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#1Ooredoo Group Q1 2022 Results 28 April 2022 ooredoo#2Disclaimer • Ooredoo (parent company Ooredoo Q.P.S.C.) and the group of companies which it forms part of ("Ooredoo Group") cautions investors that certain statements contained in this document state Ooredoo Group management's intentions, hopes, beliefs, expectations, or predictions of the future and, as such, are forward-looking statements Ooredoo Group management wishes to further caution the reader that forward-looking statements are not historical facts and are only estimates or predictions. Actual results may differ materially from those projected as a result of risks and uncertainties including, but not limited to: Our ability to manage domestic and international growth and maintain a high level of customer service • Future sales growth • Market acceptance of our product and service offerings • • . • Our ability to secure adequate financing or equity capital to fund our operations Network expansion Performance of our network and equipment Our ability to enter into strategic alliances or transactions Cooperation of incumbent local exchange carriers in provisioning lines and interconnecting our equipment • Regulatory approval processes • Changes in technology • Price competition Other market conditions and associated risks This presentation does not constitute an offering of securities or otherwise constitute an invitation or inducement to any person to underwrite, subscribe for or otherwise acquire or dispose of securities in any company within the Ooredoo Group The Ooredoo Group undertakes no obligation to update publicly or otherwise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of future events, new information, or otherwise#3Contents 1 Strategy and vision 2 Results review 3 Operations review 4 Additional information ooredoo Ooredoo Q1 2022 Investor Presentation 28 April 2022 3#4Vision Strategic Pillars Ooredoo vision: Enriching people's digital lives & Value-creating portfolio Excellence in Customer Experience Mobile Financial Service Customers (Thsd., 30-Days Active): Mobile +36% +31% Financial > Services 778 573 439 ooredoo 000 Strengthen the core Å 200 Evolve the core People Thunes mastercard. MoneyGram. ୩ Paytm M-PESA Total transaction value in 2021: VISA G Q1-20 Q1-21 Q1-22 GCash bKash Ooredoo Q1 2022 Investor Presentation 28 April 2022 Five billion USD#5Contents 1 Strategy and vision 2 Results review 3 Operations review 4 Additional information ooredoo Ooredoo Q1 2022 Investor Presentation 28 April 2022 5#6ORDS - Financial Achievements Q1 2022 Revenue: EBITDA: EBITDA Margin: Capex Intensity: -23% yoy QR 5.5bn -28% yoy QR 2.3bn -3 ppt 42% Excl. FX impact: -21% Excl. FX impact: -26% Free Cash Flow: Net Profit: ooredoo -18% yoy QR 2bn +241% yoy QR 659mn Excl FX QR 677m: +48% yoy -5ppt 7% Net Debt/EBITDA: Customers -0.7ppt 1.3x -53% yoy 55mn Ooredoo Q1 2022 Investor Presentation 28 April 2022 9#7ORDS - Financial Achievements Q1 2022- Proforma* Revenue: EBITDA: EBITDA Margin: Capex Intensity: +4% yoy QR 5.5bn +1% yoy QR 2.3bn -1 ppt 42% Excl. FX impact: +7% Excl. FX impact: +4% Free Cash Flow: Net Profit: +8% yoy QR 2bn +241% yoy QR 659mn -2ppt 7% Net Debt/EBITDA: Customers -0.7ppt 1.3x 4% yoy 55mn Excl. FX QR 677m: +48% yoy *Post the IOH merger in Indonesia the accounting treatment of Ooredoo's previous largest