience in the Middle East JACK SEDWICK Executive Director Appointed January 2023 Jack, based in Perth, has over 13 years of experience in corporate strategy, finance, and business improvement, spanning mining and utility industries Holding degrees in Engineering, Commerce (Corporate Finance), and an MBA (with Distinction) from the University of Western Australia, he's also a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors DAVID DRAKELEY Non-Executive Director Appointed January 2023 David has more than 20 years of experience in both mining and government positions. Located in Brisbane, he operates a geology consulting firm that specialises in mining and exploration activities David holds a Bachelor (Hons) of Earth Science from Liverpool John Moores University, QLD Site Senior Executive (SSE) for Surface Mines or Quarries, and QLD Site Senior Executive (SSE) for Coal Mines DALE HANA Company Secretary Appointed April 2020 Dale, a finance expert 20+ years' experience as CFO, Company Secretary, and in corporate advisory, commenced his career at Ernst & Young. His proficiency extends to ASX-listed mining companies Dale is a Chartered Accountant & Secretary, holding a Bachelor's from Curtin University. He maintains active memberships with the Institute of Chartered Accountants and the Governance Institute of Australia NWQ COPPER PROJECT - INVESTOR PRESENTATION 4#5NWQ Copper Project in Focus LOCATION The NWQ Copper Project is located about 140 km to the north of Mount Isa Townsville is roughly 760 km directly east of the Project and is linked to Mount Isa via a railway The Project comprises five mineral leases covering a total area of 977 km² The northern leases area accessed south off the Wills Development Road The southern and central leases are accessed by the Gunpowder Road NWQ REGIONAL MAP CAMOWEAL C5 CASTILLO CCZ Tenure Place Mine COPPER CENTURY MINE GREGORY NWQ COPPER PROJECT FOUR WAYS MT OXIDE MINE CU CAPRICORN COPPER MINE ( LADY LORETTA MINE O GUNPOWDER Road Minor Road | Track Railway GEORGE FISHER MINE KAJABBI DUNGALD RIVER MINE BARBARA MINE ERNEST HENRY MINE CLONCURRY MT ISA MINE MT ISA ROCKLAND MINE GREAT AUSTRALIA MINE MOUNT COLIN MINE Okm 50km 100km N NWQ COPPER PROJECT - INVESTOR PRESENTATION 5#6NWQ Copper Project in Focus REGIONAL GEOLOGY 4 Located in Mount Isa Inlier, featuring Proterozoic (2.5 Ga to 540 Ma) crustal rocks with a tectonic evolution akin to the Broken Hill Block 4 The region hosts notable shale-hosted lead-zinc- silver sulphide deposits like the Mount Isa, Century and George Fisher deposits The region also boasts iron-rich deposit and structurally controlled copper and gold deposits Economic deposits in the region are typically located along the Leichhardt River Fault Trough of the Western Fold Belt The Project is situated in the apex of the Mount Oxide-Gunpowder spatial domain, straddling the Lawn Hill Platform and the Leichhardt River Fault Trough NORTH WEST QUEENSLAND COPPER PROJECT C5 CASTILLO . COPPER CCZ Tenure Fault Place Lawn Hill Platform Leichhardt River Fault Trough Kalkadoon-Leichhardt River Trough Sybella Granite Mary Kathleen Fold Belt Tommy Creek Block Mitakoodi Anticline Mirimo-Stavely Block Kuridala-Selwyn Block Williams Group Granite Soldiers Gap Group CENTURY KAMARGA 0km GREGORY 100km 200km NORTH WEST QUEENSLAND COPPER PROJECT MOUNT. OXIDE. CAPRICORN COPPER LADY LORETTA MINE. MT GORDON FAULT DUNGALD RIVER BARBARA COPPER GEORGE FISHER CLONCURRY MTISA MOUNT-COLIN QUAMBY FAULT ZONE ERNEST HENRY GREAT AUSTRALIA OYOUNG AUSTRALIAN MT COBALT MT DORE MT ISA FAULT FAULT PILGRIM Source: CCZ Geology Team4 N CLONCURRY FAULT ZONE CANNINGTON PEGMONT FAULT ZONE NWQ COPPER PROJECT - INVESTOR PRESENTATION 6#7NWQ Copper Project in Focus LOCAL GEOLOGY 567 The tenement is underlain by Lower Proterozoic metamorphosed siltstone, sandstone, dolomite, quartzite and volcanics Mineralisation styles include structurally- controlled (IOCG), sheared-hosted sedimentary rocks (Cu-Au) and strataform (Pb-Zn) A major fault zone, associated with shearing and hosting economic copper deposits intersects the Project There are twenty two deposits or historical mine sites within the Project, categorised based on their stratigraphic and structural settings Observed mineralisation at all deposits is primarily chalcopyrite-pyrite-chalcocite, typically as massive sulphide within breccias C5 CASTILLO COPPER CCZ Tenure Fault Prospect Mine Weberra Granite McNamara Group Surprise Creek Formation NWQ COPPER PROSPECTS HIGHLIGHTS Bigie Formation, Fiery Creek Volcanics Quilalar Formation Haslingden Group = Mt Isa Group Source: CCZ Geology Team N EPM 27440 PANCAKE THE CRESCENT MOUNT STORM THE WALL EPM 26574 CROWBAR BIG ONE VALPARASIA EPM 26462 EPM 26513 EPM 26525 SPOM POM BOMB GEORGE BOOMERANG. AMANDA ARYA BLACK MOUNTAIN 2000 ELDORADO SOUTHS JOSEPHINE EPM 26613 OMT OXIDE MINE, EPM 26513 TORPEDO CREEK OLD MAN CREEK OCAPRICORN COPPER MINE NWQ COPPER PROJECT - INVESTOR PRESENTATION 7#8Exploration in Focus OVERVIEW The Project Area has seen extensive exploration, with nearly 150 permits 2 issued since records began Activity has focused on sedimentary hosted copper sulphide mineralisation, especially Mount Isa-style deposits and other copper, lead, and zinc mineralisation Limited exploration for structurally hosted gold and critical minerals