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#1M STELAR METALS New NSW Lithium Project ASX: SLB INVESTOR PRESENTATION March 2023#2Disclaimer и STELAR METALS General information only This Presentation contains general background information and summary information about Stelar Metals Limited (ACN 651 636 065) ("Stelar Metals") and its activities as at the date of this Presentation. Stelar Metals does not undertake to provide any additional or update information, whether as a result of new information, future events or results or otherwise. By receiving the Presentation, you acknowledge and represent to Stelar Metals that you have read, understood and accepted the terms of this disclaimer. This Presentation is confidential and may not be reproduced, redistributed or passed on, directly or indirectly. Sophisticated / professional investors By accepting and retaining a copy of this Presentation, you warrant that you are sophisticated investor within the meaning of section 708 (8) of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) or a professional investor within the meaning of section 708 (11) of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth). Not an offer This Presentation is not a prospectus, disclosure document, product disclosure statement or other offering document under Australian law (and will not be lodged with ASIC). This presentation is for information purposes only does not constitute an invitation or an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to purchase any security or financial product or service in any jurisdiction. Any offer of securities in Stelar Metals will be made in or accompanied by a copy of a prospectus, and prospective investors should consider the prospectus in deciding whether to acquire securities in Stelar Metals. Any person who wants to acquire securities in Stelar Metals will need to complete the application form that will be in or will accompany the prospectus. Not investment advice The information contained in this Presentation is for information purposes only, the Presentation does not constitute financial product nor investment advice or a recommendation to acquire securities in Stelar Metals (nor does it or will it form part of any contract to acquire securities in Stelar Metals). It has been prepared without taking into account the objectives, financial situation or needs of individuals. Before making an investment in Stelar Metals, an investor or prospective investor should consider whether such an investment is appropriate to their particular investment needs, objectives and financial circumstances, seek legal and taxation advice as appropriate and consult a financial adviser if necessary. Forward Looking Statement This presentation may contain forward-looking statements that are subject to risk factors associated with Stelar Metals' business and proposed operations. Forward looking statements include those containing such words as "anticipate", "estimates", "forecasts", "should", "could", "may", "intends", "will", "expects", "plans" or similar expressions. Such forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties, assumptions and other important factors, many of which are beyond the control of Stelar Metals. It is believed that the expectations reflected in these statements are reasonable but they may be affected by a range of variables and changes in underlying assumptions which could cause actual results or trends to differ materially. Stelar Metals does not make any representation or warranty as to the accuracy of such statements or assumptions and undue reliance should not be placed on such statements. Data and amounts shown in this presentation relating to capital costs, operating costs and project timelines are internally generated best estimates only. All such information and data is currently under