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#1ՅՍՈ UNTUK INDONESIA Timah C Corporate Performance FY 2022 PT TIMAH Tbk Analyst Meeting | Navigating Challenges 5 April 2023 AKHLAK @official_TIMAH @officialtim ah f PT TIMAH Tbk □ @officialtimah#2BUMN UNTUK INDONESIA BANKA Timah Disclaimer: This presentation contains various statements that can be considered as forward-looking statements so that the Company's actual results, implementation or achievements may differ from those obtained through forward-looking statements, which among others are the results. of economic and political changes both nationally and internationally, changes in foreign exchange rates, changes in prices, demand and supply of commodity markets, changes in Company competition, changes in laws or regulations and accounting principles, policies and guidelines. and changes in assumptions used in making forward-looking statements. AKHLAK ④ @official_TIMAH officialtim ah f PT TIMAH Tbk □ @officialtimah#3BUMN UNTUK INDONESIA ①Company Overview 2 Operational and Financial Performance 3 Commitment to ESG 4 Project Development Update Timah AKHLAK @official_TIMAH @officialtim ah f PT TIMAH Tbk □ @officialtimah#4OAbout The Company Timah VISION To become the world's leading mining company that is environmentally friendly MISSION 1. Building strong, superior and dignified human resources 2. Implement good and proper mining governance 3. Optimizing corporate value and contribution to shareholders as well as social responsibility Analyst Meeting FY22 4#5OThe Company Milestone 1709 Invention of tin ore on Bangka Island Year 1700's 1953 BTW nationalization, become Perusahaan Negara Tambang Timah (PN TT) Bangka 1958 GMB nationalization, become PN Tambang Timah (PNTT) Belitung 1959 NV SITEM nationalization, become PN Tambang Timah (PNTT) Singkep 1961 The Indonesian government established Badan Pimpinan Umum Perusahaan Tambang Timah Negara (BPU Timah) 1968 Merger BPU, PN TT Bangka, PN TT Belitung and PN TT Singkep, become PN Tambang Timah 1976 To become PT Tambang Timah (Persero) 1995 Go Public Year 1900's Analyst Meeting FY22 Timah 1856 Year 1800's Netherlands established Banka Tin Winning Bedrijf (BTW) 1858 Netherlands established Gemeenschappelijke Mijnbouw Maatschappij Billiton (GMB) 1878 Netherlands established NV Singkep Tin Exploitatie Maatschappij (NV SITEM) 2007 Enter the downstream tin business (Tin Solder and Tin Chemical) 2014-2015 Year 2000's Formed several competence-based subsidiaries 2017 . Become a member of Mining Industry Holding under MIND ID • Issuance of bonds and sukuk 2018 Adopt bore hole mining technology for more environmentally friendly mining activities. 2019 Application of fuming furnace technology to melt tin slag 2020 Divestment Indometal Corporation (Asia Pacific) Pte Ltd to MIND ID and PT RSBT to PT Pertamina Bina Medika IHC 2021 buyback of some bonds and sukuk 2022 Issuance of MTN 5#6O Group Structure Business Line 1 Tin Mining 2 Tin Downstream 3 Non-Tin Mining 4 Competenced Based-Business Subsidiary 99,99% TIMAH PT. TIMAH INDUSTRI Government Republic of Indonesia 100% 1 Share of Series A Dwiwarna 0% 1 65% MIND ID Mining Industry Indonesia 國 Timah © PT TIMAH Tbk 35% Public 3 99,97% TIMAH PT TIMAH INVESTASI MINERAL 100% 50% 50% 65% 99,99% 50% 25% Indirect Subsidiary Associates GREAT FORCE TRADING LIMITED Analyst Meeting FY22 IHC PT Bakti Timah Medika 32,99% COAL MINE TIM Indotama Mineral N TNS L nhl 7. NIGERIA LTD PT NASIONAL HIJA U LESTARI PERTALIFE INSURANCE 27,83% Timah