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#1X OBEROI REALTY Results Update Q3FY24 January 22, 2024#2CONTENTS Financial Update Investment Properties Development Properties Note: The areas for Investment Properties and Development Properties mentioned in this Result Update refer to carpet areas. 1#3Financial Update Investment Properties Development Properties Balance Sheet - Abstract (Consolidated) Amount in Rs Lakh Particulars 9MFY24 9MFY23 FY23 Non-current assets 6,76,068 7,43,030 6,18,461 Current assets 12,78,520 9,91,208 12,45,639 Total 19,54,588 17,34,238 18,64,100 Equity 13,12,942 11,73,018 12,21,012 Non-current liabilities 2,78,000 2,39,182 3,14,304 Current liabilities 3,63,646 3,22,038 3,28,784 Total 19,54,588 17,34,238 18,64,100 Note: Previous period figures have been re-grouped/re-classified wherever necessary to conform to current period's classification. 2#4Financial Update Investment Properties Cash Flow - Abstract (Consolidated) Development Properties Particulars Q3FY24 Q2FY24 Q3FY23 9MFY24 Amount in Rs Lakh 9MFY23 Opening Cash and Cash Equivalents 1,06,032 1,02,370 99,380 83,699 1,19,554 Operating Cash Flows 45,399 70,093 (28,430) 1,92,570 (13,352) Investing Cash Flows (37,124) (44,063) (40,668) (73,275) (67,828) Financing Cash Flows Closing Cash and Bank Balance * (54,306) (57,799) 2,031 (1,42,993) (6,061) 60,001 70,601 32,313 60,001 32,313 Add: Short-term Liquid Investments 32,993 35,431 28,974 32,993 28,974 Closing Cash and Bank Balance (incl. Short- 92,994 1,06,032 61,287 92,994 61,287 term Liquid Investments) * Includes Rs. 2,974 lakh for Q3FY24/9MFY24, Rs. 11,756 lakh for Q2FY24 and Rs. 5,696 lakh for Q3FY23/9MFY23 shown under other financial assets Note: Previous period figures have been re-grouped/re-classified wherever necessary to conform to current period's classification. 3#5Financial Update Investment Properties Assets - Abstract (Consolidated) Particulars Non-current assets Fixed assets (including CWIP) Financial assets 9MFY24 9MFY23 Development Properties Amount in Rs Lakh FY23 5,52,519 4,79,297 4,98,000 36,575 1,93,083 46,168 Deferred tax assets (net) 19,991 2,923 20,837 Other non-current assets 66,983 67,727 53,456 Total non-current assets 6,76,068 7,43,030 6,18,461 Current assets Inventories 9,51,640 5,22,273 8,54,309 Financial assets i) Investments a) Investments in mutual fund 32,993 b) Investments - Others 240 28,975 240 28.142 224 ii) Cash and Bank balances 57,030 26,620 51,292 iii) Trade receivables iv) Others Other current assets 52,021 10,206 1,09,831 53,248 52,120 53,690 1,31,348 3,50,774 1,48,151 Total current assets 12,78,520 9,91,208 12,45,639 Note: Previous period figures have been re-grouped/re-classified wherever necessary to conform to current period's classification. 4#6Financial Update Investment Properties Liabilities - Abstract (Consolidated) Development Properties Particulars 9MFY24 9MFY23 Amount in Rs Lakh FY23 Non-current liabilities Financial liabilities i) Borrowings 2,38,922 2,11,719 2,88,064 ii) Trade Payables 8,364 5,402 6,913 iii) Others 19,194 16,515 14,243 Provisions 148 150 165 Deferred tax liabilities (Net) 4,722 1,644 1,546 Other non-current liabilities 6,650 3,752 3,373 Total non-current liabilities 2,78,000 2,39,182 3,14,304 Current liabilities Financial liabilities i) Borrowings ii) Trade Payables iii) Others Other current liabilities i) Advance from customers ii) Others 57,163 96,618 1,06,345 17,336 46,477 17,318 67,710 21,405 58,917 4,589 5,485 3,755 2,12,142 Provisions Total current liabilities Note: Previous period figures have been re-grouped/re-classified wherever necessary to conform to current period's classification. 