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#1Telkom Indonesia the world in your hand Corporate Presentation 1H22 Results PT Telkom Indonesia (Persero) Tbk August 2022#2Telkom Indonesia the world in your hand Disclaimer This document may contain forward-looking statements within the meaning of safe-harbor. Actual results could differ materially from projections, estimations or expectations. These may involve risks and uncertainties and may cause actual results and development to differ substantially from those expressed or implied in the statements. The company does not guarantee that any action, which may have been taken in reliance of this document will bring specific results as expected. • . " " • 2#3• . • . - • • • . • * " Telkom 敬 Indonesia the world in your hand 1H22 RESULTS Telkom in Brief 1H22 Financial and Operational Results 3#4Telkomsel TELKOM Group Board of Directors CEO TELKOM GROUP RIRIEK ADRIANSYAH DIRECTOR HERI SUPRIADI Telkom Indonesia the world in your hand DIRECTOR HERLAN WIJANARKO DIRECTOR FM VENUSIANA R DIRECTOR BUDI SETYAWAN WIJAYA DIRECTOR MUHAMAD FAJRIN RASYID DIRECTOR AFRIWANDI DIRECTOR BOGI WITJAKSONO CEO TELKOMSEL HENDRI MULYA SYAM DIRECTOR MOHAMAD RAMZY DIRECTOR ADIWINAHYU BASUKI S. DIRECTOR BHARAT ALVA DIRECTOR NUGROHO DIRECTOR R. MUHARAM PERBAWAMUKTI DIRECTOR DERRICK HENG DIRECTOR WONG SOON NAM 4#5Share Ownership Telkom is the 3rd Largest Companies by Market Cap in Indonesia Stock Exchange Total Shares 99,062,216,600 shares Market Capitalization Rp426 Tn (USD28.5 Bn)* Telkom Indonesia is the only dual-listed Indonesian company at Indonesia Stock Exchange (Bloomberg: TLKM IJ) and New York Stock Exchange (TLK US) 52.1% 47.9% Government of Indonesia Public IDX Indonesia Stock Exchange Bursa Efek Indonesia, NYSE *as of 1 August 2022 Telkom Indonesia the world in your hand 5#6• . • . - • • • . • * " Telkom 敬 Indonesia the world in your hand 1H22 RESULTS Telkom in Brief 1H22 Financial and Operational Results Subject to SVP CCIR review and will be amended if there is any feedback. 6#7Performance Highlights 1H22 Telkom Indonesia the world in your hand During the first half of 2022, PT Telkom Indonesia (Persero) Tbk ("Telkom or The Company") recorded positive growth of 3.6% YoY in Revenue, with EBITDA and Net Income grew by 4.5% and 6.9% YoY, respectively. IndiHome and Telkomsel digital business continued to become our engine of growth, which posted Revenue of Rp13.8 trillion or grew 7.4% YoY and Rp35.1 trillion or grew 5.2% YoY, respectively To strengthen our network infrastructure, we launched second gateway of submarine cable in Manado on 20th July 2022 that connect to United States, to give better digital experience for our customers. HyperScale Data Center phase 1 has been completed to enhance our data center business. Our data centers are integrated to Telkom network and also connected to global submarine cable, to accommodate customers' various needs, including edge computing and other digital platforms and solutions 7#8Revenue: Maintained Sustainable Growth 69.5 72.0 37.6 39.2 Telkom 敬 Indonesia the world in your hand 1H21 1H22 1H22 Revenues Rp trillion, YoY 73.6% 1H21 1H22 13.8 12.9 10.6 9.3 3.8 4.2 5.4 4.6 Data, Internet & IndiHome IT Services SMS, Fixed & Cellular Voice Interconnection 74.4% 77.4% 11.7% 79.8% Network & Other Telco Services 716.4% 8#9Expenses, EBITDA & Net Income Well-controlled 49.0 45.9 1H21 1H22 1H22 Expenses Rp trillion, YoY 76.9% EBITDA 17.8 17.5 Rp trillion, YoY 39.4 37.8 74.5% Operation, Maintenance & Telco Services 72.1% 12.5 Telkom 敬 Indonesia the world in your hand Net Income Rp trillion, YoY 13.3 76.9% 1H21 1H22 % Margin 54.4 54.8 17.9 18.5 7.4 7.5 1H21 1H22 2.4 2.6 3.0 2.8 1.5 1.7 Personnel Interconnection Marketing General & Administrative 72.1% 12.4% 10.9% 5.8% 9#10Telkomsel Performance 1H22 REVENUES In Rp Trillion +1.0%- 43.2 43.6 EBITDA In Rp Trillion -1.9% 25.4 24.9 NET INCOME In Rp Trillion -10.6%- X-10.8% YEAR-ON-YEAR CAPEX In Rp Trillion +14.6% 12.7 6.5 5.6 11.4 Digital +5.2% Business 35.1 33.4 1H21 1H22 1H21 1H22 1H21 1H22 -13.3% Legacy 9.8 8.5 Margin Margin 1H21 1H22 59% 57% 30% 26% CUSTOMER TOTAL ASSETS In Million BASE In Rp Trillion +2.1% 7 97.7 99.7 169.2 +0.3% 169.7 BTS ON AIR In Thousand 237.3 +7.5% 7 255.1 1H21 1H22 1H21 1H22 1H21 1H22 Telkom Indonesia the world in your hand Challenging market dynamics with on-going transition of continuing Legacy & competitive environment TSEL to maintain healthy profitability with EBITDA & Net Income Margin at 57.1% & 26.2%, respectively 10#11Telkomsel