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#1Technology Collaboration Programme by lea Member Country Report 2023 - Japan Takahiro ASAHI, Heat Pump and Thermal Storage Technology Center of Japan (HPTCJ) The HPT TCP is part of a network of autonomous collaborative partnerships focused on a wide range of energy technologies known as Technology Collaboration Programmes or TCPs. The TCPs are organised under the auspices of the International Energy Agency (IEA), but the TCPs are functionally and legally autonomous. Views, findings and publications of the HPT TCP do not necessarily represent the views or policies of the IEA Secretariat or its individual member countries. HPT#2Temperature Technology Collaboration Programme by lea Japan - Overview Population : 124.63 million Households : 55.71 million Land Area : 378,000 km² Population Density Rate of multifamily Mean temperature (92% in urban areas) Sapporo (1/2/3/4/>5 pers.: 38%/28%/17%/12%/5%). (~Germany) : 330 people / km² (=Belgium) people/km² : 46 % : 15.8 C (Tokyo) (~Madrid, Spain) 40 Sapporo (MT: 9.2 C) Tokyo (MT: 15.8 C) Naha (MT: 23.3 C) 20 -10 -20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 month month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 month Source Tokyo - Population: as of 1 Feb. 2023, Statistics Bureau of Japan - Urban population: as of 2021, World Bank Group - Households: as of 1 Oct. 2020, Statistics Bureau of Japan (table 2-13) - Land Area: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan - Population Density: HPTCJ's calculation (Population / Land Area) Naha Maximum temperature Mean temperature Minimum temperature - Rate of multifamily: as of 1 Oct. 2018, Statistics Bureau of Japan (table 21-3)(JP) - Temperature: based on observed data 1991 - 2020, Japan Meteorological Agency Source1, Source2(JP) HPT#3Technology Collaboration Programme by lea Source Policy - Decarbonization 46-50% GHG reduction in FY 2030 and Net-Zero by 2050 Policy Speech by the Prime Minister to the 203rd Session of the Diet "We hereby declare that by 2050 Japan will aim to reduce GHG emissions to net-zero, that is, to realize a carbon-neutral, decarbonized society." Leaders Summit on Climate "Japan aims to reduce its GHG emissions by 46% in FY 2030" (Furthermore, the lofty goal of 50%) LEADERS SUMMIT ON CLIMATE - Policy Speech: Cabinet of Japan - Leaders Summit on climate: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan - Date of enforcement of the amended act: Ministry of the Environment (MOEJ)(JP) - Japan's NDC, Long-term Strategy, Plan: MOEJ (EN, JP) The Sixth strategic Energy Plan: Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) (EN, JP) - Cabinet Decision on the Basic Policy for the Realization of GX (JP) Japan's Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) Japan's Long-term Strategy under the Paris Agreement Plan for Global Warming Countermeasures The Sixth Strategic Energy Plan Enforcement of the amended Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures "decarbonized society by 2050" was stipulated Cabinet Decision on the Basic Policy for the Realization of GX Previous WS (Nov. 2021) 26 Oct. 2020 22 Apr. 2021 22 Oct. 2021 1 Apr. 2022 10 Feb. 2023 Today HPT#42 4 6 14 12 10- 8- Technology Collaboration Programme by lea Policy - Decarbonization Japan's commitment to Net-Zero by 2050 Amount emitted (100 Mt-CO2) 16 FY 2013 1408 Mt FY 2019 1212 Mt (14% below FY 2013 level) the Plan for amming Global Warming Countermeasures 46% reduction compared to FY 2013 continue strenuous efforts to cut by 50%. 