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#1INDONESIA E-Waste MANAGEMENT (CURRENT SITUATION) By Amelia Rachmatunisa Ministry of Environment Republic of Indonesia 2014 International e-waste Management Network (JEMN) in Hanoi - Vietnam#2Current Status for Regulatory Framework: E-waste regulation follow the Hazardous Waste Management under Republic Indonesia Act No.32/2009 and Government Regulation No.18 year 1999 Concerning The Hazardous Waste Management. ➤ Definition of Hazardous Waste (RI Act. No.32/2009 and Gov.Regulation No.18/1999) Hazardous and Toxic Waste hereinafter called B3 waste shall the residue of a business and/or activity which contains B3 (B3 is Hazardous and Toxic material hereinafter abbreviated to B3 shall be substance, energy and/or other components which due to their nature or concentration and/or quantity, both directly and indirectly can pollute and/or damage the environment, health as well as the continuation of human life and of other living creatures.) ➤ Since 2011 Indonesia still preparing the National Regulation on e-waste Management ➤ Despites of the progresses made by KLH, there are many other activities that need to be conducted for the draft regulation to become more sustainable and to promote environmentally sound management of e-waste in Indonesia. E-Waste Definition (on draft regulation) : All electronic and electrical equipment which are not function and/or not being used as it's original purpose#3NEXT FOR E-WASTE REGULATION Indonesia still developing the specific e-waste regulation that cover e- waste from household and industry resources ▸ We need more data analysis for chemical content on e-waste for further implementing technology for e-waste management (current condition only collection, dismantling, and separation) ▸ We need to build an incentive system to encourage electronic producer doing EPR ▸ We need to coordinate with local governments ▸ We need to support coordination among electronic producer, refurshbishment/recondition company and local government on how to build collection point. ▸ Find the effective incentive mechanism → remaining Indonesia has 37 provinces with their very various condition We need to combined the e-waste mechanism collection and incentives system with the existing programme#4STUDY ON E-Waste: Facility FOR E-Waste HaNDLING Study on e waste as potential re-sources - West Java ; September 2013 Existing Condition Of E waste collection in West Java BAT HETTO 519#5Location of Study: ➤ Bandung, Kabupaten Bandung, Bekasi, Depok, Garut, Cirebon, Tasikmalaya No Location E-waste Activity 1 Cirebon motherboard/CPU/PCB/IC computer, Informal Average E waste Produced 1,2 ton/usaha/bulan HP, TV collection 2 Kabupaten motherboard/CPU/PCB/IC computer, Bandung HP, TV, Radio Collection & Proceses 1,25 ton/activity/month 3 Bandung motherboard/CPU/PCB/IC computer, Informal 0,4 ton/activity/month HP, TV, Radio Collection & Proceses 4 Depok motherboard/CPU/PCB/IC computer, Informal 0,25 HP, TV, Radio Collection & ton/activity/month Proceses SO 5 Bekasi motherboard/CPU/PCB/IC computer, HP, TV, Radio Informal & Formal: 150 6 Garut motherboard/CPU/PCB/IC computer, HP, TV, Radio motherboard/CPU/PCB/IC computer, Formal Collection Informal Collection & Proceses Informal Collection & ton/activity/month Informal: 0,3 ton/activity/month 0,3 ton/usaha/bulan 0,6 ton/activity/month 7 Tasikmalaya HP, TV, Proceses#6E-waste Processes Formal Sector 1. Collection 2. Dismantling 3. Preparation Processes 4. Processes Informal Sector 1. Dismantling 2. Preparation Processes 3. Processes#7Other Project: Indonesia E waste Study in Corporation with JICA Background: KLH has prepared a concept diagram and text of the e-waste management regulation and shared them with JICA Workshop on the e-waste management regulation in Indonesia (29 April 2014): Attending by various stakeholder attendance including. Active and positive discussion was conducted and various constructive views were shown by the participants. JICA Team & KLH TeamSite Visit (30 April 2014): 1. Visit the e waste collection facilitiy in Cikarang Bekasi, PT. Citra Asia Raya (Already has permit for Collection of e waste from MoE) 2. Visit one of the big retailer Shop in Indonesia, Electronic Solution: Electronic solution has the trade in program for the whole years, They give the e waste to the third party (sister company of ES) All traded e-waste are sent to storage building in Ciracas (East Jakarta) for storage before sold tentatively every week The Price range for e-waste depending on the various of e-waste.#8Outcome of April 2014; E-Waste Stakeholder Workshop Other Project Continued Effective primary collection method • Further identifying the stakeholders responsibilities Fee mechanism for sustaining the e-waste management mechanism. It needs to enhance the general recognition of the e-waste issues widely and to promote effective awareness raising activity were also noted. It was highly noted that training workshop or seminar could be effective to further identify the necessary activities and prioritize the most needed ones along with the learning the lessons from the existing international practices for effective development of e-waste management in Indonesia. Aforementioned training workshop or seminar could be held regionally in order to learn the lessons from the ongoing e-waste management framework development in neighbor countries and other international practices among the officers in charge who develop e-waste management mechanism in the region.#9TERIMA KASIH THANK YOU VERY MUCH Further Information : Assistant Deputy of Verification on Hazardous Waste Management Unit - Deputi IV KLH C Bld, 2nd Fl - Jl. D.I. Panjaitan Kav.24, Jakarta Telp/Fax : +62-021-85911114/8514763 Website: Email: [email protected]

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