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#1DEPARTMENT OF 1898 AGRICULTURE KOOPS eFORUM National Government Agencies' Programs, Series 5 Coconut Farmers and Industry Trust Fund Act and the Cooperatives June 15, 2021 TUESDAY 2:00-4:00 PM A food-secure Philippines with prosperous farmers and fisherfolk Masaganang Mataas na ANI KITA#2DEPARTMENT OF 1898 AGRICULTURE SCOPE OF PRESENTATION Deliverables under RA 11524 Nomination and Screening of Coconut Farmer Representative to the PCA Board ➤ Coconut Farmers and Industry Trust Fund Coconut Farmers and Industry Development Plan (CFIDP) A food-secure Philippines with prosperous farmers and fisherfolk Masaganang Mataas na ANI KITA#3PRESS RELEASE " DA-PCA braces for coconut trust fund law implementation Authority [email protected] R.A.11524 COCONUT FARMERS AND INDUSTRY TRUST FUND ACT PRES. DUTERTE SIGNS RA 11524 OR THE COCONUT FARMERS AND INDUSTRY TRUST FUND ACT The law aims to provide fund for the Philippine Coconut Authority Board to consolidate benefits due to coconut farmers and expedite its delivery to attain increased incomes for coconut farmers, alleviate poverty, and achieve social equality. RA 11524 Coconut Farmers and Industry Trust Fund Act A food-secure Philippines with prosperous farmers and fisherfolk Masaganang Mataas na KITA ANI#4Deliverables June 11 120 days July 11 90 days April 12 Coordination re Nomination & Selection Process w/PCA Effectivity March 13 30 days Farmers Registry (NCFRS) MOA with Implementing Agencies Coconut Farmers and Industry Development Plan A food-secure Philippines with prosperous farmers and fisherfolk Masaganang Mataas na ANI KITA#5DEPARTMENT OF 1898 AGRICULTURE Nomination and Selection of Farmer Representatives to the PCA Board A food-secure Philippines with prosperous farmers and fisherfolk Masaganang Mataas na ANI KITA#6➤ The Coconut Farmers and Industry Fund Act (Republic Act 11524) mandated the government representatives in the reconstituted PCA Board - to coordinate with PCA in promulgating a nomination and screening process f or the nominees of the representatives of the coconut farmers in consultation with their respective organizations or associations. The reconstituted PCA Board in its first meeting of government representatives held on 15 March 2021 approved the promulgation of a nomination and selection process that is exclusively to be participated by coconut farmers as defined in the law through their respective organizations, associations or cooperatives, with PCA to serve as lead facilitator. A food-secure Philippines with prosperous farmers and fisherfolk Masaganang Mataas na ANI KITA#7DEPARTMENT OF 1898 AGRICULTURE ☐ Selection Process Approved by the PCA Board Submission of one (1) nominee by each coconut farmer organization (CFO) or coconut farmer cooperatives (CFC) ■ Voting at the provincial level by CFO/CFC and municipal/provincial federations, with provincial nominees garnering the top three (3) highest votes to be declared as delegates to the regional nomination and selection level Voting of ten (5) nominee-delegates at the regional level, and ranking of the nominees at the island group level arranged according to number of votes garnered The list of nominees for each island group, ranked in order of priority, to be submitted to the PCA Board for final vetting Provision of protest mechanism at the provincial, regional and national levels. A food-secure Philippines with prosperous farmers and fisherfolk Masaganang Mataas na ANI KITA#8Publication of the Nomination and Selection Guidelines in newspapers of general circulation THE PHILIPPINE STAR FRIDAY B10 classifinder APRIL 30, 2021 Guidelines provided the requirements, procedures and timeline REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE PHILIPPINE COCONUT AUTHORITY Elliptical Roed, Diliman, Queson City 1101 Philippines Tel No: (02) 828-4201 09 Fax No. (02) 926-0421 MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR NO. 01 Series of 2021 SUBJECT RECEIVED cards & Communicatio GUIDELINES IN THE SELECTION AND NOMINATION OF FARMER REPRESENTATIVES IN THE PCA BOARD The Coconut Farmers and Industry Trust Fund Act (Republic Act 11524) mandated the govemment representatives in the reconstituted PCA Board to coordinate with PCA in promulgating a nomination and screening process for the nominees of the representatives of the coconut farmers in consultation with their respective organizations or associations. The reconstituted PCA Board in its first meeting of government representatives held on 15 March 2021 approved the promulgation of a nomination and selection process that is exclusively to be participated by coconut farmers as defined in the law through their respective organizations, associations or cooperatives, with PCA to serve as lead facilitator, L DEFINITION OF TERMS A. Coconut farmer shall refer to farmers and farm workers as defined in Section 3(a) of Republic Act 11524 and registered with the PCA National Coconut Farmers Registry System (NCFRS). B. Coconut Farmer Organization (CFO) shall refer to duly registered organizations the membership of which are fifty one per cent (51%) comprised of coconut farmers as defined herein. C Coconut Farmer Association (CFA) shall refer to duly registered association. or federation the membership of which is comprised of at least fifty one (51%) coconut farmer organizations as defined herein which also includes municipal, provincial, regionel and national federations. D. Coconut Farmer Cooperative (CFC) shall refer to cooperative which is duly registered with the Cooperative Development Authority the membership of which is comprised of fiftyone per cent (51%) of coconut farmers as defined herein. Province shall refer to any of the major coconut political provinces and the PCA's provincial geographic units. F. Region shall refer to the geographic unit that corresponds to the territorial jurisdiction of one PCA Regional Office. G. Nomination, voting Nomination shall refer to the act by a. qualified CFO/CFA/CFC to recommend a person to the shortlist of farmer representatives to the PCA Board. Voting shall refer to the act of a qualified CFO/CFA/CFC of casting vote for a qualified nominee at the provincial level. H. Delegate vote/s-shall refer to the number of representation and voting right that a nominee has acquired or accumulated. 