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#1R RINCON RESOURCES Targeting High Impact Gold & Copper Exploration Projects in Western Australia CORPORATE PRESENTATION | SEPTEMBER 2021 ASX:RCR#2ASX:RCR Disclaimer This presentation and any accompanying verbal presentation (together the Presentation) and confidential information has been prepared by Rincon Resources Limited (Rincon or the Company) and approved by the Board of the Company. The information contained in the Presentation (Information) is a summary only and should be read in conjunction with any oral briefing and all other docu- ments provided to you by the Company. The Information is current as of 22 September 2021 and the Company does not undertake to provide any additional or updated information, whether as a result of new information, future events or results or otherwise. By receiving the Presentation, you acknowledge and represent to the Company that you have read, understood and accepted the terms of this disclaimer. The Company has prepared the Presentation based on information available to it at the time of preparation. No representation or warranty, express or implied, is made as to the currency, accuracy, reliability, completeness or fairness of the information, opinions and conclusions contained in this Presentation. Neither Rincon, its related bodies corporate, shareholders or affiliates, nor any of their respective officers, directors, employees, affiliates, agents or advisers (Agents) guarantee or make any representations or warranties, express or implied, as to or take responsibility for, the currency, accuracy, reliability, completeness or fairness of the information, opinions and conclusions contained in this Presentation. Rincon does not represent or warrant that this Presentation is complete or that it contains all material information about Rincon or which a prospective investor or purchaser may require in evaluating a possible investment in Rincon or acquisition of shares. To the maximum extent permitted by law, Rincon and its Agents expressly disclaim any and all liability, including, without limitation, any liability arising out of fault or negligence, for any loss arising from the use of information contained in this Presentation, or otherwise arising in connection with it. Any forward-looking statements in this Presentation, including projections, forecasts and estimates, are provided as a general guide only and should not be relied on as an indication or guarantee of future performance and involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties, assumptions, contingencies and other important factors, many of which are outside the control of Rincon and which are sub- ject to change without notice and could cause the actual results, performance or achievements of Rincon to be materially different from the future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such statements. Past performance is not necessarily a guide to future performance and recipients of this Presentation are cautioned not to place undue reliance on such forward-looking statements. The information contained in this Presentation is for information purposes only, does not constitute investment or financial product advice (nor taxation, accounting or legal advice) and is not intend- ed to be used as the basis for making an investment decision. In providing this Presentation, Rincon has not considered the objectives, financial position or needs of any particular recipients. Before making an investment decision prospective investors should consider the appropriateness of the information in this Presentation having regard to their own objectives, financial situation and needs, and seek legal, taxation and financial advice appropriate to their jurisdiction and circumstances. This Presentation is not a prospectus, product disclosure statement or other offering document under Australian law or any other law (and will not be lodged with the Australian Securities and Invest- ments Commission or any other foreign regulator) and is not, and does not constitute, an invitation or offer of securities for subscription, purchase or sale in any jurisdiction. In particular, this Pre- sentation does not constitute an invitation or offer of securities for subscription, purchase or sale in the United States or any other jurisdiction in which such an offer would be illegal. The