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#1AGILE 雅居樂 2021 Annual Results Announcement AGILE GROUP HOLDINGS LIMITED 雅居樂集團控股有限公司 (於開曼群島註冊成立的有限公司)股份代號:3383 AGILE#2Content 01 Results Summary 02 Financial Summary 03 Property Development Business 04 Diversified Businesses 05 Appendix 雅 原鄉 2 The Eden 高黎贡山下的第二人生 AGILE 雅居樂#301 Results Summary AGILE 雅居樂 (Currency: RMB) Deleveraging Total borrowings of 83.9 bn down 14.3% yoy Percentage of short-term borrowings decreased by 4.2 p.p Percentage of Revenue from Diversified Businesses 20.0%, Up 6.7 p.p yoy Operating Cash Flow 930 mn, obtained positive number for 2 consecutive years Percentage of Administrative Expenses 5.5%, down 1.0 p.p yoy to 1.23 bn (-23.5%) Asset Management Disposal of -Non-core and non-consolidated assets -Environmental protection projects Total consideration 12.3 bn 2#402 Financial Summary AGILE 雅居樂 目#5Earnings Performance AGILE 雅居樂 Revenue (RMB mn) 2021 2020 Change Revenue 73,028 80,245 -9.0% -Property Development 58,402 69,547 -16.0% -Property Management and others¹ 14,625 10,698 36.7% Gross Profit and Gross Profit Margin 2021 2020 Change (RMB mn) Gross Profit 19,021 24,102 -21.1% Gross Profit Margin 26.0% 30.0% -4.0 p.p Net Profit (RMB mn) 2021 2020 Change Net Profit 9,098 12,249 -25.7% Net Profit Attributable to Shareholders 6,712 9,475 -29.2% Basic Earnings per Share (RMB) 1.729 2.440 -29.1% Note: 1. Included environmental protection and commercial segments 4#6Balance Sheet & Key Ratios AGILE 雅居樂 (RMB mn) Total Cash 2021.12.31 2020.12.31 Change 2021.6.30 38,420 50,865 -24.5% 57,160 Total Assets 316,560 313,765 +0.9% 330,391 Total Debt 83,874 97,813 -14.3% 97,900 In which, Short-term Debt 29,580 38,569 -23.3% 39,487 Total Equity 89,431 76,970 +16.2% 89,967 Equity Attributable to Shareholders 54,239 50,816 +6.7% 55,071 Current Ratio (x) 1.3x 1.3x 1.3x Liabilities-to-Asset Ratio¹ Net Gearing Ratio² 73.2% 72.3% 71.9% 68.4% 66.6% 2018 2019 2020 1H2021 2021 82.8% 79.1% 61.0% 50.8% 45.3% 2018 2019 2020 1H2021 2021 Note: 1. 2. (Total Assets - Total Equity - Contracted Liabilities)/(Total Assets - Contract Liabilities), <=70% meeting requirement (Total Debt - Total Cash)/ Total Equity, <=100% meeting requirement 5#7Debt Profile AGILE 雅居樂 Debt Maturity Profile (RMB bn) Total debt RMB83.89 bn, yoy down 14.3%; onshore: 54.3%, offshore: 45.7% 34.88 Senior Notes Borrowings due within one year: RMB29.58 bn, RMB4.2 bn has been repaid as of Mar 2022 12.18 Average borrowing cost: 5.87%, 14.59 down 0.09 p.p. compared to 2021 interim 4.04 14.99 Offshore Bank Borrowings Onshore Bank Borrowings Onshore Corporate Bonds Onshore Other Borrowings 3.19 3.81 8.59 13.08 3.59 7.02 6.87 1.33 2.24 3.80 3.33 2.56 3.00 5.76 0.02 2.64 5.58 1.45 0.53 2.36 3.67 1H2022 2H2022 1.05 1H2023 1.20 0.11 2H2023 Over 2 years & within 5 years Over 5 years Currency Composition (RMB bn) Others (Onshore) 9.93 11.8% Bonds Total Debt 19.18 22.9% 83.9 Bank Borrowings 54.77 65.3% Average Borrowing Cost 6.49% 6.20% 7.10% 6.56% 5.96% 5.87% 2017 2018 2019 2020 1H2021 2021 CO#8Cash Flow and Credit Status Net Cash Flows from Operating Activities (RMB bn) 92.4% 3.3 0.9 (14.6) 2019 2020 2021 Full Year Total Credit Lines (RMB bn) 2021 2020 Change Total Credit 170 171 Lines Undrawn Credit 100 88 +13.6% Lines Innovative Financing ➤ 5 years HKD2.418 bn exchangeable bond 3.75 years USD314 mn sustainable bond 2019 Cash Collection Ratio* 88.2% 2020 AGILE 雅居樂 86.1% 2021 * Cash collection ratio on consolidated basis, incl. property development and other segments Onshore CCXR: AAA Union Ratings: AAA Golden Credit Ratings: AAA Ratings Offshore Moody's: B2 7#903 Property Development Business AGILE 雅居樂#10Pre-sale Performance 2021 Pre-sale: RMB139 bn, up 0.6% yoy GFA Pre-sold: 9.72 mn sq.m., down 5.2% yoy Pre-sale ASP: RMB14,303/sq.m., steadily up 6.1% yoy Pre-sale GFA Pre-sold (RMB