international operation has changed. IOH Revenue, EBITDA, customers, and Capex are no longer consolidated, as the operation is now classified as a "joint venture company." For "a like for like" comparison, we have added these proforma data (excluding Indonesian operations in consolidation in Q1 2021) ooredoo Ooredoo Q1 2022 Investor Presentation 28 April 2022 7#8ALG Revenue Group Revenue (QAR mn) 7,197 +4% 5,310 5,545 YoY Change, Amount (QAR mn) and % +4% (+235) 19 9 5 3 31 5,545 86 4% 8% 9% 5% 0% -1% --4% 109 14% (5) (9) (14) 5,310 6% Q1-21 Q1-21 Proforma* Q1-22 Q1-21 Proforma Qatar Kuwait Iraq Myanmar Maldives Palestine Oman Algeria Other Tunisia Group Q1-22 Revenue Breakdown (Q1-22) Summary PAL MAL Others MYN TUN 5% 2% . 2% 7% 1% QAT 34% 10% IRA 16% 100% 12% KUW 11% ooredoo OMA • Group revenue year increased by 4% mainly supported by higher revenues in Qatar, Kuwait, Iraq, Myanmar, Maldives, Palestine, and Oman Healthy revenue growth in all operations in local currency terms • Main growth is coming from Mobile Data *Note: 2021 Q1 proforma is excluding the consolidation of Indonesia Ooredoo Q1 2022 Investor Presentation 28 April 2022 8#9EBITDA Group EBITDA (QAR mn) % EBITDA Margin 3,213 YoY Change Amount (QAR mn) and % 2,288 +1% 2,321 45% 43% 42% +1% (+33) 7 6 6 1 65 28 17% 20 11% 20 15 2% 2% 10% 16% 1% 0% 2,288 117% 2,321 (118) Q1-21 Proforma Myanmar Kuwait Algeria Qatar Oman Maldives Palestine Iraq Tunisia Other* Group Q1-22 Q1-21 Q1-21 Q1-22 Proforma EBITDA Breakdown (Q1-22) Summary PAL Others MAL -7% MYN 3% 5% 2% TUN 7% ALG 9% 100% IRA 17% 14% 9% KUW ooredoo OMA QAT 42% EBITDA growing across all operations Group EBITDA year on year increased by 1% driven by higher revenue and cost efficiencies partly offset by higher energy prices *Others includes Group cost, share of results from associates including Indosat Ooredoo Hutchison Net Profit. Ooredoo Q1 2022 Investor Presentation 28 April 2022 9#10Net Profit Q1-22 Net Profit Attributable to Ooredoo shareholders (QARmn) 193 +241% 659 Q1 2021 Reported Q1 2022 Reported +48% 677 458 Q1 2021 Normalized Q1 2022 Normalized Group Net Profit to Ooredoo increased by 241% yoy to QAR 659m supported by strong operational performance • Normalized Net Profit to (with out FX) Ooredoo increased by 48% yoy to QAR 677m ooredoo Ooredoo Q1 2022 Investor Presentation 28 April 2022 10 10#11Capex Group Capex (QAR mn) & Capex / Revenue % 850 Q1 2022 yoy (Change %) ALG 127% PAL 51% IRA 51% -24% QAT 20% 489 MYN -34% 372 TUN -53% OMA -64% 12% 9% 7% MAL -69% KUW -77% Q1-21 Q1-21 Q1-22 Proforma Capex Breakdown (Q1-22) PAL MAL Others MYN TUN 3% 1% 1% 6% QAT 0% 25% ALG 24% 100% 6% 18% KUW ooredoo IRA 14% OMA • Capex lower in Q1, 2022 yoy, FY expectation still in line with guidance as Capex traditionally increases during the year 5G investment moderated with decrease in network cost compared to previous years Ooredoo Q1 2022 Investor Presentation 28 April 2022 11#12Free Cash Flow (FCF: EBITDA - Capex) Group FCF (QAR mn) 2,363 1,799 +8% 1,950 YoY Change AAmount (QAR mn) and % +8% (+ 151) 28 16 4 71 100 (1) (19) (31) 1,950 101 (118) 1,799 Q1-21 Q1-21 Proforma Q1-22 Q1-21 Proforma Kuwait Oman Myanmar Tunisia Maldives Palestine Qatar Iraq Algeria Other* Group Q1-22 FCF Breakdown (Q1-22) Others PAL MAL -8% MYN 3% 6% 2% TUN 7% QAT 45% ALG 6% 100% IRA 16% 9% 14% KUW OMA ooredoo Summary Improved operational performance