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#1xproindia Xpro India Limited Investor Presentation Q4-FY 2022#2Performance Overview Q4 FY22 FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS#3Performance Overview FY22 (Y-O-Y) Q4 FY22 (Y-0-Y) Highlights xproindia Revenue 26.3% 471.7 Crs Revenue 142.8 Crs EBITDA 63.8 Crs 58.4% -3.2% Reflects seasonality and despatch timing variances Equates to Rs.571 Cr. Annualised; EBITDA 17.2 Crs -1.7 % Marginal Decline in absolute numbers over corresponding quarter; Reflects the increase in margins despite cost pressures PAT 44.9 Crs PAT 434.5% 82.3 % 17.5 Crs Results signify steady operations, sustained market opportunities for Xpro's technically robust product offerings and the impact of strategic initiatives over past few years; Results achieved in the face of uncertainties due to the pandemic and global economic conditions, and in particular the general loss in economic momentum in the last quarter of the financial year; Sustained domestic demand for Xpro Biax Dielectric films with market share > 30% (balance imported); Strong global demand too. Biax Dielectric Film output 15 % higher through optimization and "tweaks"; Quality and service rated "premium" by Customers; Coex division markets moderated somewhat in Q4 due to commodity price increases and shortages resulting from geo- political considerations and lockdown in China which pushed up consumer durable prices; Raw material cost increases could be passed on, and together with improved product/customer-mix and improved value-addition strategy overall margins scaled-up; Exports increased to Rs.22.6 Cr. (from Rs.9.5 Cr. previous year); Continuing reduction in debt (including through pre-payment). Investor Presentation Q4-FY22 3#4Q4FY22 Financial Performance (Consolidated) Revenues (Rs. Crs) 147.5 -3.2% EBITDA (Rs. Crs) 142.8 17.5 -1.7% 17.2 xproindia PAT (Rs. Crs) 9.6 +82.3% 17.5 Q4 FY21 Q4 FY22 Q4 FY21 Q4 FY22 Q4 FY21 Q4 FY22 8.2 EPS (in Rs.) +81.0% EBITDA Margin (%) 14.8 11.9% 12.1% PAT Margin (%) 6.5% 12.2% Q4 FY21 Q4 FY22 Q4 FY21 Q4 FY22 Q4 FY21 Q4 FY22 Investor Presentation Q4-FY22 4#5FY22 Financial Performance (Consolidated) Revenues (Rs. Crs) 373.4 +26.3% 471.7 EBITDA (Rs. Crs) 40.3 +58.3% 63.8 xproindia PAT (Rs. Crs) 8.4 +434.5% 44.9 FY21 FY22 FY21 FY22 FY21 FY22 7.1 EPS (in Rs.) +437.9% FY21 Investor Presentation Q4-FY22 EBITDA Margin (%) 38.0 10.8% 13.5% PAT Margin (%) 2.2% 9.5% FY22 FY21 FY22 FY21 FY22 5#6Q4FY22 Profit & Loss Statement xproindia Particulars (Rs. Crs) Q4 FY22 Q4 FY21 Y-o-Y Q3 FY22 Q-o-Q FY22 FY21 Y-O-Y (%) Revenue from Operations 142.8 147.5 -3.2% 111.2 28.4% 471.7 373.4 26.3% Cost of Materials Consumed 97.7 108.1 79.9 328.0 262.0 Change in Inventories of finished goods, WIP and stock-in- trade 3.6 0.6 -6.6 -2.4 3.1 Gross Profit 41.5 38.8 6.9% 38.0 9.3% 146.1 108.3 34.9% GP % 29.0% 26.3% 34.1% 31.0% 29% Employee Benefits Expense 8.7 7.9 7.7 30.2 27.6 Other Expenses 15.5 13.4 12.5 52.1 40.4 EBITDA 17.2 17.5 -1.7% 17.7 -2.9% 63.8 40.3 58.4% EBITDA % 12.1% 11.9% 15.9% 13.5% 10.8% Other Income 0.9 0.96 0.24 1.8 2.1 Depreciation and Amortisation Expense 2.9 3.0 3.0 12.1 12.4 EBIT 15.2 15.5 14.9 53.6 30.0 Finance Costs 2.1 3.2 3.3 13.0 16.5 PBT 13.1 12.3 11.6 40.6 13.5 201.1% Total Tax Expense Profit for the year PAT % EPS -4.3 2.7 0.0 -4.3 5.1 17.5 9.6 82.3% 11.6 50.3% 44.9 8.4 434.5% 12.2% 6.5% 10.4% 9.53% 2.2% 14.77 8.16 9.83 38.03 7.07 Investor Presentation Q4-FY22 6#7Balance Sheet (Consolidated) xproindia EQUITY & LIABILITIES (Rs. Crs) Mar-22 Mar-21 ASSETS (Rs. Crs) Mar-22 Mar-21 Property, Plant and Equipment 159.4 170.2 Equity Share Capital Other Equity Total Equity Financial Liabilities Borrowings Provisions 11.8 11.8 Right of Use of Assets 8.8 8.9 160.2 78.1 Capital Work-in-progress 0.4 0.3 172.0 89.9 Financial Assets (i) Investments 5.0 0.0 (ii) Loans 0.1 0.1 63.7 97.0 (ii) Other Financial Assets 4.5 3.9 2.2 4.3 Deferred tax assets (net) 4.5 Other Financial Liabilities 0.1 0.1 Other Non Current Assets 4.3 0.5 Non-Current Tax Assets (Net) 2.6 2.0 Lease Liabilities 1.9 2.2 Total Non-Current Assets 189.6 186.0 Total Non-Current Liabilities 67.9 103.6 Inventories 45.6 41.0 Financial Liabilities Financial Assets Borrowings 24.0 35.9 (i) Trade Receivable 66.3 66.4 (ii) Cash and Cash Equivalents 18.7 1.7 Trade payables 57.9 72.3 (iii) Other Bank Balances (other than Note 13 above) 4.8 4.2 Other Financial Liabilities 2.4 2.0 (iv) Other Current Financial Assets 0.8 1.7 Other Current Liabilities 10.3 4.2 Loans 0.1 0.1 Other Current Assets 3.6 1.7 Lease Liabilities 0.2 0.1 Current tax assets 0.0 0.0 Total