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#115TH NATIONAL CONVENTION ON STATISTICS 03-05 OCTOBER 2022 Organized by the Philippine Statistical System Spearheaded by the Philippine Statistics Authority Developing the Water Flow Accounts of Region X Brenda Lynn M. Castro Supervising Statistical Specialist Philippine Statistics Authority - X Session on Environment and Ecosystem Accounts Crowne Plaza Galleria Manila 10:30 AM - 12:00 NN, 05 October 2022 PHILIPPINE STAT STATISTICS Solid Responsive AUTHORITY World-class#215TH NATIONAL CONVENTION ON STATISTICS 03-05 OCTOBER 2022 Organized by the Philippine Statistical System Spearheaded by the Philippine Statistics Authority PHILIPPINE STAT STATISTICS Introduction · · Physical Flow Accounting of Water Resources in Northern Mindanao as a pilot environmental accounting project of Region X in response to the request of the Regional Statistics Committee - X for PSA to do environmental-economic accounting. • Average GRDP growth of 6.0 percent from 2000-2020. Second biggest contributor to the gross value added of Agriculture, Fishing, and Forestry in the country since 2013. • Need to have a coherent information to allow policymakers and program implementers understand how the natural resources are being used as inputs to the economic activities of the region. Allows decision makers to assess whether the region is gearing towards sustainable development. Developing the Water Flow Accounts of Region X Solid Responsive AUTHORITY World-clas 2#315TH NATIONAL CONVENTION ON STATISTICS 03-05 OCTOBER 2022 Organized by the Philippine Statistical System Spearheaded by the Philippine Statistics Authority PHILIPPINE STAT STATISTICS What is Physical Flow Accounting? • The physical flow accounts for water resources describe the flows of water to and from the environment and the economy. The accounts cover the entire process of water supply and use - from the initial abstraction of water from the environment into the economy, to the flows within the economy done by the different industries and households, and finally, return flows from the economy back to the environment. Developing the Water Flow Accounts of Region X Solid Responsive AUTHORITY World-class 3#415TH NATIONAL CONVENTION ON STATISTICS 03-05 OCTOBER 2022 STATISTICS PHILIPPINE STAT SUPPLY TABLE Industries (by PSIC) Organized by the Philippine Statistical System Spearheaded by the Philippine Statistics Authority Agriculture, Forestry & Fishery Manufacturing (PSIC A) (PSIC C) Electricity, gas, steam & air conditioning supply (PSIC D) Water collection, treatment & supply Households Other Industries Total Industry (PSIC E) (PSIC F-S) 1. Sources of Abstracted Water: Inland Water Resources of which: Surface water of which: Groundwater Other Water Sources TOTAL SUPPLY ABSTRACTED WATER 2. Water: For distribution For own use 3. Wastewater and reused water: Total Wastewater of which: wastewater to treatment of which: own treatment Reused water produced (for distribution) TOTAL WASTEWATER AND REUSED WATER 4. Return flows of water: To inland water resources To other sources of which: losses in distribution TOTAL RETURN FLOWS 5. Evaporation of abstracted water, transpiration and water incorporated into products: Evaporation of abstracted water Transpiration Water incorporated into products TOTAL WATER EVAPORATED, TRANSPIRED AND INCORPORATED INTO PRODUCTS TOTAL SUPPLY Developing the Water Flow Accounts of Region X Solid CS AUTHORITY Responsive Flows from the Rest of Flows from the Environment TOTAL SUPPLY the World (Imports) World-class 4#515TH NATIONAL CONVENTION ON STATISTICS 03-05 OCTOBER 2022 USE TABLE Industries (by PSIC) Agriculture, Forestry & Fishery Manufacturing Electricity, gas, steam & air conditioning supply Water collection, treatment & supply Households Other Industries Total Industry (PSIC A) (PSIC C) (PSIC D) (PSIC E) (PSIC F-S) 1. Sources of Abstracted Water: Inland Water Resources of which: Surface