bn) (mn sq.m.) +0.6% -5.2% 138.2 139.0 10.25 118.0 8.91 9.72 (RMB/sq.m.) AGILE 雅居樂 Pre-sale ASP +6.1% 14,303 13,482 13,240 2019 2020 2021 2019 2020 2021 2019 2020 2021 6#11Sales Distribution AGILE 雅居樂 > 2021 pre-sale contributed by 247 projects in over 85 cities, of which 40 projects were newly launched By region, Southern China and Eastern China accounted for over 55% of the pre-sold GFA; Hainan & Yunnan accounted for over 15% > By city cluster, "Strategically Deepen Penetration" city cluster ((Pearl River Delta (PRD) and Yangtze River Delta (YRD)) accounted for over 53% of the pre-sold GFA Distribution by Regions (by GFA Pre-sold) Distribution by City Clusters (by GFA Pre-sold) Overseas 0.2% Northeast China 0.6% Central China Overseas 0.2% Chengyu 6.0% China Northern 7.2% Southern China (GBA) 25.0% BJ-TJ- Hebei Central 7.8% PRD 32.0% 9.5% Western & Western China 9.72 China 13.4% 10.7% mn sq.m. Southern 9.72 mn sq.m. China (excl. Hainan & GBA) Yunnan 7.4% 14.7% Eastern China Others YRD 19.4% 21.2% 24.6% 10 10#12Sales Strategy Adjustment AGILE 雅居樂 Q1-2 Sales resumed normal Q3 Sales declined 25% over Q2 due to market changes In Q4, the Company actively adjusted its marketing strategy with multiple measures adopted, as a result pre-sales increased 37% over Q3 and returned to the level of Q1-2 > Of which, pre-sales of self-operated projects amounted to RMB87.3 bn, accounting for 63% of the total 2021 Pre-sale (by Quarter) 2021 Pre-sale (by Type of Project) 39.5 Pre-sale(RMB bn) -Monthly Average Pre-sale (RMB bn) 35.8 36.8 Cooperation 33% 26.9 13.2 11.9 12.3 9.0 Q1 2021 Q2 2021 Q3 2021 Q4 2021 Agent Construction 4% RMB139.0 bn Self- operation 63% 111#13New Land Acquisition AGILE 雅居樂 Newly Acquired Land: 29; Land cost: RMB27.8 bn; Attributable Land cost: RMB12.5 bn; Gross Saleable Resources: RMB79.1 bn; Attributable Saleable Resources: RMB37.3 bn > Average Land Cost: RMB6,565/s.q.m., Cost to Price Ratio: 35% By region, Newly Acquired Land in Greater Bay Area (GBA) and Yangtsz River Delta (YRD) : 17; Land cost: RMB21.4 bn; Attributable Land cost: RMB8.0 bn; Gross Saleable Resources: RMB54.9 bn; Attributable Saleable Resources: RMB22.2 bn > Acquisition method: Tender, Auction & Listing for Sale (TAL): 33.1%; Featured Town & Urban Renewal: 38.4%; M&A: 28.5% By Acquisition Method Total Newly Acquired Land GBA & YRD* Project Gross Attribu- table Gross Attribu- table Number of M&A/ Newly Acquired 29 29 17 17 Projects Equity Acquisition 28.5% Total Planned GFA 4.24 2.81 2.39 1.45 (mn sq.m.) Land Cost 27.8 12.5 21.4 8.0 (RMB bn) Saleable Resources 79.1 37.3 54.9 22.2 (RMB bn) TAL (Wholly- owned) 4.5% 4.24 mn sq.m. TAL (Partnership) 28.6% Featured Town & Urban Renewal 38.4% * Including Guangzhou, Zhongshan, Foshan and other Greater Bay Areas; Shanghai, Nanjing, Yangzhou, Shaoxing, Changzhou, Wuxi, Qidong, Suzhou, Xuzhou and other Yangtze River Delta areas 12#14Land Bank Northeast China 0.08 Region mn sq.m. (0.2%) Northern China Region (8.6%) 4.06 mn sq.m. Gross Land Bank 47.37 mn sq.m. Land Cost RMB3,651/sq.m. Central China Region (9.1%) Western 4.31 mn sq.m. Attributable Land Bank 35.51 mn sq.m. Land Cost RMB3,450/ sq.m. China Region (9.4%) 4.46 mn sq.m. Yunnan 4.71 Region mn sq.m. (10.0%) Hainan 3.30 Region mn sq.m. (7.0%) Overseas (0.7%) 0.33 mn sq.m. Remarks: *Disposed Guangzhou Asian Games City, Xuzhou and Yiwu projects in 2022, please refer to the announcements for details AGILE 雅居樂 Eastern China 10.31 Region mn sq.m. (21.8%) Southern China 15.80 Region mn sq.m. (33.4%) Hong 0.02 Kong mn sq.m. Figures above are on gross basis unless otherwise stated 13#15Land Bank in GBA, YRD and Hainan A total of 52 projects in Greater Bay Area, value over RMB250.0 bn GFA 12.40 mn sq.m., 26.2% of the total land bank, sufficient for development in the coming 5-6 years GBA Land Bank Distribution A total of 