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#1GOODLUCK Goodluck India Ltd. Investor Presentation Q4 & FY 2022 Qar#2GOODLUCK A 위 Financial Highlights 鼠 Table of Content Company Overview Business Overview A Industry Overview Way Ahead#3( GOODLUCK Financial Highlights#4GOODLUCK Recent Developments & Order Book Recent Developments Expansion work for executing recently bagged LOI of Rs. 198 cr for Bullet Train project is in final phase at Kutch plant and is likely to be completed by end of July'22 Process of installation of imported Press is completed in Feb'22 - that will enable Company to increase capacity of forging single piece to 14,000 Kgs Gatishakti National Master Plan approved by cabinet giving huge boost to infra sector - expansion of Road Network, Rail network gives huge opportunity - Goodluck is well placed to be significant player here Govt. initiative of 100 GW solar energy is likely to boost up Company's solar support structure capacity Order Book Position Engineering Structure - order book of Rs. 475cr Auto Tubes - Company has order visibility of next 6 months#5GOODLUCK Consolidated Financial Highlights - Q4 FY22 Revenue (Rs. Crs) 696.43 692.29 626.28 562.72 474.89 Q4 FY21 Q1 FY22 Q2 FY22 Q3 FY22 Q4 FY22 50 40 20 6650 232 60 * EBITDA (Rs. Crs) I PAT (Rs. Crs) 53.57 48.32 44.10 40.90 31.28 30 3224 30 25 20 10 15 10 8.18 5 0 Q4 FY21 Q1 FY22 Q2 FY22 Q3 FY22 Q4 FY22 *including Other Income 24.29 20.16 17.02 13.54 Q4 FY21 Q1 FY22 Q2 FY22 Q3 FY22 Q4 FY22#6GOODLUCK Rs. Crore Financial Highlights - Quarterly 00 Q4 FY22 Income from Operations 692.29 Q4 FY21 474.89 Y-O-Y (%) Q3 FY22 696.43 Other Operating Income 8.50 5.94 9.37 Other Income 1.23 3.53 0.93 ▪ Incremental Revenue Total Income 702.02 484.36 44.94% 706.74 Raw Materials 483.00 346.99 513.66 higher Employee Cost 25.73 20.58 22.98 mainly on account of better export sales volumes and Other Expenses 139.73 85.51 121.77 ■Company formula driven. Total Expenditure 648.46 453.08 43.12% 658.41 EBITDA 53.57 31.28 71.27% 48.32 EBIDTA per ton (Rs.) 7.63% 6.46% 117 bps 6.84% Depreciation 7.70 6.86 7.15 Interest 13.78 14.14 14.12 Exceptional Item (Gain) / Loss 0.00 0.00 0.00 Profit Before Tax 32.09 10.28 212.13% 27.05 at Tax 7.80 2.11 6.88 contracts enabling it to pass through steel prise I fluctuations resulting in lower volatility ■ Controlling finance cost- Q4 FY22 finance cost was 1.99% as against 2.97% in Q4 FY21 Profit After Tax 24.29 8.18 197.13% 20.16 PAT Margin % 3.46% 1.69% 177 bps 2.85% Basic EPS in Rs. 9.40 3.50 168.57% 7.80#7GOODLUCK Financial Highlights - Yearly Rs. Crore FY22 FY21 Y-O-Y (%) Income from Operations 2577.72 1548.42 Other Operating Income 35.49 23.69 Other Income 3.89 5.88 Total Income 2617.10 1578.00 65.85% Raw Materials Employee Cost Other Expenses 1883.10 1119.85 Highest ever yearly volumes at 2,64,419 MT and export sales at 82,213 MT resulting in incremental Revenue ■ Proportionately higher 96.60 73.59 contribution from Hollow Sections 450.52 262.20 Total Expenditure 2430.22 1455.63 EBITDA 186.89 122.37 EBIDTA per ton (Rs.) 7.14% 7.75% 66.95% 52.73% (61 bps) ■ Formula Depreciation 28.97 27.50 Interest 57.35 54.68 Exceptional Item (Gain) / Loss 0.00 0.00 Profit Before Tax 100.57 40.19 150.25% driven contractual agreements have enabled company to pass through changing raw material prices resulting in lower volatility ■ Controlling finance cost - FY22 finance cost was at 2.22% as against 3.53% in FY21 Tax 25.56 10.14 ■ Board of Directors Profit After Tax 75.01 30.05 PAT Margin % 2.87% 1.90% 149.64% 97 bps recommended dividend of Rs. 2 per equity share Basic