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#1FIG 6645 "From the wisdom of the ages to the challenges of modern world" FIG WORKING WEEK 17-21 MAY SOFIA BULGARIA Organised by: FIG 1000 CHAMBER OF GRADUATED SURVEYORS FIG ARAL "From the wisdom of the ages to the challenges of modern world" Platinum Sponsors: Trimble. esri FIG WORKING WEEK 17-21 MAY SOFIA BULGARIA VECTORISATION AND DATABASE CREATION OF ABIA STATE POLYTECHNIC ABA, NIGERIA WITH GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM (GIS) BY Michael APEH, Njike CHIGBU and Alozie CHIGBU (Nigeria) FIG CHAMBER OF GRADUATED SURVEYORS FIG Working Week 2015 Platinum Sponsors: Trimble esri 2015 1#2FIG WORKING WEEK FIG "From the wisdom of the ages to the challenges of modern world" . • 17-21 MAY SOFIA BULGARIA INTRODUCTION Collecting and communicating reliable geographic information about things and events requires knowing in a systematic fashion where they occur (Francis Harvey, 2008). With various techniques of recording location, surveying, GPS and digitalization are three generic ways of recording the locations and characteristics of things and events by directly observing them or indirectly measuring the location and possibly their attribute. Geospatial technology broadly includes mapping and surveying techniques, remote sensing, photogrammetry, cartography, Global Positioning Systems (GPS) and Geographical Information Systems (GIS). FIG CHAMBER OF GRADUATED SURVEYORS Platinum Sponsors: Trimble esri 1000 FIG AARAL • • "From the wisdom of the ages FIG WORKING WEEK to the challenges of modern world" 17-21 MAY SOFIA BULGARIA INTRODUCTION (CONTD) With its unique ability for acquisition, integration and analysis of geographically referenced spatial information, this technology has in recent times been recognized as an effective tool for planning, management and decision making locally and globally. Geographic information system (GIS) technology has over the years simplified mapping process. Vectorization and data base creation of Abia State Polytechnic, Aba with GIS is a pertinent project to embark on so as to have detailed information in GIS environment (spatial information linked with their attributes). ⚫ This work was an attempt to explore the capabilities of GIS in vectorization and database creation. FIG CHAMBER OF GRADUATED SURVEYORS 2015 Platinum Sponsors: Trimble esri FIG Working Week 2015 2#3FIG WORKING WEEK FIG "From the wisdom of the ages to the challenges of modern world" 17-21 MAY SOFIA BULGARIA • • • AIM AND OBJECTIVES The aim of the project is to distill point's lines and Area (polygons) object within Abia Polytechnic campus with the following underlying objectives: To identify and subset Abia State Polytechnic, boundary on Google satellite and Aerial Bing map. To georeference the Area of interest so as to have harmonized coordinates between the map and the ground. • To digitize all spatial objects on the campus. • To create a spatial database for the geographic entities - so that locational data can be linked to their attributes. FIG CHAMBER OF GRADUATED SURVEYORS Platinum Sponsors: Trimble esri 1000 FIG AARAL • • • "From the wisdom of the ages to the challenges of modern world" FIG WORKING WEEK 17-21 MAY SOFIA BULGARIA STUDY AREA Abia was created on 27th August, 1991, out of the old Imo state by the military dictatorship of General Ibrahim Babangida with its capital is in Umuahia. Abia state is geographically located in the southeast region of Nigeria. It lies within approximate latitudes 4° 40' and 6° 14' north, and longitudes 7° 10' and 8° east. The state covers a geographical area of about 5243.7sqkm which is approximately 5.8 per cent of the total land area of Nigeria. Abia State Polytechnic, Aba is within a latitude of 5°07'N and longitude of 7°22'E. 2015 FIG CHAMBER OF GRADUATED SURVEYORS FIG Working Week 2015 Platinum Sponsors: Trimble esri 3#4FIG "From the wisdom of the ages to the challenges of modern world" FIG WORKING WEEK 17-21 MAY SOFIA BULGARIA 12550 N 15548"N BENIN REPUBLIC