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#1Investor presentation May 2020 DKB Das kann Bank#21990 FOUNDING YEAR 100% subsidiary of BayernLB 4.4 million CLIENTS Local authorities, companies and retail clients DKB at a glance EUR 84 billion BALANCE SHEET TOTAL One of the top 20 banks in Germany axc alno nala 4,148 EMPLOYEES DKB Das kann Bank EUR 70 billion CLIENT LOANS in Germany EXC EUR 951 million NET INTEREST INCOME • Leading lender for green and social infrastructure • Second largest Onlinebank in Germany • Industry Leader in sustainability#3Highlights 2019 Strengthening the position among the TOP 20 banks in Germany Business Strong growth in core business - EUR 3.6 billion increase in loans and advances to customers Significant growth in total assets by more than EUR 6 billion to EUR 84 billion Expansion of digital distribution channels in the business customer segment Results ■ Net interest income of EUR 951 million was slightly above the previous year's figure (2018: EUR 945 million) Earnings with EUR 298m in line with previous year's FY profit Investments in digitization and growth as main cost drivers Risk ■ Further enhancement of asset quality Significantly improved risk result ◉ ■ NPL ratio at a historical low (0.8%) 3 | Investor presentation I May 2020 | IFRS-data as of 31/12/2019 Ratios ■ Return on equity: 9.5% ■ Cost-Income-ratio: 56.7% Equity ratio: 11.2% DKB Deutsche Kreditbank AG#4DKB and the Corona-crisis Interim status as of 31/03/2020 Germany Comprehensive package of measures by the German government and federal states to combat the economic consequences of corona ■ Public authorities and development banks as financiers and guarantors for many aid programmes Credit risk ■ DKB business focused in Germany Consequences for borrowers cannot be fully assessed yet ■ Task Force for monitoring and management of the Corona crisis established ! Business development ■ No extraordinary developments in core activities at present ■ Stable deposits and growing lending business Support of borrowers with the help of promotional loans and other tools Market risk Equity exposure in the low three-digit million range ■ Bond exposure almost exclusively in LCR-eligible bonds of core European issuers 4 | Investor presentation I May 2020 | IFRS-data as of 31/12/2019 DKB Deutsche Kreditbank AG#5Corona-impact due to DSGV-scenario analysis As of 01/04/2020 (for corporate and individual clients only) Loan Volume (EURbn) 30 20 20 Housing 22,7 Local authorities & social infrastructure 13,8 10 10 Food & agriculture 3,7 Environmental technologies 8,6 Other corporates (incl. tourism) 1,4 Corona impact scenario ■ German Savings Banks Association (DSGV) has published a scenario analysis regarding the impact of Covid-19 Based on economic sectors and DSGV industry forecast ■ Considers supply shortfalls, the drop in demand and the government interventions Impact index (6 = strong impact of crisis, 1 = low) "Translation" of the impact index into DKB client groups DKB Deutsche Kreditbank AG Individual clients 2,7 Energy & supply 6,5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Impact index Source: DSGV and DKB 5 | Investor presentation I May 2020 | IFRS-data as of 31/12/2019#6Investor presentation Agenda 1 DKB's position in BayernLB group 2 Business model 3 4 5 Sustainability Facts and figures Funding 6 Contacts 6 | Investor presentation I May 2020 | IFRS-data as of 31/12/2019 DKB Deutsche Kreditbank AG#7Investor presentation 1 DKB's position in BayernLB group 7 | Investor presentation I May 2020 | IFRS-data as of 31/12/2019 ใน DKB Deutsche Kreditbank AG#8Ownership structure Wholly-owned subsidiary of BayernLB Free State of Bavaria ≈ 75 % BayernLB Holding AG Association of Bavarian Savings Banks ≈ 25% Corporates & Markets ◆ Bayern LB Real Estate & Savings Banks/Association Binding letter of comfort and profit/loss transfer agreement DKB Deutsche Kreditbank AG Specialized bank for the future issues of the German economy Reliable and strong real estate