Digital Business 1H22 DIGITAL BUSINESS In Trillion REVENUE +5.2% 33.4 35.1 YEAR-ON-YEAR DATA USER DIGITAL BUSINESS DATA USER CONSUMPTION In Million In MB +6.1% 29.9 117.7 Broadband 28.2 -0.1% Digital 5.2 5.2 Services 1H21 1H22 In PB +1.3% 119.3 9,951 +16.9% Telkom Indonesia the world in your hand Telkomsel Telkomsel Telkomsel Video Games Music 11,629 Telkomsel Telkomsel Telkomsel redi Orbit lol Telkomsel TADEX Telkomsel DigiAds ENTERPRISE 1H21 1H22 1H21 1H22 3G/4G CAPABLE DATA TRAFFIC +21.4% DEVICE In Million In Thousand +9.1% Γ 3G/4G/5G BTS ON AIR +9.5% Telkomsel MSIGHT BANKING Link TELKOMSEL Aja! 204.9 129.6 7,794 6,419 187.0 0.2 5G 0.0 118.7 154.7 +24.9% 4G 123.9 3G 63.2 -20.8% 50.0 1H21 1H22 1H21 1H22 1H21 1H22 Continue to Focus on Digital Business Engine of growth and accounted for 80% of Total Revenues 11#12Fixed Broadband as the Engine of Growth 1H22 Telkom Indonesia the world in your hand IndiHome Revenue (Rp) 13.8tn 7.4% YoY ■ Additional customers of 288K in 1H22, total subscribers reached 8.9 million (+7.1% YoY). 59% Dual Play Package & 41% Triple Play. EBITDA Margin relatively stable of around 50% in 1H22 ■IndiHome revenue contribution to Telkom Group increased to 19.2% in 1H22 from 18.5% in the same period last year. Revenues from add-ons grew by 14% YoY, contributed 16.1% (15.2% previous year) of total IndiHome revenues. IndiHome covers 499 (97%) cities/districts throughout Indonesia. elsauopu 12#13Enterprise Business and Wholesale & International Business Major Contributors 1H22 B2B IT Services Telkom Indonesia the world in your hand Major Contributors International Wholesale Voice Tower 1H22 Houph Pytl Enterprise Business Revenue (Rp) Enterprise Digital Services Industry Solutions 8.7+n 70.3% YOY © + SEA-ME-WE 4 Product Solutions 111 Rp 3.7tn 715.5% YoY Revenue (Mitratel stand-alone) 77.5% EBITDA Margin 000) 27 data centers 22 domestic 5 overseas Launched international communication gateway MANADO YOLING Wholesale & International Business Revenue (Rp) 7.9tn Km 222.3 km Submarine cable length 14.6% YoY 13#145 Bold Moves to Strengthen Competitive Advantage and Leadership in the Industry Telkom Indonesia the world in your hand Mitratel IPO 1 Mitratel Fixed-Mobile Convergence Initiative 2 Continuing strong momentum in Fixed to Broadband and successfully conducted its IPO on 22 November 2021 become one of the biggest listed tower providers in Indonesia, with Rp18.8 trillion proceeds. 90% of IPO proceed for business including expansion potential enhancing Mobile Broadband experience MOU with Singtel to explore the best FMC to enrich Telkom Group's value preposition. 3 Unlocking Data Center Business of Telkom is in the process consolidating Data Center (DC) assets and enhancing DC business capacity To accelerate DC business growth in collaboration with hyper-scaler and tech giant Strengthen 4 B2B IT Service Transformation towards B2B IT-Digital Service through partnership & collaboration Enhance TelkomSigma to be B2B IT Service leading player another c. 6,000 tower acquisition from TSEL. 5 Accelerating Business DigiCo To accelerate digital services through Digico in selected sectors aligned with Telkom's core competence. To collaborate with partners who have strong capability in digital services and to invite strategic investors, to avoid cash-burning approach. 14#15Strategic Initiatives Telkom Indonesia the world in your hand Data Center The presence of robust data center and cloud infrastructure is key to enable us in developing various digital solutions to enhance customers' experience. With our integrated network, we are able to accommodate customer future business digitization needs. Fixed-Mobile Convergence (FMC) We pursue to materialize FMC initiatives in an effort to provide better customer experience, to have more efficient capex, as well as to enjoy robust data integration. We are of the view that the FMC strategy would increase Telkom Group's value proposition and distinguish our unique competitive advantage in the market. Tower Consolidation assets, To consolidate our tower Mitratel acquired around 6 thousand towers from Telkomsel. We expect Telkomsel to be more focused on its core business and services to provide better experience to customers while Mitratel emphasizes its position as number one tower provider in Indonesia. 15#16• . • . - • • • . • * " Q&A Telkom Indonesia the world in your hand 16#17Telkom Indonesia the world in your hand Thank You PT Telkom Indonesia (Persero) Tbk August 2022

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