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#1Unravelling South Australia's critical mineral potential in South Australia Geological Survey SA CritCon | May 2023 Bronwyn Camac Carmen Krapf | Adrian Fabris | Alex Corrick | Mitchell Bockmann | Alicia Caruso Mirella Terrones | Diana Zivak | Georgina Gordon | Tim Keeping RALI SOUTH AUSTRALIA Government of South Australia Department for Energy and Mining#2Acknowledgement of Country As guests here on Kaurna land, the Department for Energy and Mining (DEM) acknowledges everything this department does impacts on Aboriginal country, the sea, the sky, its people, and the spiritual and cultural connections which have existed since the first sunrise. Our responsibility is to share our collective knowledge, recognise a difficult history, respect the relationships made over time, and create a stronger future. We are ready to walk, learn and work together. SOUTH AUSTRALIA STRA Government of South Australia Department for Energy and Mining#3Key Messages Critical Minerals are essential to national security, economic development and a green energy future A mineral or metal is considered critical if its supply to industry is at risk Efforts across the entire supply chain are ramping up throughout Australia, with support from federal and state governments The South Australian government understands the need for: A continued drive for alternate energy sources including renewals Increased exploration and mining across critical minerals and other metals to support a carbon net-zero future SOUTH AUSTRALIA STRA Government of South Australia Department for Energy and Mining#4What's on the list? • Every list is a little different!!! US has 50 as defined under directive of the Energy Act 2020 International Energy Agency → adopted US list ▪ Australia has 26 critical minerals listed ■ SA is looking at its prospectivity across the list ■ & Yes! Copper is recognised as essential RALIA SOUTH AUSTRALIA Government of South Australia Department for Energy and Mining 105 W Rf Db S Rutherforfiu (265) Dubri 12681 EBEB 58 57 58 La Ce Pr Nd Pm Lanthanum 138.905 Sm E Cerium Praseodymium Neodynium Promedium Samarium 140.116 140.908 144.242 (145) 150360 15196430 90. 16 92 13 ま Th Pa U Np Pu A Thorium Proactinium Urain 232.038 231.036 73 BE#5South Australia: Interest in Critical Minerals ■ Recent announcements confirming the geographic location, recent activity - geological domains and mineral systems ■ Increase in demand for legacy data and access to Drill Core Reference Library ■ Increase in critical mineral exploration interest But how well do we understand critical minerals in South Australia? SOUTH AUSTRALIA STRA Government of South Australia Department for Energy and Mining#6What we know we have! ■ Mineral sands ☐ Graphite ■ Cobalt ■ Rare Earth Elements ■ Halloysite-Kaolin (HPA) ☐ Magnesium RALI SOUTH AUSTRALIA Government of South Australia Department for Energy and Mining Jacinth- Ambrosa Typhoon Atacama Sonoran Coober Pedy Olympic Dam Myrtle Springs Kalkaroo Hammerhead Great White Mutoroo Archer Whyalla Campoona Port Pirie Oakdale Siviour Kookaburra Gully Uley Port Lincoln Mindarie Adelaide Critical Minerals Heavy Mineral Sands Graphite Rare Earth Elements (REE) Kaolin-Halloysite Cobalt Magnesite Processing Facility Road Railway Koppamurra#7Renewed interest in Sed-Cu | Geochemistry data sets | Copper-Cobalt From SARIG ■ CODA Minerals - Elisabeth Creek ■ Taruga - Worrumba Anticline ◉ - EnviroCopper – progressing ISR project at Kapunda ■ ADI Round 1-3 funding for several SedCu projects ■ Other