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#1Leading Australia into a low-carbon energy future Corporate Presentation April 2022 TOP END -ENERGY- THE ENERGY OF TOMORROW#2Disclaimer TOP END -ENERGY- THE ENERGY OF TOMORROW This presentation is for the sole purpose of preliminary background information to enable recipients to review the business activities of Top End Energy Limited (Australian Company Number 650 478 774) (the Company). This presentation is not a prospectus and does not constitute an invitation, solicitation, recommendation or an offer to purchase or subscribe for securities. The Company and its directors, employees and consultants make no representations or warranty as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of this presentation, and have no liability, including liability to any person by reason of negligence of, or contained in or derived from, or for any omissions from this presentation, except liability under statute that cannot be excluded. This presentation contains reference to certain targets and plans of The Company which may or may not be achieved. The performance of the Company may be influenced by a number of factors, uncertainties and contingencies, many of which are outside the control of the Company and its directors, staff and consultants. Investment in the Company is regarded as speculative and this presentation includes certain forward-looking statements that have been based on current expectations about future acts, events and circumstances. These forward-looking statements are, however, subject to risks, uncertainties and assumptions that could cause those acts, events and circumstances to differ materially from the expectations described in such forward-looking statements. These factors include, among other things, commercial and other risks associated with estimation of potential hydrocarbon resources, the meeting of objectives and other investment considerations, as well as other matters not yet known to the Company or not currently considered material by the Company. The Company and its directors and representatives accepts no responsibility to update any person regarding any error or omission or change in the information in this presentation or any other information made available to a person or any obligation to furnish the person with further information and the Company and its directors and representatives do not endorse or take any responsibility for investments made. This presentation is not financial product nor investment advice or a recommendation to acquire securities in the Company. It has been prepared without taking into account the objectives, financial situation or needs of individuals Before making any investment decision, prospective investors should consider the appropriateness of the information having regard to their own objectives, financial situation and needs and seek legal and taxation advice. Corporate Presentation | 2#3Top End Energy - an energy company for the future. 39 Vision To be a leading Australian diversified energy provider - meeting increasing energy demand with a target of achieving net zero (Scope 1 & 2) emissions TOP END -ENERGY- THE ENERGY OF TOMORROW Strategic Objectives De-risk existing asset base: potential for strategically located low CO2 natural gas and other end products (e.g. hydrogen, helium, ammonia and ethanol) Mission To participate in facilitating the transition to a low carbon world - navigating the inevitable dislocation and volatility caused by the transition to deliver a sustainable, accessible and affordable energy future Strategy Explore and commercialise natural gas potential as the much required "transition fuel" to bridge baseload energy supply until cleaner sources become more commercially sustainable ✓ Explore cleaner energy solutions and target net zero emissions (Scope 1 & 2) 2 3 Explore and develop additional clean energy solutions: projects that leverage off and compliment existing asset base (e.g. renewable energy generation, CCS and carbon offsetting) Pursue strategic M&A: broaden, scale and rationalise asset portfolio to optimise delivery of the above objectives Corporate Presentation | 3 50%#45 Corporate Highlights 3 2 B Prospective acreage in Australia's most exciting hydrocarbon regions - clear roadmap