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#1SEMINAR INCHEM TOKYO 2017 THE DOMESTIC WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT IN INDONESIA Current Situation And Future Development Tokyo, November 21, 2017 Ir. NUSA IDAMAN SAID, M.Eng. Senior Researcher Center of Technology for the Environment Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT)#2Contents: 1. INTRODUCTION 2. CURRENT SITUATION 3. FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS 4. CONCLUSIONS 2#3INTRODUCTION Indonesian Population Based on data from the Minister of Home Affairs Republic of Indonesia, the number of Indonesian population is 257,912,349 people. The growth rate of Indonesia's population is around 1.49 percent. (Based on data of June 30, 2016) Indonesia consists of 34 provinces. Currently, there are 416 districts in Indonesia. The number of cities in Indonesia is 98 cities. The total districts and cities in Indonesia are 514 districts and cities. 3#425.15% 21.58% 56.94% 28.48% Indonesian Population 25.91% 9.86% 7.33% 6.77% 5.52% 5.97% 3.82% 2.67% Sumatera Jawa Bali + Nusa Kalimantan Tenggara Sulawesi Maluku + Papua Percentage of Indonesia Population by Island Source: BPS, 2015 I Percentage of Area I Percentage of Population 4#5Environmental Issues in Indonesia Water Pollution 1.73% 0.49% 1 22.52% 75.25% Highly Polluted River River Water Quality Monitoring In 2013 (411 Sampling Points) Source: Ministry of the Environment and Forestry, 2015 Heavy polluted Moderate polluted Slightly Polluted Meet the Standard 0.03% 1.34% 1.56% Domestic (Household) 7.24% 0.27%. Livestock 15.54% Pollution Sources in 5 River basin 54.69% 19.33% (Musi, Citarum, Ciliwung, Brantas, Barito) Source: Ministry of the Environment and Forestry, 2015 Agriculture Industry Hotel Hospital Solid waste Small scale industry 5#6WASTEWATER POTENTIAL IN DKI JAKARTA Total waste water discharged: Year 1989 : 1.316.113 m³/day 2.588.250 m³/day Year 2010 Percentage (%) 78,9 80 70 60 50 40 30. 20 13,1 17,3. 8,0 9,9 10. 0 Domestic Commercial Industry Wastewater Source Year 1989 Year 2010 Source: Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Study, 1989 Due to the low service of wastewater treatment, especially domestic waste water, has caused severe river water pollution, especially in Java. 6#7mg/liter 80.0 70.0 60.0 50.0 40.0 30.0 20.0 10.0 10 BOD Concentration Of Ciliwung River 2014 BOD Concentration of Ciliwung, 2014 JJJJ Jl. Kwitang JI. Gajah Mada Tangki Jl. Ancol Marina Jl. Raya Pompa Pluit Pluit / Penjaringan 0.0 Kelapa Dua Intake PAM Kampung Srengseng Condet/ Melayu Sawah Kampung Dalam Gedong Jemb. Kalibata Sebelum Jl. Halimun JI. KH. Mas Jl. Gudang Pintu Air Manggarai Mansyur / Karet Tengsin PLN/ Kebon Melati Jemb. Pantai Indah Kapuk / Muara Angke ■Feb Mei Jun Sep Okt#8mg/liter 167 107 6 107 3. Onaid 3 197 137 137 100 160.00 140.00 120.00 100.00 80.00 126 W N E 120 260 458 600 107 110 LAMPUNG DAT JAKARTA BANTEN . JAWA BARAT JAWA TENGAH Dr YOGYAKARTA Keterangan Titik Koordinat Sample 1 Wangisagara 2: Koyod 3: Setelah IPAL Cisitung 4 Nanjung 5. Outlet Waduk Jatiluhur. 6 Bendung Walahar 7 Tunggak Jati Sungai Waduk/Danau Batas DAS Ctarum BOD Concentration Of Citarum River 2014 BOD Concentration Of Citarum River 2014 60.00 40.00 20.00 0.00 Wangisagara Koyod Setelah IPAL Cisirung Nanjung April ■Mei Juli Sep Okt Outlet Waduk Bendung Walahar Tunggak Jati Jatiluhur#9National Policy On The Management Of Domestic Wastewater In Indonesia Individual Treatment On-site sanitation Domestic Wastewater Decentralized System Septage Management Intermediate solution Sanimas Community Sewerage System Permanent solution: Communal WWTP Expansion of existing centralized system Centralized system/City