0 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2025 2030 2035 2020 Source: Prepared from "Greenhouse Gas Emissions in FY 2019 (Confirmed)" and "Global Warming Countermeasures Plan" long-term strategy egy >>> >>>>> Source - Japan's commitment: "Climate Actions towards net-zero by 2050", MOEJ CO2 emissions by sector: "The GHG Emissions Data of Japan", National Institute for Environmental Studies CO2 emissions by sector (FY1990 - 2020) CO2 emissions (Mt-CO2) 503 Industries sector (Factories, etc.) 500 464 400 300 387 <Compared to FY 2013> (Compared to FY 2019) <-23.3%> -356Mt (-8.1%) <-17.6%> -185Mt (-10.2%) Transport sector (Cars,etc.) 237 224 206 191 208, 200 By 2050, net zero *Commercial and other sector (Commerce, services, office,etc.) 131 Energy Transformation emissions 96 (excl. statistical discrepancy from power and heat allocation) 106 100 <-23.2%> 182Mt (-4.7%) 208 <-19.8%> 166Mt Residential sector (+4.5%) 159 -82Mt <-22.7%> 90 (-8.4%) <-12.7%> 2040 2045 2050 0 1990 Industrial Processes and Product Use 1992 Waste (Incineration, etc) זזזזז 1995 1998 2000 2003 2004 Other (Indirect CO2, etc.3.6 45 43Mt (-5.3%) 31Mt <+4.0%) 3.0 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 3Mt (-0.7%) <-17.8%> (-2.7%) HPT#5Technology Collaboration Programme by lea Source - Japan's Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC): UNFCCC Japan's Long-term Strategy under the Paris Agreement: UNFCCC (EN), MOEJ (JP) Policy - Decarbonization Japan's Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) 2030, 2050 targets and implementation of policies (e.g. amending the law) Japan's Long-term Strategy under the Paris Agreement Industry: "For the heat demand in low-temperature such as steam and hot water, utilizing electrification technologies including heat pumps and electric heating wires would be a relevant option for decarbonization." "I .../ Building: the Government aims to achieve the sector coupling of electricity, heat, and mobility in general, using electrified vehicles, heat pump-type water heaters, fuel cells and cogeneration, ...", "... improvement of heat energy efficiency such as heat pump.", "The Government will also look into the potential flexibility of heat storage type air-conditioning equipment, heat pump water heaters in facilities with large demand for hot water supply, " HPT#6Technology Collaboration Programme by lea Policy - Decarbonization Plan for Global Warming Countermeasures and The Sixth Strategic Energy Plan - | Source - Plan for Global Warming Countermeasures: MOEJ (JP) - The Sixth Strategic Energy Plan: METI (EN, JP) -Track record: The document of the Central Environment Council, METI (JP) Quantitative targets are set for industrial HPs and commercial and residential HPWHs Industrial HPS ΚΡΙ (cumulative installation: MW) Commercial HPWHS ΚΡΙ (cumulative installation: 104 units) Domestic HPWHS ΚΡΙ (cumulative installation: 104 units) 16 1,673 MW (Prospect 2030) 14 1,800 1,600 1,400 1,200 1,000 824 (Prospect 2025) 800 600 200 0 400 168.4 (Result 2020) < 277 (Prospect 2020) 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 0 2 4 6 2013 2014 8 10 STOZ 12 5.5 (Result 2020) > 5 (Prospect 2020) 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 1600 1400 745.9 (Result 2020) 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 HPT#7Technology Collaboration Programme by lea Source - Cabinet Decision on the Basic Policy for the Realization of GX (JP) Policy - Decarbonization The Basic Policy for the Realization of GX* (February 10, 2023) "" *GX = Green Transformation For the decarbonization of the heat demand and the efficient use of heat, (the government) will promote the introduction of efficient appliances such as heat pump water heaters and residential fuel cells for the residential sector, and efficient equipment including industrial heat pumps and CHPs for the industrial sector" = Heat pumps are already well-recognized in the high-level policies in Japan HPT#8Technology Collaboration Programme by lea Policy - Energy Energy demand by sector 400 363 Final energy consumption 350 (million kloe) 300 Source - Energy demand by sector: The document by the METI (P.71) (JP) - Electricity mix towards 2030: The document by the METI (P.70) (JP) - Carbon intensity of electricity generation: FY2021 Energy Supply and Demand Report, METI (P.8) (JP) Electricity mix towards 2030 ~1,024 TWh Renewable ~934 TWh 非化石 水素・アンモニア 1%程度 H2 & NH3 ~1% 334 280程度 Transport Sector Residential