to de-risk organic asset base representing material upside potential Supportive Federal and State governments and other key local stakeholders Well-positioned to build on future exploration success and exploit long-term structural requirement for natural gas Supportive global and domestic macro and market dynamics Commitment to ESG, minimising carbon footprint, and creating additional value through clean energy investment Lean management team with the experience and capability to unlock near-term value and pursue inorganic growth in a supportive macro environment TOP END -ENERGY- THE ENERGY OF TOMORROW Corporate Presentation | 4#5TOP END -ENERGY- THE ENERGY OF TOMORROW Prospective existing onshore asset base Exposure to hydrocarbon neighbourhoods with 500+ TCF of estimated in-place natural gas resource (1) Extensive onshore acreage (-166,000 km² gross (2)) with significant conventional and unconventional prospectivity potential Limited capital requirement to progress key permits to drill-ready stage ✓ Nearby activity de-risks Top End Energy's key NT asset potential ✓ Key permits in proximity to existing infrastructure ✓ Supportive state and federal governments with grants, research investment and infrastructure upgrades ongoing and proposed in both Queensland and the NT Target maiden prospective resource within 18 months of listing following intended seismic campaigns in Queensland and NT Top End Energy Asset Portfolio The Company's asset portfolio currently consists of: 1. 100% interest in ATP 1069, a granted permit located in Queensland 2. 50% interest in 30 exploration permit applications across the Northern Territory Perth Darwin Mc Arthur Carpentaria Northern Territory Wiso Queensland Georgina Alice Springs Galilee Bower Amadeus Western Australia South Australia New South Wales Total acreage: 166,000km² Top End Energy permits Basins Pipelines Brisbane Sydney Adelaide Canberra Victoria Melbourne (1) As per ACCC (January 2021) (2) Acreage is a combination of granted and in-application permits. The Company holds a net 50% interest in -160,000 km² of permit applications in the Northern Territory 1000km Tas) Hobart Corporate Presentation | 5#6TOP END -ENERGY- THE ENERGY OF TOMORROW Near-term potential in Queensland Multiple play potential on ATP 1069 permit in proximity to proven gas production and infrastructure -26°S о Gilmore (Gas) Quilpie 989 ° ° 146°E Blackall о 00 Tambo Barwinock 1 Barwinock 2 147°E Permit Wells Road Petroluem Pipeline Asset Overview: ☐ ☐ Mt Morris ATP1069 ° Augathella ☐ 0 0 Cooladdi Charleville о 0 100km ATP 1069 is located 130km north-west of Charleville in Central Queensland, covering an area of 4,185km² Two wells drilled to date: Barwinock-1 (1988) and Barwinock-2 (2019) Conventional gas targets: ■ The permit has potential gas prospectivity within all three of the underlying basins, the Adavale, Eromanga, and Galilee basins The Gilmore Gas Field, 50km west of ATP 1069, has demonstrated commercial conventional gas production from the Lissoy Sandstone and Log Creek Formation. Interpretation suggests these formations may be present within ATP 1069 Unconventional oil and gas targets: Coal seam gas (CSG) potential in the late Permian Bandanna Formation and the Jurassic Birkhead Formation ■ Shale gas and shale oil in the Toolebuc Formation Intended Work Program: ☐ All firm commitments related to expenditures on the block have been fulfilled (1) Detailed technical review of the existing well data, reprocessing of existing seismic data and shooting additional 2D seismic acquisition to facilitate lead / prospect development Primary target is deeper gas potential - unexplored on the permit to date. CSG prospectivity will also be further assessed (1) The Company has additionally committed to plugging and abandoning the Barwinock-2 well Corporate Presentation 6#7Near-term potential in Queensland ATP 1069 represents both conventional and unconventional play potential Prospectivity Type TOP END -ENERGY- THE ENERGY OF TOMORROW Prospectivity Potential (1) 7270000 BOREE 1 Area (km²) Unit Thickness (m) 7260000 WO CARLOWRAVENSBOURNE 1 1 Conventional 896 Lissoy Sandstone 20-50 (TAMBO) 1 7250000 x 2 Coal Seam Gas 1,247 Betts Creek Coals 5-20 7240000 ONNIE 1 3 Shale Oil/Gas 1,247 BURY 1 Toolebuc Shale 10-20 7230000 Conventional