11. QUALIFICATIONS A. Qualifications of Farmer Representatives 1. Filipino citizen 2. Registered with the PCA's Coconut Farmers Registry 3. Own not more than five (5) hectares of coconut farm in the last ten (10) years 4. Nominated by coconut farmers organizations or cooperatives that are active for the past three (3) years 5. Have considerable experience and reputable track record in promoting coconut farmer's interest and welfare B. Qualifications of CFO/CFA/CFC I. 1. Active in the past three (3) years in farmer organization and development or community enterprise development 2. At least majority (51%) of membership are coconut farmers and farm workers 3. With appropriate valid registrations with Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Cooperative Development Authority (CDA) or Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) or existing Philippine Coconut Authority (PCA) accreditation CREATION OF SELECTION AND NOMINATION COMMITTEES A. Provincial Nomination and Screening Committee (PNSC) shall be composed of the Division Chief I of the PCA Provincial Office as lead facilitator with the following co-facilitators: focal person from the PCA Regional Office, representatives from the Provincial and Agriculture and Fishery Council (PAFC), the Philippine Information Agency (PIA), the Provincial LGU, and a provincial CFA (representative disqualified to be nominated, CFA disqualified to nominate and vote); Civil Society Organization/s (CSOs) shall act as as observer/s, with the Senior Agriculturist as secretariat. B. Regional Nomination and Screening Committee (RNSC) shall be composed of the Regional Manager II of the PCA Regional Office as lead facilitator, with the following co-facilitators: representatives from the Regional Agriculture and Fishery Council (RAFC), Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE), Cooperative Development Authority (CDA), Philippine Information Agency (PIA), and a regional CFA which will be disqualified to be nominated, to nominate and to vote; Civil Society Organization/s (CSOs) shall act as observer/s, with the personnel in the PCA Regional Office who served as the focal persons in the provincial convention as secretariat. C. National Nomination and Selection Committees (NNSCs) - shall be composed of the PCA Deputy Administrator for Operations as lead facilitator, with the Regional Managers of each island group, and representatives from the National Agriculture and Fishery Council (NAFC), CDA, DOLE, and national CFA (representative disqualified to be nominated. CFA disqualified to nominate and vote) as co-facilitators; Civil Society Organization/s (CSOs) shall act as observer/s with the Fermers Welfare and Institutional Development Division as secretariat. IV. The PCA Central Office, Regional Offices and Provincial Offices shall conduct proper coordination for the active participation of the identified possible co- facilitators PROCEDURES FOR NOMINATION, SELECTION AND SHORTLISTING A. Information drive on the nomination of farmer representatives - The PCA shall conduct massive information campaign by providing basic and essential Information that coconut farmers need to know, like the basic information that their organization, association or cooperative may nominate and participate in 6. The PCA Central Office shall, simultaneous with the publication of the aforecited lists, publish a call for CFOS, CFAS and CFCS to each submit a board resolution stating its vote to one nominee from the published list duly certified by its corporate secretary, by physically submitting the originals of (a) Board Resolution and the (b) Secretary's Certificate to their respective Provincial Office or by sending photographs thereof to the designated PCA Provincial Facebook Messenger, or email account, provided that the originals shall be mailed on or before the deadline for post-verification purposes. 7. The list shall not be subject of any motion for reconsideration or appeal. However, the nominating CFC/CFA/CFO may request from NNSC a resolution stating the grounds for the disqualification of its nominee. 8. Selection process at the provincial level - The PNSC will inventory the votes received at the close of the voting period and prepare the list of CFOs, CFAs and CFCs which voted together with their respective vote, canvass the votes, certify the result, declare the three nominees who garnered the highest votes as the province's nominee-delegate to the regional nomination and selection, and submit report thereof to the RNSC and NNSC In case a nominee is declared nominee-delegate in two or more provinces, each will be considered as separate delegate vote or voting power for the purpose of ranking and selection at the regional convention. 9. Selection process at the regional level - The RNSC shall prepare and post. the list of nominee-delegates at the regional convention indicating the respective voting power of each nominee-delegate, after which it shall facilitate the conduct of a regional forum via online platform to be attended by the nominee-delegates and the representatives of up to provincial CFAS only after which a convention of nominee-delegates only shall be held wherein they shall select among themselves, viva voce and by delegate vote, the maximum of five (5) nominee-delegates to be sent to the island group convention. The RNSC shall submit report of the proceedings and the result thereof to the NNSC indicating the original and accumulated voting power of each nominee-delegate. 10. Selection process at the island group level - The NNSC shall prepare and post the list of nominee-delegates at the island-group level indicating the original and accumulated voting power of each delegate, after which it shall in separate occasions facilitate the island group conventions of the nominee-delegates together with representatives of regional to national CFAS only. After which a convention of nominee-delegates only shall be held wherein they shall select among themselves, viva voce and by delegate vote, the nominees who will be included in the shortlist, from highest to lowest, provided that in case the slot is not fully filled-up in the first round of voting process, the remaining nominee-delegate shall conduct another round of voting using on a one delegate one vote basis until the slots are completely filled up. The rest of the nominees shall thereafter be included in the fist based on their original voting power. The NNSC shall submit to the PCA Administrator a report of the proceedings and the list of nominees for submission to the PCA Board. 11. Preparation of shortilst per island-group- The PCA Board shall preparé a shortlist of four nominees each per island group, ranked in accordance with the result of island group conventions, subject to modifications as may be necessitated by resolution/s on duly filed opposition/s and results of final validation/s. 12.Submission of Final list to the President The PCA Board shall conduct final deliberation and validation and submit the shortlist of four (4) nominees for each island group to the Office of the President. 13.Protest mechanisms. The cal for submission of votes shall also call for submission of opposition/s to a particular nominee for lack of required qualifications under Republic Act No. 11524 and the Fit and Proper Rule issued by the Governance Commission for GOCCs, which shall be submitted to the appropriate provincial office ter (10) to days before the conduct of provincial convention. Opposition/s shall be resolved at first instance by the PNSC, and if unresolved. by the RNSC and NNSC as the case may be. Decisions of PNSC shall be appealable to the RNSC, and the RNSC to NNSC, and NNSC to the PCA Board. Unresolved opposition/s and appealed decisions shall not disqualify a nominee provided that his/her nomination may be invalidated on valid grounds at any time before issuance of his/her appointment by the President. No protest may be filed for disqualification of CFOS/CFAS/CFOs which qualification shall later on be subjected to inclusion/exclusion process for use in th the next rounds of nomination and selection V. SCHEDULE OF ACTIVITIES DATE PERIOD April 28-May 12, 2021 April 28-June 03, 2021 May 08, 2021 May 17, 2021 May 18-21, 2021 May 24, 2021 May 25-27, 2021 ACTIVITIES Cal for nominations and submission of qualification documents of both norsinee and nominating CFC/CFA/CFO Call for CFOs/CFAs/CFCs to participate