Sector Commercial Sector Industries Sector 程度 Nuclear 6%程度 18% 程度 24% 250 200 150 100 50 0 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2030 LNG 37% 程度 Non-fossil fuel 24% 36~38% 程度 #Non-fossil fuel 59% 程度 ~ 59% 0.7 Carbon intensity of Carbon intensity of electricity generation The Great East Japan Earthquake 20~22% 程度 化石 0.6 electricity generation (kg CO2/kWh) 0.57 0.58 0.5 0.56 0.54 0.53 0.52 0.51 0.49 0.47 0.47-0.46 76% 程度 Fossil fuel 20% 76% 程度 0.4 Coal 32% 0.43 0.41 0.45 0.45 0.43 0.44 程度 化石 Fossil fuel 41% 0.3 程度 ~41% 19% 0.2 Oil, etc. 0.1 0.0 2005 2010 2015 2021 fiscal year 7%程度 fiscal year 程度 2%程度 2030 (HPT) 2019#9Technology Collaboration Programme by lea ! Source - Top Runner Program: Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (JP) - The uniform energy efficiency labels: "Japan's ENERGY 2020", METI Policy - Energy "Top Runner Program" (Efficiency standards for machinery, equipment and materials) - 32 items are in scope (as of March 2023). Air Conditioners, Electric Refrigerators, Electric Freezers, Gas Water Heaters, Oil Water Heaters, Vending Machines, Electric (HP) Water Heaters, Showcases, etc. "The uniform energy efficiency labels" (Energy efficiency labeling) -The evaluation metric of a 41-point scale (1.0, 1.1, ..., 5.0) are now being used in retail outlets. -The items mentioned above (except for vending machines and showcases) are covered as of March 2023. 省工性能 H#2025 メーカー名 Energy Efficiency Product A Product B Product C Product D Product E 4.6 省工之星連運成室 エネルギー消費効率 3.5 |機種名 100% この製品を1年間使用した場合の目安電気料金 31,900 P 安電気料金は東京・大阪の外気温度を前提に4人世帯を想定した1年間あ たりの電気使用量約1,389kWhに東京・大阪で電気温水器を使用する 場合の平均的な電気料金単価23円/kWh を乗じて算出しており、外気温度 や使用条件、電気会社等により異なります。 使用 中の環境に配慮し、省エネ性能の高い製品を選びましょう。 使用する地域や世帯人数によりによる 点数及び目安電気料金は異なりますので、 右記のQRコードからご確認ください。 エネルギー: 電気 EWH-R0308 Product A' Product B' >50% of all products Product C' Top Runner Standard value Product D' <50% of all products With Product A as a base value, the target is set after consideration of potential technical improvements Product E' For each manufacturer / importer, each item's weighted average value must achieve a target standard value by the target fiscal year. Target year (3-10 years later) At the time of the value setting process Top Runner Program A new labeling for EcoCute (Domestic HPWH) since Oct. 2021 (HPT)#10Technology Collaboration Programme by lea Policy - Awards Efficiency has improved due to energy efficiency policies. Awards are another driver for efficiency improvement Energy Conservation Grand Prize Award (Since 1990) awards excellent energy conservation ENERCY CONSERVATION COP 7.5 7.0 6.5 5.5 ! Source I - Efficiency improvement of HPs: Heat Pump and Thermal Storage Technology Center of Japan (HPTCJ) (JP) - Energy Conservation Grand Prize Award: The Energy Conservation Center, Japan (ECCJ) Minister of the Environment's Award for Climate Action: MOEJ (JP) APF 9.0 Centrifugal chiller **** (COP) 8.0 7.0 家庭用エアコン (APF) Residential RAC (APF value) 6.0 6.0 家庭用エアコン Commercial HPWH (冷暖平均COP) 5.0 Residential HPWH 業務用HP給湯機 (APF:年間加熱効率) Residential RAC エコキュート (+COP) 4.0 (COP value) 5.0 activities and advanced energy conservation products achieved by technological 4.5 development at private companies, 三爷和∃年皮 4.0 Minister of the Environment's Award 気候変動 M アクション 環境大臣表彰 3.5 for Climate Action (Since 1998) awards individuals or groups that have made significant contributions towards preventing global warming エコキュート (APF:年間給湯保温効率) JIS規格 3.0 Residential HPWH 2.0 業務用HP給湯機 (中間期COP) 1.0 Commercial HPWH 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Year Efficiency improvement of HPS HPT 0.0#11Technology Collaboration Programme by lea Policy - Subsidies Source - Subsidy for investments for advanced energy conservation project: Sustainable open Innovation Initiative (JP) - Subsidy for residential high-efficiency DHW heaters : METI (JP) - Subsidy for "Net Zero Energy Buildings" (METI): Sustainable open Innovation Initiative (JP) Subsidy for "Net Zero Energy Buildings" (MOEJ): Shizuoka