48 projects in Yangtze River Delta, value over RMB92.0 bn GFA 5.66 mn sq.m., 11.9% of the total land bank, sufficient for development in the coming 3-5 years YRD Land Bank Distribution AGILE 雅居樂 A total of 7 projects in Hainan, value over RMB87.0 bn GFA 3.30 mn sq.m., 7% of the total land bank, sufficient for development in the coming 3-5 years Hainan Land Bank Distribution (mn sq. m.) (mn sq. m.) % % Zhongshan Nanjing 49.1% 6.08 Yangzhou 0.78 1.05 18.5% 13.8% Lingao Town Project Agile Golden Bay Area Project Starlight Main Urban Agile Hainan City Hainan Huizhou 2.44 19.7% Other 0.75 13.2% Map of Guangzhou 1.98 Changzhou 0.72 12.8% Hainan Haikou 16.0% Province Lingao Wenchang Xuzhou 0.64 11.3% Foshan 0.94 7.6% Wuxi 0.57 10.1% Hefei 0.41 7.3% Zhaoqing 0.69 5.6% Qidong 0.26 4.6% Zhuhai 0.14 1.2% Huzhou 0.16 2.8% Wanning Lingshui Nantong 0.11 1.9% Jiangmen 0.09 0.7% Changshu 0.10 1.8% Clearwater Bay Hong Kong 0.02 0.2% Shanghai 0.10 1.8% Shangen Bay Project Agile Shanqin Bay Total GFA: 12.40 mn sq.m. Total GFA: 5.66 mn sq.m. * Others include Suzhou, Jiaxing, Wuhu, Yixing and Kunshan, etc. Total GFA: 3.30 mn sq.m. 14#16Development Plan in 2022 > Projected GFA under development in 2022 is approx. 18.48 mn sq.m.; including New Start GFA of 2.74 mn sq.m. Completed GFA is 10.16 mn sq.m., up 57% yoy In 2022, inventory in which we have control or operate GFA: 17.32 mn. sq.m. accounting for 94% AGILE Geographical Breakdown of GFA Under Development Overseas 3.3% 雅居樂 (mn sq.m.) 2022 Projected 2021 Actual Total GFA under Northeast China 0.5% 18.48 22.61 Development* GFA under Northern China 7.4% Construction at the 15.74 18.23 Beginning of the Year Central China 9.3% Eastern China 27.7% New Start GFA 2.74 4.38 Northwest China 14.5% 18.48 mn sq.m. Completed GFA* 10.16 6.47 Southern China (GBA) Year-end GFA under 8.32 16.14 construction* Hainan & Yunan 14.7% Southern China 15.4% (ex. GBA) 7.2% *Above Ground GFA 15#17Saleable Resources in 2022 AGILE 雅居樂 Over RMB204.7 bn of saleable resources > Among them, the value of self-operated projects was RMB145.7 bn, accounting for 69%. Self- operated projects account for a high proportion of the value of goods, which has laid a solid foundation for the subsequent revitalization of sales funds 17 newly launched projects Around 12.03 mn sq.m. of end-users & upgraders product type Reasonable saleable resources distribution 2022 (Expected) Number of Saleable Project 207 2021 2020 170 238 40 17 46 216 Geographic Breakdown (by GFA) Northeast China Existing Project New Project Product Composition (by GFA) Overseas 0.9% 0.6% Northern Central China China 7.9% 5.5% Western Eastern China (mn. sq.m.) 14.63 15.64 13.98 2% 1% 1% 15% 12% 13% 25.8% China 13.98 12.8% Mn sq.m. 84% 87% 86% Southern Hainan & China Yunnan 15.9% Southern China (GBA) 22.2% (ex. GBA) 2020 2021 2022 8.6% 255 247 End-users & Upgraders Cultrual & Tourism High-end 16#18Asset Management AGILE 雅居樂 Facing the liquidity crunch in 2H2021, the property segment reacted quickly with efficient organization and strict discipline, several properties were classified and disposed of at the right timing, with a total consideration of RMB11.12 bn > List of Asset Disposed in 2021 Shanghai Hefei Project 14 Non-core Properties Subtotal > List of Asset Disposed in 2022 Acquisition Consideration (RMB bn) 4.8 0.679 2.8 8.279 Project City Actual Shareholdings Acquisition Consideration (RMB bn) Guangzhou Asian Games City Project Guangzhou 26.66% 1.843 Site 1 in Xuzhou City Xuzhou 33.00% 0.305 Site 2 in Xuzhou City Xuzhou 33.00% 0.271 Site in Yiwu City Subtotal Yiwu 24.00% 0.423 2.842 17#19Commercial & Cultural Tourism AGILE 雅居樂 Huadu Yale City: Agile launched its first commercial IP, achieving annual sales of 270 mn, expected to be profitable in its first full year of operation Established strategic partnerships with commercial