financier Central Bank of the Bavarian savings banks Innovative Tech-Bank with industry know-how 8 | Investor presentation I May 2020 | IFRS-data as of 31/12/2019 DKB Deutsche Kreditbank AG#9Realignment of Bayerische Landesbank Focus, efficiency, growth >Bayern LB Key note ■ Specialisation in high-growth future fields Transformation programme until 2024 ■ Sustainable banking and responsibility for society Investments ■ Investment offensive at DKB ■ Expansion in real estate financing business ■ Investments in infrastructure and IT Focus ■ Concentration in business with corporate customers and in capital market business on profitable and sustainable areas ☐ Expansion of real estate business and structured financing Costs ■ Significant cost reduction in BayernLB core bank ■ Simplification and streamlining of IT Source: Excerpt from the presentation "Strategic realignment of BayernLB" (as of 19.12.2019) 9 | Investor presentation I May 2020 | IFRS-data as of 31/12/2019 DKB Deutsche Kreditbank AG#10Current corporate concept of DKB Sustainable growth PAY E Client ■ Excellence in all touchpoints ◉ ☐ Convincing customer experiences Sustainability as USP Market ■ > 8m clients until end of 2023 Corresponding growth in the loan portfolio Organisation ■ Crossfunctional organisation structures ■ New type of cooperation and target culture 10 | Investor presentation | May 2020 | IFRS-data as of 31/12/2019 E Processes Scalability and acceleration of the business ■ Conversion of the current process landscape DKB Deutsche Kreditbank AG#11Investor presentation 2 Business model SCHULE 11 | Investor presentation | May 2020 | IFRS-data as of 31/12/2019 DKB Deutsche Kreditbank AG#12Business model Lending business as the core of the bank - sustainable and low-risk @ Second biggest Online Bank in Germany ■ Market leader regarding current accounts Biggest renewable energy portfolio in Germany Infrastructure Retail clients 43.0 12.8 Market leader in agricultural business Corporate clients 13.5 Loan volume 12 | Investor presentation | May 2020 | IFRS-data as of 31/12/2019 = 84% of total assets Financing of services for the public welfare Projects usually with a municipal background 000 DKB Deutsche Kreditbank AG#13Business units Focus on only a few business lines - low risk and sustainable 26 branches across Germany IIIII Business customers Infrastructure Corporate clients 6.5bn 8.6bn 22.7bn Retail clients 7.8bn Energy & supply Environmental technology 3.7bn Mortgage loans 2.3bn 13.8bn Housing 4 KITA ARZT APOTHEKE Local authorities & social infrastructure 13 | Investor presentation | May 2020 | IFRS-data as of 31/12/2019 1.4bn Food & agriculture Other corporates 2.7bn § Individual clients and other Personal loans Online approach DKB Deutsche Kreditbank AG#14Retail clients Growth and digitisation drivers 2000 Internetbank ohne Filialen. 2013 2015 SOFORT webID solutions gini 2017 CLARK 2018 HEUTE Pay G Pay NNFC 2014 PayPal 2016 FINREACH CODE FACTORY (DKB); WECHSELPILOT Digital (further) development and cooperation with Fintechs as a long-term strategy *Source: Annual reports, corporate press releases for 2019 14 | Investor presentation | May 2020 | IFRS-data as of 31/12/2019 3.2m accounts 2.8m accounts 1.7m accounts DKB Das kann Bank .comdirect Market leader in current accounts among the top online banks* DKB Deutsche Kreditbank AG#15Growth strategy Currently 4.4m clients, goal 8m customers 8m clients until 2023 9,0 8,0 Scalability of Lending business 7,0 6,0 5,0 DKB Broker Pay 4,0 3,0 Expansion of product range 2,0 DKB Cash 0, EUR G Pay 1,0 0,0 • V 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 15 | Investor presentation | May 2020 | IFRS-data as of 31/12/2019 DKB Deutsche Kreditbank AG#16Digitization within DKB Innovations across all customer segments DKB Crowd DKB-Crowd DKB Acute Proce CRONCOSK 16 | Investor presentation | May 2020 | IFRS-data as of 31/12/2019 CODE_FACTORY (DKB); financial solutions for tomorrow Own Fintech loanboox. Stake in municipal funding platform DKB Deutsche Kreditbank AG#17Investor presentation 3 Sustainability 17 | Investor presentation | May 2020 | IFRS-data as of 31/12/2019 DKB Deutsche Kreditbank AG#18Sustainability anchored in business model Implemented regarding clients, products and processes 1996 First wind turbine financed. 