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#1МЭРИПТ Министерство экономического развития, инвестиций и торговли самарской области The ministry of economic development, investments and trade of the samara region Kobenko Aleksandr Vladimirovich The Vice-Governor the Minister of economic - development, investments and trade of the Samara region#2The dynamics of the key macroeconomic indicators of the Samara region's development in 2010-2015 (in % to the previous year) 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 (estimates) The volume of Gross 108,5 105,9 105,0 104,2 101,4 97,8 Regional Product (estimates) The industrial production 114,4 105,8 102,2 101,0 99,3 100,5 index The index of investments 135,5 111,5 109,1 114,8 106,8 100,2 in fixed capital The volume of 137,8 103,6 140,3 116,3 112,4 97,8 construction works Temp of commissioning 101,6 127,9 111,5 116,3 108,6 115,5 of new housing#3STATE SUPPORT OF INVESTMENT ACTIVITY FORMS OF STATE SUPPORT OF INVESTMENT ACTIVITY Conclusion of investment memorandums with investors whose projects cost more than 650 million rubles The most favorable treatment is provided for investors and the state supervisors are appointed for them Granting tax exemptions to investors from the regional budget - Exemption from organization's property tax - Reduction of corporate income tax rate till 13,5% Provision of subsidies from the regional budget funds with the aim to reimburse the costs carried out by investors during implementation of investment projects - for performing of works related to connection to power supply sources - for equipping industrial grounds with engineering infrastructure facilities Provision of state guarantees of the Samara region These guarantees are given following the results of open tenders in order to ensure proper performance of obligations by a borrower to a creditor resulting from implementation of investment projects Information, organizational and legal support of investors in the territory of the Samara region - - a database of investment projects - a database of free production facilities and land plots - investment consulting#4Special Economic Zone of industrial and production type "Togliatti" 660 HA SEZ's area More than 60 billion rubles Planned investment volume of residents More than 20 thousand work places The main stages of project's implementation 173 SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONETOGLIATTI December 2010 project's team was built October 2011 Preliminary works on the ground were started 2012-2014 The main stage of construction works 2014 Productions of the first residents were launched "Nobel Automotive Russia" LLC "Edscha Togliatti" LLC#5Residents of Special Economic Zone 18 487 million rubles Stated volume of residents' investments Residents of Special Economic Zone GM GM-AVTOVAZ HI-LEX ТБФ ТОЛЬЯТТИНСКАЯ БУМАЖНАЯ ФАБРИКА 4 271 Established work places 2 new residents are planned to be attracted in 2015 Edscha J Mubea SANOh Грулевые системы ATSUMITEC TOYOTA TSUSHO CORPORATION Orhan Holding AVTEC 2VD CIE Automotive RUS ་ GKN DRIVELINE PRAXAIR ПОЛАД ГРУППА КОМПаний PVRUS Attracted in 2014 MANN+ OZON DAPMALEBTRKA#6NEW INVESTMENT SITES OF THE SAMARA REGION Chempark <<Togliattisintex>> Urban district Togliatti Industrial park <<Stavropolsky>> Municipal district Stavropolsky, settlement Zelenovka Industrial park <<Chapaevsk>> Urban district Chapaevsk Тольятти GOH Жигулевск Александровка Безенчук Чапае E-30 Курумоч Kpac Волжский Рождествено Самара Новокуйбышевск восемейки Boy Technopolis «Gagarin - center>> Urban district Samara Industrial park <<Preobrazhenka>> Industrial park <<Preobrazhenka>> Agro-industrial park Municipal district Volzhsky, settlement Lopatino#7technical-and-economic indexes CHEMPARK «TOGLIATTISINTEZ»> Area of activity- production of chemical and petrochemical products Land plot area - 414,5 ha Period of implementation-2014-2021 years The volume of investments- 1 433 million rubles Anchor resident-company "Togliatti Kauchuk❞ LLC New work places- 1000 Current state- process of selecting residents is underway