IPs such as Ssseur, Zhuhai Duty Free Group and GSUM Fund to strengthen real estate management capabilities and help implement synergistic projects through the integration of resources Clearwater Bay Yacht Club was awarded a national permanent open port Clearwater Bay was awarded a provincial tourism resort; in future, it will integrate with product lines of various business sectors under the Commercial & Cultural Tourism segment to create a benchmark project: a large-scale complex IP comprise of multiple sectors including culture, commercial and tourism Real Estate Construction Management 16 new agent construction contracts were signed in 2021 a total contracted area of 3.03 mn sq. m. 2 new government agent-construction projects were signed in 2021 for a total area of 0.79 mn sq. m. in Suining, Xuzhou City and Guian New Area, Guiyang City New contracted agent-construction projects in 2021 are mainly located in second-tier cities, with the contracted value reached 66%, which significantly increased our urban function level > Focusing on the company's 18 deepen penetration cities in business expansion 18#20Urban Renewal Regional Strategic Layout → 12 strategic cities: Entered: 6 cities To enter: 6 cities Northwest China (Xi'an ) Western China (Chengdu & Chongqing ) Northern China (Beijing) Eastern China (Shanghai & Nanjing) Greater Bay Area (Guangzhou, Zhongshan, Foshan, Dongguan) Southwest China (Kunming) Hainan (Sanya) AGILE 雅居樂 Multi-channels for Project Acquisition: Secured a total of 8 projects in 2021, including 3 projects gained in open market, 4 projects through old village voting and 1 project through cooperation agreement Gross locked-in value: RMB113 bn, secured GFA: 3.91 mn sq. m. > Future Development: ■Comprehensive review: In 2021, all projects will be comprehensively reviewed in terms of project location, volume, investment, progress, and future calculations. Focus on the transformation of projects in 6 key core cities, and choose an opportunity to accelerate progress and increase investment in 2H2022, such as Guangzhou Liwan Kengkou Project, Dongguan Hengli Project, Xi'an Taoyuan Sanfang Project, etc. 19#21Featured Town AGILE 雅居樂 Industrial Town Spanned 27 cities in 13 provinces and signed 28 investment agreements Industrial Town: featuring sports, cultural tourism and rehabilitation Officially secured 2 projects in the first half of the year: Chongqing Tianding Yinxiang and Zhongshan Ma'an Island Project Industrial Operation: "New Health, New Cultural Tourism", focusing on operation and creating a series of products in LOHAS WORLD Industrial Property By the end of 2021, the Company acquired 9 industrial projects with a total scale of approximately 680,000 sq.m., consolidated net profit margin was 14.8%, average IRR over 60%; cumulative contracted amount was RMB1.665 bn and return amount was RMB1.222 bn 3 new acquisitions in 2021, with a total scale of approximately 200,000 sq.m., consolidated net profit margin was approximately 11%, IRR over 60%; annual contracted amount increased 42% yoy to RMB882 mn, and return amount increased 67% yoy to RMB700 mn Expansion strategy: Yangtze River Delta: continue to focus on key expansion areas such as southern Jiangsu, Nanjing and Hefei Greater Bay Area: Collaboration with urban renewal, focusing on Foshan, Dongguan and other core cities 20 20#22Enhancing Operational Efficiency Enhancing Organisational Efficiency Integrating larger property business Promoting agent-construction management, urban renewal, in- depth integration of commercial and conventional properties Reform in the internal management of comprehensive properties Organisational hierarchy adjusted from 3.5 levels to Group-Region- Project 2.5 levels, thereby achieving enhancement in organisational efficiency AGILE 雅居樂 Remarkable Achievements Area developed per capita