Exploration methods include airborne and ground geophysical surveys, geochemical sampling and limited drilling Seven companies, including 29 Metals, Anglo American and Rio Tinto, are actively exploring adjoining tenements for copper-gold deposits 3 8#9Exploration in Focus EVALUATION Collation, combination and interpretation of publicly available geochemical data to define trends, geological and structural associations Review of historical exploration reports with a view to identifying historical targets suitable for follow up exploration Re-interpretation of results from the target generation studies with recently released data, e.g. 2019 GSA airborne geophysical survey data and newly obtained exploration data NOTE Limited desktop studies have been completed on the Torpedo Creek licence 7855000 m 7860000 m 7865000 m 325000 m Legend EPM 26462 Mineral Resource Sites Copper (ppm) Contours 0.00 5.00 5.00 20.00 20.00-40.00 40.00-60.00 60.00 -80.00 80.00 100.00 100.00 120.00 120.00 140.00 140.00 160.00 160.00 180.00 180.00 200.00 200.00 220.00 330000 m 335000 m VALPARAISA COPPER 220.00 240.00 240.00 260.00 BIG OXIDE COPPER 260.00 - 280.00 280.00 300.00 300.00 350.00 350.00 400.00 400.00 450.00 450.00 500.00 500.00 550.00 550.00 600.00 600.00 650.00 650.00 700.00 700.00 800.00 800.00 900.00 900.00 1000.00 1000.00 2000.00 2000.00 2500.00 2500.00 3000.00 WEBERRA URANIUM 109 100 340000 m 150 345000 m 350000 m AMANDA GOLD N 140 131 THERESA LEAD BOOMERANG COPPER MYALLY LEAD BLACK MOUNTAIN MANGANESE MYALLY CREEK LEAD ZINC JOSEPHINE COPPER 10s do 1000 ala's sto 3000.00 3500.00 3500.00 4000.00 CHIDNA COPPER 4000.00 5500.00 GORDON CREEK COPPER 5500.00 8700.00 8700.00 18400.00 MOUNT GORDON NORTH COPPER • 0 325000 m 330000 m MOUNT GORDON - COPPER 335000 m 340000 m 345000 m Source: CCZ Geology Team 8 <1000 km 350000 m NWQ COPPER PROJECT - INVESTOR PRESENTATION 7855000 m 7860000 m 7865000 m 9#10Prospectivity in Focus OVERVIEW The NWQ prospects have been allocated a prospectivity score, indicating the probability of discovering a deposit that may be of a size and grade to be categorised a mineral resource The assessment combines knowledge of a prospect's geology, mineral occurrences, current theories of mineralisation and results of exploration The assessment does not consider mineral reserve criteria or operational risks A prospect's prospectivity is ranked as high, moderate, low, or unknown To account for variations in data availability and quality, a prospect prospectivity is also categorised according to level of certainty#11Prospectivity in Focus 1. Big One | HD 2. Eldorado | HC 3. Valpar asia | HB 4. Boomerang | HB 5. Mt Storm | HB 6. Black Mountain | MB 7. Crescent | MB 8. Pancake | MB 9. The Wall | MB 10. Arya | MB 11. Flapjack | MB 12. Torpedo Creek | MB 13. Josephine | MA 14. Bomb Gorge | MA 15. Pom Pom | L2 16. Amanda | L2 17. Big Ben | UA 18. Little Nathan | UA 19. Unicorn | Alhambra | UA 20. Crow Bar | UA 21. Old Man Creek | UA 22. Mercy | UA 0 Source: CCZ Geology Team4 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Prospectivity Certainty Prospectivity Score 9 High: An area is considered to have a high mineral resource potential if the geological, geophysical, or geochemical evidence indicate a high likelihood that mineral concentration has taken place and that there is a strong possibility of specific type(s) of mineral deposit(s) being present. The area has characteristics which give strong evidence for the presence of specific types of mineral deposits. The assignment of high potential does not require that the specific mineral deposit types have already been identified in the area being assessed Moderate: An area is considered to have a moderate mineral resource potential if the available evidence indicates that there is a reasonable possibility of specific type(s) of mineral deposit(s) being present. There may or may not be evidence of mineral occurrences or deposits. The characteristics for the presence of specific types of mineral deposits are less clear Low: An area is considered to have a low mineral resource potential if there is a low possibility of specific types of mineral deposit(s) being present. Geological, geophysical and geochemical characteristics in such areas indicate that mineral concentrations are unlikely and evidence for specific mineral deposit models is lacking. The assignment of low potential requires positive knowledge and cannot be used as a valid description for areas where adequate data are lacking No: The term 'no' mineral resource potential can be used for specified types of mineral deposits in areas where there is a detailed understanding of the geological environment and geoscientific evidence indicates that such deposits are not present Unknown: If there are insufficient data to classify the areas as having high, moderate, low or no potential, then the mineral resource potential is unknown Certainty Score A: The available data are not adequate to determine the level of mineral resource potential. This level is used with an assignment of unknown mineral resource potential B: The available data are adequate to suggest the geological environment and the level of mineral resource potential, but either the evidence is insufficient to precisely establish the likelihood of resource occurrence or the occurrence