INDUSTRIAL PARK «STAVROPOLSKY>> Area of activity- logistics Land plot area- 120 ha Period of implementation- 2014 - 2016 years The volume of investments- 1 billion rubles New work places-200 Current state- start-up of the first stage in 2014 111 TECHNOPOLIS «GAGARIN-CNETER>> Area of activity- development of hi-technologies Land plot area- 930 ha Period of implementation- 2014-2022 years The volume of investments- 14 000 million rubles New work places- ≈ 10,5 Current state- the concept is under discussion INDUSTRIAL PARK <<PREOBRAZHENKA>> Area of activity- production of automotive components Land plot area- 163,7 ha Period of implementation- 2013-2015 years The volume of investments- 22 500 million rubles Anchor resident- Robert Bosch Samara LLC New work places-4500 Current state- the 1st stage was put into operation 3 INDUSTRIAL PARK «CHAPAEVSK>>> Area of activity-production of construction materials Land plot area- 284 ha Period of implementation- 2015-2020 years The volume of investments- 20 000 million rubles Anchor resident- "KNAUF GIPS Chelyabinsk" LLC New work places- = 2000 Current state- the concept is being developed AGRO-INDUSTRIAL PARK Area of activity-processing and realization of agricultural products Land plot area- 30 ha Period of implementation- 2015-2018 years The volume of investments- 4 000 million rubles Residents - regional agricultural producers Current state- the concept is being developed#8Settlement Preobrazhenka of municipal district Volzhsky of the Samara region INDUSTRIAL PARK «PREOBRAZHENKA>> 410 Ban Волжский AVTOVAZ Urban district Samara 10 km from the center, Тольятти Береза Мирный Kap Прибрежный Курумоч 500 m from the border Волжский International airport <<Kurumoch>> ≈ 50 KM Жигулевск Logistic center Красная Railway station ≈ 10 KM Новосемейкино "Pridorozhny" Управленческий Красноглинский Козе River harbor ≈ 10 KM P-H Мехзавод Стройкерамика Кировский Смышляевка Axcees Усть-Кинел Federal highway ≈1 KM p-H 163,7 ha Самара Ленинский Преображен Mnogok пере BOSCH D-H Советский P-H спозерки Manoe Томылово Hanaescк PIN Мокуйбышевск www Куйбышевски PH Воскресенка A hard-surfaced motor road OJSC "AVTOVAZ" Рощинск OJSC "OEZ" Joins by north-west border to public road "Bypass Samara" 100 KM 110 KM#9INDUSTRIAL PARK <<<TOGLIATTISINTEZ>>> Русская Борковка AVTOVAZ Toma Коммунальная ул. OHHOTAL Оросительный Стройка CHADE Васил Obengor Тимофеевка Куйбышев A30m ЦЕНТРАЛЬНЫЙ Р-Н 35 373 sq. m Production premises 14 783 sq.m Warehouse premises 8 572 sq.m Office premises 345 ha <<TOGLIATTISINTEZ>> total area 52 ha Land plots area for residents Тольятти Тольяттинский Художественный Музей#10Implementation of investment projects in 2014-2015 РОСНЕФТЬ КУЙБЫШЕВСКИЙ HП3 PN PetroNeft Куйбышев Азот БИАКСПЛЕН OJSC "Kuibyshev refinery" Isomerization plant with a capacity (in terms of raw material) 280 thousand tons per year LLC <<PetRoNeft>>> The first stage of refinery with the capacity of 250 thousand tons per year OJSC <<KuibyshevAzot>> Cord fabric dipping plant at polyamide production with designed capacity of 33 million linear meters per year LLC «Biaksplen>>> New line at BOPP-film production with the capacity of 35 thousand tons per year, which will result in the increase of capacity till 55,5 thousand tons per year CJSC <<NNK>>> In-depth modernization and technical re-equipping of central gas fractionation plant No. 3 (CGFU-3) САНОРС NKNPZ OJSC РОСНЕФТЬ КУЙБЫШЕВСКИЙ HП3 ACCUMALUX BOSCH GROUP Catalytic reforming centre with continuous catalyst regeneration (CCR) and low-temperature isomerization complex Robert Bosch Samara LLC Car part manufacturing plant in the Preobrazhenka industrial park Accumalux Group (Luzembourg) Plant for manufacture of car battery spare parts Nobel Automotive LLC <<Nobel Automotive Russia >> Plant for production of automotive components with the capacity of 20 million units of finished products per year in the territory of SEZ "Togliatti" DELPHI CJSC "PES/SCC" Hampton by Hilton AM БАР КУРУМОЧ DANONE юни милк Enterprise for wiring harness assembling with the capacity of 240 thousand sets per year LLC <<SHP