Environment Resources Association (JP) Subsidy for investments for energy conservation projects and equipment A. Advanced equipment (e.g. HP desiccant humidity control, centrifugal chiller, showcase, MVR, etc.) B. Custom-made solutions (e.g. specially designed facility, production line, etc.) C. Specified equipment (e.g. AC, industrial HP, commercial HPWH, refrigerator, etc.) D. Energy management system and service (Specified EM service and EMS needed for the service) Subsidy for residential high-efficiency DHW heaters HPWHS ("EcoCute") METI Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry METI Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry - Hybrid HPWHS Residential Fuel Cells ("Ene-Farm") 50,000 JPY (345 EUR*) 50,000 JPY (345 EUR*) 150,000 JPY (1035 EUR*) * Exchange rate: 145 JPY / 1 EUR HPWHS ("EcoCute") Hybrid HPWHS Residential Fuel Cells ("Ene-Farm") Subsidy for "Net Zero Energy Buildings" - METI Ministry of Economy, Trade and industry Ministry of the Environment 環境省 Government of Japan High efficiency ACs, water heaters, BEMS, etc. installed for "Net Zero Energy Buildings" projects (<50% energy consumption of the reference building) HPT#12Technology Collaboration Programme by lea Policy - F-gas Regulation Laws and GWP target values and years. Ozone Layer Protection Law aims to control consumption and production of controlled substances by regulating their productions and imports. Fluorocarbons Emission Restraining Law aims to control emissions over the lifecycle of Fluorocarbons. (2) Equipment manufacturers Promoting refrigerant conversion Switching to fluorocarbons (1) Fluorocarbon manufacturers with lower GWP or non-fluorocarbon products, and recycling fluorocarbons to reduce the volume of new production Fluorocarbons CO₂ display case refrigeration Low GWP air conditioners (to non-fluorocarbon and low-GWP* fluorocarbon products) "GWP Global warming potential Proper management of equipment refrigerant (reduction of leakage during use, and proper delivery upon disposal) Class I specified products Fluorocarbons Fluorocarbon alternatives Non-fluorocarbon products Non-fluorocarbon, Non-fluorocarbon dust blowers insulation Inspections and Proper recycling and destruction of fluorocarbons Proper filling and recovery of fluorocarbons Portions to be recycled records Maintenance and repair Fluorocarbons Delivery of fluorocarbons upon disposal (7) Class I fluorocarbon recycling operators Fluorocarbon destruction operators (6) Class I fluorocarbon filling (5) Persons undertaking collection, and recovery operators etc. of class I specified products Proper collection upon equipment disposal C Fluorocarbons Emission Restraining Law Source - "Act on Rational Use and Proper Management of Fluorocarbons", MOEJ Specified product category Household air conditioners (excluding through-the-wall types, etc.) Main refrigerants Environmental currently used and GWP impact target value R410A(2090) R32(675) 750 Target fiscal year 2018 Air conditioners for stores and offices (1)Statutory refrigeration capacity of less than 3 tons, excluding floor-standing units, etc. (2)Statutory refrigeration capacity of at least 3 tons, excluding floor-standing units, etc., and excluding (3) below (3) Central air conditioners using turbo refrigerators Automotive air conditioners (excluding those installed in passenger cars having a capacity of 11 persons or more) R410A(2090) 750 2020 R410A(2090) 750 2023 R134a (1430) 100 2023 R245fa(1030) R134a(1430) 150 2023 (3) Persons undertaking management, maintenance, R404A(3920) and disposal, etc. of dass I specified products Condensing units and stationary freezer-refrigerator units (excluding those having a compressor with rated output of 1.5 kW or less) R410A(2090) 1500 2025 R407C(1770) CO₂(1) Calculation and Central refrigeration equipment (only those shipped for reporting of leakage Entrustment of filling and recovery use in new refrigerated warehouses having effective Ammonia (single digit) R404A (3920) 100 2019 volume of