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#1UPI The Education University FPBS THE 7th ICOLLITE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LANGUAGE, LITERATURE, CULTURE, AND EDUCATION PERSONAL LEGENDS OF BENGKULU SOCIETIES: DIDACTIC LITERATURE STUDIES AS TEACHING MATERIALS No. Abstract: ABS- ICOLLITE-23215 Fitra Youpika (1,2), Sumiyadi (1), Dadang Sunendar (1), Tedi Permadi (1) Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (1) Universitas Bengkulu (2) Faculty of Language and Literature Education | Indonesian University of Education#2The UPI FPBS Education University INTRODUCTION Folklore is one of the most important intangible cultural heritages for society and must be preserved. UU Nomor 5 Tahun 2017 Tentang Pemajuan Kebudayaan (protection, development, utilization, and coaching) The younger generation has a low appreciation of the folklore they have. In the future, it is feared that people will no longer recognize the folklore (personal legends) they have. 金 THE 7th ICOLLITE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LANGUAGE, LITERATURE, CULTURE, AND EDUCATION Folklore has important values as a means of character education. Character education is very important and can be taught through literature or didactic literary studies. Based on didactic literature studies on personal legends that are endangered and making them literature teaching materials, this research is at the same time an effort to save oral literature in the area. Faculty of Language and Literature Education | Indonesian University of Education#3The UPI FPBS Education University LITERATURE REVIEW Nurfarida (2016) Didactic Value in Oral Literature of the Batu Kuwung Legend as Literary Learning in Elementary Schools Kenney, M (2019) Fables of response- ability: Feminist science studies as didactic literature Sundana, L., Sumiyadi, S., Sastromiharjo, A., & Razali, R., 2019) Didactic Literature in Indonesian Folklore THE 7th ICOLLITE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LANGUAGE, LITERATURE, CULTURE, AND EDUCATION له Nofasari, E., Sunendar, D., Sumiyadi, S., & Damaianti, V. S., 2022) Didactic Literature in Indonesian Children's Islamic Novels Faculty of Language and Literature Education | Indonesian University of Education#4UPI The Education University FPBS THE 7th ICOLLITE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LANGUAGE, LITERATURE, CULTURE, AND EDUCATION METHOD The legend known as "Bujang Remalun" from a documentation study serves as the research's primary source of information about Bengkulu. The information for this legend came from a study of the documentation found in the book "Khasanah Budaya Kaur, Seni Tari, Tutur, Pencak Silat, Masakan Tradisional, and Artepak". The Badan Musyawarah Adat (BMA) of Kaur Regency, Bengkulu Province, released this book in 2014. The personal legend "Bujang Remalun" was chosen as the research data because this legend is valid by the official organization. The "Bujang Remalun" story's didactic elements and its applicability as a teaching tool are the subject of the study. The content analysis of the didactic literature suggested by Sumiyadi (2016) serves as the basis for the analysis, which focuses on (1) determining the suitability of the personal legends of the Bengkulu Society with the objectives of national education (reference: UUSPN No. 20 of 2003); (2) identifying the cultural dimension; (3) identifying the dimensions of knowledge; and (4) identifying the knowledge that becomes a problem and how to solve it. Data collection Data condensation Interactive Model Data display Conclusions: drawing/ verifying Miles, M. B., Huberman, A. M., & Saldaña, J. (2014). Faculty of Language and Literature Education | Indonesian University of Education#5UPI The Education University FPBS FINDING AND DISCUSSION THE 7th ICOLLITE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LANGUAGE, LITERATURE, CULTURE, AND EDUCATION Explicitly, the criteria and characteristics of didactic literature studies can be viewed from three perspectives: (1) ways of expressing didacticism in literature works; (2) content and expressions of didacticism; and (3) use of language. Contents and expressions of didacticism conformity of literature with national education goals cultural dimension knowledge dimension problems and solutions dimensions Faculty of Language and Literature Education | Indonesian University of Education#6The UPI FPBS Education University THE 7th ICOLLITE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LANGUAGE, LITERATURE, CULTURE, AND EDUCATION Conformity of the Personal Legend of Bengkulu Society with National Education Goals The National Education Goals are contained in Law on the National Educational System (UU Sisdiknas) Number 20 of 2003. A sense of awe and respect for the Almighty, a belief in and awe of God, a noble character, health, knowledge, capability, creativity, independence, democracy, and responsibility are among the things that Clause 3 of the Constitution states that national education is intended to instill in the people of the nation. Faculty of Language and Literature Education | Indonesian University of Education#7The UPI FPBS Education University THE 7th ICOLLITE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LANGUAGE, LITERATURE, CULTURE, AND EDUCATION Cultural Dimensions of the Personal Legend of the Bengkulu Society The idea of culture is based on Clyde Kluckhohn's thesis of universal cultural components, which includes elements of language, knowledge systems, social structures, living equipment and technological systems, livelihood systems, religion, and the arts. Additionally, it is examined in light of cultural values, which can be broken down into five categories: relationships with God, nature, society, other people, and oneself (Yusliyanto, A., 2019). Story quote: Ia tahu