3,28,784 4,706 3,63,646 1,42,550 9,503 3,22,038 1,37,879 4,570 5 LO#7Financial Update Investment Properties Profit & Loss Account - Abstract (Consolidated) Development Properties Amount in Rs Lakh (Except EPS) Particulars Revenue from Projects Revenue from Hospitality Q3FY24 Q2FY24 Q3FY23 9MFY24 9MFY23 83,983 1,02,069 4,901 3,996 1,47,880 4,169 2,57,574 2,80,766 12,819 11,013 Other Operating Revenues Revenue from Rent Property Management Revenues 259 438 553 849 14,988 14,083 9,173 43,219 1,220 26,652 1,233 1,155 1,171 3,641 3,465 Revenue from Operations 1,05,364 1,21,741 1,62,946 3,18,102 3,23,116 Non Operating Income 2,921 2,639 2,204 7,919 6,694 Total Income 1,08,285 1,24,380 1,65,150 3,26,021 3,29,810 Total Expenses 60,571 64,700 73,736 1,76,178 1,62,521 Profit before share of profit / (loss) of joint ventures 47,714 59,680 91,414 1,49,843 1,67,289 and exceptional items Share of Profit / (loss) of associates (net) 219 209 1,444 603 Profit Before Tax 47,933 59,889 92,858 Net Profit for the period 36,015 45,676 70,257 1,50,446 1,13,858 16,031 1,83,320 1,42,426 Other comprehensive income, net of tax (13) (70) (80) Total Comprehensive Income for the period 36,002 45,606 70,177 (111) 1,13,747 (49) 1,42,377 Diluted EPS (Rs.) (not annualised) 9.91 12.56 19.32 31.31 39.17 6#8Financial Update Key Financial Parameters Particulars Operating margin Net profit margin RONW# ROCE Gross debt to equity Net debt to equity Current ratio #Calculated on Average Networth and Average Capital Employed * The numbers disclosed in the Result Update Q3FY23 have been rectified Investment Properties 9MFY24 50.97% 9MFY23 Development Properties 53.94% 34.92% 43.18% * 11.98% 17.15% * 10.81% 14.54% 0.23 0.26 0.15 0.21 3.52 3.08 7#9Investment Properties Development Properties Financial Update Operating Margin Analysis Particulars Q3FY24 Revenues from operations Operating margin Total Residential Rental Hospitality Amount in Rs Lakh Property Management Services 48.34% 41.32% 95.56% 41.57% -18.24% 1,05,364 84,221 14,984 4,923 1,236 50,936 34,798 14,318 2,046 (226) 9MFY24 50.97% 44.90% 96.43% 38.08% -12.70% Revenues from operations 3,18,102 2,58,343 43,228 12,883 3,648 Operating margin 1,62,130 1,16,004 41,684 4,905 (463) Q3FY23 57.71% 56.43% 95.36% 37.64% -4.47% Revenues from operations 1,62,946 1,48,375 9,210 4,190 1,171 Operating margin 94,036 83,728 8,783 1,577 (52) 9MFY23 53.94% 51.49% 94.79% 36.48% -5.63% Revenues from operations 3,23,116 2,81,847 26,722 11,077 3,470 Operating margin 1,74,296 1,45,121 25,329 4,041 (195) OR 8#10Index 610.00 580.00 550.00 520.00 490.00 460.00 430.00 400.00 370.00 340.00 310.00 $280.00 250.00 220.00 190.00 160.00 130.00 100.00 70.00 40.00 10.00 Financial Update Investment Properties Performance of Scrip (from listing) 20-Oct-10 15-Mar-11 8-Aug-11 1-Jan-12 26-May-12 19-Oct-12 14-Mar-13 7-Aug-13 31-Dec-13 26-May-14 19-Oct-14 14-Mar-15 7-Aug-15 31-Dec-15 25-May-16 18-Oct-16 13-Mar-17 Sensex BSE Realty Index Oberoi Realty Note: Closing levels of Sensex and Realty Index as on Oct 20, 2010 was 19,872.15 and 3,787.98 respectively, the same has been indexed to 100 For Oberoi Realty, the issue price of Rs. 260/- is indexed to 100. 6-Aug-17 30-Dec-17 25-May-18 18-Oct-18 13-Mar-19 6-Aug-19 30-Dec-19 24-May-20 17-Oct-20 12-Mar-21 5-Aug-21 29-Dec-21 24-May-22 17-Oct-22 12-Mar-23 9 5-Aug-23 29-Dec-23 Development Properties#11Financial Update Shareholding Pattern (%) Investment Properties Development Properties Category 31-Dec-23 30-Sep-23 30-Jun-23 31-Mar-23 31-Dec-22 Promoter and Promoter Group 67.70% 67.70% 67.70% 67.70% 67.70% Foreign Institutional Investors (Flls) 17.53% 17.94% 18.16% 17.76% 17.33% Domestic Institutional Investors (Institutional investors other than Flls) 12.05% 11.62% 11.32% 12.10% 12.46% Other public shareholders 2.72% 