Investor Presentaiton

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#1DB Corp Ltd Investor Presentation November 2023 दैनिक भास्कर દિવ્યભાસ્કર दिव्य मराठी 94.3 MY FM Diyo dil se दैनिक भास्कर દિવ્ય ભાસ્કર India's Largest Newspaper Group | 12 States | 61 Editions | 3 Languages - VALUES – Ground Connect | Result-Oriented | Emotional Connect | Analytical | Trendsetter सच्ची बात, बेधडक दैनिक भास्कर#2DB Corp Ltd Disclaimer • • Some of the statements made in this presentation are forward-looking statements and are based on the current beliefs, assumptions, expectations, estimates, objectives and projections of the directors and management of Dainik Bhaskar Group (DB Corp Ltd.) about its business and the industry and markets in which it operate-s. These forward-looking statements include, without limitation, statements relating to revenues and earnings. These statements are not guarantees of future performance and are subject to risks, uncertainties and other factors, some of which are beyond the control of the Company and are difficult to predict. Consequently, actual results could differ materially from those expressed or forecast in the forward- looking statements as a result of, among other factors, changes in economic and market conditions, changes in the regulatory environment and other business and operational risks. DB Corp Ltd. does not undertake to update these forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances that may arise after publication. VALUES - Ground Connect | Result-Oriented | Emotional Connect | Analytical | Trendsetter सच्ची बात, बेधडक दैनिक भास्कर#3DB Corp Ltd दैनिक भास्कर हंसते दिखेमाराम, तेज 11 States, 43 Editions સાચી વાત બેધડક દિવ્યભાસ્કર 2 States, 8 Editions लील दिव्य मराठी H सोशल मीडियावर री भाषेला सेशल मेडिया फील घाटकानेच 1 State, 6 Editions दैनिक DB DIGITAL भास्कर 4 Portals & 3 Apps हिव्य ભાસ્કર 94.3 MY FM चिलो अच्छा सुनते हैं 7 States, 30 Stations सच्ची बात, बेधडक दैनिक भास्कर#4DB Corp Ltd Print Segment Opportunity NEWSPAPERS ARE RISING Dainik Bhaskar GROUP is proud to lead the growth. PAT grew by 154% 788 million vs. 310 million EBIDTA grew by 84.2% 1359 million vs. *738 million Advertising revenue grew by 17.2% 3946 million vs. *3368 million Print Segment Revenue 279 263 251 227 2021 2022 2023(E) 2025(E) DB Corp Ltd दैनिक भास्कर દિવ્યભાસ્કર વિયંમરાની India's Largest Newspaper Group* | 12 States | 61 Editions | 3 Languages Comparative of QFY24 OFFY23 Y Source: FICCI Report 2023 सच्ची बात, बेधड़क दैनिक भास्कर#5DB Corp Ltd Print Segment Opportunity Newspapers are the most trusted news source Ranking of news sources (1,2,3...6) Newspaper (Print edition/ 42% digital subscription) Broadcast news channels e.g. NDTV, Times Now, CNN TV18 etc. 23% 20% Social Media (Facebook, YouTube, Whatsapp, Instagram, Twitter etc.) 18% 21% Magazines 5% 10% 20% News aggregator platforms 5% 8% 13% 20% 1 (Most trusted) 2 3 Hindi Ad volume by language (newspapers) English 26% Marathi 9% Telugu 5% 25% 16% 9% 5%4% Kannada 5% 12% 8% 8% Tamil 5% 24% 16% 9% 12% Gujarati 3% Malayalam 3% 35% 20% 