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#1CBX "CHESS THAT BRINGS FREEDOM PROGRAM CHESS PEDAGOGICAL IN PRISON UNITS OF ESPÍRITO SANTO STATE - BRAZIL PROGRAMA NOVO Esrisio SANTE XADREZ QUE LIBERTA#2XADREZ AMA QUE LIBERTA "CHESS THAT BRINGS FREEDOM PROGRAM " Brazil Chess that Brings Freedom Program is a partnership between Santa Maria de Jetibá municipality (Pro-chess - Program of Pedagogical Chess) and the Espírito Santo State Secretary of Justice (Program of Imprisoned Worker), both awarded a prize by the state government and coordinated by the Brazilian Chess federation. UM NOVO ESPÍRITO SANTO Governo do Estado CBX#3QUE LIBERTA "CHESS THAT BRINGS FREEDOM PROGRAM " PROGRAMA XADREZ OCEANO OCEANO ATLÂNTICO BRASIL Brestia PACÍFICO OCEANO ATLÂNTICO RORAIMA AMAPA MARANHÃO AMAZONAS PARÁ FEAR Br. RONDONI MATO GROSSO PIAU RIO GRANDE DONORE PERNAMBUCO ALAGOAS SLIUIPE BAHIA DF GOUS MINAS MATO GROSSO GERAIS DO SUL SAO SPIRITO SANTO PAULO GIO DE JANEIRO PARANAS RIO ANTA CATARINA GRANDE DO SUL Cesano Atlántica RJ MG BA ESTADO DO ESPÍRITO SANTO Brazil#4"CHESS THAT BRINGS FREEDOM PROGRAM " Brazil PROGRAMA XADREZ QUE LIBERTA#5PROGRAMA AMA XADREZ QUE LIBERTA "CHESS THAT BRINGS FREEDOM PROGRAM " PRO #CROSS Programa de Xadrez Pedagógico Brazil ED The Pro-Chess Program gives an opportunity, to all public students in the municipality, to practice chess as pedagogical tool in order to help in the development of the cognitive shrewdness and improve the teaching/learning process as well. CBX#6PROGRAMA XADREZ QUE LIBERTA "CHESS THAT BRINGS FREEDOM PROGRAM " Brazil We have as objective the practice of chess as a playful activity in order to develop the cognitive, moral and social shrewdness among the prisoners and to give them a chance to learn a new profession by being responsible for the creation of the boards and pieces of the game. CBX#7"CHESS THAT BRINGS FREEDOM PROGRAM " Brazil PROGRAMA XADREZ QUE LIBERTA We have been working with the program in 22 prisons located in Espírito Santo - Brazil. CBX#8PROGRAMA XADREZ LIBERTA "CHESS THAT BRINGS FREEDOM PROGRAM " Brazil At these 22 prisons we have a total of 2250 prisoners taking part in the program. They were divided into 225 groups and we assist them twice a week with classes of two hours each, as for the serigraphy, they have classes of 8 hours a day twice a week. CBX#9PROGRAMA AMA XADREZ QUE LIBERTA "CHESS THAT BRINGS FREEDOM PROGRAM " Brazil The average prisoners are male, from 19 to 30 years old, semi-illiterate, low income and Afro-Brazilian citizens, who were arrested for murderer, robbery, and drug dealing. CBX#10PROGRAMA XADREZ Brazil QUE LIBERTA "CHESS THAT BRINGS FREEDOM PROGRAM " As a result we noticed a better relationship and less violence among the prisoners who are practicing chess. Now the ones who took part in the program are working as volunteers, teaching others prisoners to play chess. It was also created a State Circuit of Chess in Prison, and 1556 new chess players were recognized by the Chess State Confederation. SEJUS CBX#11PROGRAMA XADREZ QUE LIBERTA "CHESS THAT BRINGS FREEDOM PROGRAM " Brazil The boards and pieces made during the serigraphy classes will be sent to 890 public schools all over the Espírito Santo State. 7 8 PREFEITURA RIO Secretaria de Municipal de Educação AMANHA 4 3 2 1 6 5 CAVALEIA A AMANHA B C D E F G H CAVALEIROS DO AMANHÃ RIO CBX#12PROGRAMA AMA XADREZ QUE LIBERTA "CHESS THAT BRINGS FREEDOM PROGRAM " Thank You !! Prof MS Charles Moura Netto Vice Presidente Brazilian Chess Federation FARESE UNIVERSITY – BRAZIL [email protected] [email protected] Brazil CBX#13Additional information: The previous slides were my presentation of the Brazilian project in prisons (chess project that brings freedom). Here are links of the videos for my other projects.

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