hydrocarbon potential (1) 7220000 1 WESTBOURNE 1 ALVA 1 7210000 Proven conventional gas production from the Lissoy Sandstone and Log Creek Formation nearby. Same formations may be present within ATP 1069 7200000 STAFFORD 1 RANNA 1 BARMIN@CK 12 ERCE have indicated potential prospectivity in the west and east of the permit (800km2 and 96km² respectively) Unconventional hydrocarbon potential (1) 2 3 Strong reflections within seismic data can be interpreted as indicating the presence of well-developed Permian coals and thickening of coals off-structure 7190000 7180000 7170000 7160000 The Toolebuc Formation is described as a potential source rock and was intercepted in ATP 1069 by Well Barwinock-2 (1) Evaluation of the Prospectivity of Certain Exploration Permits, Queensland and the Northern Territory, Australia (ERCE) 7150000 MOUNT MORRIS 1 7140000 0km 20km 40km Adavale Basin Extension Galillee Basin Extension 7130000 340000 360000 380000 400000 420000 Corporate Presentation | 7#8(1) TOP END -ENERGY- THE ENERGY OF TOMORROW Extensive optionality across the Northern Territory Significant application acreage in one of Australia's most active and prospective hydrocarbon regions Portfolio Overview Weber (Gas) о EP265 EP278 EP279 EP277 EP256 132 E NTC/P14 135 E EP295 EP295 Darwin Jabiru EP254 Katherine EP257 EP274 EP276 Surprise (Oil) о EP280 о Daly Waters Amungee (Gas) о EP258 Northern EP259 EP313 Territory EP314 EP312 EP315 EP260 EP261 Meerine EP275 (Oil & Gas) 200km Tennant Creek EP281 1 EP282 EP283 Stuart Hwy EP262 EP284 Alice Springs Palm O Valley (Gas) Dingo (Gas) о 16°S- ° Glyde (Gas) оо EP264 EP263 ° High priority permits Other permits Drill hole Pipeline -Road ☐ 30 applications (1) for petroleum exploration permits (EPs) within the Northern Territory, encompassing -160,000 km² of gross permit area The Company holds a 50% interest in the EP applications through an incorporated joint venture with McKam Aust Pty Ltd Large acreage positions neighbouring licenses held by Origin, Santos, Empire Energy, Blue Energy and Armour Energy Successful drilling and flow tests continue to de-risk commercial potential of the region Significant Velkerri shallow shale areas up to 700m thick with large gas-in-place volumes and high liquids content as discovered in surrounding wells (wet gas window) Bessie Creek sandstone formations of up to 30m thickness prospective for conventional gas Intended Work Program The Company is currently focused on negotiations with Traditional Owners and Native Title holders to achieve grant of EP(A) 258 and EP(A) 259 and preparation of approvals for post-grant work programs ■ Prior to grant of applications, the Company will undertake geological & geophysical studies including preparations for 2D seismic acquisition 2D seismic acquisition of up to 250km² post-grant ■ Seismic processing and interpretation, work up drill-ready prospects and resource potential Drill multiple prospects Corporate Presentation 8 Grant of applications are subject to reaching agreements with traditional Aboriginal owners and Native Title holders pursuant to the Aboriginal Land Rights (Northern Territory) Act 1976 (Cth) and the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth)#9Prioritised permit applications represent near-term potential TOP END -ENERGY- THE ENERGY OF TOMORROW Weber (Gas) ° EP265 EP277 Darwin 132 E 135°E Jabiru Katherine EP257 00 Daly Waters о Northern Territory EP279 EP280 Surprise (Oil) ° Meerine (Oil & Gas) 00 200km EP258 0 0 Amungee (Gas) о EP259 EP261 Tennant Creek Stuart Hwy 12°S- Glyde 16 S- (Gas) OO 0 oo o Alice Springs to Palm CO Valley (Gas) Dingo (Gas) ° ° о High priority permits Drill hole Pipeline Road о ◉ EP(A) 257 (7,255 km²): located in Greater MacArthur Basin - both conventional / unconventional prospectivity. Potential gas in the Limmen sandstone and likely presence of the Velkerri Shale, which is being targeted by Origin, Santos and Empire Energy EP(A) 258/259 (3,812 km²): south of known discoveries within the Velkerri / Kyalla Shales, and conventional Moroak / Bessie Creek Sandstone reservoirs, on edge of Greater MacArthur Basin ■ EP(A) 261 (3,218 km²): located within the South Nicholson Basin with stratigraphic play potential ■ EP(A) 265/277 (33,837 km²): surrounding the Murraba Basin, similar stratigraphy