water of which: Groundwater Other Water Sources TOTAL USE ABSTRACTED WATER 2. Water (use): Distributed water Own use of water 3. Wastewater and reused water: Total Wastewater of which: wastewater received from other units of which: own treatment Reused water (distributed reuse) TOTAL WASTEWATER AND REUSED WATER 4. Retum flows of water: To inland water resources To other sources TOTAL RETURN FLOWS 5. Evaporation of abstracted water, transpiration and water incorporated into products: Evaporation of abstracted water Transpiration Water incorporated into products TOTAL WATER EVAPORATED, TRANSPIRED AND INCORPORATED INTO PRODUCTS TOTAL USE Developing the Water Flow Accounts of Region X Organized by the Philippine Statistical System Spearheaded by the Philippine Statistics Authority Accumu-lation Flows from the Rest of Flows from the Environment the World (Imports) PHILIPPINE STAT STATISTICS Solid TOTAL USE Responsive 5 AUTHORITY World-class#615TH NATIONAL CONVENTION ON STATISTICS 03-05 OCTOBER 2022 Organized by the Philippine Statistical System Spearheaded by the Philippine Statistics Authority PHILIPPINE STAT STATISTICS Solid. Responsive Framework Sections Abstraction of water from the environment Distribution and use of abstracted water Flows of wastewater and reused water Description Refers to the amount of water removed from any source, either permanently or temporarily, for final consumption and production. abstracted water either used by the same economic unit that abstracts or distributed to other economic units. wastewater (discarded and no longer required by the owner or user) can be discharged directly to the environment (or return flow), supplied to a sewerage facility or supplied to another economic unit for further use (reused water). Developing the Water Flow Accounts of Region X AUTHORITY World-clas 6#715TH NATIONAL CONVENTION ON STATISTICS 03-05 OCTOBER 2022 Organized by the Philippine Statistical System Spearheaded by the Philippine Statistics Authority PHILIPPINE STAT STATISTICS Solid. Responsive Framework Sections Return flows of wastewater to the environment Evaporation, transpiration and water incorporated into products Description water that is returned to the environment and is recorded as being supplied to the environment. flows of evaporation are recorded when water is distributed between economic units after abstraction. Transpiration of water occurs when soil water is absorbed by cultivated plants as they grow and is subsequently released to the atmosphere. Amount of water incorporated into products are shown as supplied by the relevant industry (e.g., water is used in the manufacture of beverages). Developing the Water Flow Accounts of Region X AUTHORITY World-clas 7#815TH NATIONAL CONVENTION ON STATISTICS 03-05 OCTOBER 2022 Methodology Organized by the Philippine Statistical System Spearheaded by the Philippine Statistics Authority PHILIPPINE STAT STATISTICS Data Sources Abstraction for own use • NWRB's Water Permit Grants • NIA Data on Inventory of Irrigated Systems • BFAR data on aquafarms and hatcheries • PSA Livestock and Poultry Inventory Developing the Water Flow Accounts of Region X Estimation Assumed that permittees are operating at max capacity Water duty of 2LPS per hectare Productive Area (in sq m)*0.9m L&P Inventory * daily water requirement of major animals set by DOST-PCAARRD*365 days Solid Responsive AUTHORITY World-class 8#915TH NATIONAL CONVENTION ON STATISTICS 03-05 OCTOBER 2022 Methodology Abstraction for . own use • Organized by the Philippine Statistical System Spearheaded by the Philippine Statistics Authority Data Sources Water abstraction by power plants Proportion of water used by water districts (p) Abs own use water collection where: p = Estimation = p✶ (Abs NWRB water collection + Water Production water Districts) • PSA Population projection, PIDS' per capita daily water requirement of 54L (1999 study) Developing the Water Flow Accounts of