NIGER REPUBLIC CHAD CAMEROUN ATLANTIC OCEAN LEGEND BOUNDARY 1:70,000 Fig. 1 Map of Nigeria showing Abia state FIG CHAMBER OF GRADUATED SURVEYORS 1000 FIG ARAL "From the wisdom of the ages to the challenges of modern world" FIG CHAMBER OF GRADUATED SURVEYORS FIG Working Week 2015 IMO ISIKWUATO MUAHIA UMUAHIA SOUTH ISIALANGWA NORTH ISIALANGWA SOUTH OSISIOMA -12'550A -8048″N -3°55'46"A Platinum Sponsors: Trimble FIG WORKING WEEK 17-21 MAY SOFIA BULGARIA EBONYI OHAFIA BENDE AROCHUK IKWUANO AKWA IBOM OBINGWA BA MORTH ABA SOUTH UGWUNAG UKWA WEST JUKWA EAST Fig 2: map of Abia state LEGEND CROSS RIVER Platinum Sponsors: Trimble esri esri 2015 4#5FIG 1000 "From the wisdom of the ages to the challenges of modern world" FIG WORKING WEEK 17-21 MAY SOFIA BULGARIA FIG CHAMBER OF GRADUATED SURVEYORS bing ©2010 DigitalGlobe © 2010 Geollye 2013 M Fig. 3 Map of the study Area in Google satellite. Platinum Sponsors: Trimble esri 1000 FIG HARA "From the wisdom of the ages to the challenges of modern world" FIG WORKING WEEK 17-21 MAY SOFIA BULGARIA NEED FOR GIS APPLICATION IN THE FIELD OF SURVEYING AND GEO-INFORMATICS • GIS is capable of acquiring spatial,, indexed data from a variety of sources, changing data into useful formats, storing the data, retrieving and manipulating the data for analysis, and then generating the output required by the user. 2015 ⚫ GIS applications are not exhaustive, GIS has more advantages than the analogue as of keeping the tracks of information in the fields of surveying because the spatial database is directly linked to the spatial entitles of the map of the study area. • • • Among the many benefits derivate from application of GIS in surveying and Geo- informatics are: new and flexible form of output (customized mapping). quick and easy access to large volume of data about features within study area. • Ability to merge one dataset to another, capability of speedily updating and The Ability to answer complex land related questions. FIG CHAMBER OF GRADUATED SURVEYORS FIG Working Week 2015 Platinum Sponsors: Trimble esri LO 5#6FIG mary 1000 "From the wisdom of the ages to the challenges of modern world" FIG WORKING WEEK 17-21 MAY SOFIA BULGARIA Input Data from maps +> Census data Field survey data Remote sensing data Management Data storage retrieval and data base management Processing Data storage retrieval and data base management User interface (editing, queries Data from other digital bases Other geographic information systems answering, learning tracing FIG CHAMBER OF GRADUATED SURVEYORS Display Out put Display and product generation Reports External statistical and model packages Maps Photographic products. Statistics Data inputs to other models Fig. 4 component subsystems of GIS Platinum Sponsors: Trimble FIG AARAL 1000 "From the wisdom of the ages to the challenges of modern world" • esri FIG WORKING WEEK 17-21 MAY SOFIA BULGARIA DATA NEEDS To carry out this project, the following data were required: • Google satellite imagery of the study area covering the study area Aerial Bing map of the study area. • Topographic maps covering the study area. 2015 GPS observation to determine coordinates of some salient points necessary for Geo-referencing. Social surveys to determine the attribute information of existing spatial elements in the study area. CHAMBER OF FIG GRADUATED SURVEYORS FIG Working Week 2015 Platinum Sponsors: Trimble esri CO 6#7• FIG WORKING WEEK FIG "From the wisdom of the ages to the challenges of modern world" 17-21 MAY SOFIA BULGARIA • SOURCES DATA ACQUISITION The data needed to carry out this study emanated from different sources. The map of the study area was obtained from Abia State Ministry of survey while the topographic map was obtained from the Federal Surveys. The google satellite imagery and Aerial Bing map was downloaded via the internet. Other non-spatial data were obtained directly by the team in the form of questionnaire. GPS observation is the direct observation of x, y coordinates for verification and georeferencing