companies exploring in SedCu space in SA include: IGO, First Quantum, FMG, OZ Minerals, Gold Road Great Australian Bight SA Copper Occurrences ~40% are SedCu Cobalt (Co) - max dh (times crustal abundance) < 1 (< 26.6 ppm) 1-5 (26.6 133 ppm) 5-10 (133 266 ppm) Olympic Cu-Au Province Spence Gulf 10 100 (266 2660 ppm) 100-1000 (2660 - 26600 ppm) > 1000 (> 26600 ppm) 0 100 200km#8Critical Minerals South Australia Project Hay Mesh Lah Great White Oaklan Kookly Olympic Dam Myrtle Springe Hammerhead Pe SA's Prospectivity Geochemistry, Spectral scanning, Stock-take Secondary Potential (Mine-waste) Petrophysics Critical Minerals Strategy SA SOUTH AUSTRALIA OUTH STRA Government of South Australia Department for Energy and Mining ■ A state government funded, precompetitive geoscience project over 2 years ■ Will describe SA's potential and drive exploration and development of Critical Minerals ■ Seeks to understand the economic potential of Critical Minerals to SA and deliver a state-wide strategy and action plan#9Stock-take Commodity Summaries What we know! Stocktake of mineralisation styles that produce economic grades of key critical minerals; summaries prepared for Graphite 12.01 Uses Graphite is used as an and casting equipme lubricants The global demand to growing demand for b storage. References Department for Energy Industryminerals-and- 72 Hf Hafnium 178.49 40 Zr Zirconium 91.224 Key deposit types/styles Principal sources Heavy mineral sand placers/ palaeoplacers Minor sources Akaline igneous rocks leg carbonatites, caldasites) 4 • Murray Basin Eucla Basin Walloway carbonatite in Orroroo/ Euralia region of the Southem Flinders Ranges. Billeton North alksne magmatic Regions of interest in South Australia > Known occurrences > Prospective deposit models MUSGRAVE PROVINCE Be Beryllium 9.0122 Key deposit types/styles Principal sources Volcanogenic beryllium deposits (as bertrandte Minor sources Regions of interest in South Australa Unknown. The world-class bertrandite deposit at Spor Mountain, Utah, USA is currently the only known example of this deposit style which is economic. Marla > Regions of interest in SA Governme repway Government of Government of Sor Cenartment for Eren W-, Pb-or Au-rich skarns (Bi-rich galena 83 Key deposit types/styles BB Principal sources Bi Bismuth 208.98 Regions of interest in South Australa Gawler Craton -Possible W-bearing skam mineralisation in Moonbil prospect Demonstrated Fe-Cu-Aul skam mineralisation. Minor historic courses 27 27 Co Cobalt 58.933 Key deposit types/styles Principal sources Regions of interest in South Australia Stratform sediment-hosted copper Adelaide Rift Complex and Stuart Shelf. Cariewerloo Basin. Magmatic nickel sulphide deposits Musgrave Province, Gawler Nickel-cobalt laterite deposits Minor sources VMS deposits Polymetallic (Ag-Ni-Co-As-B) or Co-rich veins Iron-oxide copper gold (OCG) MVT deposits Secondary resources Mine waste Craton and Coompana Province, As above for magmatic nickel deposits. Gawler Craton, Musgrave Province (basement metavolcanica), Adelaide Rift Complex/Nackara Arc/Stuart Shelf, Not recognised Gawler Craton and Cumamona Province. Adelaide Rift Complex, Nackara Arc and Stuart Shelf region Mine waste at Mount Gunson, Burra, Mount Grainger, Alma and Victoria, Paratoo, Moonta, Challenger, Dome Rock and Brukunga Olympic Dam (IOCG) smelter Current 20 April 2023 Graphite occurrences Smeter slag Port Lincoln slag A Case M SOUTH AUSTRALIA Government of South Australia Department for Energy and Mining Government of South Australia Department for Energy