and lower Capex led to an 8% FCF increase FCF in Qatar, Algeria and Iraq are lower due to higher Capex investments in Q1 *Others includes Group cost, share of results from associates including Indosat Ooredoo Hutchison Net Profit. Ooredoo Q1 2022 Investor Presentation 28 April 2022 12#13Customers Total Customers (mn) 117.6 57.6 -4% 55.4 YoY Change (000) -4% (-2,154) 1,488 264 181 135 133 59 10 57,557 (71) 55,403 (4,353) Group 2021 Q1 Iraq Algeria Qatar Tunisia Kuwait Palestine Maldives Oman Myanmar Group Q1-22 Q1-21 Q1-21 excluding Indonesia Q1-22 Customers Breakdown (Q1-22) PAL QAT MAL OMA MYN 1% 6% 2% 5% KUW 16% 5% TUN 13% 100% 29% IRA 23% ALG ooredoo Summary Group customer numbers increased across the board except for Oman (3rd operator launched)) and Myanmar (introduction of new SIM card taxes) Group customer numbers excluding Indonesia stood at 55.4 millions as of Q1'22 Ooredoo Q1 2022 Investor Presentation 28 April 2022 13#14Group Results 2022 performance summary & Guidance for 2022 Group Financials (QAR bn) Q1 2022 % Change Actual Q1 2022/Q1 2021 Revenue 5.5 -23% % Change Q1 2022/Q1 2021 Proforma* 2022 Full Year Guidance over 2021 +4% EBITDA 2.3 -28% +1% CAPEX -2% to +2% -3% to +1% 0.37 -56% -24% 2.75bn to 3.25bn Summary Proforma Q1 Revenue and EBITDA both exceeding the guidance Capex lower than Q1 2021, Group Capex expected to ramp up later in the year * Proforma figures excluding Indonesia in 2021 ooredoo Ooredoo Q1 2022 Investor Presentation 28 April 2022 14 14#15Indosat Ooredoo Hutchinson Q1 2022 Integration Updates Delivering a Strong 10'22 Performance to Start the Year indosat OOREDOO HUTCHISON • 1Q'21 1Q'22 Change Revenue (IDR Bn) 7,345 10,873 48.0% EBITDA (IDR Bn) 3,392 4,380 29.1% 5 EBITDA Margin 46.2% 40.3% -5.9% Net-Profit (Attributable to owners - IDR Bn) 172 129 -25.2% Net Debt to EBITDA 1.13x 1.13x 0.0x 10'21 numbers pre-merger & 10'22 numbers post-merger. 11 Indosat Ooredoo Hutchison 2022 - indosat COOREDOO HUTCHISON Focus Network Integration Acceleration Key Movers: Network, Sourcing, People & IT systems to Support Customer Touchpoints & Backend Milestones 9 Quarter Integration On Track 20% of initiatives completed (as of End March 2022) Synergies Synergies Ahead of Targets Higher synergies realized compared to targets 1Q'22 Total Net New Customer Additions indosat OOREDOO HUTCHISON +34.6 Million Net new customer additions YOY With -95 million strong customer base, IOH is committed to bringing a differentiated customer experience, products and digital service for its customers#16Debt Profile Strong investment grade rating Net debt/ EBITDA ratio of 1.3x, below current board guidance of 1.5 to 2.5x Strong liquidity position (combination of Cash and RCFs) Balanced and long maturity profile ⚫ Low interest rate risk with high fixed rate debt component -85% Repayment Schedule (QAR m*) 389 12,113 Strong investment grade rating S&P Global MOODY'S A - / STABLE A2/STABLE 7,429 5,936 5,779 Cash & Undrawn facilities 426 2022 2023-2024 2025-2027 2028 & beyond Borrowings by Operations (QAR m*) 19,569 18,754 Drawn debt by Source (QAR m*) 4,093 816 * Approx. 