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#1B BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA NSI North Sumatra Invest NORTH SUMATRA INVESTMENT BOOK YOUR INVESTMENT PARTNER TO PROVIDE BETTER TOMORROW Quarter II of 2023#2B BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA TABLE OF CONTENT Remarks by Head of Bank Indonesia Representative 3 1 Office of North Sumatra 2 Remarks by Governor of North Sumatra 4 5 Macroeconomic Development • Indonesian Economy at a Glance • Why Invest in North Sumatra? • North Sumatra's Investment Profile Investment Projects in North Sumatra 28 4 • Toba Caldera Resort • Sei Mangkei Special Economic Zone Kuala Tanjung Industrial Estate Medan Industrial Estate • Sport Center • Airport City • BRT Mebidang 5 Investment Supporting Factors in North Sumatra 98 6 Priority Tourism Site in North Sumatra 102 7 Local Small Medium Enterprise 114 སྟྲརྞ 8 Investment Incentive 119 9 How to Invest in North Sumatra 122#3B BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA REMARKS BY HEAD OF BANK INDONESIA REPRESENTATIVE OFFICE OF NORTH SUMATRA PROVINCE Investment is one of the most important channels to support regional and national economic growth. Mature investment could highly impact on new job opportunities and create a multiplier effect for the economy, explicitly supporting economic growth and improving people's welfare by unemployment. reducing In the midst of increasingly real and progressive economic improvements, one of them is driven by the investment sector which contributed 29.46% and also makes investment sector as one of the largest economic drivers of North Sumatra in quarter I of 2023. Supporting infrastructures for the improvement aspect of doing business is also continuously developed by the Central and Regional Government. Recently, North Sumatra has 7 (seven) clear and clean investment projects, which 3 of them are included in National Strategic Projects. Those 7 projects are Toba Caldera Resort, Sei Mangkei Special Economic Zone (SEZ), Kuala Tanjung Industrial Estate, Medan Industrial Estate, Commercial Area of Sport Center, Airport City, and last but not least BRT Mebidang development. These projects are the focus of the government that continues to be promoted and developed intensively. At the regional level, we continue to strive and support economic growth through investment. The North Sumatra Invest continues to explore many potentials that exists in the region and puts it into an integrated database through North Sumatra Invest Mapping Project (NSI-MP). It aims making easier for investors to choose projects that suit their respective business profiles. Thus, North Sumatra Invest also held North Sumatra Invest Day as an annual investment flagship program to promote the investment projects in North Sumatra and also attract many potential investors. On the other hand, we are trying to make it simpler for investors in terms of business licensing through online licensing. All of these efforts, working closely with our spirit to advance the regional economy for the welfare of the people of North Sumatra. So, let's come and explore the potential of North Sumatra closer. We are ready to facilitate you because we are your investment partner to provide better tomorrow. Medan, June 2023 IGP Wira Kusuma Head of Bank Indonesia Representative Office of North Sumatra IGP Wira Kusuma Head of Bank Indonesia Representative Office of North Sumatra North Sumatra Investment Book M#4REMARKS BY THE GOVERNOR OF NORTH SUMATRA PROVINCE BB BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA 323 Edy Rahmayadi Governor of North Sumatra North Sumatra Province is one of the Indonesian economy pillars with historically economic growth above the nationals. GRDP per capita of North Sumatra Province in 2022 is around IDR 63.19 million/person supported by abundant natural resources thus encouraging higher export activities so North Sumatra can still exist compared to other regions, thus making North Sumatra become one of the growth engine for the national economy outside Java island. It's still possible for North Sumatra to boost the national economy higher. Its geographical advantage, which is directly adjacent to the Malacca Strait, makes North Sumatra being the center of trade and national connectivity hub in the western region of Indonesia. Moreover, from a demographic perspective, North Sumatra has a prospective market advantage. This is reflected in the population which is the 4th largest in Indonesia, where more than 50% is dominated by people of productive age. The natural beauty of North Sumatra contains many potentials that also contributes greatly to the economy through the tourism sector. Our main attraction is Lake Toba, which has been designated as the Global Geopark by UNESCO and a national priority tourist destination. To support in becoming an international standard tourist destination, infrastructure development continues to be developed, especially to advance connectivity. Various National Strategic Projects currently being developed include the eastern Sumatra route and the toll road from Medan to Lake Toba. To strengthen the connectivity of air transportation modes, North Sumatra also has 2 international airport that have direct flights to Singapore and Malaysia and 5 airports that serve domestic flights. Meanwhile, in the sea transportation mode, there are 6 ports to strengthen the maritime side. In line with our efforts to continue socio-economy development in North Sumatra, our 7 strategic investment projects are expected to generate a sustainable economy. The Regional Government of North Sumatra has never stopped providing support for the development of regional investment projects. We continue to strive supporting structural transformation and ease of licensing procedures that are more efficient. Ease of fiscal and non-fiscal for the business community, relatively cheaper wages for labor, and easy access to raw materials create an excellent investment climate in North Sumatra. Medan, 2023 Edy Rahmayadi Governor of North Sumatra 4 North Sumatra Investment Book#5BB BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA INDONESIA ECONOMY AT A GLANCE North Sumatra Investment Book Rumah Adat Karo#6INDONESIA GDP GROWTH 6 BB BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA Strong GDP Growth 5,01 0,36 5,03 -0,92 I IV I III IV I IV I IV I IV I II IV I 2017 2018 2019 Nasional qtq 2020 2021 Nasional yoy Source: Central Bureau of Statistics of Indonesia (BPS) GDP Regionally 2022 Sumatera 4,08 4,79 Kalimantan Sulawesi 7,00 5,52 6,87% Maluku & Papua 21,82% 2023 Budget 9,00% 579 3,46 5,06 4,96 57,17% 2,68% 3,50 4,74 Jawa Bali & Nusa Tenggara Keterangan 10,39 2,46% Distribusi PDB ADHB Triwulan 1-2023 Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Triwulan 1-2022 Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Triwulan 1-2023 Indonesia Growth Prospect in 2023 Bank Indonesia Institutions Consensus Forecast (April 2023) World Bank (GEP, Jan 2023) IMF (WEO, April 2023) 2023 1,95 GDP growth (%) 5.3 4.5-5.3 4.8 4.8 5.0 Indonesia economy expands at rate of 5.03% (yoy) in quarter 1 of 2023. It is reflected that Indonesian economy performed well amid still troubled global conditions. Solid economic performance was supported by persistently strong domestic demand, investment, and exports. National economic improvements were also reflected by various economic sectors and all regions of the archipelago. Moving forward, economic growth is expected to remain intact on the back of domestic demand in line with improving mobility and the ongoing completion of national strategic projects. In terms of spending, nearly all components recorded positive growth in the reporting period. Household consumption expanded 4.54% (yoy) higher from 4.48% (yoy) in the previous period. Strong growth was consistent with increasing manufacturing, trade, and mining. Investment still going strong to 2.11% (yoy) despite moderating from 3.33% (yoy). Meanwhile, government consumption experienced a 3.99% (yoy) contraction due to lower procurement spending for Covid-19 handling as the number of Covid-19 cases is slowing down. Exports continued to expand with growth reaching 11.68% (yoy), despite moderating from previos quarter underpinned by persistently strong demand in Indonesia's main trading partners, together with policy to accelerate exports of crude palm oil (CPO). But, it is moderating because the commodity prices in the international market is slowing down. Import growth was also slowing down at 2.77% (yoy) in the reporting period. Nearly all economic sectors growing strong in this second quarter of 2023, primarily driven by the Manufacturing Industry, Wholesale and Retail Trade and Mining. Regionally, economic improvements were bolstered by growth in all regions of Indonesia, led by Sulawesi-Maluku-Papua (Sulampua), followed by Java, Bali-Nusa Tenggara (Balinusra), Kalimantan and Sumatra. North Sumatra Investment Book#7B BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA B OUTLOOK OF DOMESTIC ECONOMY REMAINS ROBUST IN 2023 • • 2023 Economic Outlook Bank Indonesia projects economic growth in 2023 continue to accelerate to the range of 4.5-5.3% in 2023. Bank Indonesia is confident core inflation will remain at the 3.0%±1% target during the first semester of 2023 and CPI inflation will return to the 3.0%±1% target in the second semester of 2023. Bank Indonesia projects BOP outlook for 2023 is good, with a manageable current account maintained in the range of 0.4% of GDP surplus to a 0.4% of GDP deficit. Bank Indonesia projects credit growth in 2023 will accelerate to 10.0-12.0%. Economic Growth ih Inflation 2018 Realization 5.17% 3.13% CAD (% of GDP) Credit Growth 2.98% 11.75% 2019 5.02% 2.72% 2.71% 6.08% Realization 2020 Realization -2.07% 1.68% 0.40% -2.40% 2021 Realization 3.69% 1.87% 0.30% 5.24% 2022 Realization 5.31% 5.51% 1.00% 11.35% Projection 2023 4.50%-5.30% 3.0±1% Surplus 0.40% - Deficit 0.40% 10% -12% Source: Bank Indonesia (proceed) North Sumatra Investment Book 7#8EXTERNAL SECTOR REMAINS RESILIENTS Balance of Payment Remains Solid US$bn Current Account 20 Overall Balance Capital and Financial Account Reserve Asset (rhs) US$bn 160 137.23 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 BB BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA 2015 2018: 2019: Current Account 2016: 2017: 2020: 2021: 2022: CA Deficit CA Deficit CA Deficit. CA Deficit CA Surplus CA Surplus CA Surplus Uss) ($1896) (US$ 18.26+US$3016) (US$3036) (US$1bn) US$3bn US$13,2bn US$bn 120 20 4.73 4.2 15 Goods Primary Income 10 80 5 40 (0.43) (5) (10) 0 (15) Services Secondary Income 1.30 3 2 1 --------ེལ------------------- q1Q2|030401 02 03 04 01 02 03 04 01 02 03 04 01 02 03 04/01 2015 2016 Source: Bank Indonesia 2017 2018 16.96 1.93 (1) (9.39) (5.24) Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4 2020" 2021* 2022** 2019" (2) 3 0 0 3 0 0 (4) (6) Q102030401020304010203040102030401020304010203040102030401020304 2016 2017 2018 2015 Source: Bank Indonesia Trade Balance Surplus Increases 2019* 2020* 2021* 2022** US$bn 2017: Surplus US$11.83bn 2018: Deficit (US$8.65bn) 2019: Deficit (US$3.24bn) 2020: 2021: 2022: Surplus Surplus Surplus (US$21.81bn) (US$6.8bn) (US$5452bn) 15 Oil and Gas 10 Non-Oil and Gas Total 5 0 -5 8 00 Official Reserve Assets Increased to Reinforce External Sector Resilience FX Reserves as of January 2023: US$139.4bn (Equiv. to 6.0 months of imports + servicing of government debt) US$bn FX Reserves (LHS) 150 Month of Import & Debt Service (RHS) Month 139.4 5.29 140 130 120 110 100 6.0 3.87 90 80 70 60 50 1 3 5 7 9 1 3 5 7 9 1 3 5 7 9 1 3 5 7 9 11 11 11 11 1 3 5 7 9 1 3 5 7 9 11 P 1 11 12 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2017 Source: BPS 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 * Preliminary Figure Very Preliminary Figure North Sumatra Investment Book Source: Bank Indonesia#9B BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA BBB+ BBB BBB Investment Grade - INVESTMENT GRADE APPROVED R&I Fitch Ratings JCRA S&P Fitch Moody's BBB / Stable December 2022, Rating Affirmed at BBB/Stable "Indonesia's rating balances a favorable medium-term growth outlook and a still low government debt/GDP ratio against government revenue, sovereign external debt to GDP and structural features such as governance indicators and GDP per capita that are weak compared with that of 'BBB' category peers. وو BB+ BB BB- B+ 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 R&I July 2022, Rating Affirmed at BBB+/Stable BBB+ / Stable "In R&I view, Indonesia's economy that plunged in 2020 will likely return to a pre-coronavirus growth level in one to two years. The government's structural reform efforts are also expected to boost growth potential in the medium to long term. Despite the pressure on the fiscal side caused by policy responses, the government debt ratio remains relatively low. The economic resilience to external shocks is maintained thanks to flexible policy responses by the government and the central bank and ample foreign reserves". S&P Global Ratings BBB / Stable April 2022, Outlook Revised To Stable; BBB Ratings Affirmed "The stable outlook reflects our expectation that Indonesia's economic recovery will continue over the next two years, supporting the government's continued fiscal consolidation efforts. We expect the pace of the recovery to accelerate further this year." MOODY'S Baa2 Stable February 2022, Rating Affirmed at Baa2/Stable "The affirmation of the rating is supported by continued economic resiliency and Moody's expectations that monetary and macroeconomic policy effectiveness will be maintained, containing risks as global interest rates rise. Moody's expects economic activity to revert to its historical average in 2023, with growth sustaining at those rates thereafter." JCR BBB+ / Stable July 2022, Rating Affirmed at BBB+/Stable "The ratings mainly reflect the country's solid domestic demand-led economic growth potential, restrained public debt and resilience to external shocks supported by accumulation of foreign exchange reserves. JCR holds that the debt will gradually decrease as the fiscal balance improves mainly increased revenue from economic growth and higher commodity prices". North Sumatra Investment Book 9#10INVESTMENT REALIZATION IN Q1 OF 2023 IDR Trillion 1500 10 1000 500 Investment Growth Toward Target 1200 1400 1207,2 150,00% 100,00% BB BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA Investment Realization by Geography (#5) Riau: (#3) Central Sulawesi: Rp 82,5 T Rp 111.2 T D Note's: T= Trillion 100,60% 23,49% 50,00% 0 328,9 0,00% 33,98% -72,76% -50,00% -100,00% (#2) Special Territory of Jakarta: Rp 143.0 T (#1) 2021 2022 2023 West Java: (#4) Realization Persentage Growth Rp 174.6 T East Java: Rp 110.3 T Note's Note's T-Triliun T-Triliun 0 2019 2020 Target IDR Trillion IDR Trillion Investment Realization by Spatial DDI (Rp 151,9 T) 46,2% (QOQ: (YoY: 8,8%) 12,4%) PMA PMDN FDI Outside Java Luar Jawa Java (Rp 177,0 T) 53,8% (Rp 172,9 T) 52,6% (QOQ: 1,1%) (Q0Q: 5,3% (YOY: 20,2%) (YoY: 16,3%| (Rp 156,0 T) 47,4% Jawa (QOQ: (YoY: 16,7%) 3,6%) Investment Realization by Sector (IDR billion) (#1) Industri Logam Dasar, Barang Logam, Bukan Mesin dan Peralatannya Rp 46,7 T (#3) (#5) Pertambangan Rp 33,5 T Industri Kimia dan Farmasi Rp 22,6 T (#2) Transportasi, Gudang dan Telekomunikasi Rp 36,1 T Keterangan: T: Triliun (#4) Perumahan, Kawasan Industri dan Perkantoran Rp 27,9 T North Sumatra Investment Book US$ 4,3 M Top 5 Investors by Country US$ 1,5 M US$ 1,2 