and Mining Coober Pedy GAWLER CRATON Cobalt occurrences Adelaide Heavy Mineral Sands occurrences Lithium occurrences Magnesite occurrences . Manganese occurrences ° Rare Earths occurrences 0 250 km CURNAMONA PROVINCE ADELAIDE RIFT COMPLEX MURRAY BASIN OTWAY BASIN Mount Gambier#10Geochemical Sampling Program Evaluating the State's potential ■ Is there unrecognised CM potential in SA's major projects? ■ Where are the unrecognised opportunities? SOUTH AUSTRALIA MINERAL INDUSTRY PROJECT PIPELINE Whyalla (steel) Olympic Dam (Cu, U, Au, Ag) Port Pirie (Pb, Au, Ag, Cu, sulfuric acid) MINERAL PROCESSING 3 Major Mineral Processors Nyrstar, BHP & GFG Alliance What we don't know! SOUTH AUSTRALIA Government of South Australia Department for Energy and Mining Olympic Dam (Cu-U-Au-Ag Prominent Hill (Cu-Au-Agi Carrapateena (Cu-Au) Kanmantoo (Cu-Au Four Mile (U)* Beverley (U)* Jacinth-Ambrosia (HM) Middleback Range (Fe-Os FezO Cairn Hill (Fe3O4, Cu, Au Challenger (Au Siviour (graphite Tarcoola (Au White Dam (Au) Central Eyre Iron (FeO) Hillside (Cu-Au) Campoona (graphite) Kookaburra Gully (graphite) Wilgerup (Fe2O3) t Buzzard (Fe₂O) Kalkaroo (Cu-Autt Portia (Au Honeymoon (U) Mindarie (HM) Peculiar Knob (Fe-0)* Uley (graphite) *Operating Mines Tunder construction Minerals Leace Granted #Care and Maintenance MINES & DEVELOPING PROJECTS $7.1 Billion Production $237 Million Royalties DEM Production returns DEM Annual report 2020-21 Arkcaringa (Coal) Atacama (HM) Billeroo (Fe3O4) Bird-in-Hand (Au) Bungalow (Fe3O4) Crocker Well (U) Elizabeth Creek (Cu-Co-Ag) Flinders (Zn) Fremantle Doctor (Cu-Au-Ag) Fusion (Fe3O4) Gould's Dam (U) Grants (Fe30) Great White Kaolin (kaolin) Hammerhead (Kaolin halloysite) Hawks Nest (Fe2O3, Fe3O4) Junction Dam (U) Kapunda Copper ISR (Cu-Au) Khamsin (Cu-Au-Ag) Koppamurra (rare earth) Maldorky (Fe3O4) Menninnie Dam (Ag-Pb-Zn) Mount Gunson (Cu-Co) Muster Dam (Fe304) Mutooroo (Cu-Co) Mutooroo Magnetite (Fe3O4) North Portia (Cu-Au-Mo) Oakdale (graphite) Oak Dam (Cu, Au, U Ag) Olary Flats (Fe3O4) Paris (Ag) Razorback (Fe3O4) Samphire (U) Snaefell (Fe3O4) Sonoran (HM) Tripitaka (HM) Tunkillia (Au) Typhoon (HM) Weednanna (Au, Fe304) Wudinna (Au) MINERAL PROJECTS $2.1 Billion Capital Expenditure ABS Capital Expenditure MINERAL EXPLORATION $91.8 Million Exploration Expenditure ABS Mineral & Petroleum exploration expenditure FY2021 statistics 175 companies with 730+ mineral exploration licences 23/11/2021-205102.001#11Rare-Earth Elements SA is very fertile for REES > Mineral Sand - hosted > IOCG - associated > lonic-clay-hosted > Carbonatites? JURY'S OUT! 12 months study into deepening our understanding of SA's prospectivity in REES is about to commence (Dr. Diana Zivak) Geographical concentration of supply chain stages for sintered NdFeB magnets From center: rare earth mining, oxide separation, metal refining, and magnet manufacturing China U.S.A. Mining Separation Refining Burma Australia Malaysia Magnet mfg. Japan Other countries Figure 13. Geographical concentration of supply chain stages for sintered NdFeB magnets, 2019 MUSGRAVE PROVINCE Marla Current 20 April 2023 Coober Pedy GAWLER CRATON Cobalt occurrences Graphite occurrences Adelaide Heavy Mineral Sands occurrences Lithium occurrences Magnesite occurrences Manganese occurrences Rare Earths occurrences 0 250 km CURNAMONA PROVINCE ADELAIDE RIFT COMPLEX MURRAY BASIN OTWAY BASIN Mount Gambier 205693-010#12Carbonatites > Major source of REE and Niobium > > Little is currently known about carbonatites in South Australia Potential carbonatites to be characterised to