is found within the producing Amadeus Basin ■ EP(A) 279/280 (26,830 km²): located on the edge of the Amadeus basin, nearby the producing Surprise oil field. Conventional prospectivity from similar plays to the Surprise field is apparent Corporate Presentation 9#10Potential near-term prospects Key permit applications located in potential wet gas window on shallower basin margin around the Beetaloo sub-basin ☐ ☐ Key permits in the north of the NT located on the edge of the Greater McArthur Basin - potential for presence of the Kyalla and Velkerri shales being targeted by operators in the Beetaloo sub-basin The Company is initially focusing on EP(A) 258 and EP(A) 259 and is currently in negotiations with the Northern Land Council and traditional owners/native title holders to reach agreements for terms of grant The Company is targeting grant of at least one of these permits ahead of undertaking initial work programs in 2023 Source: Debacker et al, 2021, ERC Equipoise (ERCE) Bonaparte 130° 132° 134° 136* 138° 0 50 100 KM Birrindudu Wiso Beetaloo 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 ≥10000 Relative to MSL South Nicholson Murraba Ngalia Georgina Amadeus NN EP257 Broughton 1 Altree 1 TOP END -ENERGY- THE ENERGY OF TOMORROW Wells with hydrocarbon show: Kyalla and Velkerri Shale Limmen Sst Bessie Creek Sst Amungee NW 1 Tanumbirini 1 Broadmere 1 ST Kyalla 117 N2 1H ST2 Carpentaria 1 Beetaloo SEEBASE (m) EP258 --2,000 EP259 4,000 6,000 --8,000 > 10,000 0 km 100 km 200 km Warburton EP261 South Nicholson Corporate Presentation | 10#11TOP END -ENERGY- THE ENERGY OF TOMORROW Activity in the Beetaloo sub-basin Recent and ongoing operator work programs in the Beetaloo sub-basin continue to prove up resources and potential of the region O origin FALCON OIL & GAS EMPIRE energy Santos tamboran RESOURCES tamboran RESOURCES 2021 2022 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 10 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Kyalla 117 flow test Velkerri 76 well 3D Amungee NW-1H flow test 2 wells, stimulation & test 2D Carpentaria-2H drilling, stimul. & test 2D Carpentaria-1 well 2D Appraisal well (1) T2H well T3H well T2H flow test T3H flow test Source: Empire Energy corporate presentation (24 March 2022), Tamboran Resources corporate presentation (23 March 2022), Falcon Oil & Gas announcement (25 January 2022); work programs subject to regulatory approvals (1) Continuation of ongoing well test subject to further test results 2D Maverick-1 well, stimulation & test Darwin Jabiru Top End Energy high priority Top End Energy Origin/Falcon O & G Santos Empire Energy Armour Energy Tamboran Santos/Tamboran Pipeline Katherine 135 E 12°S- 16°S- Daly Waters Tennant Creek Northern Territory Alice Springs ● Well drilling and/or flow test Corporate Presentation 200km#12Supportive Federal & State Governments TOP END -ENERGY- THE ENERGY OF TOMORROW " The Beetaloo Sub-basin is potentially a world-class gas resource which could create thousands of jobs and help bolster supplies of gas for the domestic market and for exports around the world " - Federal Minister for Resources and Water ●Repealing of moratorium on hydraulic stimulation Northern Territory government accepts all recommendations in 2018 fracking inquiry • Government pursues gas-led recovery North Bowen and Galilee Strategic Basin Plan ($20.7m investment in gas potential and >$400m in studies and infrastructure upgrades) Cooper and Adavale Strategic Basin Plan ($60m investment to facilitate new gas supply) Beetaloo Strategic Basin Plan $50m Beetaloo Cooperative Drilling Program to support $200m of exploration Continued support for Beetaloo drilling grants Grants issued to both Empire Energy ($19.4m) and Tamboran Resources ($7.5m) in Q1 2022 Energy & emissions reduction investment $300m allocated in 2022-23 Budget to support low emissions LNG and clean hydrogen in the NT Northern Territory Government Gas Strategy 1 Expand the world-scale Darwin LNG export hub 2 Grow the Northern Territory's service and supply industry 3 Establish gas-based processing and manufacturing 4 Grow research, innovation and training capacity Infrastructure upgrades: $217m NT 5 Contribute to Australia's energy security Gas Industry Roads Upgrades Corporate Presentation 12#13Well-positioned to build on