M US$ 1,0 M US$ 0,8 M Singapura Hongkong, RRT R.R Tiongkok Jepang Amerika Serikat Source: Investment Ministry/BKPM (processed)#11B BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA INVESTMENT POLICY DIRECTION 2020-2024 Improving investment quality to promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth Encouraging downstream products and increased use of domestic products Optimizing the use of natural resources and domestic production Encouraging increased investment in business sectors categorized as green investment and having a large positive social impact and equitable investment throughout Indonesia Environmental and Social Equality (ESG) Encouraging investment in export-oriented industries and industries that substitute imports Source: Strategic Planning of Ministry of Investment/ BKPM (Renstra) 2020-2024 Job Creation/ Labor intensive Encouraging investment in labor-intensive business fields and developing business fields that involve the community by utilizing existing human resources Direction of Investment Policy: Quality Investment 2020-2024 Export Oriented and Import Subtitution Increase Productivity Encouraging increased company efficiency (i.e. Industry 4.0) and improvements to the Incremental Capital Output Ratio (ICOR) Transfer of Knowledge and Technology Encouraging human resource development and increasing R&D in an effort to master technology Improve Competitivenes s and Market Access Encouraging increased perceptions and opening up a wider market for national companies and MSMEs through business partnerships North Sumatra Investment Book 11#12The Job Creation Law Encourages Employment and Facilitates New Business Opening While Recovering the Post-Pandemic Economy BB BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA The Omnibus Law has been in effect since its promulgation on November 2, 2020. The Constitutional Court Decision No. 91/PUU XVIII/2020 dated November 25, 2021 which states that the Law of Job Creation is unconstitutional with the condition: remains in effect operational but must be formally revised within 2 years. The issuance of Ministerial Regulations/Regional Regulations/Regional Head Regulations which are technical in nature, operational can still be carried out, and the OSS System will continue to run as should be. Under the Omnibus Law, 77 Indonesian Laws have been revised through a single law which regulates various sectors. Has simplified into Complicated licensing issues with abundant central & local regulations (hyper-regulations) that regulate the sector, causing disharmony, overlapping, non- operational and sectoral. 186 Article and 15 chapter Investment Ecosystem and Research and Innovation Business Activities Business Licensing Employment Land Acquisition Callala Economic Zones SME and Cooperatives Ease of Doing Business 12 North Sumatra Investment Book Government Investment & National Strategic Project (PSN) Public Administration Imposition of Sanctions Source: Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs#13B BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA FISCAL INCENTIVES POLICY TO BOOST THE ECONOMY A new paradigm in accelerating the licensing process to improve Indonesia's investment competitiveness Ease of Doing Business Risk-based Business License Ex-ante Licensing (satisfying all requirements in advance) is effectively replaced by ex-post licensing (the requirements are checked afterward), which will be particularly advantageous for low- and medium-risk businesses. Risk Based Business Licensing aiming to simplify the procedure to obtain a business license based on risk analysis and determination of the scale of a business (whether it is a small or a big business) There are 16 sectors in which the Gov Regulation No 5/2021 covers licensing: Low Risk Medium Risk High Risk 1. Marine & fisheries; 2. Agriculture; 3. The environment & forestry; 4. Energy & mineral resources; 5. Nuclear energy; 6. Industry; 7. Trading; Only required to obtain a Business Identification Number Business Identification Number + Standard Certificate 8. Public works and housing; Business Identification Number Standard Certificate issued by either the central or regional government License + 9. Transport; 10. Health, medicine and food; 11. Education and culture; 12. Tourism; 13. Religion; 14. Post, telecommunications, broadcasting, electronic systems and transactions; 15. Defense & safety; 16. Employment. Online Single Submission (OSS) – Risk Based Approach (RBA) already implemented starting August 9, 2021 in all regions of Indonesia North Sumatra Investment Book 13#14INVESTMENT FACILITATION OF DOING BUSINESS BB BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA The government facilitates fiscal incentives to create a conducive investment climate, especially for industry players. Through increased investment, it is hoped that it can strengthen the domestic industrial structure TAX HOLIDAY TAX ALLOWANCE INVESTMENT ALLOWANCE SUPER DEDUCTION TAX • The criteria are new investment, taxpayers including pioneer industries, and income received from the main business activities carried out. • There are 18 eligible pioneer industries that consist of 169 KBLI. Pioneer industries are defined as industries possessing broad linkages, giving added value and high externality, introducing new technology, as well as possessing strategic value for the national economy. As of September 2022 (year to date): • . . Total Investment: Rp116 Trillion • Tax Payer: 16 Tax Payer Location: 7 provinces Origin of investment: domestic and 5 countries " • . To increase direct investment activities for certain business fields and / or in certain areas. The facilities include a reduction in net income of 30% of the total investment for six years, accelerated depreciation and amortization, imposition of income tax on dividends paid to foreign tax subjects of 10% or lower and compensation for losses of up to 10 years. The criteria are having a high investment value or for export, a large absorption of labor; or have a high local content. Total Investment: Rp13.4 Trillion Tax Payer: 13 Tax Payer Approval: 16 Minister of Finance Decree Source: OSS September 2022 • To encourage investment in industries, labor-intensive support programs for job creation and absorption of Indonesian workers. • Incentives in the form of net facilities to reduce income by up to 60% for labor-intensive sectors • There are 45 labor- intensive industrial sectors and employ an average of 300 workers in 1 tax year. Total Investment: Rp363 Billion Investment: 2 activities Tax payer: 2 tax payers Source: OSS September 2022 Super Deduction Vocational Engaging industry in vocational activities to provide knowledge and encourage the transfer of knowledge • A maximum reduction of 200% gross income from costs in the context of providing work practice, apprenticeship, and / or learning activities. . As per September 2022, there are 186 agreement for vocational activities (ytd) R & D Super Deduction • • Increase the role of industry in fostering innovation and the use of the latest technology in the production process Maximum gross income deduction of 300% over R&D costs carried out in Indonesia • As per September 2022, there are 13 proposal for research and development activities (ytd), with estimated RnD cost up to Rp97.5 billions Source: Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs 14 North Sumatra Investment Book#15B BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA FISCAL INCENTIVES POLICY TO BOOST THE ECONOMY In the form of relaxation of asset quality assessments, postponement of principal & interest subsidies, low-interest working capital loans guaranteed by Askrindo and Jamkrindo, tax incentives for MSMEs borne by the government, and Productive Presidential Assistance for Micro Enterprises MSMES CREDIT RESTRUCTURING WORKING CAPITAL CREDIT 1 ASSET QUALITY ASSESSMENT 2 POSTPONEMENT OF PRINCIPAL & INTEREST SUBSIDIES 3 According to POJK Placement of Funds at Bank Himbara LOW INTEREST IDR30 Trillion Government KUR Super Mikro: Loan up to IDR 10 million No. 11/POJK.03/2020 & 14/POJK.05/2020 • Interest subsidy will be 19% consist of additional interest subsidy 6% and regular interest subsidy 13%, debtors pays 0% interest from Aug - Dec 2020. 4 KUR MKM (SMEs): Quality Asset Arrangement: Loans S IDR 10 billion can be based only on the accuracy of principal interest payments Restructurisation: The credit quality for affected debtors is determined to be current restructuring since The restructuring is carried out without a ceiling limit / type of financing • Loan up to IDR 10 million up to IDR 500 million Postponement of installments and 6% additional interest subsidy for the period from Apr-Dec 2020 to 0%. KUR MSME Credit, non-KUR: Loan > IDR 500 million up to IDR 10 billion Postponement of installments and interest subsidies 3% for the first 3 months and 2% for the next 3 months 5 UMi, Mekaar, Pegadaian (Pawnshop) • Postponement of principal installments and interest subsidies for 6 months from Apr-Sep 2020 • Fintech Loan, Co-op, Farmers, LPDB, LPMUKP, UMKM PEMDA Relaxation is given a 6% interest subsidy for 6 months Based on Coordination Meeting held by Financing Policy Committee for MSME on December 28, 2020, KUR implementation in 2021 are as follows: Additional interest subsidy 3% for 6 months, debtors pays 3% interest. Increase the ceiling of KUR in 2021 to IDR 253 trillion. GUARANTEE Government support in the form of guarantees by Askrindo and Jamkrindo OTHER SUPPORT Income Tax for MSMEs is borne by Government MSMEs receive a final PPh rate of 0.5% (PP 23/2018) borne by the government (DTP). MICRO BUSINESS PRODUCTIVE 6 PRESIDENT ASSISTANCE Direct assistance to 13 million Micro Enterprises and 1 million street vendors in the amount of IDR 1.2 million per recipient Source: Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs North Sumatra Investment Book 15#16BB BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA WHY INVEST IN NORTH SUMATRA? North Sumatra Investment Book Jumping Stone Tradition, Nias#17B BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA NORTH SUMATRA AT A GLANCE NORTH SUMATRA is one of Indonesian economic proponent with economic growth above national's historically and frequently. With GRDP per capita of IDR 63.19 million/person in 2022, North Sumatra was adequate to be the economic driving force outside Java region. The total population of North Sumatra is the fourth largest in Indonesia and still growing. Eight tribes and various religious beliefs in North Sumatra live in harmony, spread in 25 regencies and 8 cities in an area of 182,414.25 km² build North Sumatra has humongous opportunity to be developed. Renowned for its' fertile soil, North Sumatra become one of the Indonesian central producer of agricultural commodities such as crops and horticultural. Rice production of 2.13 million ton in 2022 propelled North Sumatra to become a rice granary in Sumatra Island. This productivity reflects to land area of CPO, rubber, and coffee in North Sumatra. While, CPO land area is about 442.07 thousand Ha with productivity as much 1.64 million ton, rubber is about 369.42 thousand Ha with productivity as much 310.03 thousand ton, and coffee which specialty arabica coffee is about 77.9 thousand Ha with productivity as much 67.6 thousand ton. Besides that, North Sumatra as one of the marine provinces in Indonesia has a big chance to expand the fishery production. In 2021, North Sumatra produced a volume of marine captured fisheries of 424,876 ton with a volume value of IDR 12,51 billion. It's a huge advantage what North Sumatra has and really possible to grow up as a potential investment. Another superior potential of North Sumatra is the tourism sector. In abundance of vast natural resources and the existence of world's largest volcanic lake, the Lake Toba. North Sumatra offers indisputable tourism experience. It's getting more compliments because the Lake Toba has designated as the Global Geopark by UNESCO in 2020. Moreover, directly adjacent with Malacca Strait has enacted North Sumatra as the center of trade and connectivity in western part of Indonesia. Such potentials are encouraged by central and regional governments to promote existing infrastructure in North Sumatra. Reciprocally, the governments have several priority investments projects in infrastructure, industry, tourism, and transportation sectors to support sustainable economic growth through investment. North Sumatra Investment Book 17#18NORTH SUMATRA PROFILE Nias Barat North Sumatra GRDP in Q1 2023 4.87% (yoy) One of the biggest contributors by economic comparison in Sumatra Island Population (2022) 15.12 million The 4th most populous province in Indonesia HDI 2022 72.71 Categorized as high Employment Rate 70.60% (Feb 2023) Adequate human resources for supporting new business Sibolga Binjai Tebing Medan Tinggi Langkat Serdan Deli Bedagai Serdang Karo B tubara Dairi Simalungun Asahan Pakpak Bharat Samosir Humbang Hasundutan Toba panuli Tapanuli Utara Labuhan Batu Pematang siantar Tanjungbalai Utara Labuhan Batu Labuhan Batu Selatan Tapanuli Padang Lawas Gunungsitoli Selatan Nias Utara Nias Padang sidimpuan Utara, Padang Mandailing awas Natal Nias Selatan 0000 Inflation 3.66% (yoy) May 2023 BB BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA Export (April 2023) USD 698.02 million Decreased -23.33% (yoy) due to global demand shortage North Sumatra Province is geographically positioned between 1°-4° North and 98°-100° East. GOVERNOR: H. Edy Rahmayadi VICE GOVERNOR: Musa Rajekshah CAPITAL CITY: Medan REGENCIES/ CITIES: 25 Regencies & 8 Cities Located at the vast and prosperous area of Sumatra island, with total area of 182,414.25 km2. Strategically positioned along Malacca Strait, it has been a major trade center in west Indonesia. Millennial Province because almost a half of North Sumatra population is under 25 years old Low Minimum Wage Rate At USD177 per month our wage rate is cheaper than several countries in ASEAN. 6 Ports are available to facilitate new business in North Sumatra. AIRPORT 7 Airports which are consisting of 2 international airports & the rest service for domestic flights. 18 North Sumatra Investment Book Source: BPS, processed#19B BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA Aceh 4.63% Sumatra Economic Growth W. Sumatra 4.80% N. Sumatra Bengkulu 4.07% 4.87% ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE North sumatra, national economic growth and north sumatra gdrp share toward sumatra & national 8,00 Riau Islands 6,00 6.51% 4,00 5,03 35 4,87 30 5,05 25 Riau 3.88% 2,00 23,16 20 Jambi 0,00 15 4.63% -2,00 10 S. Sumatra -4,00 5 5.11% -6,00 0 Bangka Belitung || III IV | || III IV I II III IV T II III IV 4.37 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Lampung 4.96% National Economic grw (%yoy) N. Sumatra Economic grw (%yoy) N. Sumatra Economic share twd National (%) N. Sumatra Economic share twd Sumatra (%) Source: BPS, processed • • • In the first quarter of 2023 North Sumatra's economy grew by 4.87% (yoy), relatively high growth despite slowing from the fourth quarter of 2022 which grew by 5.26% (yoy). The economic slowdown in North Sumatra is in line with declining export growth as a result of moderating price trends in North Sumatra's main export commodity, namely Crude Palm Oil (CPO), and the impact of extreme weather phenomena in the first quarter of 2023 on the decline in the quality of agricultural commodities such as palm oil. Nevertheless, North Sumatra's economy remains strong, supported by strong household consumption in line with the Chinese New Year celebration and indications of shifting consumption patterns ahead of Ramadan. In terms of business sector, agriculture, trade, and transportation growth slowed compared to the previous quarter. The deceleration of agricultural foreign affairs in line with the entry of the growing season period of several commodities such as rice, red chili, cayenne pepper, and shallots; and extreme weather phenomena that have an impact on decreasing productivity and quality of several agricultural commodities, including fresh fruit bunches. Nevertheless, North Sumatra's deeper economic growth was restrained by the acceleration of construction and processing industries in line with the acceleration of Trans Sumatra Toll Road (JTTS) infrastructure projects and strong domestic demand. North Sumatra Investment Book 19#20ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE BB BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA North Sumatra's economic is still accelerated positive. The accelerated growth is supported by improvements in almost all economic sectors, both in terms of industrial origin and expenditure including of handling the pandemic which is getting better, thus encouraging the optimization of household spending, the investment sector, improving services and export performance that are getting better. 