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#1DEAL OF AMERICAN SAMOA 17 APRIL 1800 SAMOA MUAMUA LE AND PETROLEUM ASSISTANCE ER ASSISTANC STER FFICE OF DISASTER AMERICAN SAMOA MANAGEMENT#2SEAL OF AMERICAN SAMOA . 17 APRIL 1900 DISASTER OFFICE OF ASSISTANCE AND PETROLEUM MANAGEMENT SAMOA MUAMUA LE ATUA AMERICAN SAMOA AMERICAN SAMOA Office of Disaster Assistance and Petroleum Management PACIFIC RISK MANAGEMENT ‘OHANA PRESENTATION#3DEAL OF AMERICAN SAMOA 17 APRIL 1800 AND PETROLEUM MANAGEMENT AMERICAN SAMOA Located south of the equator, American Samoa is the southernmost territory of the United States and is roughly 2,558 miles from the state of Hawaii. The territory, which is part of Polynesia, includes the seven islands that make up American Samoa: the island of Tutuila, Ta'u, Olosega, Ofu, Aunu'u, and Swains Island along with an uninhabited coral atoll named Rose Atoll. AS DISASTER A ASSISTANCE OFFICE AMERICAN SAMOA SAMOA MUAMUA LEA lan Shive/USFWS#4OFFICE OF DISASTER ASSISTANCE AND PETROLEUM MANAGEMENT ODAPM consists of the following programs: Public Assistance Grant Program Hazard Mitigation Grant Program • Office of Petroleum Management • • American Samoa Petroleum Cooperative Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Coordinator • American Samoa Government Property Insurance Collaborate with Local and Federal Agencies to reduce the risk of loss of life and properties, and mitigate the impacts of disasters State Administrative Agency for Mitigation and Recovery Funds#5CLIMATE CHANGE IN AMERICAN SAMOA Vailulu'u Volcano Manu'a King Tides Sea Level Rise and Coastal Inundation Coral Bleaching Fatu & Futi#60.9 0.85 0.8 0.75 2009 EQ 0.7 SRTM 0.65 0.6 0.55 0.5 0.45 meters 0.4 2000 2005 SIGNIFICANT SINKING 2010 AND PETROLEUM ASSISTANCE ASTER AS ER FFICE OF DISASTER AMERICAN SAMOA GEMENT Samoa-Upolu- SAMO GPS TanDEM-X American Samoa - ASPA GPS 2015 2020 2025 ■In the decade after the earthquake, Tutuila sank 20 cm or 7.8 inches, making our relative sea level rise extreme. ▪Our relative sea level rise rate is five times the global average of sea level rise Image credit: Jeanne Sauber-Rosenber, NASA#78ft 7ft- 6ft 5ft 4ft 3ft 1ft MHHW SEA LEVEL RISE Pago Pago International Airport 7ft 6ft- 5ft- 4ft 3ft 1ft AND PETROLEUM ASSISTANCE ASTER AS OFFICE OF DISASTER Pago Pago International Airport 2100 with 7ft Sea Level Rise AMERICAN SAMOA MANAGEMENT#8URGENT NEED FOR GLOBAL CHANGE . The Secretary of the UN state in response to the 6th IPCC Climate Change Report (2021) that the world is in a "Code Red for Humanity." • If we do not take action NOW, there will be a continuation of detrimental and irreversible climate change effects on the economy, social well being, public health, and OUR way of life-culture • • Climate change will continue to threaten the quality of life for the people of American Samoa. This is a call for CHANGE and ACTION for our future generation!#9AMERICAN SAMOA'S ACTIONS ON CLIMATE CHANGE •Coral Reef Resilience Local Action Strategy (2008) •American Samoa Renewable Energy Committee (2010) •Climate Change Summit (2011) •Territorial Climate Change Advisory Group, Territorial Climate Change Framework (2012) •American Samoa Climate Change Task Force (2015)#10INSTITUTIONAL STRUCTURES APPLICABLE TO CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION Office of the Governor Office of Disaster Assistance and Petroleum Management Department of Agriculture Department of Marine and Wildlife