EPS* in Rs. 29.48 13.01 126.59% *Company allocated 30,00,000 equity shares upon conversion of 30,00,000 warrants in H2 FY21 & H1 FY22#8GOODLUCK Consolidated Balance Sheet Rs Crores As of 31st Mar'22 As of 31st Mar'21 As of 31st Rs Crores Mar'22 As of 31st Mar'21 Shareholders Funds 465.92 383.44 Non Current Assets 400.79 343.53 Share Capital* 5.20 4.90 Fixed Assets 362.78 325.13 R&S 460.72 378.54 Capital Work In Progress 30.59 12.30 Non Current Liabilities 155.24 164.80 Goodwill 0.77 0.00 Long Term Borrowing 117.41 128.25 Long Term Loans & Adv. 0.00 0.00 LT Provisions 5.21 4.68 Non Current Investments 0.10 0.00 Deferred Tax Liability(net) 32.62 31.87 Deferred Tax Assets 0.00 0.00 Current Liabilities 632.30 549.39 Other Non-current Assets 6.56 6.10 Short term Borrowings 421.93 372.57 Current Assets 852.66 754.10 Inventories 428.07 352.53 Trade Payables 103.19 98.40 Trade Receivables 283.11 234.84 Other Financial Liabilities 0.00 0.00 Cash & Cash Equivalents 0.28 0.79 Other Current Liabilities 102.64 78.42 Bank Balance other than cash 12.92 9.69 Short term Provisions 4.54 0.00 Other Current Assets 128.28 156.26 Total Equity & Liabilities 1,253.46 1,097.63 Total Assets 1,253.46 1,097.63 *Company allocated 15,00,000 equity shares upon conversion of 15,00,000 warrants in H1 FY22#9GOODLUCK 200 Sales Volume (MT) Consolidated Financial Highlights - Annual 2,64,419 2,40,259 2,26,439 2,19,903 2,03,133 J Revenue (Rs. Crs) 1,661.25 1,633.82 1,548.42 1,310.19 2,577.72 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 * EBITDA (Rs. Crs) 150 129.60 131.45 122.37 103.03 100 50 0 FY18 *including other income PAT (Rs. Crs) 186.89 BR32 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 15.99 10 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 33.87 31.46 30.05 75.01 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22#10GOODLUCK Geographical Sales Breakup (Rs. Crs)* 886 1,253 1,163 1,623 1,587 1,159 Revenue Break Up - Annual 2,535 1,514 1,475 Segmental Revenue (FY 22)* 1,038 1,060 460 476 428 367 2018 2019 2020 2021 Export Domestic Total Segment wise Sales Breakup (%)* 40% 38% 28% 11% 2018 39% 38% 36% 30% 29% 2022 27% 29% 22% 21% 20% 17% 17% 15% 15% 15% 13% 2019 2020 2021 2022 42% 29% 36% 13% 22% 14% ■CR Sheets & Pipe ■ Forgings Engineering Structures ■ Precision Tubes 17% Segmental EBITDA (FY 22) 10 27% Engineering Structures ■CR Sheets & Pipe ■ Forgings ■ Precision Tubes Targeting to increasing revenue contribution from Forging, Precision Tubes & Precision Fabrication which have higher EBITDA impact ■CR Sheet & Pipes Eng. Structure Forging Precision Tubes *Sales include Operating Revenue from manufactured goods and exclude Other Operating Income#11GOODLUCK Consolidated Financial Highlights - Annual Rs. Crore Income from Operations Other Operating Income Other Income Total Income FY18 FY19 FY20 1305.87 1661.25 1633.82 FY21 1548.42 FY22 2577.72 0 0.00 0.00 23.69 35.49 4.32 3.44 3.58 5.88 3.89 1310.19 1664.69 1637.40 1578.00 2617.10 Raw Materials 942.50 1250.14 1168.20 1119.85 1883.10 Excise Duty 32.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Employee Cost 58.29 71.03 83.38 73.59 96.60 Other Expenses 174.29 213.92 254.37 262.20 450.52 Total Expenditure 1207.16 1535.09 1505.95 1455.63 2430.22 EBITDA 103.03 129.60 131.45 122.37 186.89 EBIDTA Margin (%) 7.86% 7.79% 8.03% 7.75% 7.14% Depreciation 19.88 23.64 26.35 27.50 28.97 Interest 56.25 60.76 60.18 54.68 57.35 Exceptional Item (Gain) / Loss 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Profit Before Tax 26.90 45.21 44.93 40.19 100.57 Tax 10.91 13.75 11.05 10.14 25.56 Profit After