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#1Urban sprawl in Khulna: Challenges for a city in disaster affected coastal belt UNIV Authors: Tanjil Sowgat, Shilpi Roy, SM Tafsirul Islam HSRC University of Glasgow Human Sciences Research Council 5337 ANKA UNIVER VERSITY 1919 National Institute of Urban Affairs OF THE 1908 PINES UNIVERSITY OF URRWANDA WITS SCHOOL OF GOVERNANCE UNIVERSITY OF THE WITWATERSRAND. JOHANNESBURG ihi IFAKARA HEALTH INSTITUTE SHLC Centre for Sustainable, Healthy and Learning Cities and Neighbourhoods UK Research GCRF and Innovation research training services Globo Challenged#2Mongolia China kistan Nepal India Bangladesh Myanmar Laos Thailand Sri Lanka South Japan Korea 0- * Hong Kong Cambodia Vietnam Philippines Malaysia Singapore Micronesia Guam Bangladesh: Disaster in the coastal belt Indonesia Solomon Islands Papua New Guinea Samoa East Timor Vanuatu Fij Isla Australia Asia Pacific Region: Climate hotspots Bangladesh is located in most disaster vulnerable region The country and its coast is highly affected by global climate change Flooding and cyclone are the most two frequent disasters here#3Brahmaputra River Ganges River DHAKA KHULNA 0 -100 km South-western ron point Meghna River Sandwip Island CHITTAGONG Char Changa BAY OF BENGAL Cox's Bazar South Western coastal belt and Khulna city The coastal belt of Bangladesh: 36 thousand square kilometre, and 700 km long coastline. The South-western Region is most vulnerable to the threats of disaster Khulna is the main city of the South-Western region and one of 16 most climate vulnerable cities in the world#4Flood and cyclones Seriously affects livelihood, land and shelter of the coastal communities in Bangladesh So, people are forced to migrate to Khulna city in search of jobs But.... Question answered today How challenging is the scale of in-migration in Khulna? THE ANSWER WILL HELP UNDERSTAND THE EXTENT OF URBANISATION CHALLENGES IN THE COASTAL CITIES OF SOUTH ASIA#5Legend Barren Land Buup Area Cultivated Land Vegetation Waterbody Khulna city area = 49.08 sq. Km Population is 0.6 million Legend Barren Land Built-up Area Cultivated Land Vegetation Waterbody KM 4 Area outside Khulna = 180 sq. Km Population is more than 1 million Topic of today's presentation In this presentation I will show how urban growth is becoming a major challenge for the Khulna city I will do this through following growth of built up area within the city (infill change) and outside the city (sprawl)#6Slide 6 to slide 15 removed to maintain data confidentiality#7Overall impacts of migration led growth Loss of agriculture land- Will affect the food supply of the city Loss of open space and empty land Will reduce public space Lack of water bodies Will reduce drainage capacity and increase Water logging New built up areas Will put pressure on existing services#8How challenging is the scale of in- migration in Khulna? Very rapid transformation is observed Growth is haphazard, unplanned and unstable and the city is now struggling to accommodate additional population#9Conclusions Coastal cities in disaster vulnerable areas should be ready to host migrants Policies should be migration friendly unless there are alternative areas where migration can be diverted. Landuse plan require effective 'development control' to protect agriculture and vegetation.#10To explore more on SHLC project and Khulna, visit: খুলনা PA বিদ্যালয় SHLC Centre for Sustainable, Healthy and Learning Cities and Neighbourhoods UK Research GCRF and Innovation Clocal Challenges Research Fund

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