Resources Department of Commerce AS Environmental Protection Agency Department of Parks and Recreations American Samoa Power Authority Department of Public Works Department of Health Department of Education AS Historic Preservation Office American Samoa Community College Coral Reef Advisory Group AS Department of Homeland Security#11Governor's American Samoa MERCAN SAMOA Climate Resilience Change Office GOVERNOR'S RESILIENCE OFFICE American Samoa's Resilience Commission and Governor's Resilience Office recognizes the urgency of climate impacts with grave concern and the need to respond quickly and strategically to ensure the protection, adaptive capacity, resilience, and well-being of the islands and residents of American Samoa.#12DEAL OF AMERICAN SAMOA 17 APRIL 1800 SAMOA MUAMUA LE ATUA GOVERNOR'S RESILIENCE OFFICE Lieutenant Governor (Resilience Commission Chair) AS Resilience Commission Governor's Commission Subcommittees GRO Director Resilience Office ASTER AS ASSISTANCE OFFICE OF DISASTE GRO Territorial Resilience Coordinator GRO Communications Specialist GRO Finance Manager AND PETROLEUM AMERICAN SAMOA MANAGEMENT#13LBJ TROPICAL MEDICAL CENTER CAREERS EXIT REPARTMENT OF OFFICE OF DISASTER ASSISTANCE AND PETROLEUM MANAGEMENT Amerika Samaa's First Annual DISASTER RESILIENCE SUMIT 2922 Offer of Ch EDN OF PAR DIVISI TH LAIL SASTER IENCE FEMA of of of of of of of AMERIKA SAMOA'S DISASTER RESILIENCE SUMMIT • Emergency Support Functions Outreach Booths •Disaster Management Training Sessions ⚫September 26-29, 2023#14AMERICAN SEAL OF AM SAMOA · SAM Mderc APRIL 1900 14 105 American Samoa Fagamalo Tutuila Fagatele Bay 169°40'W 169°35W Ofu Olosega 14°30'S 14"S Tutuila Pago Pago Cape Matatula KM Manu'a Group Pago Pago 2.5 OM KM 0 2.5 5 Aunu'u Pago Pago Harbor -Wake Island -Midway Islands Hawali 169 30W 169°25'W Manu'a Group Ta'u Commonwealth of the Northem Manana Islands Guam Republic of Palau Federated States of Micronesia Republic of the Marshall Islands S Johnston Atoll Kingman Reef & Palmyra Atoll Jarvis Island Howland & Baker Islands American Samoa BIPARTISAN INFRASTRUCTURE LAW#15BIPARTISAN INFRASTRUCTURE LAW National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) America the Beautiful Challenge FY 2022 USEPA-Marine Debris Removal Program National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA)-Middle Mile Broadband Infrastructure and Infrastructure Grant Program Port Infrastructure Development Program (PIDP) USDOT INFRA (Nationally Significant Multimodal Freight & Highway Projects) Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC)#16CHALLENGES • Lack of Local Cost Matching **DOI Waiver •Competitive Grants/Equity in Scoring and Review Period of Performance (POP)-Life of the grant Shipping delays •Supply Chain Issues • Lack of subject matter experts (engineers, project managers, etc.) • Lack of Local US Army Corps of Engineers in AS#17Fa'afetai Tele! Thank you Office of Disaster Assistance and Petroleum Management P. O. Box 997653 Lua Street - Lions Park Pago Pago, AS 96799 (684)699-1330 [email protected] Twitter: @ASGODAPM Taliilagi Iongi, Deputy Director [email protected] AND PETROLEUM ASSISTANCE ASTER AS OFFICE OF DISASTER AMERICAN SAMOA Sandi Tonumaipea, State Hazard Mitigation Officer [email protected] Max Haleck, Grants Manager [email protected] Camilla Poufa, Hazard Mitigation Planner/Coordinator [email protected] MANAGEMENT

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