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#14th International Conference on Rehabilitation and Maintenance in Civil Engineering (ICRMCE) Best Western Solo Baru July, 11-12 2018 42 BIES NATALIS UNS 2018 "Smart Rehabilitation and Maintenance in Civil Engineering for Sustainable Construction" Evaluation of Hub-Spoke Airport Networks in Sumatra Island, Indonesia to Increase Efficiency of Air Transportation 156 Gito Sugiyanto Purwanto Bekti Santosa Jajang Ari Fadli Universitas Sebelas Maret 4th International Conference on Rehabilitation and Maintenance in Civil Engineering (ICRMCE) Smart Rehabilitation and Maintenance in Civil Engineering for Sustainable Construction Solo, Indonesia July 11-12, 2018 Mina Yumei Santi CNY 401#22 Outline Presentation A. Introduction and Background B. Research Aim and Study Location C. Deregulation Hub and Spoke D. HHI for Domestic Flight E. HHI for International Flight F. Flight Route in Indonesia G. Conclusions 3 4 6 7 8 56 N 10#33 ■Introduction and Background Kualanamu International Airport in Deli Serdang, North Sumatra is the 5th busiest airport in Indonesia and the busiest airport in Sumatra Island. Kualanamu International Airport has served 6,374,897 pass. and 37,413,257 kgs of cargo for domestic and 1,629,894 pass. and 4,215,927 kgs of cargo for international flights. Transport logistics service problems: insufficient number of infrastructures, transportation costs that lead to high economic costs, limited network and capacity of nationwide logistics service provider. The alternative solution is to evaluate the hub-and-spoke airport networks. The methods to analysis air transportation (Et) efficiency is Herfindahl-Hirschmann Index (HHI). After the Airline Deregulation Act in 1978, domestic carriers have developed the hub and spoke structures to reduce the overall costs of air travel and to increase travel demand (S. Wei and M. Yanji, 2006).#44 Research Aim and Study Location To evaluate the hub and spoke airport networks in Sumatra Island, Indonesia in existing conditions based on Herfindahl-Hirschmann Index (HHI) to identify air transport efficiency. The HHI analysis: Foice wate BTJ Banda Aceh Bireuce Takeng Meulaboh angejeret Belasa Kutacane MEDAN Berastage KNO Maleisie Kuala Lumpur tapaktsm Pangurura Ank Pame benganga Pantau Pupet Expot Dumst Singappre PKU Pekanbaru 8TH Rangkitang PDG Arget DJB 10 airports for domestic flight 6 airports for international flight. Indische Oceaan Pantak PGK Panghatalarg Rongka Palembang PLM Lubuk Linggas e Perabueralls Bergkas port BKS Baturaja Tanjungkarang Bandarlampung TKG#55 Deregulation Hub and Spoke Network Before Deregulation After Deregulation Hub Hub Hub and Spoke Before Deregulation, seen its routes, with patterns point to point, where there are two airline (red and blue), which operates in 10 cities. With these restructuring and by using a hub and spoke pattern (Fig. 1 After Deregulation), the distribution of the second route each airline operating at a particular area and the main hub and make other destinations as spokes. Fig. 1-Hub and Spoke (Before and After Deregulation)#66 ■ Herfindahl-Hirschmann Index (HHI) for domestic flights 3,572,254 0.02886 0.00083 37,413,257 0.30224 0.09135 0.00573 9,372,979 0.07572 9,308,292 0.07520 0.00565 33,035,468 0.26687 0.07122 6,671,234 0.05389 0.00290 6,088,310 0.04918 0.00242 2,034,146 0.01643 0.00027 11,854,587 0.09576 0.00917 No. Airport (IATA Code) Cargo production (kg) P₁ P₁^² 1. Sultan Iskandar Muda (BTJ) 2. Kualanamu (KNO) 3. Minangkabau (PDG) 4. Sultan Syarif Kasim II (PKU) 5. Hang Nadim (BTH) Depati Amir/Pangkal 6. Pinang (PGK) 7. Sultan Thaha (DJB) 8. Fatmawati Soekarno (BKS) Sultan Mahmud 9. 10. ΣΧ HHI ne n 0.1908 5.2401 10 n (n^2 n.n)^0.5 - e 3.1008 - 0.5 (n (n^2 ne.n)^0.5 - 1.5504 Number of hub airport 2 Badaruddin II (PLM) Radin Inten II/Branti (TKG) 4,437,830 0.03585 0.00129 123,788,357 1.00000 0.19084 Based on the calculation of the Herfindahl- Hirschmann Index (HHI), the number of effective airport (n), and the number of hub airports (h). HHI = Σ P2 P₁ = x; / Σxi With x; is the production of an airport h = 0.5 {n - (n²- (n*ne) 1/2} n = 1/HHI ne Hub airports that serve as a cargo hub are Kualanamu International Airport in North Sumatra and Hang Nadim International Airport in Batam.