securities referred to in this Presentation have not been, and will not be, registered under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933 as amended or the securities laws of any state or other jurisdiction of the United States and may not be offered or sold, directly or indirectly in the United States. The information in this Presentation is strictly confidential. It may not be disclosed, reproduced, disseminated, quoted or referred to, in whole or in part, without the express consent of Rincon. Competent Person's Statement The information in this report that relates to Exploration Results is based on information compiled by Mr Gary Harvey. Mr Harvey is a member of the AIG and CEO of the Company. Mr Harvey has sufficient experience that is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to the activity which they are undertaking to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the 2012 Edition of the Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves. Mr Harvey consents to the inclusion in this report of the matters based on this information in the form and context in which it appears. Rincon Resources | 2#3ASX:RCR Three 100% owned highly prospective Gold-Copper projects in Western Australia Strategically positioned in the world class Paterson Province via the South Telfer asset Significant exploration upside across two additional assets at Laverton & Kiwirrkurra SOUTH TELFER KIWIRRKURRA Large geophysical and geochemical programs completed identifying over 40 targets LAVERTON Committed exploration program: minimum 10,000 drill meters targeting high priority targets Strong cash position: A$4million Rincon Resources | 3#4Strategy Acquire highly prospective land positions near existing or prospective mining operations and apply extensive geological experience and technology to discover and grow commercial mineral deposits. A$0.24 Share Price A$12.3M Market Cap at A$0.24/share as at 22/09/2021 A$4.43M Nil Cash Balance Debt Top 20 Shareholders 63.37% Board & Management 10.32% Gunsynd PLC 17.34% Other Inst. 4.54% Retail 67.8% A$7.9M Enterprise Value 51.34 Shares on issue Nil Options on issue 0.40 0.35 0.30 0.25 при 0.20 2021 Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug ASX:RCR Board & Executives Gary graduated from RMIT University with a Bachelor of Applied Science (Geology) and has over 25 years of experience in the resources sector working on gold and base metal (nickel/cobalt) projects in Western Australia. He is also a member of the AICD and the Australia Institute of Geoscientists. Gary Harvey, Chief Executive Officer >25 years of international resource sector experience, operational roles include Project Manager, Senior Mine Geologist & Mine Geologist for Ivanhoe Mines, Lion Ore International & WMC. Previously he worked in Private Equity (FUM USD800 million) and as a Director of Societe General's Mining Finance team in New York. Geoff McNamara, Non-Executive Chairman Geologist with >20 years of experience in the resources sector working on resource projects from Greenfield's exploration, discovery, definition and feasibility, construction, production to closure. Currently Co-Founder & Managing Director of Tesoro Resources Limited. Zeffron Reeves, Non-Executive Director Ed Mason is currently founder & managing director of corporate advisory firm JE Capital & Non Executive Chairman of Auroch Minerals. Ed has spent twenty years working for global investment banks such as Merrill Lynch, HSBC, Renaissance Capital and more recently Royal Bank of Canada in senior capital markets roles. Ed Mason, Non-Executive Director Experienced mining executive with >20 years' experience, Blair is the former Founding Managing Director of Lemur Resources Limited, an ASX listed coal exploration & development company. He was the former Finance Director of Coal of Africa Limited, growing the company from a sub-$2M market capitalisation to over $1.5B at its peak. Blair Sergeant, Non-Executive Director Rincon Resources | 4#5ASX:RCR Rincon Resources Exploration Projects South Telfer Gold-Copper Project (Rincon 100%) +500km² in Paterson Province 12km south & southwest along strike from World Class Telfer Gold Mine +50km of prospective & under-explored Telfer host geology Maiden 5,000m RC drilling program completed at Hasties Prospect Laverton Gold Project (Rincon 100%) +30km² in heart of Tier 1 Laverton Gold District