and/or genetic models are not well enough known for predictive resource assessment C: The available data give a good indication of the geological environment and the level of mineral resource potential D: The available data clearly define the geological environment and the level of mineral resource potential NWQ COPPER PROJECT - INVESTOR PRESENTATION 11#12Big One in Focus | HD 2, 10, 11, 12 GEOLOGY2 The historic Big One Copper Mine's host rock comprises dolomitic feldspathic sandstone, siltstone (Lochness Formation), and quartzite (Whitworth Quartzite) Mineralisation includes supergene copper linked to a steeply dipping, northeast-trending fault zone, intruded by 2-5 m wide trachyte dykes with strong sericite alteration The altered hanging wall displays malachite, chalcocite, cuprite, with significant malachite staining along a 600 m strike length In 1997, -4,400t of supergene ore was mined with an average achieved grade of ~3.5% Cu CASTILLO COPPER CCZ Tenure Fault Prospect Mine Weberra Granite McNamara Group Surprise Creek Formation NWQ COPPER PROSPECTS HIGHLIGHTS Bigie Formation, Fiery Creek Volcanics Quilalar Formation Haslingden Group Mt Isa Group EPM 27440 PANCAKE THE CRESCENT MOUNT STORM THE WALL EPM 26574 .CROWBAR BIG ONE VALPARASIA EPM 26462 EPM 26513 EPM 26525 POM POM BOMB GEORGE BOOMERANG AMANDA ARYA BLACK MOUNTAIN ELDORADO SOUTH JOSEPHINE EPM 26513 MT OXIDE MINE EPM 26513 TORPEDO CREEK OLD MAN CREEK Mineral Occurrence 13 Primary: Cu | Secondary: NA | Type: Abandoned Mine [L. 180m x W. 20m D. 30m] Size: Small [500 - 50,000t] Possible occurrence of Cu, Co and Ag N CAPRICORN COPPER MINE NWQ COPPER PROJECT - INVESTOR PRESENTATION 12#13Big One in Focus TIMELINE . • ° 1970 Forsyth Minerals drill shallow drillholes. 1992 MIM Exploration conduct additional geochemical investigations. 1993 2020 2021 Savanah Resources conduct additional on ground studies, including rock chip sampling. . Castillo Copper drill 41 drillholes ⚫ (including 1 DD drillhole) over two phases for a total of 4330.98m. 2021 Fender Geophysics complete a 5 line, 50m dipole-dipole (DP-DP) Induced Polarisation (IP) survey spread over 4,550m. ⚫ Geochemical study and aerial drone survey of 12 historic stockpiles 2022 Western Australian Minerals drill 27 drillholes ⚫ and estimate a non-JORC compliant copper oxide target of 79,000t at 2.2%. 2007 1981 Carpentaria Exploration Company conduct stream ⚫ sediment and soil sampling. 1994 - 1996 Coffee Mining NL re-open historic mine workings. • . • 1997 Mining operations suspended due to a downturn in copper ⚫ prices. 2018 Castillo Copper granted EMP 26574. Maiden MRE released [2.1Mt @ 1.1% Cu]. ⚫ Metallurgical test-work by ALS. 2023 Pit optimisation study by Entech. NWQ COPPER PROJECT - INVESTOR PRESENTATION 13#14Big One in Focus STUDIES 2 7 historic drillholes intercept shallow, high-grade Cu over 600m strike: BH B073m at 12.25% Cu from 42m; incl. 2m at 17.87% Cu from 43m 1m at 28.40% Cu from 44m 14 12 stockpiles comprise 7,407t at 1.17% Cu Assayed rock chip samples return up to 3.32% Cu 16 Metallurgical studies (10x upgrade): 0.72% to 7.2% Cu post-test-work 19 Pit optimisation study: 6,266t Cu (head grade 1.42%) $28m Net Present Value 20 11111 健 -+++ 2020-21 drilling results confirm Cu (chalcocite) from surface: BH 303RC 40m at 1.64% Cu from surface incl: 11m at 4.40% Cu from 24m, 5m at 7.34% Cu from 28m 1m at 16.65% Cu from 29m 17 Drilling confirms mineralisation along 1,200m Cu mineralisation greatest at the insect of the dyke and fault Less Cu mineralisation at the southern IP targets 18 1 IP anomaly found at known zone of mineralisation, extending deeper than 2020 drilling 1 IP anomaly found 200m north of the line of lode and 3 to the south 15 NWQ COPPER PROJECT - INVESTOR PRESENTATION 14#15335250mE 335350mE 335450mE Big One Big One in Focus 2022 MINERAL RESOURCE ESTIMATE Inferred MRE of 2.1 Mt at a grade of 1.1% Cu 21 A smaller estimate for indicated resources has been included, focusing on legacy stockpiles A targeted diamond drilling program has the potential to significantly expand and improve the confidence level of the resource, especially since the deposit remains open to the east and downdip 335150mE o RC Drillhole Collar (CCZ, 2021) RC Drillhole Collar (CCZ, 2020) Big One copper lode (approximate) Pit Northern anomaly 320RC Q325RC 322RC 324RC 333RC 323RC 307RC 7880350mN 305RC 301RC 303RC 302RC 308RC 304RC 326RC 309RC 318RC 319RC 310RC Infill drilling 313RC 313RC zone 312RC 327RC 0 314RC 325RC 314RC 321RC 331RC 332RC 7880250mN 330RC 320RC 0 100m Resource Category Ore Type Inferred Indicated (Mt) (Mt) Measured (Mt) Cu Grade (%) Ag Grade (g/t) Contained Cu (t) Contained Ag (t) Insitu Oxidised 1.7 0.0 0.0 1.1 1.1 17,000 1,870 Insitu Fresh 0.4 0.0 0.0 1.4 1.4 4,800 560 Mine Dumps Oxidised 0.0 0.007 0.0 1.2 4.0 86.0 29.0 Sub-Total 2.1 0.007 0.0 21,886 2,459 Source: CCZ Geology Team 21 Note: Cut-off grade 0.45% Cu NWQ COPPER PROJECT - INVESTOR PRESENTATION 15#16Eldorado South in Focus❘ HC GEOLOGY 2, 22 Eldorado South is dominated by the Surprise Creek Formation, which consists of layers transitioning from pebble sandstone and sandstone to a mix of sandstone, siltstone, and shale The area is intersected by several faults running in a north to north-northeast direction, aligning with the Mount Gordon Fault Zone to the