in the selection process Creation of provincial, regional and island group nomination and selection committee Publication and posting of qualified nominees Call for submission of votes and/or opposition to nominee/s thru Board Resolution Publication of initial list of CFO, CFA and CFCs which are qualified to vote Call for participation to the provincial forumas Conduct of provincial forums to select nominee delegates to the regional forum ⚫ Deadline for submission of the vetes and opposition to nominee/ Inventory, validation, canvass of votes and proclamation of the winning delegates to the regional convention Conduct of Regional forum and May 28-31, 2021 voting EXPECTED OUTPUT List of qualified nominees Farmer's participation of the Composition provindal, reponal and island group committees Schedule of provincial forum • Agreements Inventory of Board Resolutions of votes and oppositions List of nominee delegates regional convention List of nominee delegates In the land composer vi my facilitator, with the following co-facilitators: representatives from the Regional Agriculture and Fishery Council (RAFC), Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE), Cooperative Development Authority (CDA), Philippine Information Agency (PIA), and a regional CFA which will be disqualified to be nominated, to nominate and to vote; Civil Society Organization/s (CSOs) shall act as observer/s, with the personnel in the PCA Regional Office who served as the focal persons in the provincial convention as secretariat. C. National Nomination and Selection Committees (NNSCs) chall be composed of the PCA Deputy Administrator for Operations as lead facilitator, with the Regional Managers of each island group, and representatives from the National Agriculture and Fishery Council (NAFC), CDA, DOLE, and national" CFA (representative disqualified to be nominated. CFA disqualified to nominate and vote) as co-facilitators Civil Society Organization/s (CSOs) shall act as observer/s, with the Farmers Welfare and Institutional Development Division as secretariat. IV. The PCA Central Office, Regional Offices and Provincial Offices shall conduct proper coordination for the active participation of the identified possible co- facilitators. PROCEDURES FOR NOMINATION, SELECTION AND SHORTLISTING A. Information drive on the nomination of farmer representatives - The PCA shall conduct massive information campaign by providing basic and essential information that coconut farmers need to know, like the basic information that their organization, association or cooperative may nominate and participate in the selection process of farmer representatives to the PCA Board and the mechanics of the process, among others. B. Initial publication for list of schedule of activities - The PCA Central Office shall publish a schedule of activities which shall indicate the key processes, timelines and deadlines to be observed by all concemed. The initial publication shall include a call for CFOS, CFAS and CFCs which are registered. with the SEC, CDA, or DOLE, including those with previous accreditation with PCA, to nominate a farmer representative to the PCA Board and to submit qualification documents of both the nominee and nominating CFO/CFA/CFC for validation to the PCA Provincial Office of the province where they are registered. A CFO/CFA/CFC who failed to submit the nomination and qualification documents on or before the deadline shall be disqualified to participate in the nomination and selection process. Regional and national CFAs shall submit qualification documents for validation in the province where they intend to participate in the initiatory stage of the nomination and selection process. C. Submission of nominees- 1. Each CFO, CFA or CFC may nominate only one nominee who may or may not be its member but who must be a coconut farmer within the island group, provided that in case a nominee is nominated in the two or three island groups, he/she shall be declared nominee only of the group where he/she domiciled or registered voter. 2. The nomination shall be in the form of a board resolution duly issued by the CFO/CFA/CFC for the purpose, stating the name of the nominee and his qualifications and shall be accompanied by onginal or reproduced copy of the (a) nominee's bio-data/curriculum vitae/personal data sheet, (b) acceptance of his nomination, (c) documents attesting to the considerable experience and reputable track record of the nominee in promoting coconut farmer's interest and welfare as stated in the board resolution as his qualifications, (d) a certification that nominee is of reputable character from the Barangay of his/her residence, and (d) photocopy of nominee's government issued LD, preferably voter's I.D. with three (3) specimen signatures thereon. CFOS/CFAs/CFCs which do not have a nominee but would like to participate in the selection process shall in the same manner submit qualification documents. They may submit the same in advance or simultaneously with their resolution of vote. 3. The nominating CFO/CFA/CFC shall submit at the same time qualification documents which shall primarily consist of a) copy of SEC/CDA/DOLE Certificate of Registration or PCA Accreditation to be supported by, among others, b) duly approved Annual Plan/s. Accomplishment Report/s, Financial Report/s for the last three (3) years, c) copy/ies of Project Agreements/Partnership Agreements entered, citation/s certification/s or commendation/s received, d) certification by PCA Agriculturist that the organization has actively participated in PCA programs and projects. 4. The Provincial Office/PNSC shall examine the qualification of CFOs, CFAS and CFCs which submitted documents and prepare and submit the provincial list of CFOs, CFAs and CFCs which are qualified to nominate and/or to vote to the Regional Office which shall conduct further validation and submit the regional list to the Central Office/NNSC. The Provincial Office/PNSC shall likewise examine the qualification of nominees which were nominated by qualified CFOS/CFAS/CFCs and submit the list to the Regional Office which shall conduct further validation and submit the regional list to the Central Office/NNSC. The Central Office/NNSC shall, after final validation, publish the list of qualified nominees per island group and the initial list of CFOs, CFAs and CFCs which are qualified to vote. After which the Provincial Office/PNSC shall post the provincial list of CFO/CFA/CFC voters as wall as the list of the Island group nominees at conspicuous public places in the province.. Non-submission of the documentary requirements shall automatically exclude the nominee in the provincial list, without prejudice to submitted nomination/s in other provinces which are compliant. 5. The PNSC shall evaluate the qualifications of the nominees and submit to the RNSC and NNSC for further evaluation and consolidation of the list of qualified nominees with complete documentary requirements. 