Current Liabilities 94.9 114.6 Non current Assets held for sale Total Current Assets 5.2 5.2 145.2 122.1 TOTAL EQUITY & LIABILITIES 334.9 308.0 TOTAL ASSETS 334.9 308.0 7 Investor Presentation Q4-FY22#8Abridged Cash Flow Statement Particulars (Rs in Cr) Profit before Tax xproindia Mar-22 Mar-21 40.6 13.4 Operating profit before working capital changes 65.0 41.1 Changes in working capital (15.6) 7.3 Cash generated from operations 49.3 48.5 Direct taxes paid (net of refund) (0.7) (0.6) Net Cash from Operating Activities (A) 48.6 47.8 Net Cash from Investing Activities (B) (10.5) (1.5) Net Cash from Financing Activities (C) (21.2) (50.8) Net Change in cash and cash equivalents 17.0 (4.5) Investor Presentation Q4-FY22 8#9Historical Performance Overview HISTORICAL FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS#10Historical Performance (Consolidated) Revenue (Rs. Crs) +26.3% 471.7 346.8 354.8 373.4 EBITDA (Rs. Crs) 40.3 26.5 29.7 +58.3% 63.8 xproindia PAT (Rs. Crs) +434.5% 44.9 8.4 2.3 0.4 FY 19 FY 20 FY 21 I FY 22 FY 19 FY 20 FY 21 | FY 22 FY 19 FY 20 FY 21 I FY 22 EPS (in Rs) +437.9% 38.0 EBITDA Margin (%) 13.5% 10.8% 8.4% 7.6% PAT Margin (%) 9.5% 2.2% 7.1 0.7% 2.0 0.3 0.1% FY 19 FY 20 FY 21 FY 22 FY 19 FY 20 FY 21 FY 22 FY 19 FY 20 FY 21 FY 22 10 Investor Presentation Q4-FY22#11Capital Disciplined Growth ROCE* (%) 15.8% 10.0% 9.9% 22.5% ROE# (%) xproindia Net Debt to Equity (x) 34.3% 2.1 1.9 1.4 9.7% 0.4 2.9% 0.5% FY 19 FY 20 FY 21 FY 22 FY 19 FY 20 FY 21 FY 22 FY 19 FY 20 FY 21 I FY 22 Investor Presentation Q4-FY22 WATHI BUDGET Cash Flow from Operations (Rs. Crs.) 47.8 48.6 38.5 28.8 FY 19 FY 20 FY 21 I FY 22 = #ROE Net Profit/Avg. Total Equity = *ROCE EBIT/Avg. Capital Employed Capital Employed = Total Assets - Current Liabilities (11#12Historical Profit & Loss Statement (Consolidated) xproindia Particulars (Rs. Crs) FY22 FY21 FY20 FY19 Revenue from Operations 471.7 373.4 354.8 346.8 Cost of Materials Consumed 328.0 262.0 262.5 248.7 Change in Inventories of finished goods, work-in-progress -2.4 3.1 -6.4 1.2 and stock-in-trade Gross Profit 146.1 108.3 98.8 96.8 GP % 31.0% 29.0% 27.8% 27.9% Employee Benefits Expense 30.2 27.6 25.2 24.0 Other Expenses 52.1 40.4 43.9 46.3 EBITDA 63.8 40.3 29.7 26.5 EBITDA % 13.5% 10.8% 8.4% 7.6% Other Income 1.8 2.1 1.5 7.5 Depreciation and Amortisation Expense 12.1 12.4 12.2 12.7 EBIT 53.6 30.0 19.0 21.4 Finance Costs 13.0 16.5 18.6 19.9 Exceptional Item 0.8 PBT Total Tax Expense Profit for the year PAT % 40.6 13.5 0.4 1.5 -4.3 5.1 0.0 0.0 44.9 8.4 0.4 2.3 9.53% 2.2% 0.1% 0.7% (12) Investor Presentation Q4-FY22#13Historical Balance Sheet (Consolidated) xproindia EQUITY & LIABILITIES (Rs. Crs) Mar-22 Mar-21 Mar-20 Mar-19 ASSETS (Rs. Crs) Mar-22 Mar-21 Mar-20 Mar-19 Equity Share Capital 11.8 11.8 11.8 11.8 Property, Plant and Equipment 159.4 170.2 178.9 187.8 Right of Use of Assets 8.8 8.9 9.2 - Other Equity 160.2 78.1 70.1 69.9 Capital Work-in-progress 0.4 0.3 0.3 4.0 Total Equity 172.0 89.9 81.9 81.7 Financial Assets Financial Liabilities (i) Investments 5.0 0.0 0 0 (ii) Loans 0.1 0.1 1.9 1.7 Borrowings 63.7 97.0 106.7 118.2 (ii) Other Financial Assets 4.5 3.9 21 2.1 2.1 Provisions 2.2 4.3 5.4 4.3 Other Non Current Assets 4.5 0.7 0.7 Deferred tax assets (net) 4.3 0.5 5.3 5.1 Other Financial Liabilities 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 Non-Current Tax Assets (Net) 2.6 2.0 0.5 0.8 Lease Liabilities 1.9 2.2 2.3 0.0 Total Non-Current Assets 189.6 186.0 199.0 202.3 Total Non-Current Liabilities 67.9 103.6 114.5 122.5 Inventories 45.6 41.0 41.7 35.9 Financial Assets Financial Liabilities (i) Trade Receivable 66.3 66.4 52.7 56.9 Borrowings 24.0 35.9 39.8 32.7 (ii) Cash and Cash Equivalents 18.7 1.7 6.2 0.8 Trade payables 57.9 72.3 56.6 52.6 (iii) Other Bank Balances 4.8 4.2 4.5 4.1 (iv) Other Current Financial Assets 0.8 1.7 0.7 1.1 Other Financial Liabilities 2.4 2.0 21.1 25.5 Loans 0.1 0.1 1.1 1.1 Other Current Liabilities 10.3 4.2 2.3 2.3 Other Current Assets 3.6 1.7 4.5 10.0 Lease Liabilities 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.0 Current tax assets 0.0 0.0 0.8 0.0 Non current Assets held for sale 5.2 5.2 5.1 5.0 Total Current Liabilities 94.9 114.6 119.9 113.0 Total Current Assets 145.2 122.1 117.4 115.0 TOTAL EQUITY & LIABILITIES 334.9 308.0 316.4 317.3 TOTAL ASSETS 334.9 308.0 316.4 317.3 Investor Presentation Q4-FY22 13#14Historical Cash Flow Statement (Consolidated) Particulars (Rs in Cr) Profit before Tax xproindia Mar-22 Mar-21 Mar-20 Mar-19 40.6 13.4 0.4 2.4 Operating profit before working capital changes 65.0 41.1 30.3 29.9 Changes in working capital (15.6) 7.3 8.9 0.0 Cash generated from operations 49.3 48.5 39.1 29.9 Direct taxes paid (net of refund) (0.7) (0.6) (0.7) (1.1) Net Cash from Operating Activities (A) 48.6 47.8 38.5 28.8 Net Cash from Investing Activities (B) (10.5) (1.5) (6.2) 7.2 Net Cash from Financing Activities (C) (21.2) (50.8) (26.8) (37.6) Net Change in cash and cash equivalents 17.0 (4.5) 5.4 (1.6) Investor Presentation Q4-FY22 14#15The Exciting Future Biax Division Coex Division Exports Investor Presentation Q4-FY22 xproindia The only manufacturer of dielectric films in India meeting about 33% of domestic needs. The balance presently met through imports offers a natural market. Capacitors essential to electricity distribution and consumption; A growing market with added thrust on infrastructure; Huge new opportunities in sunrise applications particularly in the EV Segment, with multi-fold capacitor application in e- mobility, convenience and safety systems including Power Control Unit inverter circuits, DC link power capacitors, start stop systems, high intensity discharge xenon lamps, passive key entry systems, pressure monitoring systems, driver information and entertainment systems; climatization, air-bag, braking systems etc. Further impetus from PLI schemes and import restrictions for the component ecosystem. Drive to reduce imports from China is a positive. Company has announced intent and plans to create additional capacity to meet these demands.... Over the years company has evolved into the dominant player, well respected and enjoys a high market share in supplies to the Indian Refrigerator industry. Indian refrigerator industry has generally been growing consistently, and has attracted (and continues to attract) many global players to set up manufacturing facilities in India aimed at the domestic and export markets; Large Indian companies also entering the field. India is emerging as a hub for refrigerator manufacturing due increasing localization levels. Policy of encouraging domestic manufacturing, changing customer preference and channel proliferation are positives. Refrigerator penetration in India is amongst the least amongst white good categories (<50%), with Euromonitor projecting 14% growth during CY20-25E. Xpro is also looking to leverage the relationship with white good manufacturers, to expand product portfolio. The Company is already exporting Dielectric and specialized Films to developed markets like the USA and Germany which are markets with rigorous technical requirements. Sheets for refrigerator application are exported to neighbouring countries. Dielectric/Capacitor film exports today are restricted by capacity and since India is a substantial importer. Globally, the manufacturing of thin dielectric films is highly oligopolistic. With the expansion of capacity, the company would be in a position to cater to the global markets. Looking to target global markets with value-added products. 15#16The Company An introduction...#17Diversified Business Operating In Niche Segments xproindia Xpro India Limited: Is a diversified multi-divisional, multi-locational business catering to multiple end user industry segments and enjoying a strong Brand Equity • • Has core competencies in the polymer processing and co-extrusion industry with technical skills honed through years of experience Enjoys a Leadership position in Dielectric/Capacitor films Only Indian manufacturer of "Dielectric/Capacitor Films" Contributing to an "Atmanirbhar" India... And onwards to the World... Is long-established Leader in supplies of sheets/liners to refrigerator industry • The largest supplier of Coextruded Sheets/Liners to the Indian Refrigerator Industry Servicing most refrigerator units • Longest standing in the Indian industry World class plants across the country in Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, and West Bengal Caters to large clients in target industries, and enjoys a very strong market share Has strong corporate governance, an emphasis on integrity, sound management and a progressive attitude Investor Presentation Q4-FY22 CO-EXTRUSION-1 17#18Diverse Product Range for Specialized Applications xproindia SICKNER Investor Presentation Q4-FY22 Dielectric/Capacitor Films Speciality Biaxially Oriented Polypropylene Films Coextruded Plastic Sheets Thermoformed Liners Cast Coextruded Films 公 18#19Diversified End Use xproindia Essential application in high growth & sunrise sectors White Goods, EV & Hybrid vehicles ... Investor Presentation Q4-FY22 05. 