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#1ANNUAL REPORT ABPA BRAZILIAN ASSOCIATION OF ANIMAL PROTEIN 2022#2Empty#3ANNUAL REPORT ABPA BRAZILIAN ASSOCIATION OF ANIMAL PROTEIN 2022#4INDEX ווין WHO 5 WE ARE 44 CHICKEN MEAT 62 PORK 80 2021 Annual Report 46 BRAZILIAN PRODUCTION 64 BRAZILIAN PRODUCTION of Activities 46 Gross Production Value 64 Gross Production Value 9 ABPA in Action 47 Placement of Breeders 65 Placement of Hog Breeders 15 The Global Value Chain 47 Brazilian Production 65 Brazilian Production 18 The Sector's Competitiveness 48 Slaughtering by Federal Unit 66 19 The Year of Resilience 49 Destination of Brazilian Production 67 Slaughtering by Federal Unit Destination of Brazilian Production 21 Sectoral Presence: 49 per Capita Consumption 67 per Capita Consumption National Expansion 50 WORLD MARKET 68 WORLD MARKET 24 14 An Industry that is 50 Production 68 Production Sustainable by Nature 50 2 3 3 N 27 Biosecurity and One Health Export 68 Export 50 30 Explaining the Sector Import 68 Import 32 Proteins Without Borders 51 BRAZILIAN EXPORTS 69 BRAZILIAN EXPORTS 40 SIAVS 2022: 51 NCM Codes of Chicken Meat 69 NCM Codes of Pork Opportunities for the sector 51 Historical Series 69 Historical Series 52 By Month and Product 70 By Month and Product 54 By Federal Unit 72 By Federal Unit 54 By Customs 72 By Customs 42 STATISTICS 55 By Region and Products 73 SUMMARY 56 By Region 57 Importing Countries 42 Brazilian Poultry and Pork 58 Industries in Numbers Main Destinations 736 74 By Region and Products By Region 75 76 Importing Countries Main Destinations 2 Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA#597 80 88 TURKEY MEAT By Federal Unit 113 97 By Customs 114 Importing Countries Main Destinations 98 By Region and Products 82 BRAZILIAN PRODUCTION 99 By Region 82 Brazilian Production 99 Importing Countries 82 Destination of Brazilian Production 100 Main Destinations 83 per Capita Consumption 84 BRAZILIAN EXPORTS 118 POULTRY 116 GENETIC MATERIAL BRAZILIAN EXPORTS 84 NCM Codes of Turkey Meat 84 Historical Series 102 EGGS 118 NCM Codes of Day-old Chicks 118 Historical Series 85 By Month and Product 118 NCM Codes of Hatching Eggs 86 By Federal Unit 104 BRAZILIAN PRODUCTION 118 Historical Series 86 By Customs 104 Gross Production Value 119 By Month and Product 87 By Region and Products 105 Placement of Parent Stock 120 By Federal Unit 88 By Region 105 Placement of Layer Hens 120 By Customs 89 Importing Countries 106 Brazilian Production 121 By Region and Products 90 Main Destinations 107 Day-old Chick Placement 122 By Region by Federal Unit 123 Importing Countries 108 Destination of Brazilian Production 124 Main Destinations DUCK 108 per Capita Consumption 92 AND OTHER 109 BRAZILIAN EXPORTS POULTRY MEAT 109 NCM Codes of Eggs 94 BRAZILIAN PRODUCTION 109 Historical Series 94 Brazilian Production 110 By Month and Product 126 ANNEXES 94 Destination of Brazilian Production 111 By Federal Unit 95 BRAZILIAN EXPORTS 111 By Customs 128 Annex - Chicken Meat 95 NCM Codes of Duck and Other 112 By Region and Products 133 Annex II - Pork Poultry Meat 113 By Region 136 Annex III - Turkey Meat 95 Historical Series 138 Annex IV - Eggs 96 By Month and Product ||||| Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA 3 |||||#6BRASILEIRA DE PROTEINA AL Ricardo Santin President President's Message We thought 2021 would be the year of the turning point, the year in which we would overcome the hardship of the pandemic. Unfortunately, with the waxing and waning of events, new variants emerged, which delayed the end of this cycle. However, the development of vaccines brought us hope, since the sooner the entire population is immunized, the sooner we will be able to return to our daily activities, gradually resuming normality. The pandemic period brought us great learnings and challenges. In this context, resilience was the mantra for those who remained focused on ensuring food supply, with the purpose of preserving food security for the Brazilian population and for more than 180 nations, to which we export our products. Following this trend, the poultry and pork industries in Brazil fulfilled their social role by promoting job and income generation throughout the country, especially in the countryside. We were, and still are, resilient in facing the sharpest increase in production costs ever experienced, encompassing all inputs - and affecting other crops beyond corn and soybean, which, alone, account for more than 70% of farm costs. We also made all the necessary investments to protect employees, in order to continue producing amidst the pandemic. We reaped good results, achieving historical figures on yield, per capita consumption, and exports in virtually all segments of our industries. We bolstered our role in generating foreign revenues by increasing our international outreach, while expanding our presence on Brazilian shelves and at the consumers' table! All of these achievements result from the intensive work of the sector, contributing with market intelligence, among other benefits. Specialized and strategic information is a strategic advantage in our decision making. This is one of ABPA's aims: to generate value for its members and society through high-quality, in-depth analytical information. The new ABPA Annual Report 2022 is one of the products of the Association which accomplishes this role. In the following pages, detailed information is available on the most diverse production segments in which ABPA members operate. Our sustainability commitments, sectoral statistical data, and information on the characteristics and qualities that make Brazil a global benchmark in the production of animal protein. All of this may be found in this recently published report. Enjoy your reading! 4 Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA#7WHO WE ARE The Brazilian Association of Animal Protein (ABPA) is a national non-profit organization which represents the country's poultry and pork production industries in the various national and international forums, as well as in the political, technical, economic, and social spheres. With representative bodies on three continents, in Brazil (São Paulo/State of SP and Brasília/ Federal District), in China (Beijing), and in the European Union (Brussels / Belgium), ABPA has more than 130 members from the entire production chain, including producing and exporting agroindustries, equipment companies, genetic houses, biological and pharmaceutical inputs, animal feed, logistics, in addition to state and sectoral entities connected to the poultry and pork production industries. With the purpose of strengthening the international image of Brazilian production chains and of poultry and pork products worldwide, ABPA, together with ApexBrasil, is the administrator of the following sectoral brands: Brazilian Chicken, Brazilian Egg, Brazilian Breeders, Brazilian Duck, and Brazilian Pork. ABPA is also the coordinator of a series of initiatives aimed at fostering the sector, such as the International Poultry and Pork Industry Exhibition (SIAVS). In addition to its sectoral political and institutional role, ABPA also has a comprehensive sectoral database, which is offered to its members through a range of products and services, especially the ABPA DATA. HOW ABPA WORKS: ABPA BRAZILIAN ASSOCIATION OF ANIMAL PROTEIN SECTORAL CHAMBERS DIRECTORS: Administrative and Financial, Markets, Institutional Relations and Technical MANAGERS: Communication, Marketing and Technical PRESIDENT'S OFFICE BOARD OF DIRECTORS ADVISORY BOARD Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA 5 ||||| 山 |||||#8ABPA SECTORAL CHAMBERS As a plural organization with global operations, ABPA has 14 Sectoral Chambers in its structure which act proactively to handle demands, promote alignment of positions, and build joint solutions within the sector. 14 SECTORAL CHAMBERS • Chamber of Markets - Poultry Division • Chamber of Markets - Pork Division • Chamber of Genetics Chamber of Commercial Eggs and Egg Products • Chamber of Technology, Processes, and Public Health • Chamber of Food Safety and Production • Chamber of Sustainability • Chamber of Logistics • Chamber of Sector Integration • Chamber of Relations with Integrated Stakeholders • Chamber of State Entities • Chamber of Legal and Legislative Affairs • Chamber of Labor and Employment Relations ABPA INTEGRITY PROGRAM ABPA runs its own sectoral Compliance Program to address its relations with its employees, associates, suppliers, and service providers. The program establishes a series of rules of conduct that foster transparency and ethics in relations among its entities. The Integrity Program addresses the expected behavior of employees and of those who directly and indirectly are part of ABPA's relationships network. The Code of Conduct, the Anti-Corruption and Government Relations Policy, the Policy on Presents, Marketing Gifts and Entertainment, and the Manual of Compliance with the Brazilian Legislation for the Advocacy of Competition are the instruments that govern our Integrity Program. • Chamber of Equipment 6 Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA#9INTERNATIONAL AFFILIATIONS AND PARTNERSHIPS ABPA is a global organization, member of several institutional, technical, and economic forums. These are affiliations that focus on topics of sectoral interest and global scope, with overarching purposes, such as the International Poultry Council (IPC), or with specific goals, such as the African Swine Fever Prevention Group in the Americas (PPA América). ABPA is also a member of organizations with national representation in target markets for the poultry and pork industry in Brazil. Organizations with which ABPA has connections: COUNCIL INTERNATIONAL POULTRY COUNCIL (IPC) FOLLOW, LIKE, AND SHARE ABPA IN THE SOCIAL MEDIA f FACEBOOK /abpabr TWITTER @AbpaBR LINKEDIN in ALA ASOCIACIÓN LATINOAMERICANA DE AVICULTURA (ALA) Latin American Poultry Association CHINA ENTRY-EXIT INSPECTION AND QUARANTINE ASSOCIATION (CIQA) USA Poultry & Egg Export USA POULTRY AND EGG EXPORT COUNCIL (USAPEEC) Consejo Mexicano ard came CONSEJO MEXICANO DE LA CARNE (COMECARNE) Mexican Meat Council CAMIE ASSOCIATION OF MAT MPORTS & EXPORTERS ASSOCIATION OF MEAT IMPORTERS & EXPORTERS (AMIE) #Todos ContraLa COPPA PPA AMÉRICA African Swine Fever Prevention Group in the Americas O O INSTAGRAM @abpabr INTERNATIONAL INSTAGRAM @abpa_brazil ||||| ||||| Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA 7#102021 ANNUAL REPORT OF ACTIVITIES OFFICIAL LETTERS ISSUED 643 GENERAL MEETINGS 1,543 INTERNATIONAL MISSIONS RECEIVED (IN-PERSON AND VIRTUAL) 3 8 Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA MEETINGS OF CHAMBERS, COMMITTEES, AND WORKING GROUPS (GT) 456 MEETINGS WITH NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL AUTHORITIES 179 INTERNATIONAL MISSIONS AND EVENTS 5 IN-PERSON AND ONLINE EVENTS AND LECTURES 311 INTERVIEWS 257 PRE-AUDITS AND VERIFICATIONS 24#11ABPA IN ACTION DISCOVER THE FAMÍLIA INTEGRADA (INTEGRATED FAMILY) PROGRAM Innovation, entrepreneurship, and new ways to increase the profitability of rural properties are FAMILI INTEGRA always on the agenda of the Família Integrada Program, an initiative of the Brazilian Association of Animal Protein (ABPA) and its associates, launched in 2021 to foster professionalization and family succession in small poultry and pig farming properties. With the participation of renowned specialists and producers from all over the country, the Família Integrada Program discusses innovations, sustainability, and day-to-day challenges of farming properties, in addition to identifying ideas that represent new opportunities to producers. The Família Integrada Program is an initiative based on open courses, which address demands surveyed by the integrated agroindustries. The courses are taught live and online, and the content is recorded on the Familialntegrada channel. Follow the initiative through our social media and integrada.abpa. JOIN THE ABPA ACADEMY Academia ABPA ABPA launched the ABPA Academy in 2021, the entity's first initiative aimed at distance learning. Exclusive to ABPA members, the Academy offers courses specifically tailored to the production chain, whose aim is to improve the knowledge of professionals working in the industry through highly specialized lectures, addressing topics related to the sector production, trade, and internationalization. The courses are based on issues suggested by the members, such as Regulatory and Legal Affairs, Biosecurity, Commercial Intelligence, Foreign Trade, International Relations, Sector Image, among others. The ABPA Academy is a service that was developed to supplement the sectoral work. It is an important opportunity for professionals to exchange experiences, learn about new techniques, and enhance their knowledge. Learn more about the Família Integrada Program Find more information about the ABPA Academy by writing to [email protected]. Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA 9 ||||| |||||#12MARKET INTELLIGENCE! ABPA SUPPORT TO MEMBERS ABPA DATA ABPA DATA is an online Business Intelligence (BI) platform, which was designed and developed exclusively for ABPA members. The platform provides access to a wide variety of data on Brazilian and global poultry and pork production industries, such as slaughter and production, sector exports, input market monitoring, among others, information which is available in more than 500 pages, displayed in 25 dynamic panels. In 2021 we launched 6 new panels! Altogether, there have been more than 3 billion data points processed already! COMPETITIVE INTELLIGENCE CENTER (NIC) The ABPA's NIC aims to provide members with analyses of the poultry sector, in order to enable them to understand the markets and the scenario. The Center develops studies on Brazilian exports, the behavior of Brazil's main competitors, in addition to preparing specific analyses on the most relevant markets for the sector. ABPA Primal para on Pass Prä 10 Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA new +6 panels +3 billion data points processed INFRAS The INFRAS are detailed statistical reports on Brazilian poultry and pork exports, and their main purpose is to assist members in their market assessment. The reports, produced monthly, cover in-depth information on the destinations of Brazilian exports, offering data such as volume, revenue, and type of exported product. ABPADATA BRAZILIAN ASSOCIATION OF ANIMAL PROTEIN#13||||| ||||| 山 INFORMATIONAL REPORTS GRAIN REPORT The Grain Report is sent weekly to members, addressing the behavior of the corn and the soybean crops, as well as some information on the economic scenario. CHICKEN AND PORK REPORT The Chicken and Pork Reports are sent monthly to members, providing statistical data on product exports, such as the major destinations, volume and revenue, in addition to information on the economic scenario and product prices. ABPA GUIDE TO MISSIONS AND ACCREDITATIONS In addition to providing members with access to the main statistical data of the sector in order to assist them in their market analyses, ABPA offers direct support to the process of the international expansion of companies by enabling access to new markets, providing support in terms of accreditation of establishments, analyzing technical documentation, and receiving missions and audits. Along these lines, in 2021, ABPA launched the ABPA Guide to Missions and Accreditations, which was prepared on the basis of the Association's experience in organizing several international, in-person and virtual missions. The guide contains several recommendations on the procedures for receiving this kind of audit visit. ATTACHÉS' REPORTS The Attachés' Reports are summarized reports that provide the main information on Brazilian exports of chicken and pork to countries that rely on Brazil's Agricultural Attachés. The reports are sent monthly to Brazil's Agricultural Attachés abroad and also to members. ABPA GUIA ABPA DE MISSÕES SANITÁRIAS E HABILITAÇÕES More information may be obtained by sending an e-mail to [email protected] Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA 11#14SECTORAL CAMPAIGNS Incentives for consumption and for the preservation of the health status are some of the topics addressed by the ABPA Sectoral Campaigns, which reach out to stakeholders in Brazil and in several countries around the world. See below a summary of the campaigns carried out: CONSUMPTION CAMPAIGNS SABOR TODO DIA (FLAVOR EVERY DAY) In 2021, ABPA launched "Sabor Todo Dia", a campaign aimed at gastronomy fans and those eager to try out new recipes. The campaign combines deep knowledge of the gastronomic culture and innovation, enabling the audience to enjoy recipes of special dishes made with chicken, pork, and eggs — versatile and healthy proteins. "Sabor Todo Dia" is promoted through advertising on gastronomy sites and social networks, publicizing the official page of the campaign. The campaign e-book is available on the webpage, and there are several recipes, with varied cuts and presentations - including two "bonus" recipes which stood out as potential star recipes for the menu of the 2021 holiday season celebrations. The campaign aims to win over the segment of fans of gastronomy sites and fan pages, especially those looking for new ideas to develop their menu. The free release of the e-book was a gift from ABPA to Brazilian consumers during the holiday season! ABPA book Baixe Grátis Saber Todo Dia SABOR IMAGE Learn more at ACTION WITH INFLUENCERS In the days that followed the Poultry Farmer's Day, ABPA launched a far- reaching campaign among Influencers from all over Brazil, focusing on gastronomy and health. The campaign called #Proteína DeQualidade (#Quality Protein), was entirely carried out on Instagram, by means of actions under Stories, showing the preparation of recipes and conversations with the audience, in which the qualities and flavor of Brazilian poultry, pork, and egg protein were highlighted. 12 Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA#15HOLIDAY SEASON: BARBECUE WITH MORE CHICKEN, PORK, AND EGGS How about serving more chicken, pork, and eggs when throwing your holiday barbecue parties? This was the idea proposed by the Brazilian Association of Animal Protein (ABPA) in its promotional campaign to encourage the consumption of animal protein during the celebrations of the year-end holiday period - launched in December 2021. By underlining the quality and sophisticated flavor of poultry and pork products in Brazil, the campaign, which was publicized on the sectoral social networks managed by ABPA, highlights the cuts commonly used in barbecue parties, such as hearts, wings, thighs, and mid joint wings, in the case of chicken, and ribs, sausages, and rump cap in the case of pork. NATIONAL CONSUMPTION PROMOTING MEDIA AMO FRANGO O Amo frango @amo.frango f/AmoFrango SUÍNO GASTRÔ ABPA SUINOGASTRO O f @suino.gastro /SuinoGastro OVO TODO DIA tododia O @tododia.ovo f /Ovo TodoDia Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA ||||| 13 |||||#1614 PROMOTION OF ANIMAL HEALTH CAMPAIGN AGAINST AVIAN INFLUENZA In 2021, ABPA also promoted another campaign aimed at poultry producers in order to strengthen health care on farms across the country. With actions on social networks and endomarketing, the campaign proposed a set of simple - albeit essential - measures to maintain Brazil's health status: the country is noteworthy for having never registered Avian Influenza in its territory. These are measures such as controlling the entry of people onto the farms, cleaning of shoes, disinfection of vehicles, among others. The campaign was boosted, and guidance was provided to producers at a time when several large producing nations in Asia and Europe recorded outbreaks of the disease in poultry farms, where thousands of birds had to be slaughtered for sanitary control. ABPA ** DEFENDING LATIN AMERICA FROM ASF By means of the ASF-Free Brazil campaign, ABPA engaged the sector in a campaign for the prevention of African Swine Fever (ASF) throughout the country, following the notification of cases of the disease in Haiti and the Dominican Republic. Although the two nations are islands - which reduces the risk of contamination by land - as is the case in Europe and Asia -, the onset notification has alarmed all nations of the Americas. In Brazil, public and private sectors have engaged in several initiatives focused on prevention. ABPA also embarked on an intensive and comprehensive multilingual campaign (published in Portuguese, English, French, Creole, and Spanish), which is underway on social networks of communication departments of producing and supplying companies in the production chain, as well as on several media, including stakeholders and other organizations. The ASF-Free Brazil campaign expanded its reach and became an action throughout Latin America, through the #TodosContraLaPPA campaign - which was promoted by the PPA América group. Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA#17THE GLOBAL VALUE CHAIN The Brazilian poultry and pork production value chain is robust and relies on a high degree of integration between its 8 main links: Inputs; Genetic Houses; Integrated Producers; Agroindustries; Certification Bodies; Transportation; Domestic and Foreign Markets, and Consumers (illustrated on the following pages). The start of the chain --the first link of the production process - lies in the field, from where the main inputs are sourced, such as corn and soybeans, which are fundamental elements for the production of feed that will later become the animals' nutrition. The integration system is the next link in the chain, a unique feature of the Brazilian production model, which is based on a partnership between integrated producers and the agroindustry, ensuring the production of standardized quality products and connecting small producers to the global agribusiness sector. Further along the chain, there are two extremely important links: the genetic houses and the certifying companies. The genetic houses, responsible for animal genetics, are essential to promote an efficient production system and to ensure high quality end products, by means of the wide-ranging use of technology, innovation, and knowledge. The Certifying Bodies also play an important role. They reinforce good agricultural and production practices, and guarantee traceability and reliability to products that supply both the domestic and foreign markets. Certifications such as GlobalGap, BRC, IFS, and AloFree are available for Brazilian poultry and pork production chains. There is also an extremely important project developed by halal product certifiers. Focusing on the Islamic community, this certification is essential to meet the requirements of partnerships established with several markets. No wonder Brazil is today the largest exporter of halal animal protein in the world! Sustainability is a value instilled in the entire production chain and it is demonstrated in several actions implemented by the Brazilian poultry and pork production sector. From the planting of grains as inputs up to the table of millions of consumers, national producers and agribusinesses are committed to continuous improvement, in an effort to promote an increasingly healthier and more efficient production. The transportation link, which is mainly operated by road and sea, delivers the inputs to the farms, the animals to the slaughterhouses, and the products to the points of sale of both Brazilian and international markets, so that end consumers may enjoy tasty, healthy, and safe products. The poultry and pork production chain generates great wealth for the Brazilian economy. In 2021, for instance, the Gross Value of Production (GVP) of chicken and pork surpassed BRL 140 billion, accounting for 12% of the total agribusiness GVP. Between 2010 and 2021, the GVP generated by chicken production increased by 54%, while that of pork production increased by 46%. Furthermore, the Brazilian poultry and pork production sectors not only boost the economy of the entire country - including regions further from the large metropolitan centers - but also generate thousands of jobs where their facilities are located. Altogether, these sectors generate about 4 million direct and indirect jobs, with 2/3 of the total number of jobs created by the poultry farming industry and 1/3 by the pig farming industry. Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA 15 ||||| !!!!! 山#18THE GLOBAL VALUE CHAIN Agro INPUTS GENETIC HOUSES 16 Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA CERTIFYING BODIES 0000000 INTEGRATED PRODUCER AGROINDUSTRY#19CARGO TRANSPORTATION DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN MARKETS CONSUMER Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA 17#20THE SECTOR'S COMPETITIVENESS Natural Resources 60 POINTS OF EXCELLENCE Technology and Knowledge Rural Entrepreneurship Coordination of Value Chains Logistics and Infrastructure Import Tariffs and Trade Agreements Tax Matters Legal Insecurity 18 Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA OBSTACLES Source: Developed by ABPA#21THE YEAR OF RESILIENCE The year of 2021 was a challenging period for the sector. It would be fair to call it "the year of resilience". Shaken by the global economic crisis triggered by the onset of the pandemic in 2020, poultry and pig farmers as well as agribusinesses throughout Brazil did not spare any efforts to keep their operations running. Faced with a delicate economic environment, our producers not only had to adapt to the new pandemic scenario, but they were also challenged by historical price spikes of inputs, which severely affected their production costs and competitive edge. (R$/ 60kg bale) 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 PPPPP Corn Soybean 29.05 68.34 44.48 77.43 30.47 66.20 38.49 78.55 39.40 76.79 58.69 115.86 91.83 165.60 The price of corn and soybean meal, which together account for approximately 70% of farm expenses, reached levels never before witnessed in Brazil. On average, from 2015 to 2021, the price of soy has increased more than 140%. Corn, in turn, showed an even higher leap, exceeding 200%. Unfortunately, not only the prices of inputs needed for animal nutrition have risen. Climbing costs for rigid and flexible packaging and fuel have also heavily penalized producers, who sometimes had to cope with negative margins in their production. Amidst the uncertainties that affected domestic production, the export sector was also put to the test. Initially, during the critical period of the pandemic, the pace of global trade became sluggish. Then, with the subsequent and gradual resumption of business after the lockdown measures, the reopening of global economies generated an unprecedented worldwide imbalance between the supply and demand of ship containers. Cargo ships were redirected to higher demand routes - which do not include Brazil - and this mismatch resulted in skyrocketing maritime freight prices, which more than tripled over this period. However, even amidst so much hardship, our producers, upholding food security, persevered in their honorable commitment to feed Brazil and the world! Cepea/Esalq Soy Indicator - Paraná | Corn Indicator Esalq/Bm&Fbovespa Source: CEPEA Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA 19 ||||| !!!!! 