98% of borrowings are in US dollars Group Qatar Others ooredoo 15,476 Loans Bonds Ooredoo Q1 2022 Investor Presentation 28 April 2022 16#17Contents 1 Strategy and vision 2 Results review 3 Operations review 4 Additional information ooredoo Ooredoo Q1 2022 Investor Presentation 28 April 2022 17#18Qatar Quarterly Trend (QAR mn) Revenue Revenue EBITDA EBITDA Margin EBITDA Q1-22 Q1-22 1,887 977 +6% (+109) 2,038 1,897 1,887 1,778 1,752 6% 2% yoy yoy 54% 52% 54% 52% 46% QAR mn QAR mn Mobile Fixed 962 993 950 943 977 Q1-21 Q2-21 Q3-21 Q4-21 Q1-22 957 +3% 770 +12% QAR mn QAR mn Wholesale Equipment 90 70 +3% -11% QAR mn QAR mn *Revenue breakdown is based on Ooredoo Group definitions • Revenue grew by 6% yoy mainly due to growth in mobile, fixed and ICT revenues Healthy EBITDA margin of 52% in Q1'22 • Customer number stood at 3.2 millions (+6% yoy), +8% Ooredoo tv customers • New postpaid plans incl. new, innovative features (WhatsApp, OSN, Urban points, more data & minutes) IoT connectivity enabler for Toyota's new Lexus connected car services in Qatar with KDDI launched • MoU with Qatar Environment and Energy Research Institute (QEERI), part of Hamad Bin Khalifa University (HBKU), at . Smart City Expo Doha 2022. Implemented world's first 5G Indoor shareable solution with Ericsson (up to 1.5 gigabits p/s) • Ooredoo 'Official Global Connectivity Services Provider' for FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022. ooredoo Ooredoo Q1 2022 Investor Presentation 28 April 2022 18#19Kuwait Revenue Q1-22 693 14% yoy QAR mn Quarterly Trend (KD mn) Revenue EBITDA EBITDA Margin EBITDA +14% (+7) Q1-22 58 198 52 53 55 50 17% yoy QAR mn Mobile Fixed 39 3 +9% +23% KWD mn KWD mn . Wholesale Equipment -3% 15 +31% KWD mn KWD mn *Revenue breakdown is based on Ooredoo Group definitions ooredoo • 30% 31% 28% 27% 29% 14 16 17 15 16 Q1-21 Q2-21 Q3-21 Q4-21 Q1-22 Strong growth yoy in revenue by 14% mainly driven by mobile voice and higher equipment sale in an overall improving economy EBITDA increased 17% driven by higher revenue and reduced cost Customer base reached 2.6 millions (+6% yoy) due to mobile business Revamped Ooredoo app used by more than 1.2 million customers • New commerce platform "WANNA" launched geared towards generation Z users • NMTC won the first (Jan 2022) and second degree (April 2022 Appeal Court) case about regulatory tariff levied on telecom operators. The claim amount is approx. QAR 528m, the case will still go to cassation court Ooredoo Q1 2022 Investor Presentation 28 April 2022 19#20Algeria Quarterly Trend (DZD bn) Revenue EBITDA EBITDA Margin Revenue EBITDA Q1-22 546 Q1-22 208 -1% 11% yoy yoy QAR mn QAR mn Mobile Fixed 20,138 +5% • 20 20 21 +5% (+1) 22 22 22 22 21 37% 34% 36% 38% 31% 8 8 8 7 7 Q1-21 Q2-21 Q3-21 Q4-21 Q1-22 In local currency revenue increased by 5%, driven by higher mobile revenue (data). Reported Revenue yoy decreased in QAR due to currency depreciation by 6%. . DZD mn DZD mn Yoy EBITDA increased 11% due to higher revenue and lower cost, improved EBITDA margin of 38%. Wholsale Equipment • Customer numbers increased to 12.9 million (+2% yoy) driven by mobile (post-paid and pre-paid) 893 85 +600% -4% DZD mn DZD mn *Revenue breakdown is based on Ooredoo Group definitions ooredoo Ooredoo Q1 2022 Investor Presentation 28 April 2022 20 20#21Tunisia Quarterly Trend (TND mn) Revenue EBITDA → EBITDA Margin Revenue EBITDA Q1-22 380 -4% yoy QAR mn Q1-22 163 0% yoy QAR mn Mobile Fixed 235 +10% 13 -47% TND mn TND mn Wholesale Euipment +3% (+8) 324 315 294 301 303 41% 42% 43% 43% 28% 121 126 140 130 90 Q1-21 Q2-21 Q3-21 Q4-21 Q1-22 In local currency revenue increased by 3%, higher mobile