review as part of Stelar Metals' ongoing development and feasibility studies. Accordingly, Stelar Metals cannot guarantee the accuracy and/or completeness of the figures or data included in the presentation until the feasibility studies are completed. No Warranty of Accuracy or Completeness This presentation has been prepared by Stelar Metals based on information currently available to it. Stelar Metals and its directors, employees and consultants make no representations or warranty, express or implied, as to the fairness, accuracy, completeness or correctness of the information, opinions and conclusions contained in this Presentation. To the maximum extent permitted by law, none of Stelar Metals or its subsidiaries or affiliates or the directors, employees, agents, representatives or advisers of any such party, nor any other person accepts any liability for any loss arising from the use of this presentation or its contents or otherwise arising in connection with it, including without limitation, any liability arising from fault or negligence on the part of Stelar Metals or its subsidiaries or affiliates or the directors, employees, agents, representatives or advisers of any such party. Competent Person's Statement The information in this Presentation that relates to Exploration Results is based on information compiled by Colin Skidmore. Colin Skidmore has sufficient experience, which is relevant to the styles of mineralization and types of deposit under consideration, and to the activities, which he is undertaking. Colin Skidmore is a Member of the Australian Institute for Geoscientists and is a "Competent Person" as defined in the 2012 edition of the 'Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves'. Colin Skidmore consents to the inclusion of information in this presentation that relates to Exploration Results in the form and context in which it appears. JORC - Exploration Targets It is common practice for a company to comment on and discuss its exploration in terms of target size and type. The information in this Presentation relating to exploration targets should not be misunderstood or misconstrued as an estimate of Mineral Resources or Ore Reserves. Hence the terms Resource(s) or Reserve(s) have not been used in this context. The potential quantity and grade is conceptual in nature, since there has been insufficient work completed to define them beyond exploration targets and that it is uncertain if further exploration will result in the determination of a Mineral Resource. 2#3WHY INVEST IN STELAR . и STELAR METALS New large-scale lithium project near world-class mining infrastructure in NSW Stelar leveraging hard-rock lithium expertise and success to expand into exciting new NSW lithium field Fully funded for its work programme offering significant leverage to exploration success SLB's Market Cap of $10M offers huge potential upside (refer following slide) 2 Investment opportunity to get in on the ground floor of the next potential lithium discovery "Stelar Metals CEO Colin Skidmore and myself worked successfully together at Core Lithium to identify and establish the Finniss Lithium Project, which has recently become the first operating lithium mine in the NT. We are excited about this new project opportunity as we aim to repeat similar success for Stelar shareholders and stakeholders in NSW" Stephen Biggins, Chairman ASX Announcement (16 Feb 2023) 3#4CORPORATE SNAPSHOT и STELAR METALS BOARD & MANAGEMENT Stephen Biggins Non-Executive Chairman •BSc Hons (Geology), MBA. • 25 years' local and international exploration and discovery experience as a geologist and executive ⚫ Founder and ex Managing Director of Core Lithium (ASX: CXO), Chairman of Winsome Resources (ASX: WR1) Colin Skidmore Chief Executive Officer •BSc Hons, MAppSc. • 25 years' experience as an exploration