山#22SECTOR PRODUCTION COSTS IN 2021 LIVE CHICKEN PRODUCTION COST IN 2021 Cost Item Composition Percentage Variation of Cost Items in the Year HOG PRODUCTION COST IN 2021 Cost Item Composition Percentage Variation of Cost Items in the Year Nutrition 81.10% 5.51% Nutrition 75.36% 15.96% Day-Old Chick 13.15% 2.08% Labor 3.19% 0.48% Labor 3.77% 0.66% Maintenance - Financial - Funrural 3.07% -0.27% Depreciation 1.97% 0.32% Cost of Capital 3.01% 0.32% Cost of Capital 1.62% 0.28% Transportation 2.99% 0.28% Transportation 1.62% - 1.07% Depreciation 2.34% 0.37% Electricity - Litter - Heating 1.55% 0.32% Miscellaneous - Others 2.26% 0.14% Maintenance - Financial - Funrural 0.63% 0.09% Health 1.47% 0.24% Miscellaneous - Others 0.18% 0.03% Electricity - Litter - Heating 0.57% 0.16% Health 0.15% 0.00% Source: Embrapa Pork and Poultry, 2021 20 Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA Source: Embrapa Pork and Poultry, 2021#23SECTORAL PRESENCE: NATIONAL EXPANSION LOCATION OF ABPA ASSOCIATED SLAUGHTERHOUSES UNDER THE FEDERAL INSPECTION SERVICE (SIF) Mato Grosso POULTRY - 4 PORK-2 Goiás POULTRY - 8 PORK-1 Distrito Federal POULTRY -1 Mato Grosso do Sul POULTRY 5 PORK - 2 Paraná POULTRY-34 PORK -11 Pernambuco POULTRY - 1 ABPA BRAZILIAN ASSOCIATION OF ANIMAL PROTEIN Bahia POULTRY - 1 Espírito Santo POULTRY 1 Our members account for more than 85% of the total pork production 90% of the total poultry production in Brazil and they also account for more than 95% of the exports of the sector! Minas Gerais POULTRY - 7 PORK-4 Rio Grande do Sul POULTRY 18 PORK-17 Santa Catarina POULTRY - 18 PORK -16 São Paulo POULTRY - 9 PORK-1 *Number of poultry and pork SIFs per UF (State or 'Federative Unit') ||||| Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA 21 IIIII#24A JOINT PUBLIC-PRIVATE WORK With regard to the quality and sanitary assurance of animal products in Brazil, the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (MAPA) is responsible for the federal inspection through the Federal Inspection Service (SIF), which ensures the interstate and international trading of products with the SIF certificate. Therefore, establishments wishing to market throughout the country or to export, must have a SIF number and be registered with the Department of Inspection of Animal Products (DIPOA/MAPA), which is the central and competent agency for the inspection of animal products in the country. The agency is also responsible for the development of government action guidelines for the inspection and oversight of these products. The management of the Federal Inspection System and the automation of work processes are currently carried out by the Management Information System of the Federal Inspection Services (SIGSIF), a system that enables the compilation, analysis, and dissemination of the large amount of data routinely generated in the production and inspection of animal products in SIF-registered establishments, transmitting information about slaughter, production, marketing, incoming raw materials, analyzed labels, health certificates and animal movement permits, thereby being a resource that enables the control of processes and standardization of procedures, and which has become essential in supporting decision-making, identifying bottlenecks, and allocating resources. Internationally recognized and a reference in quality and health assurance, the SIF Seal, which is used by thousands of Brazilian establishments that produce the most diverse proteins - and of which more than 160 poultry and pork establishments are ABPA members - certifies the safety of animal products from Brazil and ensures reliability to the more than 180 countries to which Brazil exports. The SIF Seal is essential to safeguard our position as one of the leading global food exporters. MINISTÉRI DAAGRICULTURA BRASI INSPECIONADO S.I.F. Source: Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (MAPA) 22 22 Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA#25||||| IIIII PRODUCER-INDUSTRY INTEGRATION: UNION FOR COMPETITIVENESS AND QUALITY INTEGRATED PRODUCTION SYSTEM "Win-Win" Partnership PRODUCTION STANDARD QUALITY HEALTH CONTROL IINTEGRATED PRODUCER Responsible for the infrastructure, management, and animal breeding. AGROINDUSTRY The Agroindustry provides inputs, animals, technical management, and the compensation of integrated producers. With production under full control, the production management system was able to segment the market expectations, achieving more international competitiveness in these Brazilian sectors. This "win-win" relationship was legally guaranteed by Law No. 13,288 of 2016, the so-called Integration Law. The legislation established rules and created regulatory bodies for the industry. Consequently, this integrated relationship, which prevails in 90% of the country's poultry and pork production systems, has further reinforced quality, health, and sustainability, ensuring that Brazilian producers can play their role in upholding food security in Brazil and in the world. 山 The integration model is one of the traditions of the Brazilian poultry and pork industry. Implemented in Brazil in the 1970s, this model was one of the main strategies responsible for the exponential growth in activities, be it in the domestic or foreign market. The concept underpinning this partnership model is relatively simple. The agroindustry provides inputs and technical management, ensures the supply of animals and compensates producers who, in turn, are responsible for animal management and the infrastructure required for raising the animals. The achievements resulting from this model are amazing! The establishment of production standards became more effective with the integrated approach. Quality management and health control have increased efficiency levels and made Brazil a benchmark for the international market. 240 Integration Law no. Law 13,288 of 2016 Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA 23#2624 AN INDUSTRY THAT IS SUSTAINABLE BY NATURE The Brazilian poultry and pork industries have some essential allies that make their chains naturally sustainable. The wide availability of water and land added to a favorable climate are some of them! These natural resources provide the appropriate supply of agricultural inputs and generate a lower demand for energy consumption in production systems, in addition to enabling good animal health and welfare conditions. In this context, ABPA was one of the few entities to be awarded the "Partner Association of the More Integrity Seal 2021/2022"-a prize organized by the Ministry of Agriculture to encourage sectoral transparency, acknowledging integrity practices aimed at social responsibility, environmental sustainability, and ethics. Three ABPA member companies were also awarded with the More Integrity Seal! The partnership spurred by the Producer-Industry Integration System, widely prevalent in the sector, also significantly impacts social sustainability, by promoting a stable flow of income to small farmers with a noticeable influence on their quality of life. The social and economic development of the producing regions where our agroindustries are located bears witness to the markedly social role of the Brazilian poultry and pork industries. The Brazilian environmental legislative framework, which is very strict, ensures control over the use of natural resources and the proper preservation of nature, without hindering the production of affordable foodstuffs, thereby being a key element of sustainable development. On the private side, the corporate approach to dealing with natural resources and managing their environmental impact is increasingly relevant to society at large. Therefore, transparency and compliance are crucial points for the reputation and reliability of Brazilian poultry, egg, and pork agribusinesses, which are increasingly incorporating sustainability into their business strategies. Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA#27ESG ||||| IIIII "ESG" (Environmental, Social and Governance) initiatives are increasingly being used to assess the impacts and performance of companies in the areas of environment, society, and governance, as well as to manage investment risks. This is why it is important to make sure that even the smallest suppliers are committed to the initiatives taken on by their clients. ABPA has sought to act throughout the poultry and pork value chain, promoting initiatives that make sustainable practices feasible. ABPA INCENTIVE PROGRAM TO SUSTAINABLE PRACTICES In 2021, ABPA inaugurated the ABPA Incentive Program to Sustainable Practices, an initiative that follows the guidelines established by the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and is aligned with the sectoral purpose of promoting food security and social development by optimizing the use of resources and respecting quality standards and the environment. Within the scope of the program, ABPA launched a guide for the implementation of photovoltaic power systems in rural properties. The material was produced in partnership with the Brazilian Photovoltaic Solar Energy Association (ABSOLAR) and provides information on points of attention, payback, lines of financing, and others. ABPA PROGRAMA DE INCENTIVO AS PRÁTICAS SUSTENTÁVEIS ENERGIA SOLAR FOTOVOLTAICA On another front, ABPA has made available a guide to its members with the complete framework of environmental legislation that governs the activities of poultry and pork production in Brazil. Produced in electronic format, the 53-page booklet brings together 24 environmental acts, including normative instructions, laws, and other rules, which deal with topics such as livestock waste, the Rural Environmental Registry (CAR), air quality, industrial effluents, soil quality, environmental licensing, among others. The guide was introduced and distributed along with a guidance class. In addition to the Guides for the Implementation of Solar Energy and Environmental Legislations, the ABPA Incentive Program to Sustainable Practices will also include other topics that involve the development of informational and guidance materials, courses, and other actions focusing on CO2 emissions, water use, among other themes. "" The program aims to integrate and democratize sustainable practices throughout the poultry and pork production chain. This incentive is materialized through education, such as the offering of manuals, online courses (via ABPA Academy and the Integrated Family Program), among other actions. Ricardo Santin President of ABPA " 山 Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA 25#28KEEPING TRACK OF THE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS Companies in the agricultural and livestock sector are increasingly challenged to demonstrate their actions in favor of sustainability, and the environmental pillar is one of the most relevant dimensions. But there is more! As food producers and stakeholders of a long chain that involves animals, other sector-specific SDGs fall within the scope of the national poultry and pork production industry! GOOD FOOD AIAN POULTRY AND FORK FOR THE PEOPLE AND THE PLANET Visit the website to learn more! GOOD FOOD FOR THE PEOPLE AND THE PLANET SUSTAINABILITY IS ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ONE OF THE STRICTEST ENVIRONMENTAL LEGISLATIONS IN THE WORLD! Environmental regulations emerged to discipline the use of natural resources and they may be considered the main instrument for accomplishing environmental protection in Brazil. Brazilian environmental legislation is one of the most complete and advanced set of rules in the world and it is aimed at protecting the environment and reducing the impacts of activities which depend on natural resources to a minimum level, hence, compliance with it is of interest to both individuals and corporations. To this end, the National Environmental Policy Law (PNMA) was created, enacted by Law 6,938/81, and regulated by Executive Order 99,274/90, which establishes the National Environmental System (SISNAMA). The Law is responsible for protecting and improving the quality of the environment in the country. SISNAMA is constituted by the agencies and entities of the Federal government, States, the Federal District, Territories, Municipalities and foundations established by the Public Powers, and its Superior Agency is the National Environment Council (CONAMA), a consultative and advisory body for the enforcement of inspections and rules set forth by the PNMA. 26 Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA#29BIOSECURITY AND ONE HEALTH Populational growth, rapid urbanization, increasing globalization, and climate change have deepened the interdependence between human and animal health. By recognizing the importance of sustainable animal production, ABPA encourages practices aimed at human health, food safety, animal health and welfare, and actions to mitigate the environmental impact of the activities of its members. Prevention campaigns continue to be widely publicized, with materials such as folders and videos, which are always featured on ABPA's social networks and websites. SPECIAL GROUP FOR THE PREVENTION OF AVIAN INFLUENZA (GEPIA) ABPA Brazil is one of the few countries in the world free from Avian Influenza. A INFLUENZA AVIARIA AMEAÇA VARIOS PAÍSES, MAS O BRASIL ESTA LIVRE DELA. AJUDE A PRESERVAR ESSA CONQUISTA. POT 5 ABPA continues to work tirelessly on prevention campaigns, since the disease has become a risk as it ravages the world with exponential rates of dissemination. There were a number of actions: consolidation of operations under the Biosecurity Normative Instruction and Registration of Establishments, revisions of manuals and recommendations for receiving audit visits, survey of PPE requirements in the event of an outbreak, survey of financial resources available in defense funds for health emergencies in the states, and continuous dialog with the Coordination Agency of Animal Health Emergencies of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply, among others. ABPA has also been focusing on revising International Animal Health Certificates for exports of poultry meat products and poultry genetic material. See more at Preventive measures such as these are fundamental as they support global concerns around the enormous challenge that the containment of Avian Influenza has proven to be! Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA ||||| ||||| 山 27#3028 SPECIAL GROUP FOR THE PREVENTION OF AFRICAN SWINE FEVER (GEPESA) Brazil is free from African Swine Fever and the maintenance of this status is a sectoral priority. The recent events of disease infection in European, Asian, and African countries, as well as in Haiti and the Dominican Republic, highlight the importance of prevention actions, which are already underway in several countries of the Americas. In Brazil, the work has involved actions to reinforce border protection, sector support for the provision of kennels and sniffer dogs for the surveillance of animal products contained in luggage coming from overseas, and legislative support to increase penalties for the illegal transportation of products. ABPA has also contributed with suggestions for updating regulatory processes, organizing training sessions and webinars addressing preventive measures, and developing educational and advertising materials, with the purpose of drawing the attention to the prevention of the disease. ABP abpabr Produtor, este visitas de estrangeiros ou qualquer pessoa que não seja do sistema produtivo em sua granjal Na duvida fale com seu responsável técnico #OrLivre DePSA ABP abpabr See more about #BrasilLivredePSA at Viajante, não traga na mala produtos suinos do exterior! E proibido e coloca o Brasil em risco #BrLiDePSA PPA AMÉRICA (ASF AMERICA) By means of the prevention group PPA América (PPA is the Spanish acronym for African Swine Fever), ABPA and 20 other national organizations from 18 Latin American countries work together to devise prevention strategies for African Swine Fever (ASF). Promoting aligned efforts to prevent the entry of the disease in the continental area of the Americas is one of its key actions. In addition to Brazil, the group currently has representatives of the pork production sector from the following countries: Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Ecuador, United States, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Dominican Republic, Uruguay, and Venezuela. #Todos ContraLa PPA COBBA Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA ABPA Σ#31STRATEGIC PLAN FOR BRAZIL FREE OF CLASSICAL SWINE FEVER ABPA worked closely with the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (MAPA) on the Strategic Plan for rendering Brazil Free of the Classical Swine Fever (CSF), whose objective is to eradicate the disease in the non-free zone of Brazil, focusing on reducing losses in the production system and reaping commercial benefits by virtue of the health status of a disease-free country. The investments for the execution of the pilot project, which involves vaccination against CSF in the state of Alagoas, come from a public-private partnership. The first stage of the pilot project took place in 2021 and around 112,000 pigs were vaccinated, distributed among more than 7,000 rural properties in the state. CHANGE OF HEALTH STATUS FOR FOOT- AND-MOUTH DISEASE In May 2021, the World Organisation for Animal Health recognized the states of Acre, Paraná, Rio Grande do Sul, Rondônia, as well as 14 additional cities in Amazonas state and 5 in Mato Grosso state, as FMD-free areas without vaccination. This great achievement of the sector, in addition to increasing the possibility of opening markets for international trade, ratifies the efforts made by the public and private sectors in Brazil to promote the health control of our herds, demonstrating the high health standards of Brazilian livestock. The CSF Free Zone in Brazil, where vaccination of animals is not allowed, has its status recognized by the World Animal Health Organization (OIE). This zone concentrates more than 95% of the entire national pork industry and is responsible for all Brazilian exports of pork meat and its products. Currently, the CSF Free Zone in Brazil includes 15 states and the Federal District (RS, SC, PR, MG, SP, MS, MT, GO, RJ, ES, BA, SE, TO, RO and AC) and these are areas that have not had a single case of CSF since January 1998! The boundaries between CSF-free and non-CSF-free zones are protected by natural barriers and surveillance stations, where surveillance and risk mitigation procedures are continuously adopted to prevent the introduction of the disease. ✔ Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA 29 ||||| ||||| 山#32EXPLAINING THE SECTOR REAL INFORMATION AGAINST FAKE NEWS! FAKE NEWS Those who work in the sector always come across comments, including fake news, challenging the quality of poultry and pork products in Brazil. Therefore, ABPA has prepared a set of questions and answers about myths and truths involving our sector. Use it freely! 3. DO CHICKEN MEAT, PORK, AND EGGS EXPORTED BY BRAZIL CAUSE DEFORESTATION IN THE AMAZON? The production of poultry and pork products in Brazil is mainly carried out in the South, Southeast, and Central- West regions. Consequently, Brazilian poultry and pork proteins are exported from these regions, which are outside the Amazon biome. All ABPA members' facilities are located outside the Amazon biome, and they also maintain permanent programs for the preservation of affluents and environmental management, in addition to a whole set of measures under sustainability programs. 1. DOES PORK HAVE A HIGH CONTENT OF FAT? As with any meat, the fat content depends on the cut, and pork with a high fat content belongs to the past! The average percentage of fat content in pig carcasses was reduced from 54% in the 1980s to 22% today. Moreover, 70% of the animal's fat is found outside the meat, that is, below the skin (bacon). Only 28% of the fat is between the muscles, and 2% inside the muscles, which gives flavor and tenderness to the meat. 2. CAN PORK MEAT TRANSMIT DISEASES? The belief that consuming pork meat may lead to health problems emerged at a time when pigs were raised freely, without health control measures. However, the current industrial farms rely on proper management and inspection systems, supplying completely safe pork meat. 4. ARE GROWTH HORMONES USED IN BROILERS? This is one of the biggest myths in poultry farming. The use of hormones in production is banned by law, and chicken naturally grow very fast, on average in a period of 42 days, which is not enough time for growth hormones to act. Currently, with genetic breeding, balanced nutrition, and a controlled environment, it is possible to enable animals to develop quickly, unlike from the past, when it took months. 30 Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA#335. WHAT IS THE REASON FOR THIS MORE RAPID GROWTH? Industrial poultry production is based on 4 pillars: genetics, nutrition, management, and health, whose improvements have resulted in better growth rates. Also, the permanent incorporation of technologies and equipment that further improve natural results enables higher productivity levels. 6. HOW IMPORTANT IS THE NUTRITION OF CHICKEN? Science has taught us the nutritional needs of birds at each of their life stages. Based on this knowledge, different types of balanced feeds started to be developed, prepared by specialists who adjusted the nutritional needs of birds. As such, between 3 to 4 types of feed are used during their 42 days of life, and the basic composition is made with corn and soybean meal. 8. WHAT WAS THE GROWTH RATE OF CHICKEN BEFORE AND HOW MUCH DO THEY GROW NOW? In the 1960s, when the industrial production of poultry products started, the birds reached a weight of approximately 2 kg in 80 days and consumed 5.8 kg of food. Currently, birds reach an average weight of 2.6 kg in just 42 days of life and consume 4.6 kg of food. The growth pattern of birds is so fast that a 1-day chick that weighs 50g will weigh approximately 2.5kg in 40 days, meaning a 50-fold growth rate from its initial weight. 7. HOW DOES GENETICS INFLUENCE THE GROWTH OF BIRDS? Within a flock of birds, those with excellent productive characteristics (fast growth, muscle development, nutritional efficiency, among others) are selected and bred in order to genetically pass desirable characteristics to their offspring. Among their descendants, those showing the desired traits are once again selected and bred. The advantages seen in current genetic lineages result from intensive classical genetic breeding programs. There is no genetic engineering in the development of new lineages, but permanent selection breeding enables the achievement of predetermined goals. ?! ?! ?! ?! ?! Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA 31 ||||| |||||#3432 PROTEINS WITHOUT BORDERS THE IMPORTANCE OF TRADE AGREEMENTS In international relations, countries usually establish relationships seeking to strengthen historical, cultural, and commercial ties. In a globalized world - that is, a connected and interdependent world – it is essential to establish strategic partnerships between countries and economic blocks. Building this strategic link requires investments and extensive technical, commercial, and diplomatic work - which, in Brazil, has been performed exceptionally well by the Ministries of Agriculture, Foreign Affairs, and Finance. The efforts to establish new bilateral sanitary and animal health agreements to support the exports of our products have been gaining momentum. Partnerships with relevant markets are part of the daily agenda of public and private sectors. However, the good performance of the Brazilian poultry and pork production in international markets is hindered by structural limitations. The competitiveness of these sectors is, in some cases, undermined by Brazil's absence in comprehensive trade agreements. By means of the Mercosur bloc, Brazil benefits from only eleven trade agreements, which involve just fourteen countries - and unfortunately, none of these agreements which are already in force, grant favorable tariffs for Brazilian poultry and pork meat, eggs, and genetic material. Consequently, the sector is exposed to high import tariffs, including the main markets where the country operates, which significantly affects Brazil's competitive edge in foreign markets. For comparative purposes, our Chilean neighbors have signed 30 trade agreements, which encompass the impressive number of 70 countries, including the largest economies and consumer markets in the world! Bringing into force agreements such as the Mercosur and the European Union and entering into agreements with countries such as Canada, South Korea, Vietnam, Indonesia, and Singapore is extremely important to enable a greater integration of Brazil in global value chains and make our industries more competitive in the overall scenario. Sharpening the competitive edge of our products does not yield positive results for Brazil only. All nations around the globe that currently rely on our production will also benefit. It is a partnership in favor of complementarity through the supply of healthy, high- quality food in sufficient volumes, safeguarding food security for the population. AFTER ALL, THERE SHOULD BE NO BORDERS FOR FOOD! Agreements in Negotiation by Brazil via Mercosur: European Union Canada South Korea Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA Vietnam Indonesia Singapore#35THE SECTORAL PROJECT In order to promote chicken, duck, and pork meat, as well as eggs and poultry genetic material produced by Brazil in international markets, ABPA has developed a Sectoral Project through a partnership agreement with ApexBrasil, which includes the following international brands: Brazilian Chicken, Brazilian Pork, Brazilian Egg, Brazilian Breeders, and Brazilian Duck. The prospects for business resulting solely from actions held at large food trade shows supported by the agreement exceed USD 3.5 billion, according to ABPA projections and based on agreements previously signed with ApexBrasil. BRAZILIAN CHICKEN Brazilian Pork Brazilian Egg BrazilianBreeders BRAZILIAN DUCK BRASIL العزازيل 巴西动物蛋 Promoted by ABPA apexBrasil By participating in trade shows, workshops, and other special trade promotion actions, the projects highlight the attributes of these production sectors - such as quality, health status, and production sustainability - and demonstrate the value of internationally oriented brands, fostering new business for Brazilian exporters. Currently, around 60 companies take part in the projects. In October 2021, ABPA and ApexBrasil renewed this agreement, which will be in force until 2023 and will include technical mentoring and support for image campaigns, workshops with stakeholders, and special actions at trade shows held in various target markets for the exporting sector of the proteins supported by the sectoral projects. The contract that was in force until the end of 2021 yielded several activities. As is the case of international trade shows, which were gradually resumed after the critical period of the pandemic, and which were highly successful, both in terms of execution and attendance. SIL ANPA Apedica ABPA ApexBra ABPA Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA 33 ||||| IIIII 山#36Gulfood At Gulfood 2021, in Dubai, more than 2,600 shawarmas (typical sandwich of the region) and 600 omelets were served in the food court built to receive clients and potential importers of the exhibiting agroindustries. This event alone reached a forecast of USD 130 million in business. anuga Another example was Anuga 2021. During the five days of the trade show in Germany, business deals worth USD 34.8 million were generated, with a forecast for the following 12 months amounting to USD 490.2 million. In order to carry out the promotional action, ABPA had a whole area covering more than 270 square meters, which housed meeting rooms, in addition to a large gastronomic space, serving traditional dishes with the proteins produced by the sector. 