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#1ان iPOPS ined CEMENTS DIAVENIR Mutademo Conference Paris, 22-23 Sept 2016 Faculty Of Geography University of Gadjah Mada Explaining The Urban Heat Island Cases with The Demographic Dividend Phenomenon In Yogyakarta Special Region, Indonesia : (Linking Spatial Data with Population Data) By: Dwi Nofiana Gita Pertiwi Maulida Iffani Ghalih Nur Wicaksono#2吓 Introduction 1. Yogyakarta Special Region (Yogyakarta), Indonesia has been thought a demographic transition since 1990 until now. Yogyakarta will achieve demographic dividend period in the year 2000 to 2015 (BKKBN, 2010). 2. In addition to experiencing the of demographic dividend, Yogyakarta also identified suffering Urban Heat Island phenomenon#3Demographic Dividend The concept of the Demographic dividend is its main advantage because of economic terminology is in the field of economics Urban Heat Island The urban heat island is an enclosed area that shows isotherme surface relatively warmer as a warmer temperature in urban areas compared to the surrounding rural environment (United States Environmental Protection Agency, 2008).#4Data and Method Theory#51. This study uses two different types of data, spatial data and population data. Spatial data used is Landsat satellite data in August 2002 and 2014. The 2002 data using satellite Landsat 7 ETM+ data, while the 2014 either using Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS. 2. Applications that are commonly used to detect the urban heat island phenomenon is the temperature changes and difference with other areas (United States Environmental Protection Agency, 2008).#6吓 Spatial Data 1. Landsat 7 2. Landsat 8 Population Data: 1. Population Density 2. Dependency Ratio Spectral Radiance Land surface temperature ArcGIS 10.1 Urban Heat correlation Island#7Landsat 7 Enhanched Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) Spectral radiance formula used for Landsat 7 ETM+ using the formula (NASA, 2008): (LMAX-LMINλ) L₁ = [(QCALMAX-QCALMIN). 5] × (QCAL – QCALMIN) + LMIN, -#8Landsat 8 Operational Land Imager (OLI) and Thermal Infrared Sensor (TIRS) Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS using formulas (USGS, 1999): L₁ = ML × Qcal + AL#9Table 1.1 Population Data Kabupaten KECAMATAN Dependency Ratio Population Density 2002 2014 2002 2014 Tegalrejo 36.61 38.5 11975 12418 Jetis 36.3 37.54 13962 13724 Gondokusuman 37.97 27.03 11828 11453 Danurejan 36.48 38.16 16834 16776 Gedongtengen 37.09 38.87 18052 18280 Ngampilan 37.26 39.67 21412 20035 Wirobrajan 39.63 40.31 14960 14277 Mantrijeron 37.64 40.93 12540 12233 Kraton 39.29 43.34 13691 12298 Gondomanan 37.17 35.01 12738 11760 Pakualaman 39.37 35.66 15454 14546 Mergangsan 38.15 35.99 13027 12787 Umbulharjo 35.62 30.57 8790 10225 Kota Yogyakarta Kotagede 35.28 40.69 9563 11013 Gamping 37.23 43.19 2408 3608 Mlati 39.68 36.77 2469 3867 Depok 32.69 24.2 3238 5244 Berbah 37.08 49.06 1808 2443 Kalasan 38.15 49.2 1568 2326 Ngemplak 41.93 44.03 1307 1785 Kabupaten Ngaglik 38.15 42.19 1819 2950 Sleman Sleman 41.36 50.17 1841 2122 Kasihan 35.17 43.05 2410 3683 Kabupaten Banguntapan 34.7 42.48 2722 4620 Bantul Sewon 39.62 52.67 1166 1603 Source : Population Census and Government Population Report 2000- 2014#10Urban Heat Island Different of Temperature#119132000 9135000 9138000 9141000 9144000 9147000 423000 426000 429000 H H 432000 435000 438000 441000 Legend District Boundary Temperature (°C) <18 18-21 21-24 24-27 27-30 30 > Landsat 7 ETM+ 3 6 12 18 Kilometers Source: Figure 2. Surface Temperature Distribution 2002. Source Landsat 7 ETM+ processing 9132000 9135000 9138000 9141000 9144000 9147000 423000 426000 429000 432000 H T 435000 438000 441000 18 Kilometers Legend _ District Boun Temperature ( <18 18-21 21-24 24-27 27-30 30 >> Source: Landsat 8 OLI+TIR Figure 3. Surface Temperature Distribution 2014. Source Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS processing#1233.3 32.8 32.2 31.7 31.1 30.6 30.0 29.4 Temp URBAN HEAT ISLAND ILLUSTRATION Rural Commercial Urban Residential Suburban Residential Downtown#13Result#149150000 9130000 9135000 9140000 9145000 420000 425000 430000 435000 440000 445000 I + Legend District Boundary Temperature (°C) < 18 18 - 21 Source: mping 21 - 24 24-27 27 - 30 sihan 30 > Landsat 7 ETM+ 200 0 2.5 5 10 15 20 25 Kilometers