purposes. FIG 1000 FIG AAA CHAMBER OF GRADUATED SURVEYORS Platinum Sponsors: Trimble esri "From the wisdom of the ages to the challenges of modern world" FIG WORKING WEEK 17-21 MAY SOFIA BULGARIA HARDWARE REQUIREMENT • The hardware used in this project includes the following: • GARMIN Map GPS 765 for the verification and Ground truthing exercise • constituting the primary source of data. Pentium IV personal Zinox computer with the following configuration was used for data processing: 500 GB HDD, 2.30GHz, 2.0 GB RAM, DVD writer • A flat screen VDU • HP design jet plotter FIG HP printer (A3) FIG Working Week 2015 CHAMBER OF GRADUATED SURVEYORS Platinum Sponsors: Trimble esri 2015 7#8FIG WORKING WEEK FIG "From the wisdom of the ages to the challenges of modern world" 17-21 MAY SOFIA BULGARIA • • SOFTWARE REQUIREMENT The basic software for the project is quantum GIS (QGIS) 1.8.0 : Quantum GIS (QGIS) was used in this project for digitizing the study area from google satellite imagery and Aerial bing map and to create data base for the spatial features. • • AutoCAD Land Development was used indigitizing maps of Nigeria and that of Abia state showing the study area. Microsoft Word 2010 was for typing, editing and presentation of facts FIG CHAMBER OF GRADUATED SURVEYORS Platinum Sponsors: Trimble esri 1000 FIG AAA • • "From the wisdom of the ages to the challenges of modern world" FIG WORKING WEEK 17-21 MAY SOFIA BULGARIA GEOREFERENCING There is a great deal of geographic data available in formats that cannot be immediately integrated with other GIS data. In order to use these types of data in GIS it is necessary to align it with existing geographically referenced data. The process of georeferencing relies on the coordination of points on the scanned image (data to be georeferenced). 2015 By "linking" points on the image with those same locations in the geographically referenced data you will create a polynomial transformation that converts the location of the entire image to the correct geographic location. FIG CHAMBER OF GRADUATED SURVEYORS FIG Working Week 2015 Platinum Sponsors: Trimble esri 8#9• • FIG "From the wisdom of the ages FIG WORKING WEEKS to the challenges of modern world" 17-21 MAY SOFIA BULGARIA GEOREFERENCING (CONTD) 2015 The georeferencing procedures adopted for this project in Quantum GIS are enumerated below: Launch QGIS • Go to plugin and select georeferencer. • On the georeferencer dialogue box, click on open raster and navigate to where Abia Poly image is stored and click open. • Select WGS 84 on the coordinate setting and ok. • Select the add point tool and click on the first corner of the image, enter the X- coordinates and then Y-coordinate (as picked by GPS). Pan to the second known point, click on the point and enter the X- coordinates and then Y- coordinate and ok. • The procedures were repeated for the 3rd, 4th, 5th, and the 6th points. • • Go to setting, select transformation setting, click on output raster, supply the name and ok. Finally click on start georeferencing tool and the Google imagery covering Abia Polytechnic was georeferenced. FIG CHAMBER OF GRADUATED SURVEYORS Platinum Sponsors: Trimble esri 1000 FIG ARAL • "From the wisdom of the ages to the challenges of modern world" FIG WORKING WEEK 17-21 MAY SOFIA BULGARIA DIGITIZING Digitizing is the process of interpreting and converting paper map or image data to vector digital data. • On-screen method of digitizing was adopted for this project. • On-screen digitizing is an interactive process in which a map is created using previously digitized of scanned information. This method of geocoding is commonly called "heads-up" digitizing because the attention of the user is focused up on the screen, and not on a digitizing tablet. This technique may be used to trace features from a scanned map or image to create new layers or themes FIG CHAMBER OF GRADUATED SURVEYORS FIG Working Week 2015 Platinum Sponsors: Trimble esri 2015 9#10FIG WORKING WEEK "From the wisdom of the ages FIG to the challenges of