revenue (data) both in Consumer and B2B segment. Reported yoy Revenue decreased in QAR due to Fx depreciation by 6%. EBITDA in local currency increased year on year due to higher revenue and better cost control resulting in higher EBITDA margin (43%) despite of recent increase in energy prices Customer numbers increased by 135K reaching to 7 million, both in post-paid and pre-paid mobile 26 28 +6% -8% One million Digital MAU (Monthly active users) on My Ooredoo app in March '22 TND mn TND mn *Revenue breakdown is based on Ooredoo Group definitions ooredoo Ooredoo Q1 2022 Investor Presentation 28 April 2022 24 21#22Iraq Quarterly Trend (IQD bn) Revenue Revenue EBITDA ― EBITDA Margin EBITDA +5% (+16) Q1-22 883 Q1-22 383 427 366 4% yoy QAR mn QAR mn 1% yoy 342 346 358 45% 47% 48% 44% 43% Mobile Fixed 342,033 +5% IQD mn IQD mn Whosale Equipment 15,818 +1% IQD mn IQD mn *Revenue breakdown is based on Ooredoo Group definitions ooredoo • 204 152 161 160 155 Q1-21 Q2-21 Q3-21 Q4-21 Q1-22 Revenue increased year on year 4% driven by data business, B2B and 4G+ launch EBITDA yoy increased by 1% to QAR 383mn despite higher energy costs Intense competition in the market with unlimited data packages • Customer number increased by 10% to 16.1 millions Extended 4G coverage to 100% of sites, upgraded the network with enhanced data speed (4G+) Ooredoo Q1 2022 Investor Presentation 28 April 2022 22 22#23Oman Quarterly Trend (OMR mn) Revenue Revenue EBITDA EBITDA Margin EBITDA 0% 0.3 Q1-22 613 0.5% yoy 321 Q1-22 64 65 62 62 57 2% yoy 51% 52% 53% 52% 52% QAR mn QAR mn Mobile Fixed 36 -9% 16 -2% OMR mn OMR mn Wholesale Equipment • 33 32 30 33 34 Q1-21 Q2-21 Q3-21 Q4-21 Q1-22 Revenue year on year increased to QAR 613mn, growth in wholesale EBITDA margin increased to 52% as a result of revenue growth and better cost control • Customer number decreased due to third entrant 8 +76% OMR mn +17% OMR mn *Revenue breakdown is based on Ooredoo Group definitions ooredoo • Overall economic outlook improving with higher oil prices • Leading 4G network (according to independent third-party). Awarded 'Best Telecommunications Company Oman 2022' (by Global Business Magazine Awards) Ooredoo Q1 2022 Investor Presentation 28 April 2022 23#24Myanmar Quarterly Trend (MMK bn) Revenue EBITDA Revenue EBITDA Margin EBITDA +38% (+36) Q1-22 Q1-22 147 272 121 134 133 8% yoy 117% yoy QAR mn QAR mn Mobile Fixed 124,435 +41% 4,855 +16% MMK mn MMK mn Whosale Equipment 3,255 +5% 92 -90% MMK mn MMK mn *Revenue breakdown is based on Ooredoo Group definitions ooredoo 96 100 49% 42% 44% 22% 25% 61 66 59 21 Q1-21 25 Q2-21 Q3-21 Q4-21 Q1-22 Revenue year on year increased by 8%, driven by mobile revenue (data and voice) ⚫ EBITDA increased due to higher revenue and better cost controls. • Customer numbers declined to 9 million, drop of 33% mainly due to higher SIM card taxes and impact of the political situation • Restrictions on data traffic implemented by the regulator in Q1 for the entire Sagaing state • • Higher taxes and fees in data have impacted data consumption significantly, voice usage increased Oomanji game in My Ooredoo App continued to deliver strong results, played 87 million times Ooredoo Q1 2022 Investor Presentation 28 April 2022 24 24#25Maldives Revenue Quarterly Trend (MVR mn) Revenue EBITDA EBITDA Margin EBITDA +9% (+40) Q1-22 475 487 447 442 423 Q1-22 115 9% yoy 63 10% yoy QAR