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#1MG MIGRATION POLICY GROUP GHER ECONO NATIONAL RESEARCH UNIVERSITY Center for Sociocultural Research Migrant Integration Policy Index 2020 launch in Russia MIGRANT INTEGRATION POLICY INDEX 2020#2What is Migration Policy Group? • MPG is an independent think-and-do tank. MPG's purpose is rooted in its ability to inspire networks to provide evidence-based projects, research and campaigns in the areas of integration, migration and anti-discrimination. • MPG was established in 1995 in Brussels, Belgium. • MPG's mission has been to achieve lasting progress towards more open and inclusive societies. • MPG is focused on informing the policy and legal agenda on anti-discrimination, integration and legal migration, while contributing to all activities that bolster the resilience of the sector. • We create data-driven resources, collect evidence in a pan-European manner, organize campaigns, and engage in extensive outreach. 2019 Migration Policy Group MG MIGRATION POLICY GROUP#3What is MIPEX? Most comprehensive tool to compare integration policies in different countries: •Number of indicators (167 indicator questions, in eight areas) •Thematic scope (including labour market, education, family reunion, political participation, permanent residence, access to nationality, antidiscrimination, and health) •Methodology with national experts (experts and reviewers from each area, moderated anonymous discussions) •Longitudinal scope (2007-2019) •Geographic scope (52 countries) Most cited international benchmark used by global actors, NGOs, media & researchers Example: Draft Global Compact on Migration recommended participation of all States in MIPEX to identify challenges & best practices Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration - Draft REV 1,«< 26 March 2018, section 30(a), p. 18). 2019 Migration Policy Group MG MIGRATION POLICY GROUP#4Country's approach to integration Use of core indicators captures country's approach to integration on 3 dimensions: •Basic rights: Can immigrants enjoy comparable rights as nationals? E.g., equal rights to work, training, health, and non-discrimination ⚫Equal opportunities: Can immigrants receive support to enjoy comparable opportunities as nationals? E.g., targeted support in education, health, and political participation •Secure future: Can immigrants settle long-term and feel secure about their future in the country? E.g., family reunification, permanent residence and access to nationality. 2019 Migration Policy Group MG MIGRATION POLICY GROUP#5Country's approach to integration Based on these dimensions, we found 5 main approaches to integration: •Top Ten countries: Countries in this group represent the top ten out of MIPEX52 countries. A comprehensive approach to integration guarantees equal rights, opportunities and security for immigrants and citizens. ⚫Comprehensive integration. A comprehensive approach to integration guarantees equal rights, opportunities and security for immigrants and citizens. However, policies in these countries are less comprehensive and advanced than in the 'Top 10' MIPEX countries. •Equality on paper. Equality on paper means that immigrants enjoy equal equal rights and long-term security, but not equal opportunities. •Temporary integration. Temporary integration means that immigrants enjoy basic rights and equal opportunities, but not equal security, as they face obstacles to settle long-term. Lasienigh's •Immigration without Integration. Immigration without integration means that immigrants are denied la and equal opportunities, even if they are able to settle long-term in the country. MIGRATION POLICY GROUP#6MIPEX links integration policies & outcomes •Links between policies & outcomes: 130 peer reviewed scientific studies linking MIPEX to integration outcomes for immigrants & the public The major disparities in integration policies around the world reflect the major differences in integration outcomes and attitudes around the world. •The integration policies identified by MIPEX also shape how immigrants and the public respond to these inequalities. 