5,21 5,56 4,80 5,27 5,38 5,30 5,31 5,25 5,11 5,21 4,50 4,73 4,65 III IV I 2017 2018 III 4,95 5,26 4,97 4,70 4,87 3,67 3,81 3,90 IV I II III IV I III IV II -1,85 2019 -2,370202,60 2021 -2,94 GRDP Growth (Industrial Origin, yoy) Transportation and 15,64 Storage Services of Company 11,35 Other Services 9,69 Provision of Food and Drink Accommodation 9,12 Information and Communication 7,76 Trade 7,16 20 North Sumatra Investment Book III IV I ။ 2022 III Q1 2023 GRDP Growth (Expenditure, yoy) HH Consumption Exp. NPISHS Consumption O 5,69 7,46 Government Consumption Exp. 5,19 Gross Fixed Capital Formation 3,37 Export EXPORT 2,45 Import IMPORT 2,06 IV 2023#21B BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA % 8,00 6,00 4,00 2,00 0,00 -2,00 -4,00 -6,00 || 2019 III ECONOMIC & FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE Economic Growth of Indonesia, Sumatra and North Sumatra IV | III IV | || III 2020 2021 ■North Sumatra Sumatra ■National 4,87 4,79 5,03 IV | || III IV I 2022 2023 North Sumatra financial system is still conducive, reflected on positive growth of financing / banking credit. Government efforts to boost real sector are supported by optimizing credit restructurisation for small business and fiscal incentive for resilient financial sectors. Financing g. (%; yoy) April 2023 North Sumatra Financial System Overview Bank Deposit Account (%; yoy) April 2023 NPL (%) April 2023 -0,9% Nominal April 2023 : IDR 252 Trillion Nominal Apil 2022 : IDR 254 Trillion -0,2% Nominal April 2023 : IDR 300 Trillion Nominal April 2022 : IDR 301 Trillion 1,6% Source: Bank Indonesia Nominal April 2023 : IDR 22 Trillion Nominal April 2022 : IDR 20 Trillion North Sumatra Investment Book 21#22INFLATION BB BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA In May 2023, North Sumatra recorded inflation 0.27% (mtm), increased from the previous month which recorded deflation -0.18% (mtm). This was mainly driven by price increases in the volatile food group in line with (i) the increase in animal feed prices, (ii) the end of the harvest period, and (iii) high sea waves that hindered fishermen from fishing. Spatially, North Sumatra experienced inflation with the highest inflation rate occurring in Padangsidempuan 0.49% (mtm), Sibolga experienced the lowest inflation 0.16% (mtm). Meanwhile, the other four cities such as Pematangsiantar, Gunungsitoli, and Medan recorded monthly inflation 0.45% (mtm), 0.38% (mtm), and 0.24% (mtm) respectively. Bank Indonesia Representative Office of North Sumatra together with the Provincial Government of North Sumatra continue to strive to control inflation, especially ahead of religious holidays and new year through the synergy of Regional Inflation Control Team (TPID) of North Sumatra. 22 MONTH MONTH TO MONTH INTE YEAR ON YEAR 31 YEAR TO DATE 0,27 4,00 1,10 0,72 0,10 0,09 3,66 3,62 0,37 N. Sumatra Sumatra Indonesia N. Sumatra Sumatra Indonesia N. Sumatra Sumatra Indonesia North Sumatra Investment Book Source: BPS, processed#23B BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA EXPORT INTERNATIONAL TRADE Adjacent to the world trade route, North Sumatra maintains its trade competitiveness among peer countries. Although the latest export volume of North Sumatra is moderating as a result of extreme weather factors that affect production and export activities. EXPORT USD Billion - Billion Kg 4,2 3,7 3,2 2,7 1,7 1,2 0,7 0,2 222222 IMPORT IMPORT YoY USD Billion Billion Kg - 70% 1,50 60% 1,40 50% 1,30 29,4% 40% 1,20 30% 1,10 20% 10% 1,00 -9,5% 0% 0,90 -10% 65 0,80 -20% 0,70 -30% 0,60 YOY 30% 25% 2 H 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% -5% -11,6% -10% -15% -12,1% -20% II I III IV I || IV 2020 2021 2022 2023 Nilai Impor Volume Impor g. Nilai - RHS Source: Bea Cukai, proceed g. Volume - RHS | VII | VI 2020 2021 2022 2023 Nilai Ekspor (Miliar USD) Volume Ekspor (Miliar Kg) Source: Bea Cukai, proceed 90 Export Shares Based on Countries USD Billion Billion Kg ■Tiongkok ■ USA Euro Area ■India 56,6% ■Negara Lainnya 18,7% 10,2% 5,5% 9,0% North Sumatra Investment Book 23 23#24INVESTMENT REALIZATION BB BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA North Sumatra investment realization in the first quarter of 2023 increased in the previous period. The increase was recorded at 25.48% (yoy) or 18.80% (qtq) with a total realization of IDR11.95 trillion. This realization achievement was supported by the Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry sector which contributed significantly to the total realization of 41% (USD168.56 million/FDI) and the Food Industry sector by 26% (IDR1,559.22 billion/DDI). This realization also recorded an achievement of 23.90% of the total North Sumatra investment target of IDR50 trillion. Based on this realization, Simalungun Regency is the area with the highest investment realization of IDR3.93 trillion driven by the Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry sector of IDR2.34 trillion and the Food Industry sector of IDR1.36 trillion driven by the development of investment in the Sei Mangkei SEZ in Simalungun and the increased submission of Investment Activity Reports (LKPM) of business actors in North Sumatra upon socialization from the North Sumatra Provincial Government. FDI GROWTH 2020 - QI 2023 TOP 5 FDI BY SECTOR TOP 5 FDI BY LOCATION USD Million YOY % Chemical and Simalungun pharmaceutical industries 500 400% 409,86 Electricity, gas and water 13% Medan 893,18 400 300% 7% Other services 300 200% 41% Mandailing Natal 513,94 11% 200 100% Food industry 100 62,63% 0% 13% ■Mining Tapanuli Utara 513,04 15% 0 -100% I II III IV I II III IV I II III IV | Others Toba 376,01 2020 2021 2022 2023 USUSD Million IDR Billion FDI Growth (yoy) DDI GROWTH 2020 - QI 2023 IDR Million 12.000 10.000 8.000 6.000 4.000 2.000 0 YOY % TOP 5 DDI BY SECTOR Food Industry 2.853,66 TOP 5 DDI BY LOCATION Simalungun 1.081,96 150% Transportation, warehouse Deli Serdang 811,11 100% 24% and telecommunication 26% 5.880,05 0% Food, crops, plantation and livestock Medan 777,76 0% 7% Mining -0,40% -50% 16% 11% -100% 16% Tebing Tinggi 729,21 Electricity, gas and water Tapanuli Selatan 659,10 2020 2021 DDI 2022 Growth (yoy) 2023 Source: Investment Ministry/BKPM 24 North Sumatra Investment Book IDR Billion ■ Others IDR Billion#25B BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA INVESTMENT REALIZATION With an increasing investment realization, Singapore dominates investment realization in North Sumatra with share reaching 76.4% followed by Malaysia 6.7% and the Netherlands 5.1% in 2022. This also recorded an increase in investment realization of 85.56% close to the national investment target of IDR 48.70 trillion by the Ministry of Investment/BKPM. FDI IN QI OF 2023 BY COUNTRY e 47.39% 44,72% Singapore USD Million 194.25 + 3,14% 1.77% 0.63% Malaysia Switzerland Malaysia Belgium 183.30 12.88 7.25 2.60 North Sumatra Investment Realization Achievements Rp Trilion 60,00 120,00% 48,70 50,00 50,00 100,00% 41,67 40,00 80,00% 85,56% 30,00 60,00% 20,00 40,00% 11,95 10,00 20,00% 23,90% 0,00 0,00% 2019 2020 2021 2022 BKPM's Target Rp Trillion Realization Rp Trillion 2023 Achievement - rhs Source: Investment Ministry/BKPM North Sumatra Investment Book 25#26VISION AND OBJECTIVE DEVELOPMENT OF NORTH SUMATRA BB BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA www m Vision of North Sumatra: Making North Sumatra Developed, Safe and Dignity Dignity in Life Realizing a dignified society in life because it has faith and piety, the availability of sufficient clothing, a decent house, good education, excellent health, a pleasant livelihood, and affordable prices. Dignity in Politics Realizing clean and green government, good governance, fair and trustworthy, ethical politics, a society that has a national perspective and has strong and harmonious social cohesion. Dignity in Education Realizing a North Sumatran society that is educated, characterful, intelligent, collaborative, competitive and independent. Dignity in Association Realizing a society free from gambling, drugs, prostitution and smuggling so that it becomes an example in Southeast Asia and the world. Dignity in Environtmental Realizing a society free from gambling, drugs, prostitution and smuggling so that it becomes an example in Southeast Asia and the world. Objective Developing Village to Organize City Source: BAPPELITBANG of North Sumatra PPELITRANG of North Suma 26 North Sumatra Investment Book 0#27B BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA NORTH SUMATRA DEVELOPMENT PRIORITY PROGRAMS 2019-2023 1 Increasing Access to Education Fulfillment of human resources that are competitive and can meet the challenges of the times 5 Increasing Tourism Competitiveness Increasing the competitiveness through the implementation of CHSE (Cleanliness, Healthty, Safety, and Environmental Sustainability) principles Increasing Public Health Increasing Bureaucratic Reform 2 Through increasing life expectancy, reducing maternal and child mortality, improving hospital service 6 Realized through good governance through established development priorities 3 4 Increasing Employment Opportunities Through workforce competency training that is integrated with the job market and expand employment opportunities to reducing poverty Increasing of Agriculture Sector Increasing of agricultural and livestock facilities to drive the production and marketing process so that can compete globally 7 8 Increasing Social Society & Sports Through increasing national insight in encouraging a democratic climate and to support for PON XXI 2024 in North Sumatra Environmentally Infrastructure Development Optimization of irrigation networks, construction and management of waste, water and electricity for household electricity needs Source: BAPPELITBANG of North Sumatra North Sumatra Investment Book 27 22#28BB BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA INVESTMENT PROJECTS North Sumatra Investment Book STS 01 KONECRANES Kuala Tanjung Sea Port, Batu Bara Regency MONECRANES#29Lake Toba, Ajibata, Toba Regency 1 TOBA CALDERA RESORT#30Location Ajibata District, Toba Regency, North Sumatera Investment Value Total Infrastructure; Landscape Feature; Office and Supporting Building; Public Facility IDR 26 Trillion or equal to USD 1.75 Billion (Excluding PPN) (USD 1 = IDR 14,800) Land 386.72 Ha Land has been used 4.05 Ha / 1.05% from total area Sectors Tourism Attractions, Agro-Tourism, Hospitality & Property. Business's Scheme • Joint Operation / Long lease Agreement (30 + 15 years) • Other Agreeable Cooperation Form Financial Feasibility IRR 15.95%, NPV IDR118,043 million with Payback Period as long 8 years Key Project Highlights • Investors will be provided with resort, landscape and architecture design guidelines for each individual lot. • . Investors will be provided with ease of permit approval from both Central and Provincial Government through Online Single Submission (OSS). Lake Toba Tourism Authority will give beneficial incentives such as grace period on land compensation during construction (subject to discuss) Lake Toba, Ajibata, Toba Regency Lake Toba, Ajibata, Toba Regency Lake Toba, Ajibata, Toba Regency Source: Lake Toba Tourism Authority/BPODT 30 North Sumatra Investment Book BB BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA#31B BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA Accessibility Site Location Sisingamangaraja XII International Airport (Silangt)-Pangururan 1,5 hrs 170 km Permatang Stantar Simanindo Port Tiga Ras Port Parapat Pangururan Kualanamu International Airport-Site 3hrs 1100 km Medan-Site 3,5hrs 1130km Ajibata-Sigapiton 25 mins Sbisa Airport-Site 5 mins 15.9 km Naingoan and Sepingan Muara Dock Balize Dock Muara Dock Sisingamangaraja XII International Airport (Silangit)-Site 1.5hrs 173.8 km LAND USE PLAN Development Plan Program Entertainment Hotel Mixed Use Village Hotel Ridge Edge Hotel Branded Residential MICE Village Hotel Hotel Lake Toba Scale 1:25000 @ A4 Ridge Edge Hotel Beach Hotel Holiday Villa Lake View Luxury Glamping Low Rise Condo Exotic Lake Holiday Villa Lagoon View Resort SHa 0 200 500 1000m North Sumatra Investment Book لیا 31#32LAND USE PLAN SITEPLAN North Ridge Central Village North Ridge South Ridge South Ridge THEMATIC CONCEPT BB BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA North Ridge Central Village South Ridge Central Village Serene Celebration Leisure Vibrant Adventure Exclusive Integrated Active Wellness Cultural Luxury THEMATIC CONCEPT Lake Toba is one of the five super priority destinations assigned by the Government because of its beauty of nature. The largest volcanic lake in the world and the largest lake in the Southeast Asia. One out of ten deepest lakes in the world, reaching around 500 meters deep. The distinctive geographical of Lake Toba reserves several economic potentials for the benefit of the wide range of communities, especially as a source of bountiful fresh water and lust tropical forest which attract the interest of big industries to invest in the areas. Toba Caldera Resort would that incorporate nature, culture and technology into an Integrated Eco Resort. It also initiates a cutting-edge, engaging educational experience on the history of Lake Toba, a massive caldera created by a super-volcanic eruption 1.2 million years ago; together with its culturally rich communities that live around Lake Toba. 32 North Sumatra Investment Book#33B BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA WHAT YOU CAN INVEST? Brief Project Profile - FIVE-STAR HOTEL & LUXURY RESORT DEVELOPMENT Name of Project Managed By Sector International Five-star Hotel & Luxury Resort Lake Toba Tourism Authority Property Development Joint Operation / Land-lease agreement (30+15 years) Business Scheme • Rate starts from USD 1 / m2/year • Other agreeable cooperation form Key Project Highlight • Investment Size Investor will be provided with ease of permit approval from both central and regional government through online single submission (OSS) The estimated projection of the 10 years IRR for mid-class hotel investment in Lake Toba Area is between 10%-12% (subject to further financial analysis) Subject to discussion with potential investors Example: estimated IDR 500 Billion (equals to USD 37 Million) for a Typical 250-300 Rooms of 5-Star Hotel Development Brief Project Profile - COMMERCIAL FACILITIES Name of Project Managed By Sector Business Scheme Supporting Amenities 3 lots of outdoor adventure / entertainment International MICE Facility Lake Toba Tourism Authority Commercial & Facility Development • Joint Operation / Land-lease agreement (30+15 years) Rate starts from USD 1 / m2/ year Other agreeable cooperation form Key Project Highlight Investment Size • Located in Toba Caldera Resort of total 386,72 Ha Allocated area : • 16.5 Ha for 3 lots of outdoor adventure / entertainment 5.1 Ha for an International MICE facility Subject to discussion with potential investors North Sumatra Investment Book 33 333#34WHAT YOU CAN INVEST? Brief Project Profile - GEO-CULTURAL PARK Name of Project Managed By Sector Geo-Cultural Park Lake Toba Tourism Authority Property Development Joint Operation / Land-lease agreement (30+15 years) Business Scheme • Rate starts from USD 1 / m2/ year • Other agreeable cooperation form Key Project Highlight Investment Size Investor will be provided with ease of permit approval from both central and regional government through online single submission (OSS) Subject to discussion with potential investors Brief Project Profile - BASIC INFRASTRUCTURE Name of Project Managed By Basic Infrastructure Within Sibisa Integrated Resort Lake Toba Tourism Authority Sector BB BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA Business Scheme Key Project Highlight Investment Size • Lake Toba Tourism Authority Joint Operation / Land-lease agreement (30+15 years) Rate starts from USD 1 / m2/ year Revenue sharing Other agreeable cooperation form Located in 386,5 Ha Sibisa Integrated Resort Total Investment for Basic Infrastructure Development IDR 1.6 Trillion (equals to USD 118.5 Million) including road infrastructure, street furniture & landscape, etc Electrical, ICT and Gas Network IDR 145 Billion (equals to USD 10.8 Million) Clean Water Network IDR 154 Billion (equals to USD 11.4 Million) Wastewater Network IDR 251 Billion (equals to USD 18.6 Million) *subject to further study 34 North Sumatra Investment Book#35B BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA PET SEVERAL TENANTS HAD OCCUPIED 1 PT. Bobobox Indonesia The construction of comfortable accommodation through cabin has been present in Toba Caldera Resort since 2021. Currently, there are 11 cabins that are always full and have received enthusiasm from the community widely. 2 PT. Labersa Hutahaean Offering the concept of residential development and star hotels as a support for amenity in the Toba Caldera Resort. 3 PT. Toba Nauli Indah Offering the concept of residential development and star hotels as a support for amenity in the Toba Caldera Resort. Other Prospective Companies North Sumatra Investment Book 35 55#36Lake Toba, Ajibata, Toba Regency Jalan Kapten Patimura No. 125 Kec. Medan Baru Kota Medan Provinsi Sumatera Utara Kode Pos 20153 [email protected] 061-4200-2060 / +62 852 7641 1171 otorita.danautoba Ο otorita.danautoba Otorita Danau Toba CONTACT FOR DETAIL#37Sei Mangkei SEZ, Bosar Maligas, Simalungun Regency 2 SEI MANGKEI SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONE#3838 88 SEI MANGKEI SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONE Sei Mangkei SEZ, Bosar Maligas, Simalungun Regency Location Bosar Maligas, Simalungun Regency Investment Value Infrastructure IDR 5,1 Trillion Investor/Tenant IDR 129 Trillion Or equal to 9.36 Billion Total Area / Land Status 1933,80 Ha/Land Management Rights “อออ 剪 KEK SEI MANGKE Project Developer PT. Kawasan Industri Nusantara (subsidiary of PT. Perkebunan Nusantara III) • Main Industries Palm Oil & Downstream Industries Rubber & Downstream Industries Business Scheme PT. Perkebunan Nusantara III Financial Feasibility • IRR: 15% • Concession: 30 years and extendable to 20 years Project Owner PT. Perkebunan Nusantara III North Sumatra Investment Book B BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA#39B BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA 946 Hv Rib SHE Land Capacity Available Land Scheme 1.933 Ha Utilized 610,83 Ha LAHAN SIAP JUAL LAHAN TELAH TERJUAL OPENGEMBANGAN TAHAP II TAMAN HIJAU SUNGAI BAH TONGGURAN Rent Cost (30 years) : IDR 950.000/m2 (USD 67,4) *The listed price is negotiable *Exclude VAT (PPN) 10%. Investment Mechanism in Sei Mangkei SEZ Letter of Intent in Investment Industry/business types to be built ➤ Land area requirements (m2/ha) ➤ Utilities needs: Electricity, clean water, gas Finalizing & Agreement Signing Agreement drafts negotiation ➤ Notary process of binding compensation of land use Land Compensation Payment ➤ Land clearing & land elevation forming by PTPN III ➤ Arrangement process of building rights by investor through Sei Mangkei SEZ administrator (Integrated One Way Service) 00000 North Sumatra Investment Book 39#4040 North Sumatra Investment Book PROJECT DESCRIPTION: BB BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA Sei Mangkei Special Economic Zone (SEZ) is the first SEZ in Indonesia to be officially fully operated on 27 January 2015. Primary business is palm oil and rubber industries and focused to be the development epicenter of large scale, international quality of palm oil and rubber downstream industry. Area expansion plans are divided into two. The major is palm oil, rubber, and other processing. The supporting businesses are logistic and tourism.#41B BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA ACCESSIBILITY Railway International Airport Highway Kuala Tanjung Port Kualanamu international Airport • Medan Tebing Tinggi As for supports outside area will get these facilities Access to Sei Mangkei SEZ BESITA NG Tebing Tinggi Kisaran Tebing Tinggi Pematangsiantar PELABUHAN BELAWAN KML 21+607 KUALA KML 41+750 BINJAI KML 20+889 MEDAN KML 0+000 LUBUK SIANTAR BANDAR TINGGI RAILWAY LOCATION TO KUALA TANJUNG AND SEZ SEI MANGKEI SIDING PAKAM RML 29+366TEBING TINGGI RML 80+542 BANDARTINGGI KML 98+291 PERLANAAN KML 114+053 KML 48+467 KETERANGA N- Sepur Eksisting Sepur Simpang Sepur Rencana RENC. SEI MAGKEI KML 2+950 KISARAN KML GUNUNG153+739 BAYU PELABUHAN KUALATANJUN G KML 21+500 TANJUNG BALAI KML 174+442 KISARAN KML 153+739 North Sumatra Investment Book 41#42WHAT YOU CAN INVEST? Logistic Zone % 15% 15% 70%L INDUSTRY Tourism Zone 4.0 Industrial Zone INDUSTRY 4.0 ΕΠΕΙ • • BB BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA INDUSTRIAL ZONE Palm oil downstream (oleochemical, refinery, biodiesel) Rubber Downstream Production Support Facility (NPK fertilizer) Various industries (electronics, electricity) Small & Medium Industries LOGISTIC ZONE Dry Port • Tank Farm • Warehouse Packing TOURISM ZONE • Hotel • Golf Course CPO Derivative Products Cooking Oil Margarine Biodiesel Shortening Ice Cream Bakery Fats Soaps Emulsifier Chocolate & coatings Dry Soaps Lubrications Textiles Plastic Cosmetic, etc. North Sumatra Investment Book PKO Derivative Product Fatty Acid Surfactant Glycerine Soap granules Shampoo Biscuits cream fats Coffee Whitener Cocoa Butter Substitute Specialty Fats Sugar Confectionary Detergent Ice cream Shortening etc.. Commercial Area MICE (Meeting, Incentives, Convention & Exhibition) Solid Waste Derivative Products (Shell, EFB, Fiber, and Palm Trunk) Boiler Fuel (Shell, Empty Fruit Bunch / EFB) Potassium Fertilizer Material Compost Furniture Material Fiber Board (Furniture raw materials) Fiber for car seats dan mattresses. Etc. 42#43B BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA WHAT YOU CAN INVEST? RUBBER INDUSTRY ZONE VARIOUS INDUSTRY ZONE Rubber Products (two and four wheels tube and tire) Automotive Products (dock fender, conveyor belt, rubber roll, bridge bearing, rail pad) Latex Goods (gloves, condoms, balloons, foams, catheter) General Rubber Goods (carpet, footwear, sport apparel, household appliances) 麻 Electronic Industry (air conditioner, refrigerator, sewing machines, television, etc.) Chemical Industry (medicine, pharmacy) Food Industry (wheat, sugar, tea, coffee, salt, packed food) General and Building Materials Industry (board, plywood, marble, ceramics) Textile Industry (yarn, fabric, finished clothes) North Sumatra Investment Book 43#44K BB BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA No. Zones Width Industry Facility Road Green Area 1 Palm Oil Industry 245,49 12,69 2 Various Industry 579,50 29,97 3 Production Supporting Facilities 85,06 4,40 TOURISM ZONE 4 Rubber Industry 84,10 4,30 m 5 Electronic Industry 155,40 8,04 ca D 6 Commercial Zones 31,91 1,65 TRY NE 7 Office Area 42,57 2,20 CC 8 Logistic and Warehouse 67,67 3,50 HALM INDUSTRY ZONE 9 Public Facilities 24,50 1,27 10 Housing 11,80 5,78 INE 11 Tourism 117,50 0,61 12 Electricity Industry 38,32 1,98 13 Standard factory Enterprises 19,40 1,00 14 Small & Medium Enterprises 16,30 0,84 RUBBER INDUSTR 6 R 15 WWTP 13,24 0,68 DO = 16 WTP 10,90 0,56 17 ROW Road/Utility 185,10 18 Green park 205,04 9,58 10,60 Total Area (Ha) 1.933,80 CX CH Occupied Land by Tenant: 31.6% From Sei Mangkei SEZ total area 44 North Sumatra Investment Book G !!!!!!!!!!!!!#45B BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA SUPPORTING INFRASTRUCTURE Sei Mangkei Special Economic Zone is supported with sufficient infrastructure so that tenants can improve their productivity optimally. Supporting infrastructures in Sei Mangkei are: HIGHWAY = North Sumatra Investment Book 45#46BB BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA Water Treatment Plan Waste Water Treatment Plan Electrical Installations Gas Pipe 46 North Sumatra Investment Book#47B BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA DYNA SOLID WASTE DUMP TRUCK BE DYNA PT KINRA provides solid waste transport using Dump Truck for all tenants in Sei Mangkei SEZ 90999 North Sumatra Investment Book 47#48PEMADAM KEBAKARAN KAWASAN EKONOMI KHUSUS SEL MANCHE W.RUBERG AB V-5535 FDC FIRE FIGHTER BB BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA PTPN3 PENADAN KEBAKARAN SEMANG FIRE DEPARTMENT engine service PT KINRA also provides fire engine service to always be on standby in Sei Mangkei SEZ area. 48 North Sumatra Investment Book PACIVICA FARM TANK#49B BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA 00 DRY PORT & RAILWAY STATION 2 Linite Dry Port Remission: > TAX BREAKS > FREE EXPORT AND IMPORT TAX > CONVENIENT IN LICENSING > LAND AND BUILDING TAX BREAKS 3 XXXXX North Sumatra Investment Book 49#50FACILITIES AND CONVENIENCE 50 50 PMK 237/2020 BB BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA TAX HOLIDAY Eligible Subjects Minimum Investment Facilities Procedure Business entity FACILITIES AND CONVENIENCE Investors/producers who carry out main activity in SEZ IDR 100 billion Tax holiday 100% • • Business entity as long as 10 years Investors/producers accordance to investment value Investment > IDR 1 trillion as long as 20 years Investment IDR 500 billion to < IDR 1 trillion as long as 15 years Investment IDR 100 billion to < IDR 500 billion as long as 10 years Transition to 50% of income tax (PPh) reduction for 2 years Submission, verification and decision making are done online via OSS system. Verification is carried out by BKPM within 5 working days PMK 237/2020 TAX ALLOWANCE FACILITIES AND CONVENIENCE Investors/producers who : • Carry out main activities in SEZ and choose to be given a tax allowance or do not meet the criteria and requirements of the SEZ tax holiday, or Carry out other activities in SEZ • Eligible Subjects • Reduction in net income by 30% for 6 years (5% per annum) Facilities Procedure North Sumatra Investment Book • • . Accelerated depreciation and amortization Dividend income tax rate of 10% for foreign taxpayers or lower in accordance with Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement (P3B) Loss compensation for 10 years that are given automatically without the need to meet certain conditions Submission, verification and decision making are done online via OSS system. Verification is carried out by BKPM within 5 working days#51B BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA umn B BANK INDONESIA BEING REPRESENTATIE OFFICE Lampa BUSINESS MATCHING Indonesia Investment Opportunity NSI SEVERAL TENANTS HAD OCCUPIED 1 2 3 4 PT Unilever Oleochemical Indonesia One of the world's olechemical companies which located in North Sumatera is welcoming high caliber professionals to come onboard as part of this management team. PT Industri Nabati Lestari Industri Nabati Lestari (INL) established on December 23, 2015 is a subsidiary of PTPN III & PTPN IV which operates a Palm Oil Refining & Fractionation plant with a capacity of 600,000 Mt per year. Having strong raw materials and being located in an integrated facility in the Sei Mangkei Special Economic Zone makes our product prices more competitive. PT. INL is committed to developing and promoting sustainable raw materials into all of our product lines. PT Aice Sumatera Industry Focuses to present ice cream that prioritizes innovation, quality, deliciousness and spreads a healthy and trendy lifestyle to make the day more beautiful, to achieve the dream of becoming the Most Popular Ice Cream Brand in Southeast Asia. PT Perkebunan Nusantara III Integrated and synergistic plantation resource-based business groups in providing value creation for stakeholders. As Well As Several Other Companies North Sumatra Investment Book 51#52Sei Mangkei SEZ, Bosar Maligas, Simalungun Regency Activate Wi Go to Settings Jalan Kelapa Sawit II No. 1 Kawasan Ekonomi Khusus Sei Mangkei Kec. Bosar Maligas Kab. Simalungun Provinsi Sumatera Utara Kode Pos 21183 [email protected]/ [email protected] +62 6229 6628 / +62 811 6322 330 / +62 811 6097 271 kekseimangkei KEK Sei Mangkei / KEK Sei Mangkei PT Kawasan Industri Nusantaran @kekseimangkei CONTACT FOR DETAIL#5302 TEMS TEMISM TEMAR TEMIS Sei Mangkei SEZ, Bosar Maligas, Simalungun Regency 14-> 3 KUALA TANJUNG INDUSTRIAL ESTATE#54KUALA TANJUNG INDUSTRIAL ESTATE BB BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA Location Sei Suka Sub-District, Batubara Regency Investment Value IDR 28.87 Trillion or equal to USD 1.95 Billion (USD 1 = 14,800) Total Area / Land Status 150 ha already available and will be expanded up to 3400 Ha Business's Scheme Direct Investment Project Owner PT. Prima Pengembangan Kawasan Main Industries Industrial Estate Financial Feasibility IRR 12%, NPV IDR 336 trillion with Payback Period 14 years. Has been a dertermination of land procurement area of 1,128 Ha together with local government 54 North Sumatra Investment Book Source: Lake Toba Tourism Authority/BPODT STS 01 Kuala Tanjung Sed Por Regenc KONECRANES#55B BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Kuala Tanjung Port is designated as international hub in western Indonesia as accordance in Presidential Decree of Republic Indonesia No.26/2012, and has been designated as National Strategic Project. Integrated Industrial Estate Kuala Tanjung has several advantages such as strategic location, located in Malacca Strait, vast area to accommodate large scale industries, access to deep sea port that can accommodate largest ship size, and utilization of basic infrastructure and facilities collaboratively. As the gateway to Sumatra, Kuala Tanjung will increase regional economic hotspots by lowering logistic costs and increasing efficiency. Regional development is divided into 4 phases: 1 Multipurpose Terminal Development (2015 – 2019) 2 Industrial Estate Development (2015 - 2030) 3 International Hub Development (2030 - 2040) 4 Kuala