Eco-Product>> The first stage of commercial dairy farm designed for 1000 heads of milking herd LLC <<Activ Industriya>> Hotel <<Hampton by Hilton Samara» for 126 rooms Group of companies «Victor & Co>>> Shopping mall <<Ambar» in Kuibyshevsky district of urban district Samara Kurumoch International Airport OJSC New passenger terminal and a cargo complex UNIMILK Company JSC Production capacities for milk processing and milk product manufacture based on the branch of Samaralakto Milk Factory#11Large investment projects implemented in the Samara region CMT 000 правенежные медицинские технологии January 2014 investment memorandum on construction and equipping of cardiac surgery center in urban district Samara investments 3,0 billion rubles, 250 work places 3 CИGHP April 2014 investment memorandum on creation of industrial park "Togliattisintez" investments 1,5billion rubles, 1000 work places ИДК August 2014 Медицинская компания investment memorandum on creation and equipping of multi-functional rehabilitation and perinatal center in urban district Samara investments 3,0 billion rubles, 800 work places February 2014 ПЭТ Технолоджи Центры ядерной медицины agreement for social and economic collaboration on construction of positron and computer tomography in urban district Samara investments - 365 million rubles, 7500 tests per year D THE LINDE GROUP March 2014 investment memorandum on construction of ammonia production plant investments - 11 billion rubles, 100 work places KNAUF August 2014 investment memorandum on construction of a factory of alabaster binding material and dry building mixes in the territory of urban district Chapaevsk investment 1,12 billion rubles, 60 work places#12Large investment projects implemented in the Samara region Plans for 2014-2015 КОШЕЛЕВ КОРПОРАЦИЯ Design and construction of 4- star hotel complex for 195 rooms with commercial and office premises ЭКОВОЗ Construction of an inter- municipal full-cycle waste treatment complex in the Togliatti city district Multifunctional complex network of the TRAVELPARK road service 8 АГРОПАРК CAMAPA Design and construction of the Samara agro-industrial park#13TECHNOPARK IN THE SPHERE OF HI-TECHNOLOGIES <ZHIGULI VALLEY>> RESULTS OF CONSTRUCTION 36800 Period of implementation: 2010 - 2014 Total volume of financing: near 5 billion rubles PARTNERS OF THE PROJECT: 11 meetings were held 117 из 131 projects were considered 106 companies became residents Educational and scientific institutions Development Personnel, Leading institutions projects Russian Residents support Financial Institutions Finances companies Engineering Transport and aerospace developments TR Energy efficiency and energy-saving EN 22% 21% Chemistry, development of new materials 15% CE 52% International companies International practices Service companies Consulting זן IT and telecommunication technologies לים B¹ Biotechnologies and medicine#14NANOTECHNOLOGY CENTER OF THE SAMARA REGION AREAS OF SPECIALITY OF THE NANOTECHNOLOGY CENTER OF THE SAMARA REGION ULL CATALYSTS FOR PETRO- AND GAS- CHEMISTRY BIOCOMPATIBLE MATERIALS INNOVATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF SPORTS FACILITIES PROMISING SOURCES OF CURRENT + M#15TECHNOPOLIS <<GAGARIN-CENTER>>> Technopolis is going to be located on the ground contiguous to the complex of buildings which are being constructed for FIFA World cup 2018, and it is planned to use it as efficiently as possible as a heritage of World Cup for the development of our region. 2014 - 2022 Period of project's implementation 10 500 people Number of students, employees and residents in the Technopolis 930 ha Total area of designed object 314,40 thousand sq.m. Area of university's and residential buildings This ground is located in the area of urban encroachment, on the way to international airport, in an unpolluted area of the Samara region. Among the participants of the Technopolis are going to be organizations which activities are aimed at creation, development and implementation on international level of promising (breakthrough) high technologies and products, training of highly qualified personnel in the field of advanced international technologies.