wide new cities Community Based Institutional Based 9#10Individual, Community and Institutional-based Sanitation Approaches Approach Level Community Based Neighborhood Adequate Sanitation: 1. Rural 2. Slum Area Institutional Based City Wide Regional/National Wastewater infrastructure services based on deman responsive approach Wastewater infrastructures development support inter cities/region coordination to protect watershed from human waste pollution On-site Sanitation: Small Scale Community Sewerage System (SANIMAS) ⚫ Metropolitan & Large Cities Off-site/sewerage system • Medium & Small Cities - Integrated system of existing on-site and new off-site sanitation - Improved Setage Treatment Plant (IPLT) and sludge services -Shallow/small bore sewer or small scale sewerage integrated to municipal sewage system to support revitalization program for old cities ⚫ New Town - Develop a small sewage system for Low Cost Housing Area - Encourage sewerage development for new town Clean River Program (PROKASIH) or other similar program Source: Indonesia Sanitation Report, 2014 10#11DOMESTIC WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT IN INDONESIA STORAGE & Processing Vem pises Hpc choice Below the Sistem Setempat (On-Site) Grev Water Studyw Typical fetic Tenk an old Water Ε 田 TRANSPORTATION FINAL PROCESSING Sludge Treatment Plant individual/Communal SEPTIC SLUDGE Truck Sistem Terpusat (Off-Site) SR MANHOLE Centralized Settlement Sludge Treatment SRJARINGAN PERPIPAAN AIR LIMBAH regional scale 11#12CURRENT SITUATION 12#13Current Situation • • • • For urban areas with high population densities implemented with a centralized system. At present the centralized wastewater management system is located in only 12 cities with low service coverage (Totally below 5 %). To reduce quantities of worse sanitation in urban area, Indonesia government introduced the community-based sanitation (SANIMAS) program to improve urban-poor sanitation since 2001. The pilot project of SANIMAS (community-based sanitation) program was initiated by AusAID through WSP-EAP World Bank (Water and Sanitation Program – East Asia Pacific) and was supported by the government of Indonesia. Until now, SANIMAS has been implemented in all (27) provinces, and more than 300 locations. 13#14DKI Jakarta Bandung Centralized Wastewater Treatment Plant Of 12 cities in Indonesia Wastewater Treatment Plant Pulo Brayan Ajibata Setiabudi Bojongsoang City Medan Prapat System UASB (Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket) + Aerated Lagoon Aerated Lagoon Aerated Lagoon Total Capacity (m3/day) 10,000 2,000 60,480 Anaerobic, Facultative & Maturation Pond 243,000 Kesenden Cirebon Ade Irma Cirebon Gelatik Cirebon Anaerobic, Facultative & Maturation Pond Anaerobic, Facultative & Maturation Pond Anaerobic, Facultative & Maturation Pond 7,033 5,626 3,944 Rinjani Cirebon Sewon Yogyakarta Anaerobic, Facultative & Maturation Pond Aerated Lagoon 3,944 15,500 Pucang Sawit Surakarta Suwung Margasari HKSN Pekapuran Raya Lambung Mangkurat Basirih Bali Balikpapan Banjarmasin Banjar Masin Aerob Facultative & Biofilter Aerated Lagoon Extended Aeratin 9,504 51,000 800 RBC 5,000 RBC 2500 Banjarmasin RBC 1,000 Banjarmasin RBC 2,000 Tata Banua Banjarmasin RBC 2,000 Sungai Andai Banjarmasin RBC 3,000 Sultan Adam Banjarmasin RBC 2,000 Margasari Balikpapan Extended Aeration 800 Sukasari Tangerang Oxidation Ditch 2,700 Batam Center Batam Oxidation Ditch 2,852 Boulevard Manado 2,000 14 Source: Indonesia Sanitation Report, 2014. and Ministry of Public Work.