TIMAH Indometal (London) Limited 100% TIVES 100% TIMAH INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT 100% DAK TIMAH PROPERTI Real Estate Developer KOBA PT KOBA TIN 25% PERTAMEDIKA PERTAMINA BINA MEDIKA 1,78% IHC Corporation can 99,98% 99,75% 4 6#7O Business Process Timah Integrated Mining Activities and Performing the Mandate of Good Mining Practice Exploration to discover new resources and reserves Exploration Tin Mining Exploitation Washing process to increase tin concentrate content Mineral Processing Onshore Exploration Offshore Exploration Onshore Mining Offshore Mining Reclamation Domestic ICDX TRADE THE SOURCE Export Onshore Reclamation Offshore Reclamation Marketing < JFX Post Mining Products Tin 99.9% Sn Maximum lead (Pb) 300 ppm Refining Smelting Smelting & Refining 70% Sn Smelting and refining to produce refined tin 7#8Operational Area Tin Mining and Refining ⚫Tin Mining and Refining • Dock Engineering and Repair Property Developer Coal Mining Nickel Mining • Agribusiness Tin Solder and Tin Chemical Factory Tin Resources (kt) Timah 1.044 1.036 919 912 823 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Tin Reserved (kt) 415 378 334 282 300 • PT Timah Agro Manunggal • Muntok Metalurgy Unit Bangka Belitung Island • Head Office of PT TIMAH Tbk PT Dok & Perkapalan Air Kantung Jakarta • Representative Office • PT Timah Investasi Mineral Cilegon, Banten 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PT Timah Industri PT Timah Karya Persada Properti Tin Mining Permit South Kalimantan Number Area • PT Tim Nikel Sejahtera 184.672 PT Tanjung Alam Jaya . PT Tim Indotama Mineral • Belitung Production Unit 126 Riau Island South East Sulawesi 473.310 Hectar • Onshore Bangka Production Unit • Kundur Production Unit • PT Timah Investasi Mineral 288.638 • Offshore Bangka Production Unit Kundur Metalurgy Unit • PT Tim Nikel Sejahtera 119 Babel Kepri & Riau ■ Onshore ■ Offshore Analyst Meeting FY22 8#9● The Company's Tin Marketing Area Timah 94% Export 6% Domestic Asia 50% Japan South Korea Europe 32% Dutch India Italy Belgium Singapura C+ Turky Taiwan Slovakia China Malaysia Hungary French Czech Republic America 12% Spanish United States Source: 2022 based on Internal Sales PT TIMAH Tbk Report (Jan-Dec) Analyst Meeting FY22 9#10BUMN UNTUK INDONESIA 1 Company Overview 2 Operational and Financial Performance 3 Commitment to ESG 4 Project Development Update Timah AKHLAK @official_TIMAH @officialtim ah f PT TIMAH Tbk □ @officialtimah 10#11O Key Performance FY2022 20 Efficiency in all business chain Analyst Meeting FY22 Rp € > Decrease in general and administrative expenses by 11% from 2021 > Decrease in finance costs by 39% from 2021 Decrease in Interest Bearing Debt > Decrease in interest-bearing debt by 41% from 2021 was due to a decrease in bank loans and bond debt Consistenly in increasing of non-tin subsidiaries performance Increased revenue contribution of subsidiaries from 15% to 19% on 2022 Timah 11#12Operational Performance Tin Ore Production (Ton Sn) 2021 2020 2021 2020 24.670 39.757 2022 20.079 19% yoy Tin Sales (Metric Ton) 26.602 Analyst Meeting FY22 55.782 2022 20.805 22% yoy 2021 2020 2021 Tin Production (Metric Ton) Timah 26.465 45.698 2022 19.825 25% yoy Average of Tin Selling Price (USD per Metric Ton) 2020 32.619 17.215 2022 31.474 4% yoy 12#13● Financial Performance 2021 2020 Revenue (Billion Rupiah) 14.607 Analyst Meeting FY22 15.216 2022 12.504 14% yoy 2021 2020 202 2021 2020 EBITDA (Billion Rupiah) Timah 1.159 -341 2.896 