Region X PHILIPPINE STAT STATISTICS Solid Responsive percentage of water for own use by water districts relative to its total water production Population water requirement = projected population 0.054 365 * Household abstraction for own use = Water Reqpop - Water Sold households AUTHORITY World-class 9#1015TH NATIONAL CONVENTION ON STATISTICS 03-05 OCTOBER 2022 Methodology Abstraction for distribution Organized by the Philippine Statistical System Spearheaded by the Philippine Statistics Authority PHILIPPINE STAT STATISTICS Solid- Responsive Data Sources Proportion of water sold by water districts (p) Estimation Abstracted water of water collection industry for distribution = p (Abs NWRB water collection + Water Production water Districts) where: p = percentage of water sold by water districts relative to its total water production Wastewater and reused water Proportion of wastewater over water production of selected industries (powerplants, selected manufacturing industries) Wastewater = P(Abstracted water for own use of the ith industry) 1-1 where: P₁ = percentage of wastewater of the ith industry relative to its total water production Developing the Water Flow Accounts of Region X AUTHORITY World-class 10#1115TH NATIONAL CONVENTION ON STATISTICS 03-05 OCTOBER 2022 Methodology Return flows Losses • Data Sources Results of the study on Consumptive Water-Use Coefficients for the Great Lakes Basin and Climatically Similar Areas and Guidelines for the Compilation of Water Accounts and Statistics . Proportion of water loss over distributed water reported by water districts Proportion of water loss over abstracted water for own use reported by industries Developing the Water Flow Accounts of Region X where: Organized by the Philippine Statistical System Spearheaded by the Philippine Statistics Authority Estimation PHILIPPINE STAT STATISTICS Volume of return flow = Σuse₁ * (1-WUC₁) i=1 use, = volume of water used of the ith industry Solid Responsive AUTHORITY World-class 11#1215TH NATIONAL CONVENTION ON STATISTICS 03-05 OCTOBER 2022 Methodology Water incorporated into products Evaporation and transpiration Water Use Efficiency Data Sources Percentage of water incorporated into products by selected beverage industries over total abstraction for own use PSA's Regional Accounts of the Philippines Organized by the Philippine Statistical System Spearheaded by the Philippine Statistics Authority Estimation PHILIPPINE STAT STATISTICS residual method to satisfy the supply and use identity GVA per industry/Volume of Water used Solid Responsive AUTHORITY World-class Developing the Water Flow Accounts of Region X 12#1315TH NATIONAL CONVENTION ON STATISTICS 03-05 OCTOBER 2022 Activities Conducted APPRECIATION TRAININ SYSTEM OF ENVIRONM ECONOMIC ACCOUN 2012 CEN FRAMEW SE FRONOMIC ACCOUNTAN SEEA-CF Appreciation Training on 10-12 March 2021 Developing the Water Flow Accounts of Region X ° Recording. Organized by the Philippine Statistical System Spearheaded by the Philippine Statistics Authority PHILIPPINE STAT STATISTICS PSA10 Sarah PSAX Brenda Castro DILG POMU Juna.. PAGASA Victor Fl PSA Northern Mi.. PSA, Secretariat NEDA X Mezlai. NPC Marichu C... PSA ENRAD Vir... Rey Abayan PSA ENRAD John PSA ENRAD Mic NEDA Star Penal... PSA ENRAD Fati PSA ENRAD Faith PSA ENRAD My... PSA RSSO X Co-... DILG 10 PDMU... PSA-ENRAD Dar... NEDA-X John Ro... Solid View 22 + End Mute Stop Video Security Participants Polls More 3165 Responsive AUTHORITY World-class SON ON 2008 TECHNICAL SESSION ON WATER FLOW ACCOUNTS FOR THE TECHNICAL WORKING GROUP OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES ACCOUNTING IN REGION X TWG Technical Session on May 2021 13#1415TH NATIONAL CONVENTION ON STATISTICS 03-05 OCTOBER 2022 Activities Conducted t PSA-ENRAD Dar... PSA ENRAD Nic... WATER PERMIT LISTINGS AS OF SEPTEMBER 201 021-12-20-14:42:37 Series of Technical Sessions with ENRAD Developing the Water Flow Accounts of Region X Organized