Tanjung Development as Integrated Urban Area (2040 - 2050) Basic infrastructure development (highway network, electrical installation, drainage, and raw and waste water processing) is planned to be initiated in 2021. Up until now, major industries in Kuala Tanjung Industrial Estate includes palm oil, food products, beverage products, tire/other rubber products, steel, aluminium, cement, vehicle spare parts, and footwear. North Sumatra Investment Book 55 55#56SITEPLAN www 56 56 JALAN TOL A. RESIDENTIAL ED NEW GOVERMENT OFFICE PARK Can D. PUBLIC SHARED HOUSING FACILITIES SUPPORTIRE REVERS DryWATER TREATMENT PLAST SEWERAGE TREATMENT PLANT c. STASIUN GAS AD TEMPAT DEMBUANGAN SAMPAH SEMENTARA SC WORKSHOP FENGELOLA SEGARDIHUBUNG (STK 13 AI AREA BAKRE AREA FT WILMAR wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww INDUSTRIES REFINARY TANK STORAGE STELL AND/OR ALUMINIUM PETROCHEMICAL POWER PLANT DRY BULK LIGHT NATURALL SUPPORTING SERVICES TANK STORAGE TERMINAL MULTIPSPOSEALA TANING AREA PT INALUM SEGMENT TARGET & VALUE PROPOSITION ALUMINIUM Pure aluminium could be used directly for different industries Inalum is the major producer of alumunium raw materials which is ingot Trade flow will increase because of development, leading to higher GDP North Sumatra Investment Book SENYC.ZERL BRL MENYER Medan City Medan BB BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA International Airport Kuala Namu Salang Buah Kuala Tanjung Industrial Estate will be connected to the Trans Sumatra Toll Road, so that the access road from Medan to KTIE and the surrounding area will be easier. Tebing Tinggi Toll Road - Kuala Tanjung is planned to start operating in 2021 Industrial Estate Kuala Tanjung City Tebing Tinggi eping Tinggi Tebing pg Indeura ----Arterial Road ----Trans Sumatera Highway ----Railway ----Under-Construction Toll Road (Tebing Tinggi -Kuala Tanjung - KEK Sei Mangkei) 108.95 km from Medan 37,46 km from Tebing Tinggi 43,31 km from KEK Sei Mangkei Special Economic Zone Sei Mangkei Lima Puluh#57B BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA WHY? Strategic Location Abundant of Plantations Strong Government Support Availability of Human Resource Its proximality with the Mallaca Straits It has natural water depth up to 23 mLWS •It has large space • to develop It has existing industries, alumunium and palm oil Strong palm oil and rubber hinterlands • Other agricultural products are adding more volume • National Priority Projects • One of the key industrial estate to be developed outside Java As west Indonesian hub It has abundant cheap and low skilled labor which is suitable for manufacturing Productive ages are dominated High skilled labor can easily travel to Kuala Tanjung Integrated with Deep Seaport and Other Infrastructures Supported by decent deep sea port • Connected with hinterland access • Gas and electricity access are provided રાક × 1 North Sumatra Investment Book 57#58WHAT YOU CAN INVEST? BB BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA IRON & STEEL • Existed aluminium facilities in the region • • High demand of iron and steel products Access to raw materials from Kalimantan or nearby import PROCESSED FOODS Large access and supply to livestock, plantation, and fisheries Limited of F&B downstream industries in the province and Sumatra yet high growth of demand, will create sizeable amount of market · PALM OIL FINAL PRODUCTS The final product used by multiple industries such as fertilizer, oil, paper and wood products More than 150 products resulted from palm oil will give significant impact to economy . TIRES • • Tire manufacturing listed as on of labor-intensive industry High integration with natural rubber, synthetic, chemical, plastic and recycling industries AUTO PARTS & ACCESSORIES • High integration with various industries such as rubber, plastic, textile, chemical, aluminium and iron steel • Labor intensive process; high employment opportunities PETROCHEMICAL • • Domestic demand for petrol products is already higher than domestic production capacity Domestic demand is expected to continue growing by at least 1% annually over the next 20 years 58 North Sumatra Investment Book CEMENT Indonesia cement demand expected to highly increase in average to 10% Rebound cement demand in industrialized market such as US & western further spur sales • RUBBER PRODUCTS High attractiveness due to underdeveloped downstream and high demand both global and Indonesia especially industrial rubber Rubber products are highly used in various kind of industries FOOTWEAR . One of the Indonesia labor intensive industry reaching to 4.2% from total manufacture worker Footwear industry gives significant impact to Indonesian export ALUMINIUM • Pure aluminium could be used directly for different industries • Inalum is the major producer of aluminium raw materials which is Ingot Trade flow will increase because of development, leading to higher GDP#59B BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA HERE ARE SEVERAL INDUSTRIES BEST FIT FOR YOUR BUSINESS D 1. PETROCHEMICAL Domestic demand for petrol products is already higher than domestic production capacity Domestic demand is expected to continue growing by at least 1% annually over the next 20 years Without investment in capacity, Indonesia will become heavily reliant on imported petrol products Kuala Tanjung offering its strategic location for this large oil refinery since it has deep water sea port integrated with large industrial estate North Sumatra Investment Book 59#60HERE ARE SEVERAL INDUSTRIES BEST FIT FOR YOUR BUSINESS + 2. ALUMINIUM wwwwwwwwwwwwwww. 60 North Sumatra Investment Book BB BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA Inalum has been producing Aluminium Ingot and Alloy in Kuala Tanjung >As the feedstock is not available in the hinterland, a deep sea port is an excellent location to develop a smelter and its downstreams. Rising middle class throughout the entire country and large infrastructure projects in Indonesia demands more aluminium products Kuala Tanjung is located near Indonesia's fourth most populous city Medan with a big and growing consumer market Aluminium smelting is very labour intensive. There is a presence of cheap labor There is sufficient ample space to develop the expansion of Inalum wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww#61B BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA wwwwwwwwwwwwwww. HERE ARE SEVERAL INDUSTRIES BEST FIT FOR YOUR BUSINESS *** 3. FOOD and BEVERAGES Population in Indonesia and on Sumatra continues to grow, and incomes are rising will be the potential market for this industries Consumer demand for (higher value) food & beverages increases Presence of cheap and low skilled labor for processing, packaging and bottling Abundant agricultural products for further development of value chain Favorable government policy to facilitate this type of manufacturing wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. North Sumatra Investment Book 61#62HERE ARE SEVERAL INDUSTRIES BEST FIT IN OUR AREA BB BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA 62 62 North Sumatra Investment Book 4. CEMENT Close proximity with cement production plants in Aceh and Padang > Continued urbanization and major infrastructure project in North Sumatra will drive cement demand Development of Kuala Tanjung itself will require a lot of cement/concrete Cement industry is labour intensive and does not require much skilled labour Existing port infrastructure and toll road between Medan and Kuala Tanjung will enable cement facilities in Kuala Tanjung to serve Medan There is sufficient space for cement activities wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.#63B BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA 14 4724 wwwwwww 35814T HERE ARE SEVERAL INDUSTRIES BEST FIT IN OUR AREA 5. RUBBER PRODUCTS *** Presence of an abundant, natural rubber in North-Sumatra: Significant natural rubber production in North Sumatra Rising middle class throughout the entire country. This is allowing more and more people the ability for vehicle ownership Strong growth in neighboring markets automotive sales Presence of cheap labor Projects in Indonesia boosting car- sales growth Attractive business climate: possibility for 100% foreign / private ownership of tire manufacturing business wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. North Sumatra Investment Book 63 85#64HOW TO INVEST IN OUR AREA BB BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA STEP 1 Prima Pengembangan Kawasan Interested Companies Request for information Go/Don't Go STEP 2 bbwwwwwwwwww. wwwww Interested Companies STEP 2 Prima Pengembangan Kawasan . • • General Information Masterplan Side plan Cluster/ development wwwwwwwplyw wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. • Feed Back/Q&A . Site visit • Additional Information • Plot application form: a. Area Request b. Utilities Needed c. Other Requirement Go/Don't Go STEP 3 d. Preferred Area wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww 64 North Sumatra Investment Book *** wwwwwwwwwwwwww. www. www.#65B BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA STEP 3 Prima Pengembangan Kawasan Interested Companies Fill in pilot application form • Feedback/Q&A . • Defined Area Proposed Price/ Land Lease • Draft of Go/Don't Go STEP 4 agreement bbwwwwwwwwww. wwwww Interested Companies FINISH STEP 5 Prima Pengembangan Kawasan HOW TO INVEST IN OUR AREA Interested Companies STEP 4 Prima Pengembangan Kawasan • • Area Approval Feedback Price • Comments an agreement Go/Don't Go STEP 5 wwwwwwwwwwwwww.. wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. • . . Sign Agreement Pay for the area (Land lease fee) Pay service/maintena nce fee Pay utilities fee wwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwww wwwww • Final Draft of Agreement Reservation Fee North Sumatra Investment Book 65 65#66STS 01 Kuala Tanjung Sea Port, Sei Suka, Batu Bara Regency ALMIE KONECRANES Jalan Lingkar Pelabuhan No. 1 Belawan Medan Provinsi Sumatera Utara Kode Pos KONEGRAN 20411 [email protected]/ [email protected] 061 41000055 / +62 812 8434 7000 pt_ppk Pelindo 1 PT. Prima Pengembangan Kawasan @pt_ppk CONTACT FOR DETAIL#67Medan Industrial Estate, Deli Serdang Regency 4 MEDAN INDUSTRIAL ESTATE#68MEDAN INDUSTRIAL ESTATE Medan Industrial Estate, Deli Serdang Regency Location Pulau Batam Street Medan Industrial Estate Area BB BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA Business's Scheme 150 Ha is still available and already clear by its existing land Investment Value IDR 359 Billion or equal to USD 23.64 Million Sectors Infrastructure and and manufacturing Land 150 Ha is still available and already clear by its existing land Project Owner PT Medan Industrial Estate Company Source: PT. Medan Industrial Estate Company 68 North Sumatra Investment Book#69B BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA A INTERNAL FLOOD CONTROL SYSTEM DRANASE LEDENCA DRAINAGE STING DRAINAGE RENCANA RENGANA KANAL RETEN -KANAL RETENSI MEDAN JALAN RUANG TERBUKA MAU RUANG TERBUKA BAU KOLAN RETING SESUAI ADAL ATH HUTAN UNDUNG ATHATTAN AREAS ATH NODE & LANCARK JALUR HAU MEDANJALAN JALLA HUU KORDOATERJALAN 000 LAUTER BUNGA RTH AKTIF TAMAN TOL 3 TAMAN REKREASI HUTAN LINDUNG 5 2 KOLAM RETENSI KANAL RETENSI KORIDOR TEROWONGAN AIR & 7 POMPA PENDORONG 4 PROJECT OFFERED IRON & STEEL IDR 114 Billion 5 Budget Year Plan 2021 to 2024 (Multiyears) Source of Funds / Funding Scheme 7YYYYYYYY 799 Location Direct Investment In Medan Industrial Estate area at Pulau Batam Street Land Allocation KANAL RETENSI 6 Description • It is scattered because according to its pipe and track plan Existing canal repair (11,012 m) Addition of existing capacity (7,341 m) • New canal (5,900 m) • Sedimentation / drainage control (15,015 m) •⚫ Transfer pump (4 units) • Median retention canal (2,900 m) Drainage cell (36,707 m) Retention pool (5 Ha) wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. Mylywwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. wwwwwwEAAAA North Sumatra Investment Book 69 69#70PROJECT OFFERED B 70 SECONDARY & PRIMARY OF EXTERNAL DRAINAGE NETWORK FOR FLOOD CONTROL Saluran 1b (sal. Gendong) Penanganan 4,69 km, Flume Beton Saluran 1a Penanganan 2,75 km, Flume Beton Saluran 2 Penanganan = 3,25 km, Flume Beton Saluran 3 Penanganan 1,25 km, Talud Pas. Batu Pintu Air, 2 Pintu. Pas. Batu 品 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww... North Sumatra Investment Book Y BB BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA IRON & STEEL IDR 76 Billion Budget Year Plan 2021 to 2024 (Multiyears) Description Location National Government (PUPR Ministry) . Provincial Government AAAAA • Regency (Deli Serdang) Government Government of Medan City In Medan Industrial Estate area at Pulau Batam Street Land Allocation It is scattered because according to its pipe and track plan +2.67 FLUME BETON BANGUNAN PINTU AIR BOX CULVERT Mylywwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. wwwwww99999#71B BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA COFFICE TOWER Y Hotel & Mice Deskripsi: Stem Sewa Opsi Komersialisasi Market Perusahaan Karyawan, Tamu TenureM Public Operator Hotel Model Kerjasama PROJECT OFFERED Investment Value IDR 169 Billion Budget Year Plan 2021 to 2024 (Multiyears) Source of Funds / Funding Scheme 7YYYYYYYY 799 Location Land Allocation Business Information Center Turkey Potensi Tenant Mix: Tenant KM Perbankan/sa Finansial Perusahaan jasa investas Konsultan Teknologi Industri Strateg Pater Hukum Ketenagakerjaan DLL Kementrian dan Dinas Terkait Komplementer: Komersial F&B DLL Target/End User: Tenant KIM, Investor Puck Description KIM Mart Deskripsi: Opsi Komersialisasi Sistem Sewa Potensi Tenant Mix Lembaga Keuangan & Investasi, Perjua Produk F&B, Kesehatan, Kecantikan Pakaian, UMKM, dan Pemda Target Market/End User Tenant IOM, Public, Online Market Place Model Kerjasama Direct Investment In Medan Industrial Estate area at Pulau Batam Street 6.8 Ha • Commercial areal by rental system scheme for tenants Provides hotel and mice • KIM Mart • Rest area • Modern business and service center Wolwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwFFFFFA North Sumatra Investment Book 71#72SEVERAL TENANTS HAD OCCUPIED BUMN Danareksa KIM INVESTMENT EXPO 2021 Let's west in Mechan EXPO BB BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA 1) PT Musim Mas One of the largest integrated palm oil companies in the world. Located in 13 countries, our main operations in Indonesia, from cultivation to refining and manufacturing. 