bahwa segala kesaktian dan ilmu kanuragan yang dimilikinya belumlah sempurna sebelum berhasil memenukan jati dirinya. Dalam semedi itu, ia menyadari bahwa di atas langit terdapat langit yang jauh lebih tingi. Di bawah bumi masih terdapat bumi yang lebih dalam. Di atas orang yang sakti dan berkuasa masih ada yang lebih sakti dan berkuasa. Dialah Yang Maha Kuasa (BR//172). Faculty of Language and Literature Education | Indonesian University of Education#8UPI FPBS The Education University THE 7th ICOLLITE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LANGUAGE, LITERATURE, CULTURE, AND EDUCATION Dimensions of Knowledge on the Personal Legend of the Bengkulu Society The knowledge dimension of the Personal Legend of the Bengkulu Society refers to the theory put forward by (Anderson, L. W., & Krathwohl, D. R., 2021). These knowledge dimensions include factual, conceptual, procedural, and metacognitive knowledge dimensions. Story quotes: Ia tahu bahwa segala kesaktian dan ilmu kanuragan yang dimilikinya belumlah sempurna sebelum berhasil memenukan jati dirinya. Dalam semedi itu, ia menyadari bahwa di atas langit terdapat langit yang jauh lebih tingi. Di bawah bumi masih terdapat bumi yang lebih dalam. Di atas orang yang sakti dan berkuasa masih ada yang lebih sakti dan berkuasa. Dialah Yang Maha Kuasa (BR//172). Faculty of Language and Literature Education | Indonesian University of Education#9UPI FPBS The Education University THE 7th ICOLLITE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LANGUAGE, LITERATURE, CULTURE, AND EDUCATION Dimensions of Problems and Solutions in Personal Legends of the Bengkulu Society The dimensions of problems, conflicts, and solutions can refer to various fields of knowledge. In the context of this research, the personal legends of the Bengkulu society present problems and solutions based on studies of social sciences and sharia science (commendable knowledge). This can be seen in the following quotation: 1. Ia juga berpesan apabila orang-orang membutuhkan dirinya, maka tinggal sebut saja nama Bujang Remalun, maka ia akan datang membantu (BR/173). 2. Pada suatu hari, ia melihat sekelompok semut yang berusaha menyeberangi sungai. Sayangnya, tempat penyeberangan yang biasa mereka gunakan untuk menyeberang hanyut terbawa arus sungai yang deras. Dengan hati yang tulus, Bujang Remalun membantu menyeberangkan sekawanan semut dengan merentangkan tangannya. Semut pun selamat hingga ke seberang (BR/173-174). Faculty of Language and Literature Education | Indonesian University of Education#10UPI FPBS The Education University CONCLUSION THE 7th ICOLLITE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LANGUAGE, LITERATURE, CULTURE, AND EDUCATION Based on the analysis that has been done, it can be concluded that the personal legends of the Bengkulu Society have good character values. This legend is in conformity with the goals of national education contained in the Law on the National Education System (UUSPN Number 20 of 2003). In addition, this legend also has important cultural values for its collective society, is rich in knowledge, and presents a problem and its solution. It is hoped that the results of this research will become a body of knowledge for researchers, academics and the general public so that further research emerges from it. Faculty of Language and Literature Education | Indonesian University of Education#11UPI The Education University FPBS THE 7th ICOLLITE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LANGUAGE, LITERATURE, CULTURE, AND EDUCATION REFERENCES 1. Anderson, L. W., & Krathwohl, D. R. (2021). A taxonomy for learning, teaching, and assessing: A revision of Bloom's taxonomy of educational objectives. Longman. 2. Gray, T. (2010). Character education in schools. ESSAI, 7(1), 21. 3. 4. 5. Kenney, M. (2019). Fables of response-ability: Feminist science studies as didactic literature. Catalyst: Feminism, Theory, Technoscience, 5(1), 1-39. Miles, M. B., Huberman, A. M., & Saldaña, J. (2014). Qualitative Data Analysis: A Methods Sourcebook (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Nofasari, E., Sunendar, D., Sumiyadi, S., & Damaianti, V. S. (2022). Didactic Literature in Indonesian Children's Islamic Novels. European Online Journal of Natural and Social Sciences, 11(2), pp-420. 6. 7. Nurfarida, L. (2016, December). Nilai Didaktis Pada Sastra Lisan Legenda Batu Kuwung Sebagai Pembelajaran Sastra Di Sekolah Dasar. In Proseding Didaktis: Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Dasar (Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 46-61). Sumiyadi. (2016). Memperkukuh Jati Diri Bangsa Melalui Sastra Didaktis. Seminar Nasional Pengembangan Literasi Berbasis Kearifan Lokal Pengukuhan Jatidiri Kebudayaan Bangsa (pp 72-82). FKIP Unswagati Press. 8. 9. Sundana, L., Sumiyadi, S., Sastromiharjo, A., & Razali, R. (2019, March). Didactic Literature in Indonesian Folklore. In Second Conference on Language, Literature, Education, and Culture (ICOLLITE 2018) (pp. 293-295). Atlantis Press. Undang-Undang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional (UU Sisdiknas) Nomor 20 Tahun 2003 10. Wellek, R., & Austin, W. (2016). Teori Kesusastraan (Terjemahan Melanie Budianta) Jakarta: PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama. 11. Yusliyanto, A. (2019). Budaya Lokal Masyarakat Batak dalam Novel Menolak Ayah Karya Ashadi Siregar (Kajian Antropologi Sastra Clyde Kluckhohn). Jurnal Bapala, 6(1), 1-14. Faculty of Language and Literature Education | Indonesian University of Education#12UPI FPBS The Education University FPBS THANK YOU! THE 7th ICOLLITE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LANGUAGE, LITERATURE, CULTURE, AND EDUCATION Faculty of Language and Literature Education | Indonesian University of Education

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