Tax 15.99 31.46 33.87 30.05 75.01 PAT Margin % 1.22% 1.89% 2.07% 1.90% 2.87% EPS* (Rs.) 7.19 13.67 14.72 13.01 29.48 *Company allocated 15,00,000 equity shares upon conversion of 15,00,000 warrants in March 2021; 11#12GOODLUCK Consolidated Balance Sheet Highlights 12 Rs Crores FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 Rs Crores FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 Shareholders Funds 278.30 309.75 346.06 383.44 465.92 Non Current Assets 337.38 341.97 347.36 343.53 400.79 Share Capital 4.60 4.60 4.60 4.90* 5.20 Fixed Assets 251.97 332.83 341.16 325.13 362.78 R&S 273.70 305.15 341.46 378.54 460.72 Capital Work In Progress 56.90 5.01 0.77 12.30 30.59 Non Current Liabilities 153.14 154.89 110.39 164.80 155.24 Goodwill 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.77 Long Term Borrowing 124.07 121.14 75.04 128.25 117.41 Non Current Investments 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 LT Provisions 3.11 3.77 4.49 4.68 5.21 Deferred Tax Assets 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Deferred Tax Liability(net) 25.96 29.98 30.86 31.87 32.62 Other Non-current Assets 28.51 4.14 5.43 6.10 6.56 Current Assets 552.78 637.43 651.67 754.10 852.66 Current Liabilities 458.72 514.76 542.58 549.39 632.30 Inventories 239.10 303.89 314.64 352.53 428.07 Short term Borrowings 294.42 346.86 395.15 372.57 421.93 Trade Receivables 203.48 247.28 238.92 234.84 283.11 Trade Payables 99.51 98.83 67.83 98.40 103.19 Cash & Cash Equivalents 2.31 1.85 2.91 0.79 0.28 Other Financial Liabilities 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Bank Balance other than cash 12.10 14.69 7.86 9.69 12.92 Other Current Liabilities 62.34 68.47 75.60 78.42 102.64 Others 95.78 69.71 87.35 0.00 0.00 Short term Provisions 2.45 0.60 4.00 0.00 4.54 Other Current Assets 0.00 0.00 0.00 156.26 128.28 Total Equity & Liabilities 890.15 979.40 999.04 1,097.63 1,253.46 Total Assets 890.15 979.40 999.04 1097.63 1253.46 *Company allocated 15,00,000 equity shares upon conversion of 15,00,000 warrants in March 2021#13→ GOODLUCK Company Overview#14GOODLUCK Established manufacturer of engineered Steel products with professional management ◉ Incorporated in 1986 by Mr. Mahesh Chandra Garg, IIT graduate Headquartered in Ghaziabad with 3,64,000 MT p.a. manufacturing facility in Sikandrabad in Uttar Pradesh and Kutch - Gujarat, India with more than 3,000 employee strength Over 30 years consistent growth and progress About Us 3 Generations: Hands-on experience of promoters Marquee Clients ☐ Engineering structures: Indian Railways, ABB, L&T, 14 Reliance Industries, GMR, ISGEC, Sterling & Wilson, Alstom, PowerGrid, NTPC, Toshiba, TRF, EIL, NPCIL, MHSR Forging: GE Oil & Gas, Allied Group, Saint-Gobain, Midsteel, Flaboform, Edelstahlservice, BPCL, Indian Oil, BHEL, RIL, L&T, Alstom, Mitsubishi, Brahmos, HAL Precision Tubes: Volkswagen, Audi, BMW, Mercedes, Skoda, Renault, GM, Ashok Leyland, TVS, Bajaj, Gabriel, ISGEC, Talbros, Mahindra, Tata Motors ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Among leading manufacturers of wide range of Engineering Structure, Precision/Auto Tubes, Forging for Defence & Aerospace, CR Products and GI Pipes Engineering Structures - Transmission & Telecom towers, Fabricated steel structures, Railway & road Bridges Forging - Forged flanges, gear rings, gear shanks, forged shafts, railway products, Defence, Aerospace Precision Tubes - Auto Tubes, CDW/ERW Tubes, Boiler Tubes, Transformer Tubes, Air Heater Tubes CR Sheets, Pipes & Tubes - C.R Sheet/Coil, G.P.G.C Sheet/Coil, C.R.C.A Sheet/Coil, Pipes, etc. ISO 