Figure 4. Surface Temperature Distribution 2002. Source Landsat 7 ETM+ processing Mlati Sleman Tegarejo Jetis Gondokusuman sedangtengenpanurejan Ngampan Pakualaman Wirobrajan Gondomanan Kraton Mergangsan Mantrijeron UmbulharjoKotagede খ Sewon Ngaglik Depok Banguntaan Berbah Ngemplak Population D Yogyakarta N Scale 1:125,0 Kalasan Legend Population Density Low Medium High Figure 5. Population Density 2002. Source Population census and report Source Landsat#159135000 $140000 9145000 9150000 9130000 420000 425000 430000 435000 440000 445000 sound + + Legend 25 5 10 15 20 25 Kilometers District Boundary Temperature (°C) <18 18 21 21 - 24 24 - 27 27-30 30 > Source: Landsat 8 OLI+TIRS 2014 Figure 6. Surface Temperature Distribution 2014. Source: Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS processing Gamping Kasihan Mlati Sleman Tegatreo Jets Jongte Gondokusuman Pakualaman N W bra Gondomanan Kraton Mergangsan Mantrijeron UmbuharjoKotagède Sewon Ngemplak Ngaglik Depok Banguntapan bah Population Density Yogyakarta 2014 N Scale 1:125,000 Kalasan Legend Kepadatan2014 Low Medium High Source: Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS Figure 7. Population Density 2014. Source Population census and report#169140000 9145000 9150000 9130000 9135000 420000 425000 430000 4350 00 440000 445000 M Legend District Boundary Temperature (°C) < 18 18-21 Gamping 21-24 24-27 27 - 30 Keasbar 30 > Source: Landsat 7 ETM+ 2002 0 2.5 5 10 15 20 25 Kilometers Figure 8. Surface Temperature Distribution 2002. Source Landsat 7 ETM+ processing Seman Name Gondomaran Wirobrajan Ngemplak Ngogik Depok Umbulhar jokalagede Mintrijeron Baguntapa Sewon Berbah Kalasan Dependency Ratio Yogyakarta 2002 N Scale 1:125,000 Legend Dependency Ratio Low Medium Source: Landsat 7 ETM+ Figure 9. Dependency Ratio 2002. Source Population census and report#179145000 0150000 9135000 9140000 9130000 T T T 420000 425000 430000 435000 440000 445000 Legend District Boun Temperature (' < 18 18-21 21-24 24-27 27 - 30 30 > Bashun Source: Landsat 8 OLI+TIR 0 25 5 10 15 20 25 Kilometers Figure 10. Surface Temperature Distribution 2014. Source Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS processing Mlati Siemen Tagalrajo Jetis Gondokusuman Ngoài Depok Gamping Gadengtangan panurejan Namp Gondomanan an Pakualaman Wirobrajan Mergangsan Umbulharjokotagem Mantrijeron Banguntapan Sewon Berbah Dependency Ratio Yogyakarta 2014 N Scale 1:125,000 Kopies als Legend Dependency Ratio Low Medium High Source: Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS Figure 11. Dependency Ratio 2014. Source Population census and report#18DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION#191. Urban heat island in the city of Yogyakarta is associated with the type of 2. land cover change due to urbanization process in Yogyakarta. The spatial pattern of temperature trends is shown to be significantly correlated with population density and social economic activities indicated by the large number of land built up, but not significant with demographic dividend phenomenon. Insignificantly of the urban heat island phenomenon with demographic dividend is linked to the different between both of the unit of analysis. 3. The use of remote sensing imagery for estimation of surface temperature value which is "underestimate," meaning that the value of the range in temperature resulting from the extraction of lower than the actual value of the field.#20ACKNOWLEDGEMENT : The authors are grateful to for Mrs. Toening Adioetomo, Emilya Nurjani and Mr.Sukamdi their valuable comments. Support for this research was provided by Faculty of Geography, Gadjah Mada University.#21Bibliography BKKBN (2010). Penduduk DIY Hasil Sensus Penduduk Tahun 1961-2010. Seri Laporan BKKBN DIY Bloom,D E., Canning,D, Fink,G, Finlay.,J E. (2009). Fertility, Female Labor Force Participation, And The Demographic Dividend. J Econ Growth (2009) 14:79–101 Doi 10.1007/S10887-009-9039-9 : Springer Science+Business Media, Llc 2009 Torok,Sj. Morris, Cj. Skinner C And Plummer N. (2001) .Urban Heat Island Features Of Southeast Australian Towns. Aust Met Mag 50:1–13 United Nations, World Population Policies 2005 (United Nations publication, Sales No. E.06.XIII.5, 2006).#22Thank you Contact us [email protected] :

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