2 PT Growth Asia one of the world's leading manufacturing foundries. We are part of the Growth Steel Group that was established in 1989 to manufacture wear parts for Steel Mill operations. Since 1996, Growth commenced supplying wear parts to the mining industry. KAWASAN INDUSTRI NOVEMBER MEDAN 3 72 North Sumatra Investment Book 4 PT Charoen Pokphand Indonesia Companies that produce and sell feed, day-old chicks and processed foods that are of high quality and innovate. PT Feedmill Indonesia Public companies engaged in the livestock industry in the production and sale of animal feed, and processed food products. It has more than 4,000 employees and has a very rapid growth of the company. As Well As Several Other Companies PRK VY PONY GO A.N&KF#73Medan Industrial Estate, Deli Serdang Regency Jalan Pulau Batam Komp. KIM Tahap II [email protected] 061 6871177 / +62 853 7373 6779 ptkawasanindustri medan PT. KAWASAN INDUSTRI MEDAN PT. Kawasan Industri Medan CONTACT FOR DETAIL#74Source: Dinas Pemuda dan Olahraga Provinsi Sumatera Utara 5 SPORT CENTER#75B BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA Source: Dinas Pemuda dan Olahraga Provinsi Sumatera Utara Location Sena Village, Batang Kuis, Deli Serdang Regency Investment Value IDR 3.94 Trillion or equal to USD 266.67 Million Land 99.19 Ha/ Land Management Rights Source: Dinas Pemuda dan Olahraga Provinsi Sumatera Utara SPORT CENTER Project Owner Dinas Pemuda dan Olahraga Provinsi Sumatera Utara Business's Scheme Financing, Direct Investment, and other possibility The Sport Center project includes the development of a promising commercial area as a support system for integrated sports venues. North Sumatra Investment Book 75#76VENUES DEVELOPMENT COMMERCIAL AREA DEVELOPMENT A (Office Center Development) Investment Needs IDR 433.75 Billion CC Budget Year Plan 2020 s/d 2023 (Multiyears) TYY 749 Source of Funds / Funding Scheme Stakeholders, investors, third parties Location Integration of Sena Village, Batang Kuis Sub- District, Deli Serdang District Accessibility: Alongside the main road to Kuala Namu Airport will be integrated with Highway and LRT development plan Preparations to support the holding of PON XXI in 2024 and SEA GAMES in 2025 as well as the 2032 Olympics Land Allocation 99.19 ha Expected Endorsement Financial support from third parties (PPP, investors, and stakeholders mechanism) EXPO wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww... 76 North Sumatra Investment Book wwwwwww BB BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA Convention Hal & Ripo Source: Dinas Pemuda dan Olahraga Provinsi Sumatera Utara wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww#77B BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA B COMMERCIAL AREA DEVELOPMENT (Shopping Center Development) Investment Needs IDR 323.47 Billion CC Budget Year Plan 2020 s/d 2023 (Multiyears) TYY Source of Funds / Funding Scheme 749 Stakeholders, investors, third parties Location Integration of Sena Village, Batang Kuis Sub- District, Deli Serdang District Accessibility: Alongside the main road to Kuala Namu Airport will be integrated with Highway and LRT development plan Preparations to support the holding of PON XXI in 2024 and SEA GAMES in 2025 as well as the 2032 Olympics Land Allocation 99.19 ha VENUES DEVELOPMENT Financial support from third Expected Endorsement parties (PPP, investors, and stakeholders mechanism) Source: Dinas Pemuda dan Olahraga Provinsi Sumatera Utara wwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww... wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. North Sumatra Investment Book 77 17#78VENUES DEVELOPMENT 78 C COMMERCIAL AREA DEVELOPMENT (Hotel Development) Investment Needs IDR 524.76 Billion CC Budget Year Plan 2020 s/d 2023 (Multiyears) TYY 749 Source of Funds / Funding Scheme Stakeholders, investors, third parties Location Integration of Sena Village, Batang Kuis Sub- District, Deli Serdang District Accessibility: Alongside the main road to Kuala Namu Airport will be integrated with Highway and LRT development plan Preparations to support the holding of PON XXI in 2024 and SEA GAMES in 2025 as well as the 2032 Olympics Land Allocation 99.19 ha Financial support from third Expected Endorsement parties (PPP, investors, and stakeholders mechanism) wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww... North Sumatra Investment Book wwwwwww BB BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA Source: Dinas Pemuda dan Olahraga Provinsi Sumatera Utara#79B BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA D COMMERCIAL AREA DEVELOPMENT (Entertainment Development: Waterpark Theme Park, etc) Investment Needs IDR 854.86 Billion CC Budget Year Plan 2020 s/d 2023 (Multiyears) TYY 749 Source of Funds / Funding Scheme Stakeholders, investors, third parties Location Integration of Sena Village, Batang Kuis Sub- District, Deli Serdang District Accessibility: Alongside the main road to Kuala Namu Airport will be integrated with Highway and LRT development plan Preparations to support the holding of PON XXI in 2024 and SEA GAMES in 2025 as well as the 2032 Olympics Land Allocation 99.19 ha VENUES DEVELOPMENT Financial support from third Expected Endorsement parties (PPP, investors, and stakeholders mechanism) Source: Dinas Pemuda dan Olahraga Provinsi Sumatera Utara wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww... wwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. North Sumatra Investment Book 79#80VENUES DEVELOPMENT E COMMERCIAL AREA DEVELOPMENT (International Hospital) Investment Needs IDR 1.81 Trillion CC Budget Year Plan 2020 s/d 2023 (Multiyears) 80 TYY 749 Source of Funds / Funding Scheme Stakeholders, investors, third parties Location Integration of Sena Village, Batang Kuis Sub- District, Deli Serdang District Accessibility: Alongside the main road to Kuala Namu Airport will be integrated with Highway and LRT development plan Preparations to support the holding of PON XXI in 2024 and SEA GAMES in 2025 as well as the 2032 Olympics Land Allocation 10 ha BB BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA Financial support from third Expected Endorsement parties (PPP, investors, and stakeholders mechanism) Source: Dinas Pemuda dan Olahraga Provinsi Sumatera Utara wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww... North Sumatra Investment Book wwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.#81Source: Dinas Pemuda dan Olahraga Provinsi Sumatera Utara Jalan Williem Iskandar No. 9 Medan Provinsi Sumatera Utara [email protected] +62 822 6985 0557 disporaprovsu Disporasu Channel CONTACT FOR DETAIL#82KUALANAMUENTERNATIONAL Kualanamu International Airport, Deli Serdang Regency 6 AIRPORT CITY#83B BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA Location Jalan Bandara Kualanamu, Deli Serdang AIRPORT CITY Project Owner PT Angkasa Pura II and PT Angkasa Pura Aviasi • • Investment Value Airport City: IDR 3.9 Trillion or equal to USD 338.38 Million E-Commerce Center Warehouse: IDR 100 Billion or equal to USD 6.98 Million Integrated Commercial Area: IDR 824 Billion or equal to 57.52 Million • Rest Area at Kualanamu International Airport IDR 85 Billion or equal to USD 5.67 Million Business's Scheme Direct Investment Financial Feasibility IIR divided per each project but at least 13.49% with payback period as long 11 years Land Airport City 135 Ha • E-Commerce Center Warehouse 2 Ha Integrated Commercial Area 20 Ha • Rest Area at Kualanamu International Airport 1 Ha Concession Period BOT period up to 32 years with the right to develop and operate Ex Existing Runway Property 001 EE Cargo DEA Terminal Future Runway ☐ 71 Ha 12 Ha 52 Ha Source: PT. Angkasa Pura II dan PT. Angkasa Pura Aviasi North Sumatra Investment Book 83 83#84WHAT CAN YOU INVEST? HOTEL MARKET A B HOSPITAL BB BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA Location Jalan Bandara Kualanamu, Deli Serdang Location Jalan Bandara Kualanamu, Deli Serdang Investment Value IDR 3.6 Trillion Investment Value IDR 388.5 Billion Land 2.3 Ha Land 3.3 Ha Business's Scheme Stakeholders, investor, third parties Discount Rate and IRR 11.36% and 13.49% Clllǝ ניוון Business's Scheme Stakeholders, investor, third parties Discount Rate and IRR 10.97% and 16.71% NPV and BCR IDR 30.822.765 million and 1.18 NPV and BCR IDR 323.762.724 million and 1.16 Payback Period 11 years 1 month 84 North Sumatra Investment Book Payback Period 9 years 2 months#85B BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA THEME PARK C D RETAIL WHAT CAN YOU INVEST? Location Jalan Bandara Kualanamu, Deli Serdang Location Jalan Bandara Kualanamu, Deli Serdang Investment Value IDR 2 Trillion Investment Value IDR 470 Billion Land 40 Ha Business's Scheme Stakeholders, investor, third parties Discount Rate and IRR 11.28% and 15.52% Clllǝ ניוווס Land 3 Ha Business's Scheme Stakeholders, investor, third parties Discount Rate and IRR 10.52% and 16.48% NPV and BCR IDR 1.123.803.651 million and 1.35 NPV and BCR IDR 458.250.787 million and 1.15 Payback Period Payback Period 10 years 5 months 9 years 8 months North Sumatra Investment Book 85#86WHAT CAN YOU INVEST? BB BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA View from The Kualanamu Airport GOLF PARK E Location Jalan Bandara Kualanamu, Deli Serdang Investment Value IDR 127 Billion Land 40 Ha wwwwwwwwwwwww. Business's Scheme Stakeholders, investor, third parties Discount Rate and IRR 11.36% and 13.49% NPV and BCR IDR 72.815.809 million and 1.04 Payback Period 86 North Sumatra Investment Book Clllǝ wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. View to The Kualanamu Airport 12 years wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww#87B BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA A B TRANSACTION SCHEME FOR PROJECTS ABOVE Right to utilize the land Investment Cos ANGKASA PURA II INDONESIA'S AIRPORT COMPANY ******** Strategic Investor BOT Airport City Bot up to 32 Years AIRPORT CITY North Sumatra Investment Book Land lease Concession Revenue 87 89#88WHAT CAN YOU INVEST? E-COMMERCE CENTER WAREHOUSE Location Jalan Bandara Kualanamu, Deli Serdang FL AIRPORT Investment Value IDR 127 Billion AIRPORT Land 40 Ha Business's Scheme Stakeholders, investor, third parties TRANSACTION SCHEME Existing Asset Owner Existing Asset ANGKASA PURA II INDONESIA'S AIRPORT COMPANY Authority of Utilitization BB BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA Dividend Owner Right to Asset Utilization for BOT Period ANGKASA PURA AVIASI www.Strategic Investor BOT E-Commere Land Lease & Concession Fee Revenue Centre Area BOT 25Th Discount Rate and IRR 11.36% and 13.49% Tillǝ • • NPV and BCR IDR 72.815.809 million and 1.04 Payback Period 12 years • Located at the front of the airport, with clean and clear status and has distance 39 km from Medan, the capital city of North Sumatra. A very strategic location and there is no E-Commerce Center Warehouse in Sumatra. Property is surrounded mostly by local housing and few commercial buildings. The nearest commercial development is located in Lubuk Pakam (±10 km from the property). So this is very good visibility from the airport main road. 88 North Sumatra Investment Book#89B BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA INTEGRATED COMMERCIAL AREA - FACTORY OUTLET & MICE G Location Jalan Bandara Kualanamu, Deli Serdang WHAT CAN YOU INVEST? AIRPORT TRANSACTION SCHEME Existing Asset Investment Value IDR 834 Billion AIRPORT Land 20 Ha Business's Scheme Stakeholders, investor, third parties Discount Rate and IRR IDR 196 billion and 20% NPV and BCR 30 years Payback Period 8 years ניוון. Owner Existing Asset ANGKASA PURA II INDONESIA'S AIRPORT COMPANY Authority of Utilitization Dividend Owner Right to Asset Utilization for BOT Period ANGKASA PURA AVIASI www.Strategic Investor Integrated Commercial Area BOT 30Th Land Lease & Profit Sharing Revenue • • Integrated to the e-commerce center warehouse makes this project will cut the logistic cost. Near to the Kualanamu International Airport and Medan City, this place will create a new promising economic market in North Sumatra. 00000000 North Sumatra Investment Book 89#90Jalan Bandara Kualanamu, Deli Serdang [email protected] (for project Airport City) [email protected] (for project E-Commerce Center Warehouse and Integrated Commercial Area) 138 / 0878-8743-4864 (for project Airport City) 138 / +62 813-9113-3899 (for project E- Commerce Center Warehouse and Integrated Commercial Area) Kualanamu International Airport Deli Serdang @angkasapura2 @angkasapuraaviasi ernation Kualanamu International Airport, Deli Serdang Regency CONTACT FOR DETAIL#914 111 7 BUS RAPID TRANSIT MEBIDANG#92BUS RAPID TRANSIT MEBIDANG Location Jalan Bandara Kualanamu, Deli Serdang Capacity 153.000 people/day Investment Value USD 1.56 Billion or equal to IDR 2.31 Trillion (USD1 = IDR14,800) Business's Scheme Direct Investment, and Other Possibilities Track Distance 179 Km Financial Feasibility Still in the stage of compiling the study Project Owner Transportation Agency of North Sumatra Benefit Cost Analysis With the congestion situation and increasing private vehicle ownership, the reduction in emissions and the number of accidents can increase Reducing CO2 emissions up to 29.240 tons Reducing the number of driving accidents 6% L Reduces travel time of increasing efficiency 29% Create new jobs and improve human resources 92 North Sumatra Investment Book BRT BB BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA Source: Dinas Perhubungan Provinsi Sumatera Utara#93B BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA MEBIDANGRO ADMINISTRATIVE AREA ...this is a good condition to provide mass vehicle that can connect to several regions. Binjai City Population (lives/Km2 4.627,34 Population (lives) 8939 273.892 Medan City Population (lives) 2.264.145 eeee OOP Population (lives/Km2 8.543,94 Total Area (Km2) 59,19 Road Length (Km) 369,63 Karo Regency (Dolat Rakyat District, Merdeka District, Berastagi District, Barusjahe District) Population (lives) 008 e9e9 102.010 Total Area (Km2) 234,96 Population (lives/Km2 2.547,23 Road Length (Km) 214,55 Selat Malaka A 4 Total Mebidangro Population (lives) 4.795.672 000 8980 OOP Total Area (Km2) 2.800,83 Total Area (Km2) 265 Road Length (Km) 3.317,05 Deli Serdang Regency Population (lives) 2.155.625 eeee Total Area (Km2) 2.241,68 Population (lives/Km2 16.680,12 Road Length (Km) 7.718,81 Population (lives/km2 961,61 Road Length (Km) 3.817,58 North Sumatra Investment Book 93 55 REKOA#94DEVELOPMENT OF BRT MEBIDANG 94 BB BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA BRT Mebidang is the first stage to realize the gradual development of the LRT Mebidang, while looking at the prospective community mockups which include Medan-Binjai-Deli Serdang Koridor BRT Medan: Stasiun BRT Koridor BRT 1 Arah Koridor BRT 2 Arah 0 N 13 9 10 2 km 14 16. 15 210019 ⚫20 220 24 25 26 27 ITDP state for Transportation & Development Policy 30 33 31 32 1 Koridor BRT Jalur Khusus (21 km, 33 halte) dengan jangkauan Kota Medan Trotoar dan Jalur Sepeda Jalur BRT Jalan Trotoar ECOL ECO North Sumatra Investment Book 091 Hamparan Perak Belawan nera Toll Rd Medan Binjai Toll Rd Mein Binjai wwwwwwwww Tanjungpiorawa 18 Koridor Direct Service (xxxx km, halte tbc) dengan jangkauan Mebidang BUS STOP 073 23-58 RT Lubuk Pakam Estimation of the required bus needs 440 unit#95B BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA km WHAT WILL BE BUILT? 2023, the first mass transit line will be built is BRT Mebidang 000 to 2023 Legend Operated Train Station Active Railway Angkot, Angdes. AKDP. Transmebidang BRT Mebidang Line 1 Corridor Pinang Baris - Amplas Length: 18 km Station 23 stations Ridership: 210.000 pax/day Medan City Deli Serdang Regency egis to 2028 Corridor H Corridor Helvetia - Denai Service Level 1 (for example BRT) Line: 15 km - 29 stations Ridership: 202.000 pax/day CAPEX: IDR 1,5-1,9 T (USD 105-130 million) Year: 2026 Corridor U Corridor Sumarsono - Denai Service Level 2 (for example Tramway) Line 13 km - 25 stations Ridership: 187.000 pax/day - CAPEX: IDR 3,3 – 4,1 T (USD 230-280 million) Year: 2026 Corridor G to 2035 Corridor: Bunga Sakura - JI. T. Amir Hamzah Service Level 2 (for example Tramway) Length: 15 km Station 27 stations Ridership: 222.000 pax/day CAPEX: IDR 3,5-4,3 T (USD 240-295 million) Year: 2030 Corridor T to 2035 Corridor: Denai - Batang Kuis Service Level 1 (for example BRT) Length: 14 km Station 23 stations Ridership: 197.000 pax/day CAPEX: IDR 1,4-1,8 T (USD 98-120 million) Year: 2030 Corridor B to 2035 Corridor : Simalingkar - Jl. T. Amir Hamzah Service Level 3 (for example LRT) Length: 16 km Station 25 stations Ridership: 260.000 pax/day CAPEX: IDR 9,9-12,1 T (USD 680-830 million) Year: 2030 здороввоздоров North Sumatra Investment Book 95#96BRT DEVELOPMENT IN MEDAN Medan Binjai Toll Ro Plaza Medan Fair Terminal Pinang Baris Flamboyan BRT Depot Plan in Medan City BB BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA Capacity Luas Information 0.74 Ha Medan City Government land, has Location UNIMED (North east/Timur Laut) Depot 1: Pinang Baris 67 Terminal Amplas Depot 1 and 2 can accommodate 50% of the total bus demand for the entire BRT network system in Medan. For another 50% gap and the development of a larger public transportation system, an additional depot location belonging to the Regional/City Government is required. 