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#1South Sulawesi, Indonesia Provincial Opinion Poll January 12, 2012 - February 1, 2012 10 Andaman Sea THAILAND 130 PHILIPPINES Philippine Sea NORTH PACIFIC OCEAN VIETNAM 110 Gulf of Thailand South China Sea BRUNEI MALAYSIA MALAYSIA Sipadan Pulau Ligitan Celebes (Pulau Sea Borneo Strait of Malacca Medan Sunga pakning SINGAPORE Pekanbaru. Pontianak Equator Padang Kalimantan Sumatra Sulawesi (Celebes) "Palembang Banjarmasin, Java Sea Makassar Ciwandan JAKARTA Semarang Madura INDIAN Bandung Java Surabaya OCEAN Denpasar -10 0 200 400 km 0 200 400 mi 110 120 Banda Sea Ambon 10- Biak PAPUA NEW GUINEA Kupang TIMOR-LESTE Timor Sea Arafura Sea IRIAN JAYA Puncak Jaya New Guinea AUSTRALI The International Republican Institute IRI advancing democracy worldwide International Republican Institute Lembaga Survei Indonesia with funding from the United States Agency for International Developmen UNITIO AGENCY ERNATIONAL DEVELOPMEN USAID FROM THE AMERICAN PEOPLE 1#2• • Methodology This survey was designed, analyzed and fielded by Lembaga Survei Indonesia under the supervision of Fallon Research and Communications on behalf of the International Republican Institute. The provincial representative survey was carried out from January 12-February 1, 2012. A sample of 720 South Sulawesi participants were interviewed face-to-face in their homes. Multi-stage sampling was used to select villages from South Sulawesi's 24 districts to be included in the sample. The Kish grid method was used to randomize the selection within households among eligible respondents. The households were selected using the random route method. The sample was distributed at the district level, in rural and urban areas, in 24 districts of South Sulawesi. • The response rate was 76 percent. • . • • The margin of error for the survey does not exceed +/- 3.7 percent with a confidence level of 95 percent. Fifty-two interviewers worked on the study, on average completing 10 interviews per PSU. The interviews were administered using local dialects and conducted by interviewers who are native speakers. The survey questions were asked in a different order than the order in which they are presented here. Due to rounding, charts may not add up to 100 percent. IRI, Lembaga Survei Indonesia South Sulawesi Provincial Public Opinion Survey, January 2012#3Survey Demographics Age Male 50% Female 50% Younger than 24 7% 24 to 34 24% Urban 31% Rural 69% 35 to 44 30% 45 to 54 18% Marital Status 55+ 21% Married 87% Single 9% Monthly Household Income Widow/Widower 4% Up to 400,000 rupiah 38% 400,000 to 999,999 rupiah 27% Education Less than or equal to primary 50% 1,000,000+ rupiah 35% Junior high or equivalent 18% Religion Senior high or equivalent College/University 24% Islam 90% 9% Christian 9% Other 2% IRI, Lembaga Survei Indonesia South Sulawesi Provincial Public Opinion Survey, January 2012#4District of Respondents Kota Pare-Pare Kota Palopo 2% Selayar Bulukumba .5% Bantaeng Kota Makassar 17% 2% 2% 2% Jeneponto Toraja Utara 3%. 4% Takalar 3% Luwu Timur. 3% Luwu Utara. 4% Tana Toraja. 3% Gowa 8% Sinjai 3% Maros 4% Panngkajene Dan Kepulauan 4% Luwu. 4% Pinrang 4% Enrekang 2% Wajo 5% Barru Sidenreng Rappang Soppeng 3% Bone 2% 9% 3% IRI, Lembaga Survei Indonesia South Sulawesi Provincial Public Opinion Survey, January 2012#5SOCIAL INDICATORS INDEX#6Generally speaking, would you say that things in this province are headed in the right direction or the wrong direction? 80 880 70 60 60 72 50 40 40 30 30 20 20 110 0 ■Right direction IRI, Lembaga Survei Indonesia 10 Wrong direction 1 17 No response Don't know South Sulawesi Provincial Public Opinion Survey, January 2012#7Why do you think that things in your province are heading in the right direction? (Closed-ended) Respondents who think things are headed in the right direction, N=516 Government governs well/Assisting people There is peace and security The general environment is good or improving Economic conditions are good 11 Other 4 No response/Don't know IRI, Lembaga Survei Indonesia 0 LO 10 26 26 23 20 20 33 30 40 40 South Sulawesi Provincial Public Opinion Survey, January 2012#8Why do you think that things in your province are heading in the wrong direction? Respondents who think things are headed in the wrong direction, N=70 The government is not governing well Economic conditions are not good 17 Corruption Limited job opportunities 12 Low standard of living 11 There is instability Other 13 No response/Don't know 16 16 25 0 5 10 15 20 25 25 30 IRI, Lembaga Survei Indonesia South Sulawesi Provincial Public Opinion Survey, January 2012#950 45 Compared to a year ago, has your personal financial situation improved, stayed the same or worsened? 