2019 Migration Policy Group MG MIGRATION POLICY GROUP#76 Economic threat (0-10) 5 Dozens of studies link policies & public opinion 390 7 8 International Journal of Comparative Sociology 58(5) economic threat vs. MIPEX 2007 cyprus hungary malta greece Do integration policies relate to economic and cultural threat perceptions? A comparative study in Europe 3 4 ireland great britain latvia Austria lithuania germany Slovak republic portugal czech republic estonia slovenia belgium spain poland switzerland italy. netherlands luxembourg france finland denmark 20 40 60 80 score on TOTAL mipex 2007 Figure 4. Bivariate relation between economic threat and overall MIPEX score. norway sweden Marie-Sophie Callens Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER), Luxembourg; Bart Meuleman KU Leuven, Belgium MG MIGRATION POLICY GROUP#8New studies link policies & immigrant attitudes 6 4 5 Life Satisfaction 9 7 8 CY DK NO GB IT DENL EL BE ES PL CH SK AT CZ BG SE GR FR EE HU LT 35 45 55 SE H4 PT 65 75 85 JOURNAL OF ETHNIC AND MIGRATION STUDIES 2019, VOL. 45, NO. 7, 1027-1050 ROUTLEDGE Routledge Taylor & Francis Group Immigrant life satisfaction in Europe: the role of social and symbolic boundaries Boris Heizmanna and Petra Böhnke b MIPEX, R2=0.14 Aggregate Life Satisfaction, Non-EU-Immigrants Fitted values 2019 Migration Policy Group. MG MIGRATION POLICY GROUP#9Dozen studies link policies & migrant health THE LANCET Global Health ARTICLES | VOLUME 7, ISSUE 4, E420-E435, APRIL 01, 2019 PDF L PDF [701 KB] Figures Effects of non-health-targeted policies on migrant health: a systematic review and meta-analysis Sol Pía Juárez, PhD ⚫ Helena Honkaniemi, MSc • Andrea C Dunlavy, PhD Robert W Aldridge, PhD Prof Mauricio L Barreto, MD ⚫ Srinivasa Vittal Katikireddi, PhD. et al. Show all authors ⚫ Show footnotes Open Access • Published: March 06, 2019 DOI: 2019 Migration Policy Group MG MIGRATION POLICY GROUP#10Russian study links integration policy & perceived threat and trust Journal of International Migration and Integration Migrant Integration Policies, Perceived Group Threat and Generalized trust: a Case of European Countries Alexander Tatarko¹D Tomas Jurcik¹ Check for updates Abstract The large inflow of migrants into Europe in recent years has triggered more frequent discussions on how useful a pro-integrative migration policy is for society. There have been many studies considering various aspects of migrant integration policy, but its impact on social capital, particularly on an aspect as crucial as generalized trust, still requires further investigation. In our study, we use the Migrant Integration Policy Index (MIPEX) and data on generalized trust and the mainstream population's perceptions of group threat from immigrants using the European Social Survey (ESS) database to explore the relationship between generalized trust and both the total MIPEX and its components. Our database included 22 European countries and 39,079 respondents. We hypothesized that a pro-integrative migration policy would be connected with generalized trust indirectly via reduced perceived group threat from immigrants. The study identified a positive relationship between total MIPEX scores and generalized trust mediated via lowered perceptions of group threat. However, the effects of eight individual MIPEX components were discovered to be different. We discuss limitations related to the generalizability of our results, given that patterns may be different in North America where cultural distance between majority and most migrant groups is typically higher. We thus suggest that future research on generalized trust examine variables related to values and cultural distance and proximity between the mainstream and migrant groups. Keywords Multiculturalism Ethnic diversity Migrant integration policy - Perceived group threat. Generalized trust 2019 Migration Policy Group Me MIGRATION POLICY GROUP#11MIPEX in Russia (preparatory phase) •Russia has been participating in the MIPEX since 2015 (initiated by the Center for Sociocultural Research, Vladimir Ponizovsky was in charge) •Translation and adaptation of the questionnaire (3 expert linguists, then 10 cognitive interviews) •Selection of experts and reviewers on integration policies for migrants in 8 areas 2019 Migration Policy Group MG MIGRATION POLICY GROUP#12The example of the completed questionnaire MIGRANT INTEGRATION POLICY INDEX АНТИ-ДИСКРИМИНАЦИЯ Определения и концепции АНТИ-ДИСКРИМИНАЦИЯ Все ли резиденты эффективно защищены от дискриминации по признаку расы, этничности, религии и национальности во всех сферах своей жизни? Определения и концепции Защищены ли все проживающие в стране от дискриминации по признаку расы, этничности, религии, национальности? 