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#1za statistiku Hercegovine Пит COO £13 BHAS Agencija za statistiku Bosne i Hercegovine Agency for Statistics of Bosnia and Herzegovina 3.53 mil Populacija IVO 2017 3% Indeks irdustrijske proizvodnje 2015 Ba Hr Sr En Linkovi Bosna i Hercegovina Statistike Statistike u BiH ▾ Europska statistika O Agencji - Novosti Kontakt ▾ Q 850 KM Prosječna neto plaća 2015 1.009.782 Uvoz robe u hiljadama KM 2016 722.074 Izvoz roba u hiljadama KM 2016 1,1% Stopa promjene indeksa cijena (CPI) 2014 2,4% Eruto domaći proizvod (BDP) 2016 TOWARDS CLEAN, RENEWABLE AND EFFICIENT ENERGY USE BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA 2nd webinar on 24 February on Energy within UNDA project "Improved environmental monitoring and assessment in support of the 2030 Agenda in South-Eastern Europe, Central Asia and the Caucasus"#2In. BHAS Content 1 Most important recent achievements in country 2 Development areas 3 Urgent actions to be undertaken/processes to be started a b C SDG Indicator 7.1.2 - Proportion of population with primary reliance on clean fuels and technology SDG Indicator 7.2.1- Renewable energy share in the total final energy consumption SDG Indicator 7.3.1- Energy intensity measured in terms of primary energy and GDP#3• BHAS 1 Most important recent achievements in country FRAMEWORK ENERGY STRATEGY OF BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA UNTIL 2035 (FES) FES is aimed at prioritising the key energy strategic guidelines of Bosnia and Herzegovina with clearly set objectives and implementation priorities to be reached in the years to come, Also, strategic guidelines form for the application and withdrawal of the IPA and WBIF funds for the Bosnia and Herzegovina energy sector, The overall life-cycle approach includes six elements: Diagnostics, Strategy, Development plan, Preparation, Implementation, Monitoring and evaluation, electricity segment, the following topic are elaborated: European and regional trends, coal mine issues, market system organization...; oil segment the research and exploitation process and import of oil and oil derivatives; gas segment, -an overview of the entire market structure, analysis of import activities; "energy trilemma”, through a prism of security of supply, price competitiveness and decarbonisation, i.e. clean and sustainable energy, elaborates the key energy segments and issues. -#4In BHAS Most important recent achievements in country-continuous FES- Energy efficiency Directive 2006/32/EC on energy end-use efficiency and energy services EU Directives Directive 2010/31/EU on energy performance of buildings Energy Labelling Directive - 2010/30/EU Valid since 15.10.2017. Directive 2012/27/EU on energy efficiency Indicative goals for reduction of consumption of energy in end-use Legal framework and mechanisms Promotion of energy efficiency to end users - Requirements for energy efficiency of buildings Cost-optimal methods of renovations Energy certification Overview and control of HVAC systems Long-term programs of building reconstruction Setting declarations and standard energy consumption information Change of philosophy - marginal consumption! Article 3-indicative goal Article 5-building reconstruction for central government Article 7-obligational schemes Integration of energy systems#5BHAS Most important recent achievements in country-continuous Key elements of long-term energy efficiency strategy Long-term vision: Integrated energy systems District heating and cooling systems, cogeneration, trigeneration, energy efficiency in respect 1. Final consumption: • Buildings • Industry 4 5 ⚫ Transport Other to final energy consumption ②Transformation, transmission and distribution: Electrical energy Gas Heat 3. High efficiency cogeneration and district heating systems (cooling): Increased use of district heating Cogeneration Legal and regulatory framework for energy efficiency Trainings and education 6 Financial/fiscal instruments and institutional framework for implementation#6In BHAS ● ● The most important strategic documents in the field of energy efficiency and renewable energy sources in BiH Energy Efficiency Action Plan of Bosnia and Herzegovina for the period 2016-2018 - adopted 2017 Energy Efficiency Action Plan of Bosnia and Herzegovina for the period 2019- 2021.- adoption in the process • Draft of Integral Strategy for the Renovation of buildings in Bosnia and Herzegovina for the period until 2050 have been prepared • National Renewable Energy Action Plan - adopted 2016 • Activities for the transition to the market based support oriented incentive systems for the renewable energy are in ongoing • The Action plans for energy efficiency and renewable energy sources will be replaced by the NECP BIH.#7In BHAS National Energy and Climate Plan of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) for the period 2021-2030 (NECP BIH) • Bosnia and Herzegovina is currently working on the development of the Integrated Energy and Climate Pan of BiH for the period 2021-2030. Paralel to the development of NECP BIH 2021-2030, entitety energy and climate plans will be developed. NECP BIH will define targets for energy effiency, renewable energy sources and GHG emissions reduction by 2030, as well as the necessary policies and measures to achieve them. The adoption of the NECP-a BiH is planned by the end of 2021.#8In BHAS 2 Development areas - The Sarajevo Canton has officially started preparing a ten-year the "Strategy for restricting the use of coal and other solid fuels for the period 2021-2031", UNDP BiH and the cantonal Ministry of Physical Planning, Construction and Environmental Protection worked together on the development of the strategy, which is one of the activities within the Green Economic Development project, implemented throughout BiH, - The first step on the path is the mapping of all household furnaces and boilers, - It is estimated that the preparation of the study will cost around EUR 204,000, which will be secured by the Embassy of Sweden and the ministry.#9In BHAS 2 Development areas - continuous The citizens' social status will be taken into consideration while limiting the use of coal • Information on household furnaces will be gathered during a survey of Sarajevo districts Total emissions and air quality impact of all household furnaces using solid fuel will be calculated The strategy will propose measures divided into three scenarios#10In BHAS 3 Urgent actions to be undertaken/processes to be started USAID BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA FROM THE AMERICAN PEOPLE -the project produced and published the first- ever Guidelines for Investors in the Electricity Sector of BiH, making the information available to the public. and, more importantly, to investors. -The country is a surplus electricity generator and is one of just two countries in Southeast Europe that exports electricity. BiH has significant reserves in fossil fuels and potential renewables, especially hydropower, of which only one-third of total potential is being used. GUIDELINES FOR INVESTORS in the Electricity Sector of BiH#11In BHAS а - SDG Indicator 7.1.2 Proportion of population with primary reliance on clean fuels and technology 46% 45% 45% 44% 44% 44% 44% 44% 43% 43% 42% 43% 43% 45% 44% 44% 45% 42% 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Data Source: UN database - Estimated data#12In BHAS b SDG Indicator 7.2.1- Renewable energy share in the total final energy consumption According to the latest available data from 2019 the renewable energy share in the total final energy consumption in Bosnia and Herzegovina was 37.58%, and increased by 1.6% compared to 2018. 38% 38% 37% 37% 35.97% 36% 36% 35% 2018 Data Source: Agency for Statistics of BiH 37.58% 2019#13In BHAS C SDG Indicator 7.3.1- Energy intensity measured in terms of primary energy and GDP Energy intensity decreased by 0.2% in 2017 compared to 2016. 8.5 8 7.5 7.5 7 6.5 6 5.5 5 10 4.5 8.19 7.73 7.29 7.09 6.88 6.7 6.69 4 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Data Source: UN databse#14In. BHAS Thank you for your attention! Agency for statistics of Bosnia and Herzegovina web site: Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations of Bosnia and Herzegovina web site:

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