40 35 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 44 20 1 0 Improved Stayed the same Worsened No response/Don't IRI, Lembaga Survei Indonesia South Sulawesi Provincial Public Opinion Survey, January 2012 know#10Thinking about next year, do you expect the economic situation in your household is going to get better, stay the same or get worse? No response/Don't know 13% Worse 6% Stay the same 35% Better 46% IRI, Lembaga Survei Indonesia South Sulawesi Provincial Public Opinion Survey, January 2012 10 10#11ELECTION INDEX 11#12Did you vote in the April 2009 provincial parliamentary elections? IRI, Lembaga Survei Indonesia No 9% No response/Don't know 1% Yes 90% South Sulawesi Provincial Public Opinion Survey, January 2012 12#13If yes, please tell me which political party you voted for in the April 2009 provincial parliamentary elections? Respondents who said they voted in the April 2009 provincial parliament elections, N=650 50 45 45 40 35 30 25 2500 17 13 15 10 7 6 15 5 2 2 2 2 0 Golkar Democrat Party Party National Indonesian United United Prosporous Mandate Democratic Democratic Development Justice Party Party Party Nationhood Party Struggle Other No response Don't know IRI, Lembaga Survei Indonesia South Sulawesi Provincial Public Opinion Survey, January 2012 13#14Which one of the following statements most determines for whom you vote? I usually don't vote for the same political party or political group and my vote depends upon various other factors I usually vote for the same political party I usually vote for the same candidate or his local political group IRI, Lembaga Survei Indonesia Other 11 No response 2 Don't know 0 10 14 22 22 20 20 20 31 30 40 40 South Sulawesi Provincial Public Opinion Survey, January 2012 14#15People give different reasons for why they vote for one party rather than another. Which of the following describes your reason for voting for a particular party instead of another party? The party has the best leader The party's candidate has been working in my constituency The party provides assistance 17 21 21 121 The party The party has the best policies had the best candidate in my constituency IRI, Lembaga Survei Indonesia Other No response 1 Don't know 0 80 10 16 LO 5 10 15 20 20 South Sulawesi Provincial Public Opinion Survey, January 2012 25 55 15#16Which of the following criteria or characteristics are the most important to you when selecting a legislative candidate to vote for? (First priority) Responses two percent and greater Honesty Close to people 12 Religious 12 Opposed to corruption The support he/she has from the public Experience as a leader 4 Intelligence 3 Proposed policies 2 Charisma 2 от 5 LO 5 No response/Don't know 10 IRI, Lembaga Survei Indonesia 20 46 30 40 50 50 South Sulawesi Provincial Public Opinion Survey, January 2012 16#17I am going to ask for your level of agreement or disagreement with the following statement. I would be more likely to vote for a political party which includes more young people in their political party. 0 64% Agree LO 5 59 20 40 60 24% Disagree 23 1 12 80 Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree No response/Don't know IRI, Lembaga Survei Indonesia South Sulawesi Provincial Public Opinion Survey, January 2012 100 17#18I am going to ask for your level of agreement or disagreement with the following statement. I would be more likely to vote for a political party that nominates more legislative women candidates. 48% Agree 41% Disagree 3 45 38 3 12 0 10 20 30 40 Strongly agree ■Agree ■Disagree IRI, Lembaga Survei Indonesia 50 60 70 80 ■Strongly disagree No response/Don't know South Sulawesi Provincial Public Opinion Survey, January 2012 90 100 18#1960 00 If there are two candidates campaigning for the same elected office with exactly the same qualifications, but one is a man and the other is a woman, which one would you be more likely to vote for? 50 40 40 30 20 9 10 49 39 0 Prefer to vote for a Prefer to vote for a woman man Gender makes no difference to me IRI, Lembaga Survei Indonesia South Sulawesi Provincial Public Opinion Survey, January 2012 4 No response/Don't know 19#20If provincial parliamentary elections were held next week, how likely is it that you will vote? 70 61 60 50 50 40 40 30 30 20 20 10 35 0 Very likely Somewhat likely IRI, Lembaga Survei Indonesia 1 Not very likely 2 3 Not vote at all No response/Don't know South Sulawesi Provincial Public Opinion Survey, January 2012 20#21ISSUES AND ATTITUDES INDEX 21#22Which one of the following issues is of greatest concern to you? Only displaying responses of two percent and greater Inflation and price increases Lack of infrastructure (electricity, roads, etc.) Insufficent support to farmers Low standard of living and low income Not a sufficient level of support to small business Unemployment and threat of losing job Corruption Quality and