34 Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA Brazilia CHICKEN MARILLIAN CHICKEN BRASIL ABPA Apedraall CHICOL BRAST BRASIL BRASIL ALAIN ABP#37SIALI INSPIRE FOOD BUSINESS In China, the main importer of chicken and pork meat from Brazil, two actions were performed in trade shows. One of them was at the Sial China 2021, one of the biggest events in the food industry in Asia, in which an exclusive space was organized, where hundreds of visitors interested in the Brazilian animal protein market were welcomed. Institutional information was provided through videos and QR Coded materials, in Mandarin, at the ABPA stand. TRA 中国国际进口博览会 THE CHINA INTERNATIONAL IMPORT EXPO Another action was the China International Import Expo (CIIE), the main trade show held by the Chinese Government, where ties with importers and authorities in the Asian market were strengthened and the key attributes of the sector were advertised through electronic materials. ABPA also bolstered the participation of the Brazilian production sector during the China Chamber of Commerce of I&E of Foodstuffs, Native Produce and Animal By- Products (CFNA), which is the official Conference of the CIIE. ional me BRASIL RASIL Ogaad by: Promoted by: Barcian ABPA Aperas GRAS BRASIL AFR 2021 2021 10 丹麦农业委员会 MEDENH pal, China, Nov.7 爱尔兰食品】 Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA 35 ||||| |||||#38INTERNATIONAL SECTORAL CAMPAIGNS See the campaigns promoted by sectoral projects in 2021: TOKYO OLYMPIC GAMES The quality of the Brazilian animal proteins stood out in Shibuya, a neighborhood in Tokyo, during the Olympic Games. ABPA, in partnership with ApexBrasil, spearheaded a campaign focused on the image of sector, which featured a 10-meter-tall projection screen, located at Shibuya MODI Mall, one of the busiest commercial hubs in the neighborhood - which is their main commercial and financial district. TM TOKYO 2020 The campaign highlighted attributes such as the quality and flavor of chicken, pork, and eggs made in Brazil, with the projection of an animation that highlighted the colors, flavor, and warmth of a freshly prepared dish, and made the audience's mouth water because of the steam coming off the hot dish in the video. The campaign's message also reinforced the nearly four-decade relationship between the Brazilian poultry industry and the Japanese market – one of the longest-lasting stories in Brazil's agribusiness. The campaign lasted 15 days between July and August 2021. ブラジル産 チキン/ポータ BONY MODI ブラジル産 チキン/ポーク 36 Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA SONY MODI#39ACTION ON PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION IN SOUTH KOREA During the month of July 2021, the ABPA & ApexBrasil partnership promoted an important campaign on the sector's image in South Korea, highlighting the qualities of Brazilian poultry and pork meat. According to information from the Brazilian Embassy in Seoul, this was the most prominent campaign on image ever held to promote Brazilian products in the South Korean market. Altogether, there were 362 screens spread across the 17 busiest subway stations and bus terminals in the South Korean capital (Seoul) - as in the case of the famous Gangnam Station – a neighborhood known for the viral clip Gangnam Style, by Psy. In addition to visual communication, the campaign strategy also included promotional posts on Facebook and Instagram aimed at the population of Seoul. In addition to ABPA and ApexBrasil, the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (MAPA) and the Brazilian Embassy in Seoul were partners in this endeavor. Brazilian P 111 AOPA ADVERTISING CAMPAIGN IN SOUTH KOREA 362 screens 17 subway stations and bus terminals POSTS on social networks fo Brazilian F Brazilian Chicken 오늘도 좋은 하지 BWT Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA 37 ||||| IIIII#40GOOD FOOD FOR THE PEOPLE AND THE PLANET With an eye toward sustainability, ABPA launched the "Good Food for the People and the Planet" campaign in 2021, an international action to demonstrate the commitments of the poultry and pork industries in Brazil to preserving the environment. Translated into five languages (English, Mandarin Chinese, German, Spanish, and French), the campaign sheds light on the characteristics of the Brazilian poultry and pork industry, located outside the Amazon biome, with its own environmental aspects and use of resources, and ranked as one of sectors with the lowest rates of environmental impact when compared to global peers. The operations of the Brazilian poultry and pork industry are also in line with the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). GOOD FOOD The Respect for the Environment and Feeding People in more than 160 countries are our priorities GOOD BRAZILIAN FOR THE PEOP POULTRY Y AND PORK FOOD THE PLANET See more at sustainability 80% of the Brazilian production of pork and chicken meat is concentrated in the SOUTH AND SOUTHEAST regions, on average more than 2,000 km away from the Amazon region.#41ACTION AGAINST FAKE OFFERS ABPA and ApexBrasil launched an international campaign in 2021 to alert importers and potential clients against cases of fraud and counterfeit sales, which affect the Brazilian poultry and pork exports. The campaign featured videos in Portuguese, English, Arabic, French, Korean, and Mandarin Chinese which provide detailed information on how to verify alleged sellers before entering into contracts and making payments. The verification of data available at ABPA and diplomatic offices is one of the measures. The campaign was promoted through social networks, direct channels to stakeholders in strategic markets for Brazilian exports, and by working with Brazilian Embassies around the world, with the support of the Agribusiness Promotion Department under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. OUR INTERNATIONAL SOCIAL NETWORKS Visit and like the social pages of the Sectoral Projects organized by the ABPA & ApexBrasil partnership! GLOBAL NETWORKS BRAZILIAN CHICKEN Brazilian Egg Brazilian Pork f/BrazilianChicken @brazilian.chicken f/BrazilianEgg @brazilian.egg f/BrazilianPork @brazilian.pork Consulates or the Brazilian Embassy in your country CHINA Weibo Check out the video WeChat ABPA_Brazil Douiyn Bili Bili Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA ||||| ||||| 山 39#4240 SIAVS 2022: OPPORTUNITIES FOR THE SECTOR From August 9 to 11, 2022, ABPA will hold the International Poultry and Pork Industry Exhibition (SIAVS), the largest technical, political, and commercial event for the poultry and pork production industry in Brazil. As the main meeting for production chains, SIAVS 2022 will be even larger SIAVS INTERNATIONAL POULTRY AND PORK SHOW than its previous edition, held in 2019. Its trade show area grew by 25%, with new exhibition areas being added to the space traditionally occupied by the event. In addition to the excellent business opportunities, SIAVS stands out for its political leverage. With the presence of national and state leaders from all over the country, authorities from the executive and legislative branches are also expected to attend, broadening the role of the event as the main forum for discussing the industry future direction. CHECK THE 2019 SIAVS FIGURES 011 +20,000 visitors + 170 exhibitors + 100 speakers Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA visitors from 50 countries 2,400 Conference attendees#43SIAVS will also offer a series of exclusive initiatives, such as the Producer Project, with courses aimed at integrated producers and other parallel actions. ||||| ||||| SAVES 山 An event to showcase and promote the sector, SIAVS will also host a series of initiatives in partnership with ApexBrasil, bringing together foreign journalists, potential importers, and opinion makers of the target markets for poultry and pork products. In 2019, the event received more than 20,000 visitors from 50 countries and had more than 170 exhibitors. In the dozens of conference rooms, presentations made by more than 100 speakers from Brazil and from other countries were delivered to 2,400 conference attendees. SIAVS UCANINAGONAL BEM-VINDOS WELCOME BIENVENIDOS See more at YMES Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA 41#44Illi BRAZILIAN POULTRY AND PORK INDUSTRIES IN NUMBERS 42 CHICKEN MEAT PORK TURKEY MEAT Production: 14.329 Million MT Gross Production Value: R$ 108.9 Billion Exports: 4.610 Million MT US$ 7.6 Billion FOB We export to 151 countries Consumption per Capita: 45.56 kg per person Production: 4.701 Million MT Gross Production Value: R$ 31.3 Billion Exports: 1.137 Million MT US$ 2.6 Billion FOB We export to 86 countries Consumption per Capita: 16.7 kg per person Production: 157.05 MT Exports: Thousand 47,377 MT US$ 110.5 Million We export to 69 countries FOB Consumption per Capita: 0.5 kg per person Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA#45DUCK AND OTHER POULTRY MEAT EGGS POULTRY GENETIC MATERIAL Production: 5,083 MT Exports: 3,476 MT Million US$ 10.7 FOR We export to 39 countries Consumption per Capita: 0.00754 kg per person Production: Billion 54.973 Units Exports: 11,346 N MT Million US$ 18.0 FOB We export to 82 countries Consumption per Capita: 257 units per person Exports: 15,691 MT Million US$ 147.7 FOB We export to 69 countries Source: ABPA/SECEX Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA 山 43#46Empty#47CHICKEN MEAT ABPA BRAZILIAN ASSOCIATION OF ANIMAL PROTEIN#48BRAZILIAN PRODUCTION GROSS PRODUCTION VALUE (Billion BRL) 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 108.926 95.505 93.439 91.567 89.866 86.882 85.125 83.401 82.947 76.630 78.060 70.852 46 Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA Source: Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply#49Year PLACEMENT OF BREEDERS (Heads) BRAZILIAN CHICKEN MEAT PRODUCTION (1,000 MT) 2010 46,556,070 2010 12,230 2011 50,043,524 2011 13,058 2012 46,545,837 2012 12,645 2013 46,142,775 2013 12,309 2014 49,333,326 2014 12,691 2015 50,704,776 2015 13,140 2016 50,524,652 Year 2016 12,900 2017 50,182,696 2017 13,050 2018 48,426,232 2018 12,855 2019 51,526,181 2019 13,245 2020 55,334,975 2020 13,845 2021 55,632,929 2021 14,329 Source: ABPA Source: ABPA Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA 47#5048 CHICKEN SLAUGHTERING BY FEDERAL UNIT IN 2021 0.005% Roraima 0.75% Pará 0.24% Tocantins 0.32% Rondônia 3.76% Mato Grosso 2.75% Mato Grosso do Sul 35.54% Paraná 14.89% Santa Catarina 13.65% Rio Grande do Sul **** 0.004% ... Others 0.05% Maranhão 25 t 0.08% Rio Grande do Norte 0.38% Paraíba 1.10% Pernambuco 0.88% Bahia 0.86% Distrito Federal 8.27% Goiás 0.68% Espírito Santo 0.007% Rio de Janeiro 7.44% Minas Gerais 8.32% São Paulo *Slaughtering under Federal Inspection Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA Source: Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock And Supply#51DESTINATION OF BRAZILIAN CHICKEN MEAT PRODUCTION IN 2021 CHICKEN MEAT PER CAPITA CONSUMPTION (kg per person) 2010 44.09 2011 47.38 32.17% 67.83% 2012 45.00 Year 2013 41.80 2014 42.78 2015 43.25 2016 41.10 2017 42.07 2018 41.99 2019 42.84 EXPORTS DOMESTIC MARKET 2020 45.27 Source: SECEX/ABPA 2021 45.56 Source: ABPA Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA 49#52WORLD MARKET WORLD CHICKEN MEAT MARKET EXPORT 2020 2021 (1,000 MT) PRODUCTION Total 2020: 99,063 | 2021:99,901 USA EUROPEAN UNION (27) 2020 2020 20,255 2021 20,378 BRAZIL 2020 13,845 2021 14,329 こ DO 100 100 100000 DOP 10/ 0368 OTHERS 2020 2021 34,663 35,044 50 Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA Brazil 4,231 4,610 USA 3,376 3,367 European Union (27) 2,033 1,780 Thailand 941 930 4,600 Turkey 440 470 Others 2,043 1,932 Source: USDA/ABPA 11,020 2021 10,850 RUSSIA 2020 4,680 2021 IMPORT 2020 2021 Japan 1,005 1,050 Mexico 842 930 China 999 785 2020 14,600 2021 14,700 CHINA European Union (27) 663 615 United Kingdom 664 625 Others 6,538 6,489 Source: USDA/ABPA Source: USDA#53BRAZILIAN EXPORTS BRAZILIAN EXPORTS OF CHICKEN MEAT (Historical Series) NCM Codes of Chicken Meat: 0207.11.00, 0207.12.00, 0207.13.00, 0207.14.00, 0210.99.00, 0210.99.11, 1602.32.10, 1602.32.20, 1602.32.30 and 1602.32.90. 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 8,253 7,967 8,085 7,703 7,664 7,236 7,168 6,994 6,848 6,571 6,097 4,384 4,304 4,320 4,231 4,214 4,101 4,099 3,943 3,918 3,892 Volume (1,000 MT) Revenue (Million US$) 4,610 Source: SECEX/ABPA Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA 51#54BRAZILIAN CHICKEN MEAT EXPORTS 2020 x 2021 (MT) WHOLE CUTS PROCESSED 2020 2021 Var. (%) 2020 2021 Var. (%) 2020 2021 Var. (%) JAN 80,099 75,363 (5.91) 221,475 190,551 (13.96) 6,633 6,896 3.97 FEB 89,986 86,488 (3.89) 234,354 234,034 (0.14) 8,056 8,201 1.81 MAR 91,411 90,065 (1.47) 233,199 274,059 17.52 7,408 8,079 9.06 APR 91,996 87,710 (4.66) 224,465 272,461 21.38 6,666 8,821 32.34 MAY 99,945 99,029 (0.92) 269,423 281,074 4.32 7,704 10,071 30.72 JUN 86,058 88,473 2.81 232,489 271,753 16.89 6,121 7,492 22.39 JUL 87,854 92,962 5.82 246,515 295,115 19.71 7,603 9,131 20.09 AUG 93,003 79,972 (14.01) 243,620 266,739 9.49 7,378 8,610 16.69 SEP 79,643 86,702 8.86 235,814 297,159 26.01 7,646 9,401 22.95 OCT 78,795 90,441 14.78 213,437 267,279 25.23 8,545 10,175 19.07 NOV 89,256 75,679 (15.21) 232,442 225,167 (3.13) 7,426 8,447 13.74 DEC 100,697 89,183 (11.43) 247,003 289,536 17.22 10,245 8,189 (20.06) TOTAL 1,068,742 1,042,068 (2.50) 2,834,237 3,164,927 11.67 91,431 103,514 13.22 52 Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA#55SALTED SAUSAGES AND SIMILAR PRODUCTS TOTAL 2020 2021 Var. (%) 2020 2021 Var. (%) 2020 2021 Var. (%) JAN 8,889 10,024 12.76 6,752 8,808 30.44 323,847 291,642 (9.94) FEB 10,636 11,068 4.06 5,391 9,015 67.23 348,423 348,806 0.11 MAR 11,671 11,732 0.52 5,820 12,159 108.94 349,509 396,095 13.33 APR 10,399 16,223 56.01 9,806 10,562 7.70 343,331 395,777 15.28 MAY 10,930 12,378 13.26 11,473 11,762 2.51 399,475 414,314 3.71 JUN 8,811 17,706 100.96 8,508 12,034 41.44 341,988 397,458 16.22 JUL 14,404 14,821 2.89 8,321 12,401 49.03 364,697 424,430 16.38 AUG 11,828 13,549 14.54 6,614 11,025 66.70 362,444 379,896 4.82 SEP 11,712 12,680 8.27 10,191 12,562 23.26 345,007 418,504 21.30 OCT 10,584 16,182 52.89 8,423 13,026 54.65 319,785 397,103 24.18 NOV 11,948 13,580 13.66 9,673 11,918 23.21 350,745 334,791 (4.55) DEC 11,201 10,538 (5.92) 12,642 13,580 7.42 381,786 411,026 7.66 TOTAL 133,013 160,480 20.65 103,614 138,852 34.01 4,231,038 4,609,841 8.95 Source: SECEX Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA 53#5654 2.08% Mato Grosso BRAZILIAN CHICKEN MEAT EXPORTS BY FEDERAL UNIT IN 2021 *** 0.41% ... Others 4.81% Goiás 4.29% Mato Grosso do Sul 1.09% Distrito Federal 40.38% Paraná 22.95% Santa Catarina 15.79% Rio Grande do Sul 0.21% Espírito Santo 3.26% Minas Gerais 4.74% São Paulo Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA Source: SECEX BY CUSTOMS IN 2021 Customs Share (%) 42.46% Port of Paranaguá Port of Itajaí Port of São Francisco do