of 15,600 sq.m., representing a year-on-year increase of 25%, which is at an industry-leading level Pre-sales area per capita of 38.38 mn sq.m., representing a year-on-year increase of 9% Product Standardisation Comprehensive standardisation rate of 70%, representing a year-on-year increase of 8%, Standardisation rate in buildings: 45% The 85 standardized house types in the building library cover 89% of the strategically deepen penetration Standardisation rate in facades: 56%, representing a year-on-year increase of 28% 3 types of good-looking and low-cost facades can substantially cover the project demand and achieve 15%-20% of cost optimisation Standardisation rate in landscape: 90% 8 major hardscape modules fit with 80%+ of projects with rigid demand Continuously Intensifying the 5N Product System Continuously improving product marketability and striving to create high quality, good-looking and high- tech products targeted consumers in the new era 21#2304 70 Diversified Businesses AGILE 雅居樂#24Diversified Businesses AGILE 雅居樂 YoY Growth (RMB mn) 2019 2020 2021 YoY Growth CAGR Percentage Revenue 6,062 10,698 14,625 3,927 +37% +55% Gross Profit 2,008 2,906 3,749 843 +29% +37% Percentage of Diversified Businesses Revenue 13.3% 10.0% 20.0% 2019 2020 2021 * Excluded inter-segment sales (RMB mn) Breakdown of Diversified Businesses Revenue 10,698 2,845 +37% 14,625 3,295 6,062 11,330 2,484 7,853 3,577 2019 2020 ■Others (Environmental Protection and Commercial) 2021 A-Living* 23 22#25A-Living AGILE 雅居樂 (RMB mn) 2019 2020 2021 YoY Growth YoY Growth Percentage CAGR Revenue 5,127 10,026 14,080 4,054 +40% +66% Gross Profit 1,883 2,973 3,869 896 +30% +43% (RMB mn) Revenue & Growth Rate (by Business Lines) 2020 1 +34% 8,658 6,482 +77% Net Profit & Net Profit Margin (by Business Lines) (RMB mn) 2021 2020 2020 Net Profit Margin Non-cyclical businesses increased by 49% +27% 1,867 1,053 698 +15% 2,857 2,491 ■2021 × 2021 Net Profit Margin Non-cyclical +8% businesses 37.5% X 33.0% increased by 45% 1,023 804 +56% 31.1% 29.1% 832 774 617 12.4% 11.8% 394 X 13.5% 94 PM Services Property Owners VAS City Services Extended VAS PM Services Property Owners VAS City Services Extended VAS 24#26A-Living Management Scale (mn sq.m.) 522.6 31/12/2020 663.1 ■31/12/2021 (mn sq.m.) AGILE Third-party Market Expansion Newly-added contracted GFA from third- party 雅居樂 Proportion of third-party expansion in newly-add GFA (Excl. M&A) 69.33 84.6% 71.7% 488.9 56.9% 45.63 374.8 32.74 Contracted GFA GFA under Management Revenue Mix - Revenue from non-cyclical businesses increased 2019 2020 2021 Net Profit Mix - Net profit from non-cyclical businesses increased Extended Extended VAS VAS Extended Extended 25% Non- 20% VAS VAS Non- cyclical 39% Non- 32% Non- cyclical cyclical Businesses 75% Businesses Businesses 80% 61% cyclical Businesses 68% 2020 2021 2020 2021 25 25#27Environmental Protection AGILE 雅居樂 YoY Growth (RMB mn) 2019 2020 2021 YoY Growth CAGR Percentage Revenue 1,510 2,289 2,767 478 +21% +35% Gross Profit 509 653 666 13 +2% +14% Project Type and Operation Status Project in operation: 34; Project under construction: 3; All are expected to be in operation in 2022 Disposed 5 environmental projects: total consideration RMB1.129 bn Actual processing capacity and growth rate of eash business as follow: Project Type and Operation Status 34 Projects 4 27 27 3 Projects 1 Under Construction or in Preparation Integrated Industrial Park Domestic Waste-to-energy Water Treatment Hazardous Waste Business Actual 2021 YoY Growth Processing Capacity Hazardous Waste Treatment 0.645 +84% (mn tonne) Water Treatment 134.77 +33% (mn tonne) Domestic Waste-to-Energy 2021 Accumulated Projects in Operation Common Solid Waste 2.17 +72% Treatment (mn tonne) Waste-to-Energy (mn 709 +79% kwh) 26#28New Ventures-Weltmeister's New Energy Vehicle and