00085. וה 19#20Multi Location STAN Vonur A Dana S Bichick Alenty KIRGHIZA n Chamkent fashkent ya Dushant AJIKISTAN lazar Sharif O HINDU KUSIK XINJIANG Takie Makan 0 8611 Desert Gaidam Besin a cal man Islamabad Kabul Srinagar AFGHANISTAN Kandahar Quena Rawalpindi Jammu Lahore Multan PAKISTAN Kalato o Bel Gwadar Karachi Hyderabad 2650 Arabian Sea \Gr. Indian Ahmadabad Diu Nende Dev Delhi Kunjun TIBET Dogi H 7816 (NEPAL D Bareilly Indore Narmada Jabalpur Vadodara Surat Nagpur Katiner Jaipur Jodhpur Amer Lucknow Kanpur Agra Patna Allahabad Varanasi Ganga Dhaka D Calcutta BANGLA DESH Raipur Cuttack Bhubaneshwar Bay of 。 B Vishakhapatnam Bengal Krishna Bellary Vijayavada 0 Gulf of Khambh MONSOON DRIFTS NORTH (SUMMER) Mumbai (Bombay) Pune Hyderabad LAKSHADWEEP (LACCADIVE IS) (India) EQUATORIAL CURRENT (WINTER) (Poona) Wester Panaji Mangalo Godavari Bangalore Mysore 20 Nellore Chennai (Madras) Anal Mudi 2695 Madurai C Comoring Malabar Coast нос домарецих Jaffna SRI LANKA Kand Colombo 3100 ANDAMAN ISLANDS Ondia CARLSBERG R Investor Presentation Q4-FY22 MALDIVES Male 75 4400 Delhi Faridabad Coex Division, Greater Noida Biax Division, Barjora Kolkata Mumbai Coex Division, Ranjangaon Hyderabad Chennai xproindia Production Facilities Registered Office Corporate Office Other Offices 20#21Some of our Valued Partner Clients... Whirlpool Godrej VOLTAS beko LLG Life's Good xproindia STANDARD Impressive list of customers comprising leading Indian, and Transnational Companies Xpro a key partner over many years TDK GC Globe Capacitors Limited Haier STANDARD CAPACITORS JKETYRE J T TIBCON Dhruv Industries Ltd. JIMCAP CAPACITORS apollo TYRES Romsons® Patient Care Division Customers recognise that Xpro builds in Quality and consistency Xpro does not compromise in Safety, environment or regulatory requirements Dignity® SURGIUSEAR AN ISO 13485: 2016 COMPANY CEAT Stable, long-term relationships ABB powercap CAPACITORS PVT. LTD Investor Presentation Q4-FY22 OST STEINERFILM a step ahead INDUCTOTHERM EDDELOC) POL Pass-thru understandings insulate from polymer price fluctuations Status as partner of choice! (21)#22Biax Division THE ONLY DOMESTIC PRODUCER OF CAPACITOR/DIELECTRIC FILMS#23Potential Uses of Biax Dielectric films 35% 470035 4700 SHENIGE A Investor Presentation Q4-FY22 Encas tirs V T S by Type LCDS 20+ 1976 0809 30000 WERLYTIC AGUE xproindia Capacitors for hybrid cars and EVs Application areas include Capacitors for use in Fan, Cooler, Washing Machine and Air Conditioners Power Transmission & Distribution Capacitors Power Film/Electronic Capacitors Magnetic Lighting Ballast Capacitors Motor Run Capacitors Microwave Oven Capacitors Low Voltage industrial Power Factor Correction Capacitors AC and Pulse Film Capacitors Interference Suppression Capacitors Energy Storage applications DC Link Capacitors Capacitors for Hybrid/EV cars 23#24Product Portfolio Dielectric Grade BOPP Film SUGGER xproindia High Temp Super Grade d. Semi Rough Film • • Dielectric/Capacitor Films Specialty Biaxially Oriented BOPP Film very different from packaging grade and other types of BOPP Films; Xpro Biax Dielectric Films are specially designed polypropylene films manufactured by the stenter process on highly specialized equipment in controlled environmental & ultra clean room conditions for a wide range of applications in the capacitors industry; Range includes plain / smooth films modified for good metallization with Al, Zn or Alloy and winding for normal and high temperature applications, High temperature Super grade, hazy / rough and semi rough films; Films are available in thickness range of 3µ to15μ (lower thickness down to 2μ under development); Dielectric films are ideally suited for high performance capacitors, both for normal and high temperature applications, high temperature super grade for AC aging and ripple current condition at elevated temperature, high roughness films for oil impregnated high voltage application capacitors and semi rough films for metallization and oil impregnation for capacitors for locomotive applications; Film types offered include: a. Oil Impregnation Film Hazy Film Metallisable Film a. Standard Film b. High Temp Film C. Investor Presentation Q4-FY22 (24)#25Manufacturing Facilities Investor Presentation Q4-FY22 BRUCKNER Barjora, West Bengal xproindia • • • • • Xpro is the only domestic producer of Capacitor/Dielectric Films; BOPP films produced with main equipment from Bruckner, Germany; Film technology originally sourced from U.K.; Dielectric film technology developed in-house is constantly updated; Product and technical capabilities well recognised by Indian and export customers; The technical expertise at Biax, supported by