9001:2008 certified organization % 58:42 Split of our products between domestic and global markets 100 Countries exports worldwide FY22 Consolidated Financial Highlights Total Revenue - Rs. 2,577.72 Cr EBITDA Rs. 186.89 Cr PAT Rs. 75.01 Cr Consistently dividend paying Company#15GOODLUCK Incorporated Pvt. Ltd. Company BLOO Converted into Public Ltd. Company ☑ Capacity Enhanced to 50000 MTPA 1986 Commissioned First Forging Plant Milestones 15 Turnover crossed Rs. 5,000 Mn $ Commissioned another plant for ERW/CDW Precision Tubes Company changed name to Goodluck India Ltd 8 Obtained approval from RDSO* for Kutch Plant - Sikandrabad plant already approved Added new machinery - increase capacity of forging single piece to 14,000 Kgs and total capacity per annum to 30,000 MT 1987 1995 2003 2007 2013 2015 2018 2021 1994 1997 2006 2009 2014 2016 2020 2022 m O)) $ 品 00 First Plant Commissioned Got publicly listed on stock exchanges Turnover Crossed INR 1,500 Mn *RDSO - Research Design and Standards Organisation (Ministry of Railways) First plant commissioned for ERW/CDW Precision Tubes Turnover crossed Rs. 10,000 Mn Expanded Engineering structured products to high growth sectors like solar and railways Commissioned Kutch Plant for ERW Precision Tubes Awarded Lol by L&T for High-Speed Railway Project -worth over Rs. 198 crore for supply and fabrication of Special bridges Enhanced Capacity for Precision Tubes#16GOODLUCK Strong & Professional Management Team 16 Mr. Mahesh Chandra Garg Chairperson ■ Graduated in 1967 from prestigious IIT ■ More than 5 decades of experience across world ■ Visionary with exceptional management skills Mr. Ramesh Chandra Garg Whole Time Director ■ Engineer in field of mining from highly acclaimed ISM - Dhanbad Fine experience in Coal industry ■ Possesses more than five decades of experience ■ Great motivator and excellent team leader Mr. Nitin Garg Whole Time Director ■ Qualified Engineer and M.B.A. from Narsee Monjee Institute of Management ■ Worked with Yamaha Motors and Honda Motors Looking after production process Mr. Manish Garg Chief Operating Officer ■ 50 years of age - Qualified Engineer from IIT ■ Handling overall Export Business since last 28 years Mr. Ram Agarwal Chief Executive Officer ■ Qualified Engineer and completed his graduation in 1990 ■ 32 years experience in steel industries ■ Handled CR, Structure projects and Maintains equivalent exposure in field of sales and marketing Mr. Shyam Agarwal Chief Operating Officer ■ 51 years old - Qualified Engineer and has more than 27 years of experience in steel Industry specially of forging industry Mr. Sanjay Bansal Chief Financial Officer ■ Qualified Chartered Accountant with over 30 years experience across finance activities of company, including business planning, budgeting, forecasting, taxation and negotiations. ■ He has served in JP Group, DS Group and Dr. Rajaram Jaipuria group Mr. Abhishek Agrawal Company Secretary Qualified Company Secretary having around 15 years of experience across Corporate Secretarial Functions ■ Current responsibilities include Strategic Planning, Legal Affairs, Compliances and Investors Relation#17GOODLUCK ■ Concentrating on deleveraging balance sheet ■ Strong capital and operational efficiencies resulting in good return ratios - Consistent dividend paying Company 02 Diverse product range 22 with good level of customization ■ Catering to Marquee Clients across world 03 Key Strengths Strong Industry Knowledge - More than three decades of Experience with consistent growth & progress 05 04 06 90 01 09 07 80 08 ■ Strong and well reputed