at least 50,000 m³) Rigid urethane foam (only on-site foaming materials for residential buildings) HFC-245fa(1030) 100 2020 HFC-365mfc(795) HFC-134a(1430) HFC-152a(124) 10 2019 CO₂(1), DME(1) (4) Primary contractors for specific demolition work Proper recovery of fluorocarbons upon building demolition Spray equipment filled with propellant only (excluding those for applications requiring non-combustibility) Target GWP values and years for manufacturers/importers HPT#13Annual Sales (1,000 units) Technology Collaboration Programme by lea 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 0 2000 -The Japan Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Industry Association (JRAIA) (JP) Market - Residential Room Air Conditioners 12,000 The financial crisis Cool Summer 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Year 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Source Hot Summer Stable at just below 10 million units annually. Longer hours at home due to COVID-19 might have boosted the sales in 2020 HPT#14Technology Collaboration Programme by lea Annual Sales (1,000 units) Source -The Japan Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Industry Association (JRAIA) (JP) Market - Commercial Packaged Air Conditioners 1,000 The financial crisis 2021 Summer Olympics 800 600 400 200 Year Stable at around 800,000 units annually. The surge in sales in 2019 might be attributed to the demand for 2021 Summer Olympics held in Tokyo. HPT#15Annual Sales (units) Technology Collaboration Programme by lea Source -The Japan Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Industry Association (JRAIA) (JP) Market - Residential HPWH (EcoCute) 500,000 The financial crisis The Great East Japan Earthquake 600,000 Į 400,000 300,000 200,000 100,000 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Fiscal Year (Apr.- Mar.) 9,000,000 8,000,000 7,000,000 6,000,000 5,000,000 4,000,000 3,000,000 2,000,000 1,000,000 Cumulative Sales (units) Around 500,000 units annually with an increase of 30,000 units annually. The cumulative sales will reach 9 million units in fall 2023 at this rate. HPT#16Technology Collaboration Programme by lea Annual Sales (units) Market - Commercial HPWH 5,000 The financial crisis The Great East Japan Earthquake 2021 Summer Olympics 6,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Fiscal Year (Apr.- Mar.) 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Source -The Japan Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Industry Association (JRAIA) (JP) Around 3,000 units annually. The surge in sales in 2019 might be attributed to the demand for 2021 Summer Olympics held in Tokyo. (HPT)#17Technology Collaboration Programme by lea R&D - HPT TCP Annexes (click the Annex number to visit the Annex websites) Ongoing Annexes Annex 54 "Heat pump systems with low GWP refrigerants" This annex aims at promoting low GWP refrigerant application to accelerate phase down of high-GWP HFCS by developing design guidelines of optimized heat pump components and system for low-GWP refrigerants through the review of available low-GWP refrigerants, their properties and applicable standards, safety and flammability of refrigerants, and safe use of flammable refrigerants Annex 58 "High-Temperature Heat Pumps" This Annex gives an overview of available technologies and close-to-market technologies regarding high-temperature heat pumps. Annex 61 "Heat Pumps in Positive Energy Districts" The overall objective of the Annex is to evaluate the role of heat pumps in positive energy neighborhoods/districts. Efficiency potentials of the electric and thermal energy of neighborhoods/districts that can be unlocked with the use of heat pumps and are evaluated in order to reach a positive energy balance. ANNEX 54 ANNEX 58 ANNEX 61 START DATE: 17 January 2019 END DATE: 31 December 2021 START DATE: 1 January 2021 END DATE: 31 December 2023 START DATE: 1 September 2022 END DATE: 31 December 2025 Completed Annexes ANNEX 46 START DATE: 1 August 2015 END