mn QAR mn Mobile Fixed • 284 +12% 113 +14% • MVR mn MVR mn Wholesale 54% 55% 50% 49% 44% 267 242 212 218 209 Q1-21 Q2-21 Q3-21 Q4-21 Q1-22 Revenue increased by 9% yoy supported by improved macroeconomic situation in the country EBITDA increased by 10% yoy to QAR 63mn and EBITDA margin increased to 55% supported by cost programs Equipment • Customer base increased to 370k in Q1'22, up 3% yoy 88 -1% 3 -47% • MVR mn MVR mn *Revenue breakdown is based on Ooredoo Group definitions ooredoo On February 2, Khalid Hassan Al-Hamadi appointed of as new Chief Executive Officer of Ooredoo Maldives. Ooredoo Q1 2022 Investor Presentation 28 April 2022 25 25#26Palestine Quarterly Trend (USD mn) Revenue Revenue EBITDA EBITDA Q1-22 105 5% yoy Q1-22 40 16% yoy QAR mn QAR mn Mobile Fixed 26 +1% EBITDA Margin +5% (+1) 30 29 27 28 27 34% 36% 38% 37% 38% 11 9 10 10 11 Q1-21 Q2-21 Q3-21 Q4-21 Q1-22 Revenue year on year increased by 5% due to higher mobile data • EBITDA margin increased to 38% due to higher revenue and lower cost of sales USD mn USD mn Wholesale Equpiment 2 2 +11% +300% USD mn USD mn *Revenue breakdown is based on Ooredoo Group definitions ooredo Customer numbers increased to 1.4 million, driven by pre-paid and post-paid mobile Ooredoo Q1 2022 Investor Presentation 28 April 2022 26#272022 Ooredoo Capital Markets Day 13th September 2022 (TBC) (Hopefully welcoming you IRL in Doha, more details in due course Upcoming conferences: 16-18 May, Arqaam Virtual conference June 1-3,BOA/ML Debt Equity Conference, USA June 6-8, Qatar Exchange and HSBC London conference#28Q&A ooredoo ooredoo#29Contents 1 Strategy and vision 2 Results review 3 Operations review 4 Additional info ooredoo Ooredoo Q1 2022 Investor Presentation 28 April 2022 29#30KPIs technology Country Total Sites 4G Sites as % of total towers 4G Population Coverage % 5G Population 4G Contribution in total Data Volume Grow Total Data Volume GB coverage % traffic % % ALGERIA 6,133 77.82% 74.60% n/a 216,893,960 77.12% 32.46% IRAQ 7,361 96.73% 92.49% n/a 75,802,676 76.51% 67.78% KUWAIT 2,642 99.92% 96.72% 81% 255,274,477 72.59% 11.96% MALDIVES 711 98.73% 100% 12% 10,809,241 87.88% 75.89% MYANMAR 5,873 99.05% 90.37% n/a 71,676,726 95.81% -52.97% OMAN 2,665 92.68% 97.88% 48.83% 137,496,317 68.81% 19.78% QATAR 3,125 90.21% 99.50% 99.50% 84,180,001 83.55% 7.88% TUNISIA 2,635 86.26% 98.00% n/a 139,599,065 86.82% 20.21% PALESTINE⭑* 978 64.03% 93.00% n/a 10,747,706 99.35% 10.02% Total 32,123 89.08% 1,002,480,169 77.30% 9.66% * Palestine has only 3G coverage, all figures from Palestine column are referring to 3G, not 4G ooredoo Ooredoo Q1 2022 Investor Presentation 28 April 2022 30#31KPIs Commercial Country Churn Mobile Churn NPS Data users MyOoredoo Fixed ('000) App users ('000) Digital recharge RMS (*) Algeria 0.7% Number of complaints per 1000 subs 25 25 7,080 55 95% 48.8% (*) 1 Iraq 1.8% 30 7,425 1,456 25% 55.9% (*) 1 Kuwait 3.3% 24 1,831 1,003 41% 8 Maldives 4.7% 0.9% (**) 221 169 33% 42.6% 3 Myanmar 9.1% 0.04% (**) 5,422 2,409 31% 1 Oman 0.71% 0.9% 31 2,660 953 32% 2 Qatar 3.4% 1.5% 28 2,094 1,063 40% 72.3% 7 Tunisia 1.3% 0.2% 17 3,548 763 28% 36.9% 5 Palestine 2.3% (**) 286 113 97% (*) RMS is for the prior quarter; RMS for Algeria is bilateral with Djezzy; Iraq is bilateral with Zain (**) NPS for Maldives, Palestine and Myanmar is available on bi-annual basis ooredoo 4 Ooredoo Q1 2022 Investor