#16Russian Federation, Samara region, 16 km Moskovskoye shosse, Dalnyaya street Hotel within the Congress and Exhibition Complex (planned) 2 295 m² real estate area 13 500 m² total build-up area 3 41 310 m³ total structural volume 200 rooms room capacity Конгрессно 11) 15 20 ☐ 18 Building within the draft area plan of the Samara Kirovsky and Krasnoglinsky districts (in the area of the No3 Radio Center)#17Hotel No 1 (4 stars) Russian Federation, Samara region, 16 km Moskovskoye shosse, Dalnyaya street Area 4.1 Hotel No 1 (4 stars) 4.5 33 000 m² real estate area 10 200 m² build-up area 21 420 m² Hotel usage while the 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia™ Teams accommodation Hotel FIFA conditions 80 rooms located close to each other International safety standards matching sufficient quantity of car parking lots full equipped with presentation technics freestanding conference hall 4.1 4.2 total build-up area 93 300 m³ 3 freestanding coffee-room with daylight and exclusive entrance only for the team members 4.4 total structural volume Building within the draft area plan of the Samara Kirovsky and Krasnoglinsky districts (in the area of the No3 Radio Center) separate hotel entrance for the team members with the possibility for the security drop-off storage room, massage room, free of charge modern fitness infrastructure including pool for the team members.#18Hotel No 2 (4 stars) Russian Federation, Samara region, 16 km Moskovskoye shosse, Dalnyaya street 15 000 m² real estate area 4 386 m² build-up area 9 210 m² total build-up area 40 119 m³ total structural volume Building within the draft area plan of the Samara Kirovsky and Krasnoglinsky districts (in the area of the No3 Radio Center) Hotel usage while the 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia™ Teams accommodation Hotel FIFA conditions 80 rooms located close to each other International safety standards matching sufficient quantity of car parking lots full equipped with presentation technics freestanding conference hall freestanding coffee-room with daylight and exclusive entrance only for the team members separate hotel entrance for the team members with the possibility for the security drop-off storage room, massage room, free of charge modern fitness infrastructure including pool for the team members. Area 4.2 Hotel No 2 (4 stars) 4.5 4.4 4.2#19The Samara Historical Center (planned) 3-4 stars hotel 5 000 m² real estate area 2 000 m² build-up area 10 000 m² total build-up area 150-200 rooms room capacity 14-18 17-1 14-2 Самарский район 16-3 Ленинский район Самара Куйбышевский район Октябрьский район Железнодорожный район река Самара Московское ш Московско ул. Промышленности a M Южное ш Ново-Вокзальная ул. Вольская ул. ул. Победы Советский район Кир 4-5 stars hotel 5 000 m² real estate area 3 000 m² build-up area 10 000 m² total build-up area 100-150 rooms room capacity Building within the draft area and boundary- setting plan of the Samara historical center within the boundaries of Komsomolskaya str., Frunze str., the Volga River and the Samara River water area#20Close to the Kurumoch International Airport (planned) Hotel (4 stars) Красно Курумоч Красный Яр Волжский Новосемейкино Рождествено Самара окуйбышевск Алексеевка Ki 益 \ 150 rooms room capacity#21TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECTS Frunzensky bridge Terminal Cable way across Volga river 21 MASKACI Bridge across Volga Central motorway Light Rail tram river#22LOGISTIC CENTER <<PRIDOROZHNY>>> ка няя Подстепновка -Южное ш. Яицкий вдхр. Песчаное A-300 Придорожный Преображенка --H Fixemer 230 ths. m2 Total center area Five blocks are operating: 1st block 13,200 m2 Специализация комплекса Organization of all types of shipment, full line of logistic services Freight forwarding and insurance Construction and operational management of "A" class warehouse complexes 3 stages of complex with the area of 54 ths. m2 are in operation now. The fourth stage is under construction 2nd block 14,000 m2 3rd block 24,400 