03, 2021 May 03, 2021 participate in the selection process Creation of provincial, regional and island group nomination. and selection committee Publication and posting May 17, 2021 • qualified nominees May 18-21 2021 . May 24, 2021 May 25-27, 2021 " May 28-31, 2021 • June 01-03, 2021 Call for submission of votes and/or opposition to nominee/s thru Board Resolution Publication of initial list of of . CFOs, CFAs and CFCs which are qualified to vote Call for participation to the + provincial forums Conduct of provincial forums to select nominee delegates to the regional forum Deadline for submission of the votes and opposition to nominee's Inventory, validation, canvass of votes and proclamation of the winning delegates to the regional convention Conduct of Regional forum and voting of Conduct of island group forum and submission nominees to the PCA board Deadline for Resolution of oppositione and appeals 5 Days before Board Meeting • PCA Board deliberation and submission of shortlist for each island group to the President. VI. EFFECTIVITY. Composition of provincial, regional and Island group committees Schedule of provincial foruma Agreements Inventory of Board Resolutions of votes and Oppositions List of nominee delegates the Agreements Recommendation RE 30 § NR regional convention SIN . List of nominee delegates SAN to the island group Agreements EXP Ust of nominees ranked MAY from highest number of delegates votes gamered SIN for ST.F ALL ON SIN MAI EXP MAY disqualification Shortlist of nominees This Memorandum Circular takes effect immediately and shall remain in force until revoked. BENJAMIN MADRIGAL, JR. Administrator SIN LIN PAV 8:30 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE PHILIPPINE COCONUT AUTHORITY SIN MA PA 8:3 CALL FOR COCONUT FARMERS ORGANIZATIONS/ASSOCIATIONS/COOPERATIVES TO NOMINATE AND PARTICIPATE IN THE SELECTION & NOMINATION OF FARMER REPRESENTATIVES IN THE PCA BOARD Republic Act No s or the Coconut Farmers and Industry Trust Fund Act mandated the government representatives in the reconstitutes PCA Beam to coordinate with PCA in areroulgoting a nomination and screening process for the nominees of the representatives of the coconut farmers in consultation with their respective organizations or associatioris Three (3) members from che coconut formere sentor, one each from Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao, shall be appointed by the President to the PCA Beard. 1] NOMINATE YOUR FARMER REPRESENTATIVE Requirements for the nominee: 1Filipino citizen 2.Registered with the PCA's Coconut Farmers Registry 3.Own not more than five (5) hectares of coconut farm in the last tón (10) years 4. Nominated by coconut formers organizations or cooperatives that are active for the past three (3) years 5.Have considerable experience and reputable track record in promoting coconut farmer's Interest and welfare Requirements for the nominating Organization/ Association/Cooperative; 1.Active in the past three (3) years In farmier organization and development or community enterprise development 2. Comprised of at least 51% coconut farmers and coconut farm workers, or majority of its membership are coconut farmers and farm workers 3.With appropriate valid registration from the Securities and Exchange Commission.or Cooperative Development Authority, or Department of Labor and Employment or existing Philippine Coconut Authority (PCA) accreditation 2] PARTICIPATE IN THE SELECTION PROCESS Sarne as that of the nominating Organization/ Association/ Cooperative Requirements: DEADLINE OF NOMINATION: MAY 12.2021 For more information and details, visit For queries, please email us at [email protected] Contact no. (02) 8928-4501 P.S. April 30, 2021 SI BA EX MA S A P 8: P W#9Roles of coconut farmer cooperative • Nominate a farmer representative to the PCA Board • Vote for a nominee that it supports at the provincial selection and screening level • Participate in the provincial, regional and island-group forums • Submit opposition to a nominee Coconut Farmer Cooperative (CFC) - shall refer to cooperative which is duly registered with the Cooperative Development Authority, the membership of which is comprised of fifty one per cent (51%) of coconut farmers as defined herein. A food-secure Philippines with prosperous farmers and fisherfolk Masaganang Mataas na ANI KITA#10DEPARTMENT OF 1898 AGRICULTURE Updates on Selection Process Created primer and infomercials to educate the farmers on the selection process through various media platforms available in the locality SELEKSYON NG KINATAWAN NG MGA MAGNINIYOG PARA SA LUPON NG PAMAMAHALA NG PCA ISANG PROSESO ANG ITINATAG PARA SA MALAWAKANG KONSULTASYON SA PAGPILI NG ATING KINATAWAN P PAANO ANG KABUUANG PROSESO? ISA MULA P ISA MULA VISAYAS PANAWAGAN PARA SA MGA NOMINASYON 2 PAGPILI NG KWALIPIKADONG MGA ISA MULA PAGPILI NG MGA NOMINATO SA PROBINSYA MINDANAO KANDIDATO 6 DELIBERASYON NG LUPON NG PAMAMAHALA NG PCA A A < 5 HULING PAGTANGGAP AT RESOLUSYON NG OPOSISYON 4 PAGKUMPIRMA NG NANGUNGUNANG KANDIDATO SA REHIYON AT MGA PANG KAT NG ISLA TATLONG TAONG AKTIBO BILANG ORGANISASYON NG MAGSASAKA O PAGTATAGUYODNEGOSYO SA KOMUNIDAD 51% NG MGA KASAPI SA ORGANISASYON AY MAGNINIYOG AT MANGGAGAWA REGISTERED ALINMAN SA CDA AT BRW ACCREDITED SA PCA bod-secure Philippines with prosperous farmers and fisherfolk Masaganang Mataas na ANI KITA#11PCAX-Ralph... PCA X Sacred... PCA 10 Acting... Roy Arthur P.... 00 R PID GROWTH 10 DTI RAPID Tina... Lgu Balingasag 1WX5t05lighXr... CHEDRO 10 El... PETRONIO DUM... Charlito Brillet... TESDA R10 Jer... DTI-LDN John F... NDA-Jester Jo... Orientation with Partner Agencies and Farmer Organizations the as ■ Continuous orientations of concerned agencies involved selection committee members on their roles and on the process of nomination and selection of farmer representatives ▪ Farmer leaders, farmers organizations, cooperatives, and associations are also oriented regarding the registration of coconut farmers and the nomination and selection process of PCA Board representatives REGION X MOHAMMAD K... pca technical edna yorong-B... REGION IV City Agricultur... Sano Balais GORDON DTILO-MOR DC... BA R>PID CROWTH 10 DTI RAPID Mich...#12■ All 51 PCA Provincial Offices have already organized their Provincial Nomination and Selection Committees ■ All 12 PCA Regional Offices have submitted their NSCs Lead Facilitator Co- Facilitators Provincial Nomination and Selection Committee (PNSC) PCA Provincial Coconut Development Manager PCA Regional Office Staff Representatives from PAFC, PIA, PLGU, and Provincial CFO/CFA/CFC Regional Nomination and Selection Committee (RNSC) PCA Regional Manager Representatives from RAFC, Bureau of Rural Workers or equivalent, PIA, CDA, and Regional CFO/CFC/CFA PCA Regional Office Staff National Nomination and Selection Committee (NNSC) PCA Deputy Administrator for Operations PCA Regional Managers (of the island group concerned), Representatives from NAFC, CDA, DOLE, and national CFO/CFC/CFA PCA Farmers Welfare and Institutional Devt Division Secretariat PCA Senior Agriculturist Observers Civil Society Organizations Civil Society Organizations with prosperous farmers and fisherfolk Masaganang KITA Mataas na ANI Civil Society Organizations#13Updates Nominated Individuals OF DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE PHILIPPINE COCONUT AUTHORITY LIST OF QUALIFIED NOMINEES FOR FARMER REPRESENTATIVES IN THE PCA BOARD We now call on all qualified Coconut Farmers Organizations, Associations and Cooperatives: 1) to participate in the Provincial, Regional and National forums to be conducted by the Philippine Coconut Authority to be familiarized with the nominees and be engaged in discussion on relevant issues of the industry (activities are until June 04, 2021) and 2) to submit