Pearl River Bridge's Condiment AGILE 雅居樂 Operation Mode: Deepen the operation model of "focusing on property development, supported by a synergy of diversified businesses" Value Creation: The future growth of Weltmeister and Pearl River Bridge Biotech's market share and profitability will create more value for shareholders and investors Synergistic Effect: Relying on the Company's main business in real estate and diversified businesses such as property management, effective synergies will be created with the new energy vehicles and condiment sectors in terms of sales empowerment and brand promotion (111) 威马汽车 仙 WELTMEISTER Profile: Approximately 4.58% equity interest in Wetmesiter after the investment, cash contribution amounted to USD140 mn Financial Effect: Financial investments, the interests thereof will be accounted for as financial assets in Agile's results Investment Value: The new energy vehicle industry has an apparent growth tendency with a huge market volume. Through the investment in Weltmeister, the Company has successfully tapped into the new energy vehicle sector 珠江橋牌® PEARL RIVER BRIDGE Profile: 25.90% equity interest in Pearl River Bridge Biotech after the investment by a consideration of RMB234 mn Financial Effect: Using equity method to recognize investment income from investment in Pearl River Bridge Biotech Investment Value: Pearl River Bridge's export business has long been in the forefront of domestic condiment companies. It will steadily develop overseas and domestic markets to bring return on investment for the Company leveraging on its massive market share 27 22#2905 50 Appendix AGILE 雅居樂 LIN LOTT#302021 New Land Acquisition Table AGILE 雅居樂 Site Name City Attributable Interests (%) Site Area Total Planned GFA Land Cost (sq. m.) (sq. m.) (RMB mn) Southern China Region 1 Site in Jinghu Avenue Guangzhou 20% 54,400 119,680 1,450 2 Site in Ma'an Island Zhongshan 24.5% 503,617 850,211 3,820 3 Site in Shunde District Foshan 51% 27,407 61,477 370 4 Site in Sanshui District Foshan 33% 56,284 140,709 884 5 Site in Jiangdong New District Heyuan 50% 64,806 162,015 316 Subtotal 706,514 1,334,092 6,840 Eastern China Region 6 Site in Gaochun District Nanjing 50% 38,602 54,043 213 7 8 Industrial site in Huaisi Industrial site in Feidong Site in Songjiang District 10 Site in Keqiao District 9 Yangzhou 100% 48,430 77,017 15 Hefei 100% 79,893 108,437 17 Shanghai 25.3% 88,442 101,709 2,561 Shaoxing 51% 63,836 76,603 2,047 11 Site in Tianning District Changzhou 50% 40,131 80,262 1,633 12 Site in Economic Development Zone Wuxi 23% 21,820 46,766 936 13 Site in Huashi Road East Qidong 40% 72,182 137,435 1,602 14 Site in Xiangcheng Development Zone Suzhou 51% 49,913 89,843 1,231 15 Agile Champion Town Weihai Weihai 64.8% 139,731 209,597 168 16 Site in Economic Development Zone Xuzhou 33% 61,002 133,326 821 17 Site in Shitongshan District Xuzhou 33% 53,949 120,517 913 18 Site in Economic Development Zone Yiwu 24% 43,820 92,013 2,819 Site in Development Zone Huai'an 100% 65,855 97,636 20 19 (Industrial Property) Subtotal 867,606 1,425,205 14,995 29 29#312021 New Land Acquisition Table AGILE 雅居樂 Site Name City Attributable Interests (%) Site Area Total Planned GFA Land Cost (sq. m.) (sq. m.) (RMB mn) Western China Region 20 Site in Shiqiao Street 21 Site in Lianhu District 22 Site in Banan District Chengdu 34% 62,450 158,900 571 Xi'an 49% 68,651 192,223 1,236 Chongqing 60% 79,883 123,379 498 23 Site in Bishan District Chongqing 51% 75,003 113,771 338 24 Site in Tianding Yinxiang Land Chongqing 100% 98,981 232,199 312 25 Site in Xuzhou District Yibin 40% 150,963 421,931 425 Subtotal 535,931 1,242,403 3,380 Central China Region 26 Site in Gaoxin District Yunnan Region 27 Site in Xishan District Northeast China Xiangyang 60% 37,700 69,820 197 Kunming 50% 9,836 39,344 218 28 Site in Hunnan