Mt Margaret-Murrin Greenstone Belt 6km strike of under-explored & prospective BIF stratigraphy SOUTH TELFER KIWIRRKURRA Recent air-core drilling identifies anomalous gold trends for follow-up OLAVERTON Kiwirrkurra Copper-Gold Project (Rincon 100%) ~200km² in West Arunta Orogen including the Central Australian Suture Frontier exploration in underexplored region Prospective for Orogenic Gold & IOCG style Copper deposits Rincon Resources | 5#6South Telfer Gold-Copper Project Parallel Range Fault Hasties Thomsons Fallows Field Hashes Hasties Grace Trend Telfer Gold Mine Telfer Mill O'Callaghns Grace Havieron Triangle Trotmans Stockwork Bent Tree Backdoor Dolphy Dolphy Westin Trend Westin 300,000 mE 400,000 ME T 500,000 mE Winu (4.4Moz Au, 1.8Mt Cu) Calibre (2.1Moz Au, 104kt Cu) Magnum (339koz Au, 58kt Cu) Minyari (551koz Au, 23kt Cu) Rincon Tenements Mineralisation VTEM Targets High Priority Medium Priority Low Priority Resistivity Anomaly HIGH PRIORITY Milling Facility Gold/Copper Deposit (+1Moz Au) Gold/Copper Resource / Prospect Tungsten Skarn Deposit Interpreted Shear Interpreted Fault Interpreted Anticlinal Fold Axis GSWA Geology Isdell Formation Wilki Formation Puntapunta Formation. Malu Formation Mt Crofton Granite Suite Anticlinal Fold Axis Major Fault DRILLING TARGET Deep Seated (Buried) Granite interpreted from gravity anomalism. Hasties Prospect Mineralised zone +1km long & up to 50m wide Structurally controlled breccia & stockwork style mineralisation Phase 2 drilling to test GAIP targets incl deep conceptual target 300m below Hasties oxide zone Westin Prospect Parallel Range Fault +25km strike of prospective Telfer host geology 5km long gold-in-bedrock (+0.1g/t Au) anomaly 7 high-priority drill targets identified from geophysics (VTEM) interpretation Ultra-fine fraction soil sampling program set to commence 3rd Quarter 2021 Rincon Resources Antipa Minerals FMG Resources Greatland Gold Newcrest Mining Metals X (Nifty Copper) Paterson Resources Rio Tinto Exploration Rumble Resources Other Operating Mine Major Deposit Resource / Prospect 300,000 mE WACA (173koz Au, 4kt Cu) Tim's Dome Nifty Telfer (2Mt Cu) (32Moz Au, 1Mt Cu) Hasties (Au-Cu) Grace Kintyre (53.5Mlbs U30) 7.800.000 MN Havieron (3.4Moz Au, 160kt Cu) Westin (Au-Cu) Maroochydore (486kt Cu, 18.5kt Co) 500.000 Rincon Resources | 6#7413.250 mE 413.500 mE 413,750 mE HASTIES 21STRC010 21STRC011 21STRC018 21STRC012 21STRC016 21STRC015 21STRC014 South Telfer Gold-Copper Project Hasties Prospect - Targeting untested extensions down-dip & down-plunge to south-west Historic Gold Intercepts*: 57.80m @ 2.05g/t Au from 17.40m, inc 16.10m @ 4.75g/t Au from 42.70m Historic Copper Intercepts*: 20.60m @ 1.23% Cu from 87.60m; 10.90m @ 3.39% Cu from 91.80m 21STRC009 21STRC019 21STRC020 21STRC021 21STRC017 21STRC025 ASX:RCR * For full results refer to Rincon's Prospectus dated 3 November 2020 A Surface 21STR002 9.0m at 1.03% Cu from 45m incl. 2m at 2.90% Cu from 52m 21.0m at 1.08% Cu from 59m incl. 4m at 2.49% Cu from 60m incl. 2m at 2.75% Cu from 72m 11.0m at 0.71g/t Au from 71m OPEN 21STR001 2.0m at 0.22% Cu from 82m 5.0m at 0.61g/t Au from 84m RINCON RESOURCES LTD HASTIES SE PROSPECT SCHEMATIC GEOLOGY (Looking NW) 0 50 R metres RINCON MASOURCES GDA 94 Zone 51 8.0m at 1.03g/t Au from 47m 8.0m at 0.85% Cu from 110m incl. 2m at 1.35% Cu from 110m incl. 1m at 2.98% Cu from 116m 44.0m at 0.29% Cu from 31m incl. 6m at 0.79% Cu from 50m 8.0m at 0.64g/t Au from 71m 2.0m at 0.69% Cu from 80m Base of Oxidation 198m A' 252m Au/Cu Legend Soil/Lithics Isdell Formation Sediments Anomalous Zone New Result Drillhole Intersections calculated: Au +0.5g/t max. 2m continuous internal dilution Cu 0.1% Cu max. 2m continuous internal dilution 7,585,500 mN 21STRC013 21STRC026. P45/2929 21STRC024 nticline Fold Hinge 21STRC027 414,000 mE 21STRC007 7,586,000 m 21STRC006 21STRC003 21STRC004 21STRC008 21STRC005 21STRC002 HASTIES SE. HASTIES PROSPECT 0 250m metres 413,250 mE 21STRC001 7.585.500 mN 7,585,250 mN Microsoft Bing 2021 Microsoft Corporation 2021 Maxar OCNES (2021) Distribution Airbus DS 413.500 mE 413,750 ME 414,000 mE#8ASX:RCR ~300m South Telfer Gold-Copper Project Hasties Prospect Southwest Surface Hasties Deeps - Diamond Drill Hole 500m southeast off-section, drilling towards Northwest Interpreted Fold Trend Historic deep diamond hole (HRC9201) with anomalous gold near Dolerite contact zone