Sul 31.68% 8.39% 8.26% Port of Santos Port of Rio Grande 5.87% Others 3.35% Source: SECEX#57BRAZILIAN CHICKEN MEAT EXPORTS BY PRODUCT AND SHARE BY REGION IN 2021 CHICKEN MEAT PROCESSED 2.32% SALTED 3.59% WHOLE 23.31% AFRICA AMERICA ASIA EXTRA-EU EUROPE OCEANIA MIDDLE EAST EUROPEAN UNION (27) 4.29% 13.76% 9.95% 36.58% 0.04% 3.17% 32.20% 0.21% 30.06% 0.02% 69.71% 15.06% 2.94% 5.07% 0.07% 0.17% 76.62% 0.07% CUTS 70.79% 15.83% 11.03% 49.94% 4.94% 0.02% 16.74% 1.50% SHARE (%) *Sausages and similar products are not included Source: SECEX Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA 55#5856 Volume (MT) SHARE BY REGION AND IMPORTING COUNTRIES OF BRAZILIAN CHICKEN MEAT IN 2021 14.81% 8.82% 36.76% 5.44% 662,323 1,643,758 394,433 243,118 0.06% 29.78% 4.32% 1,331,618 2,459 193,280 ༄ བྷྲརྨ༔ནྡྲ ༔ རྞྞན༔ Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA Source: SECEX#59Tanzania Togo Congo Tunisia Dem. Rep. of Congo Zambia Djibouti Zimbabwe Egypt Equatorial Guinea AMERICA Ethiopia Anguilla Gabon Gambia Ghana AFRICA Sao Tome and Principe Senegal Seychelles Sierra Leone Somalia Angola Benin Botswana Cameroon Cape Green Central African Rep. Chad Comoro Islands South Africa Southern Sudan Sudan Grenade Guyana Haiti Honduras Mexico Montserrat Paraguay Peru Saint Kitts and Nevis South Korea Iran Sri Lanka Iraq Thailand Israel Turkmenistan Jordan Uzbekistan Kuwait Vietnam Lebanon Oman EXTRA-EU EUROPE Qatar Albania Saudi Arabia St. Vincent and the Grenadines St. Maarten Suriname Belarus Syria Gibraltar Turkey Isle of Man Trinidad and Tobago Macedonia United Arab Emirates Yemen Turks and Caicos Islands Moldavia EUROPEAN UNION (27) Guinea Guinea Bissau Ivory Coast Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Aruba Barbados Belize Bahamas Uruguay Venezuela ASIA Afghanistan Armenia Montenegro Norway Russia Belgium Bulgaria San Marino Cyprus Serbia Denmark Brunei Darussalam Switzerland Ukraine France Germany Cambodia United Kingdom Greece Kenya Liberia Bermuda Bolivia China Ireland OCEANIA East Timor Libya Bonaire, Saint Eustatius and Saba Hong Kong American Samoa Italy Malta Madagascar British Virgin Islands India Kiribati Netherlands Malawi Canada Japan Mauritania Marshall Islands Portugal Cayman Islands Kazakhstan Mauritius Islands Chile Mayotte Islands Kyrgyzstan New Caledonia Samoa Romania Spain Cuba Malaysia Tonga Morocco Curacao Maldives Mozambique MIDDLE EAST Dominica Pakistan Namibia Niger Dominican Rep. Philippines Bahrain Falklands Singapore Georgia Source: SECEX Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA 57#60MAIN DESTINATIONS OF BRAZILIAN CHICKEN MEAT EXPORTS (MT) TOTAL Ranking Destination 2020 2021 Share (%) Var. (%) 1º China 673,215 640,470 14.33 (4.86) 2º Japan 410,543 448,936 10.04 9.35 3º United Arab Emirates 303,022 389,500 8.71 28.54 4º 40 Saudi Arabia 467,546 353,584 7.91 (24.37) 5º 임 South Africa 261,951 297,038 6.64 13.39 6º European Union (27) 170,696 193,280 4.32 13.23 7º Philippines 59,878 168,186 3.76 180.88 8º South Korea 127,460 113,852 2.55 (10.68) 9º Yemen 112,420 111,903 2.50 (0.46) 10º Russia 83,907 105,920 2.37 26.24 11º Mexico 15,915 104,495 2.34 556.60 12º Singapore 124,206 101,529 2.27 (18.26) 13º Kuwait 108,897 97,552 2.18 (10.42) 14º Chile 53,614 96,569 2.16 80.12 15º Hong Kong 148,455 95,337 2.13 (35.78) *Does not include sausages and similar products 58 Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA#61WHOLE CUTS PROCESSED SALTED Ranking 2020 2021 Var. (%) 2020 2021 Var. (%) 2020 2021 Var. (%) 2020 2021 Var. (%) 19 1,423 114 (91.98) 671,792 640,355 (4.68) 0.05 0.06 13.73 0.05 2º 7,885 12,030 52.56 394,158 426,898 8.31 8,500 10,008 17.74 3º 160,925 203,678 26.57 141,464 185,174 30.90 512 647 26.49 121 1 4º 324,666 234,000 (27.93) 142,839 119,510 (16.33) 42 74 76.52 5º 921 1,976 114.59 260,502 294,172 12.92 528 889 68.41 6º 398 723 81.67 50,042 47,354 (5.37) 28,669 33,333 16.27 91,587 111,869 22.15 7º 83 28 (66.24) 59,795 168,158 181.23 0.26 0.07 (73.46) . 8º 28 212 653.24 127,432 113,633 (10.83) 0.02 7.34 38,537 . I 9º 110,917 109,960 (0.86) 1,471 1,930 31.19 32 13 (60.90) 1 10º 83,907 105,920 26.24 1 I 1 11º 0.03 15,915 104,495 556.60 12º 23,821 18,781 (21.16) 100,202 82,630 (17.54) 180 118 (34.52) 1.94 0.01 (99.74) 13º 86,903 69,377 (20.17) 21,494 27,432 27.63 501 743 48.22 14º 44 920 2,001 48,637 88,517 81.99 4,933 6,827 38.40 306 15º 3,745 5,772 54.16 144,710 89,563 (38.11) 1.30 1.06 (18.72) Source: SECEX Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA 59#62MAIN DESTINATIONS OF BRAZILIAN CHICKEN MEAT EXPORTS (MT) TOTAL Ranking Destination 2020 2021 Share (%) Var. (%) 16º United Kingdom 81,520 92,771 2.07 13.80 17º Libya 53,669 86,841 1.94 61.81 18º Oman 71,177 83,525 1.87 17.35 19º Qatar 76,307 80,394 1.80 5.36 20º Angola 59,547 75,647 1.69 27.04 21º Jordan 56,862 72,465 1.62 27.44 22º Peru 35,810 45,675 1.02 27.55 23º Turkey 11,614 45,560 1.02 292.29 24º Iraq 75,618 44,525 1.00 (41.12) 25º Vietnam 53,135 34,418 0.77 (35.22) *For other destinations, see Annex I *Does not include sausages and similar products 60 Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA#63WHOLE CUTS PROCESSED SALTED Ranking 2020 2021 Var. (%) 2020 2021 Var. (%) 2020 2021 Var. (%) 2020 2021 Var. (%) 16º 29 198 592.18 3,917 7,953 103.03 36,996 37,738 2.01 40,578 46,882 15.53 17º 34,345 61,313 78.52 19,158 25,368 32.41 165 160 (3.19) 18º 53,576 59,209 10.51 17,459 24,101 38.04 142 215 51.94 19º 52,923 51,186 (3.28) 22,940 28,743 25.29 443 465 4.98 I 1 20º 13,879 13,903 0.17 45,635 61,694 35.19 33 50 53.51 1 21º 19,592 25,071 27.96 37,261 47,394 27.19 7.8 I 22º 5,192 8,841 70.27 30,586 36,705 20.01 31 128 312.09 1 1 1 1 23º 328 6,982 2,029 11,107 38,497 246.61 179 81 (54.73) I I 1 I I 24º 12,133 14,861 22.49 62,406 28,822 (53.81) 1,080 841 (22.10) 1 25º 0.56 53,135 34,418 (35.23) 0.01 Source: SECEX Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA 61#64Empty#65PORK ABPA BRAZILIAN ASSOCIATION OF ANIMAL PROTEIN#66BRAZILIAN PRODUCTION GROSS PRODUCTION VALUE (Billion BRL) 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 21.499 21.532 20.218 64 Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA 24.587 23.409 26.276 24.249 26.919 25.912 21.800 32.571 31.394 Source: Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply#67Year PLACEMENT OF HOG BREEDERS (Heads) BRAZILIAN PORK PRODUCTION (1,000 MT) 2010 2,415,464 2010 3,237 2011 2,401,939 2011 3,397 2012 2,417,572 2012 3,488 2013 2,144,305 2013 3,411 2014 2,100,936 2014 3,471 2015 2,100,301 2015 3,643 2016 2,067,704 Year 2016 3,731 2017 2,019,501 2017 3,758 2018 2,039,356 2018 3,974 2019 2,017,645 2019 3,983 2020 1,970,611 2020 4,436 2021 2,015,000 2021 4,701 Source: ABPA Source: ABPA Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA 65#68SWINE SLAUGHTERING BY FEDERAL UNIT IN 2021 0.003% Pará 0.11% Acre 6.27% Mato Grosso 5.50% Mato Grosso do Sul 19.20% Paraná 31.56% Santa Catarina 20.72% Rio Grande do Sul 0.005% Maranhão **** 0.004% Others 0.003% t Pernambuco 0.01% Bahia 0.05% Distrito Federal 3.64% Goiás 0.006% Rio de Janeiro 9.70% Minas Gerais 3.22% São Paulo *Slaughtering under Federal Inspection 66 Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA Source: Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock And Supply#69DESTINATION OF BRAZILIAN PORK PRODUCTION IN 2021 PORK PER CAPITA CONSUMPTION (kg per person) 2010 14.1 2011 14.9 24.19% 75.81% 2012 14.9 Year 2013 14.5 2014 14.7 2015 15.1 2016 14.4 2017 14.7 2018 15.9 2019 EXPORTS DOMESTIC 15.3 MARKET 2020 16.0 2021 16.7 Source: SECEX/ABPA Source: ABPA Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA 67#70WORLD MARKET WORLD PORK MARKET (1,000 MT) PRODUCTION Total 2020: 95,755 | 2021: 108,949 EXPORT 2020 2021 European Union (27) 5,178 5,050 USA 3,302 3,215 Canada 1,544 1,480 RUSSIA Brazil 1,024 1,137 Mexico 344 330 3,700 Others 1,173 1,202 Source: USDA/ABPA USA 2020 12,845 2021 12,568 EUROPEAN UNION (27) 2020 23,219 2021 23,680 2020 3,611 2021 BRAZIL 2020 4,436 2021 4,701 こ DO ...... 100 100 100000 DOP 10/ 0368 10 OTHERS 2020 2021 15,304 15,450 68 Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA IMPORT 2020 2021 China 5,281 4,400 Japan 1,412 1,425 Mexico 945 1,150 2020 36,340 United Kingdom 829 760 2021 48,850 CHINA South Korea 554 565 Others 2,705 3,304 Source: USDA/ABPA Source: USDA#71BRAZILIAN EXPORTS BRAZILIAN EXPORTS OF PORK (Historical Series) NCM Codes of Pork: 0203.11.00, 0203.12.00, 0203.19.00, 0203.21.00, 0203.22.00, 0203.29.00, 0206.30.00, 0206.41.00, 0206.49.00, 0209.00.11, 0209.00.19, 0209.00.21, 0209.00.29, 0209.10.11, 0209.10.19, 0209.10.21, 0209.10.29, 0209.90.00, 0210.11.00, 0210.12.00, 0210.19.00, 0502.10.11, 0502.10.19, 0504.00.13, 1501.10.00, 1501.20.00, 1602.41.00, 1602.42.00, 1602.49.00, 4103.30.00, 4106.31.10, 4106.31.90, 4106.32.00, 4107.10.10, 4107.10.90 and 4113.20.00. 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 1,606 1,626 1,435 1,495 1,483 1,359 1,279 1,597 1,211 733 750 697 646 582 516 517 555 506 Volume (1,000 MT) Revenue (Million US$) 2021 2,641 2,269 1,137 1,024 Source: SECEX/ABPA Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA 69#7270 BRAZILIAN PORK EXPORTS 2020 x 2021 (MT) CARCASS CUTS OFFALS PROCESSED SAUSAGES AND SIMILAR PRODUCTS 2020 2021 Var. (%) 2020 2021 Var. (%) 2020 2021 Var. (%)| 2020 2021 Var. (%) 2020 2021 Var. (%) JAN 342 84 (75.53) 58,910 55,715 (5.42) 7,255 5,107 (29.61) 904 FEB 222 312 40.23 57,918 71,190 22.92 6,675 7,485 12.13 1,494 594 665 (26.40) 750 (60.26) 599 979 30.44 1,002 67.23 MAR 310 745 140.02 62,986 96,078 52.54 6,783 9,459 39.45 839 895 6.77 647 1,351 108.94 APR 280 545 94.60 62,620 86,769 38.56 7,064 8,303 17.55 1,197 524 (56.24) 1,090 1,174 7.70 MAY 718 542 (24.46) 90,004 90,844 0.93 8,902 7,441 (16.42) 775 978 26.10 1,275 1,307 2.51 JUN 978 607 (37.94) 86,019 97,160 12.95 6,943 7,900 13.78 812 825 1.66 945 1,337 41.44 JUL 455 590 29.71 89,767 92,254 2.77 8,116 6,706 (17.38) 716 800 11.78 AUG 454 706 55.62 87,251 80,895 (7.28) 8,286 6,691 (19.25) 1,273 860 925 1,378 (32.45) 735 1,225 66.70 49.03 SEP 179 492 174.37 75,875 101,404 33.65 7,863 7,808 (0.70) 850 666 (21.63) 1,132 1,396 23.26 OCT 172 746 333.23 77,233 87,977 13.91 8,524 7,415 (13.01) 1,052 756 (28.14) 936 1,447 54.65 NOV 307 494 61.15 75,874 69,751 (8.07) DEC 282 780 176.63 71,967 79,249 10.12 8,407 8,696 6,786 (21.97) 7,136 (15.13) 902 427 (52.64) 1,075 1,324 23.21 962 622 (35.36) 1,405 1,509 7.42 TOTAL 4,699 6,643 41.37 896,424 1,009,287 12.59 93,515 88,236 (5.64) 11,775 8,612 (26.86) 11,513 15,428 34.01 Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA#73FATS CASINGS SALTED LEATHER AND SKIN TOTAL 2020 2021 Var. (%) 2020 2021 Var. (%) 2020 2021 Var. (%)| 2020 2021 Var. (%) 2020 JAN 158 163 2.94 170 398 134.10 15 19 25.18 FEB 262 228 (12.92) 247 292 18.21 12 19 63.20 MAR 296 440 48.38 210 272 29.53 APR 359 754 109.83 175 282 61.60 MAY 547 560 2.28 165 357 116.71 22 22 22 22 18 (17.80) 5.31 . 27 15 (43.84) 21 23 7.43 1 JUN 305 675 121.39 130 299 128.94 22 23 0.69 1 JUL 329 478 45.49 121 477 294.39 24 23 (1.26) . 1 AUG 250 348 39.19 240 350 45.90 18 13 (29.03) - 1 SEP 381 156 (58.99) 241 320 32.65 25 24 (3.66) OCT 382 286 (25.14) 201 428 112.70 20 20 38 91.28 - . 88,520 99,093 NOV 319 247 (22.68) 343 273 (20.58) 18 25 41.48 DEC 256 231 (9.66) 334 213 (36.34) 19 36 95.15 1 2021 Var. (%) 68,504 63,129 (7.85) 67,429 81,122 20.31 72,100 109,259 51.54 72,812 98,367 35.10 102,408 102,052 (0.35) 96,154 108,825 13.18 100,452 102,707 2.24 98,506 91,087 (7.53) 86,547 112,267 29.72 11.94 87,534 79,327 (9.38) 83,631 89,775 7.35 TOTAL 3,845 4,566 18.75 2,578 3,960 53.64 242 276 13.95 5.31 1,024,597 1,137,009 10.97 Source: SECEX Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA 71#742.49% Mato Grosso 13.99% Paraná 51.63% Santa Catarina 26.72% Rio Grande do Sul 0 72 Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA BRAZILIAN PORK EXPORTS BY FEDERAL UNIT IN 2021 2.03% Minas Gerais Source: SECEX 3.14% ... Others Customs Share (%) BY CUSTOMS IN 2021 53.06% 11.81% 12.32% 7.74% Customs of São Borja Port of São Francisco do Sul 8.48% Others 6.59% Port of Itajaí Port of Rio Grande Port of Paranaguá Source: SECEX#75BRAZILIAN PORK EXPORTS BY PRODUCT AND SHARE BY REGION IN 2021 PORK SALTED 0.02% CASINGS AFRICA AMERICA ASIA EXTRA-EU EUROPE MIDDLE OCEANIA EAST 0.35% FATS 0.41% 4.08% 68.72% 8.56% 2.05% 5.48% 0.29% CARCASS 0.59% PROCESSED 0.77% 28.18% 68.07% 0.43% 63.04% 36.01% 0.03% 0.07% 0.31% OFFALS 7.87% 0.08% 3.44% 29.17% 0.79% 0.12% 66.32% CUTS 89.99% SHARE (%) 2.05% 36.32% 60.88% 0.02% 0.54% 0.11% 22.48% 5.77% 69.65% 2.08% 4.35% 15.93% 76.29% 1.25% 0.02% 2.14% *Sausages and similar products are not included Source: SECEX Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA 73#7674 Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA Volume (MT) AFRICA 63,918 AMERICA 173,391 ASIA SHARE BY REGION AND IMPORTING COUNTRIES OF BRAZILIAN PORK IN 2021 5.70% 15.46% 75.16% 1.13% 0.02% 2.48% EXTRA-EU EUROPE 12,691 OCEANIA 843,011 275 27,867 MIDDLE EAST Source: SECEX#77AFRICA Angola AMERICA Haiti Honduras Anguilla Montserrat Benin Antigua and Barbuda Northern Mariana Islands Japan Cape Green Congo Dem. Rep. of Congo Egypt Equatorial Guinea Argentina Aruba Bahamas Barbados Belize Panama Paraguay Puerto Rico Gabon Ghana Ivory Coast Liberia Mauritius Islands Mozambique Chile Namibia Cuba Bermuda Bolivia Bonaire, Saint Eustatius and Saba British Virgin Islands Cayman Islands St. Vincent and the Grenadines St. Maarten Turks and Caicos Islands United States United States Virgin Islands Uruguay Venezuela ASIA Philippines Singapore South Korea Sri Lanka Thailand Turkmenistan Vietnam East Timor Hong Kong India Macao Myanmar Russia Switzerland OCEANIA Guam Kiribati Marshall Islands Micronesia Vanuatu MIDDLE EAST Bahrain Albania EXTRA-EU EUROPE Georgia Israel Lebanon Oman Senegal Curacao Seychelles Dominica South Africa Grenade Armenia Azerbaijan Cambodia Gibraltar Turkey Swaziland Guyana China Isle of Man Montenegro Norway United Arab Emirates Yemen Source: SECEX Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA 75#78MAIN DESTINATIONS OF BRAZILIAN PORK EXPORTS (MT) TOTAL CUTS OFFALS CARCASS Ranking Destination 2020 2021 1º