management team and motivated and talented team of over 3,000 employees empowering growth ■ A base of over 600 customers ■ Spread over 100 countries across world ■ Strategically focusing on High Margin Value Added Products and high growth sectors like Auto, Solar, Railways and Defence ■ Associated with some of most prestigious programmes in Defence and Aerospace From manufacturer of Steel products to provider of Engineering Solutions 17#18→ GOODLUCK Business Overview IIIII#19GOODLUCK Business Structure Particular Segments Engineering Structures & Precision Fabrication Goodluck Steel Tubes works - 2, Sikandrabad Units Involved (U.P.) ■ Goodluck Metallics - Kutch (Gujarat) Combined Capacity Value Preposition 60,000 MTPA Goodluck India Ltd. Forging Precision Pipes & Auto Tubes Goodluck Engineering Co., Dadri (U.P.) Goodluck Industries, Sikandrabad (U.P.) Goodluck Metallics, Kutch (Gujarat) ☐ 00 19 CR Coils, Pipes & Hollow Sections Goodluck India, Sikandrabad (U.P.) Goodluck Metallics - Kutch (Gujarat) 30,000 MTPA 1,10,000 MTPA 1,64,000 MTPA Value Added Product Segments High Volume Segment#20GOODLUCK Engineering Structures & Precision Fabrication 20 20 Products & Services Offered Railway & Road Bridges & Girders • Composite Plate Girders Open Web Through • Truss Bridges Bow String Girders • Steel Wire Bridges Special . Structures for Roads & Highways • Bridges Signage Light Pole structures • W Beam Crash Barriers • Security Towers ⚫ Telecom Towers • Foot Over Bridges and Under Bridges . Primary & Secondary Structures for Boilers & Turbine Generators Buckstay, Crane Beams, Columns, Beams Launching Girders For Steel & Concrete Girders Building Structures Airports • Convention Centres Exhibition Halls Stadia . High Rise Commercial & Residential Buildings Technology Structures • Material Handling Structures • Trestles •Conveyor Galleries Pipe Conveyors etc Other Equipment Structures New Areas of Growth Special Formwork for Elevated corridors Special Formwork for Tunnel Boring Machine for High Speed Rail ■ Station Buildings for High Speed Bullet Train Super Critical Bridges for High Speed Bullet Train ■ Smart City Structures ■ Car Port and Solar Parks - Design • Engineering & Supply. Architectural Structures in Wire drawn Bridges Recent development Company recently awarded prestigious Lol of Rs. 198 cr by L&T for High Speed Railway Corridor - for supply and fabrication of bridge on Mumbai - Ahmedabad bullet train route ▪ This is significant as there is huge opportunity in terms of fabrication of advanced technology bridges ■ Has potential to result in significantly higher business#21GOODLUCK Forging Products ■ Forged flanges " Gear rings ■ Gear shanks Forged shafts ■ Blind & tube sheets " Socket welding flanges ■ Slip on flanges ◉ Forging Segment Parts for Defence products Aerospace parts Applications Industries - Aerospace & Defence Automobile Off Road Equipment ■ Nuclear Power Railway Thermal Power Valves ◉ Oil & Gas Fertilizers Wind Energy Suppliers to prestigious Defence programs • Pralay Missiles • Brahmos Missiles • HAL - HTFE Program • Pinaka Rockets & Indigenous Rocket Launcher . Talwar Class Frigates • K9 Vajra - Tracked Howitzer 21 Goodluck Specializes in Stainless Steel, Duplex, Carbon, & Alloy Steel Forgings & Flanges - supplied in more than 100 grade products ■ Industries catered - automotive & truck (HCV), agricultural machinery & equipment, valves, fittings & petrochemical applications; hand tools & hardware; off highway & railroad equipment; general industrial equipment, marine, Aerospace and Defence ■ As part of Constant improvement