#7Empty#88 Flight Route in Indonesia 5 LU 0 LU 5 LU 0 LU 95 BT 100 BT 105 BT 110 BT 115 BT 120 BT Zamboanga THAILAND Simeulue B Banyak P. Nas MALAYSIA edan машка Kuala Lumplir 2 Pekan Bau ian 6 4 Kep Riau Kep. Satu SUMATERAS Kep Mentawai Jambi 5 Palembang 18 Bengku BL P. Enggano Lampung BD TG SeTat Bangka Samudera Hindia Fangka Pinang BRUNEI DARUSSALAM Bandar Sri Begawan Kuching 17 KALIMAN Samarinda AN 18 Pontianak Kep. Karimata ari Palangkarayar Banjarmasin NDONESIA Lou Low LAUT SULAWESI P. Tarakan Makassa Corento Malang 23 то SULAWESI 25 26 125 BT 130 BT 135 BT 140 BT PHILIPINA Samudera Pasifik Manade aut Malaku P. Halmahera P Walgee Temate Kep. Bangga P. Obi Manokwari 32 tusof Kep. Su LAUT SERAM 51 Seram Buru Ambon Jayapura PAPUA (Irian Jaya) 5 LU 0 LU PBawean Ujung Pandane P. Butung 5 LU Laut Banda Kep. Aru P Madura Semarang Kep. Kangean Kep. Tanibar NUSA JAWA Surab Malang Yogyakarta Lau Flores BALL Mataram TENGGARA P. Flores P. Wetar Kep. Alor Kep. Babar p.Baba Lomba Sumbawa Selat Sumba Laut Sewu TIMOR LESTE 29 Kupang Laut Arafuru 0 LL Laut Timor 13. Provinsi Jawa Barat Darwin AUSTRALIA 120 BT 125 BT 130 BT 135 BT 14. Provinsi daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 95 BT 100 BT 105 BT 110 BT 115 BT Legenda 1 Provinsi Nangroe Aceh Darussalam Ibukota banda Aceh 12. Provinsi Banten. ☆ Ibukota Negara 2. Provinsi Sumatera Utara 3. Provinsi Sumatera Barat 0 Ibukota Provinsi 4. Provinsi Riau Batas Provinsi 5. Provinsi Jambi 16. Provinsi Jawa Timur Batas Negara 6. Provinsi Riau Kepulauan 7. Provinsi Bengkulu 8. Provinsi Sumatera Selatan 0 500 Mies 0 500 KM 9. Provinsi Bangka Belitung 10. Provinsi lampung 11. Provinsi DKI Jakarta Ibukota Medan Ibukota Padang Ibukota Pekan Baru Ibukota Jambi Ibukota Tanjung Pinang Ibukota Bengkulu Ibukota Palembang Ibukota Pangkalpinang Ibukota Bandar Lampung Ibukota Jakarta 15. Provinsi Jawa Tengah 17. Provinsi Kalimantang Barat 18. Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah 19. Provinsi kalimantan Selatan 20. Provuinsi Kalimantan Timur 21. Provinsi Sulaweu Utara 22. Provinsi Gorontalo Ibukotan Serang Ibukota Bandung Ibukota Yogyakarta Ibukota Semarang Ibukota Surabaya Ibukota Pontianak Ibukota Palangkaraya Ibukota Banjarmasin Ibukota Samarinda Ibukota Manado Ibukota Gorontalo 23. Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah 24. Provinsi Sulawesi Barat 25. Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan 26. provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara 27. Provinsi Bali Ibukota Denpasar 28. Provinsi Nusa tenggara Barat 29. Provinsi Nusa Tenggara timur 30. Provinsi Maluku Utara 31. Provinsi Maluku 32. Provinsi Papua Barat 33. Provinsi Papua Ibukota Palu 140 BT Ibukota Mamuju Ibukota Makassar Ibukota Kendari Ibukota Denpasar Ibukota Mataram Ibukota kupang Ibukota Temate Ibukota Ambon Ibukota Manokwari Ibukota Jayapura#99 Hub: Kualanamu Spoke: Padang, Pekanbaru, Batam, Aceh Hub: Balikpapan Spoke Pontianak, Palangkaraya, Banjarmasin, Mamuju 24 25 31 5 20 26 24 3 6 8 10 Hub: Jakarta 11 15 13 22 18 29 29 30 Hub: Makassar Hub: Ambon Spoke: Ternate, Manokwari, Manado 32 33 Hub Spoke Spoke: Kupang, Kendari, Palu, Hub: Jayapura Gorontalo Spoke: Manokwari 19 Spoke: B.Lampung, Palembang, Pangkal Pinang, Jambi, Bengkulu Hub: Juanda Spoke: Adi Sucipto, Adi Sumarmo, Ngurah Rai, Ahmad Yani Fig. Hub and Spoke with 7 hub Distribution of air transport logistic in Indonesia with 7 hub is not efficient, the value of air transportation (Et) efficiency is 70.28% (Sugiyanto, et al., 2015).#1010 ■Conclusions The Herfindahl-Hirschmann Index (HHI) analysis, indicates 2 hubs for domestic flights and 1 hub (Kualanamu) for international flights. Kualanamu International Airport and Hang Nadim International Airport are indicated as hub airports in Sumatra Island for domestic flights. The efficiency of air cargo transportation in the existing condition scheme with 2 hub airports and 8 spoke airports generates a transport efficiency (E₁) of 68.37%, which is still far above the efficient range of 49-52%. This research was carried out by the financial support of Directorate of Research and Community Services, Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education, Republic of Indonesia through Research Grant "Penelitian Berbasis Kompetensi". All the contributions are acknowledged.#11156 644 Thank You very much. ANY 401

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