China Share (%) 513,519 533,706 47.59 Var. (%) 2020 2021 Var. (%) 2020 2021 Var. (%) 2020 2021 Var. (%) 3.93 498,084 511,375 2.67 15,074 20,971 39.12 1.02 0.33 (67.84) 2º མ Hong Kong 166,520 157,265 14.02 (5.56) 110,574 117,820 6.55 47,225 31,614 (33.06) 2.04 2.97 46.04 3º Chile 43,890 61,091 5.45 39.19 43,839 60,674 38.40 220 4º Singapore 52,179 46,604 4.16 (10.68) 51,989 45,934 (11.65) 44 248 466.89 133 332 149.14 5º Vietnam 40,358 44,962 4.01 11.41 38,270 43,487 13.63 1,774 1,120 (36.85) 287 355 23.78 6º Uruguay 39,158 42,695 3.81 9.03 36,985 40,307 8.98 773 947 22.46 7º Argentina 19,191 37,893 3.38 97.45 19,043 37,500 96.93 128 230 79.69 8º Philippines 7,942 33,475 2.98 321.49 3,860 28,511 638.55 3,974 4,685 17.88 0.62 0.27 (56.66) 9º Angola 28,465 29,360 2.62 3.14 18,620 18,254 (1.97) 8,792 10,940 24.43 10º Japan 11,552 15,298 1.36 32.42 11,153 14,916 33.74 208 352 69.32 0.54 0.19 (64.39) 11º Georgia 9,372 15,192 1.35 62.10 5,992 10,403 73.63 265 446 68.51 3,115 4,343 39.39 12º United States 7,919 13,140 1.17 65.93 7,907 13,107 65.76 7.81 19 140.34 United Arab 13º 10,534 11,700 1.04 11.07 9,288 10,233 10.18 1,193 1,389 16.36 28 63 129.70 Emirates 14º Russia 101 9,297 0.83 9,129 101 9,297 9,129 15º Dem. Rep. of Congo 10,402 7,851 0.70 (24.53) 7,392 6,367 (13.86) 3,003 1,484 (50.58) *Does not include sausages and similar products 76 Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA#79PROCESSED FATS CASINGS SALTED LEATHER AND SKIN Ranking 2020 2021 Var. (%) 2020 2021 Var. (%) 2020 2021 Var. (%) 2020 2021 Var. (%) 2020 2021 Var. (%) 1º 0.08 0.15 102.67 358 1,357 278.92 1.47 1.70 16.01 2º 7,758 5,145 (33.68) 13 2.59 (80.01) 935 2,669 185.45 13 11 (15.14) 3º 51 197 289.02 0.01 0.21 0.42 4º 2.22 61 2,641 4.75 4.11 (13.50) 0.18 18 9,893 6.08 6.98 14.93 5º - 0.04 27 0.03 0.01 (62.96) -> 6º 667 879 31.86 687 525 (23.60) 1 1 41 37 (9.64) 4.89 1 1 1 7º 3.29 1.71 (47.92) 0.17 161 94,274 17 1 8º 0.22 3.20 1,353 105 273 160.58 0.05 2.00 3,594 1.65 0.60 (63.92) 9º 1,053 166 (84.20) 10º 178 20 (88.55) 10 6.99 (32.37) 0.12 1 1 1.66 1.91 15.38 11º 1 1 1 1 12º 0.06 1 1 13º 19.40 0.04 (99.80) 4.96 14 181.63 4.09 15 258.64 0.02 0.05 155.56 I I I . .. 1 1 . . 14º 15º 8.26 Source: SECEX Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA 77 @#80MAIN DESTINATIONS OF BRAZILIAN PORK EXPORTS (MT) TOTAL CUTS OFFALS CARCASS Share Ranking Destination 2020 2021 Var. (%) 2020 2021 Var. (%) 2020 2021 Var. (%) 2020 2021 Var. (%) (%) 16º South Africa 3,124 7,836 0.70 150.86 2,604 7,437 185.53 506 399 (21.13) 0.02 17º Ivory Coast 8,222 7,074 0.63 (13.96) 5,944 5,509 (7.32) 2,277 1,565 (31.29) 18º Haiti 6,648 5,738 0.51 (13.69) 4,169 2,592 (37.83) 2,479 3,146 26.90 19º South Korea 4,964 5,066 0.45 2.05 4,528 4,269 (5.73) 435 789 81.32 0.38 0.67 76.72 20º Liberia 2,698 5,025 0.45 86.25 797 974 22.23 1,872 4,026 115.06 4.75 5.17 8.88 21º Thailand 1,722 3,930 0.35 128.27 407 2,414 493.58 1,313 1,515 15.39 0.42 0.20 (53.54) 22º Puerto Rico 2,501 3,724 0.33 48.93 2,501 3,724 48.93 23º Albania 1,610 3,137 0.28 94.90 1,402 3,085 120.14 208 52 (75.06) 24º Paraguay 2,852 2,900 0.26 1.68 73 69 (5.19) 0.02 0.15 782.35 . 25º Gabon 2,973 2,749 0.25 (7.56) 2,709 2,352 (13.17) 265 397 49.79 1 1 *For other destinations, see Annex II *Does not include sausages and similar products 78 Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA#81PROCESSED FATS CASINGS SALTED LEATHER AND SKIN Ranking 2020 2021 Var. (%) 2020 2021 Var. (%) 2020 2021 Var. (%) 2020 2021 Var. (%) 2020 2021 Var. (%) 16º 13.07 0.03 17º 0.006 18º 199 0.09 7.39 7,763 0.02 0.01 - 0.15 0.14 (7.38) 1 1 20º 6.77 4.97 (26.67) 4.70 3.77 (19.86) 0.17 0.06 (67.82) 13 11 (12.56) 1 21º 0.82 0.66 (19.17) 0.03 1.14 0.93 (18.56) 22º 23º . . 1 1 1 1 1 . I 1 24º 1,282 1,631 27.16 56 1,368 1,116 (18.47) 73 85 16.24 25º 1 1 Source: SECEX Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA 79#82Empty#83& TURKEY MEAT ABPA BRAZILIAN ASSOCIATION OF ANIMAL PROTEIN#84Year BRAZILIAN PRODUCTION BRAZILIAN TURKEY MEAT PRODUCTION (1,000 MT) 2010 2011 337.00 305.29 DESTINATION OF BRAZILIAN TURKEY MEAT PRODUCTION IN 2021 30.17% 69.83% 2012 442.20 2013 363.52 2014 326.62 2015 327.17 2016 367.99 2017 390.48 2018 181.25 2019 172.32 EXPORTS DOMESTIC MARKET 2020 159.72 2021 157.05 Source: ABPA 82 Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA Source: SECEX/ABPA#85Year TURKEY MEAT PER CAPITA CONSUMPTION (kg per person) 2020 2021 0.555 0.514 Source: ABPA#86BRAZILIAN EXPORTS BRAZILIAN EXPORTS OF TURKEY MEAT (Historical Series) NCM Codes of Turkey Meat: 0207.24.00, 0207.25.00, 0207.26.00, 0207.27.00 and 1602.31.00. 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 500 445 459 424 332 330 288 273 2018 2019 2020 2021 148 111 82 75 179 158 161 141 140 133 126 110 74 47 42 38 84 Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA Volume (1,000 MT) Revenue (Million US$) Source: SECEX#87BRAZILIAN TURKEY MEAT EXPORTS 2020 x 2021 (MT) WHOLE CUTS PROCESSED TOTAL 2020 2021 Var. (%) 2020 2021 Var. (%) 2020 2021 Var. (%) 2020 2021 Var. (%) JAN 28 0.79 (97.13) 3,136 2,631 (16.10) 6.09 220 3,519 3,169 2,852 (10.01) FEB 0.39 2.28 479.70 3,164 3,156 (0.24) 21 378 1,727 3,185 3,536 11.04 MAR 0.36 0.28 (21.23) 3,161 2,801 (11.39) 515 838 62.55 3,677 3,639 (1.02) APR 2.35 48 1,961 4,205 2,290 (45.55) 74 761 929.32 4,281 3,098 (27.62) MAY 3.72 25 577.25 2,730 2,876 5.36 50 421 749.64 2,783 3,322 19.38 JUN 2.53 0.24 (90.41) 2,161 2,882 33.37 514 318 (38.16) 2,677 3,200 19.53 JUL 0.45 0.52 15.73 2,918 3,172 8.67 190 623 227.06 3,109 3,795 22.04 AUG 23 123 438.83 3,723 4,005 7.59 579 267 (53.79) 4,324 4,396 1.66 SEP 7.03 66 843.79 4,235 4,501 6.26 442 362 (17.97) 4,684 4,929 5.23 OCT 2.28 20 758.52 4,023 3,970 (1.33) 437 386 (11.72) 4,463 4,375 (1.96) NOV 103 59 (42.65) 1,969 4,689 138.10 277 845 204.49 2,350 5,593 138.01 DEC 28 1.86 (93.37) 2,825 4,555 61.23 339 84 (75.30) 3,192 4,640 45.35 TOTAL 201 348 73.24 38,250 41,527 8.57 3,444 5,502 59.76 41,894 47,377 13.09 Source: SECEX Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA 85#8839.45% Santa Catarina 56.54% Rio Grande do Sul 86 Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA 保生 BRAZILIAN TURKEY MEAT EXPORTS BY FEDERAL UNIT IN 2021 BY CUSTOMS IN 2021 **** 0.02% ... Others 3.99% Paraná Source: SECEX Customs Share (%) Port of Itajaí Port of Rio Grande 40.80% 36.89% Customs of São Borja 15.58% Port of São Francisco do Sul 3.52% Port of Paranaguá 1.85% Others 1.36% Source: SECEX#89BRAZILIAN TURKEY MEAT EXPORTS BY PRODUCT AND SHARE BY REGION IN 2021 TURKEY MEAT WHOLE 0.73% PROCESSED 11.61% AFRICA AMERICA ASIA EXTRA-EU EUROPE OCEANIA MIDDLE EAST EUROPEAN UNION (27) 53.12% 0.38% 0.45% 0.13% 0.26% 45.23% 0.43% 5.52% 27.06% 1.46% 3.67% 62.30% CUTS 87.65% 40.80% 41.26% 0.82% 3.54% 0.28% 1.71% 11.58% SHARE (%) Source: SECEX Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA 87#9088 Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA AFRICA Volume (MT) AMERICA 18,625 17,431 ASIA SHARE BY REGION AND IMPORTING COUNTRIES OF BRAZILIAN TURKEY MEAT IN 2021 36.79% 39.31% 0.90% 3.53% 0.25% 1.83% 17.39% 1,672 424 119 EXTRA-EU EUROPE OCEANIA MIDDLE EAST 868 EUROPEAN UNION (27) Source: SECEX 8,237#91Equatorial Guinea Gabon AFRICA Angola Benin Congo Dem. Rep. of Congo AMERICA Anguilla Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Bahamas Bermuda British Virgin Islands Peru Switzerland Saint Kitts and Nevis United Kingdom EUROPEAN UNION (27) Belgium St. Maarten OCEANIA Cyprus United States Uruguay Denmark Marshall Islands Germany Tonga ASIA Greece MIDDLE EAST Azerbaijan Ghana Cayman Islands Italy Malta Guinea Chile Hong Kong Japan Bahrain Islands Mauritius Cuba Georgia Netherlands Portugal Singapore Liberia Iraq Curacao Thailand Libya Dominican Rep. Jordan Kuwait Mozambique Grenade EXTRA-EU EUROPE Oman Sao Tome and Principe Haiti Gibraltar Seychelles Mexico Qatar Moldova South Africa Togo Montserrat Panama Paraguay Turkey Montenegro United Arab Emirates Norway Fonte: SECEX Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA וויו 89#92MAIN DESTINATIONS OF BRAZILIAN TURKEY MEAT EXPORTS (MT) TOTAL WHOLE CUTS PROCESSED Ranking Destination 2020 2021 Share (%) Var. (%) 2020 2021 Var. (%) 2020 2021 Var. (%) 2020 2021 Var. (%) 1º South Africa 6,763 8,499 17.94 25.66 27 6,276 8,216 30.91 460 283 (38.56) 2º European Union 7,795 8,237 17.39 5.67 1.78 1.49 (27) (16.19) 5,837 4,808 (17.63) 1,956 3,428 75.21 3º Chile 3,189 7,171 15.14 124.89 0.01 0.02 122.22 3,068 6,846 123.16 121 325 168.59 40 4º Mexico 782 4,530 9.56 479.39 782 4,530 479.39 5º Peru 4,441 3,898 8.23 (12.23) - 4,441 3,898 (12.23) - 69 6º Angola 4,766 2,497 5.27 (47.61) 32 62 53 (13.96) 4,696 2,436 (48.12) 8.96 7.98 (11.03) 7º Congo 2,294 1,657 3.50 (27.78) 2,293 1,656 (27.78) 1.38 1.01 (26.59) 8º Ghana 1,684 1,464 3.09 (13.06) 3.94 2.46 (37.70) 1,680 1,461 (13.01) 9º United Kingdom 1,032 1,084 2.29 5.05 0.23 0.13 (44.21) 905 882 (2.58) 126 202 60.00 10º Gabon 1,948 1,032 2.18 (47.03) 1 1,947 1,032 (47.00) 1.04 11º Equatorial Guinea 1,311 935 1.97 (28.64) . 1 1,306 935 (28.43) 4.37 0.47 (89.24) 12º Argentina 418 745 1.57 78.17 45 198 337.09 373 547 46.66 13º Benin 829 559 1.18 (32.63) 829 559 (32.63) 14º Switzerland 662 536 1.13 (19.03) 0.04 0.02 (60.53) 662 536 (19.03) 0.007 15º Bahamas 56 445 0.94 688.68 0.20 0.23 11.39 56 418 644.50 0.04 27 60,22 90 Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA#93TOTAL WHOLE CUTS PROCESSED Share Ranking Destination 2020 2021 (%) Var. (%) 2020 2021 Var. (%) 2020 2021 Var. (%) 2020 2021 Var. (%) 16º Cuba 100 412 0.87 312.65 55 161 192.63 45 251 459.83 17º Grenade 234 394 0.83 68.67 234 392 67.82 1.99 18º Uruguay 247 364 0.77 47.26 134 220 64.43 113 144 26.96 United Arab 19º 102 292 0.62 187.54 11 87 88 692.16 91 206 126.51 Emirates 20º Haiti 186 255 0.54 36.82 186 255 36.82 . 21º Kuwait 1.98 252 0.53 12,614 1.98 14 581.97 - 238 Τ 1 22º Azerbaijan 1,051 249 0.53 (76.27) 23º Mozambique 603 248 0.52 (58.94) . 24º Mauritius Islands 3.00 185 0.39 6,075 T 1,051 249 (76.26) 0.60 582 248 (57.46) 21 185 3.00 25º Dem. Rep. of 115 157 0.33 37.48 0.99 Congo 109 156 42.71 4.24 1.49 (64.92) *For other destinations, see Annex III Source: SECEX Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA 91#94Empty#9530 DUCK AND OTHER POULTRY MEAT ABPA BRAZILIAN ASSOCIATION OF ANIMAL PROTEIN#96Year BRAZILIAN PRODUCTION BRAZILIAN DUCK MEAT PRODUCTION (MT) 2019 4,670 2020 4,120 2021 5,083 Source: ABPA 94 Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA DESTINATION OF BRAZILIAN DUCK MEAT PRODUCTION IN 2021 68.37% 31.63% EXPORTS DOMESTIC MARKET Source: SECEX/ABPA#97BRAZILIAN EXPORTS BRAZILIAN EXPORTS OF DUCK AND OTHER POULTRY MEAT (Historical Series) NCM Codes of Duck and Other Poultry Meat: 0207.41.00, 0207.42.00, 0207.43.00, 0207.44.00, 0207.45.00, 0207.51.00, 0207.52.00, 0207.53.00, 0207.54.00, 0207.55.00 and 1602.39.00. 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 12,835 11,687 11,208 4,212 8,966 8,014 8,181 7,637 9,460 7,371 6,987 6,526 10,525 10,720 3,903 3,063 3,434 3,043 2,519 2,969 3,085 3,476 2,397 1,635 Volume (MT) Revenue (1,000 US$) Source: SECEX Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA 95#98BRAZILIAN DUCK AND OTHER POULTRY MEAT EXPORTS 2020 x 2021 (MT) WHOLE CUTS PROCESSED TOTAL 2020 2021 Var. (%) 2020 2021 Var. (%) 2020 2021 Var. (%) 2020 2021 Var. (%) JAN 264 193 (27.03) 54 3.28 (93.88) 0.30 0.04 (87.46) 318 196 (38.36) FEB 285 158 (44.49) 9.85 0.11 (98.86) 0.18 0.14 (25.68) 295 158 (46.29) MAR 251 259 3.26 0.23 7.22 3,052 0.61 0.22 (64.50) 251 266 5.87 APR 159 257 61.74 0.26 8.34 3,131 64 0.13 (99.80) 224 266 18.84 MAY 326 186 (42.99) 74 1.52 (97.96) 0.07 0.10 41.79 400 187 (53.19) JUN 99 180 82.02 7.88 0.78 (90.06) 0.34 0.02 (94.10) 107 181 68.84 JUL 182 345 89.49 10 32 213.92 161 0.11 (99.93) 353 377 6.73 AUG 334 291 (12.77) 0.59 6.32 970.68 0.12 0.09 (25.62) 335 298 (11.04) SEP 435 518 19.05 30 4.50 (84.94) 161 0.06 (99.96) 626 523 (16.49) OCT 364 466 28.10 15 0.16 (98.95) 0.14 0.01 (92.31) 379 466 22.90 NOV 306 273 (10.83) 4.40 43 880.90 0.12 0.08 (33.04) 310 316 1.80 DEC 283 231 (18.15) 22 11 (51.22) 0.10 0.05 (51.46) 305 242 (20.54) TOTAL 3,287 3,357 2.14 229 118 (48.28) 388 1.04 (99.73) 3,903 3,476 (10.94) 96 Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA Fonte: SECEX#9999.75% Santa Catarina 0.03% Rio Grande do Sul 0.05% Paraná Source: SECEX 0.09% São Paulo BRAZILIAN DUCK AND OTHER POULTRY MEAT EXPORTS BY FEDERAL UNIT IN 2021 BY CUSTOMS IN 2021 Customs *** 0.09% ... Others Share (%) 85.03% 4.37% 4.19% 3.99% 2.30% Others 0.12% Port of Itajaí Port of Paranaguá Customs of São Borja Port of Santos Port of Rio Grande Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA 97 Source: SECEX#100BRAZILIAN DUCK AND OTHER POULTRY MEAT EXPORTS BY PRODUCT AND SHARE BY REGION IN 2021 DUCK AND OTHER POULTRY MEAT PROCESSED 0.03% AFRICA AMERICA ASIA CUTS 3.40% EXTRA-EU EUROPE OCEANIA MIDDLE EAST EUROPEAN UNION (27) 18.03% 16.97% 13.98% 0.87% 27.77% 22.37% 11.19% 4.54% 9.32% 0.36% 0.22% 74.13% 0.24% WHOLE 96.57% 1.22% 4.24% 1.66% 0.01% 0.03% 92.81% 0.03% SHARE (%) Source: SECEX 98 Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA#101Volume (MT) AFRICA IMPORTING COUNTRIES OF BRAZILIAN DUCK AND OTHER POULTRY MEAT IN 2021 1.57% 4.25% 1.92% 0.02% 0.04% 92.15% 0.04% 55 148 AMERICA ASIA 67 1 EXTRA-EU EUROPE OCEANIA 2 MIDDLE EAST AFRICA Ecuador Panama Angola Singapore Thailand Vietnam Vanuatu MIDDLE EAST Liberia ASIA Iran EXTRA-EU EUROPE AMERICA China Kuwait Hong Kong Gibraltar Qatar Antigua and Barbuda India Norway Bahamas Barbados Chile Curacao Japan Maldives Philippines United Kingdom Saudi Arabia Turkey United Arab Emirates OCEANIA Marshall Islands 3,203 2 EUROPEAN UNION (27) EUROPEAN UNION (27) Belgium Cyprus Denmark France Germany Greece Italy Malta Netherlands Portugal Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA Source: SECEX 99#102MAIN DESTINATIONS OF BRAZILIAN EXPORTS OF DUCK AND OTHER POULTRY MEAT (MT) TOTAL WHOLE CUTS PROCESSED Ranking Destination 2020 2021 Share (%) Var. (%) 2020 2021 Var. (%) 2020 2021 Var. (%) 2020 2021 Var. (%) 1º Saudi Arabia 1,391 1,411 40.58 1.42 1,391 1,411 1.42 United Arab 2º 1,085 1,152 33.15 6.26 1,068 Emirates 1,072 0.41 17 80 382.03 3º Qatar 378 392 11.28 3.70 375 385 2.60 3.18 7.44 133.96 4º 40 Kuwait 267 248 7.13 (7.32) 267 248 (7.32) - - 5º Chile 42 146 4.19 249.44 24 141 481.82 18 5.10 (70.90) . 