potential future discoveries Advantageous onshore position in proximity to existing infrastructure and structurally short gas markets Midstream & Civil Infrastructure TOP END -ENERGY- THE ENERGY OF TOMORROW 0 Darwin Top End Energy permits Basins Pipelines Mc Arthur Carpentar 1 Pipeline Northern Territory 1 Amadeus Pipeline Operator Capacity (TJ/day) APA 120 Wiso Queensland 3 Georgina Gallilee Alice Springs Bowen 4 Amadeus Western Australia 2 Tanami Gas Pipeline AGIG 13 3 Northern Gas Pipeline Jemena 106 5 Brisbane 4 South Australia New South Wales Cheepie to Barcaldine Gas Pipeline OSD Pipelines 3-12 5 South West Queensland Pipeline APA 404 Perth Sydney Adelaide Canberra Victoria Market access to 87% of population (1) and 38 mmtpa of LNG export capacity (2) Melbourne 1000km Tas Hobart Asset base is well positioned in proximity to existing pipelines Government to support NT gas development through $217m Northern Territory Gas Industry Roads Upgrade (3) The Company will look to partner with pipeline operators, stakeholders and future infrastructure developers / investors for additional midstream solutions as required Source: AEMC, APA, AGIG Source: Australian Energy Markets Commission (AEMC), APA, AGIG, Jemena (1) Australian Bureau of Statistics (2) Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources (Resources and Energy Quarterly December 2021) Corporate Presentation 13 (3) Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources - partnership between federal government and NT government (federal government to contribute $173.6m)#14Supportive international & domestic market dynamics (1/3) Sustained underinvestment in upstream has resulted in record low discoveries and decreasing development of new supply Global investment in upstream oil and gas (US$bn; nominal) TOP END -ENERGY- THE ENERGY OF TOMORROW Global conventional discovered resource & exploration spend 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 (55%) 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2020 2019 2021E 56 Discovered Resource (Billion boe) 24 32 40 40 48 8 2010 2011 2012 22% 20% 18% 16% 14% 12% 10% 8% 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Continued underinvestment could result in more frequent short-lived price spikes or more prolonged upward price pressure that would deepen the negative economic impact of COVID-19, slow the global economic recovery, jeopardise the prospect of inclusive and sustainable growth, and erode energy security. Boston Consulting Group, 10 December 2020 (1) ■■Oil Discoveries ■Gas Discoveries Exploration Spend (RHS) Continued reduction in new resource discovery threatens security of supply and significant longer-term market volatility TEE has the opportunity to contribute to sourcing new supply of natural gas to smooth the transition to a lower carbon energy mix Source: International Energy Agency (IEA) (1) BCG and International Energy Forum (Oil and Gas Investment in the New Risk Environment, 10 December 2020) Source: International Energy Agency (IEA), Rystad Energy % of Total Upstream Investment Corporate Presentation | 14#15Supportive international & domestic market dynamics (2/3) While upstream investment has reduced materially, demand, specifically for natural gas and LNG, continues to rise Global supply/demand outlook for natural gas (bcm) Global supply/demand outlook for LNG TOP END -ENERGY- THE ENERGY OF TOMORROW 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 1990 2000 Material investment in gas supply required to meet future demand under all scenarios 2010 2020 Historical production / consumption Net Zero Supply with no greenfield investment 2030 Mmtpa - FOB 1,000 0 2040 2050 Rapid decarbonisation Business-as-usual The versatility of natural gas is one key to its expected prominent role in the energy transition... an attractive option for stabilizing the path to renewables while reducing carbon emissions in the short term. " International Energy Forum, 20 September 2021 (1) Source: BP Energy Outlook: 2020 Edition (1) International Energy Forum (4 Reasons Natural Gas Is A Critical Part Of The Energy Transition, 20 September 2021) Projects under construction (including recently sanctioned Qatar North Field East and Baltic LNG) reduce market space in late-2020s. 35 mmpa Pre FID investments in