geologist and project manager ⚫helped discover the Finniss Lithium project with Stephen at CXO Geoffrey Webster Independent Non-Executive Director Nick Harding Company Secretary Will Dix Independent Non-Executive Director CAPITAL STRUCTURE Share Price - 1 March 2023 A$0.20 per share Shares on Issue - 1 March 2023 50.5M Escrowed Shares 11.2M (12 Months) SHAREHOLDING STRUCTURE Ticker ASX: SLB Undiluted Market Cap - 1 March 2023 ~$10M Cash and Cash Equivalents (Dec 22) $4.4M SHARE PRICE PERFORMANCE 0.3 0.25 0.2 ■ Board & Management ■Institutional Investors ■Remaining Investors 0.1 0.15 Миним 8000000 Volume Close $ 7000000 6000000 5000000 4000000 3000000 2000000 1000000 0 4 5/18/2022 6/18/2022 7/18/2022 8/18/2022 9/18/2022 10/18/2022 11/18/2022 12/18/2022 1/18/2023 2/18/2023 3/18/2022 4/18/2022#5ASX LITHIUM SECTOR PEER REVIEW LITHIUM PEGMATITE PROJECTS IN AUSTRALIA & CANADA • Low price entry with potential to replicate previous success in value growth With $4m+ in bank, fully funded for initial exploration program with drilling to begin in CY'Q3 Market Capitalisation (in A$m) 400 300 200 100 M STELAR METALS 10 9 100 DYM SLB 21 24 32 36 14 RAS RGL CHR LPM QXR 178 Region: Western Australia New South Wales Northern Territory Western Australia Western Australia Northern Territory Western Australia Western Australia Stage: Pre-Drilling. Pre-Drilling Drilling Drilling Drilling Drilling Drilling WINSOME RESOURCES 348 1,384 и STELAR METALS CORE LITHIUM 1,762 RDT WR1 PMET CXO Quebec, Canada Quebec, Canada Northern Territory Resource Drilling Drilling Production 5 **Note: Market capitalisations calculations as per 22 February 2023#6Trident Lithium Project New South Wales и STELAR METALS "At this early stage, Stelar's Trident Lithium Project seems to have similar attributes to the lithium rich pegmatites in the Bynoe Pegmatite Field in the NT. The Trident lithium rich pegmatite field has been worked historically for tin and tantalum, includes tens if not hundreds of pegmatite bodies of significant scale within a large pegmatite field tens of kilometres long and has not yet been drill targeted for lithium." Colin Skidmore, CEO ASX Announcement (16 Feb 2023)#7TRIDENT LITHIUM PROJECT . ⚫ Historic tin mining area with • . • known LCT-Type Pegmatites that are highly anomalous in Li-Ce-Ta- Sn-Rb SLB acquiring 90% of 4 granted exploration licenses (719km²) near Broken Hill NSW for $1m Trident Lithium Project extends over 15m of Strike, with individual pegmatites over 1km in length and up to 100m wide Spodumene potential at depth has NEVER been tested by drilling Located near world-class mine infrastructure at Broken Hill NSW Stelar has a strong position in a major NSW Pegmatite Province 6475000mN 6500000mN 6525000mN 500000mE South Australia New South Wales EL8778 525000mE LCT-Pegmatite Swarm Co-Cu Prospect Operating Ag-Pb-Zn Mine Stelar Metals Tenure Highway -Road Railways MTrident Lithium Project METALS Township Adelaidean Paragon Group Sundown Group Broken Hill Group Thackaringa Group Migmitite Granite 550000mE 0 10 M Trident EL8736 STELAR Project kilometres Perseus Project Broken Hill Euriowie Tin Field 575000mE STELAR METALS EL8732 EL8904 Midas STELAR Project Barrier Highway Trans-continental Railway Colin Skidmore 11/2/2023 Location of Stelar's tenements and the Trident Lithium Project near Broken Hill in NSW on simplified geology и STELAR METALS 7#8TRIDENT PROJECT: GEOLOGY AND MINERALISATION 6,532,000mN $54,000mE 6,526,000mN 6,522,000mN EL 8736 The Ruby 558,000mE Fault . Cosmopoliton Toogooroo Rio Tinto Jubilee Mine Victory Tin Croft Queen Victoria Bijerkerno и STELAR METALS Unconformity Pegmatite Stratigraphic Trend King Gunnia Calc-Silicate Paragon Group Sundown Group Pegmatite Tin Occurance Mineralised Pegmatite Main Pegmatite Mines Li High-grade Li Pegmatite Mt Euriowie Mine (13 RC holes circa 2010) Kilometres