Company focusing on more and more forged products providing end-to-end solutions ■ Open and Close Die machines - forgings ranging from .300 kgs to 7000 kgs ■ Current Capacity of forging one single piece - 7,000 Kgs with total capacity of 12,000 MT per annum Company added new machinery which will increase capacity of forging single piece to 14,000 Kgs and total capacity per annum to 30,000 MT- enabling manufacturing high value-added products, including Defence#22GOODLUCK With its innovative and progressive approach, Company's product is one of classical product in terms of Quality and Consistency in domestic as well as overseas markets Customer satisfaction remains very high resulting in consistent and incremental repeat order Significant contributor of Export Revenue to Company Precision Pipes & Auto Tubes 8% Applications Industries - Aerospace • Automobile • Construction Equipment • . • Defence . Earth Moving Equipment Fertilizers General Engineering • Heat Exchanger Nuclear Power • Oil & Gas Petrochemical Pressure Vessels Railway Thermal Power Valves Wind Energy Products Offered CDW Tubes ERW Tubes Engineering Tubes ☐ Boiler Tubes 22#23CR Coils, Pipes & Tubes 23 GOODLUCK Products Manufactured ■ Cold Rolled Coils and Sheets - thickness 0.10 mm to 0.70 mm Corrugated Sheets ■ Hollow Sections - ✓ Square Sections ✓ Rectangular Sections ✓ Round Hollow Sections GI Pipes Applications Railway/Road Bridges Support Structure Engaged in manufacturing and exporting of wide range of Cold Rolled Coils and Sheets, and pipes Acclaimed for high tensile strength, long service life and higher efficiency ☐ Supply to OEMs and Govt. projects only#24GOODLUCK IIIII State of art fully equipped - Quality Testing Lab NABL Accreditation: ISO/IEC 17025 24 VMM Inspection (Vision Measuring Machine) Contracer (Contour Measuring System) ■ ■ ■ In-house CHEMICAL and MECHANICAL Labs Performs variety of examination in-house to ensure products quality and meeting each customer's every expectations. NDT, MPP, impact and related various other stringent testing done in-house Special measuring machine VMM (Vision Measuring Machine) and Contracer (Contour Measuring System) for checking close dimensions in finished products having least count 0.1 Micron Spectro Analysis Impact Testing IGC Test Hot Tensile Test with 0.2% proof stress Radiation Checking Parameters 100% PMI for all products 2D & 3D CAD Modelling ◉ 100% Ultrasonic Testing Macro/Micro-Structure 3rd Party Inspection option for 3.2 certification#25GOODLUCK Strategic Direction From Steel Products Manufacturer to Engineering Solutions Provider Strategically shifting focus on increasing value-added products including high margin Auto tubes, Forging and Structure support solutions ◉ Intends to reducing share of CR Coils & Corrugated Sheets 25 Product profile for Engineered value products has increased from 43% to 64% Over next three years Management plans to increase share of value-added products to around 75% from current levels of 64% ◉ All new expansions aimed at achieving this objective Company also diversifying to other value-added high margin products for sectors like Auto, Solar, Railways etc. 60% 57% 55% 54% 52% 50% Regular Products 46% 45% 40% 35% 2013 2014 2015 2016 75% Engineering Value Products 65% 55% 40% 40% 45% 43% 39% 38% 38% 36% 35% 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2013 46% 48% 2014 2015 64% 62% 62% 60% 60% 61% 54% 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022#26GOODLUCK Canada USA Mexico Bolivia Chile Global Footprint Ludhiana Faridabad Sweden UK Russia Kutch Belgium Germany France