Resolution of Vote (one organization one vote) endorsing any nominee from their Island-group (Deadline of Submission: May 26, 2021). Any organization or individual possessing information on a particular nominee's lack of required qualification under RA No. 11524 and for the Fit and Proper Rule issued by the Governance Commission for Government Owned and Controlled Corporations may submit a Resolution or Letter of opposition against such nominees with the appropriate PCA Provincial office (Deadline of Submission of Opposition: May 26, 2021). Island Group Total Per Island Group Region No. of Nominees |-||| 54 Luzon 89 Visayas 38 38 X X X ≤ ≤ ≤ << 29 6 VI 11 VII 12 அளளயா செட்டம் BENEMEDITOELICABETH C DENEMERITO THELMAL VIII 15 IX Mindanao TOTAL 13 16 21 00 80 XII 14 XIII 14 BARMM 2 207 PROMOCCA SUR GAULAN JASON V MOMLA UNION COAPENCILLONL SABADO NANCY S RODRIGUEEMILDERGARDEL LUNAJUANG CACLIONARENT FREYNALDO D. MOM GAGALKAN CUMLADAN IRACU ANCHETA RANDOLPH AZAGANCHOY MANDAC FLORE ESLARON PROCESIO FROM ROMPION FAIQUEM LAMIN MOMMANDUQUE COST DOTO RESTITUDO S FRANCECO JOHNNY C. ТАРАТА ЛЕМКАКО LUCENA SANCHOA. SAFNANDO D PARTITION ROLL MAI MANERAMOT TANGU UDROLANDO G SELONDRES DENDAE FROM BANGARMAN PATIP ROMY T NICOLAUTO DILA CRUZARDE DILA CRUZ JOPHE FARRECANTECEDIDO R. DENGAN SALVADOR D PORNTONIOL FROM PALAWAN AREAGILAR STONDE. RELANDO EDMUNDO T QUINTERO VICTOR FROM LAGUNA ALES RENDICTA SWAEVANGEL NEG ACORNACIO CLE OMNICH NJEWAS.JAIME G..JR. MALALAR REYNALDO A LUZON ZABALCALDE D GUERREROALDWING LEANDER MA PATA VIVENTANGLAH CANARIALEONARDOY LUCENA NAM BLU BORJA NON FACIO G. MODESTO PORTO V NECESITOUROMULO M NESTO SOL LUBADICAL MANNELLY GUDMAN ANTONIO B FROM DATANGAS QUATCHION MARIO C CIM QUERCINI MDALROBERTO 5 RUBIOFRANCISCO P. MY ACARA HONNYC GOYALMYLEN SANTELICES SALVADOR D TENA LUCIO V AMPARCAMEL L CATACUTANALERIO 5. MAPALAD MARIOLITO. MANTA BLUEM MATERNANDOL FROM GAMITE BILAN DOLATOR. FROM CAMARINES SU ALBS MAROT RENATOR LAMAR, МЕНТОН А FROM ALBAY LARGONATOM BUTHA ALCAL BALAAAELA CRUZ JOSE S GOLEE, BUDY G VISAYAS MOMOLO ASSANDO JR SCHICH, Lee FROM MEGROS DECIDINMIL BENJAMIN NELL FROM CESU MURZ PATERNO ПОМ ВАНАТ DATING VICENTET VILLANUEVA ASTORIO PROMANTIQUE MANTRINDAD M FROM NORTHANSAMAR HOPONIA, RICHARD D ORANIENICANORI INGUBAI PAMOND PERAROYO GLORIOSA, ENGMALAW RODRIGO, ALBERT M. MOM ASLAN HIMULTA, PATIRING BRAM MICROFORMINTAL SAGEDIA, SILVER B. J ALATAN SINONT. ALAPPANINGA CARRAGA ANGELTOA PURACAN, AVUNO IN BERNALET, JAYR MARIANO, SALVOL LUARDO JOHN EDUARD CORN LIDA D NODALO VIVENDIAJ DE LA PENA, ARTUROS HOMEETE LAGO, CHARLITOL MORANTE LUBITOL HRD FRANK HOTY M FROM ASTERN SAMAR MAAARING LUIS A COUMA MOD DADULLA, ANITA D. HARGA VALIMALT MINDANAO MOM ZAMBOANCH DEL NOMITE AROMA-MONOW LOMURDA, ROGELIOM PAULCAN ROLANDO P ROY, DARDO MOM ZAMEGANDA DELS RURAL GENESUNDOA MONTEVERDE REYNALDO B HAD& CANBAN BONIFACIOG TORRES HERBETO P. FROM CAVIOU CORD, LUGENE V KHO, MICHAEL PHILIPL GALLA WILDO A BROWN SWAY OMAVAGEND HAMP VILA V REGANON, RODRIGO G MALAMANGAN, MAC LEDESMA JOSEPHD CUARESMA ALBERT L DRAZA, GEORGE M CHARITAL MUHIMA, HOMOSE MARAND,FEDERICO J JAMIS MARIO S MOM.MISAMA DOGMENTAL CALIPUSAN, ALFONSO P. LAGNAC EPIMACAT. CHALDE CALIT FROM UNWOOR MORIT PAY CARMELINOC TARUCARNELE VALER FULGENCIO M AQUINO, JUANITOL RIKACC TRAGON, JESSICA F FROM DAWAD OF WOLVE DRAMADA, DODA PAGLINAWAN, THEODORE CADILEMMY ARNOWN DEY FROM OWWAO CITY DEVIKA ROOF MACAMANI MILAN GALOPE.NECEASE FROM DAVED ON SUR CAPANG PANGAN,PATOR GENGSTON, ANTONIO N MADRIO ROMUUTO B FROM WWW.CLOGICEMAL FROM PAYLOGA, RUPIA YAP, CELEDONIO B MOM DARMO CHEMTAL RADO, FRANCESCOTA, JR. CON JOHNNY ATLAWAN, BAROVJ RAMOS RODRIGO B. SE MEM MONTH COTABATO TESOL ON MUUTAR CERIALESEY JOHN R GENERAL SANTOS CATEY LLIGADO NESTORIL SOLIDA JOSEPHINE T LEQUATE ANDREA GAPUNGING LORETO E SECRETO, RAMON TO T NO, LEONARDO C FROM SOUTH COMENIC APOSTOL DAN ELF PENCILLA ROOMARF T FROM SULTANPUCAT HAWAUNTA DAI NALAM DE MANUEL PENEC, SA. SR. NOR PILITA FODOLO OCULASAMUEL F. BROMANCE MORTE CONTER ALMED YAO-YADINES V ОЯТО СЕМЯ Д PEHLA DOAR H ROBES, MARMINOT.JA GILDO, ROIGILIO FROM DIWACHT GLANDS PARCON, JIMMY FROM SARADISUB LOVADA CISSANTE P QUIMPAN ANTONIOR FROM Tam AMAN, ADTAULA The nominees were screened by the respective Provincial Nomination and Screening Committee satisfying the requirements stated in the MC No.1 series of CY 2021 issued by the Philippine Coconut Authority, subject to further validation. A food-secure Philippines with prosperous farmers and fisherfolk Masaganang Mataas na ANI KITA#14Nominated Individuals Island Group Total Per Island Group Region No. of Nominees |-||| Luzon 89 IV V 29 226 54 LUZON 89 L FARMER-REPRESENTATIVE NOMINEES ILOCOS NORTE AGRADE,GEORGE A. AGUILON, FLORENCIA A. BENEMERITO, ELIZABETH C. BENEMERITO, THELMA L. ILOCOS SUR BISTOYONG, ROSALINA L. GAERLAN, JASON V. LA UNION LUNA,JUAN G. RODRIGUEZ, CESAR C. RODRIGUEZ, HILDERGARDE L. SABADO, NANCY S. SOBREPENA, HELEN I. ISABELA CACLIONG,ARSENIO T. FENIX,REYNALDO D. CAGAYAN ANCHETA, RANDOLPH C. ARZAGA, RICHJOY P. DUMLAO,PEPE R. ESLABON, PROCESO C. IPAC, ERNESTO U. MANDAC, FLOR B. ROMBLON FALQUEZA, BENJAMIN M. MARINDUQUE COSTIBOLO, RESTITUTO S. FRANCISCO, JOHNNY C. BATAAN LUCENA,SANCHO A. MALABAN, ERANO T. PABITON, ROLLY G. SAYAS, FERNANDO D. SELOVERES, BRENDA E. TANGUILID, ROLANDO G. ZAPATA, FERNANDO P. PANGASINAN ALMOGELA, ANALYN N. BELINGAN, SALVADOR D. DELA CRUZ, ARDE C. DELA CRUZ, JOSEPH E. FABRECANTE, PEDRITO R. NICOLAS,ROLITO O. PALTEP, ROMY T. PASAOA, ANTONIO L. TOMBAGA, ERIC P. PALAWAN ARZAGA, ARISTON DT. MAMAH, LINDA E. QUINTERO, VICTOR P. REBLANDO, EDMUNDO T. LAGUNA ADORNA, CECILIO ANGELES,BENEDICTA S. ERNE, ELMER C. SILVA, EVANGELINE G. MINDORO MALALUAN, REYNALDO A. NUEVAS,JAIME G., JR. AURORA ABORDO,NORA C. BORJA, BONIFACIO Q. CANARIA,LEONARDO Y. GIANAN, NELLY I. GUZMAN, ANTONIO B. LEANDER,MA PAZ S. LUCENA,ENA M. LUGAD,GLORIA L. MENESES, ELADIO P., JR. MODESTO, ROBERTO V. NECISITO, NARCISO L. NECISITO, ROMULO M. OROZCO, EDUARDO O. QUERRIJERO,ALDWIN G. RIVERA,LEOPOLDO C. RUIZ, RODOLFO L., SR. SERADOY,LEOVIGILDO C. VIVERO, TARCILA H. ZABAL, CRISALDE D. QUEZON AMPARO, ARMEL L. AVELLANA,RONALYN J. AZCARRAGA, JHONNY C. CATACUTAN, ALBERTO S. ESTIPONA,ALEXANDER P. GOYAL,MYLEN F. MAGTIBAY,ROSA M. MANZA,ELLIEZER M. MAPALAD,MARIOLITO M. MESA, FERNANDO L. RUBIO, FRANCISCO P. SANTELICES, SALVADOR B. TENA, LUCIO V. VIDAL, ROBERTO S. BATANGAS QUIATCHON,MARIO C. CAVITE SILAN, EDILBERTO R. CAMARINES SUR ALBIS, MARIO T. EBORA, RENATO R. LLAMAS, NESTOR A. ALBAY LAGANSON, BERTITO M. CAMARINES NORTE BALBAIRA, RAFAEL A. OLIVAR, FLOR L.#15Nominated Individuals Island Group Total Per Island Group Region No. of Nominees VI 11 Visayas 38 VII ミミ 12 VIII 15 25 38 VISAYAS FARMER-REPRESENTATIVE NOMINEES GUIMARAS CRUZ, JOSE S. GOLEZ, RUDY G. ILOILO ASUGA, IRENEO J., JR. ECHECHE, PERLITO C. GARGANTINO, VICENTE T., JR. ANTIQUE EIMAN, TRINIDAD M. NEGROS ORIENTAL ALAP-AP, ANINIAS A. ALATAN, SINON T. CARRIAGA, ANGELITO A. GEDAYA, RAMIRO G. MAGSIPOC, LUIS D., JR. OCAY, PRAXEDES T. SACEDA, SILVERIO B., JR. BOHOL BERNALEZ, JAY R. LUARDO, JOHN EDUARD T. MAKINANO, SALVIO I. PURACAN, AVELINO N. LEYTE LAGO, CHARLITO L. MORANTE, LUISITO L. RAAGAS, VALERIANO B. REMEDIO, THELMA R. RIBO, FRANK ROY M. SAMAR BAYARONG, LUIS A. BUENO, LAURO B. COLIMA, SERGIO D. DADULLA, ANITA D. HOPONIA, RICHARD D. ORANIE, NICANOR R. VILLANUEVA, ASTORIO O. CAPIZ PACLIBAR, RAMON D. PEÑAROYO, GLORIOSA O. RODRIGO, ALBERT M. NEGROS OCCIDENTAL BENJAMIN, NOEL L. BILIRAN CORPIN, LIDA D. DE LA PEÑA, ARTURO S. NODALO, VEVENCIA J. CEBU AKLAN REBUELTA, PATERNO I. MUÑEZ, PATERNO C.