DATE: 30 September 2019 ANNEX 48 START DATE: 1 April 2016 END DATE: 30 June 2019 Annex 46 "Domestic Hot Water Heat Pumps" Annex 48 "Industrial Heat Pumps, Second Phase" ... HPT#18Technology Collaboration Programme by lea R&D - Utilizing Waste Heat (NEDO) R&D Project on Innovative Thermal Management - - Materials and Technologies (FY 2015-2022) Technology to effectively reduce, recover and reuse untapped thermal energy Crosscutting heat management technologies HPS play a role in reusing thermal energy (e.g. high temperature HPS, high-efficiency chiller...) Recycle THERMOELECTRIC WASTE HEAT GENERATING Furukawa Hitachi Fujifilm Reduce HEAT STORAGE THERMAL INSULATION Toyota Mitsubishi Plastics Panasonic Toray Mino Ceramic Toyota Furukawa Electric Mazda Aisin Nippon Thermostat Yasunaga Panasonic TherMAT Thermal Management Materials and Technology Research Association Reuse HEAT PUMP Mayekawa Mitsubishi Heavy Industry Central Glass Hitachi Appliances Calsonic Kansei Thermal Management (HPT)#19Technology Collaboration Programme by lea R&D - Utilizing Waste Heat (NEDO) High temperature HP (Alternative to boilers and firing furnaces) Conventional: Heat Recycle Absorption Chiller (Driving with low-temperature exhaust heat) Primary Energy 100% 200°C supply with over COP 3.5 using unutilized Boiler thermal energy around 100°C Efficiency 90% Using high-temperature heat pump: 1.75 times more efficient than boiler steam Primary Energy The Power Plan 100% Efficiency 45% Prototype of Heat Pump REMARK 160°C supply with over COP3.5 using unutilized thermal energy around 80°C Solar heat General air conditionin g Industrial waste heat (factories and power plants) High-temperature Heat Pump COP3.5 Total Efficiency =45%XCOP 158% Low temperature exhaust heat drive absorption refrigerator Freezing / Refrigeration It is used for general air-conditioning, freezing, refrigeration, and low- temperature heat sources in district heating networks. Double Lift Cycle Absorption Chiller With World's Highest Efficiency REMARKS The world's highest-efficiency double-lift cycle absorption chiller Expands the utilizing temperature (Before: 95 75°C After:95-51°C) ⚫MAYEKAWA MFG. CO., LTD. ⚫Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Thermal Systems, Ltd. Productization Hitachi Johnson Controls Air Conditioning CO., LTD. HPT#20Technology Collaboration Programme by lea R&D - Low-GWP Refrigerants (NEDO) Development of Technology and Assessment Techniques for Next-Generation Refrigerants with a Low GWP Value (FY 2018 2022) - The development of assessment techniques for performance, safety, and risks of next- generation refrigerants used in refrigeration and air conditioning equipment - dissemination of next-generation refrigerants through the development of technologies to address technological roadblocks in certain domains Refrigerant Refrigerant performance development assessment -Refrigerant shift Lower GWP value Equipment development [Equipment performance assessment Risk assessment of usage conditions Leakage control Development Recovery Refrigerant emission reduction Removal (detoxification treatment) Recycling treatment Laws and regulations R&D Assessment Technological challenges in the area of reducing fluorocarbon emissions HPT#21Technology Collaboration Programme by lea R&D - Low-GWP Refrigerants (NEDO) List of project themes Acquisition and evaluation of fundamental characteristics of next-generation refrigerants Assessment of thermophysical properties, heat transfer characteristics and basic cycle performance of next-generation refrigerants used for small and medium sized refrigeration and air-conditioning Safety evaluation of low GWP, low flammability blend refrigerants Research and development of the evaluation of practical use of the next-generation refrigeration and air-conditioning technologies applying low GWP refrigerants Development of safety and risk assessment methods for next-generation refrigerants Development of next-generation refrigerants and their application