2022 2.340 19% yoy Net Profit (Billion Rupiah) 1.303 2022 1.042 20% yoy 13#14OBalance Sheet 2021 2020 Asset (Billion Rupiah) 14.518 Analyst Meeting FY22 14.691 2022 13.067 11% yoy 2021 2020 2021 2020 Liabilities (Billion Rupiah) Timah 8.383 9.578 2022 6.025 28% yoy Equity (Billion Rupiah) 6.308 4.940 2022 7.042 ↑ 12% yoy 14#15Cash Flow from Operation Activities and Interest Bearing Debt Cash Flow from Operation Activities (Billion Rupiah) 2021 2020 Analyst Meeting FY22 4.039 5.401 2022 3.115 23% yoy Timah Interest Bearing Debt * (Billion Rupiah) ■ Bank Loan ■Bond Debt ■Medium Term Notes 5.105 3.248 1.857 2021 2020 2022 3.000 41% yoy 7.011 4.918 2.093 1.568 806 626 *) Include supplier financing 15#16BUMN UNTUK INDONESIA Company Overview 2 Operational and Financial Performance 3 Commitment to ESG 4 Project Development Update Timah AKHLAK @official_TIMAH @officialtim ah f PT TIMAH Tbk □ @officialtimah#17Corporate Social Responsibility Contribution Timah As a form of the Company's commitment to support sustainable development is to carry out various Corporate Social Responsibility activities that aim to provide a sustainable impact on the community around the mine and contribute to the achievement of SDG's and in line with the direction of government policies that are focused on 3 (three) sectors. 1. Education, 2. Environment, 3. MSME (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise). CSR Distribution Realization Data for the Last 5 (five) Years Program CSR Program 1. Fishing Ground and Coral Garden No 2018 2019 2020 In Million Rupiah 2021 2022 1 CSR 24.758 46.549 40.459 31.870 31.970 2 Micro Small Business Funding (PUMK) 30.050 12.335 19.121 22.438 1.180 2. TINSKUBATOR 3. Eco-Village Srimenanti Total Distribution of CSR Funds 54.808 58.884 59.580 54.308 33.150 Note: Realization of distribution adjusts to production realization CSR Fund Disbursement Plan for 2022 Riau Islands Province and Riau Province •PUMK Rp 3,57 B • CSR Rp 5,29 B Total Rp 8,86 B Bangka Belitung Province •PUMK Rp 11,55 B CSR Rp 25,20 B Total Rp 36,75 B Analyst Meeting FY22 Jakarta/Nasional • CSR Rp 2,03 B Total Rp 2,03 B Total planned distribution of CSR funds in 2022 around Rp 47,64 B (CSR Rp 32,52 B and PUMK Rp 15,12 B) 4. Social Security for Fishermen, Vulnerable Groups and Disabilities 5. Timah Mengajar, "Pemali Boarding School" and Teacher Competency Improvement 6. Climate Change Mitigation (Mangrove Planting) 7. Youth Competency and Capacity Development 8. Infrastructure and social improvement 9. Oto Sehat (Timah Sekawa) and TIMAH Go Sihat 10.Capacity Building for Indigenous Peoples "Orang Lom" 11.Capacity building of Development Partners 12.Disaster response ERG program PUMK Program 1. PUMK Fund Distribution 2. MSME Production Equipment Improvement Program 3. Competence and Capacity Development of MSME Actors • • (training, workshops and Comparative Studies) Target of Development Partner who go to the next level: 50 persons Realization YTD Dec 2022: 21 persons 17#18Contribution of Corporate Environmental Management Responsibility (1/2) Onshore Reclamation West Bangka Pit opening 2.402 Ha • Realization 2.166 Ha (90%) Bangka Pit opening 5.946 Ha Realization 5.525 Ha (93%) Location: Batu Ampar 2, Bangka Before After Cross District • Pit opening 3.582 Ha Realization 3.502 Ha (98%) South Bangka Pit opening 523 Ha Central Bangka Pit opening 1.524 Ha Realization 1.508 Ha (99%) Belitung • Pit opening 761 Ha Realization 705 Ha (93%) Location: Beniang 2, Belitung Before After • Realization 