west It is situated in the northern extension of the Bull Creek Syncline Historical records note small-scale mining at the site CASTILLO COPPER CCZ Tenure Fault Prospect Mine Weberra Granite McNamara Group NWQ COPPER PROSPECTS HIGHLIGHTS EPM 27440 PANCAKE THE CRESCENT MOUNT STORM THE WALL EPM 26574 .CROWBAR BIG ONE VALPARASIA EPM 26462 EPM 26513 EPM 26525 POM POM AMANDA ARYA BOMB GEORGE BOOMERANG BLACK MOUNTAIN ELDORADO SOUTH JOSEPHINE ⚫ EPM 26513 MT OXIDE MINE OLD MAN CREEK Mineral Occurrence 13 Primary: Cu | Secondary: NA | Type: Abandoned Mine [L. 2m W. 1.5m D. 2m] Size: Very Small [<500t] Possible occurrence of Cu, Ag and Th Surprise Creek Formation Bigie Formation, Fiery Creek Volcanics Quilalar Formation Haslingden Group Mt Isa Group N EPM 26513 TORPEDO CREEK CAPRICORN COPPER MINE NWQ COPPER PROJECT - INVESTOR PRESENTATION 16#17Eldorado South in Focus STUDIES 2, 23, 24, 25 MIM's 1991 airborne electromagnetic survey reveals an anomaly 26 Eldorado South shows anomalous copper readings over a 200m by 500m area, reaching 310ppm Cu 26 Rock chip analysis identifies up to 5,400ppm Cu in a 320m by 600m region, 450m northeast of the historic Epsilon Mine workings 27 Thematic maps suggest a correlation between copper anomalies and a NNE-trending fault A ground electromagnetic survey confirms anomalous geochemistry coincides with the geophysical anomaly 26 Detailed review pending CCZ conduct a helicopter assisted reconnaissance level mapping and rock sampling in November 2021 14 rock samples analysed, revealing values up to 334ppm Cu 22 NWQ COPPER PROJECT - INVESTOR PRESENTATION 17#18Valparasia in Focus| HB GEOLOGY 2, 28, 29, 30 Valparasia features two Middle Gunpowder Creek Formation layers with weak copper staining at surface along a 6km strike length The lower copper bed has stronger outcrop with ferric turquoise, pyritic lenses, and Liesegang banding The upper copper bed is often concealed by alluvium, but at outcrop shows malachite and turquoise staining The Whitworth Quartzite Formation, known to hosting copper sulphide mineralisation at the Capricorn Copper's Mount Mammoth Deposit outcrops at the Valparasia Fault CASTILLO COPPER CCZ Tenure Fault Prospect Mine Weberra Granite McNamara Group Surprise Creek Formation NWQ COPPER PROSPECTS HIGHLIGHTS Bigie Formation, Fiery Creek Volcanics EPM 27440 PANCAKE THE CRESCENT MOUNT STORM THE WALL EPM 26574 .CROWBAR BIG ONE VALPARASIA EPM 26462 EPM 26513 BOMB GEORGE BOOMERANG JOSEPHINE EPM 26613 MT OXIDE MINĖ EPM 26513 TORPEDO CREEK Mineral Occurrence 13 Primary: Cu | Secondary: NA | Type: Outcrop | Size: Very Small [<500t] Possible occurrence of Cu and Co Quilalar Formation Haslingden Group = Mt Isa Group N CAPRICORN COPPER MINE EPM 26525 AMANDA POM POM ARYA BLACK MOUNTAIN ELDORADO SOUTH OLD MAN CREEK NWQ COPPER PROJECT - INVESTOR PRESENTATION 18#19Valparasia in Focus STUDIES 2,28,29 Dampier Mining collect and analysed 51 rock chip samples, returning anomalous values, 12 samples return results >200ppm Cu with 6 exceeding 1,000ppm Cu BHP's rock chip sample reveal 2,530ppm Cu, identifying surface copper mineralisation TE 19 U Dampier Mining drill 18 RAB holes Lower copper bed results were poor, best intercept 3m @ 0.08% Cu Upper copper bed showed more promise, best intercept 6m @ 0.18% Cu, including 3m @ 0.33% Cu NWQ COPPER PROJECT - INVESTOR PRESENTATION#20Boomerang in Focus❘ HB GEOLOGY 31 Boomerang is dominated by the Surprise Creek Formation and consist of outcropping copper oxide deposits striking up to 800m The area is intersected by several faults running. off the Mount Gordon Fault Zone to the west The Theresa lead deposit is located around 1km to the west Limited shallow drilling has occurred, focusing on surface areas, leaving the deeper potential for copper sulphide mineralization unexplored CASTILLO COPPER CCZ Tenure Fault Prospect Mine NWQ COPPER PROSPECTS HIGHLIGHTS EPM 27440 PANCAKE THE CRESCENT MOUNT STORM THE WALL EPM 26574 .CROWBAR VALPARASIA EPM 26462 BIG ONE BOMB GEORGE BOOMERANG EPM 26513 JOSEPHINE . EPM 26513 MT OXIDE MINE Mineral Occurrence 13 Primary: Cu | Secondary: NA | Type: Outcrop | Size: Very Small [<500t] Possible occurrence of Cu and Pb Weberra Granite McNamara Group Surprise Creek Formation Bigie Formation, Fiery Creek Volcanics Quilalar Formation Haslingden Group = Mt Isa Group N EPM 26513 TORPEDO CREEK CAPRICORN COPPER MINE EPM 26525 AMANDA POM POM ARYA BLACKMOUNTAIN ELDORADO SOUTH OLD MAN CREEK NWQ COPPER PROJECT - INVESTOR PRESENTATION 20#21Boomerang in Focus STUDIES Dampier Mining conduct geological mapping, rock sampling, identifying copper staining Findings revealed copper oxide mineralisation in sandstone over an 800m strike length 30 In 1975 Dampier Mining drill 9 RAB holes Drilling suggests Cu mineralisation is associated with secondary faulting of MGFZ Possible evidence of supergene enrichment BH 1580_01: 21m at 0.14% Cu. inc. 3m at 0.25% Cu 31 TE 21 CCZ conduct reconnaissance level mapping and rock sampling in September 2023 21 rock samples analysed, returning values up to 4590ppm Cu 32 2 landholder-provided samples returned values of 42.2% and 57.3% NWQ COPPER PROJECT - INVESTOR PRESENTATION#2222 22 Mount Storm in Focus| HB GEOLOGY 2,32,33 The historic Mount Storm Copper Mine is in a porphyry dyke within the Upper Lochness Formation Mapping suggests