technologies Research of large cooling unit applying natural refrigerants and ultra-low GWP refrigerants Development of the technologies for applying next-generation low GWP refrigerants to condensing Development of the energy-saving refrigerator system using the CO2 refrigerant in the low temperature equipment, and their evaluation in commercial buildings Development of mildly flammable refrigerants (under GWP10 for direct expansion air-conditioning Project term: FY2018-FY2022 Apparatus to measure flammability limits, essential for safety and risk assessment Project participants: WASEDA University, Kyushu University, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo University of Science Suwa, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, Toshiba Carrier Corporation, Panasonic Corporation, DAIKIN INDUSTRIES, Ltd., HPT#22Technology Collaboration Programme by lea Key Actors (click the logo to visit the official websites*) *JEHC's website is available only in Japanese JRAIA (since 1949) JRAIA The Japan Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Industry Association The Japan Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Industry Association - An industrial association of HVAC&R - "Kobe Symposium” (International Symposium on New JRAIA KOBE SYMPOSIUM Refrigerants and Environmental Technology) - 165 corporate members JEHC (since 2006) Japan Electro-Heat Center - An industrial association JEHC - Promoting thermal technologies, including industrial HPs - Policy recommendation, communication, training, etc. JSRAE (since 1925) JSRAE The Japan Society of Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers - A non-profit academic organization in a field of refrigeration, air conditioning, food refrigeration etc. - Education, training, survey, research, certification, awards, international exchanges (e.g. IIR), etc. - 230 corporate and 3,600 individual members NEDO (since 1980) NEDO New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization - A national R&D agency, promoting technical development necessary for a sustainable society. - Signatory body of IEA HPT TCP ExCo delegate Mr. Iwatsubo HPTCJ (since 1986) Heat Pump and Thermal Storage Technology Center of Japan - An industrial association of HPs - Promotion, training, research, survey, policy recommendation, etc. Secretariat of IEA HPT TCP - ExCo alternate delegate Mr. Asahi ExCo alternate delegate Mr. Goto HPT#23Technology Collaboration Programme by lea Summary Decarbonization: HPs are seen as one of key technologies to achieving Japan's net-zero 2050 commitment. Quantitative targets for 2030 are set for further deployment of IHPS and commercial and residential HPWHS. Energy: Cleaner electricity mix including nuclear power is the challenge on the supply side. On the demand side, HP efficiencies have been and will be improving thanks to EE policies like "Top Runner Program" and awards. Incentives: The government is offering subsidies for HPWHS and other efficient appliances/equipment. Local governments are also starting to subsidize HPs. Market: Japan's AC market is stable. We need to further deploy IHPS and HPWHS in line with the government's target. Technology: R&Ds of such as Low-GWP refrigerants and high temperature HPs are being carried out both in HPT TCP Annexes and domestic research HPT#24Technology Collaboration Programme by lea Thank you for your attention! Takahiro ASAHI (Executive Committee alternate delegate of Japan) [email protected] The HPT TCP is part of a network of autonomous collaborative partnerships focused on a wide range of energy technologies known as Technology Collaboration Programmes or TCPs. The TCPs are organised under the auspices of the International Energy Agency (IEA), but the TCPs are functionally and legally autonomous. Views, findings and publications of the HPT TCP do not necessarily represent the views or policies of the IEA Secretariat or its individual member countries. HPT

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