#15Pulo Brayan Wastewater Plant - Medan The plant using a combination of UASB process and aerated lagoon. After two screens, a coarse one and a fine one, the wastewater flows through a grit chamber. The fine screen and the grit chamber are equipped with automatic cleaners. In an Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB) reactor the wastewater is treated anaerobically. The UASB has no return system and also no pH adjustment system as usually designed. After the UASB the wastewater flows into a facultative lagoon. The lagoon is equipped with two aerators. The aerators are operated for only 4-5 hours each day to reduce energy cost. The effluent is discharged into river Kera. The effluent COD is in the range of 50 to 75mg/l and the BOD between 40 and 55mg/l. UASB Pre-treatment inlet with screw pumps, screen, Splitter tanks reactors and grit chamber Gas holder tank Sludge Drying Bed skimming tank by-pass Aerated Ponds Facultative Ponds outlet, to Kera river The process diagram of the Pulo Brayan WWTP 15#16PULO BRAYAN - MEDAN WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT SCREW PUMPS GRIT CHAMBER UASB REACTOR AERATED LAGOON EFFLUENT BOD 40 - 55 mg/L 16#17DENPASAR SANUR мест LEGIAN-SEMINYAK SANUR PUMPING STATION KUTA PUMPING STATION WHOT Maty FLOW PING STATION TSURE Suwung WWTP - Denpasar SEDIMENTATION POND Laut CHANEL RECKIVING AERATED LAGOON WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT (WWTP) Passegurah Rai dari Denpasar & Sanur 1200 dari Rumah Pompa Kuta Pisa Baja 600 00000 Rumah Pompa Ruang Elektrikal Bangunan Kantor & Laboratorium Pipa Masuk (Bas 0600) Pipa Masuk (Baja 700) Kolam Aerasi W Kolam Aerasi Rencana Seal Parior Kolam Pengendapan Kolam Pengendapan Lay Out IPAL/WWTP Suwung Effluent SUWUNG WASTE WATER PLANT - CAPACITY 51,000 M3/DAY 17#18BANJARMASIN WWTP USING RBC SYSTEM T 15:07 BT:114°15'48.0 18#19WWTP Margasari - Balikpapan (Extended Aeration With Surface Aerator) Capacity: 2000 m3/day 19#20Examples: On-site Sanitation: Small Scale Community Sewerage System (SANIMAS) wastewater A total of approximately 1700 decentralized treatment systems (DEWATS) have been constructed until 2015. This year, Sanimas will be built in 753 locations spread across various provinces in Indonesia. 20 20#21Combined System Public Toilets And Simple Piping Equipped With Biodigester RENCANA PEMIPAAN KT STAT POTONGAN 1 KETERANGAN AB XXX Bak Pampak Dane freck for 1000 000 21#22Small Scale Community Sewerage System Using Anaerobic Baffle Reactor KSSM PUCUK SARI SELATAN Br.BATUR KELURAHAN UBUNG 10 团 09 TAN AU 3.Cokroaminoto 10 42004 22 13:53 22 22#23Typical Anaerobic Biofilter Small Scale Community Sewerage System Using Anaerobic Biofilter PAL KOMUNAL Communal WWTP (Sanimas) Ds. Ploso, Jombang City Communal WWTP (Sanimas) Ds. Tunggorono, Jombang City Communal WWTP (Sanimas) Ds. 23 Tlekung, Batu City#24Business units such as hotels, office buildings, shopping centers, hospitals, industries and their businesses which have not been served by the sewerage network have to treat their own domestic wastewater. Wastewater treatment technology that is widely used by business activities: 1. Activated Sludge Process 2. Biofilter Process: Both Anaerobic-Aerobic Biofilter and Aerobic Bioflter. 3. Rotating Biological Reactor (RBC) 4. Now, have started to use Membrane Bio Reactor (MBR) technology for domestic wastewater treatment. 24#25APPLICATION OF ACTIVATED SLUDGE TECHNOLOGY FOR DOMESTIC WASTEWATER TREATMENT IN INDONESIA Activated sludge process is widely used because its construction is relatively simple, but its operation requires operators with relatively high skill. The failure of the activated sludge process in Jakarta is largely due to poor operation. Active sludge process is widely used especially in high rise buildings and in industry. 