new backfill developments, ensure onstream supply is maintained to projects in Malaysia, Indonesia, Australia, Nigeria, Angola and Egypt 264 mmtpa 37€ 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 2050 Operational LNG (post-FID supply) Operational LNG (pre-FID supply) -LNG Demand FOB Under Construction ■ LNG trade flows are expected to increase materially as the mechanism for balancing increasing global demand for natural gas Additional upward pressure on LNG demand expected as European countries look to reduce dependence on Russian gas in the wake of ongoing geopolitical events and a renewed emphasis on energy security This is likely to incentivise further investment in Australian LNG export capacity and therefore requirement for additional natural gas feedstock Source: Wood Mackenzie (Global gas 2021 outlook to 2050 (July 2021)) Corporate Presentation | 15#16Supportive international & domestic market dynamics (3/3) TOP END -ENERGY- THE ENERGY OF TOMORROW Structurally short east coast gas market and long-term global LNG undersupply will continue to drive domestic demand for natural gas East coast LNG netback pricing (A$/GJ) East coast gas supply/demand (PJ/annum) 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 о 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 50 10 5 Post-COVID gas prices reach new highs as supply pressure and international gas prices increase Jan-16 Jan-17 Jan-18 Forecast demand Jan-19 Historical LNG netback prices Jan-20 Jan-21 Jan-22 Jan-23 Jan-24 Forward LNG netback prices Developed Committed Anticipated LNG imports East coast demand for natural gas is expected to outpace domestic supply in the medium-term, necessitating expensive LNG imports and putting upward pressure on pricing Opportunity for any future discovered resource to plug domestic supply/ demand imbalance and backfill LNG facilities in both the Northern Territory and Queensland as existing feed stock declines Source: AEMO (Gas Statement of Opportunities For Eastern and South-eastern Australia (Mar-21)) East coast wholesale gas prices have been linked to LNG netback pricing since 2015 - recent pricing has reached record levels as LNG prices up -500% over the last 12 months Current environment presents the opportunity to agree attractive long- term off-take contracts, underpinning the economic viability of any future discovered resource Source: ACCC (1 March 2022) - indicative netback pricing based on historical and future Asian LNG spot prices Corporate Presentation ❘ 16#17TOP END -ENERGY- THE ENERGY OF TOMORROW Diversification into broader clean energy space Opportunity to leverage existing geographic footprint to pursue renewable energy and other clean energy products to offset emissions and deliver diversified revenue streams Clean energy development in Australia is still in its infancy and Top End Energy intends to be a key player through the ongoing transition The generation landscape is likely to be characterised by increasingly localised energy markets allowing Top End Energy to double-down on its foothold and relationships in existing geographies Volatile power pricing and at-risk capacity margins offer investment opportunities for nimble operators with vision Top End Energy will target net zero emissions (Scope 1 & 2) through a combination of carbon abatement measures and investment in the renewable energy value chain The Company will also explore potential within its existing asset base for other end products such as hydrogen and helium H2 Corporate Presentation 17#18TOP END -ENERGY- THE ENERGY OF TOMORROW Clean energy strategy The Company has adopted a structured approach to assessing the most viable opportunities for achieving (1) net-zero emissions (Scope 1 & 2) and (2) supplementary revenue streams 1 Opportunity Scoping Leverage existing asset footprint Target complementary / synergistic business model Optimise funding approach to minimise dilution ✓ Seek partnerships / joint ventures to reduce risk / funding concentration Line of site to commercial viability or achievement of other strategic objectives Hz. Solar Hydrogen Wind 育 CCS Biomass / biogas Carbon abatement 2 Technical & Commercial Assessment 2022 H1 H2 H1 2023 Project Execution H2 Corporate Presentation | 18#19TOP END -ENERGY- THE ENERGY OF TOMORROW Commitment