excellent in-house R&D facilities, has enabled successful development of new range of films for specialized industrial applications; Highly specialized equipment operating in a controlled environmental and under ultra clean room conditions; 25#26Dielectric Film Unit at a glance DAUCKNER xproindia 26 Investor Presentation Q4-FY22#27Key Milestones - Biax Division 1992 Barjora Established O 2003 Pithampur Acquired 2011 Pithampur Merged (exit in 2018) Investor Presentation Q4-FY22 2002 Metalliser 2005-09 Pithampur (JV) 2015 New Dielectric Film Unit BRUCKNER xproindia 27#28Coex Division LEADERSHIP POSITION IN SUPPLIES OF SHEETS/LINERS TO REFRIGERATOR INDUSTRY#29Product Portfolio - Coextruded Plastic Sheets Coextruded Plastic Sheets Investor Presentation Q4-FY22 CoglsALL . xproindia Multi-layer Co-extruded Sheets Xpro offers a wide range of mono-layer and coextruded plastic sheets, produced on highly sophisticated equipment based on various thermoplastic resins (such as PS, PP, ABS, PE etc.) specially designed to meet specific customer needs, specifications and colour choice; Sheets are available in cut or roll form, with thicknesses ranging from 0.2 mm to 7 mm, in widths up to 2300 mm, and with embossed or plain (matt or glossy) finish; 29#30Product Portfolio - Sheet & Thermoformed Components Sheet Applications Investor Presentation Q4-FY22 PUEM-20 xproindia • • . XPRO COEX have several fully automatic specialized lines for continuous vacuum forming for thickwall applications at the Greater Noida and Ranjangaon units; Thermoforming plants specially designed for high production requirements with auto-sheet loading, pre-heat stations, full micro- processor control and fast tool change capabilities; Sophisticated electronic controls ensure quick machine set-up, fast and precise control of the heating elements and easy re-programming of production parameters ensuring high productivity and repeatable quality; Primary application is for Refrigerator inner and door liners; Thermoforming capabilities extend to include Automotive interior and exterior trims (e.g. dash boards, door panels, floor panels, etc.); Furniture; Luggage Shells; Sanitary Products (e.g. Bath-tubs, Cabinets); Electrical/electronic housings (Light panels, street lamps and other light fittings); Industrial trays for material handling etc.; Thermoforming as a process offers advantages of lower tooling and prototyping costs, lower part weight, lower material costs, larger parts, good surface quality and finish and flexibility in design; 30#31Product Portfolio - Cast Coextruded Films Cast Coextruded Films Xpro Cast Films are produced on the most sophisticated multilayer coextrusion film lines. A wide range of speciality cast films are offered including Investor Presentation Q4-FY22 hill xproindia Release Films Polyethylene based embossed or plain films tailor-made for use in rubber, tyre & tread and conveyor belting industry Hygiene Films Specially formulated cast coextruded film based on Polyethylene for use as diaper backing film, in under- pads, in sanitary napkins, adult incontinence products and in surgical drapes. Stretch Wrap Film Cast coextruded LLDPE based film designed for use in pallet stretch wrap and food bundle overwraps. Soft Blister Film Specially formulated coextruded film for medical packaging. disposables LELLE (31)#32Manufacturing Facilities XPRO INDIA LIMITED Greater Noida, (Uttar Pradesh) PRO INDIA LIMITED XPRO INDIA LIMITED Ranjangaon, Maharashtra xproindia • • • Xpro is the predominant player and leader in supplies of Sheet/liner to the Indian Refrigerator Industry; The Coex Division is engaged in the manufacture of Coextruded Multilayer Plastic Sheets and Coextruded Multilayer Cast Films and operates eight multilayer sheet lines, and five sophisticated thermoforming system specially designed for forming of refrigerator door and cabinet liners, as well as two co-extruded multilayer cast film manufacturing lines; Xpro extruded products are based on a variety of polymers and are tailor-made to meet specific customer requirements with applications restricted only by imagination; The product offering includes a wide range of co-extruded plastic sheets for wide-spread use. The cast co-extruded films produced are primarily speciality products; Since its inception, the division has established itself as the leading source in India for both Co-extruded Plastic Sheets and Speciality Cast Co-extruded Films and has built up a client base encompassing leading Indian and Multi-national units; Investor Presentation Q4-FY22 (32)#33Coex Division at a glance 5'S-First Step