25 25#26WASTEWATER TERATMENT USING OXYDATION DITCH PROCESS LOCATION: JABABEKA CAPACITY 18,000 M3 PER DAY IIFLARENT WATER LIFTING PUMP VENTURY METER GRIT CHAMBER PRIMARY SETTLING TA SLUDGE PUMP OXIDATION DITCH OXIDATION DITCH SECONDARY SETTLING TANK OLLECTING Box OXIDATION DITCH FR THAT CHAMBER DISHUTION BOX BELT FILTER PRESS SLUDGE CAKE OX DI 口 EFFLUENT BOX PRIMARY SEDIMENTATION TANK OXYDATION DITCH FINAL SEDEMENTATION TANK RECYCLE SLUDGE TREATED WATER 26#27APPLICATION OF ANAEROBIC-AEROBIC BIOFILTER TECHNOLOGY FOR DOMESTIC WASTE WATER TREATMENT IN INDONESIA ANAEROBIC-AEROBIC BIOFILTER TECHNOLOGY Biofilter as growth media of microbes Туре Material Specific contact areas Size Hole size Weight Porosity Color Honeycomb, cross flow : PVC sheet : 200-225 m²/m³ : 30 cm x 25 cm x 30 cm : 3 cm x 3 cm : 30-35 kg/m³ : 0,98 : transparent or black Air Limbah Masuk Media Plastik Sarang Tawon H 000 000 000 000 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 Blower Media Plastik Sarang Tawon Air Olahan Pompa Sirkulasi Biofilter Aerob Bak pengendap Akhir Aerator Bak Pengendap Awal Biofilter Anaerob 27 27#28ADVANTAGES OF ANAEROBIC-AEROBIC BIOFILTER PROCESS: ● Easy Operation and maintenance. . • Sludge produced small/slightly. ● Can be used for wastewater treatment with low concentrations or high concentrations. Resistant to fluctuations in the amount of waste water and fluctuations in concentrations. Operating costs are relatively low. 28#29INDIVIDUAL DOMESTIC WASTEWATER TERATMENT USING ANAEROBIC-AEROBIC BIOFILTER PROCESS TANGKI SEPTIK LIMBAH TOILET [ BLACK WATER] BOD REMOVAL RATE [ 65%] 4.5 g BOD/c.hari 13 g BOD/c.hari SEPTIC TANK LIMBAH DAPUR, MANDI, CUCI [GRAY WATER] TANPA PENGOLAHAN WITHOUT TREATMENT 27 g BOD/c.hari 27 g BOD/c.hari LIMBAH TOILET [BLACK WATER] 13 g BOD/c.hari LIMBAH DAPUR,MANDI, CUCI [GRAY WATER] 27 g BOD/c.hari Individual Treatment PENGOLAHAN DENGAN SISTEM BIOFILTER ANAEROB-AEROB" BOD REMOVAL RATE [90%] KELUAR Effluent 4 g BOD/c.hari [10 % ] Household wastewater disposal system with anaerobic-aerobic biofilter system "On Site Treatment" system developed by BPPT Total BOD dumped into the environment + TOTAL 40 g BOD/c.hari TOTAL 40 g BOD/c.hari 31 g BOD/c.hari [ 77,5 % ] Current household waste water disposal system. Rumah Tangga Rumah Tangga Saluran Limbah BIOFILTER Bak Khlarinasi Bak Kontrol Selokan 29 Treated Water#30INDIVIDUAL DOMESTIC WASTEWATER BIOFILTER UNTUK 10 ORANG TREATMENT UNITS 40 30 30 PVC 4" 10 99 10 140 MEDIA BIOFILTER Ø 1/2" BLOWER UDARA 30 15 10 30 40 PVC Ø 4" 15 10 135 Unit : Cm BIOFILTER FOR DOMESTIC WASTEWARTER CAPACITY 8-10 PEOPLE 30#31HOSPITAL WASTEWATER TREATMENT USING ANAEROBIC-AEROBIC BIOFILTER CAPACITY 150 M3 PER DAY B Eka Bat Perpend 841 Belt Aarth 31#32Application of biofilter for the treatment of domestic wastewater at PT. Bogasari Flour Mills. Capacity 300 m3 per day. Bioreactor aerobic Bioreactor anaerobic Pre-sedimentation Bioreactor aerobic Post-Sedimentation Biocontrol tank Oil/fat trap Equalization tank 32#33DDOMESTIC WASTEWATER TREATMENT USING ANAEROBIC-AEROBIC BIOFILTER CAPACITY 100 M3 PER DAY 5R LOM 33 DUSING WEHOLAM#34Application Of Anaerobic-Aerobic Biofilter and MBR For Domestic Wastewater Treatment Anaerobic-Aerobic Biofilter A MEMBRANE BIO REACTOR (MBR) Inlet Wastewater Biofilter Effluent MBR Effluent#35Application Of RBC For The Treatment Of Domestic Wastewater From Office or Commercial Building The problem is that ammonia concentrations often do not meet the effluent standards of domestic wastewater 35#36FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS With with the issuance of the new domestic wastewater effluent quality standard, which is more stringent than the previous one, appropriate domestic wastewater treatment technology is required