Presentation 28 April 2022 31#32Blended ARPU Qatar (QAR) 97 113 113 110 110 108 22.3 Iraq (QAR) 17.8 18.2 19.6 19.2 17.2 Q4-20 Q1-21 Q2-21 Q3-21 Q4-21 Q1-22 Q4-20 Q4-20 Kuwait (QAR) 62.8 67.1 66.0 59.3 56.8 Q1-21 Q2-21 Q3-21 Q4-21 Q1-22 Kuwait (KWD) 5.2 5.0 4.7 Q4-20 Q1-21 Q2-21 5.5 5.5 5.1 03-21 Q4-21 Q1-22 Q1-21 Q2-21 Q3-21 61.8 Q4-21 Q1-22 Q4-20 Q1-21 Oman (QAR) 50.4 45.1 44.2 44.3 43.9 42.2 Q2-21 Q3-21 Q4-21 Tunisia (QAR) 12.5 15.8 15.3 16.0 15.6 15.1 15.2 Q4-20 Q1-21 Q2-21 Q3-21 Tunisia (TND) Q4-21 Q1-22 9.4 11.8 11.6 Q4-20 Q1-21 Q2-21 Q3-21 Q4-20 Q1-21 Q2-21 Q1-22 Q4-20 Q1-21 Algeria (QAR) 14.5 14.8 15.3 14.9 Q3-21 Q4-21 Q1-22 Algeria (DZD) 12.3 12.2 12.0 542 530 Q4-21 Q1-22 Q4-20 Q1-21 543 569 Q2-21 Q3-21 Q4-21 Q1-22 564 542 14.0 Overview Results review Operations review Additional information Maldives (QAR) Palestine (QAR) 25.5 60.5 62.6 62.6 63.8 66.3 68.0 23.7 23.3 22.9 Q2-21 03-21 Q4-21 Q1-22 22.7 21.6 6.8 5.5 5.8 7.2 7.1 Myanmar (QAR) Q4-20 Q1-21 Q2-21 Q3-21 Q4-21 Q1-22 8.4 Q4-20 Q1-21 Q2-21 Q3-21 Q4-21 Myanmar (MMK'000) 2.5 Q1-22 4.1 3.6 3.4 2.5 2.1 Q4-20 Q1-21 Q2-21 Q3-21 Q4-21 Q1-22 32 32#33ooredoo Dividend policy Overview Results review Operations review Additional information The Ooredoo Board has approved a sustainable and progressive dividend policy for the company, aiming for a dividend payout in the range of 40% to 60% of normalized earnings 33 33#34OPCOS Licence General Information Overview Results review Operations review Additional information Fixed Licence Mobile Licence Country Issuance Date Expiry Date Issuance Date Expiry Date Qatar 7 October 2007 6 October 2032 7 October 2007 6 October 2027 Kuwait Iraq Oman Algeria Tunisia 13 October 1997 Emiri Decree 30 August 2007 Indefinite 29 August 2030 6 June 2009 5 June 2034 23 February 2020 22 February 2035 2G: 14 Jan. 2004 2G: 13 Jan. 2024 3G: 02 Dec. 2013 3G: 01 Dec. 2028 4G: 04 Sep. 2016 4G: 03 Sep. 2031 2G: 14 May 2017 2G: 13 May 2022 May 2012 May 2027 3G: 24 May 2012 3G: 23 May 2027 4G: 15 March 2016 4G: 14 March 2031 17 March 2003 Indefinite Indonesia 18 August 2015 Maldives 17 August 2030 (VOIP) Palestine March 1993 01 February 2020 (20 yr extension to existing license) 14 March 2007 Indefinite 31 January 2035 10 September 2029 Myanmar 5 February 2014 04 February 2029 05 February 2014 04 February 2029 34 34#35Statutory Corporate Tax Rates Statutory Markets Tax Rate Losses C/Fwd Allowed Overview Results review Operations review Additional information Algeria 26% 4 years The Tax Rate is 22% for tax year 2022 onwards Indonesia 22% 5 years Iraq 15% 5 years Kuwait 15% 3 years GCC companies (including NMTC) are exempted, but are subjected to 4.5% Zakat, KFAS & National Labour Support Tax on consolidated profits Maldives 15% 5 years Myanmar 22% 3 years Oman 15% 5 years Palestine 20% 5 years Qatar 10% 5 years No corporate income tax is levied on a corporate entity that is wholly owned by Qatari nationals and GCC nationals that are resident in Qatar and companies listed on Qatar Exchange Singapore 17% Indefinitely Tunisia 35% 5 years 35% tax rate applies to oil companies, banks, financial institutions including insurance companies and telecommunication companies, 2% Social Solidarity Contribution Fee to finance Social Security Fund is applicable to Company subject to CIT rate of 35% 35#36Thank You ooredoo ooredoo

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