the dyke is 750 metres long, intersecting the Quililar Formation to the west The mine originally consisted of two small pits excavated in the 1970s following a malachite vein Enlargement in the 1990s by Coffee Gold NL combined the pits into a larger open cut Initially a total of 700t were extracted with a 7% Cu head grade followed by an additional 400t at 4.5% Cu 25 CASTILLO COPPER CCZ Tenure Fault Prospect Mine Weberra Granite McNamara Group NWQ COPPER PROSPECTS HIGHLIGHTS EPM 27440 PANCAKE THE CRESCENT MOUNT STORM THE WALL EPM 26574 .CROWBAR VALPARASIA EPM 26462 EPM 26513 BIG ONE EPM 26525 POM POM BOMB GEORGE BOOMERANG AMANDA ARYA BLACK MOUNTAIN ELDORADO SOUTH JOSEPHINE . EPM 26613. MT OXIDE MINE OLD MAN CREEK Mineral Occurrence 13 Primary: Cu | Secondary: NA | Type: Abandoned Mine [L. 30m x W. 10m D. 10m] Size: Very Small [<500t] Possible occurrence of Cu and Co Surprise Creek Formation Bigie Formation, Fiery Creek Volcanics Quilalar Formation Haslingden Group Mt Isa Group N EPM 26513 TORPEDO CREEK CAPRICORN COPPER MINE NWQ COPPER PROJECT - INVESTOR PRESENTATION#23Mount Storm in Focus STUDIES 2 Historic rock chip sampling identify up to 5.4% Cu and 271 ppm Co 34 Mount Isa Metals later find copper (up to 521ppm), cobalt (up to 519ppm), and gold (up to 750ppb) in rock chip samples away from workings Findings suggest the possibility of a structurally controlled system associated with a porphyry dkye 35 m Three grab samples collected from historic workings: two from the O south pit (4.46% and 3.74% Cu) and one from the north pit (10.4% Cu in a cherty vein) 32 CCZ has not conducted on-site exploration NWQ COPPER PROJECT - INVESTOR PRESENTATION 23#24Black Mountain in Focus | MB GEOLOGY 2,36 Black Mountain Copper is a copper anomaly identified from stream sediment sampling by Mount Isa Mines Limited It is situated in a northeast-trending belt of Quililar Formation sediments near a fault Field observations suggest mineralisation is linked to quartz veining and ferruginous material The area has been mapped as a uranium- manganese prospect by government geologists Historical records note small-scale mining at the site C5 CASTILLO COPPER CCZ Tenure Fault Prospect Mine Weberra Granite McNamara Group NWQ COPPER PROSPECTS HIGHLIGHTS EPM 27440 PANCAKE THE CRESCENT MOUNT STORM THE WALL EPM 26574 CROWBAR BIG ONE VALPARASIA EPM 26462 EPM 26513 BOMB GEORGE BOOMERANG. JOSEPHINE EPM 26513 MIT OXIDE MINE. Mineral Occurrence 13 Primary: Mn | Secondary: Cu | Type: Abandoned Mine [L. 2m W. 2m D. 1m] Size: Very Small [<100t] Possible occurrence of Cu, Co, Zn, Ag, Mn, U and REE Surprise Creek Formation Bigie Formation, Fiery Creek Volcanics Quilalar Formation Haslingden Group Mt Isa Group N EPM 26513 TORPEDO CREEK CAPRICORN COPPER MINE EPM 26525 POM POM AMANDA ARYA BLACK MOUNTAIN ELDORADO SOUTHS OLD MAN CREEK NWQ COPPER PROJECT - INVESTOR PRESENTATION 24#25Black Mountain in Focus STUDIES 2 Mount Isa Mines explore for base metals or gold, driven by favourable rocks and structural complexity A helicopter-assisted drainage program and sampling of anomalies conducted The final phase included collection of 67 soil samples over 900m x 900m, revealing 16 with anomalous values, six exceeding 200ppm Cu Copper concentration correlates with silicification and ferromanganiferous grit development 37 -+++ U Three RAB holes drilled (date unknown) identified quartz veining, but limited information is available from the drill hole data 37 CCZ conduct a helicopter assisted reconnaissance mapping and rock sampling 3 rock samples analysed, returning values up to 592ppm Cu 22 NWQ COPPER PROJECT - INVESTOR PRESENTATION 25#26The Crescent in Focus| MB GEOLOGY 38 The Crescent is dominated by rocks of the Lochness Formation and holds potential for IOCG- style deposits, as supported by petrographic analysis Visible gold in stream sediments and silver in outcrops suggests possible mineralisation The western side, situated between parallel ENE- WSW trending faults, is seen as a structurally controlled target for IOCG-style mineralisation, featuring haematitic-quartz veins and rhyolitic dykes Geoscience Australia's assessment supports the region's prospectivity for IOCG-style deposits 39 C5 CASTILLO COPPER CCZ Tenure Fault Prospect Mine Weberra Granite McNamara Group Surprise Creek Formation NWQ COPPER PROSPECTS HIGHLIGHTS Bigie Formation, Fiery Creek Volcanics Quilalar Formation EPM 27440 PANCAKE THE CRESCENT MOUNT STORM THE WALL EPM 26574 CROWBAR BIG ONE VALPARASIA EPM 26462 EPM 26513 EPM 26525 AMANDA SPOM POM ARYA BOMB GEORGE BOOMERANG. BLACK MOUNTAIN ELDORADO SOUTHS JOSEPHINE EPM 26613 OMT OXIDE MINE EPM 26513 TORPEDO CREEK OLD MAN CREEK Mineral Occurrence 13 No known mineral occurrences recorded Possible occurrence of Cu, Co and Au Haslingden Group = Mt Isa Group N CAPRICORN COPPER MINE NWQ COPPER PROJECT - INVESTOR PRESENTATION 26#27The Crescent in Focus STUDIES 40 Ground magnetic surveys later reveal two more anomalies A 1992 airborne electromagnetic survey discover a 400m by 300m sub- vertical anomaly Multiple phases of geochemical studies conducted 62 chip, 103 stream sediment, and 1,192 soil samples analysed. Geochemistry suggest potential IOCG-style and Mount Isa-style mineralisation: 262ppm, 275ppm Pb Cu 1,260ppm Zn CCZ has not conducted on-site exploration Petrographic analysis