2.74% 2.82% 2.44% 2.51% ☑10#12Financial Update Investment Properties Investment Properties - Completed oberoi mall FUN FOOD FASHION FILMS COMMERZ INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS PARK COMMERZII INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS PARK & CROSSWORD Carpet Area: 317,046 sqft. Carpet Area: 189,250 sqft. Note: The areas for Investment Properties mentioned in this Result Update refer to carpet areas. Development Properties The Westin Mumbai Garden City WESTIN Carpet Area: 480,754 sqft. 269 Rooms 11#13Financial Update Investment Properties Oberoi Mall Development Properties Particulars Q3FY24 Q2FY24 Q3FY23 9MFY24 9MFY23 Operating Revenue (Rs. Lakh) 4,427 3,637 3,734 11,847 10,968 EBITDA (Rs. Lakh) 4,205 3,429 3,547 11,214 10,458 EBITDA Margin (%) 95% 94% 95% 95% 95% * * 97% 96% 96% 97% 96% Occupancy (%) Carpet Area Leased (sqft.) 3,06,625 2,76,132 * An area of ~ 45,150 sqft. is being remodeled and hence not considered as part of leasable carpet area 3,19,524 3,06,035 3,18,739 12#14Financial Update Investment Properties Commerz Development Properties Particulars Q3FY24 Q2FY24 Q3FY23 9MFY24 9MFY23 Operating Revenue (Rs. Lakh) 1,143 928 691 2,865 2,229 EBITDA (Rs. Lakh) 1,059 837 622 2,610 1,903 EBITDA Margin (%) 93% 90% 90% 91% 85% Occupancy (%) 52% 60% 56% 56% 55% Carpet Area Leased (sqft.) 99,214 1,14,220 1,06,717 1,06,717 1,04,701 ☑13#15Financial Update Investment Properties Commerz II Development Properties Particulars Q3FY24 Q2FY24 Q3FY23 9MFY24 9MFY23 Operating Revenue (Rs. Lakh) 2,746 2,721 2,947 8,148 8,550 EBITDA (Rs. Lakh) 2,522 2,481 2,739 7,497 7,924 EBITDA Margin (%) 92% 91% 93% 92% 93% Occupancy (%) 87% 83% 79% 83% 80% Carpet Area Leased (sqft.) 4,16,647 3,99,028 3,79,802 4,00,626 3,82,703 ☑14#16Financial Update Investment Properties The Westin Mumbai Garden City Particulars Operating Revenue (Rs. Lakh) EBITDA (Rs. Lakh) EBITDA Margin (%) Number of Rooms Development Properties Q3FY24 Q2FY24 Q3FY23 9MFY24 9MFY23 4,923 4,018 4,190 12,884 11,076 2,049 1,419 1,579 4,913 4,044 42% 35% 38% 38% 37% 269 269 269 269 269 Average Room Rate (Rs.) 13,629 11,686 12,344 12,306 10,335 Occupancy (%) 82% 84% 80% 83% 85% RevPAR (Rs.) 11,112 9,830 9,961 10,156 8,726 15#17Financial Update Development Properties ETERNIA BY OBEROI REALTY Investment Properties Development Properties FORESTVILLE BY OBEROI REALTY Note: The areas for Development Properties mentioned in this Result Update refer to carpet areas. SKY CITY BY OBEROI REALTY SKY CITY MALL ☑16#18Financial Update Investment Properties Development Properties Project Till Date Synopsis - Key Development Properties Area Booked Residential Projects Carpet Area Till Date Inventory as on Date Booking Value till Date Revenue Recognised till Date Project Completion (sqft.) (sqft.) (sqft.) (Rs. Lakh) (Rs. Lakh) (%) Elysian 15,15,481 10,19,570 4,95,911 3,39,223 1,59,671 @ Forestville 11,08,932 1,08,775 10,00,157 > 20,937 Eternia 13,49,549 7,93,308 5,56,241 1,96,636 1,95,453 * Enigma 12,57,392 8,11,354 4,46,038 2,03,786 2,02,898 * Sky City 28,54,907 23,62,149 4,92,758 6,54,345 5,31,628 * Three Sixty West - ORL 5,49,191 50,982 4,98,209 62,608 54,728 100% Total 86,35,452 51,46,138 34,89,314 14,77,535 11,44,378 Λ @-Project Completion for Elysian T-A is 49% and Elysian T-B is 44% -Project Completion for Forestville is yet to reach threshold *- Part Occupation Certificate received #-Occupation Certificate received for Sky City A-D and Sky City T-E; Project Completion for Sky City T-F is 45% and Sky City T-G is 33% 17#19Financial Update Investment Properties Development Properties Quarterly Synopsis - Key Development Properties Area Booked Units Booked Residential Projects Booking Value for Amount Collected