117. Законом предусмотрены случаи прямой/непрямой дискриминации, преследования, понуждения Законодательные запреты касаются прямой и/или непрямой дискриминации, и/или преследования, и/или понуждения к дискриминации по признакам: a. расы и этничности: 6. религии и убеждений: В. национальности. национальности/гражданства, Примечание: Вариант "B" означает защиту от дискриминации по признаку установленную законом или прецедентным правом. Если дискриминация запрещена только по признаку национального происхождения, пожалуйста, не выбирайте этот пункт. Все три признака. Два признака. Признак "а", ни одного из признаков, или лишь на основании международных стандартов или конституции, предмет судебной интерпретации. Эксперт не прав. У нас есть дискриминация по гражданству это вариант в. Рецензент пишет об этом, он не соглашается с мнением эксперта, но что он имел ввиду. 118. Законом предусмотрены случаи дискриминации На основании ассоциации или предполагаемых характеристик Законодательные запреты касаются дискриминации на основании ассоциации и/или предполагаемых характеристик, включая признаки: a расы и этничности; 6. религии и убеждений:#13Russia's MIPEX score 2014-2015 MIPEX overall score - 28 Russia profile: <<Labour market mobility» - 40 <<Family reunification>> - 42 <<Permanent residence>> -33 «Access to nationality» - 40 <<Political participation» - 9 «Anti-discrimination» - 20 «Health» 18 <<Education>> - 18 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Russia's MIPEX 2014-2015 45 ||||.... Labour market mobility Family reunification 2019 Migration Policy Group Permanent residence Access to nationality Political participation Anti-discrimination Health Education MG MIGRATION POLICY GROUP#14Comparative MIPEX scores – Russia (2014-2015; 2017) - MIPEX overall score - 40 Russia profile: <<Labour market mobility» - 40 <<Family reunification>> - 42 <<Permanent residence» -39 «Access to nationality>> - 39 <<Political participation>> - 38 «Anti-discrimination» - 19 «Health» 35 - <<Education>> - 6 49 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Labour market mobility Dynamics Russia's MIPEX 45 Family reunification Permanent residence 2019 Migration Policy Group Access to nationality Political participation 2015 2017 Anti-discrimination Health Education TVG MIGRATION POLICY GROUP#15Collaboration ПРАВИТЕЛЬСТВО РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ Федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего образования НАЦИОНАЛЬНЫЙ ИССЛЕДОВАТЕЛЬСКИЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ ВЫСШАЯ ШКОЛА ЭКОНОМИКИ R MACHALKAR 20, MOCKA POCC 101000 TE 8 (45) 771-32-32 ANC (495) 628-7-31, E-MAIL FSEGHSERU, WWW.SE.RU 22.02.2019 6.18.1-11.1/2202-17 To whom it may concern: Letter of interest This letter confirms our intent to participate as a MIPEX 2020 Non-EU collaborator in the project proposal entitled "Migrant INtegration Diagnosis: Generating Analyses and Policies Project" (MIND the GAPS) to be submitted in response to the H2020 call for social and economic effects of migration in Europe and integration policies, ref. H2020-MIGRATION-03-2019. Summary information about the Organisation Consistently ranked as one of Russia's top universities, the Higher School of Economics is a leader in Russian education and one of the preeminent economics and social sciences universities in Eastern Europe and Eurasia. HSE is a member of the 5-100 Russian Academic Excellence Project, a highly selective government programme aimed at boosting the international competitiveness of Russian universities; hosts two 'Horizon 2020' NCPs: "Mobility" and "Science with and for Society". HSE operates more than 100 research institutes and centres, including International laboratory for Socio-Cultural Research and Institute of Demography who will be responsible for 'MIND the GAPS' on the Russian side. Summary information about the role of the organization in the proposed project Subject to the project proposal being funded by the European Commission and subsequent successful Grant Agreement negotiation, we confirm our interest in contributing to the project, as a MIPEX 2020 Non-EU collaborator, mainly in the following activities: MIPEX 2020 Indicators update MIPEX 2020 National Policy Brief Sincerely, Leonid Gokhberg First Vice Rector HSE NATIONAL RESEARCH UNIVERSITY HIGHER SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS (HSE) 20. Myaanitskaya, Moscow, 101000, Russia, Tel: +7 (495) 771-3232, fax: +7 (495) 628-7931, E-mail: [email protected] 3010263#16Comparative MIPEX scores – shortened questionnaire (54 questions) Overall score 2014 - 29, 2019 - 31 Dimensions of Policy 2014 2019 50 Labour market 28 28 45 49 Family reunion 40 46 46 35 Education 12 12 30 Health 23 23 25 Political participation 15 30 20 Permanent residence 42 46 15 Access to nationality 44 44 10 Antidiscrimination 22 22 22 5 24 24 17 15 Rights Opportunities Security 2014 2019 62 62 62 0 Labour market mobility Family reunification 2019 Migration Policy Group Permanent residence Access to nationality Political participation 2014 2019 Anti-discrimination Health Education MG MIGRATION POLICY GROUP#17Comparative MIPEX scores - Russia and MIPEX52 31 Comparison with MIPEX52 50 2 2 Score (2019) Change (2014-2019) ■Russia MIPEX52 65 99 Dimensions 24 17 Rights 17 47 Opportunities Russia MIPEX52 22 62 56 Security Russia's MIPEX score compared with MIPEX52 mean score Russia's MIPEX score compared with MIPEX52 mean score in 3 areas#18- Comparative MIPEX scores – Russia and EU28 (2019) Russia EU28 LABOUR MARKET MOBILITY 80 70 ANTI-DISCRIMINATION 60 FAMILY REUNION 50 40 30 20 10 ACCESS TO NATIONALITY EDUCATION PERMANENT RESIDENCE POLITICAL PARTICIPATION HEALTH#19Main conclusions Russia's approach to integration is categorized by MIPEX as 'immigration without integration'. While foreign citizens may find some way to settle long-term and feel slightly secure in Russia, access to basic rights and equal opportunities are weaker in Russia than in most MIPEX countries. Russia ranks 3rd from the bottom, similar to China and slightly more advanced than Indonesia and India. The obstacles facing foreign citizens in Russia are greater than in neighboring Moldova, Ukraine or any of EU or Central European country. As in most MIPEX countries, foreign citizens in Russia have benefitted from a few small improvements over the past five years. From 2014 to 2019, Russia's MIPEX score improved by +2 points, similar to the average MIPEX country (+2 points on average). The improvements were mainly related to the involvement in political participation of organizations that deal with the problems of migrants, or include migrants, as well as the simplification of obtaining a residence permit and citizenship for a number of categories of migrants.#20Main conclusions Obstacles emerge for foreign citizens across many areas of life in Russia. Compared to the policies in most of the 52 MIPEX countries, foreign citizens in Russia are left more exposed to poorer labour market conditions and healthcare and potential discrimination in all areas of life. Russia's current approach, the Russian public receives contradictory messages that immigrants are potential Russian citizens, but also are their subordinates and strangers. What areas need to be addressed in order for Russia to become a country favorable for the migrants?#21MG MIGRATION POLICY GROUP • SCHOOL ECONO OF FE R HOIH OMICS NATIONAL RESEARCH UNIVERSITY Centre for Sociocultural Research Thank you for your attention! Centre for Sociocultural Research NRU HSE Nadezhda Lebedeva, [email protected], Victoria Galyapina, [email protected], Maria Bultseva [email protected] MIGRANT INTEGRATION POLICY INDEX 2020

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