2001 Launch of the online bank. 2004 Establishment of DKB STIFTUNG. 2014 Account opening process becomes 100% digital. 2016 First green bond issued. 2018 First social bond issued. 1998 First public- 2002 First day-care centre for children private (Kita). partnership project. 2000 First biogas plant. 2003 First PV plant financed. 2009 Sustainability management embedded directly in the Board of Management. EMAS 2013 DKB Bürger- sparen scheme. 2015 Industry Leader with ISS-oekom for the first time. Corporate Responsibility rated by oekom research ⚫2017 New forms of work through Prime "Projekt Arbeiten 4.0" project. Environmental Finance Bond Awards 2019 Winner Social bond of the Year-bank 2019 Rated as outstanding by Focus Money. MONEY Nachhaltigstes Unternehmen DKB 18 | Investor presentation | May 2020 | IFRS-data as of 31/12/2019 Aug 44/2018 DKB Deutsche Kreditbank AG#19Blue Sustainability DKB's sustainability concept • • Differentiation Expansion of the concept of sustainability Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a strategic foundation Inclusive instead of exclusive 19 | Investor presentation | May 2020 | IFRS-data as of 31/12/2019 ఎని Blue sustainability Ecological + social Orientation towards people's needs ⚫ Positioning sustainability in the mainstream DKB Deutsche Kreditbank AG#20Sustainability@ DKB Our four central goals for the future until 2023 Lead the most convincing sustainable product range among the TOP-20 banks until 2030 EUR 80bn in sustainable financing until 2030 Become carbon neutral in our office operations until 2050 Meet the 2-degree-goal with all DKB products (under Paris Climate Convention on Global Warming) 20 | Investor presentation | May 2020 | IFRS-data as of 31/12/2019 DKB Deutsche Kreditbank AG#21Signpost sustainability SDG-Mapping of the balance sheet SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS 16 PEACE JUSTICE AND STRONG INSTITUTIONS 17 PARTNERSHIPS FOR THE GOALS 1 NO POVERTY 77.8% of our customer loans (EUR 54.1bn) have a significant contribution INDUSTRY. INNOVATION AND INFRASTRUCTURE Source: DKB Annual Report 2019 (Data as of 31.12.19) 21 | Investor presentation | May 2020 | IFRS-data as of 31/12/2019 77.8% AFFORDABLE AND CLEAN ENERGY GOOD HEALTH AND WELL-BEING QUALITY EDUCATION CLEAN WATER b AND SANITATION DKB Deutsche Kreditbank AG#22Outstanding ratings for sustainable performance Industry leader among commercial banks Industry Leader in sustainability Best Green Bond Ratings worldwide Corporate ESG Performance RATED BY ISS ESG‣ Prime Industry Leaders Sustainability Bond RATED BY Approved ISS ESG‣ Deutsche Kreditbank AG DKRED 0.625 06/08/2021 Country Country Grade ISIN DE000GRN0008 Rating Company name (in alphabetical order) Berner Kantonalbank AG CH C+ Deutsche Kreditbank AG DE La Banque Postale S.A. FR B- B- Legend: Industry Company --- Prime 22 | Investor presentation | May 2020 | IFRS-data as of 31/12/2019 Deutsche Kreditbank AG DKRED 0.75 09/26/2024 Germany Status Approved Country Germany Status Sustainability Bond a ISIN DE000GRN0016 Rating approved Approval threshold b- rated by ISS-oekom▷ Approved Sustainability Bond a approved Approval threshold b- rated by ISS-oekom▷ d- d d+ C- C c+ b- b b+ a- a+ d- d d+ C- C c+ b- b b+ a- a poor medium good excellent poor medium good excellent DKB Deutsche Kreditbank AG#23Investor presentation 4 Facts and figures 23 | Investor presentation | May 2020 | IFRS-data as of 31/12/2019 DKB Deutsche Kreditbank AG#24Overview Annual comparison* Key figures 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 Total assets 83.8bn 77.3bn 77.3bn 76.5bn 73.4bn 71.6bn Customer receivables 69.5bn 65.9bn 64.5bn 63.2bn 61.6bn 59.6bn Customer deposits 60.8bn 54.4bn 53.9bn 53.4bn 