522 Ha (99%) • Onshore Reclamation Realization data (1992-2022) East Belitung Pit opening 2.312 Ha Realization 2.210 Ha (96%) Location: Kampong Reklamasi Selinsing, Belitung Timur Before After Area (Ha) No WIUP Reclamation Onshore IUP Pit opening Onshore Reclamation 2022 Realization 1 Bangka 62.068 5.946 5.525 2 West Bangka 48.786 2.402 2.166 3 Central Bangka 21.845 1.524 1.508 100,3% 4 South Bangka 23.907 523 522 5 Belitung 13.263 761 705 6 East Belitung 30.355 2.312 2.210 • Plan: 402,5 Ha 7 Cross District 88.492 3.582 3.502 • Realization: 403,79 Ha Total 288.716 17.050 16.138 Google Earth IUP Mining concession Analyst Meeting FY22 Timah 18#19● Contribution of Corporate Environmental Management Responsibility (2/2) Offshore Reclamation Bangka Sea Karimun Kundur Sea Offshore Reclamation Realization 2022 Fish Shelter Artificial Reef 100% Coral Tranplant Squid Restocking Offshore Reclamation Realization 2016-2021 Fish Shelter Total 3.105 unit Coral Transplant Total 1.475 unit Abrasion Resistance Total 1.760 meter Seawater Quality Monitoring Total 225 point Artificial Reef Total 1.920 unit Squid Restocking Total 20.055 squid Mangrove Planting Total 39.050 trees Offshore Reclamation 2022 Artificial Reef Plan 1.920 unit Realization 1.920 unit Squid Restocking Plan 20.000 squid Realization 20.091 squid Mangrove Planting Plan 5.000 trees Realization 5.000 trees Abrasion Resistance Plan 400 meter Realization 400 meter Mangrove Crab Restocking Plan 1.400 crabs Realization 1.400 crabs Analyst Meeting FY22 Timah Mangrove Planting Mangrove Crab Restocking Abrasion Resistance Timah INDI REKLAMASI LAUT PT. TIMAH TI PENEBARA KEPITING BAKU Seawater Quality Monitoring 19#20Compliance Performance Excellent 2022 1108,13 FY21:90,64 Comply 2022 ↑ 25 comply FY21: 20 comply Very Good 2022 ↑ 99,01 FY21:97,22 Analyst Meeting FY22 ASEAN ACGS OJK OTORITAS JASA KEUANGAN Regulation No 21/POJK.04/2015 and SEOJK Corporate POJK Governance Scorecard Timah BUMN UNTUK INDONESIA SK-16/S.MBU/2012 about Assessment and Evaluation Indicators implementation of GCG in on the No.32/SEOJK.04/2015 about Corporate Governance Guideline for Public Company SOE 20 20#21BUMN UNTUK INDONESIA Company Overview 2 Operational and Financial Performance 3 Commitment to ESG 4 ④ Project Development Update Timah AKHLAK @official_TIMAH @officialtim ah f PT TIMAH Tbk □ @officialtimah#22Strategy of Production Operation 1 Increasing exploration and production growth aggressively 2 Increasing cost competitiveness through digitization 3 Build downstream assets on a global scale 4 Conduct strategic alliances for new downstream business expansion. 5 Performing capability development and portfolio optimization Analyst Meeting FY22 PT TIMAH Tbk | Member of MIND ID Timah 22 22#23Strategic Project - Top Submerged Lance (TSL) Ausmelt Furnace GAI $ Investment Projection USD 80 million (± Rp1,20 trillion) Cash Cost per Dec 2022 Rp1,13 trillion Progress Project of TSL Ausmelt Furnace Per December 2022 S Capacity 40.000 ton crude tin per year or 35.000 metric ton ingot per year TARGET 100% Commissioning December 2022 Labour 124 employee Location Muntok Metalurgy Unit - Bangka Analyst Meeting FY22 ACTUAL 100% VARIANCE 0% Timah 23 23#24BUMN UNTUK INDONESIA PT TIMAH Tbk Head Office Jl. Jenderal Sudirman 51 Pangkalpinang 33121, Indonesia Representative Office JI. Medan Merdeka Timur No. 15 Jakarta Pusat 10110, Indonesia T: +62 717 4258000 | E: [email protected] Thank You Timah 2023

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