Colin Skidmore 18/2/2023 6,526,000mN More than 250 known mineral occurrences that have historically been worked for tin and tantalum over 15 kilometres of strike High-grade lithium rockchip sampling in historic tin mines (Lepidico 2016) Triumph Prospect Lady Don Mine Trident Mine Sceptre Mine 7.63% & 5.96% Li₂O 4.45% Li₂O 3.88% & 2.13% Li₂O 1.54% Li₂O Carpentaria's Mt Euriowie Tin 13 shallow RC holes Trident: 3.88% Li₂O Esams No 2 Sceptre: 1.54% Li₂O 6,522,000mN West East Mt Robe- Northern Broken Hill Olary Domain Mt Franks - Euriowie Block Trident LCT Pegmatites Paragon Group Greenschist Sundown Group Amphibolite Facies Broken Hill Group Lady Dom: 4.45% Li₂O Triumph: 7.63% Li₂O Trident Lithium Project showing distribution of pegmatites and known mineral occurrences Paragon Group Sundown Group Broken Hill Group Thackaringa Group Thorndale Composite Gneiss Rantyga Group Curnamona Group Thakaringa Thorndale Rantyga Group Granulite Facies Southern Broken Hill Metamorphic Grade Broken Hill Ag-Pb-Zn Mines M STELAR METALS Modified after Stevens 2006 Diagrammatic cross- section showing Broken Hill stratigraphy and metamorphic grade relative to LCT- pegmatites dykes and sills at Trident. 8 00#9TRIDENT LITHIUM PROJECT: HISTORIC WORK 1884: The Euriowie Tin Field was discovered. 1956: Small-scale mining of Amblygonite (lithium phosphate) at Trident. 2007-2015: Carpentartia's focus was tin but multiple pegmatites with anomalous Li-Cs-Ta-Sn-Rb were identified. 2016-2017: Lepidico were first explorers to focus on lithium-only completed orientation work that confirmed very high-grade lithium at surface and broad Li-Cs-Ta-Sn soil anomalies 0 metres 100 Amblygonite и STELAR METALS Soils: Lithium > 400 ppm 200-400 ppm 100-200 ppm 50-100 ppm <50 ppm Amblygonite Trident Prospect showing thematic orientation soils on orthoimagery (Lepidico 2016) Lepidolite Rock-Chip Sampling LCT-Pegmatite Triumph Prospect looking SSW showing Lepidico's rockchip sampling in 2016 9#10POSITIVE COMPARISON TO GREENBUSHES AND FINNISS Characteristics Tin production started in the 1800's Early production from alluvials and then from primary pegmatites Pegmatites are deformed with low- moderate grade metamorphism Economic-scale, highly-fractionated, zoned, LCT-type Pegmatites Pegmatites weathered at surface with lithium depletion Limited historic exploration for lithium prior to development Economic lithium discovered after ~100 years of mining Lithium Production Greenbushes-WA (Talison JV) Finniss-NT (Core Lithium) ✓ ✓ ✓ Since 1985 2022 Trident-NSW (Stelar Metals) རར་ Inaugral Drilling 2023-Q3 и STELAR METALS 10#11EXPLORATION TIMETABLE 2023 - Q2 Mapping & Sampling ✓ Systematic mapping. and surface sampling over known high- lithium LCT Pegmatites Geophysics Acquisition and processing of geophysics to aid mapping of pegmatites at depth Drilling Approval ✓ Application for drilling approvals with NSW regulators 2023-Q3 Drilling Program Initial shallow drilling program to map orientation and morphology of the pegmatites at depth and to assess spodumene potential Review ✓ Extensive review of all technical data to fully inform next program of work around key target areas within the tenement Ongoing work Follow up programs ✔Follow up deeper RC and diamond drilling programs to quantify lithium grade distribution, mineralogy and metallurgy ✔Systematic exploration of other prospective pegmatites along 15km of strike in the Euriowie Tin Field ✔Expand Lithium Assets и STELAR METALS 11#12Other Projects Zinc Copper Cobalt Rare Earth Metals и STELAR METALS#13LINDA ZINC PROJECT 6,560,000mN Blinman Diapiric Breccial 6,540,000mN Flinders Diapiric Breccia 6.520,000mN M STELAR METALS kilometres GDA1994 MGAS4 perily Thind Plain Zinc Prospect Linda Zinc EL 6263 Holocene Sediments Pleistocene Sediments Carboniferous-Permian Moralana Supergroup