#16Nominated Individuals Island Group Total Per Island Group Region No. of Nominees IX 13 16 XI 21 Mindanao 80 XII 14 XIII 14 BARMM 2 80 MINDANAO FARMER-REPRESENTATIVE NOMINEES ZAMBOANGA DEL NORTE EROY, GERARDO B. LOMARDA, ROGELIO M. PAULICAN, ROLANDO P. ZAMBOANGA DEL SUR MONTEVERDE, REYNALDO B. HIDALGO, RICHARD S. RUIZAL, GENERANDO A. ZAMBOANGA SIBUGAY REGANION, RODRIGO G. REMPIS, ELVIRA V. ZAMBOANGA CITY BRAZA, GEORGE M. CHUA, TERESITA L. CUARESMA, ALBERT L. LEDESMA, JOSEPH D. MACARANDAN, ROSITA C. BUKIDNON CALLEDO, GODFREY T. CANIBAN, BONIFACIO C. TORRES, HERBETO P. CAMIGUIN KHO, MICHAEL PHILIP L. OBSID, EUGENE V. ORILLO, WILFREDO A. DAVAO DE ORO AQUINO, JUANITO I. FOLKES, GRACE C. TIBAGON, JESSICA P. VALER, FULGENCIO M. DAVAO DEL NORTE AMBINGAN, EDDIE V. CABEL, EMMY B. GRANADA, DIOSCORO A. PAGLINAWAN, THEODORE B. DAVAO OCCIDENTAL FAYLOGA, RUFINA B. YAP, CELEDONIO B. DAVAO ORIENTAL ADLAWAN, BASILO V., JR. CARCASONA, JOHNNY B., SR. PABIO, FRANCISCO A., JR. RAMOS, RODRIGO S., SR. NORTH COTABATO CERIALES, REY JOHN R. LOREDO, LEO L. PARCON, MIGUELITA R. SARANGANI/ GENERAL SANTOS CITY AQUINO, LEONARDO C. CAPUNONG, LORETO E. HALLEGADO, NESTOR H. LEGARTE, ANDRESA B. SECRETO, RAMONITO T. SOLIDAD, JOSEPHINE T. SURIGAO DEL NORTE PEDRAJITA, RODOLFO B. ROCULAS, SAMUEL R. AGUSAN DEL NORTE CORTEZ, ALFREDO S. ORTIZ, CESAR D. YAO-YAO, INES V. AGUSAN DEL SUR BAGUIOS, BERNABE B. GILDO, ROGELIO B. MABALOT, LIBERATO D., JR. PERLA, EDGAR B. ROBLES, MAXIMINO T., JR. DINAGAT ISLANDS PARCON, JIMMY V. SURIGAO DEL SUR CABILIN, ARSOLINO S. LOZADA, CRISANTE P. QUIMPAN, ANTONIO R. MISAMIS ORIENTAL BUHIAN, EDGAR C. JAMIS, MARIO S. MARIANO, FEDERICO R., JR. MISAMIS OCCIDENTAL CALIPUSAN, ALFONSO P. CARALDE, CARLITO S. LAGAAC, EPIMACA T. LANAO DEL NORTE BACOTE, MARIVIC L CASAN, MOHAMMAD KHALID R. SIPALAY, CARMELINO C. TARUC, ARNEL E. DAVAO CITY DE VERA, EDUARDO F. GALOPE, NECEAS E. MACANSANTOS, ALLAN G. DAVAO DEL SUR CAPANGPANGAN, PEPITO P. GENESTON, ANTONIO N. MADRIO, ROMULITO B. MONEBA, AURELIO M. SOUTH COTABATO APOSTOL, DANIEL F. GARCIA, ROBERT J. PENDILLA, RODMAR F. SULTAN KUDARAT DE MANUEL, RENE C., SR. MAMALINTA, BAI NAILA M. TAWI-TAWI ABIRIN, ABTAJIRL A. MAGUINDANAO ANGGAL, IBRAHIM B.#17Updates INITIAL LIST OF COCONUT FARMERS ORGANIZATION/ASSOCIATION/COOPERATIVE QUALIFIED TO PARTICIPATE IN THE SELECTION OF FARMER REPRESENTATIVES IN THE PCA BOARD The initial List of CFOs/CFAs/CFCs was screened by the respective Provincial Nomination and Screening Committee satisfying the requirements stated in the MC No.1 series of CY 2021 issued by the Philippine Coconut Authority. Other organizations may still participate and submit resolution of vote to their chosen nominee provided they submit the required documents (Deadline of Submission: May 26, 2001) LUZON TRAFIC MYKING PROCE AAN WAS COCOAT ACTION GOTU BRAND BITERMATED VELMENT AND MISICATION AAAKS KID CANLAN NO ACCENT T CENTRATOCONUT GALATION CAND MARACASPAR KILL ME LANA BARBARA MENOR GURMANING NOG KANAR COLCHONETAN GATIC WHITEHALLBLAUEATION Mindanao BANCE REGULATUS DONATIV NOW BACK MALL ---- Eligible Voting Organizations No. of Eligible Voting Island Group Total Per Island Group Region Organizations LOWER MONCOINDING FRA COCENTTINNED LESION EXIDON SHALL CONTINGUT |-||| 51 MEXICANS Luzon 272 IV 162 HALAKOS NATHANTING ENCUEN NRUCTOR V 59 VI 28 ENTIROGSHALLOOOONGTER CANILATION NAVICIMAX IN HOMETO Visayas 68 88 VII 12 VIII 28 ONURKKIIN CONTAINS DRINGEN IX 45 கை KINGEALTHLI CHINITREMESS ENCIoli X 251 MESSFULFILL CONTINERI IRONCLE BELJNAN SIPPER HALLOOOONTIMMER OCENILATION BLANICIANT WILL SORTE CONGLANCE IN ALL ROOTLEGT DOLAR XI 52 Mindanao 1,004 XII 634 XIII 14 BARMM 8 TANGLETTBALL.COCONUNCIATION LOCONTINGENTILATION INSURCES IN AVETICATION TOTAL BLONGANGEACTION 1,344 EXPLENT CHITMAN TRANC CAT WE WERE JAA LIVE LANDO PROCES AMERICATION SOLSOWINGO IMAGENTAMER DELETION IRISC-DRING PERIO PAGIBILEN DONTFELMUSICACTION CLARTER MINGALONE:SNICES (PREFORE CHIPOLITI HALANGNALACATION INCAR PATHAN TRIAL MEMES DECANISATION BETYDERIC SHARMA PROMOTION A food-secure Philippines with prosperous farmers and fisherfolk Masaganang Mataas na ANI KITA#18Result of May 24 Board Meeting ❖ Members of the Board not amenable to proceeding with the Nomination Process without completion of the NCFRS • ensure that nominees and nominators are qualified . ● encourage the participation of as many SCFOs as possible currently unregistered farmers and SCFOs may be disenfranchized allow more time to select nominees instead of beating the deadline New timeline will be discussed in the next Board meeting A food-secure Philippines with prosperous farmers and fisherfolk Masaganang Mataas na ANI KITA#19DEPARTMENT OF 1898 AGRICULTURE Coconut Farmers and Industry Trust Fund A food-secure Philippines with prosperous farmers and fisherfolk Masaganang Mataas na ANI KITA#20Coconut Farmers and Industry Trust Fund (Sec. 7) There is hereby created a Trust Fund to be known as the “Coconut Farmers and Industry Trust Fund" It shall be maintained for fifty (50) years under the Coconut Farmers and Industry Development Plan and used for the benefit of the coconut farmers and the development of the coconut industry A food-secure Philippines with prosperous farmers and fisherfolk Masaganang Mataas na KITA ANI#21Coconut Farmers and Industry Trust Funa . (Sec. 8) Immediately upon the enactment of RA 11524, the BTr shall transfer P10 Billion to the Trust Fund • P10 Billion on the second year P15 Billion on the third year P15 Billion on the fourth year P25 Billion on the fifth year, and any amount accruing including interest A food-secure Philippines with prosperous farmers and fisherfolk Masaganang Mataas na ANI KITA#22Coconut Farmers and Industry Trust Funa (Sec. 8) Any amount of the Trust Fund Income shall be available for disbursement by the implementing agencies, which shall be utilized in accordance with the Development Plan for a period of fifty (50) years The amount in the Trust Fund account for disposition by the designated government implementing agencies under the Development Plan, which shall be released directly to them, shall not be lower than P5 Billion for any given year. A food-secure Philippines with prosperous farmers and fisherfolk Masaganang ANI Mataas na KITA#23Utilization of the Trust Fund (Sec. 9) Utilization of the Trust Fund shall be in accordance with the Coconut Farmers and Industry Development Plan Initial allocation of P5 Billion shall be available to the designated government implementing agencies. A food-secure Philippines with prosperous farmers and fisherfolk Masaganang Mataas na ANI KITA#24The Trust Fund Management Committee (Sec. 10) • RA 11524 created a Trust Fund Management Committee comprised of DOF, DBM, and the DOJ • It shall be responsible for setting the Investment Strategy of the Trust Fund, and ensuring, among others, annual allocation of the Trust Fund available for disbursement which shall not be less than P5 Billion per year A food-secure Philippines with prosperous farmers and fisherfolk Masaganang ANI Mataas na KITA#25Within one hundred twenty days (120) days from the effectivity, the PCA Board shall enter into a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with 15 implementing agencies ESSENTIAL TASKS ACTION PLAN Ensure coordinated