Nashik & Aurangabad Italy UAE India Ethiopia Oman Ghana Brazil Kenya Sri Lanka Singapore Malaysia Tanzania Madagascar Australia South Africa New Zealand ● Manufacturing Plant Warehouse Export Market Sikandrabad Rudrapur Chennai 26#27Auto Tubes Forgings GOODLUCK M W Global K O D A Audi RENAULT AUTO GM ND Mercedes-Benz CATERPILLAR TOYOTA nexteer AUTOMO7125 Continental ContiTech Gε Global GE Oil & Gas Esteemed Customers Domestic MUNJAL Mahindra SHOWA Rise. GABRIEL SUZUKI ENDURANCE TATA MOTORS talbro ISGEC Complete Solutions BAJAJ voestalpine TENNECO MOTORCYCLES TVS ASHOK LEYLAND A ALLIED GROUP mmm SAINT-GOBAIN WFLABOFORM M MAASS GLOBAL GROUP Edelstahlservice MIDSTEEL FLANGES & FITTINGS LTD Domestic Engineering Structures Domestic ABB GAR ISGEC Creating tomorrow today KSS KazStray Service भारतीय रेल INDIAN RAILWAY + MITSUBISHI HITACHI POWER SYSTEMS LARSEN & TOUBRO 9 इंडियन ऑयल L&T Heavy Engineering It's all about Imagineering Bharat Petroleum Reliance TOSHIBA ALSTOM L&T Defence THE LINDE GROUP Linde EH Endress+Hauser People for Process Automation Godrej IndianOil Technip बी एच ई एल BHEL R DEFENCE R&D TION (EIL) A Navratna Company NPCIL एनटीपीसी NTPC ALSTOM STERLING & WILSON TOSHIBA T2F Reliance ΑΤΛΤΑ Enterprise पावरग्रिड Defence हिएलि HAL इसरो isra BrahMos R D 27#28→ GOODLUCK Industry Overview#29GOODLUCK ☐ Demand would be supported by ◉ growth in domestic market Infrastructure, oil & gas and automotive would drive industry growth US Infra Budget of USD 2-3 trillion to boost demand for export Robust Demand The Indian Opportunity Increasing Investments India is world's 3rd largest producer of crude steel and is poised to become 2nd largest producer Easy availability of low-cost manpower and presence of abundant reserves make India competitive in global setup Policy Support 29 29 ■ Intended steel capacity build-up in India set to result in investments in range of USD 104.2 Billion to USD 208.3 billion by 2030 ■ 301 MOU's have been signed with various states for planned capacity of about 488.6 MT and investment in metal sector is on increase Competitive Advantage ■ Large infrastructure projects in PPP mode National Steel Policy implemented to encourage industry reach global benchmarks Launched Auto Mission plan 2016-26 with target to grow automotive industry 3.5 - 4 times to $260-300 billion ■ Prime Minister's "Gatisheel " to fuel demand for infra products ■ Govt. PLI Scheme to Auto Sector would boost auto demand in turn increasing Company's product demand ■ Scrappage Policy is likely to boost auto demand " Govt. priority of renewable energy over other form of energy such as thermal energy Railways - Government intends to spend about $137.00 billion over next five years to augment railway infrastructure & improve safety standards Company entered large scale fabrication of over bridges and cross over bridges - completed Railway over bridges/Road Bridges of 30,000 mt in last 3 yeas Solar Power - Ministry of New and Renewable Energy revised target of 100 GW from Solar till 2022; US new Policy of increasing investment in renewable energy likely to boost demand for tube vertical Company targeting to increase this vertical up to 25-30%. Same will improve Company's margin profile Infrastructure Company sees strong demand for their products from established industrial houses & government companies like BHEL and NTPC Source:; Ministry of Steel, Government of India;→ GOODLUCK Way Ahead#31GOODLUCK Way Ahead 01 02 Increase share of value-added products to around 75% from current levels of 62% over next 3yrs - incremental Export demand for solar support