to ESG Maximising all stakeholder interests and delivering value sustainably is at the heart of Top End Energy's approach to business Maintaining the highest standards of ESG compliance is important to Top End Energy's management and imperative for the successful delivery of the Company's business plan ✓ Top End Energy has engaged Socialsuites to assist with setting and monitoring ESG objectives and delivery ✓ The Company will provide periodical disclosure on its performance in meeting set targets (ESG area: Climate based scenario analysis and internal carbon pricing to be utilised in economic decision making ✓ Working with other organizations to enhance and facilitate indigenous and local engagement in the Company's operating geographies Socialsuites Dashboard - ESG Baseline Established Top End Energy Ltd (TEE) Action EExplanation D Development Reported Verified Audited ESG Go Report Baseline 23/09/21 Dashboard Baseline GOVERNANCE GO-01-A Setting purpose GO-02-A Governance body composition GO-03-A Material Issues Impacting stakeholders GO-04-A Anti-corruption practices GO-04-B Mechanisms to protect ethical behaviour TIMEFRAME DISCLOSURE MATURITY Q4 2021 D Q4 2021 D Q4 2021 D 222222 Q4 2021 D Q4 2021 D GO-05-A Integrating risk and opportunity into business process 2021 PLANET PL-01 A GHG emissions Q4 2021 PL-01-8 TCFD implementation H2 2022 PL-02-A Land use and ecological sensitivity Q2 2022 PL-03-A Water consumption E Q4 2021 D Q4 2021 D PEOPLE PE-01-A Diversity and inclusion PE-01-B Pay equality PE-01-C Wage level PE-01-D Child, forced or compulsory labour H1 2022 D PE-02-A Health and safety Q1 2022 PE-03-A Training provided PROSPERITY PR-01-A Rate of employment PR-01-B Economic contribution Q1 2022 D PR-01-C Financial investment contribution Q1 2022 D PR-02-A Total R&D expenses Q1 2022 D Q1 2022 PR-03-A Total tax paid Corporate Presentation 19#20Top End Energy Team TOP END -ENERGY- THE ENERGY OF TOMORROW Emmanuel Correia Chairman Over 25 years' public company and corporate finance experience in Australia Non-executive director of BPM Minerals Limited, Ookami Limited and Pantera Minerals Limited Previously a director of other ASX listed entities including Argent Minerals Ltd, Canyon Resources Ltd and Orminex Ltd Michelle Kennedy CFO Qualified Chartered Accountant with extensive experience in providing corporate accounting and advisory services to public companies Previously roles with PwC and Wesfarmers Bachelor of Commerce degree from the University of Western Australia majoring in Financial Accounting and Corporate Finance, and a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand Oliver Oxenbridge Managing Director Over 10 years of experience in the international oil and gas and energy space across investment banking, private equity, and corporate development Involved in numerous large and mid-cap M&A transactions as both advisor and investor, with global experience spanning deal sourcing, structuring, execution and asset management Woodside Energy, Waha Capital, Ophir Energy, Evercore Partners BA degree in Philosophy, Politics & Economics from University of Pennsylvania Shane Hartwig Company Secretary Certified Practicing Accountant and Chartered Company Secretary and holds a Bachelor of Business degree, majoring in Accounting and Taxation from Curtin University of Technology in Western Australia Over 20 years' experience in the finance industry both nationally and internationally with exposure to both the debt and equity capital markets Greg Lee Technical Director Petroleum Engineer with over 35 years of diversified oil and gas experience in both technical and managerial positions Chartered professional engineer and a member of the Society of Petroleum Engineers and has been an independent petroleum engineer consultant since 1992 having worked with both large and small organisations in Australia and worldwide Third Party Support Richard Lampe Non-Executive Director Over 15 years of experience across financial services, agribusiness and natural resources Eight years with Goldman Sachs JBWere in financial services, five years in professional services including with EY, three years as a commercial analyst with a subsidiary of Marubeni Australia as well as having active involvement in his family mixed farming business Bachelor