understand South Australia's potential > Project led by Dr Mitchell Bockmann Fertility Metasomatised sub-continental lithospheric mantle Architecture Cratonic setting Deep, mantle- tapping structures MUSGRAVE PROVINCE Geodynamics Extensional tectonic setting (statistically favoured over compressional settings) Low-degree partial melting South Australia has the ingredients for carbonatites! Carbonatite- related rocks Kimberlite Lamprophyre Lamprophyre (drillhole log) Lamproite Ijolite Ceduna Nb 41 Oolgelima Complex Niobium Coaber Pedy Mt Brady GAWLER CRATON ■Township/locality Highway Railway Roxby Downs Port Augusta Whyalla Port Pirie 92.906 Moomba Umberatana Diatreme CURNAMONA PROVINCE ADELAIDE RIFT COMPLEX Walloway Port Lincoln ADELAIDE Kingscote Billeroo 0 Scale 50 100 200km Mount Gambier#13Secondary Prospectivity of South Australia's Mine-waste Easy pickings? ■ Tailings dams and other mine wastes are potential environmental hazards But they also offer an incredible opportunity to extract critical minerals that have been discarded over time With the added benefit of treating and cleaning up these historical sites Circular Economy Potential stockpile of minerals on the surface Cleaning up existing sites SOUTH AUSTRALIA STR Government of South Australia Department for Energy and Mining THE UNIVERSITY OF QUEENSLAND AUSTRALIA Sustainable Minerals Institute What we threw away! Mount Gunson mine waste-photograph by Carmen Krapf#14SA's Mine-waste Desk-top study: Review of MINDEP via SARIG & open file information ~1000 sites ranked using a newly developed system of weighted criteria in consultation with the Geological Survey SA Develop a top 30 ranked list of opportunities that could be further high-graded for site sampling and geochemical and mineralogical analysis Number of detailed case studies are also provided in the report Critical Minerals South Australia | Energy & Mining ( SOUTH AUSTRALIA STRA Government of South Australia Department for Energy and Mining THE UNIVERSITY OF QUEENSLAND AUSTRALIA Sustainable Minerals Institute Rank Parameter (weighted) "Better" Assumptions 1 Mine status C&M, ceased, or abandoned 2 Known commodity Ni, Co, Zn, Mn, Cu, Co, Au, Ag, Fe 3 4 Discovery year 5 Mine waste feature Associated commodities Known to have CM affinity Older Larger volume Other considerations included: Distance to a major city, mine site or port; and environmental contamination ◉ ☐ South Australian mine waste is fertile in metals including Co, Cu, Ni, REES and Au. The Middleback Ranges was recognised as a potential host for Mn, with notable enrichment likely in waste materials. The potential for bismuth in several sites#15Mine Waste Study Secondary prospectivity of South Australia's mine waste: review Laura Jackson, Alex Corrick, Zhengdong Han, Annah Moyo and Anita Parbhakar-Fox SOUTH 9870 No abandoned mines layer 3638 • Abandoned Mine Records Operating Mine Records. 410' 153800 19010 0 250 500 1,000 Km 4226 THE UNIVERSITY OF QUEENSLAND AUSTRALIA Sustainable Minerals Institute Top 30 list 10 case study side to follow up in detail MINDEP_NO Table 10. Highest ranking sites for potential critical metal prospectivity in mine waste (n=30). Rank DEP_NAME Description Score (/50) 1 3137 West Lagoon Mount Gunson area 47 2 8908 Port Pirie (REE) Radium Hill waste majority 42 3 3807 Burra Historic/ tourist site 42 4 3088 Mount Gunson Mount Gunson area 41 Challenger 5 4856 Kapunda Existing company activity 41 6 1933 Mount Grainger 41 7 1927 Paratoo 41 8 5104 Moonta Central Lode Historic/ tourist site 41 Mount Gunson West Lagoon 