accessibility of education Solution to housing problems Low quality and high prices of health care Increase in level of crime 80 8 11 26 Problems of water supply 2 No response/Don't know 8 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 IRI, Lembaga Survei Indonesia South Sulawesi Provincial Public Opinion Survey, January 2012 22#23On the issue most important to you, do you feel that the provincial government is capable of solving the problem within the next two years ? No response/Don't know 31% IRI, Lembaga Survei Indonesia No 24% South Sulawesi Provincial Public Opinion Survey, January 2012 Yes 45% 23#24If you could improve one service or policy in your area, what would it be? (Open-ended) Only displaying responses of two percent and greater Infrastructure Water drainage Agriculture (fertilizer, irrigation) Availabilty of clean water Environment and sanitation Employment Decrease price of basic needs 41 Security Housing 2 Flooding Economy 2 No response/Don't know 0 10 20 30 40 50 IRI, Lembaga Survei Indonesia South Sulawesi Provincial Public Opinion Survey, January 2012 24 24#25In your opinion, how prevalent is corruption within the government in your province? 17 23 15 9 0 20 ■Very prevalent 40 60 3 3 34 34 80 100 ■Somewhat prevalent Not very prevalent ■Not prevalent at all No response IRI, Lembaga Survei Indonesia Don't know South Sulawesi Provincial Public Opinion Survey, January 2012 25#26Are you satisfied or unsatisfied with the provincial government's efforts to fight corruption? 26% Satisfied 47% Unsatisfied 2 24 38 93 0 20 40 60 80 25 25 ■Very satisfied ■Very unsatisfied IRI, Lembaga Survei Indonesia Somewhat satisfied Somewhat unsatisfied Don't know No response South Sulawesi Provincial Public Opinion Survey, January 2012 100 26#27In your opinion, what is the most corrupt institution in the province? (Open-ended) Responses two percent and greater Parliament/Local parliament 7 Local government 7 Legal institutions 4 Tax office 2 Ministry of Education and Culture 2 Ministry of Public Works 2 No response/Don't know IRI, Lembaga Survei Indonesia 0 20 40 60 South Sulawesi Provincial Public Opinion Survey, January 2012 70 80 60 27#28Turning to a different topic, in the past year has any legislator or political party member contacted you about any issue of importance to you? No response/Don't know 2% Yes 7% IRI, Lembaga Survei Indonesia No 91% South Sulawesi Provincial Public Opinion Survey, January 2012 28#29In the future, should a legislator or political party member need to contact you, what is the most convenient way for you to be contacted? Responses two percent and greater In person/Travel to my house Through a community/Public event 40 40 54 Telephone Through a non-governmental organization Through a political party event In person/Travel to my office Media (e.g. newspaper) SMS 2 Letter 2 Radio program 9 No response/Don't know 10 10 20 30 40 50 60 IRI, Lembaga Survei Indonesia South Sulawesi Provincial Public Opinion Survey, January 2012 29 29#30120 100 80 60 60 40 20 Have you ever given money to a political party? 3 0 Yes IRI, Lembaga Survei Indonesia 96 No 2 No response/Don't know South Sulawesi Provincial Public Opinion Survey, January 2012 30#31If no, why have you not given money to a political party? Respondents indicating that they have not given money to a political party, N=699 Responses two percent and greater No funds available to give Have other necessities Never been asked, but if asked I will contribute Not interested in politcs Not a political party member The political party's funding is its business It is not appropriate to give money to political parties Political parties have too much money 3 No response/Don't know 5 IRI, Lembaga Survei Indonesia 40 40 54 10 20 30 40 50 60 South Sulawesi Provincial Public Opinion Survey, January 2012 31#32In your opinion, are people in your province afraid to openly express their political views or not? 9 17 37 18 20 20 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Majority are afraid Many are afraid Some are afraid Nobody is afraid No response/Don't know IRI, Lembaga Survei Indonesia South Sulawesi Provincial Public Opinion Survey, January 2012 32#33What is your opinion about the trend of religious extremism in your province compared to two years ago? Has it increased, stayed more or less the same or decreased? 