planning and programming of PCA to coordinate with the Partner PPAS under the Development Plan, proper implementation & utilization of the allocations, and submission of periodic reports of these implementing agencies to the PCA Board. Partner Agencies to be involved in regional and provincial forum - Joint programming (with WFP/PPAS approved by the PCA Governing Board) decentralized implementation through the different implementing agencies Joint monitoring and assessment by different implementing agencies - Agencies for the designation of permanent focal or point persons in the drafting of the respective MOA PCA to work closely with Partner Agencies in drafting of the respective MOAS#26Within one hundred twenty days (120) days from the effectivity, the PCA Board shall enter into a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with 14 implementing agencies Hybridization Program % Allocation Implementing Agency PCA-15%, DOST-PCAARRD - 5% TESDA - 4%, DA-ATI - 4% 20 Training 8 Research, Marketing & Promotion 5 DTI Crop Insurance 4 PCIC Farm Improvements 10 Shared Facilities for processing 10 Organizing & empowerment of 5 DANDA, DA- HVCDP, BAI PhilMech CDA and LGUs coconut famer organizations & cooperatives Credit Programs 10 LBP-5%, DBP- 5% Infrastructure Development 10 DPWH Scholarship 8 CHED Health and Medical 10 PCA Mum#27Submit to the President for approval, the Coconut Farmers and Industry Development Plan within one hundred twenty (120) days from the effectivity ESSENTIAL TASKS Consult coconut farmers and CFOs, industry processors, academe, government agencies. concerned and other stakeholders of the coconut industry • Seek the Advisory Opinion of DBM, DOF, DTI and the NEDA before submission to the President Crafting of WFP for the Annual Trust Fund Allocation ACTION PLAN CocoFIRM (Coconut Farmers and Industry Road Map) finalized and to be used as draft/basis for consultation with stakeholders at various levels PCA to spearhead the crafting and consolidation of regional and provincial plans in consultation with the stakeholders of the coconut industry DA-PCAF, DBM, DOF, DTI and the NEDA focal persons to be on board early on in the crafting of the plan ANI ITA#28C C OPERATING FIRM FRAMEWORK LAWS AND POLICIES OPolicy Guidance O Enforcement of Regulations O Product Standards INVESTMENTS OPERATING FRAMEWORK PHILIPPINE DEVELOPMENT Philippine Development Plan (Empowerment, Convergence, Sustainability, Inclusive Growth and Development) ONE DA: 12-POINT AGENDA ONLY AND (Masaganang Ani at Mataas na Kita) Farming Processing Marketing GOODS Coconut Intercrops and livestock ecotowns Corridors of Agro industries SERVICES Supply Chain/Value Chain O Infrastructure O Manpower O Research and Development/ Extension OEmpowerment of CFOs and cooperatives O Social Protection Programs TRANSFORMED PCA (PTR) PTR TECH-LOADED INNOVATIONS PCA will be the prime mover of the supply chain/ value chain to the RIGHT DIRECTION FARMERS' WELFARE DEVELOPMENT PLAN Institutionalized Convergence /Public-Private Partnerships IMPLEMENT CFIDP Secure and resilient coconut industry with empowered and prosperous coconut farmers#29Unified Supply Chain and Value Chain for Coconut in the Philippines C COFARMS 15 B NUTS**Harvesting/Dehusking Shells, Charcoal ACTIVATION REFINING ACTIVATED CARBON COOKING OIL CNO Trading CNO OIL MILLS Nuts, 80% COPRA MAKING Copra Trading COCOCHEMS COCOWATER SPLITTING/FRACTIONATI LON ESTERIFICATION Coco Water Processing Unit ASEPTIC SYSTEM COCOWATER DCN Nuts, 20% Trading NUTS TAPPING HUSKS YOUNG COCONUT FIBER MILLS COCOSUGAR PROCESSING CENTER VCO-BASED COCO HUB COLD PRESS COPRA CAKE Nata, makapuno, macaroons, Bukayo, Flour Ropes, geonets, cocopeat CONSOLIDATION FERMENTATION/DISTILATION CME COCO WATER CONCENTRATE VINEGAR VCO DCN VCO Young coconut COCO. SUGAR, SYRUP, AMINOS VINEGAR, LAMBANOG MARKETS#30Coconut Farmers 2.5 million (NCFRS, 2018) 49% are owners 51% are landless (14% tenant, 37% farm workers) (NCFRS, 2018) 92% are food insecure with < 1 carrying capacity ratio = (annual income/food threshold) 79% of coconut farms are equal or less than 2.0 hectares National Coconut Farmers registry Source: Source: trust-fund-coconut-farmers Source: poor-farmers-perk-up-and-modernize-industry/ Farmers have no social protection social protection (no accident, health life insurance, not SSS member, no. scholarship for children) ANGULO T LO NG P PILIPINAS Coconut Levy Act signed by Pres. Duterte in Feb 26, 2021 provides funds specifically for farmers' social protection od-secure Philippines will ensure all registered farmers will receive support with prosperous farmers and fisherfolk Masaganang Mataas na ANI KITA#31Mandatory Features of the CFIDP • shall specifically set the directions and policies of the coconut industry within fifty (50) years The CFIDP shall include national program for: Community-based enterprises Social protection • Coconut farmers organization and development • Innovative research projects and their practical application • Integrated processing of coconut and downstream products. A food-secure Philippines with prosperous farmers and fisherfolk Masaganang Mataas na KITA ANI#32Mandatory Features of the CFIDP • Provide criteria for targeting beneficiaries, key and mechanism for performance indicators, evaluation and monitoring • Provide indicative funding requirement, taking into account the % distribution of the annual allocation of respective implementing agency as stated in Section 4 of RA 11524 A food-secure Philippines with prosperous farmers and fisherfolk Masaganang ANI Mataas na KITA#33Proposed Systems Framework for Monitoring, Evaluation, and Impact Assessment of the Program Activities under RA 11524 INPUTS: (Agencies'- Development Interventions) PCA Hybrid Coconut Development 15% (On top of major functions funded by regular budget] PCA 10% Medical Health Services PCAARRD-DOST 5% POLICY/ INSTITUTIONAL SETTING Current State of Development Research on Coconut Hybrids TESDA-ATI (DA) 8% Trainings/Farm Schools Bureau of SME Development (DTI) 5% Research, Marketing & Promotion in the Coconut PCIC Crop Insurance 4% Industry Sector BAI, NDA, HVCC (DA) 10% Coconut-based Farming Systems/ Diversification PHilMech (DA) Shared Processing Facilities 10% CDA 5% Farmers Cooperatives/Associations Development DBP/ LBP 10% Credit Programs DPWH 10% Infrastructure Development CHED Scholarships 8% OUTPUTS (DIRECT EFFECTS) (Empowered Coconut Farmers) Coconut Farmers and their Families, Farmers organization & Cooperatives OUTCOMES Rehabilitation and Modernization of Coconut Industry for Higher Farm Productivity & Value Adding Activities Enhanced health, education and social services Market Access of Farmers-based MSMEs for Coconut Products IMPACTS Sustainable Increase in farmers' Income More Equitable Access and Distribution of Basic Social Services Global Competitiveness A food-secure Philippines Continuous Monitoring and Feedback Mechanism (Interagency Program Monitoring Office) Source: Adapted from International Center, Office of Global Research Engagement, University of Florida, 2018#34MOA with 15 implementing agencies • Designation of permanent focal or point persons in the drafting of the respective MOA Work closely with partner agencies in drafting of the respective MOAs to synthesize all interagency inputs as major components of the proposed CFIDP • Undertake joint