m2 4th block 22,600 m2 5th block 28,620 m2#23Южный город Project 2013-2030 Period of implementation 672 212 m² Structural volume 32 ha Land plot area 188 779 m² Total build-up area Social facilities 151 279 m² Total area of flats 3 574 Number of flats 9 292 Residents Южный Город Самара Железнодорожный ВОКЗАЛ A/c Aapopa 2. Самара Фрунзенский мост Южный мост Воский мост ТРК «Амбар» Regular schools Пост дл Aston Polyclinics Sports and recreation centers Preschool facilities 2 2 12 3 ж/д термина «Красный кр Первая очередь «Южного города#24Residential construction Integrated urban development of the territory<<Samarskoe Zarechye>>> Aim of a project: construction of economy-class housing The volume of investments : 120 billion rubles 30%-own funds of SOFZHI, 70% outside funds Implementation period - 2020 116 км Соцгород Волгарь Кряж п. Водников ул. Утевская ус совх. "Кряж" ул. Уральская Integrated urban development of the territory <<Kryazh» Aim of a project: construction of economy-class housing The volume of investments: 37 billion rubles 30% own funds of SOFZHI, 70% outside funds Implementation period - 2020 Contact person Myazitov Renal Shavkyatyevich, managing director of SOFZHI +7 (846) 321-36-63, [email protected]#25The reconstruction project of the historical center of Samara 00 The area of design territory: 120 ha. 88888888 Total area of residential construction : about 156,8 ths. sq. m Cost: 25 billion rubles The reconstruction project Construction of a bridge crossing "Frunzensky" over the Samara river. Reconstruction of Frunze street. Reconstruction of automobile bridge within Vodnikov and Glavnaya streets. The aim of a project: creation of touristic, hotel and entertaining infrastructure Reconstruction of Vodnikov, Komsomolskaya and Kutyakova streets. Extension of Knyaz Grigory Zasekin street till Molodogvardeyskaya street. Extension of Knyaz Grigory Zasekin street from Vodnikov street till Maksima Gorkogo street. Reconstruction of Khlebnaya square. Reconstruction of Maksima Gorkogo street and its extension till the crossing with Knyaz Grigory Zasekin street. Reconstruction of Krupskoi street in the segment from Vodnikov street till Maksima Gorkogo street. Construction of a new arterial street for serving the spit of rivers. Construction of two bridges over the artificial reservoir on the spit. Construction of streets in residential area. Construction of a collector street to the hotel complex on the spit. Establishment of pedestrian streets and their greening. Establishment of overground pedestrian crossings. Construction of comfortable multilevel embankment.#26Sports facilities ВЕЛОТРЕК САМ Design and construction of sheltered cycle track Design and construction of new spots complex with artificial ice Cost: 1,2 billion rubles period of implementation: 2016 year new work places: 156 Cost: 3,2billion rubles period of implementation: 2016 year new work places : 170#27Information on PPP projects STRUCTURING In the field of public health service : 10 In the field of social services : 3 In the field of sports: 2 Approval of documentation for holding of a tender for the right to conclude a concession agreement on two projects in the healthcare sphere for the total amount of RUB 0.1b. Search for investors Creation of the Zhigulevskaia Zhemchuzhina tourist and recreation complex including Development of the Technical Museum Named After K.G Sakharo Cable way construction Construction of a sports and recreation complex on the territory of the State Government-Financed Institution Preodolenie Construction of a sports and recreation complex and a covered riding hall on the territory of the State Government- Financed Institution of the Samara region Ippoterapia Construction of a three-storey building of the State Government-Financed Institution of the Samara region Samara Regional Geriatric Centre 13 14 55 projects 28 Project implementation Healthcare: 10 Sports: 2 Tourism: 1 It is planned to attract about RUB 9b of private investments About 1,500 workplaces will be created Project review in various spheres Healthcare: 10 Sports: 3 