Towards Quality 15 एस की ओर पहला कदम है। Investor Presentation Q4-FY22 xproindia FROGECTION REPORT AL VACUUM FORMING-2 33#34Key Milestones - Coex Division 1984 1985 1993 & 1996 2001 Sheets (Faridabad) Cast Films (Faridabad) Significant expansion (sheets) Significant expansion (cast films) 2003 2004 2008 Thermoforming (Gr. Noida) Sheets (new unit Gr. Noida) Sheets (new unit Ranjangaon) 2008 Thermoforming (Ranjangaon) 2010, 2011 2013 & 2014 2016 2016 & 2012 Significant Expansion (Ranjangaon New Unit and Significant New Cast Film Unit at Faridabad Operations & Gr. Noida) expansion at Ranjangaon Ranjangaon suspended 2017 2017 Expansion (Cast films) (Ranjangaon) Expansion (sheets) (Ranjangaon) Investor Presentation Q4-FY22 xproindia 34#35Well Recognised..... FRC1 GC-D. L. Shuh Qukty Awards -2020 PLATINUM AWARD XPRO In Lim B Division Barjora int Balf Se ough Fan for con wit Goran Berang Now Crea Darjont 15 boul ELCITU EFYGROUP Investor Presentation Q4-FY22 Pintand GEM Certificate of Appreciation Haier Inspired Living Business Partners Meet 2018 Best support PRESENTED TO M/S XPRO INDIA LTD. Congratulations..!! FICCI ACCI QUALITY SYSTEMS DICELLENCE AWARDS FOR INDUSTRY 2020 Canyon of Appelwin for good thing Foto XPRO India Limited AX Division - Bajora Unit FICCI T WNY RENATE WISS xproindia Blaxially Oriented Polypropylene (BOPP) in Filem Capacitors Kan Chitrang www.dral d Cajon Mangal India -40-24+ - A sample representation of awards and other recognition earned by Biax and Coex Divisions of the Company for vendor support, product development, quality and excellence 35#36Certification xproindia At Xpro, we firmly recognize that total customer satisfaction is the key to our success. Our aim is to build sound customer relationships through creation of value for them, and in the process earn an equitable return for ourselves. Quality is built into products through appropriate manufacturing technology and work methods. Manufacturing at all units is carried out by suitably qualified personnel under strict quality standards. Continuous product development for specific applications and equipment up-gradation has helped us in proactively developing technically sustainable solutions with clear customer benefits. Division Accredition under ISO Standards Biax- Barjora Unit Integrated Management Systems (IMS) covering Quality, Environmental Policies and Safety & Health standards duly certified under ISO 9001:2015; ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018. Energy Management System certified under ISO 50001:2018 IATF 16949:2016 which defines the requirements of a quality management system for organizations in the automotive industry TUV NORD CERTIFICATE Management System per 2018 ISO 50001 Ty Ty as a set of the aut XPRO INDIA LIMITED DAX DIVISION-DIARIORA UNIT I Works: Barjora-Maja Road, PO Chlori Dist. Bankura-722 202, West Bengal, India xproindia Coex - Greater Noida Unit Quality Management System certified under ISO 9001:2015 Environment Management System certified under ISO 14001:2015 • Energy Management System certified under ISO 50001:2018 • Also accredited under GreenCo Company Rating System Coex - Ranjangaon Unit Quality Management System certified under ISO 9001:2015 Environment Management System certified under ISO 14001:2015 Design and Manufacture of Dick Biaxially Oriented Polypropylene (BOPP) Film for Capacitor T T T IAF DARKS Xpro units also adopt and conform to specialized quality systems and methods as may be required by major customers. Investor Presentation Q4-FY22 MCH - Mang Chakw M bsi. fate of Registran * Cartean THEALTH bsi aso LAP JUND 36#37Board of Directors xproindia Sri Sidharth Birla (Chairman) Industrialist with experience in industry and business of about 44 years, is a Science Honors Graduate and holds a Master's Degree in Business Administration from IMEDE (now IMD), Lausanne, Switzerland. Has attended management programs at the Harvard Business School, Boston, USA, including the Owner/President Management Program, Making Corporate Boards More Effective, etc. Associated with the businesses of the Company since 1984. Presently Independent Director on the Board of listed entity, Kanoria Chemicals & Industries Limited. He is also Director of Birla Brothers Private Ltd., Central India General Agents Ltd., iPro Capital Ltd., and Alpha Capital Resources Pte. Ltd., Singapore. Sri K Balakrishnan (Independent Director) A qualified Chartered Accountant and Company Secretary with over three decades of professional experience, he has expertise in financial services, providing strategic and financial advice to Indian & multinational corporations, financial sponsors and business families. Currently, Chairman of Kriscore Financial Advisors Private Ltd., he has earlier been Chairman & Managing Director of Lazard India and Head of Corporate Finance & Advisory for HSBC Investment Bank. Presently Independent Director on the Board of Fedbank Financial Services Ltd. (Unlisted) and Director in Kriscore Financial Advisors Private Ltd. & Kriscore Ventures Private Ltd. Smt. Madhushree Birla (Director) Graduate from University of Ahmedabad, was first appointed on the Board of the Company in the year 2004. She has served as Director and Advisor of various Corporate Bodies at different times. Has attended management program at the Harvard Business School, Boston, USA, on Making Corporate Boards More Effective. She is presently Executive Director of iPro Capital Ltd. and is also engaged with social and philanthropic bodies. She is on the Board of Directors of Alpha Capital Resources Pte. Ltd., Singapore, Intellipro Finance Pvt. Ltd. and Xpro Global Ltd. Sri Amitabha Guha (Independent Director) Holds a Master's Degree in Science from University of Kolkata. He has expertise in finance and banking spanning over 3 decades. Formerly Managing Director of State Bank of Hyderabad, Deputy Managing Director of State Bank of India and Chairman of The South Indian Bank Ltd. He is presently Independent Director of Ramkrishna Forgings Ltd. and Texmaco Rail & Engineering Limited (both listed entities) and Director of Khazana Jewellery Private Ltd. and Support Elders Private Ltd. Investor Presentation Q4-FY22 37#38Board of Directors xproindia Sri Ashok Kumar Jha (Independent Director) An IAS Officer -1969 batch, he has had a 39 years stint in the Civil Services and held crucial positions in State and Central Government, with wide experience in foreign policy, industrial promotion, international trade, as well as economic affairs and finance. He retired from government service as the Finance Secretary, Government of India, having also served as Secretary (Economic Affairs), Secretary (Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion), etc. He subsequently had a two-year stint as Executive President of Hyundai Motor India and is presently Independent Director of Minda Corporation Ltd. and Setco Automotive Ltd. (both listed) Sri Bharat Jhaver (Non-Independent Director) A Chemical Engineer with a Master's degree from Cornell, USA. Presently President of family-owned Tablets (India) Limited, with experience of over a decade in managing multi-varied businesses with expertise in Pharmaceuticals and in establishing and managing joint ventures. He is presently a Director on the Board of Dhunseri Ventures Limited (Listed Entity), Sinto Bharat Manufacturing Private Limited, Amethyst Properties Private Limited, Eldorado Properties Private Limited and Southern India Chamber of Commerce & Industry. and a Designated Partner in RSRK Estates LLP, Shravan Ventures LLP, Just Rental Holdings LLP and Grande Assets Madras LLP. He is also a member of the National Executive Committee of FICCI, of the Executive Committee of YPO-Chennai and a Trustee of the Birla Education Trust, Pilani. Ms. Suhana Murshed (Independent Director) Holds a Master's Degree in Law (LLM) from King's College London, United Kingdom and is affiliated with the Bar Council of Maharashtra and Goa. She is a partner at Khaitan & Co. Advocates, specializing in transactional work with a primary focus on mergers and acquisitions, private equity investments and strategic alliances with experience of over fifteen years. A regular speaker at various forums on topics on corporate and commercial laws, she has been recognized by IFLR 1000 as a 'Notable Practitioner' for two consecutive years i.e., 2021 and 2020. She is presently Independent Director on the Boards of Kanoria Chemicals & Industries Limited, SAREGAMA India Ltd. and STEL Holdings Ltd. (listed entities) and Director in Sallum Private Ltd. Sri Utsav Parekh (Independent Director) Holds a Bachelor's Degree in Commerce with honours. He has vast and continuing experience of about 41 years as Merchant Banker, and in Stock Broking and Financial Services. He is a member of the Calcutta Stock Exchange Ltd. He is presently Non-Executive Chairman of SMIFS Capital Markets Ltd., non- executive Director of Eveready Industries India Limited (listed entities) and independent director of listed entities Spencer's Retail Limited, Texmaco Infrastructure & Holdings Ltd. and Texmaco Rail & Engineering Ltd., and is also a Director on the Boards of Bengal Aerotropolis Projects Ltd., Indian