planning-decentralized execution-joint monitoring and assessment Development of hybrid coconut seed farms and nursery for planting and replanting(PCA and DOST-PCAARRD) 20% Training of farmers and their families (TESDA and ATI) Research, marketing and promotion (DTI) 8% 5% 4% Crop Insurance (PCIC) Farm Improvements through diversification and/or intercropping with livestock, dairy, poultry, coffee, cacao production (NDA, DA-HVCDP, DA-BAI) Shared facilities for processing (PhilMech) 10% 10% Organizing and empowerment of coconut farmer organization and their cooperatives (CDA) 5% 10% Credit Program (DBP and LBP) Infrastructure Development (DPWH) 10% Scholarship program for farmers and their families (CHED) Health and medical program for farmers and their families (PCA) 8% les 10% folk Masaganang Mataas na ANI KITA#35ADA-AM-Bernard Tand.. Czarina Enarsa IOTEKOS ASEC Asteria C.. PCA Adiririamin Ma CAFOS LEO CANEDA PHIMech-Otero Capar BP Laurence Hidalgo... RCC ROMEO C. SA... SALIT OSDS CHED Can 1. Buena Agua dt ess UMBR CARRO Edna A. Arit Certus Cartic ESCA Houge Patrick.. Un-85C Jerry Clave PHIME-Amel Hami NDA Administrator Many.. Dr virgiic azago BP-Lana Ray Doveta PCIC Manuel Cortina B. Meeting with Implementing Agencies • • • • · Held a meeting on 6 April 2021 with the focal persons of the (15) implementing agencies Briefing on the Pertinent Provisions of RA 11524 and the Role of Partner Agencies in its implementation Identified focal persons from PCA per partner agency and farmer organizations Crafted draft MOAs for submission to approving authorities Program Guidelines to be prepared within ninety (90) days from MOA signing F Ferato Viado DPWH Dr. Rodil PEA Admin Ecnjamin Ma., FCAARRD-Edna A. Ant Cortes Carpio DTI RJG ABEC Astoria C. dte O UMER DA AT Bernard Tand.. PCC Manuel Cotna B.. DT-BSVEC Jerry Clace. PC Renato Viado Ask to Unute PHIMsch-Arnel Ramir TIMech-Oferc Capar.. NDA Administrator Merily.. DPWH Di Redl Milado LEP-Ec Juzanc HO M MER OSDS TESDA Radger Patrick.. DAFOS LEO CANEDA CT-BSM Marcar Ra... CHED Dan Buena Agua PEIC SUP PALES OSDS PHIMech-Ofero Capor... LBP-Lourence Hidalgo-.. FCC-L RCMEC C. SA.. CHED Dan Buena Agus PARRD-Edre A. Ant dt UMBR Carlos Corpo TESDA Redger Patnck.. CT-BEVED Jerry Clave.. PHIMach-Arnal Romr.. NCA Administrator Manly, De Vipto Jaraga Eduranc Ray Devesa Pric Manuel Cortina .. B Ferato Viado DPVA Ci Rodil Millado DA HVCDP U Nichols.. TESDA Ma Bernadete.. CEED Marivic Hiber BAI JOVAN OLAGUER di MER CAARRD Alissa berr.. Activate Wind ganang as na ANI KITA#36Additional Information to Implementing Agencies ● Participation of regional offices of implementing agencies in stakeholders' discussions regarding proposed PPAs, crafting of regional CFIDP Some PPAs may have to be joint undertakings with other agencies DTI-BSMED Το assist in the packaging, marketing, and promotions of coconut-based products CDA, ATI, TESDA For equipping farmers organizations of the right skills and knowledge in handling a coconut-based business MARKETING BUILDING/ STRUCTURE TRAININGS EQUIPMENT DPWH For the construction of the shared facilities PHILMECH & DOST To supply equitable coconut processing machineries and equipment To provide interventions for equipment that are not yet commercially available#37Consultation Meeting with Leaders of Federated FOS • Allow farmer representatives/focal persons to join in the planning process for the crafting of MOA with partner agencies FOCAL PERSONS OF CONFED-FFF-KILUS MAGNINIYOG 1.PCIC - Dioscoro A. Granada [email protected] 0998-564-5569 (former Board Chair, PCIC) 2. LBP Edgardo C. Amistad [email protected] 0920-913-6143 (former President, COCOFINANCE) and Victor Gerardo Bulatao [email protected] 0920- 918-3932 (former Board Member, LBP) 3. DBP Edgardo Amistad and Victor Gerardo Bulatao - 4. TESDA Edicio de la Torre [email protected] 0919-007-0860 (former Director-General, TESDA) 5. ATI Edicio de la Torre - 6. CHED Edicio de la Torre - 7. NDA Salvacion M. Bulatao [email protected] 0920-918-3931 (former Administrator, NDA) 8. BAI Salvacion M. Bulatao 9. DA-HVCCP - Salvacion M. Bulatao (former FFF supervisor, Coconut Farm Development Program with CIIF-OMG) 10. DOST-PCAARRD - Salvacion M. Bulatao (former FFF supervisor, Science and Technology-Based Farm Project in coconut areas with PCAARRD) 11. PHILMECH - Ricardo Cachuela [email protected] 0945-846-4114 (former Director, BPRE) and Santiago Obien [email protected] 0917-326-3002 (former Director, NAPHIRE) 12. DPWH Ricardo Cachuela and Santiago Obien 13. CDA Sylvia O. Paraguya [email protected] 0917-624-8226 (CEO, NATCCO) and Raul Montemayor [email protected] 0917-208-6266 (National Manager, Federation of Free Farmers Cooperatives) 14. DTI-BSMED - Pablito M. Villegas [email protected] 0917-821-1548 (former Vice-President, LBP) 15. PHILHEALTH - Dr. Eddie Dorotan [email protected] 0939-927-6426 (former Executive Director, Galing Pook Foundation)#38Regional & Provincial Stakeholders' Forum Welc DAVAD ORIENTAL OCONUE STAKEHOLDERS FOREM REGAL FOCONOLDERS PCA DAVOR PCA XI-TECHNI... P BFAR XI Luna L... 83145851825 PCA continues to mobilize its regional and provincial coconut stakeholders' fora which serve as the platform for consultation and coordination with concerned government agencies, LGUs, the academe, and coconut farmer organizations and cooperatives. Through these fora, we ask the respective regional and provincial stakeholders to: . • Draw up their respective coconut industry development plan Identify activities and projects that they need which may be considered as we identify possible activities for inclusion in the Annual CFIDP Fund Allocation A food-secure Philippines with prosperous farmers and fisherfolk Masaganang Mataas na ANI KITA#39DEPARTMENT OF 1898 AGRICULTURE COORDINATION JOINT PLANNING HOLISTIC IMPLEMENTATION POOL RESOURCES & PROGRAMS SAME TARGET SAME TIMELINE RELATIONSHIPS INCLUSION PARTICIPATION OWNERSHIP TRANSPARENCY Coconut Industry Convergence INFORMATION ADVOCACY INFO CAMPAIGN DIALOGUE FEEDBACK MECHANISM Forum CREDIBILITY PERFORMANCE MONITORING REPORTING MONITORING EVALUATION ACCOUNTABILITY with prosperous farmers and fisherfolk Masaganang Mataas na ANI KITA#40Progress of CFIDP Formulation Wrote to DOF, NEDA, DTI, and DBM to get the name of their permanent representative who will provide advisory opinion on whether the CFIDP: a) is supportive of and consistent with socio- economic development plans and oriented towards the achievement of explicit objectives expected results; and b) manages Coconut Levy Assets and Funds judiciously and in a manner supportive of the development objectives; c) accelerates and sustains economic growth for the coconut industry; and d) is programmed within the context of well- formulated and consistent long, medium, and short-term development plans and policies. Agency Representative NEDA Ms. Nieva Natural Director, ANRES Mr. Lenard Martin P. Guevarra Chief Economic Development Specialist DOF To be determined DTI Ms. Asteria Cabarte Assistant Secretary, DTI Regional Operations Group DBM Ms. Elena Regina Brillantes OIC, Budget and Management Bureau with prosperous farmers and fisherfolk Masaganang ANI Mataas na KITA A food-secure Philippines#41DEPARTMENT F AGRICULTURE 1898 THANK YOU! Elliptical Road, Diliman, Quezon City M [email protected] A food-secure Philippines Masaganang ANI ла KITA

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