Culture: 1 Housing: 1 Housing and utilities: 3 Transport infrastructure: 5 Tourism: 4 Servicing: 2#28Major investment projects in Samara Region Legal form Investment memorandum with duration of 10 years Cardio surgical center in urban district Samara implementation CMT 000 Соблеменные медицинские технологии" Construction and equipping of Center for hi-tech diagnostic and surgical treatment of cardiovascular diseases in the territory of Samara Regional Cardiologic Dispensary Legal form Investment memorandum with duration of 7 years Multifunctional rehabilitation and perinatal center in urban district Samara implementation ИАК) Медицинская компания Construction of a modern center near Radio center (the area for holding FIFA World Cup 2018 in the territory of the Samara region) Cost: 3000 million rubles Land plot area: 19637 sq.m Build-up area: 5 000 sq.m Area of a building: 21250 sq.m. Commissioning period: 1st quarter of 2016 Capacity: 106 beds Number of established work places: 250 Cost: 3000 million rubles Land plot area : 31300 sq.m Build-up area : 5 000 sq.m Area of a building: 25000 sq.m Commissioning period: 2018 year Capacity: 150 beds Number of established work places: 800#29Major investment projects in Samara Region Center for extracorporeal haemocorrection and clinical transfusiology in urban district Samara ФАРМ СКД Dialysis centers in urban district Samara/ urban district Syzran FRESENIUS MEDICAL CARE Legal form Concessionary agreement for 15 years Construction of a center for extracorporeal haemocorrection and clinical transfusiology in the territory of the Samara regional clinical hospital of M.I. Kalinin Legal form Agreement on social and economic cooperation Construction of a modern center in the territory of Samara city hospital No. 10/ Syzran central city hospital Cost: 350 million rubles year Land plot area: 4932 sq.m. Build-up area: Commissioning period: Capacity: 48 artificial kidney apparatuses Number of established work places: Cost: 350/250 million rubles Land plot area: 2908/2765 sq.m. Build-up area: 1193 / 1130 sq.m. Area of a building: 3308/911 sq.m. Commissioning period: 2018 year Capacity: 40/20 artificial kidney apparatuses Number of established work places: 51/29 1285 sq.m. 93 Area of a building: 4710 sq.m.#30Major investment projects in Samara Region Центр ядерной меди Legal form Agreement on social and economic development. Center for positron emission and computer tomography in urban district Samara Спэт технолоджи Construction of a center for positron emission and computer tomography in urban district Samara in the territory of the Samara regional clinical oncologic dispensary Legal form Concessionary agreement Reconstruction of an in- patient department of the Regional Specialized Recovery Hospital СИНКО ГРУППА КОМПАНИЙ Within the framework of project implementation it is planned to provide a private partner with a property complex of the Recovery Hospital and a plot of land it is located at for completion of construction, equipping and further operation. Cost: Commissioning period: 325 million rubles 2016 year Land plot area : 10873 sq.m Build-up area: 3000 sq.m Area of a building: 9000 sq.m Capacity: 7500 tests per year Number of established work places: 45 Cost: 352 million rubles Land plot area : 39 724,8 sq.m Commissioning period: 2017 year Capacity: 60 beds Number of established work places: 101#31PPP projects planned for implementation, tender documentation for which is at final stage of approval Organization of therapeutic nourishment in the main building, pediatrician building and nourishment for employees in the premises of water treatment in State-financed health institution "Samara regional clinical hospital of M.I. Kalinin❞ Legal form Concessionary agreement for 15 years The volume of investments: RUB 50m Creation of a Family Health Protection and Reproduction Centre in the Samara city district Legal form Concessionary agreement for 30 years The volume of investments: RUB 650m#32The Territory of Opportu niti es Your ideas - our support!

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