96 North Sumatra Investment Book received a depot construction permit Depot 2 : Amplas 178 1.96 Ha Medan City Depot 3: Flamboyan Government land, has received a depot construction permit 26.00 Ha Belongs to Medan City Depot 4 : Plaza Medan Fair 2.8 Ha Belongs to Medan City North East UNIMED Alternative land that needs to be acquired Location options for land owned by the Regional Government that can be used as depots#97135 Jalan Imam Bonjol No. 61 Kec. Medan Polonia Kota Medan Provinsi Sumatera Utara Kode Pos 20157 [email protected] dishubsu +62 812 6067 538 / www CONTACT FOR DETAIL#98BB BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA INVESTMENT SUPPORTING FACTORS North Sumatra Investment Book KELUR#99B BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA As one of the biggest provinces in Indonesia, North Sumatra has a vary supporting facilities/factors to boost better investment. It reflects to adequate infrastructure repairments, high quality human resources, transportations availability, ports, industries, and the beautiful scenery tourism destinations. Besides that, due to its strategic location which is supported by world trade route, makes investment and trading flows are accelerated in North Sumatra. INVESTMENT SUPPORTING FACTORS I. High Quality Human Resources North Sumatra is known as one of the regionals in Indonesia with the most and highly qualified human resources. More than 50% of total population in North Sumatra are in productive age of 15-64 years old or it can be called as millennial. It shows that we have creative, innovative, and competitive human resources. Through that number also indicates that North Sumatra is really capable to supply local labors for regional development. Unemployment Rate Population at the age 15 and over that are employed based on education level 6,91% 6,33% 6,16% 5,60% 5,56% 5,41% 25,21% 19,92% 2017 2018 42,50% 12,37% 2019 2020 2021 2022 Primary School Junior High School Senior High School University EMPLOYMENT RATE (FEB 2023) 70.60% 2022 North Sumatra Investment Book 99#100INVESTMENT SUPPORTING FACTORS BB BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA Port Connectivity Belawan Port Location: Medan City Sibolga Port Location: Sibolga City Angin Port Location: Gunungsitoli City Healthcare Facilities Kuala Tanjung Port Location: Batu Bara Regency Tanjung Tiram Port Location: Batu Bara Regency Tanjung Balai- Asahan Port Location: Tanjung Balai Regency " " " " North Sumatra Province is enriched with accessible sea and open water lane through ports. Up until now, there are at least six ports in North Sumatra that are ready to operate and facilitate distribution of goods. 曲 100 888 Hospital 179 Unit Maternity Hospital 19 Unit Polyclinic 813 Unit Public Health Center 624 Unit Supporting Public Health Center 1.822 Unit North Sumatra Investment Book HOSPITAL =#101B BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA INVESTMENT SUPPORTING FACTORS III Port Connectivity Int. Silangit Airport Location: North Tapanuli Regency Bandara Dr. Ferdinand Tobing Location: Central Tapanuli Regency Binaka Airport Location: Gunungsitoli City Aek Godang Airport Location: South Tapanuli Regency IV Highway Kualanamu International Airport Location: Deli Serdang Regency Sibisa International Airport Location: Toba Regency Bandara Lasondre Location: South Nias Regency North Sumatra on daily basis is always improving with adjustments on both are facilities and infrastructures. They are for providing the ease of accessibility in investment. 0000 Other supporting facilities are more complete with the availability of airports for domestic as well as international route. The existence of airport is strategically designed to be integrated with railway to increase the efficiency flow of goods and passengers. Province Highway length (km) State Roads (km) Provincial Roads (km) North Sumatra 40,737.18 2,630.37 3,005.65 Regional Roads (km) 35,101.16 Bridge (unit) 880 Sumber: BPS Sumut (processed) ון North Sumatra Investment Book 101#102BB BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA TOURISM SITE North Sumatra Investment Book#103B BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA .I. ACEH Tuhemberua Awaay oulaukampal 2 alansusu 3 Boh Tanjungiangkat Patumbak O 3010 Pangkalan brandan Tanjungpura Padangtualang PO Hinaikini Tanjungselamar Tanjungberingin S.Sarangan G.Bandahara STABAT Belawan Hamparperok 5 ng BINJAN Selesai Bata Kwala MEDAN Pancurbat Delitua andeli LUBUKPAKAM Perdut O SELAT MALAKA kalaperbaungan, Tanjungmorawa Simpangampat Mardinding 2451 Laubaleng Simpangempat Binanga O igad Kalabuluho Junar Tic 7 Sibolangit Tigajuhar Kutarib,drapyra G.Sibayak Kutabuluh G.Sinabung Sipispis Perdangan Negeritiólok 6 4 AHE Dotdkmergan sahe Sindarraya S Pematangraya, Saranpadang O ° Bangunpurba Dejak masihul TEBING TINGGI Kualatanjung Tanjunggading Tanjungtiram 0 Kabuhanzoku Pasarbary Serolawan Ujungpandar KISARAN ° PEMATANGSIANTAR Tigalingga Bontu raja Dk.Sibuan 1 Parongilo Sumbul O 10 jongah Balata o Pematangtanahjawa Buntuang n Tigadolok anjaitan Sarmatondang Teluknibung Sungaikepayang TANJUNGBALAI Simpangempat Airbatu Airjaman ° SIDIKALAN Proper Ambarita O Banderparmandogei Bandarpulau o Pulaurakyat Suka Pangururan Harianboha Kotarame umbanjulu 10 Asahan Sungaiberopbang Pangkalanlunang Panjarbaru O To.Bangsi Aekkanopan O Kampungmesi Siguragure Porsea Hutagalung Doloksangg Muara O- Onanganjang ° Barus Mogang P. Samosir A.Simpang Kanan Parlilitan o G.Pinapan Pakkat 10 20374 Parmodangan Nainggolan Silaon Benderdurien Leguboti o Balige Parsoburan Lintongnihuta Siborongborong 2300- G.Sihab habu Labuhanbilik Gajahmati Aekkotabat Merbau Bedongkong Tangkahan S.Merba Langkat Regency D RANTAUPRAPAT O Sipoholan O Huragaroga Pangaribuan Tolanto lan S Sorkam Kalang TARUTUNG Rempungrak yat Bila nandolok lankoting 8 9 Onanhasanga O Sipangimbar Sarolla G.Tampulonanjing Sipiongot P. Musala Tel. Tapanuli Lumut 2009 Sipirok Tanjungmedan • Kotapinang Situmbulan Langgapayung Gunupgtua S.Barumurt 5 tna Ombolat P.Nias GUNUNGSITOLI Badsvihona Ono namo lo ° Latoni ira Mandrehe mbu Gomo Colowau '. HINAKO о Lolamaya Halejohulu 04 P.Tanahmasa Legund Telukdalam O Binanga RIAU PADANGSIDEMPUAN Pamuludah Sirumamb Tanjung Pintipadang o Sosopanjalu Singkuang Gadis Sibuhuan Siabu Ujungbatu Panyabungan Tabuyung Muarasoma Nata 2145 G.Sorikmerapi Hutanogan Natal Muarasipong TOURISM SITE Super Priority Tourism Site Lake Toba Priority Tourism Site Bukit Lawang Langkat Regency Attractive Tourism Site Berastagi Karo Regency 6 Maimoon Palace Medan City Muara Opu Beach South Tapanuli Simalem Resort Dairi Regency Regency 9 10 Mursala Island Central Tapanuli Regency Poncan Island Sibolga City Silahisabungan Dairi Regency North Sumatra Investment Book 103#104LAKE TOBA & RESORT 104 Balige, Toba Regency BB BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA The Largest Volcanic Lake in The World الشارق U.I.M. WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP a INTERIASS 20,2 km away or only 38 minutes from the Silangit i International Airport • • 3-4 hours from the Kualanamu International Airport 4-5 hours from Medan City by using public transportation / personal vehicle Offers you: . The beauty of the largest Caldera Lake in the world Bataknese culture: villages, museums, palaces of the Bataknese people Camping Traditional & modern souvenir shops Culinary F1H2O International Power Boat Event in Balige North Sumatra Investment Book Lake Toba is an immense volcanic lake covering an area of 1,707 km² (1,000 km² bigger than Singapore) with an island in its center. Lake Toba Caldera is one of the five super priority destinations in Indonesia and had designed as the Global Geopark by UNESCO in 2020. In 2023, Lake Toba was chosen as the Venue of world's foremost international series of single-seater inshore circuit powerboat racing, F1 Powerboat (F1H2O) and it is planned that the location will still be developed for the next 5 years.#105TANGKAHAN The Hidden Paradise in North Sumatra • • 3-4 hours from the Kualanamu International Airport 2-3 hours from Medan City by using public transportation / personal vehicle i Offers you: The beauty of nature and friendly people The area for elephants rehabilitation Camping Waterfall and fresh rivers water Culinary BB BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA Batang Serangan, Langkat Regency Some calls it "the hidden paradise", Tangkahan is a nature wonder where you can play and have fun with the friendly elephant. Here, you also can explore the jungle and enjoy the fresh river water North Sumatra Investment Book 105#106BUKIT LAWANG 106 Bahorok, Langkat Regency • 3 hours from the Kualanamu International Airport • 2-3 hours (80 km) from Medan City by using public transportation / personal vehicle i Offers you: Tracking the jungle to find the orangutan conservation Hostelry Rafting Camping Fresh rivers water Culinary North Sumatra Investment Book BB BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA Conservation Site for Orangutan Amazing panorama, surrounded by forests, rivers, and the mountain that stretches along the island of Sumatra. You won't miss the moment with this endemic creatures for sure!#107TAMAN ALAM LUMBINI The Beauty and Cultural Experiences are Providing Here • • 3 hours from the Kualanamu International Airport 2 hours (66 km) from Medan City by using public transportation / personal vehicle i Offers you: Traditional and cultural exhibition Sinabung hills resort Kubu and Gundaling hills Cool and fresh air Waterfall, lake and hot water spots Culinary and plantation experience BB BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA Berastagi, Karo Regency The highland view of Berastagi would bring you the new kind of experience North Sumatra Investment Book 107#108MAIMOON PALACE The Heart of Medan City • 2 hours from the Kualanamu International Airport and i • only 30 minutes by using Railink train transportation Existing in the center of Medan City Offers you: Traditional and cultural of Melayu experience Souvenir shop Photo spots Knowing the legacy of Melayu Deli Kingdom 108 North Sumatra Investment Book BB BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA The Heritage of Melayu Deli Kingdom Fanni Historical value and the beauty of Melayu Deli tradition which had connectivity to the Grand Mosque would be a good tease for your travel experience#109MUARA OPU BEACH The Home for Turtles BB BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA Muara Batang Toru, South Tapanuli Regency • 1 - 2 hours from the Aek Godang Airport in North i Padanglawas and from Dr Ferdinand Lumban Tobing in Central Tapanuli . 5-6 hours from Toba Lake by using public / personal vehicle • 7 - 8 hours to travel this site from Medan City by using public/personal vehicle Offers you: Releasing turtles into the beach exhibition Turtle conservation Swimming together with turtle experience Cultivation of coral reefs With 17 km shore length, Muara Opu beach is home for thousands of turtles which breed once a year. You could feel the nature experience while seeing the breath-taking view North Sumatra Investment Book 109#110SIMALEM RESORT Merek, Karo Regency BB BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA The Sunrise Highland • 2-3 hours from Parapat, Simalungun Regency • 3-3.5 hours from Medan City by using public / personal vehicle i The clouds is just an inches away. Surely you don't want to miss a single moment of sunrise and sunset! • 3-4 hours from Silangit International Airport Offers you: Comfortable resort Garden and green space experience Camping ground and adventure zone Labyrinth space Amphitheatre and Toba multi purpose hall Fabulous view which directly to Lake Toba 110 North Sumatra Investment Book#111MURSALA ISLAND The King Kong Island BB BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA Tapian Nauli, Central Tapanuli Regency • 1 - 1.5 hours from Sibolga City by boards i The awesome scenery and its authentic wilderness have • 3-4 hours from Nias Islands by boards • 9-10 (215 km) hours from Medan City by using public / personal vehicle attracted the world. Proudly present Mursala Island, where King Kong movie (2005) production took place . 3 3-4 hours from Silangit International Airport Offers you: The beauty of the waterfall One of the waterfalls in the world that plunge directly into the sea The combination between fresh water and sea water Snorkeling and diving experience North Sumatra Investment Book 111#112PONCAN ISLAND Sibolga City BB BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA The Exotic Island 112 • 2 hours (66 km) from Silangit International Airport i • 9-10 hours from Medan City by using public / personal vehicle Offers you: Amazing snorkeling and diving experience White sand and beautiful shoreline Culinary North Sumatra Investment Book Imagine an island with a beautiful landscape, blue ocean, it's crystal clear. That's exactly what Poncan Island offers you#113SILAHISABUNGAN BB BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA Where Nature meets culture Dairi Regency • 2-3 hours from Parapat, Simalungun Regency Natural beauty, cultural experience and religious i • 3-4 hours from Medan City by using public / personal vehicle pilgrimage, Silahisabungan is a majestic place like no other can find inner peace 3-4 hours from Silangit International Airport Offers you: Health care facility Camping Snorkeling and diving experience Hostelry Popular photo spots Sunset and sunrise scenery North Sumatra Investment Book 113#114BB BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA GAYO SMALL MEDIUM ENTERPRISE ALOYA 1st Grade Fresh Coffee North Sumatra Investment Book SINGLE ORIGIN ARABICA 200 gram/ 7,06 oz#115B BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA SMALL MEDIUM ENTERPRISE WOVEN FABRIC Indonesia is known by many local races and ethnic that reflected by our fashion style. North Sumatra could offer and fulfil your ethnical desire with Songket and Ulos, which identical with Batak Tribe HHHH ULOS SIANIPAR There are various types of fabric pattern and also accessories which are made from Ulos fabric such as dresses, bags, shoes etc [email protected] +62 812-6584-6702 O galeryulos_sianipar Oiwah rakitenu RAKI TENUN Various types of woven products such as raw fabric, clothes, and other accessories [email protected] +62 813-7543-7933 Oiwah_rakitenun IR & IR SONGKET DELI Translates traditional textile from Deli Malay Indonesia into modern style textile products. This such heritage is worth the world-wide sharing [email protected] +62 811-6517-766 O songketdeli LANGGAM BATIK The way to keep and pride our traditional wear which is Batik with typical of Bataknese batik motif [email protected] +62 812-6364-6436 langgamsouvenir North