9 3046 Challenger Care and maintenance 40 Dome Rock 10 5136 Moonta Eastern Lode Historic/ tourist site 40 Iron Knob Port Pirie Alma and Victoria Paratoo 11 5967 Alma and Victoria 40 12 1025 Dome Rock 40 Mount Grainger 13 6644 14 7854 Burra 15 3206 Moonta 16 842 Iron Knob Beltana Blinman Mutooroo Existing company activity 39 Zinc in willemite 39 Historic/ Tourist site 39 39 17 7300 Wallaroo 38 18 8256 Burra smelting works Historic/ tourist site 38 Brukunga 19 962 Port Lincoln 20 1482 Radium Hill Brukunga Radioactive hazard 38 37 21 3057 East lagoon Mount Gunson area 37 Adelaide Kangaroo Island 22 3002 Iron Monarch Care and Maintenance 36 4401 རྨ མི་ཆ 394 3051 5208 Leigh Creek Lobe B Perseverance Cattlegrid Wheal Hughes 36 36 Mount Gunson area 36 36 Glenloth Government 27 8203 36 Battery 28 3029 29 3010 Iron Prince Peculiar Knob Existing company activity 35 35 30 4207 Rossman 35#16PEGGY BUXTON ROAD Brukunga Mine minewaste sampling 500 m 4-5 3-4 2-3 Brukunga Minewaste Sampling April 2023 1 diamond drillhole (courtesy Veracio) 3 auger holes 68 tailings, waste rock and slimes samples sampling done by Dr Laura Jackson and Lexi King Sustainable Mineral Institute (UQ) DIORO 418 7038:03 42 438 348 DOIRDO 298 006 803 295#17Brukunga Minewaste Sampling April 2023 KIOTI DEST CARMEN HE UNIVERSITY#18Critical Mineral Strategy & Action Plan for SA: focus on doing what we do best; working together! Consolidated approach which draws together all sectors; addressing: Supply chain diversity providing strategic advantages Which minerals will see sustained demand - play to SA's strengths Facilitate and support producers to meet demand Have a clear understanding of our inventory - key characteristics? What new data is required to shift discovery to development? Water and power - major barrier to delivery, how can we help Centralised processing hubs Geoscience, Metallurgy, Processing upskilling hub - R&D / education powerhouse Jacinth- Ambrosa Critical Minerals Coober Pedy T Olympic Dam Great White Whyalla Archer Campoona Port Pirie Heavy Mineral Sands Graphite Rare Earth Elements (REE) Kaolin-Halloysite Cobalt Magnesite Siviour Mindarie Port Lincoln Adelaide Koppamurra Processing Facility 1 T#19Contacts Bronwyn Camac | A/Director, Geological Survey SA Department for Energy and Mining 11 Waymouth Street, Adelaide, South Australia 5000 GPO Box 320 Adelaide, South Australia 5001 T: +61 8 8 8429 0597 E: [email protected] RALI SOUTH AUSTRALIA Government of South Australia Department for Energy and Mining#20Disclaimer The information contained in this presentation has been compiled by the Department for Energy and Mining (DEM) and originates from a variety of sources. Although all reasonable care has been taken in the preparation and compilation of the information, it has been provided in good faith for general information only and does not purport to be professional advice. No warranty, express or implied, is given as to the completeness, correctness, accuracy, reliability or currency of the materials. DEM and the Crown in the right of the State of South Australia does not accept responsibility for and will not be held liable to any recipient of the information for any loss or damage however caused (including negligence) which may be directly or indirectly suffered as a consequence of use of these materials. DEM reserves the right to update, amend or supplement the information from time to time at its discretion. Government SOUTH AUSTRALIA of South Australia Department for Energy and Mining

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