10% Oriya 2% 38% 16% Bengali 1% Hindi publications contributing in Ad volumes the highest 5 |6 (Least trusted) Others (3) 1% No material differences were noted in trust levels across younger and older audiences सच्ची बात, बेधडक दैनिक भास्कर 38% Source: FICCI Report 2023#6DB Corp Ltd DB Corp Footprint Madhya Pradesh Chhattisgarh Dominant Dominant Haryana Dominant Chandigarh Dominant Rajasthan Dominant Leader in Ahmedabad Gujarat Close No.1 in top 6 cities of Gujarat सच्ची बात, बेधडक दैनिक भास्कर Bihar Punjab Maharashtra Jharkhand Close No.1 (with a gap of 16%) within a very short span of time No.1 in Top 4 cities Limited to Central Maharashtra Overall No.2 in terms of circulation in urban cities#7DB Corp Ltd RAJASTHAN HIMACHAL PRADESH CHANDIGARH PUNJAB HARYANA DELHI‣ Our Markets & Coverage सच्ची बात, बेधडक दैनिक भास्कर BIHAR JHARKHAND⚫ GUJARAT MADHYA PRADESH Map not to scale MAHARASHTRA CHHATTISGARH States MP Punjab Chattisgarh Haryana Dainik Bhaskar (Hindi) Rajasthan Chandigarh Delhi Jharkhand Himachal Pradesh Bihar Divya Bhaskar (Gujarati) Gujarat Mumbai Divya Marathi (Marathi) Maharashtra Dainik Bhaskar Divya Bhaskar Divya Marathi ⚫DB Star 48% COVERAGE OF INDIAN LANDSCAPE 47% INDIA'S URBAN POPULATION ADDRESSED 51.6% OF CONSUMER MARKET SIZE SOURCES: RNI | Census 2011 | Neilsen Market Skyline of India 2015-16#8DB Corp Ltd DB Corp Editorial Philosophy सच अनमोल होता है सच्ची बात, बेधड़क दैनिक भास्कर न इसकी, न उसकी बात सिर्फ़ निष्पक्षता की यह पानी धीमा जहर : टॉडीएस 3000 तक, हड्डियां गलने, गुर्दे तक खराब होने का खतरा दो निजी फर्मों को फायदा पहुंचाने के लिए 637% तक की ऊंची दरों में खरीदी दवाएं, बीच में वह है क 44200 एकड करोड खर्च, फिर भी हर 100 में 67 7 बच्चों को एनीमिया बंद है, न दूरा मिल रहा और न दवा 91786 21 16-4 दिनमा समय: सच कड़वा होता है पर हमने लिखा और लिखते रहेंगे बेधड़क क्योंकि सच है तो हम हैं सच्ची बात, बेधड़क दैनिक भास्कर सच की धार तेज़ होती है पर हम इस पर चलते रहेंगे, बढ़ते रहेंगे बेधड़क बात क्योंकि सच है तो हम है बेधड़क हमने उसे परखा और परखते रहेंगे बेधड़क क्योंकि सच है तो हम हैं सच्ची बात, बेधड़क दैनिक भास्कर मां की नए 17 करोड़ में दिल्ली दो कं पाठक के नाते सत्यता और निष्पक्षता आपका अधिकार है और अखबार के नाते हमारी ज़िम्मेदारी । इसलिए हर दिन, हर पन्ने पर, हर रिपोर्ट में दैनिक भास्कर लिखता है सच्ची बात, बेधड़क| #SachchiBaatBedhadak भास्कर लिखेगा सच्ची बात, बेधड़क दैनिक भास्कर सच से उजाला होता है हमने ऐसा उजाला फैलाया और फैलाते रहेंगे बेधड़क क्योंकि सच है तो हम हैं सच तीखा होता है पर हमने कहा और कहते रहेंगे सच चुभता है पर हमने दिखाया और दिखाते रहेंगे बेधड़क बेधड़क सच्ची बात, बेधड़क दैनिक भास्कर सच्ची बात क्योंकि सच है तो हम हैं बेधड़क क्योंकि सच है तो हम हैं दैनिक वस्कर सच्ची बात बेधड़क दैनिक भास्कर#9DB Corp Ltd Digital Prospects Comscore -Total Unique Visitors (Mn) Total Industry MAU (Mobile Web & APP) 433 13% 383 Dainik Bhaskar (Mobile App) दैनिक Divya Bhaskar (Mobile App) भास्कर દિવ્ય ભાસ્કર 12 141% 7 5 3 134% Jul-2020 Jul-2023 Jul-2020 Jul-2023 Jul-2020 Jul-2023 सच्ची बात, बेधडक दैनिक भास्कर#10DB Corp Ltd बेधड़क Dainik Bhaskar - #1 News Publisher App in ref India with a wide gap Comparative Trend Wise