District Shenyang 100% 36,300 76,700 673 Northern China Region 29 Site in Mentougou District Beijing 100% 52,916 51,938 1,530 Total 2,246,803 4,239,501 27,833 30 30#32Disclaimer AGILE 雅居樂 This presentation may contain forward-looking statements. Any such forward-looking statements are based on a number of assumptions about the operations of the Agile Group Holdings Limited (the "Company" ) and factors beyond the Company's control and are subject to significant risks and uncertainties, and accordingly, actual results may differ materially from these forward-looking statements. The Company undertakes no obligation to update these forward-looking statements for events or circumstances that occur subsequent to such dates. The information in this presentation should be considered in the context of the circumstances prevailing at the time of its presentation and has not been, and will not be, updated to reflect material developments which may occur after the date of this presentation. The slides forming part of this presentation have been prepared solely as a support for oral discussion about background information about the Company. This presentation also contains information and statistics relating to the China and property development industry. The Company has derived such information and data from unofficial sources, without independent verification. The Company cannot ensure that these sources have compiled such data and information on the same basis or with the same degree of accuracy or completeness as are found in other industries. You should not place undue reliance on statements in this presentation regarding the property development industry. No representation or warranty, express or implied, is made as to, and no reliance should be placed on, the fairness, accuracy, completeness or correctness of any information or opinion contained herein. It should not be regarded by recipients as a substitute for the exercise of their own judgment. Information and opinion contained in this presentation may be based on or derived from the judgment and opinion of the management of the Company. Such information is not always capable of verification or validation. None of the Company or financial adviser of the Company, or any of their respective directors, officers, employees, agents or advisers shall be in any way responsible for the contents hereof, or shall be liable for any loss arising from use of the information contained in this presentation or otherwise arising in connection therewith. This presentation does not take into consideration the investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs of any particular investor. It shall not to be construed as a solicitation or an offer or invitation to buy or sell any securities or related financial instruments. No part of it shall form the basis of or be relied upon in connection with any contract or commitment whatsoever. This presentation may not be copied or otherwise reproduced. This presentation does not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any securities in the United States or any other jurisdiction in which such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful prior to registration or qualification under the securities laws of any such jurisdiction. No securities may be offered or sold in the United States absent registration or an applicable exemption from registration requirements. Any public offering of securities to be made in the United States will be made by means of a prospectus. Such prospectus will contain detailed information about the company making the offer and its management and financial statements. No public offer of securities is to be made by the Company in the United States. © 2022 Agile Group Holdings Limited. All rights reserved.

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