structure and Torque Tubes would be big opportunity Focus on complex Bridge & Structure vertical which requiring high engineering expertise - also target booming overseas infra market 03 To capitalize on Government's new initiative of PLI scheme in Auto sector & Scrappage policy - Auto Tubes to capitalize on its recent capacity expansion & export to new Auto Market $ 04 gg Forging vertical to further enhance its technical capabilities to meet high technical standards in Aerospace & Defense products - target contribution of 8% -10% from these 05 90 06 Focus on increasing EBITDA Margins and higher ROCE Target to become Free of Long-Term Debt in next 3 years Focus on solar support structure to be in line with Govt. initiative of renewable energy $ ན ㄨ 31#32Thank You GOODLUCK For further information, please contact: Mr. Abhishek Agrawal Goodluck India Ltd Tel: +0120-4196650/99104 96350 Email: [email protected] Website: Mr. Amit Sharma / Ms. Disha Shah Bridge Investor Relations Pvt. Ltd. Tel: +91 98677 26686/ +91 96990 60134 X Email: [email protected], [email protected] Website: 00#33GOODLUCK Disclaimer This presentation has been prepared by Goodluck India Limited ("Goodluck" or the "Company") solely for information purposes and does not constitute any offer, recommendation or invitation to purchase or subscribe for any securities, and shall not form the basis or be relied on in connection with any contract or binding commitment what so ever. No offering of securities of the Company will be made except by means of a statutory offering document containing detailed information about the Company. This Presentation has been prepared by the Company based on information and data which the Company considers reliable, but the Company makes no representation or warranty, express or implied, whatsoever, and no reliance shall be placed on, the truth, accuracy, completeness, fairness and reasonableness of the contents of this Presentation. This Presentation may not be all inclusive and may not contain all of the information that you may consider material. Any liability in respect of the contents of, or any omission from, this Presentation is expressly excluded. Certain matters discussed in this Presentation may contain statements regarding the Company's market opportunity and business prospects that are individually and collectively forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and are subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties and assumptions that are difficult to predict. These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, the performance of the Indian economy and of the economies of various international markets, the performance of the industry in India and world-wide, competition, the company's ability to successfully implement its strategy, the Company's future levels of growth and expansion, technological implementation, changes and advancements, changes in revenue, income or cash flows, the Company's market preferences and its exposure to market risks, as well as other risks. The Company's actual results, levels of activity, performance or achievements could differ materially and adversely from results expressed in or implied by this Presentation. The Company assumes no obligation to update any forward-looking information contained in this Presentation. Any forward-looking statements and projections made by third parties included in this Presentation are not adopted by the Company and the Company is not responsible for such third party statements and projections. 33

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