MAU nos (in million) दैनिक भास्कर News Apps Jan-20 Jan-21 Jul-21 Aug-23 (Monthly Unique Visitors - Millions) Dainik Bhaskar (Mobile App) 2.08 6.2 10.2 10.6 Divya Bhaskar (Mobile App) 1.60 1.6 2.7 3.0 Aaj Tak (Mobile App) 3.82 5.1 4.2 3.6 ABP Live News (Mobile App) 3.62 1.5 1.5 0.7 Dainik Jagran Hindi News (Mobile App) 0.35 0.4 0.6 0.7#11DB Corp Ltd ROBUST FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE STRONG BALANCE SHEET WITH ZERO DEBT दिव्य मराठी દિવ્યભાસ્કર दैनिक भास्कर मेंह शासन, फिर रावत सरकार A SAMEN eins Khel A सच्ची बात, बेधडक दैनिक भास्कर#12DB Corp Ltd Outperforming Print Media Industry Print Industry v/s DB Corp 23% सच्ची बात, बेधड़क दैनिक भास्कर 15000 2012 7500 2012 13.33% 17000 INR Cr 6.66% 2022 8000 2022 Source: FICCI Reports 1483 1208 Print Ad FY 2013 FY 2023 Circulation 282 64% 463 FY 2013 FY 2023 Source: DB Corp Audited Statements#13DB Corp Ltd Stellar Financial Performance.. Total Revenue (Rs. mn) 13% 3 Yrs CAGR 21682 17885 12% 15222 सच्ची बात, बेधडक दैनिक भास्कर Advertisement Revenue (Rs. mn) 14% 3 Yrs CAGR 14827 11827 15% 10084 ↑ 11755 8247 10480 7179 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 H1 H1 FY FY 23 FY 24 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 H1 FY 23 H1 FY 24#14DB Corp Ltd Stellar Financial Performance सच्ची बात, बेधडक दैनिक भास्कर EBIDTA (Rs. mn) 4% 3 Yrs CAGR 3193 3228 3611 77% 1 1715 PAT (Rs. mn) 6% 3 Yrs CAGR 3035 1691 1414 1426 124% 798 1790 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 H1 H1 FY 23 FY 24 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 H1 FY 23 H1 FY 24#15DB Corp Ltd Strong Balance sheet Return on Capital Employed (%) 11% 10% 10% 23% 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 H1 FY24 Return on Net Worth (%) 8.05% 7.67% 8.76% 17.80% 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 H1 FY24 Earning Per Share (Rs.) Dividend Payout (with tax & buyback) 10.06 62.9% 9.53 61.8% 8.08 8.12 37.1% 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 H1 FY24 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 सच्ची बात, बेधड़क दैनिक भास्कर#16DB Corp Ltd Radio Business Snapshot Total Revenue (Rs. mn) 3yrs CAGR 17% 1342 1122 831 11% EBIDTA ( 3yrs CAGR 34% 732 658 167 402 11% 314 223 201 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 H1 H1 FY FY FY 23 FY 24 2021 2022 FY 2023 H1 FY 23 H1 FY 24 सच्ची बात, बेधडक दैनिक भास्कर#17DB Corp Ltd Financial Summary Year Ended Half Year Ended Particulars (INR million) FY21 FY22 FY23 H1 FY23 H1 FY24 Growth % Advertising Income 10084 11827 14827 7179 8247 14.9% Circulation Revenue 4146 4558 4627 2313 2404 3.9% Total Income 15222 17885 21682 10480 11755 12.2% Newsprint -4217 -5533 -8511 -4197 -3817 -9.1% Personnel Cost -3794 -3751 -3874 -1849 -2085 12.8% Other Operating Expenditure -4019 -5374 -5686 -2718 -2818 3.7% Total Expenditure -12029 -14657 -18071 -8765 -8721 -0.5% EBITDA 3193 3228 3611 1715 3035 76.9% EBITDA Margin 21% 18% 17% 16% 26% Net Profit 1414 1426 1691 798 1790 124.4% Net Worth 18229 18824 19479 18590 20156 Cash & Bank Balance 3125 5170 6311 4693 6986 