indicates zoned alteration associated with IOCG-style mineralisation Historical geochemistry data on the eastern side identified a 1.2km by 350m Mount Isa-style target with anomalies coincident with shallow ground magnetic anomalies NWQ COPPER PROJECT - INVESTOR PRESENTATION 27#28Pancake in Focus❘ MB GEOLOGY 241 Pancake is dominated by the Lochness Formation with host rocks characterised by fine grained feldspathic sandstones and dolomitic ferruginous sandstone Pancake Prospect has the potential to hold Mount Isa style deposit with IOCG potential I based on historical exploration and the presence of haematitic alteration Geoscience Australia's assessment supports the region's prospectivity for IOCG-style deposits 39 CASTILLO COPPER CCZ Tenure Fault Prospect Mine Weberra Granite NWQ COPPER PROSPECTS HIGHLIGHTS EPM 27440 PANCAKE THE CRESCENT MOUNT STORM THE WALL EPM 26574 CROWBAR BIG ONE VALPARASIA EPM 26462 EPM 26525 POM POM BOMB GEORGE BOOMERANG. AMANDA ARYA BLACK MOUNTAIN 2000 88% ELDORADO SOUTH& EPM 26513 JOSEPHINE EPM 26513 MT OXIDE MINE. OLD MAN CREEK Mineral Occurrence 13 Primary: Zn | Secondary: Cu and Pb | Type: Outcrop | Size: Very Small [<200t] Possible occurrence of Zn, Cu, Pb and REE McNamara Group Surprise Creek Formation Bigie Formation, Fiery Creek Volcanics Quilalar Formation Haslingden Group Mt Isa Group N EPM 26513 TORPEDO CREEK CAPRICORN COPPER MINE NWQ COPPER PROJECT - INVESTOR PRESENTATION 28#29Pancake in Focus STUDIES 2,40 Historical rock chip samples return up to 433ppm Cu, 1,320ppm Pb, and 7,140ppm Zn Historical geochemical soil sample data reveals a significant 950m by 150m Zn-Pb-Cu anomalous zone Up to 670ppm Cu, 1,320ppm Pb, and 4,600ppm Zn Six historic drill holes show trace mineralisation, with PC005PD containing rare chalcopyrite and sphalerite The drillhole is available for inspection at Mount Isa Core Library CCZ has not conducted on-site exploration -+++ 29 Airborne electromagnetic and ground magnetic surveys identified anomalies aligning with geochemical anomalies. NWQ COPPER PROJECT - INVESTOR PRESENTATION#30The Wall in Focus | MB GEOLOGY 42 The Wall is dominated by rocks of the Lochness Formation Analysis of historical data indicates the potential for both Mount Isa and IOCG-style mineralisation Soil geochemistry data reveals a distinctive zinc- lead-copper zone Geoscience Australia's assessment supports the region's prospectivity for IOCG-style deposits 39 C5 CASTILLO COPPER NWQ COPPER PROSPECTS HIGHLIGHTS EPM 27440 PANCAKE THE CRESCENT THE WALL EPM 26574 MOUNT STORM CROWBAR VALPARASIA EPM 26462 BIG ONE BOMB GEORGE BOOMERANG JOSEPHINE Mineral Occurrence 13 No known mineral occurrences recorded Possible occurrence of Cu, Pb and Zn CCZ Tenure Fault Prospect Mine Weberra Granite McNamara Group Surprise Creek Formation Bigie Formation, Fiery Creek Volcanics Quilalar Formation Haslingden Group Mt Isa Group N EPM 26513 EPM 26513 MTOXIDE MINE. EPM 26513 TORPEDO CREEK CAPRICORN COPPER MINE EPM 26525 AMANDA POM POM ARYA BLACK MOUNTAIN ELDORADO SOUTH OLD MAN CREEK NWQ COPPER PROJECT - INVESTOR PRESENTATION 30#31The Wall in Focus STUDIES 40 Airborne geophysical studies reveals a potential EM anomaly Rock chip samples north of the soil anomaly return values up to 3,700ppm Zn, 806ppm Pb, and 373ppm Cu Assay confirm Mount Isa-style mineralisation potential identifying a zinc-lead-copper zone (400m x 225m) Soil assay values reach 7,163ppm Zn, 2,023ppm Pb, and 1,464ppm Cu Geochemical anomaly coincides with a geophysical anomaly CCZ has not conducted on-site exploration NWQ COPPER PROJECT - INVESTOR PRESENTATION 31#32Arya in Focus❘ MB 2 43 GEOLOGY2 Located within the Surprise Creek Formation, the Arya Prospect is positioned adjacent to an east to northeast trending fault, causing an offset between the upper and lower units of the Surprise Creek formation Surface expression is limited to copper staining within brecciated quartzites and sandstones Recent and historical geophysical surveys suggest that there is potential for a deeper sulphide unit that is related to the fault breccia Arya has previously been explored by BHP and was interpreted as possible IOCG-style mineralisation C5 CASTILLO CCZ Tenure Fault Prospect COPPER Mineral Occurrence 13 No known mineral occurrences recorded Possible occurrence of Cu, Pb and Zn NWQ COPPER PROSPECTS HIGHLIGHTS EPM 27440 PANCAKE THE CRESCENT MOUNT STORM THE WALL EPM 26574 CROWBAR. BIG ONE VALPARASIA EPM 26462 BOMB GEORGE BOOMERANG. EPM 26513 JOSEPHINE EPM 28513 MT OXIDE MINE Mine Weberra Granite McNamara Group Surprise Creek Formation EPM 26513 Bigie Formation, Fiery Creek Volcanics TORPEDO CREEK Quilalar Formation Haslingden Group Mt Isa Group N CAPRICORN COPPER MINE EPM 26525 AMANDA ARYA POM POM BLACK MOUNTAIN ELDORADO SOUTH OLD MAN CREEK NWQ COPPER PROJECT - INVESTOR PRESENTATION 32#33Arya in Focus STUDIES 2 BHP 'discover' Arya (Myally Gap) in the mid-1990s from multiple surface geochemical samples returning grades of over 1,000 ppm Cu and including one sample at 18,400 ppm Cu 44 CCZ drill-tested conductor in 2021 with five drillholes, for a total of 794 drilled Drill results identify near surface anomaly is associated with graphite Optical investigation confirm 48 presence of graphite flakes, varying in size a few micrometres to around 50 μm 49 BHP's 1997 airborne geophysical