in order for the treated water to meet the wastewater quality standards. Effluent Domestic Wastewater Quality Standard The Regulation of Environment And Forestry Of The Republic Of Indonesia Number: P.68/Menlhk/Setjen/Kum.1/8/2016 Parameters pH Unit Maximum Concentration* 6-9 BOD mg/l 30 COD mg/l 100 TSS mg/l 30 Oil and Grease mg/l 5 Ammonia mg/l 10 Total Coliform MPN/100 ml 3000 Note : *) Apartment, lodging, dormitories, health services, restaurants, meeting halls, settlements, domestic wastewater from industry, WWTP of settlements, WWTP of urban area, ports, airports, railway stations, terminals etc. 36#37FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS The following are the strategies in improving domestic wastewater management in Indonesia : ☐ Increase the financial capacities for wastewater infrastructure developments, both on-site and off-site, and also recover treatment cost to insure services; ☐ Increase the societies contribution on developing housing effluent of domestic wastewater treatment system; ☐ Increase the work of wastewater treatment institution and separate function between regulator and operator; ☐ Increase the access to domestic wastewater services, both on-site and off-site, in urban and rural areas; ☐ Develop a regulation and apply treatments according to the enacted guidelines. 37#38Key Issues and Recommendations Issue Less than 5 percent of urban wastewater is currently treated Recommendations to Address Issues 1. Conduct citywide sanitation planning through City Sanitation Strategy, focusing on the development of centralized systems in highly urbanized areas while ensuring that low income communities and eradication of open defecation are prioritized. 2. Continue Decentralized Wastewater Treatment Systems (DEWATS) program in locations where centralized systems are not viable, but with consideration of comparative costs, required effluent quality and O&M constraints. 3. Focus future DEWATS approach on provision of decentralized systems with sewerage networks. 4. Expand coverage of centralized sewerage more rapidly through a staged approach initially using combined sewerage and interceptors before transitioning to separate systems. 5. Design treatment facilities and set effluent standards to take account of influent and receiving water quality. 38#39Issue Huge investment is needed to implement current local government sanitation investment plans and for long term. Recommendations to Address Issues 1. Central government to develop guidelines for local government management of wastewater services focusing on service delivery to customers. 2. One Service Provider to have overall responsibility for wastewater infrastructure including centralized sewerage, DEWATS and septage management. 3. Regulatory arrangements to be developed for wastewater services, including tariff structures whereby consumer fees cover operating costs. 4. Professionalize the sector by developing additional training and licensing programs for specific skills areas. 5. Private sector to be encouraged to take on the role of Service Provider for all or part of a wastewater system. 39#40CONCLUSIONS The number of centralized wastewater treatment plants in Indonesia is still very small. Domestic wastewater is the largest source of river water pollutions. By increasing both off site and on site systems, the degradation of raw water quality can be reduced. Appropriate domestic wastewater treatment technology is required in order for the treated water to meet the new wastewater quality standards. Community Participation is also very important to be concerned about. 40#41THANK YOU OTSUKARESAMADESHITA 41

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