14 32 32 24 24 30 30 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 60 70 80 90 100 Increased More or less the same Decreased ■No response/Don't know. IRI, Lembaga Survei Indonesia South Sulawesi Provincial Public Opinion Survey, January 2012 33#34How concerned, if at all, are you about the rise of religious extremism in your province these days? Respondents having the opinion that the trend of religious extremism in the province has increased, N=99 27 27 34 27 27 5 7 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Very concerned Somewhat concerned Not too concerned Not at all concerned IRI, Lembaga Survei Indonesia South Sulawesi Provincial Public Opinion Survey, January 2012 No response/Don't know 34#35INSTITUTIONAL RATINGS 35#36Now I am going to read various problems, and please rate the provincial government's performance on each of the issues listed below. Health care 73 Improving the educational system Availability of electricity Gender/Religious/Race/Ethnicity-based discrimination Construction of public facilities schools, bridges, etc. Water quality Water availability Preserving the environment Development of roads and highways Fighting crime Housing 72 71 67 63 61 59 57 52 51 41 20 Poverty reduction 35 26 Employment Inflation control Fighting corruption 32 32 31 47 23 23 29 0 20 40 60 Good Fair IRI, Lembaga Survei Indonesia 15 7 L 15 6 7 11 13 4 15 3 15 15 15 17 14 15 88 18 7 8 21 12 9 16 19 13 23 16 10 20 17 23 30 9 27 10 25 6 25 80 80 100 Poor ■No response/Don't know South Sulawesi Provincial Public Opinion Survey, January 2012 36#37I would like to ask you about your impressions on the performance of the following institutions. How would you rate the performance of each of the following institutions: very good, good, fair, poor or very poor? Religious leaders 81 11 1 8 Governor 67 16 3 13 Media 60 17 3 20 Civil service employees 58 20 7 15 Police 55 22 22 13 10 Local parliament 43 25 25 22 22 Local election commission 42 22 9 31 Domestic non-governmental organizations 40 19 3 39 Provincial parliament 37 24 31 Courts 34 22 22 10 34 Political parties 29 47 13 29 International non-governmental organizations 25 18 54 0 20 40 60 00 80 100 Good Fair IRI, Lembaga Survei Indonesia Poor ■No response/Don't know 37 South Sulawesi Provincial Public Opinion Survey, January 2012#38Are you satisfied or unsatisfied with the quality of work provided by the provincial legislature? 2 45 45 0 20 ■Very satisfied 27 22 32 22 22 40 60 Somewhat satisfied No response 80 Somewhat unsatisfied Don't know ■Very unsatisfied IRI, Lembaga Survei Indonesia South Sulawesi Provincial Public Opinion Survey, January 2012 100 38#39Are you satisfied or unsatisfied with the quality of work provided by the district head in your city/village? 7 62 69 0 20 40 ■Very satisfied 60 Somewhat satisfied 24 11 6 80 Somewhat unsatisfied ■Very unsatisfied IRI, Lembaga Survei Indonesia No response Don't know South Sulawesi Provincial Public Opinion Survey, January 2012 100 39#40Are you satisfied or unsatisfied with the quality of work provided by the governor of your province? 6 44 64 18 11 11 0 20 40 ■Very satisfied 60 Somewhat satisfied 80 Somewhat unsatisfied ■Very unsatisfied IRI, Lembaga Survei Indonesia No response Don't know South Sulawesi Provincial Public Opinion Survey, January 2012 100 40#41MEDIA INDEX 41#42What are the main sources of political information for you? Only displaying responses of one percent and greater TV Relatives, friends 6 Newspapers 3 Village head 3 Village news board 2 Radio Religious leader Internet No response/Don't know IRI, Lembaga Survei Indonesia 21 20 40 61 60 80 60 South Sulawesi Provincial Public Opinion Survey, January 2012 42#43How do you rate the credibility of each of these information sources on a scale of one to five, where one means very unreliable and five means very credible? Responses of three or higher only 880 90 84 82 81 76 71 70 70 61 60 55 50 40 30 20 10 0 Religious leaders Village news board Village head Relative, friends TV Radio 41 33 31 Newspaper Magazines Internet Politicians IRI, Lembaga Survei Indonesia South Sulawesi Provincial Public Opinion Survey, January 2012 43#44On average, how often do you use the Internet? Everyday A few times per week 4 Once a week 2 Once a month Less often 5 Never No response/Don't know IRI, Lembaga Survei Indonesia 0 8 20 40 60 60 60 80 South Sulawesi Provincial Public Opinion Survey, January 2012 44#45What do you use the Internet for mostly? Respondents indicating that they use the Internet at least once a month, N=117 Chat Work Email Facebook Games 12 Listen to music 11 Research Blog Watch videos Shopping 2 Learning Looking for work No response/Don't know IRI, Lembaga Survei Indonesia 0 10 14 21 20 20 24 24 30 30 30 40 40 South Sulawesi Provincial Public Opinion Survey, January 2012 45#46Where do you most regularly access the Internet? Respondents indicating that they use the Internet at least once a month, N=117 Internet café Home Cell phone or mobile connection Work Relatives' or friends' home 2 School 2 No response/Don't know IRI, Lembaga Survei Indonesia 0 10 20 20 28 22 27 31 30 40 40 South Sulawesi Provincial Public Opinion Survey, January 2012 46

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