of Business (ACCT) and post graduate qualifications in Agribusiness and Applied Finance ERCE INCAUSE Technical Advisors Independent Energy Experts Well Engineering & Project Management ESG 8. Socialsuite Engagement Corporate Presentation | 20#21Indicative work program Minimal funds required to deliver near-term de-risking of prioritised asset base and pursue inorganic growth opportunities 2022 H1 H2 Seismic reprocessing and new acquisition TOP END -ENERGY- THE ENERGY OF TOMORROW 2023 H1 H2 Queensland ATP 1069 Northern Territory Prioritised Permits Interpretation and prospect identification Exploration well conditional on outcome of seismic work Continue Native Title and ALRA negotiations for grant of prioritised permits Target independent assessment of prospective resources Seismic acquisition and interpretation Opportunity scoping and assessment Clean Energy Strategic partnerships and investment Corporate Presentation | 21#22Capital & corporate structure Top End Energy Capital Structure (1) Top End Energy Corporate Structure Shares on Issue & Market Capitalisation Shares on issue 69,625,001 TOP END -ENERGY- THE ENERGY OF TOMORROW Share price $0.34 Market capitalisation (undiluted) $23.7m 100% 100% Cash available $5.7m Tomorrow Energy Pty Ltd NT Territory HoldCo Pty Ltd Other Securities 100% Options currently on issue 26,800,000 Performance rights currently on issue 3,000,000 ATP 1069 Contingent deferred shares (2) Total shares (fully diluted) 19,500,000 118,925,001 (1) As at 8 April 2022 (2) Share and deferred share consideration in respect of the acquisition of the interest in the NT assets from McKam Aust Pty Ltd 50% Territory Gas Pty Ltd 100% 100% TOP END -ENERGY- THE ENERGY OF TOMORROW NT Gas Aust Pty Ltd Territory Gas Aust Pty Ltd 100% 100% 19 NT Permit Applications 11 NT Permit Applications Corporate Presentation | 22#23TOP END -ENERGY- THE ENERGY OF TOMORROW Enquiries [email protected]#24Appendix A Permit Summary#25Prioritised Permits Permit Location Gross Area (km²) (1) Blocks TEE Net Interest Status ATP 1069 Queensland 4,185 1,350 100% Granted EP 257 Northern Territory 7,255 96 50% Application EP 258 Northern Territory 1,340 19 50% Application EP 259 Northern Territory 2,472 39 50% Application EP 261 Northern Territory 3,218 61 50% Application EP 265 Northern Territory 16,760 200 50% Application EP 277 Northern Territory 17,077 198 50% Application EP 279 Northern Territory 17,162 ཙ། 194 50% Application EP 280 Northern Territory 9,668 121 50% Application (1) Approximate areas as per Northern Territory Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade TOP END -ENERGY- THE ENERGY OF TOMORROW Corporate Presentation | 25#26Additional Permits Permit Location Gross Area (km²) Blocks TEE Net Interest Status TOP END -ENERGY- THE ENERGY OF TOMORROW EP254 Northern Territory 12,650 169 50% Application EP312 Northern Territory 98 50% Application EP315 Northern Territory 18 2 50% Application EP281 Northern Territory 56 EP282 Northern Territory 61 EP283 Northern Territory 89 5 455 50% Application 50% Application 50% Application EP274 Northern Territory 15,180 192 50% Application EP256 Northern Territory 1,429 34 50% Application EP294 Northern Territory 221 23 50% Application EP275 Northern Territory 14,840 196 50% Application EP295 Northern Territory 100 50% Application (1) Approximate areas as per Northern Territory Department of Industry. Tourism and Trade Corporate Presentation | 26#27Additional Permits (Cont'd) Permit Location Gross Area (km²) Blocks TEE Net Interest Status TOP END -ENERGY- THE ENERGY OF TOMORROW EP285 Northern Territory 5 2 50% Application EP284 Northern Territory 122 6 50% Application NTC/P14 Northern Territory 77 5 50% Application EP276 Northern Territory 13,570 200 50% Application EP278 Northern Territory 15,460 198 50% Application EP260 Northern Territory 2,590 63 50% Application EP262 Northern Territory 5,539 99 50% Application EP314 Northern Territory 932 21 50% Application EP313 Northern Territory 585 11 50% Application EP263 Northern Territory 1,336 43 50% Application EP264 Northern Territory 1,916 41 50% Application (1) Approximate areas as per Northern Territory Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade Corporate Presentation | 27

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