modern world" 17-21 MAY SOFIA BULGARIA PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSION OF RESULT • The final map of Abia polytechnic was produced together with the associated attribute information. ⚫ The project is a perfect representation of the entire campus. • Also accomplished in the project is the associated attribute information especially for buildings. It is obvious that the area is highly developed and this information can serve as base for future infrastructural development and redesign if need be. Fig 5 shows the composite map. FIG 1000 FIG ARAL CHAMBER OF GRADUATED SURVEYORS Platinum Sponsors: Trimble esri "From the wisdom of the ages to the challenges of modern world" FIG WORKING WEEK 17-21 MAY SOFIA BULGARIA Legend Round About • Trees Gate boundary Other Road Road Building Sport Arena Handball pitch D FIG CHAMBER OF GRADUATED SURVEYORS FIG Working Week 2015 ABIA STATE POLYTECHNIC,ABA ABIA STATE NIGERIA SCALE 1:2500 Fig. 5: Composite Map of Abia state polytechnic Campus Platinum Sponsors: Trimble esri 2015 10#11FIG WORKING WEEK FIG "From the wisdom of the ages to the challenges of modern world" 17-21 MAY SOFIA BULGARIA • RECOMMENDATION Creation of central data base for Abia state Polytechnic, Aba, while the final project will serve as an input into the data base. ⚫ This type of project should be carried out in collaboration with Local Government Authority Survey department and Zonal Surveys office so as to create more awareness on the use of GIS as a tool for decision making. • That the use of geospatial technology be encouraged in virtually all sector for maximum spatial output. FIG CHAMBER OF GRADUATED SURVEYORS Platinum Sponsors: Trimble esri 1000 FIG AAAL "From the wisdom of the ages to the challenges of modern world" FIG WORKING WEEK 17-21 MAY SOFIA BULGARIA CONCLUSION 2015 This project has shown the benefit and application of Remote Sensed data and GIS techniques in the mapping and sub-setting of Abia state Polytechnic Aba, through the production of an accurate, high quality, comprehensive and up-to-date composite map. It is worthwhile to state from this study that mapping using remotely sensed data and GIS technique is very important and less tasking compared to the traditional manual map making. In conclusion GIS has been a veritable tool in vector data extraction of the campus, having combined the locational and attribute information of geographic data discernible on the campus. FIG FIG Working Week 2015 CHAMBER OF GRADUATED SURVEYORS Platinum Sponsors: Trimble esri 11#121000 FIG WORKING WEEK FIG • • • "From the wisdom of the ages to the challenges of modern world" 17-21 MAY SOFIA BULGARIA REFERENCES Bashir, L. B. (2001): The Use of Remotely Sensed Data in assessing land degradation. Unpublished M.Sc. Thesis of the Federal University of Technology, Minna. Environmental System Research Institute (2004): Cartographic Design Process: Artistic Interpretation with the Geo-database. An ESRI white paper. Francis Harvey (2009): A primer of GIS; Fundamental Geographic and Cartographic Concepts. Rawat Publications, India. Heywood I., Cornelius, S. Carver, S. (2006). An introduction to Geographical Information System. 3rd Edition Pearson education Limited, Essex. England. ° Keates J. S. 1973. Cartographic Design and Production. London Inc. New York. • • • Lillesand, T.M. and R. W. Kieffer, 2000, Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation. 3rd Edition, John Wiley and sons, New York. Musa D. and R. K. Yusuf, (2007): Geographic Information System (GIS), A tool for land Resource Management in Nigeria proceeding of the 29th annual conference of NCA, Kaduna. Ndukwe, K. N., (2001): Digital Technology in Surveying and Mapping, RHYCE Kerex publishers, Enugu Nigeria. Ndukwe, K. N., (1997): Principles of Environmental Remote Sensing and Photo Interpretation, New concept publishers, Enugu Nigeria. FIG CHAMBER OF GRADUATED SURVEYORS Platinum Sponsors: Trimble. esri FIG Working Week 2015 12

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