in Revenue Recognised in Q3FY24 in Q3FY24 Q3FY24 (sqft.) (nos.) (Rs. Lakh) Q3FY24 (Rs. Lakh) in Q3FY24 (Rs. Lakh) Seven 3,286 1 2,641 528 2,641 Elysian 28,788 16 12,243 9,938 19,281 Forestville 1,08,775 116 20,937 1,926 Eternia 19,965 19 5,941 19,307 7,175 Enigma 48,502 23 14,342 30,703 14,342 Sky City 45,919 40 14,702 19,659 39,685 Three Sixty West - ORL 5,397 1 7,880 7,092 Total 2,60,632 216 78,686 89,153 83,124 ☑18#20Financial Update Elysian Project status as on Sep 30, 2023 Investment Properties Development Properties Project status as on Dec 31, 2023 ☑19#21Financial Update Elysian Investment Properties Development Properties Particulars Q3FY24 Q2FY24 Q3FY23 9MFY24 9MFY23 Project Till Date Carpet area (sqft.) 15,15,481 15,15,481 15,15,481 15,15,481 15,15,481 15,15,481 Units (nos.) 719 719 719 719 719 719 Area Booked (sqft.) 28,788 32,866 2,418 89,880 1,26,051 10,19,570 Units Booked (nos.) 16 17 1 47 59 464 Area in Inventory (sqft.) 4,95,911 5,24,699 6,09,668 4,95,911 6,09,668 4,95,911 Units in Inventory (nos.) 255 271 314 255 314 255 Booking Value (Rs. Lakh) 12,243 13,145 727 37,460 44,506 3,39,223 Amount Collected (Rs. Lakh) 9,938 12,190 7,213 32,067 31,318 1,82,391 Revenue Recognised (Rs. Lakh) 19,281 18,005 28,143 56,415 61,377 1,59,671 Average Rate per sqft. (Rs.) 42,527 39,995 30,049 41,676 35,308 33,271 20#22Financial Update Forestville Project status as on Dec 31, 2023 Investment Properties Development Properties 21#23Financial Update Forestville Investment Properties Development Properties Particulars Carpet area (sqft.) Q3FY24 11,08,932 Units (nos.) 1,257 Area Booked (sqft.) 1,08,775 Units Booked (nos.) 116 Area in Inventory (sqft.) 10,00,157 Units in Inventory (nos.) 1,141 Booking Value (Rs. Lakh) 20,937 Amount Collected (Rs. Lakh) 1,926 Revenue Recognised (Rs. Lakh) Average Rate per sqft. (Rs.) 19,248 22#24Financial Update Investment Properties Development Properties Eternia ☑23#25Financial Update Eternia Investment Properties Development Properties Particulars Q3FY24 Q2FY24 Q3FY23 9MFY24 9MFY23 Project Till Date Carpet area (sqft.) 13,49,549 13,49,549 13,49,549 13,49,549 13,49,549 13,49,549 Units (nos.) 1,312 1,312 1,312 1,312 1,312 1,312 Area Booked (sqft.) 19,965 42,209 32,135 87,956 87,177 7,93,308 Units Booked (nos.) 19 40 31 84 83 769 Area in Inventory (sqft.) 5,56,241 5,76,206 6,81,346 5,56,241 6,81,346 5,56,241 Units in Inventory (nos.) 543 562 662 543 662 543 Booking Value (Rs. Lakh) 5,941 12,816 8,189 26,452 22,400 1,96,636 Amount Collected (Rs. Lakh) 19,307 19,431 6,752 72,404 20,589 1,88,878 Revenue Recognised (Rs. Lakh) 7,175 12,332 37,863 29,141 62,790 1,95,453 Average Rate per sqft. (Rs.) 29,757 30,363 25,483 30,073 25,694 24,787 ☑24#26Financial Update Investment Properties Development Properties Enigma 25#27Financial Update Enigma Investment Properties Development Properties Particulars Q3FY24 Q2FY24 Q3FY23 9MFY24 9MFY23 Project Till Date Carpet area (sqft.) 12,57,392 12,57,392 12,57,392 12,57,392 12,57,392 12,57,392 Units (nos.) 682 682 682 682 682 682 Area Booked (sqft.) 48,502 29,088 30,828 1,00,532 1,13,180 8,11,354 Units Booked (nos.) 23 14 17 48 61 455 Area in Inventory (sqft.) 4,46,038 4,94,540 5,73,528 4,46,038 5,73,528 4,46,038 Units in Inventory (nos.) 227 250 288 227 288 227 Booking Value (Rs. Lakh) 14,342 8,502 7,546 29,589 28,405 2,03,786 Amount Collected (Rs. Lakh) 30,703 19,567 12,050 68,590 27,299 1,85,365 Revenue Recognised (Rs. Lakh) 14,342 10,493 45,933 30,232 71,696 2,02,898 Average Rate per sqft. (Rs.) 29,571 29,229 24,479 29,432 25,098 25,117 ☑26#28Financial Update Investment Properties Development Properties Sky City 27#29Financial Update Sky City Investment Properties Development Properties Particulars Q3FY24 