survey detect 11 electromagnetic anomalies 45 46 In 2021, GeoDiscovery combine BHP's 1997 data with Geoscience Australia 2019 data, identifying a 1,500m long, 130m thick sulphide bedrock conductor 47 -+++ 湯 CCZ conduct a helicopter assisted reconnaissance level mapping and rock sampling in November 2021 200m x 200m grid 87 rock samples analysed, revealing values up to 235 Cu 50 NWQ COPPER PROJECT - INVESTOR PRESENTATION 33#34Other Prospects in Focus OVERVIEW 11 Flapjack | MB 12 Torpedo Creek | MB 13 Josephine | MA Pri Cu | Sec. NA | Ab. Mine | Very Small <500t 14 Bomb Gorge | MA 15 Pom Pom | LA 16 Amanda | UA Pri. Au Sec. NA | Outcrop | Very Small <0.5t 17 Big Ben | UA 18 Little Nathan | UA 19 19 Unicorn UA 20 20 Crowbar | UA Pri. Cu | Sec. NA | Outcrop | Very Small <500t 21 Old Man Creek | UA 22 Mercy | UA Quililar Formation | Structurally controlled mineralisation with ENE fault, haematitic quartz veins and rhyolitic dykes (potential IOCG) | Possible replacement carbonate mineralisation | 981ppm Cu Gunpowder Creek Formation and Paradise Creek Formation | Mineralisation style and occurrence poorly understood Surprise Creek Formation [mid-lower sections] | Mineralisation confined to a fault bound block | Host rocks characterised by fine feldspathic sandstone, iron-rich sandstone and mica-rich siltstone | 283ppm Cu Surprise Creek Formation. | Hosted in pink feldspathic quartzite, prominently veined with quartz | Potential for the quartz veins to be a source of gold | 62.7ppm Cu Surprise Creek Formation. | Mineralisation confined to a fault bound block | 69.2ppm Cu Lochness Formation [Myally Subgroup] | Mineralisation proximal to east-west fault located northwest side of a sizable regional anticline that plunges northward Quililar Formation [upper section] | Mineralisation identified close to contact with the Upper Quartzite Member. | Host material characterised by alluvial-covered sandstones to dolomitic sandstone, siltstone and shales Lochness Formation | Hosted in breccia associated with north-east trending fault | Fault divides Lochness Formation from the Quililar Formation | Area covered by quartzite debris and alluvial sands | Limited outcrop Quililar Formation | | Mineralisation style and occurrence poorly understood Lochness Formation [Myally Subgroup] | Close to Weberra Granite | Mineralisation style and occurrence not well understood Upper Mount Isa Group Rocks | Hosted in west fault-bounded and folded sequence consisting of the Warrina Park Quartzite and Native Bee Siltstone | 4.8ppm Cu Mineralisation style and occurrence not well understood NWQ COPPER PROJECT - INVESTOR PRESENTATION 34#35In Closing ROBUST FUNDAMENTALS The NWQ Copper Project exhibits significant copper prospectivity The highest likelihood of discovering copper deposits lies at the intersections of fault lines, especially within or close to the Mount Gordon Fault Zone. These area should be the focus of exploration Much of the exploration recommended is early phase, non- invasive and relatively low cost and if implemented provide a comprehensive strategy for continued exploration at the NWQ Copper Project WARD GJER bivs#36References 1. Refer to CCZ ASX Announcement - 25 July 2023 2. Biggs, M.S. & Reed, G., 2022 Geological Briefing Paper: NWQ Copper Project .Unpublished report. 3. Queensland Government, GeoRes Globe. Date accessed: 07 November 2023 4. Betts, P., Giles, D., Mark, G., Lister, G., Goleby, B. and Aillères, L., 2006. Synthesis of the Proterozoic evolution of the Mt Isa Inlier. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences. Vol 53. p187-221 5. ROM Resources, Mt Oxide North Project - Target Generation Report. Report prepared on behalf of Castillo Copper. Effective date: 28 February 2019 6. ROM Resources, EPM 26574 Valparasia North Annual Report for the Period 12th June 2018 to 11th June 2019. Date Issued: 11 June 2019 ROM Resources, EPM 26525 Hill of Grace Annual Report for the Period 12th June 2018 to 11th June 2019. Date Issued: 11 June 2019 7. 8. Biggs, M. S., & Nowland, M. L. (2017). EPMA 26462 Big Oxide North Preliminary Geological Evaluation Report. ROM Resources for Castillo Copper. Unpublished report 9. Geological Survey of NSW, Department of Mineral Resources, 1999, Assessment of Mineral Resources in Upper North East CRA Study Area, p.33-34 10. Western Australian Metals NL, 1994. Drill Programme at the Big One Copper Deposit North Queensland authored by John Sainsbury. Report dated January 1994. p16 WME, 1994 11. West Australian Metals NL (WME) Drill Programme at the "Big One" Copper Deposit, North Queensland. ASX Release. Dated 31/01/1994 12. Csar, M, 1996. Big One & Mt Storm Copper Deposits. Unpublished field report 13. Queensland Government, DNRME Mineral Occurrence Database, GeoRes Globe. Date accessed: 08 November 2023 14. Refer to CCZ ASX Announcement - 14 January 2020 15. Refer to CCZ ASX Announcement - 20 May 2021 16. Refer to CCZ ASX Announcement - 05 October 2021 17. Refer to CCZ ASZ Announcement - 21 January 2021 18. Refer to CCZ ASZ Announcement - 21 January 2021 19. Refer to CCZ ASX Announcement - 19 July 2022 36#37References 20. Refer to CCZ ASX Announcement - 13 July 2023 21. Refer to CCZ ASZ Announcement - 22 February 2022 22. ROM Resources, EPM26525 Hill of Grace Annual Report for Period 12 June 2021 to 11 June 2022. Date issued 18 July 2022 23. Refer to ASX Announcement - 06 October 2022 24. CRA Exploration Pty Limited, 1995. Exploration Report for Minerals No. 9575 "Epsilon", Queensland. Annual Report for the period ended August 3, 1995. QDEX Report number: 27102. 