by the Philippine Statistical System Spearheaded by the Philippine Statistics Authority Ada Berwery Inc has a f Deepwell No. with potating Print Nos. Derpwell-100 Depa 1434 Degella sot With the Air of Main Gĉinal Byt ja PANICAL PRE PREVENT AND SAFETY AWARENESS MONTH Field Visit in March 2022 CS AUTHORITY PHILIPPINE STAT STATISTICS Solid Responsive World-class 14#1515TH NATIONAL CONVENTION ON STATISTICS 03-05 OCTOBER 2022 Activities Conducted Second TWG Meeting on September 2022 Developing the Water Flow Accounts of Region X ENR Organized by the Philippine Statistical System Spearheaded by the Philippine Statistics Authority PHILIPPINE STATISTICS AUTHORITY RONX NORTHERN MINDANAO Physical Use Table Mosting for ENRA on Wa PHILIPPINE STAT STATISTICS Solid Responsive 15 AUTHORITY World-class#1615TH NATIONAL CONVENTION ON STATISTICS 03-05 OCTOBER 2022 Results 88.1 % surface water 10.8 % ground water in billion cu m (bcm) Organized by the Philippine Statistical System Spearheaded by the Philippine Statistics Authority TOTAL WATER ABSTRACTION, 2018-2020 50 46.05 46.07 46.08 40 30 20 10 ||| Developing the Water Flow Accounts of Region X 2018 2019 2020 PHILIPPINE STAT STATISTICS Solid Responsive 16 AUTHORITY World-clas#1715TH NATIONAL CONVENTION ON STATISTICS 03-05 OCTOBER 2022 Results Losses 2.1% For Distribution 0.4% For own-use 97.5% Developing the Water Flow Accounts of Region X Organized by the Philippine Statistical System Spearheaded by the Philippine Statistics Authority PHILIPPINE STAT STATISTICS THREE-YEAR AVERAGE SHARE ON THE USE OF ABSTRACTED WATER, 2018-2020 Solid. Responsive AUTHORITY World-class 17#1815TH NATIONAL CONVENTION ON STATISTICS 03-05 OCTOBER 2022 Organized by the Philippine Statistical System Spearheaded by the Philippine Statistics Authority Results Total Water Losses (in cu m) by Industry: 2018-2020 Industry Manufacturing Electricity, gas, steam & air conditioning supply Water collection, treatment & supply Total Abstraction Loss Percentage Loss 597,324,817 547,037 0.09 126,196,368,334 2,537,555,289 2.01 942,950,232 361,175,602 38.30 Developing the Water Flow Accounts of Region X PHILIPPINE STAT STATISTICS Solid Responsive AUTHORITY World-class 18#1915TH NATIONAL CONVENTION ON STATISTICS 03-05 OCTOBER 2022 Results in billion cu m 50 45.3 45.1 44.3 40 40 30 30 20 10 ||| 2018 2019 2020 Developing the Water Flow Accounts of Region X Organized by the Philippine Statistical System Spearheaded by the Philippine Statistics Authority ABSTRACTED WATER FOR OWN USE, 2018-2020 PHILIPPINE STAT STATISTICS Solid Responsive 19 AUTHORITY World-class#2015TH NATIONAL CONVENTION ON STATISTICS 03-05 OCTOBER 2022 Results Organized by the Philippine Statistical System Spearheaded by the Philippine Statistics Authority Three-Year Average Share of Abstracted Water for Own Use by Industry: 2018-2020 Industry Electricity, gas, steam & air conditioning supply Agriculture, Forestry & Fishery Manufacturing Households Water collection, treatment & supply Other Industries TOTAL Developing the Water Flow Accounts of Region X Average Share 91.8% 7.2% 0.4% 0.1% 0.0% 0.5% 100.0% PHILIPPINE STAT STATISTICS Solid Responsive AUTHORITY World-class 20 20#2115TH NATIONAL CONVENTION ON STATISTICS 03-05 OCTOBER 2022 Results ABSTRACTED WATER FOR DISTRIBUTION, 2018-2020 in billion cu m 0.3 0.2 0.2 £ 0.1 0.1 0.0 Developing the Water Flow Accounts of Region X 0.19 0.19 Organized by the Philippine Statistical System Spearheaded by the Philippine Statistics Authority 0.20 ||| 2018 2019 2020 PHILIPPINE STAT STATISTICS Solid Responsive 21 AUTHORITY World-class#2215TH NATIONAL CONVENTION ON STATISTICS 03-05 OCTOBER 2022 Results Organized by the Philippine Statistical System Spearheaded by the Philippine Statistics Authority Three-Year Average Share of Distributed Water by Industry: 2018-2020 Industry Average Share Households 86.05% Other Industries 13.89% Manufacturing 0.03% Agriculture, Forestry & Fishery 0.02% Electricity, gas, steam & air conditioning supply 0.00% Developing the Water Flow Accounts of Region X PHILIPPINE STAT STATISTICS Solid Responsive AUTHORITY World-class 22#2315TH NATIONAL CONVENTION ON STATISTICS 03-05 OCTOBER 2022 Results WATER USE EFFICIENCY BY MAJOR INDUSTRY, 2018-2020 Php per cubic meter 2,500 2,111 2,000 1,500 2,178 Organized by the Philippine Statistical System Spearheaded by the Philippine Statistics Authority 1,973 PHILIPPINE STAT STATISTICS AFF 929 919 1,000 900 -Industry 500 212 224 54 54 2018 2019 Developing the Water Flow Accounts of Region X 211 55 2020 Services Solid. Responsive 23 AUTHORITY World-class#2415TH NATIONAL CONVENTION ON STATISTICS 03-05 OCTOBER 2022 Organized by the Philippine Statistical System Spearheaded by the Philippine Statistics Authority PHILIPPINE STAT STATISTICS Data Limitation • During the conduct of the study, there is no available data for the actual water abstraction. The estimation of water abstraction is limited to the assumption that the NWRB permittees are abstracting water in full capacity. In addition, abstraction of water from protected areas are not included. Volume of industrial wastewater was estimated Agricultural wastewater was not taken into account due to data unavailability. There is no data available on the actual amount of captured rainwater. It has been a wide practice on the use of rainwater as inputs to economic activities (e.g. sprinkler systems, toilet flushing, etc.) • A concern was raised in one of the technical sessions on the parameter used for the per capita daily water requirement of Filipino individuals (54 L per day) which is still based on a 1999 study. There could be changes on the water requirement especially with the additional hygiene requirements of the pandemic. Developing the Water Flow Accounts of Region X Solid Responsive AUTHORITY World-class 24#2515TH NATIONAL CONVENTION ON STATISTICS 03-05 OCTOBER 2022 STATISTICS AUTHOR Ford dans Gold Renoonsive Organized by the Philippine Statistical System Spearheaded by the Philippine Statistics Authority Next Steps · · ● Consult with the National Water Resources Board, thru PSA ENRAD, for the possible generation of the actual water abstraction of the water permittees. Discussions may focus on the processing of submitted reports for access by data users such as the compilers of Water Flow Accounts. Coordinate with EMB Regional Office X for the generation of actual water used, volume of wastewater, and volume of treated wastewater by industry based on the submitted Self-Monitoring Reports of the industries. Further consultation with DENR on the generation of data on abstracted water from protected areas. During the conduct of this study, DENR is still establishing the issuance of permits for the users of water in protected areas. Developing the Water Flow Accounts of Region X 25#2615TH NATIONAL CONVENTION ON STATISTICS 03-05 OCTOBER 2022 STATISTICS AUTHOR Ford dans Gold Renoonsive Organized by the Philippine Statistical System Spearheaded by the Philippine Statistics Authority Next Steps . • • Explore other ways of estimating amount of distributed water used by industries using the ratio of water supply to the total intermediate consumption of the different industries taken from the 2018 Supply and Use Table (SUT). May consider an updated parameter on per capita daily water requirement of individual. The physical flow accounts for water resources will be updated in 2023 to include additional data and updated parameters for the period 2018-2022. Supplement the physical flow accounts with the monetary flow accounts. Developing the Water Flow Accounts of Region X 26#2715TH NATIONAL CONVENTION ON STATISTICS 03-05 OCTOBER 2022 PHILIPPINE STATISTICS Bonsive AUTHORIT Organized by the Philippine Statistical System Spearheaded by the Philippine Thank you! Statistics Authority t f Developing the Water Flow Accounts of Region X 27

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