Interpret erpreted Anticlinal Axis Hasties Maiden RC Drill Area - Complete Hasties Deeps Drill Target- GAIP (Resistivity) High Northeast Leapfrog Grade Shells Gold (+0.05g/t Au) Gold (+0.2g/t Au) Ground geophysics (GAIP) over Hasties has identified: Highly prospective fold structure related to Dolerite sill Deep conceptual target 300m below Hasties Additional new targets identified in the broader Hasties Prospect area Historic deep diamond hole (HRD001) with anomalous gold approaching Dolerite contact zone Modelled surface of magnetic body 'Dolerite' Copper (500ppm Cu) 0 50 100 150 Rincon Resources | 8#9ASX:RCR Laverton Gold Project Drilling our Initial Targets 6km of strike of prospective Banded Iron Formation (BIF) stratigraphy Maiden +6,400m air-core (AC) drill program completed - May 2021 Widespread gold intersections returned from multiple areas including: 13m @ 0.30g/t Au from 45m to end-of-hole in 21LAC098; 5m @ 0.45g/t Au from 20m in 21LAC006. Additional targeting work underway to identify new areas for drill testing AREA 1 21LAC006 435000mE.. 5m at 0.45g/t Au from 20m 21LAC001 5m at 0.40g/t Au from 25m Apollo Mining Centre Legend EL38/2908 GG ANOMALY Sunshine Corio Shear Zo one RCR Aircore Drilling Historical Drilling Anomalous Gold Trend Sediment Banded Iron Formation ☑ Corio Workings Sunshine Workings Houtanui Fault Felsic Mafic Ultramafic 0 kilometres GDA 94 Zone 51 425,000 mE 450.000 mE Gladiator Mining Centre AREA 2 21LAC098 440000mE 13m at 0.30g/t Au from 45m to EOH 21LAC097 5m at 0.28g/t Au from 65m 21LAC081 5m at 0.22g/t Au from 55m 21LAC099 10m at 0.1g/t Au from 60m Mt Windarra Beasely Creek (300koz Au) Gladiator Mining Centre Apollo/Whisper 6880000mN- Corio Sunshine Lancefield (+2.4Moz) LAVERTON Admiral Hill TOWNSITE Barnicoat Laverton Mining Centre AREA 3 21LAC054 5m at 0.26g/t Au from 40m 6825000mN RINCON RESOURCES LTD Mt Morgan's *Incl. Jupiter (+2.8Moz Au) Rincon Resources AngloGold Ashanti Dacian Gold Focus Minerals Goldfields Australia Magnetic Resources Poseidon Nickel Other *Milling Facility Gold Deposit/Mine Gold Occurrence/ Prospect Wallaby (+7Moz Au) 8km LAVERTON PROJECT 425,000 mE Ida Hill Euro Mining Centre Comet Granny Smith (+5Moz Au) Sunrise Dam (+10Moz Au) 450,000 mE Rincon Resources | 9#10ASX:RCR 128.5 129 129.5° Kiwirrkurra Copper-Gold Project Drilling our Initial Targets 30km of highly prospective strike along Central Australian Suture (CAS) IOCG copper mineralisation previously drilled at Pokali Prospect*, including: 32m @ 0.46% Cu from 74m (incl. 8m @ 1.1% Cu from 98m); 64m @ 0.39% Cu from 118m (incl. 14m @ 1.0% Cu from 132m). * For full results refer to Rincon's Prospectus dated 3 November 2020 127.5° 128 Top Up Rise Webb Aileron Central Mt Webb Australian Pokali Rhea Re-processing of geophysical data-sets complete, several high-priority targets identified for drill testing Rincon Resources Agrimin Encounter Geocrystal IGO Jervois Norwest Rio Tinto (incl. Tali JV) Other Prospect or mineral occurrence 127.5 Lake Mackay Theseus Northern Territory Western Australia Suture Arcee North Dovers Mantati KINTORE Goldbug Grapple / Bumblebee Grimlock Phreaker 128 128.5 129 129.5 Rincon Resources | 10#11Rincon Workplan & News Flow Laverton Follow-up & extensional drilling (2,500m) South Telfer Phase 2 RC/Diamond drilling at Hasties (5,000m) AC drilling of high-priority VTEM targets (2,500m) Kiwirrkurra Geophysics & targeting. Drill test high-priority targets (2,500m) Q2 2021 Q3 2021 Q4 2021 Q1 2022 02 2022 Laverton South Telfer Kiwirrkurra ✔ Drill test initial targets & new targets VTEM & Ground IP Photo-mapping & geophysics Mapping & define new targets Follow-up & extensional drilling ✓ Drill Hasties Prospect (Phase 1) Extend Hasties drilling (Phase 2) ✓ Target generation & prioritisation Drill test high-priority targets -> Drill Westin Prospect & VTEM targets Regional geochemical sampling Soil sampling over Westin Prospect ASX:RCR Rincon Resources | 11#12ASX:RCR Why invest in Rincon? Right Projects Strategic projects with a focus on discovery Right Commodities Gold and copper, both in strong price environments Right Locations Located in highly mineralised terrains Right Team Highly experienced team with history of success Rincon Resources | 12#13R RINCON RESOURCES Gary Harvey Chief Executive Officer gary.harvey@rincon +61 414 300 684 ASX:RCR

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