Q2FY24 Q3FY23 9MFY24 9MFY23 Project Till Date Carpet area (sqft.) 28,54,907 28,54,907 28,21,269 28,54,907 28,21,269 28,54,907 Units (nos.) 2,734 2,734 2,696 2,734 2,696 2,734 Area Booked (sqft.) 45,919 85,138 1,53,596 1,99,995 3,02,163 23,62,149 Units Booked (nos.) 40 73 131 173 255 2,314 Area in Inventory (sqft.) 4,92,758 5,38,677 7,08,766 4,92,758 7,08,766 4,92,758 Units in Inventory (nos.) 420 460 597 420 597 420 Booking Value (Rs. Lakh) 14,702 27,940 45,783 63,733 91,855 6,54,345 Amount Collected (Rs. Lakh) 19,659 24,803 14,219 82,406 50,884 5,00,287 Revenue Recognised (Rs. Lakh) 39,685 27,590 32,644 94,706 74,741 5,31,628 Average Rate per sqft. (Rs.) 32,018 32,817 29,808 31,868 30,399 27,701 ☑28#30Financial Update Highlights Investment Properties Development Properties ➤ Acquired land admeasuring ~14.82 acres from Ireo Residences Company Private Limited at Sector 58, Gurugram, Haryana marking the Company's first foray in the NCR region Concluded the transaction for land admeasuring -6.4 acres at Pokhran Road 2, Thane. Consequently, the company's total land at Pokhran Road 2, Thane now admeasures ~75 acres ➤ Commenced bookings for new project Forestville Phase 1, Thane Kolshet ➤ Received Occupation Certificate for Sky City A-D and Sky City Tower E, Borivali (East) 29#31Financial Update Awards Investment Properties - Development Properties ➤ Elysian won 'Interior Design Sample flat of the year Residential' at the CREDAI-MCHI Golden Pillar Awards ➤ Indian Hospitality Excellence Awards The Westin Mumbai Garden City for: Restaurant of the Year for Kangan - Gold certification in corporate category Global Marketing Excellence Awards recognised Oberoi Mall for: - Marketing Campaign of the Year - Innovative launch campaign of the Year ☑30#32Thank You Investor Relation efforts are coordinated by: Saumil Daru Director Finance Nimit Gala Keyur Jangbari General Manager - Investor Relations Deputy Manager - Finance and Investor Relations [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] For any further information please write to [email protected] or contact on (+91 22) 6677 3333 ☑31#33Annexure Notes 1. 2. 3. Previous period figures have been re-grouped, re-arranged and re-classified wherever necessary to conform to current period's classification. The classification in this presentation may vary from classifications under Schedule III to the Companies Act or under Accounting Standards or the financial statements published in the Annual Report. Considering the nature of the business carried on by the Company whereby revenues do not necessarily accrue evenly over the projects period, the revenues of the quarter and/or the year may not be strictly comparable with the results of the corresponding quarter and/or the year. Total areas of the projects refer to the carpet areas calculated as per prevailing law. All areas / configurations of projects are based on present estimates and are subject to change based on regulatory requirements and / or design / construction exigencies and / or management decisions. Glossary/Abbreviations . Crore = 10 Million ⚫ EPS = Earnings Per Share ⚫ PAT • PBT = Profit After Tax = Profit Before Tax . EBITDA = Earnings before Interest, Tax, Depreciation and Amortisation • RERA = Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act 2016 . IGAAP = • IND AS = Indian Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (Till March 31, 2016) Indian Accounting Standards (From April 01, 2016) • ROCE = ⚫ Lakh • MahaRERA Rules • nos. = Hundred Thousand Maharashtra Real Estate (Regulation and Development) (Registration of real estate projects, Registration of real estate agents, rates of interest and disclosures on website) Rules, 2017 = Numbers • Rs. sqft. = || || || = • RONW = Return on Capital Employed Return on Networth Indian Rupees Square Feet 32#34Disclaimer This presentation has been prepared by Oberoi Realty Limited (ORL) and does not constitute a prospectus or placement memorandum or an offer to acquire any securities of ORL. This presentation or any other documentation or information (or any part thereof) delivered or supplied should not be deemed to constitute an offer to subscribe for ORL securities or the total areas mentioned herein should not be deemed to be the basis for transactions with customers. No representation or warranty, express or implied is made as to, and no reliance should be placed on, the fairness, accuracy, completeness or correctness of such information or opinions contained herein. The information contained in this presentation is only current as of its date. Certain statements made in this presentation may not be based on historical information or facts and may be "forward looking statements", including those relating to general business statements, plans and strategy of ORL, its future financial condition and growth prospects, future developments in its industry and its competitive and regulatory environment, and statements which contain words or phrases such as 'will', 'expected to', 'horizons of growth', 'strong growth prospects', etc., or similar expressions or variations of such expressions. These forward-looking statements are based on expectations and projections, and may involve a number of risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual results, opportunities and growth potential to differ materially from those suggested by such statements. These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to risks with respect to its real estate business, economic environment in India and overseas, changes in development regulations, changes in tax laws, changes in other applicable laws, litigation and labour relations. ORL will not be in any way responsible for any action taken based on such statements and undertakes no obligation to publicly update these forward-looking statements to reflect subsequent events or circumstances. ORL may alter, modify or otherwise change in any manner the content of this presentation, without obligation to notify any person of such revision or changes. This presentation cannot be copied and disseminated in any manner. No person is authorized to give any information or to make any representation not contained in and not consistent with this presentation and, if given or made, such information or representation must not be relied upon as having been authorized by or on behalf of ORL. The MahaRERA Rules have been notified on 20th April 2017. All our under construction projects in which sales have commenced have been registered under RERA. The information given in this presentation in the form of pictures, artistic renders, areas, consideration, project details etc does not purport or tantamount to any disclosure under the MahaRERA Rules and should not be construed to be or constitute advertisements, solicitations, marketing, offer for sale, invitation to offer, invitation to acquire including within the purview of RERA. In preparation of these results, the Group has taken into account internal and external sources of information to assess possible impacts of various local and global factors, including but not limited to assessment of liquidity and going concern, recoverable values of its financial and non-financial assets, impact on revenues and estimates of residual costs to complete ongoing projects. The Group will continue to monitor any material changes to future economic conditions.. ☑33

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