Sumatra Investment Book 115#116SMALL MEDIUM ENTERPRISE BB BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA Coffee North Sumatra is very famous for its specialty coffee such as Lintong, Mandailing, and Sidikalang. These kind of coffee are among the best and most sought after coffee in the world. Maga Coffee Arabica Mandailing Lake Toba Organic green beans and roasted beans wild civet, wine coffee, etc. The Perfect Blend Arabica Blue Toba Organic DISKES FIRT 1278-21 2000 17 [email protected] 0821-6745-8276 @magacoffee Aloya Coffee MANDHELING LINTONG Mandheling, Lintong, Longberry, Gayo green beans and roasted beans, cascara, coldbrew [email protected] 0821-6745-8276 ALOYA 241 Pirate Frass Calli ALC SINGLY ORIGIN 200 gm/704 200 gram/7.06 Astari Coffee Arabica Lintong, Arabika Sigordang,Arabika 116 North Sumatra Investment Book مياه Mabulang, Robusta Sidikalang Sigordang [email protected] 0822-7977-9352 Astari Coffee#117SMALL MEDIUM ENTERPRISE Coffee North Sumatra is very famous for its specialty coffee such as Lintong, Mandailing, and Sidikalang. These kind of coffee are among the best and most sought after coffee in the world. COLD BREW BRK C Drip Coffee Arabica Lintong, Arabica Samosir, Arabica Sidikalang, Arabica Mandailing, Arabica Karo, Arabica Blue Batak coldbrew coffee, wine coffee, and beauty products [email protected] 0821-1758-8175 A Sinergi Coffee Arabica Karo SINERGI COFFEE SINERGI COFFEE green beans and roasted beans 2222222 06 [email protected] 0813-7558-8774 140 DRASMIS SVUEALIZ A3 Cimbang Coffee Arabica Coffe green beans and roasted bean, and powder M [email protected] 082160550726 ルト Kopi Cimbang Sinabung BB BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA North Sumatra Investment Book 117#118SMALL MEDIUM ENTERPRISE Semut BB BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA Other Product North Sumatra also has vary products that are produced from local small medium enterprise and those have been popular tiren UN AWAY [email protected] [email protected] Gula Semut Aren Palm Sugar Made from pure palm sugar Has a lot of nutrients Practical to use as a sweetener 081397610484 gulasemutarenberkahbuluhawar [email protected] Gula Aren Alam Makmur Palm Sugar Produced packaged brown and palm sugar Produced bandrek palm Sugar Produced Choco palm sugar 0811602211 gulaarenmedan ontak k COCO Mata De Coco Sapo Durin Palm Sugar Nata De Coco 08116502012 Sapodurin ac Zack Zac Zack Krezz KI KR Palm Sugar Potato chips Banana crackers Cassava chips Tempe Chips Crispy mushroom 085296661433 Zack Krezz [email protected] Pop Corn Brontak Palm Sugar Crunchy caramel popcorn wrapped in 5 unique flavors: Caramel Chocolate, Caramel Cheese, Caramel Tiramisu, Caramel Mango and Caramel Strawberry. popcornbrontak [email protected] 081388054676 118 North Sumatra Investment Book#119BB BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA INVESTMENT INCENTIVE North Sumatra Investment Book#120INVESTMENT INCENTIVE IN NORTH SUMATRA I. Import Duty Facilities Import duty exemption for 2 years or directly submit a request for 4 years for companies that use local production machinery (minimum 30%). This facility applies for goods and services producing companies, including: Telecommunication Tourism and Culture Mining 6 2 Public Transportation 5 Construction 7 Ports 3 Public Health Service BB BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA Requirements Importing machineries, goods and raw materials Not yet produced by local companies. If local machineries are available but unable to meet required machineries requirements. If local machineries are available but unable to meet required machineries numbers. II. 30% of Investment Value Government of Republic of Indonesia has issued a new regulation related to Tax Allowance policy, namely Government Regulation No. 78 Year 2019 on 12 November 2019. DATA 183 business fields meet the requirements to receive tax allowance, expanded from 145 segments on previous regulation. With certain requirements including investment value or export orientation, labor absorption, Domestic Component Level (TKDN), and project location (especially outside Java island). Deduction of companies' net income which amounts to 30% of total investment that will be done over a 6-year period (equivalent to 5% deduction per annum). 120 North Sumatra Investment Book#121B BANK INDONESIA xx BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA TAX 2 3 > * III. Tax Holiday Policy SMALL MEDIUM ENTERPRISE Ministry of Finance of Republic of Indonesia has issued a new regulation related to Tax Holiday policy: Minister of Finance Regulation No. 150/PMK.010/2018 on 27 November 2018. "Deduction of Corporate Income Tax is to be granted within 5-20 years period" Base metal upstream industry (steel or non-steel) with or without its integrated derivative Oil and natural gas refinery industry with or without its integrated derivative Coal, natural gas, or crude oil based petrochemical industry with or without its integrated derivative Organic-based chemical industry obtained from Agriculture, plantation, or forestry with or without its integrated derivative 5 Inorganic-based chemical industry with or without its integrated derivative 6 Pharmaceutical main raw materials industry with or without its integrated derivative 7 Irradiation, electromedical, or electrotherapy equipment manufacturing industry 8 9 10 Electronics or telematics main components manufacturing industry such as semiconductor wafer, backlight for Liquid Crystal Display (LCD), electrical driver, or display Machineries and machineries components manufacturing industry Robotics components manufacturing industry to support machinery manufacturing industry 11 Power plants main components machinery manufacturing industry 12 Vehicles and vehicles main components manufacturing industry 13 Ships main components manufacturing industry 14 Trains main components manufacturing industry 15 Aeroplane main components manufacturing and aerospace supporting activities industry 16 17 Agriculture, plantation, or forestry based pulp production industry with or without its derivative Economic Infrastructure 18 Digital economy including data processing, hosting, and other related activities North Sumatra Investment Book 121#122BB BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA HOW TO INVEST IN NORTH SUMATRA 13,190.15 +0.98% 25,331.80 -0.63% 23,200.6 0.39 28,33 North Sumatra Investment Book#123B BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA HOW TO INVEST IN NORTH SUMATRA? KEMENTERIAN KOORDINATOR BIDANG PEREKONOMIAN REPUBLIK INDONESIA HOW TO INVEST IN NORTH SUMATRA? Business and investment potential will not be optimal without strong commitment from both central and regional governments. Our effort to keep improving the facilities for investors has been realized on national level by having Online Single Submission (OSS) system, a business licensing issued by OSS Institution for and on behalf of the minster, institution leader, governor, or regent/mayor to business practitioners through integrated electronic system. On regional level, North Sumatra owns an application to simplify application-based licensing namely "SIAP LAYANI". This application will ease the investors in proposing business license on regional level, without face-to-face registration and documents submission. The efficiency of licensing services that has becoming more convenient is our commitment to increase the realization of regional investment. MEMPEROLEH NOMOR INDUK BERUSAHA (NIB) Nomor Induk Berusaha (NIB) adalah identitas Pelaku Usaha dalam rangka pelaksanaan kegiatan berusaha sesuai bidang usahanya. NIB wajib dimiliki pelaku usaha yang ingin mengurus perizinan berusaha melalui OSS. 1. LOON OSS user-id password OSS • Login pada Sistem OSS menggunakan User- ID dan Password. • Mengisi data-data yang diperlukan, seperti: data perusahaan, pemegang saham, kepemilikan modal, nilai investasi, rencana penggunaan tenaga kerja, rencana permintaan fasilitas perpajakan dan kepabeanan. 2. Pelaku usaha akan menerima notifikasi dari OSS untuk mengubah jenis bidang usahanya, jika bidang investasi yang diinput tidak memenuhi ketentuan Daftar Negatif Investasi (DNI). Catatan: DPMPPTSP Prow MEKANISME PELAYANAN PERIZINAN PADA APLIKASI SIAPLAYANI Buka aplikasi SIAPLAYANI melalui laman Cetak Resi MASUK 3. NOMOR INDUK BERUSAHA NIB שם 回D TDP API AKSES KEPABEANAN • Sistem OSS menerbitkan Nomor Induk Berusaha (NIB) untuk pelaku usaha. • Pelaku usaha dapat memperoleh dokumen pendaftaran lainnya bersamaan dengan penerbitan NIB (jika diperlukan). NPWP RPTKA BPJS KES & NAKER FASILITAS FISKAL IZIN USAHA Khusus untuk BPJS Ketenagakerjaan dan BPJS Kesehatan, nomor kepesertaan yang diperoleh hanya akan diaktifkan menjadi Sertifikat Kepesertaan BPJS setelah dilakukan pembayaran premi bulan pertama berdasarkan pemberitahuan virtual account dari BPJS kepada pelaku usaha. DPMPPTSP Pro MEKANISME PEMBUATAN AKUN PADA APLIKASI SIAPLAYANI DAFTAR Masuk menggunakan username dan password Pilih perizinan'nonperizinen kemudian input data terkait dengan perizinan yang dipilih Buka aplikasi SIAPLAYANI Klik Daftar VERIFIKASI .. Anda dapat mengunduh resi jika berkas permohonan dinyatakan lengkap Tunggu hasil verifikasi dari Tim Teknis Cetak SK Jika permohonan disetujui, anda akan mendapatkan notifikasi melalui sms dan/atau email untuk mengunduh perizinan/nonperizinan pada akun SIAPLAYANI SELESAI Unggah berkas persyaratan dalam bentuk file PDF melalui laman password Anda akan menerima username dan password pada sms dan/atau email MASUK INPUT TOKEN ... Input nomor token yang telah anda terima C Masuk menggunakan username dan password yang telah anda terima Segera ganti password anda dengan password baru agar akun anda tetap aman Isi identitas pemohon (pastikan date yang diinput benar) Nomor token pendaftaran anda akan dikirim melalui sms dan/atau email [email protected] Dispmpptip Prov dapmpptapprevas North Sumatra Investment Book 123#124PROCEDURE RESIDENCE PERMIT FOR FOREIGN INVESTOR BB BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA A. The requirements for applying/confirming a Limited Stay Visa are : 1 Visa applications can be made online via 2 3 4 5 The required documents include: 1) Application letter and guarantee (for corporations signed by the Board of Directors / Commissioners / Chairman) on stamp duty, 2) Cover of a valid and valid national passport, 3) 6 months min biodata page or travel document min 12 months, 4) Return Ticket, and 5) Savings account book of guarantor / foreigner with min balance. Equivalent USD 1.500. The required documents will then be verified and will be given a notification of payment from the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia Directorate General of Immigration. As for the guiding application for a visa as stated in the and the file can be downloaded. Limited Stay Visa holders must be made ID card no later than 30 days from the time the entry mark is given. B. The requirements for submitting/inaugurating ID card (substitute for foreigners' ID cards) are : 1 Documents that need to be prepared in the submission of ID card : a. Limited Stay Visa application form; b. Statement and guarantee letter from the sponsor (stamped Rp. 10.000,-); C. Limited Stay Visa application letter from the sponsor; d. Sponsor's ID card; e. Original passport and photocopy; f. Certificate of domicile from Hamlet Head or hotel or apartment; g. Recommendations from the Investment Coordinating Board Manistry and other company documents; h. Plan for the Use of Foreign Workers from authorized agencies; i. Valid entry application. 2 Currently, ID card submissions can only be made through the Immigration Office where the sponsoring company is registered and the document processing process can be represented by the company's internals through a power of attorney. However, the process of taking photos can only be done by the name concerned. 124 North Sumatra Investment Book#125B BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA PKP SUBMISSION PROCEDURE FOR FOREIGN INVESTOR C. The requirements for submitting / inaugurating Taxable Entrepreneurs (PKP) are: 1 Has gross income (turnover) in 1 financial year reaching Rp 4.8 billion. 2 Passing the survey process conducted by KPP or KP2KP (Tax Service Office) where registration. 3 Complete the documents and requirements for submitting PKP or inaugurating PKP. Required documents (source: pkp#) including: a. Individual taxpayers / corporate taxpayers / corporate taxpayers form of joint operation). b. Proof of lease/ ownership of the place of business C. Photo of the room / place of business d. Location map Specimen of invoice signer (form provided by KPP) & photocopy of invoice signer e. f. List of treasures / office invetaris g. Financial statements (profit/loss balance) 4 5 h. Last annual tax return Currently, PKP submissions can only be made through the KPP where the taxpayer is registered. Within 3- 5 days after all requirements are completed and submitted, the verification officer will conduct a survey or verification. If approved, then about 1-2 days from the survey, the PKP confirmation letter can be taken at the KPP where the PKP submission requirements are given. The decision on the PKP Application is issued no later than 5 to 10 working days after the Proof of Receipt of the Letter is issued. The creation of PKP cannot be represented by other agencies, but can be represented by the company's internals through a power of attorney. North Sumatra Investment Book 125#126126 PROCEDURE RESIDENCE PERMIT FOR FOREIGN INVESTOR BB BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA D. The requirements for submitting / confirming the NPWP (Taxpayer Identification Number) are : 1 KPP applications can be made online via (source: pribadi#:~:text=Syarat%20membuat%20NPWP%20pribadi%20untuk%20karyawan%2Fpekerja%20kantoran&text =Warga%20Negara%20Asing%20(WNA)%3A, Mengisi%20formulir%20pengajuan%20NPWP.) 2 Requirements for making a personal NPWP for employees / office workers Indonesian Citizen (WNI): photocopy of KTP. a. b. C. Foreign Nationals (WNA): bring a photocopy of passport/residence permit card. Certificate of employment from the company where you work. d. For civil servants can bring a decree. e. Fill out the NPWP application form. 3 Requirements for making a personal Taxpayer Identification Number for entrepreneurs Indonesian Citizen (WNI): photocopy of KTP. a. b. C. d. Foreign Nationals (WNA): bring a photocopy of passport/residence permit card. Business Certificate at least issued by Head of Hamlet / proof of electricity bill. An affidavit that has been signed on the seal. This letter explains that the Taxpayer actually owns a free business or worker. $ North Sumatra Investment Book TAX % 7 8 9 4 56 1 23 0 . = 1000#127B BANK INDONESIA BANK SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA B INVESTMENT INCENTIVE IN NORTH SUMATRA CONTACT US Investor Relation Juwitasari Nur Rachmawati Bank Indonesia Representative Office of North Sumatra [email protected] +62821-6213-3356 Investment Promotion Affairs Renata Butarbutar Regional One-stop Investment and Licensing Board [email protected] +62813-6111-6407 AJERA! UTARA Economic, Maritime, and Resources Affairs Iswandy Ronny Regional Planning, Research and Development Board [email protected] +62823-6411-6083 SI North Sumatra Invest North Sumatra Invest NSI SECRETARIAT BANK INDONESIA Representative Office of North Sumatra AKE TOBA Jl. Balai Kota No.4, Kesawan, Medan, North Sumatra 20236

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