48.6bn 47.3bn Net interest income 951m 945m 935m 795m 790m 670m Profit after tax 298m 301m 263m 327m 225m 165m Cost income ratio (CIR) 56.7% 51.5% 50.8% 45.8 % 48.0 % 56.1 % Return on equity (ROE) 9.5% 10.2% 9.6% 12.4 % 9.6 % 6.1 % Equity ratio 11.2% 11.1% 10.5% 10.0 % 9.1 % 9.9% * DKB Group in accordance with IFRS, in EUR 24 | Investor presentation | May 2020 | IFRS-data as of 31/12/2019 DKB Deutsche Kreditbank AG#25Business performance Successful new loan business and diversified liability structure Loan volume (EURbn) Customer deposits (EURbn) 69.5 64.5 0.2 +1.4 65.9 +3.6 60.8 +6.4 0.2 53,9 +0.5 54.4 0.1 3.6 12.8 13.0 12.4 4.3 4,0 13.5 13.2 13.7 40.8 31.5 35.0 38.0 40.2 43.0 2.6 2.4 2.3 15.5 13.0 14.1 2017 2018 Infrastructure ■Corporates Retail 2019 Other 2017 2018 2019 Infrastructure ■Corporates Retail Other Growth driver: Infrastructure segment, especially housing Private and corporate customer segments also show growth Rise of liabilities equivalent to asset growth, mainly driven by retail unit Slight increase in deposit volumes in the corporate customer segment DKB 25 | Investor presentation | May 2020 | IFRS-data as of 31/12/2019 Deutsche Kreditbank AG#26Key Figures and ratios Net interest income exceeding previous year level Net interest income (EUR) Cost Income Ratio LCR 56.7% 50.8% 51.5% 951 31.12.2019 164% 945 935 30.06.2019 145% 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019 Net profit after tax (EURm) Return on equity Leverage Ratio 9.6% 10.2% 9.5% 31.12.2019 3.71% 301 298 263 2017 2018 2019 26 | Investor presentation | May 2020 | IFRS-data as of 31/12/2019 30.06.2019 3.88% 2017 2018 2019 DKB Deutsche Kreditbank AG#27Risk figures Improved loan book quality, NPL-ratio at hostorical low RWAs based on SA* (EURbn) 64.5 65.9 69.5 Risk result (EURM) Equity ratios (SA*) 10.5% 11.1% 11.2% 9.4% 9.3% 8.8% -127 -112 30.9 31.5 33.2 -56 8.6% 9.1% 9.1% 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2017 2018 2019 ■Equity ratio Loan book -RWAS Loan book quality 2.4% 0.8% 12.5% 84.4% Non performing loans ■Investmentgrade (up to BBB-) Non-Investmentgrade (up to BB-) 0.9% 0.9% 0.8% Non-Investmentgrade (up to C) Non Performing Loans * Standardised approach (SA) 27 | Investor presentation I May 2020 I IFRS-data as of 31/12/2019 2017 2018 2019 2019 Core capital ratio (T1) ■Common equity tier (CET1) Capital measures Strengthening of equity in 2019 through intra-group subordinated transaction DKB Deutsche Kreditbank AG#28Investor presentation 5 Funding 28 | Investor presentation | May 2020 | IFRS-data as of 31/12/2019 Environmental Finance Bond Awards 2020 Winner Award for innovation - use of proceeds (social bond) DKB Deutsche Kreditbank AG#29Ratings of DKB Stable credit and sustainability ratings Agency Type of rating Public Pfandbriefe Mortgage Pfandbriefe Senior Unsecured Moody's Covered Bond Rating Aaa Aaa LT issuer rating A1 ISS-ESG imug Junior Senior Unsecured (senior non-preferred)* Adjusted BCA Outlook Sustainability rating Sustainability rating Very positive (A) Positive (BBB) * Updated rating as of 20/08/2018 due to new law in Germany introducing senior (non-) preferred liabilties 29 | Investor presentation | May 2020 I IFRS-data as of 31/12/2019 A2 baa1 stable B- (Prime) Positive (BB) DKB Deutsche Kreditbank AG#30Funding of DKB Diversified refinancing options Customer deposits Primary funding source, diversified through all client segments 5% 1% 11% Development banks Pass-through and global loans 15% (e.g. from KFW, EIB, Rentenbank) Liabilities** 68% Capital markets funding Since 2006 mainly via Pfandbriefe, 2016 and 2017 Green Bonds respectively, Since 2018 Social Bonds, first Retail Social Bond as well as first Blue Social Bond *Treasury perspective without registered bonds held by non-banks **In relation to total assets 30 | Investor presentation | May 2020 | IFRS-data as of 31/12/2019 ■Customer deposits* Development Banks Capital market Equity capital Other DKB Deutsche Kreditbank AG#31Capital market funding Focus on secured