25. CRA Exploration Pty Limited, 1996. Exploration Report for Minerals No. 9575 "Epsilon", Queensland. Third Annual and Final Report for the Period Ending 2 July, 1996. QDEX Report number: 28337 26. Pacminex Pty Limited, 1975. Authority to Prospect No. 1494M "Alsace Area", Queensland. Annual Report. QDEX Report number: 5602 27. M.I.M Exploration Pty Ltd, 1992. Exploration Permit for Minerals No. 7863 "Eldorado" Queensland. Annual Report for the 12 months ended April 17, 1992. QDEX Report number: 23661. 28. Refer to CCZ ASX Announcement - 07 September 2020 29. Exploration reports relating to Valparasia include: a) The Broken Hill Pty Co Ltd, 1975. A-P 1581M Boomerang, N.W. Queensland Annual Report for 1975. QDEX Report 5714. b) The Broken Hill Pty Co Ltd, 1976. Authority to Prospect 1581M Boomerang, Queensland Final Report. QDEX Report 5823. c) The Broken Hill Pty Co Ltd, 1975. Authority to Prospect 1528M Alhambra, N.W. Queensland Annual Report for 1975. QDEX Report 5682. d) The Broken Hill Pty Co Ltd, 1976. Authority to Prospect 1528M Alhambra, Queensland Final Report. QDEX Report 5748. f) Amoco Minerals Company Australia, 1980. Combined Final and Progress Report August 1980 - January 1981, Myally Ck, A-P 2296M, QLD. QDEX Report 8923. Amoco Minerals Company Australia, 1980. A-P 2296M, Myally Creek, Half Yearly Report to 17.7.80. QDEX Report 8177. g) Savanah Resources Pty Ltd, 2007. EPM 13176 Valparasia Northwest Queensland Annual Report for the period ending 14/8/06. QDEX Report 47628. h) CST Minerals Lady Annie Pty Ltd, 2012. EPM 13176 Valparasia Northwest Queensland Annual/Final Report for the period ending 30/8/12. QDEX Report 74140. 37#38References i) Savanah Resources Pty Ltd, 2007. EPM 13176 Valparasia Northwest Queensland Annual Report for the period ending 14/8/06. QDEX Report 47628. j) CST Minerals Lady Annie Pty Ltd, 2012. EPM 13176 Valparasia Northwest Queensland Annual/Final Report for the period ending 30/8/12. QDEX Report 74140. 30. Refer to CCZ ASX Announcement - 23 January 2023 31. Refer to CCZ ASX Announcement - 23 October 2023 32. Csar, M., 1996, Big One and Mt Storm Copper Deposits, unpublished report by Aberfoyle Limited for Coffee Gold NL, p.8 33. ROM Resources, 2022 Mount Storm Exploration Target Summary. Unpublished Report 34. Wilson D., 1996b, Big One and Mt Storm Options, memorandum to Bruce Haltt, Gunpowder Copper, p.3 35. Bowden, R.A., 2010, EPM 16498, Johnnies, Mt Isa North Project, Annual Report for the period 09 January 2009 to 08January 2010, Mt Isa Metals Pty Ltd CR61204 36. Rom Resources, EPM 26462 Big Oxide North Annual Report for the period 29 August 2018 to 28 August 2019. Date issued 06 October 2019 37. ROM Resources, 2022, Black Mountain Exploration Target Summary. Unpublished report 38. Refer to CCZ ASX Announcement - 28 April 2020 39. Refer to CCZ ASX Announcement - 10 February 2020 40. Mount Isa Mines ("M.I.M") Exploration Reports 1993-98 which comprise: a) M.I.M Exploration Pty Ltd, 1998. Exploration Permit for Minerals No. 7804 "Fiery Creek" Queensland. Final Report. QDEX Report number: 30006. b) M.I.M Exploration Pty Ltd, 1996. Exploration Permit for Minerals No. 7676 "Pandanus Creek", Queensland. Final Report. QDEX Report number: 27982. c) M.I.M Exploration Pty Ltd, 1994. Exploration Permit for Minerals Nos. 7676 "Pandanus Creek", and 7804 "Fiery Creek". Annual Report for the 12 months ended February 25, 1994. QDEX Report number: 25492. d) M.I.M Exploration Pty Ltd, 1993. Exploration Permit for Minerals Nos. 7676 "Pandanus Creek", and 7804 "Fiery Creek". Annual Report for the 12 months ended February 25, 1993. QDEX Report number: 24522. e) M.I.M Exploration Pty Ltd, 1993. Exploration Permit for Minerals Nos. 7448 "Lagoon Creek". Second Annual Report 18 May 1991 to 17 May 1992, Queensland Australia. QDEX Report number: 24523 38#39References 41. Refer to CCZ ASX Announcement - 25 March 2020 42. Refer to CCZ ASX Announcement - 18 March 202 43. Refer to CCZ ASX Announcement - 28 April 2020 44. Mt Isa Metals Ltd, 2010. EPM 15767, Myally Tenement, Annual Report for the Period 5/06/2009 to 4/6/2010. QDEX Report number: 64491 45. BHP Minerals open file report (CR29726, Alsace Project, Annual Report 19 Dec 1997) held within the QLD, QDEX open-file Exploration Reporting System 46. BHP Minerals Pty Ltd, 1998. EPM 11383 (Alsace Camp), 11452 (Epsilon), Combined Annual/Final Report for the Period Ending 19/12/98. QDEX Report number: 30750 and BHP Minerals Pty Ltd, 1997. EPM 11383 (Alsace Camp), 11452 (Epsilon), Combined Annual Report for the Period Ending 19/12/97. QDEX Report number: 29762. 47. Geoscience Australia - 19 March 2019 48. Refer to CCZ ASX Announcement - 10 August 201 49. Refer to CCZ ASX Announcement - 17 November 2022 50. ROM Resources, EPM 26525 Hill of Grace Annual Report for the Period 12 June 2021 to 11 June 2022. Date issued 18 July 2022 39#40ම් CASTILLO COPPER Contact A 45 Ventnor Avenue, West Perth Western Australia 6005 P +61 8 9389 4407 F +61 8 6316 3337 E [email protected]

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