Chamber of Commerce, Calcutta, Lend Lease Company (India) Ltd., Nexome Real Estates Private Ltd., ATK Mohun Bagan Private Limited, Progressive Star Finance Private Limited and SMIFS Capital Services Ltd. He is a Partner of Stewart & Co., Catch 22 Informatics LLP, Chowringhee Planners LLP, Ellora Agro LLP, Nexome Realty LLP and Nexome Sports LLP. Investor Presentation Q4-FY22 38#39Board of Directors xproindia Sri S Ragothaman (Independent Director) A Commerce Graduate and Chartered Accountant. Presently a self-employed professional. Formerly a senior official of ICICI Ltd.; he has to his credit vast experience of over 45 years in the field of Finance. He is presently also Independent Director of listed entities National Peroxide Ltd., and The Bombay Dyeing & Manufacturing Company Ltd. He is also a Director of ABT Finance Ltd. and Xpro Global Ltd. Sri C Bhaskar (Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer) A Chemical Engineer and a post-graduate from IIM, Calcutta, with experience of over 43 years in Consulting, Industry, Business and Financial Management including over 38 years with the businesses of the Company. Has worked in areas of Corporate and Business planning, Diversification/ Mergers/Acquisition/Disinvestment, Marketing, Operations and Factory Management, and as Divisional/ Business Head. He has attended management development programmes at the Indian School of Business and other Institutions. He is also Independent Director of listed entities Kriti Industries (India) Ltd. and Kriti Nutrients Ltd. and a Director of Xpro Global Ltd. and Holland & Sherry India Pvt. Ltd. Involved in several trusts - temple, social and philanthropic. Investor Presentation Q4-FY22 39#40Safe Harbor xproindia This presentation and the accompanying slides (the "Presentation"), which have been prepared by Xpro India Limited (the "Company"), have been prepared solely for information purposes and do not constitute any offer, recommendation or invitation to purchase or subscribe for any securities, and shall not form the basis or be relied on in connection with any contract or binding commitment whatsoever. No offering of securities of the Company will be made except by means of a statutory offering document containing detailed information about the Company. This Presentation has been prepared by the Company based on information and data which the Company considers reliable, but the Company makes no representation or warranty, express or implied, whatsoever, and no reliance shall be placed on, the truth, accuracy, completeness, fairness and reasonableness of the contents of this Presentation. This Presentation may not be all inclusive and may not contain all of the information that you may consider material. Any liability in respect of the contents of, or any omission from, this Presentation is expressly excluded. Certain matters discussed in this Presentation may contain statements regarding the Company's market opportunity and business prospects that are individually and collectively forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and are subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties and assumptions that are difficult to predict. These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, the performance of the Indian economy and of the economies of various international markets, the performance of the industry in India and world-wide, competition, the company's ability to successfully implement its strategy, the Company's future levels of growth and expansion, technological implementation, changes and advancements, changes in revenue, income or cash flows, the Company's market preferences and its exposure to market risks, as well as other risks. The Company's actual results, levels of activity, performance or achievements could differ materially and adversely from results expressed in or implied by this Presentation. The Company assumes no obligation to update any forward-looking information contained in this Presentation. Any forward-looking statements and projections made by third parties included in this Presentation are not adopted by the Company and the Company is not responsible for such third-party statements and projections. Investor Presentation Q4-FY22 40#41xproindia Thank You Company Xpro India Limited CIN: L25209WB1997PLC085972 Mr. Amit Dhanuka [email protected] Investor Relations Advisor Orient Capital (a division of Link Group) σ orient capital Mr. Irfan Raeen: +91 9773778669 [email protected] Mr. Rajesh Agrawal: +91 9967491495 [email protected]

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