Net Block (Fixed) 8604 8265 7579 7918 7396 ROCE 10% 11% 12% 13% 22% RONW 8% 8% 9% 9% 17% सच्ची बात, बेधड़क दैनिक भास्कर#18DB Corp Ltd Awards & Accolades TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADER WCRCINT SELECTIONS IDEASFEST 2023 2023 NDIA TRANSFORMATIONAL BRAND 2023 CERTIFICATE OF EXCELLENCE GIRISH AGARWAL DAINIK BHASKAR GROUP Dainik Bhaskar (Media-Print Hindi) NEW Macon McDunat 2 6-9 Ghosh 3 WEBC LEADERS Dainik Bhask 4 10 Third Place Best of Print Dainik Bhaskar Group MICA Newspaper-Bhilwara IAA OLVE CROWN ajaa 5 inma Honourable Mention Teas of Dainik Bhaskar Newspaper on Gas Silk Fabric 11 EDIA BRAND 1. सच्ची बात, बेधडक दैनिक भास्कर WAN IFRA Print Innovation Awards 2023: In Category 'Special Edition' - Jaipur's 25th Anniversary Special 2. Ideasfest 2023 - WCRCINT India's Transformational Leader 2023 - 3. Ideasfest 2023 WCRCINT India's Transformational Brand 2023 - Dainik Bhaskar 4. Honourable Mention, Dainik Bhaskar, India, "Newspaper on Gajji Silk Fabric" 5. Third Place, Dainik Bhaskar Group, India, "MICA Newspaper Bhilwara" 6. Best Print Ad (Campaign) - Gold - for Sachchi Baat Bedhadak Campaign 7. Best Print ad (Single) - Gold - for Independence Day Advertisement 8. Best Brand Activation - Bronze - "Have Ramo Garba Bedhadak" Initiative 9. Newspaper of The Year Award - Dainik Bhaskar 10. IAA Olive Crown Awards 2023 - Silver for 'Save Birds' Campaign in Press Corporate category 11. AFAQs Media Excellence Awards Best CSR - Silver - Save birds Campaign Best Print ad (Single) - Bronze - for Independence Day Ad Best Print Ad (Campaign) - Bronze - for Sachchi Baat Bedhadak C ampaign#19DB Corp Ltd Board of Directors Sudhir Agarwal Managing Director Pawan Agarwal Deputy Managing Director सच्ची बात, बेधडक दैनिक भास्कर 32 years of experience in the publishing and newspaper business responsible for its long-term vision, business planning and performance monitoring 14 years of experience in the publishing business Heads entire Production, IT and Strategy dept., with the Radio & Digital business Girish Agarwaal Non-Executive Director 28 years of experience. Awarded "Outstanding Entrepreneur" trophy at APEA provides direction to the marketing strategy and related operations of the Group Anupriya Acharya* Santosh Desai * Post Graduate from IIT Roorkee, was Zenith Optimedia's Group CEO and now CEO of Publicis Media India Managing Director and CEO of Future Brands Ltd, eminent author, columnist and media critic Paulomi Dhawan* 40 years of experience in the field of media, marketing and brand communication Ashwani Kumar Singhal* Vice-President of BIR Brussels, the International Authority in Non-Ferrous Metals#20DB Corp Ltd THANK YOU दैनिक भास्कर - દિવ્યભાસ્કર दिव्य मराठी 94.3 MY FM Loyo dil se दैनिक भास्कर દિવ્ય ભાસ્કર India's Largest Newspaper Group | 12 States | 61 Editions | 3 Languages For more information, please visit our website VALUES – Ground Connect | Result-Oriented | Emotional Connect | Analytical | Trendsetter सच्ची बात, बेधडक दैनिक भास्कर

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