Moralana Supergroup Yerelina Subgroup Wilpena Group Pound Subgroup ABC Range Quartzite Umberatana Group Yudnamutana Subgroup Breccia Callanna Group 6,537,200 mN 304,000 mE 33% Zn 17% Zn 7.4% Zn 14% Zn 15% Zn 12% Zn Linda Zinc 12% Zn Prospect 42% Zn 16% Zn 17% Zn 26% Zn Copper Prepet 6,536,800 mN meters Drown C. Skidmore December 2022 High-grade Zinc hosted by Cambrian Limestones Multiple rock-chip samples 20% Zn Direct shipping Ore Grades 9.1% Zn 15% Zn 18% Zn 13% Zn 7.3% Zn 13% Zn 304,400 mE 35% Zn 26% Zn 17% Zn ROCKCHIPS-Thematic Zinc Zinc Soll Anomaly Stelar Metals Mapping 2022 8.3% Zn 6.7% Zn 22% Zn 19% Zn Pound Subgroup 6.537,000 mN Linda West Main Linda Prospect Linda Breccia meters Projection GDA 1994 MGAS и STELAR METALS Linda Wonoka • Main high-grade Linda • Prospect 600m x 300m Additional Zinc Prospects over broad area Drilling planned for late 2023 Anomalous Zinc rock-chip 5 Pound Su 13#14BARATTA COPPER & REE PROJECT Wyacca (Cu-Ag) 300,000mE 325,000mE Valley well (Pb-Zn) Baratta Copper Mine Worumba Anticline Birthday Ridge (Cu-Ag) TARUGA -6,475,000mN Napoleon (Cu-Ag-Zn) Holowilina Mount Craig Diapiric Breccia Morgans Creek (REE) Mt Craig TARUGA Copper Project TARUGA 6,450,000mN kilometres GDA 1994 MGA54 Lone Pine (Cu-Co) Windowarta (Cu) Bibliando (Zn-Pb) Baratta Mine EL 6863 Bibliando Diapiric Breccia Windowarta Diapiric Breccia Baratta Springs Eukaby M Baratta STELAR EL 6803 Zinc Prospect Base Metal Prospect Stelar Granted Tenure Copper Prospect Quaternary aeolian sediments Quaternary sediments Holocene sediments Pleistocene sediments Moralana Supergroup Yerelina Subgroup Wilpena Group ABC Range Quartzite Pound Subgroup umberatana Group Yudnamutana Subgroup Burra Group Emeroo Subgroup Diapiric Breccia Baratta Copper Mine Gravity Shells Magnetic Shells EL 6863 и STELAR METALS NORTH EL 6803 Baratta historic Copper Mine active 1896-1904 along 1.5 kilometres strike length Multiple copper soil anomalies along parallel structures extending over 7km strike length Copper mineralisation underlain by dense and magnetic bodies Untested large IP anomaly along strike to the west Rare Earth potential in Bibliando Diapiric Breccia 14#15OTHER Cu-Co-Au-REE PROJECTS 137° 138° 139° 140° -30° Torrens Project Olympic Dam -31° Gunson Project -32° Elizabeth Creek Evelyn Dam Project Oak Dam Carrapeteena Beltana Zinc Linda Project Beverley - Four Mile Zinc Project North Portia Perseus Project Kalkaroo Port Augusta Baratta Project White Dam 0 kilometres Mutooroo 100 South Australia New South Wales и STELAR METALS Lithium Project Copper Project (± Co, Au, REE) Major Mine Development Project Stelar NSW Tenure (90% JV) Stelar SA Tenure (100%) Trident Project Midas Project Broken Hill Copper Blow M STELAR METALS Colin Skidmore March 2023 2,755km² of granted exploration licences in SA and NSW Target Styles: Copper - Cobalt Midas, Perseus, Trident Iron Oxide Copper Gold Gunson, Perseus, Torrens, Evelyn Dam Sedimentary Copper Gunson, Baratta Carbonate-hosted Zinc Linda Rare Earth Elements Baratta, Trident Portfolio of Critical Metal Projects in world-class mining provinces 15#16READY TO DISCOVER HIGHLY PRIZED MINERALS Stelar Metals is leveraging its expertise and success in hard-rock lithium to repeat success and value growth for shareholders $ ㅈㄱ لاگ Do Do Do do Well funded exploration program planned for 2023 with $4m in cash in bank at of Dec 2023 Stelar Metals leveraging hard- rock lithium exploration and development expertise Highly regarded mining jurisdiction and exposure Favourable market conditions for battery minerals Experienced exploration and discovery team и STELAR METALS 16#17CONTACT Colin Skidmore, Chief Executive Officer [email protected] +61 (0) 467 608 539 M STELAR METALS Cameron Low Corporate Adviser & Investor Relations [email protected]

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