funding and sustainable bonds Funding strategy > Capital markets funding depends on deposit growth and maturities Since 2006 focus on secured funding, around EUR 17bn total volume printed so far Two Senior unsecured Green Bond benchmarks outstanding since 2016 (EUR 500m each) Three Social Bond issues: First social covered bond (2018) and first Blue Social Bond worldwide (2019) EUR 500m each and first Retail Social Bond (2019) Placement volume (EUR) Maturity profile (EURM) 2.500 2.000 1.500 1.000 500 0 السار 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 ■Pfandbriefe ■Senior unsecured (Green Bond) Social Bond 31 | Investor presentation | May 2020 | IFRS-data as of 31/12/2019 2.500 2.000 1.500 1.000 500 سسلسل. 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 ■Pfandbriefe Social Bond Senior unsecured (Green Bond) DKB Deutsche Kreditbank AG#32Green Bond Programme Green Bonds to refinance renewable energy project business Renewable energy portfolio: EUR 10.8bn 10.000 8.000 6.000 4.000 2.000 0 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 ■Wind ■ Photovoltaics ■Biogas The Green Bond Principles 32 | Investor presentation | May 2020 | IFRS-data as of 31/12/2019 2016 500 Mio. EUR, senior unsecured 2017 500 Mio. EUR, senior unsecured Green Bonds 7 AFFORDABLE AND CLEAN ENERGY 13 CLIMATE ACTION DKB Deutsche Kreditbank AG#33Social Bond Programme First Social Pfandbrief (covered bond) – also for retail clients Social infrastructure The Social Bond Principles Environmental Finance Bond Awards 2019 Winner Environmental Finance Bond Awards 2020 Winner Social bond of the Year-bank Award for innovation - use of proceeds (social bond) 33 | Investor presentation | May 2020 | IFRS-data as of 31/12/2019 Social 2018 EUR 500m, Social covered bond 2019 EUR 500m, Blue Social Bond 2019 Retail Social covered bond Bonds KEINE ARMUT GESUNDHEIT UND WOHLERGEHEN MENSCHENWÜRDIGE ARBEIT UND WIRTSCHAFTS WACHSTUM B 4 HOCHWERTIGE BILDUNG SAUBERES WASSER 6 UND SANITAR EINRICHTUNGEN INDUSTRIE INNOVATION UND INFRASTRUKTUR WENIGER 10 CHHEITEN NACHHALTIGE 11 STADTE UND GEMEINDEN 12 NACHHALTIGE/R KONSUM UND PRODUKTION Q FRIEDEN 16 GERECHTIGKEIT UND STARKE INSTITUTIONEN PARTNER- 17 SCHAFTEN ZUR ERREICHUNG DER ZIELE DKB Deutsche Kreditbank AG#34Public pfandbrief cover pool Overview Cover assets Number Volume German federal government 18 21 German federal states 159 1.036 German cities and municipalities 5.716 7.766 Other cover assets 42 197 Total 5.935 9.020 * EURM Federal Republic of Other Germany 2.4% 0.3% Federal States (GER) 7.6% Cities and municipalities (GER) 89.7% Key figures* Outstanding bond volume (EURm) 3.500 Rating Moody's Aaa Over-collateralization required by Moody's Private place- ment Bearer bonds 1.0% 48% 52% NPV over-collateralization 156.8% Collateral score 2.7% * As of December 2019 Source: Moody's 34 | Investor presentation | May 2020 | IFRS-data as of 31/12/2019 ■ 100% German assets High granularity (Ø-volume EUR 1.5m) Rating over-collateralization requirements significantly exceeded ■ Collateral score stable on low level DKB Deutsche Kreditbank AG#35Public cover assets in comparison By region* ■ Germany ■ Greece ■Ireland ■Italy ■ Portugal ■ Spain ■Rest of Europe ■Others Deutsche Kreditbank Stadtsparkasse Hannover Stadtsparkasse Düsseldorf Sparkasse Köln Bonn M M Warburg Landesbank Berlin Kreissparkasse Köln BayernLB NordLB LBBW Helaba DB Privato u. Firmenkundenbank Unicredit Bank Münchener Hyp DSK Hyp Berlin Hyp Hamburg Commercial Bank DZ Hyp DekaBank SaarLB Aareal Bank Deutsche Hypo Commerzbank Dt. Pfandbriefbank 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% * in % of the cover pool (without "further cover assets" according to para. 20 (2) No. 1 and 2 Pfandbrief Act and derivatives) Source: BayernLB Research, as of 31/12/2019 35 | Investor presentation | May 2020 | IFRS-data as of 31/12/2019 In line with our business model 100% German cover assets DKB Deutsche Kreditbank AG#36Mortgage pfandbrief cover pool Overview Thuringia 6% Cover assets Number Volume Schleswig Holstein 2% Baden-Württemberg 4% Bavaria 4% Residential loans 39.220 2.146 Housing-industry investors 3.343 4.621 Saxony-Anhalt 8% Saxony 11% Berlin 13% Other cover assets 8 310 Brandenburg 12% Saarland 0% Total 42.571 7.077 Rhineland-Palatinate 1% Bremen 1% Volumen in Mio. EUR Key figures* Northrhine-Westphalia 14% Lower Saxony 5% Meckenburg Western Pomerania 9% Outstanding bond volume (EURM) 4.409 Private Rating Moody's Aaa Place- Bearer ment Bonds Over-collateralization required by 51% 9.5% 39% Moody's NPV over-collateralization 57.7% Collateral score 6.7% * As of December 2019 Source: Moody's 36 | Investor presentation I May 2020 I IFRS-data as of 31/12/2019 Hamburg 3% Hesse 7% ☐ 100% German assets Very high granularity Housing-industry investors are mainly residential property companies Rating over-collateralization requirements significantly exceeded DKB Deutsche Kreditbank AG#37Mortgage cover assets in comparison By type of use* Deutsche Kreditbank Bausparkasse Schwäbisch Hall PSD Bank Rhein Ruhr PSD Bank Nürnberg INGDiBa Commerzbank Santander Consumer Bank Wüstenrot Bausparkasse Münchener Hyp DB Privato u. Firmenkundenbank Stadtsparkasse Hannover Kreissparkasse Köln Deutsche Apotheker0 und Ärztebank Sparkasse KölnBonn Stadtsparkasse Düsseldorf Hamburger Spk Unicredit Bank NordLB Landesbank Berlin DZ Hyp LBBW Berlin Hyp DSK Hyp Helaba Deutsche Hypo M M Warburg Hamburg Commercial Bank Dt. Pfandbriefbank BayernLB Aareal Bank Natixis Pfandbriefbank SaarLB DekaBank ■Residential ■Commercial ■ Others Share of residential housing > 90% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% * in % of the cover pool (without "further cover assets" according to para. 20 (2) No. 1 and 2 Pfandbrief Act and derivatives) Source: BayernLB Research, as of 31/12/2019 37 | Investor presentation I May 2020 I IFRS-data as of 31/12/2019 DKB Deutsche Kreditbank AG#38Investor presentation 60 Contacts @ 38 | Investor presentation | May 2020 | IFRS-data as of 31/12/2019 DKB Deutsche Kreditbank AG#39Personal Uwe Jurkschat Head of Funding and Investor Relations Tel.: +49 (0)30 12030-2924 E-Mail: [email protected] Anna Stawowy Funding and Investor Relations Tel.: +49 (0)30 12030-2910 E-Mail: [email protected] | Bloomberg DKRE <GO> Folgen Sie uns × in y @DKB_de DKB 71#40Disclaimer The information in this presentation constitutes neither an offer nor an invitation to subscribe to or purchase securities. It does not represent a recommendation to buy, sell or hold any securities. The information in this presentation is solely intended for informational purposes and does not serve as a basis for any kind of obligation, contractual or otherwise. The presentation may not be copied in whole or in part, distributed, forwarded or sent directly or indirectly by any means to a third party without prior written consent. Statements in this presentation represent solely the opinion of Deutsche Kreditbank AG. All the information contained in this presentation has been compiled with care. However, Deutsche Kreditbank AG does not expressly or silently guarantee the accuracy, completeness or suitability of the information in this presentation for any particular purpose. Deutsche Kreditbank AG assumes no direct or indirect liability from this presentation. Furthermore, investors should bear in mind that statements concerning past performance do not indicate or represent a guarantee of future performance or returns. Deutsche Kreditbank is under no obligation to update or regularly review the information in this presentation. This presentation may be subject to legal restrictions in some jurisdictions. All persons in possession of this presentation are explicitly advised to personally inquire about any restrictions that may apply and to comply with them. The information may not be used in foreign jurisdictions without permission. 40 | Investor presentation | May 2020 | IFRS-data as of 31/12/2019 DKB Deutsche Kreditbank AG

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