6º Maldives 36 54 54 1.55 51.60 36 7º Angola 53 1.53 54 40 54 51.60 1 1 Τ . 40 13 1 8º Japan 92 10 0.30 (88.85) 45 0.20 (99.57) 47 10 (78.51) 0.01 9º European Union (27) 1.80 1.51 0.04 (16.57) 0.87 0.99 14.34 0.69 0.28 (58.72) 0.25 0.23 (7.57) 10º Marshall Islands 1.28 1.48 0.04 16.05 0.54 0.94 74.16 0.34 0.26 (23.51) 0.40 0.29 (28.54) 11º Liberia 54 1.37 0.04 (97.48) 0.56 0.96 71.05 54 0.22 (99.59) 0.20 0.19 (6.50) 12º Panama 1.60 1.31 0.04 (18.04) 0.73 1.09 50.07 0.23 0.11 (54.35) 0.65 0.12 (81.45) 13º Singapore 1.35 1.11 0.03 (17.68) 0.26 0.61 130.80 0.70 0.50 (28.30) 0.39 0.01 (98.22) 14º Hong Kong 82 0.84 0.02 (98.98) 0.30 0.60 99.00 81 0.17 (99.79) 0.11 0.07 (33.64) 15º Norway 0.85 0.63 0.02 (26.06) 0.14 0.31 115.49 0.51 0.32 (37.65) 0.20 0.01 (97.00) 100 Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA#103TOTAL WHOLE CUTS PROCESSED Ranking Destination 2020 2021 Share (%) Var. (%) 2020 2021 Var. (%) 2020 2021 Var. (%) 2020 2021 Var. (%) 16º Thailand 0.51 0.48 0.01 (6.10) 0.12 0.22 79.03 0.38 0.26 (33.59) 17º Bahamas 0.46 0.42 0.01 (8.87) 0.14 0.33 128.67 0.03 0.06 121.43 0.29 0.03 (89.00) 18º Malta 0.36 0.40 0.01 9.97 0.26 0.24 (9.92) 0.05 0.04 (16.67) 0.05 0.12 137.25 19º Antigua and 0.16 0.27 0.01 68.55 0.12 0.17 44.83 0.04 0.10 132.56 Barbuda 20º Cyprus 0.33 0.23 0.01 (30.21) 0.17 0.13 (23.84) 0.06 0.03 (56.14) 0.10 0.08 (26.47) Source: SECEX Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA 101#104Empty#105EGGS ABPA BRAZILIAN ASSOCIATION OF ANIMAL PROTEIN#106BRAZILIAN PRODUCTION GROSS PRODUCTION VALUE (Billion BRL) 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 13.493 11.451 15.818 104 Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA 18.603 22.944 21.282 20.902 19.127 18.911 17.416 17.197 17.734 Source: Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply#107Year PLACEMENT OF PARENT STOCK (Heads) PLACEMENT OF LAYER HENS (Heads) 2010 866,945 2010 78,227,672 2011 928,234 2011 79,549,312 2012 907,412 2012 85,587,540 2013 976,985 2013 91,101,977 2014 1,073,184 2014 94,010,361 2015 981,788 2015 91,272,925 2016 1,339,457 Year 2016 92,777,402 2017 1,086,976 2017 105,592,179 2018 1,372,651 2018 115,556,495 2019 1,353,096 2019 118,498,994 2020 1,441,548 2020 124,317,339 2021 1,368,391 2021 114,637,958 Source: ABPA Source: ABPA Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA 105#108Year BRAZILIAN PRODUCTION OF EGGS (Units) 2010 28,851,931,850 2011 31,554,292,134 2012 31,775,108,157 2013 34,120,752,431 2014 37,245,133,102 2015 39,511,378,639 2016 39,181,839,294 2017 39,923,119,357 2018 44,487,496,586 2019 49,055,709,215 2020 53,533,542,389 2021 106 Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA 54,973,807,551 Source: ABPA#109DAY-OLD CHICK PLACEMENT BY FEDERAL UNIT IN 2021 1.21% Pará 5.59% Mato Grosso **** 5.87% Others 5.26% Ceará 1.21% Rio Grande do Norte 1.61% Paraíba 8.19% Pernambuco 1.67% Bahia 1.71% Mato Grosso do Sul 4.63% Goiás 4.75% Paraná 3.15% Santa Catarina 5.82% Rio Grande do Sul 9.17% Espírito Santo 10.54% Minas Gerais 29.63% São Paulo Source: ABPA Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA 107#110DESTINATION OF BRAZILIAN PRODUCTION OF EGGS IN 2021 EGG PER CAPITA CONSUMPTION (Units/per person) 2010 148 2011 162 0.46% 99.54% 2012 161 2013 168 2014 182 Year 2015 191 2016 190 2017 192 2018 212 2019 230 EXPORTS DOMESTIC MARKET 2020 251 Source: SECEX/ABPA 108 Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA 2021 257 Source: ABPA#111BRAZILIAN EXPORTS BRAZILIAN EXPORTS OF EGGS (Historical Series) NCM Codes of Eggs: 0407.00.90, 0407.21.00, 0407.29.00, 0407.90.00, 0408.11.00, 0408.19.00, 0408.91.00, 0408.99.00, 3502.11.00 and 3502.19.00. 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 28,266 16,655 42,616 26,853 24,121 21,228 16,849 12,391 12,213 18,747 2018 2019 2020 2021 17,188 18,054 14,101 10,631 10,029 8,792 11,670 11,346 10,411 7,698 6,045 6,250 Volume (MT) Revenue (1,000 US$) Source: SECEX Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA 109#112BRAZILIAN EXPORTS OF EGGS 2020 x 2021 (MT) RAW PROCESSED TOTAL 2020 2021 Var. (%) 2020 2021 Var. (%) 2020 2021 Var. (%) JAN 569 1,494 162.75 253 130 (48.46) 821 1,624 97.80 FEB 159 1,307 722.48 287 245 (14.68) 446 1,552 247.88 MAR 63 452 614.25 225 144 (35.98) 288 596 106.77 APR 77 701 808.37 135 164 21.36 212 865 307.93 MAY 186 311 67.37 145 159 9.55 331 470 42.02 JUN 116 250 115.64 95 304 218.84 211 554 162.23 JUL 68 221 224.35 175 227 29.42 243 448 83.98 AUG 69 172 149.14 168 396 135.70 237 568 139.61 SEP 50 226 349.99 242 425 75.38 292 650 122.46 OCT 190 459 140.97 137 361 162.52 328 819 150.01 NOV 1,171 439 (62.47) 226 266 18.00 1,396 706 (49.46) DEC 1,310 1,876 43.19 133 617 364.88 1,443 2,492 72.76 TOTAL 4,028 7,908 96.32 2,222 3,438 54.73 6,250 11,346 81.54 110 Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA Source: SECEX#11344.78% Mato Grosso 19.51% Minas Gerais 17.62% Rio Grande do Sul 10.22% São Paulo BRAZILIAN EGGS EXPORTS BY FEDERAL UNIT IN 2021 BY CUSTOMS IN 2021 **** 7.87% ... Others Customs Share (%) Port of Santos Port of Rio Grande Port of Itajaí Others Source: SECEX Source: SECEX Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA 111 77.26% 8.35% 5.28% 9.11%#114BRAZILIAN EGGS EXPORTS BY PRODUCT AND SHARE BY REGION IN 2021 EGGS PROCESSED 30.30% RAW 69.70% AFRICA AMERICA ASIA EXTRA-EU EUROPE OCEANIA MIDDLE EAST EUROPEAN UNION (27) 0.95% 36.26% 37.03% 0.17% 0.22% 24.80% 0.56% 3.12% 1.89% 1.31% 0.33% 0.98% 91.25% 1.10% SHARE (%) Source: SECEX 112 Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA#115Volume (MT) AFRICA 280 AMERICA SHARE BY REGION AND IMPORTING COUNTRIES OF BRAZILIAN EGGS IN 2021 2.47% 12.31% 12.14% 0.28% 0.75% 71.11% 0.94% 1,397 ASIA 1,377 32 22 EXTRA-EU EUROPE OCEANIA 85 MIDDLE EAST EUROPEAN UNION (27) 8,069 106 AFRICA Congo Egypt Gambia Chile Colombia Cuba Curacao South Korea Philippines Hong Kong India OCEANIA Cook Islands Ecuador Marshall Islands Vanuatu Japan Liberia Falklands Malaysia Senegal Sierra Leone South Africa Swaziland Togo AMERICA Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Bahamas Barbados Belize Bermuda Cayman Islands Panama St. Vincent and the Grenadines Suriname Uruguay US Virgin Islands ASIA Bangladesh China Guyana Honduras Pakistan Thailand Taiwan Bahrain Iran Paraguay Peru Vietnam Jordan Singapore Lebanon Oman EXTRA-EU EUROPE Qatar United States Gibraltar Saudi Arabia MIDDLE EAST EUROPEAN UNION (27) Belgium Croatia Cyprus Denmark France Germany Greece Ireland Italy Luxembourg Malta Netherlands Poland Isle of Man Turkey United Arab Emirates Portugal Montenegro Spain Norway Switzerland United Kingdom Sweden Source: SECEX Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA 113#116MAIN DESTINATIONS OF BRAZILIAN EXPORTS OF EGGS (MT) TOTAL RAW PROCESSED Ranking Destination 2020 2021 Share (%) Var. (%) 2020 2021 Var. (%) 2020 2021 Var. (%) 1º United Arab Emirates 3,380 6,916 60.95 104.60 3,126 6,803 117.60 254 113 (55.62) 2º Japan 316 1,171 10.32 270.04 5.19 3.84 (26.06) 311 1.167 275 3º Qatar 0.52 486 4.28 93,370 0.48 0.05 (90.68) 0.04 486 1,313,414 4º United States 3.24 472 4.16 14,487 0.29 0.42 45.61 2.95 472 15.881 5º Oman 144 408 3.59 183.16 144 408 183.16 69 Uruguay 452 392 3.45 (13.29) 452 392 (13.29) 7º Saudi Arabia 199 162 1.43 (18.65) 0.32 0.14 (56.66) 199 162 (18.59) 8º Cuba 20 120 1.06 500.00 20 120 500.00 9º European Union (27) 160 106 0.94 (33.53) 74 87 16.95 86 19 (77.42) 10º Liberia 120 104 0.92 (12.68) 64 92 92 43.99 56 13 (77.12) 11º Sierra Leone 103 0.91 1 103 . 12º Paraguay 137 97 0.85 (29.18) 79 58 97 67.04 13º Argentina 456 95 0.84 (79.16) 1.17 455 95 (79.10) 14º Bangladesh 2.90 89 0.78 2,969 2.35 0.96 (59.27) 0.55 88 15.842 15º Marshall Islands 130 84 0.74 (35.33) 80 77 (3.95) 50 50 7.47 (85.17) 114 Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA#117TOTAL RAW PROCESSED Ranking Destination 2020 2021 Share (%) Var. (%) 2020 2021 Var. (%) 2020 2021 Var. (%) 16º Panama 104 83 0.73 (20.32) 82 78 (4.09) 23 4.80 (78.80) 17º Turkey 3.59 67 0.59 1,762 1.99 2.92 46.36 1.60 64 3,902 18º Chile 93 55 65 0.57 (30.18) 46 47 65 38.21 19º Hong Kong 187 58 0.51 (69.07) 161 50 (69.26) 26 8.44 (67.91) 20º Singapore 55 40 40 0.35 (27.01) 37 32 (11.94) 18.0 7.60 (57.84) 21º Guyana 1.50 35 0.31 2,236 1.50 35 2,236 22º Bahrain 59 28 0.25 (52.69) 0.12 59 28 (52.59) 23º Gambia 26 0.23 26 I 24º South Africa 0.08 25º Norway 25 25 26 222 26 0.23 31,090 0.08 26 31,090 22 0.20 (10.21) 15 20 35.83 10 2.69 (74.27) *For other destinations, see Annex IV Source: SECEX Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA 115#118Empty#119POULTRY GENETIC MATERIAL ΑΒΡΑ BRAZILIAN ASSOCIATION OF ANIMAL PROTEIN#120BRAZILIAN EXPORTS BRAZILIAN EXPORTS OF DAY-OLD CHICKS (Historical Series) NCM Codes of Day-old Chicks: 0105.11.10, 0105.11.90, 0105.92.00, 0105.93.00 and 0105.94.00. BRAZILIAN EXPORTS OF HATCHING EGGS (Historical Series) NCM Codes of Hatching Eggs: 0407.00.11, 0407.00.19, 0407.11.00 and 0407.19.00. 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 | 82,916 88,441 81,912 76,787 77,904 69,981 65,805 60,430 54,925 51,997 43,847 37,958 1,245 1,060 1,064 1,075 1,037 842 803 744 754 1,230 1,173 Volume (MT) Revenue (1,000 US$) 118 Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA Source: SECEX 14,170 73,270 60,916 53,191 49,452 44,970 41,701 11,801 10,073 7,509 9,942 9,399 62,824 59,319 55,132 15,268 12,876 12.055 38,692 9,024 Volume (MT) Revenue (1,000 US$) 14,518 Source: SECEX#121BRAZILIAN POULTRY GENETIC MATERIAL EXPORTS 2020 x 2021 (MT) DAY-OLD CHICKS HATCHING EGGS TOTAL 2020 2021 Var. (%) 2020 2021 Var. (%) 2020 2021 Var. (%) JAN 73 119 62.95 1,121 984 (12.26) 1,194 1,102 (7.68) FEB 142 84 (40.66) 1,125 841 (25.21) 1,267 926 (26.94) MAR 86 113 30.98 1,259 1,304 3.57 1,345 1,417 5.32 APR 70 76 8.96 385 1,054 173.58 455 1,130 148.28 MAY 90 86 (3.70) 456 1,003 119.72 546 1,089 99.48 JUN 102 70 (31.30) 488 1,222 150.64 590 1,292 119.17 JUL 115 95 (17.38) 553 1,313 137.49 668 1,408 110.75 AUG 117 95 (19.35) 676 1,433 111.92 794 1,528 92.52 SEP 115 96 (16.37) 659 1,190 80.64 774 1,286 66.20 OCT 120 142 18.98 749 1,451 93.70 869 1,594 83.41 NOV 100 120 19.34 727 1,426 96.01 828 1,546 86.71 DEC 100 76 (23.46) 824 1,296 57.19 924 1,372 48.48 TOTAL 1,230 1,173 (4.64) 9,024 14,518 60.88 10,254 15,691 53.02 Source: SECEX Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA 119#12244.65% Paraná 10.26% Santa Catarina 1.33% Rio Grande do Sul 120 Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA Source: SECEX 0.26% Espírito Santo 42.92% São Paulo BRAZILIAN POULTRY GENETIC MATERIAL EXPORTS BY FEDERAL UNIT IN 2021 BY CUSTOMS IN 2021 **** 0.58% ... Others Customs Share (%) Guarulhos International Airport Customs of Foz do Iguaçu Viracopos International Airport 71.81% 19.42% 5.71% 1.92% Others 1.14% Customs of Corumbá Source: SECEX#123BRAZILIAN POULTRY GENETIC MATERIAL EXPORTS BY PRODUCT AND SHARE BY REGION IN 2021 POULTRY GENETIC MATERIAL DAY-OLD CHICKS 7.47% AFRICA AMERICA ASIA EXTRA-EU EUROPE OCEANIA MIDDLE EAST EUROPEAN UNION (27) HATCHING EGGS 92.53% SHARE (%) 0.85% 98.81% 0.29% 0.001% 0.05% 41.09% 49.97% 0.79% 2.49% 0.23% 5.07% 0.37% *European Union: Brazilian exports of genetic material to the region may include fertile eggs for laboratory research, production of vaccines (SPF), and ornamental birds. Source: SECEX Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA 121#124Volume (MT) 122 Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA 5,975 SHARE BY REGION AND IMPORTING COUNTRIES OF BRAZILIAN POULTRY GENETIC MATERIAL IN 2021 38.08% 53.62% 0.75% 2.30% 0.21% 4.69% 0.34% 8,413 361 118 33 OCEANIA MIDDLE EAST 736 54 54 EUROPEAN UNION (27) Source: SECEX#125AFRICA Argentina Bahamas Venezuela Norway Russia EUROPEAN UNION (27) Angola Cameroon ASIA Belgium Barbados Belize China Switzerland United Kingdom Cyprus Ethiopia Ivory Coast Liberia Madagascar Mali Morocco Mozambique Senegal South Africa Sudan Swaziland AMERICA Denmark Bermuda Hong Kong OCEANIA Germany Bolivia India Greece Cayman Islands Japan Marshall Islands Italy Chile Malaysia Niue Luxembourg Colombia Costa Rica Mexico Panama Dominican Rep. Ecuador Philippines Singapore South Korea Sri Lanka Taiwan Vanuatu Malta MIDDLE EAST Netherlands Portugal Iraq Sweden Lebanon Thailand Paraguay Peru Saudi Arabia Turkey EXTRA-EU EUROPE United Arab Emirates Antigua and barbuda St. Vincent and the Grenadines Uruguay Isle of Man Montenegro *European Union: Brazilian exports of genetic material to the region may include fertile eggs for laboratory research, production of vaccines (SPF), and ornamental birds. Source: SECEX Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA 123#126MAIN DESTINATIONS OF BRAZILIAN EXPORTS OF POULTRY GENETIC MATERIAL (MT) TOTAL DAY-OLD CHICKS HATCHING EGGS Ranking Destination 2020 2021 Share (%) Var. (%) 2020 2021 Var. (%) 2020 2021 Var. (%) 1º Senegal 4,850 5,685 36.23 17.23 0.15 1.22 696.08 4,850 5,684 17.21 2º Mexico 601 4,094 26.09 581.53 601 4,094 581.53 3º Paraguay 3,085 3,031 19.31 (1.77) 887 848 (4.37) 2,198 2,182 (0.73) 4º United Arab Emirates 171 481 3.07 181.50 171 481 181.50 5º Dominican Rep. 325 2.07 1.89 323 6º Switzerland 0.24 324 2.06 134,709 0.24 324 134,709 7º Bolivia 204 302 1.92 47.88 143 98 (31.51) 60 203 236.40 8º Peru 251 301 1.92 20.19 25 29 16.03 226 272 20.65 9º Saudi Arabia 411 211 1.35 (48.70) 411 211 (48.70) 10º Colombia 186 159 1.02 (14.12) 31 33 6.87 155 126 (18.34) 11º Mali 0.56 106 0.67 18,720 1 0.56 106 18,720 12º Ecuador 72 88 0.56 21.37 68 85 25.02 3.97 2.33 (41.39) 13º Philippines 62 87 0.55 40.49 0.56 62 86 39.59 14º European Union (27) 42 42 54 54 0.34 26.23 1.29 0.001 (99.92) 41 54 30.16 15º Ivory Coast 58 47 0.30 (18.89) 58 45 47 (18.89) 124 Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA#127TOTAL DAY-OLD CHICKS HATCHING EGGS Ranking Destination 2020 2021 Share (%) Var. (%) 2020 2021 Var. (%) 2020 2021 Var. (%) 16º Iraq 43 0.28 43 17º Swaziland 37 0.23 37 18º Marshall Islands 26 33 0.21 27.10 0.001 0.01 600.00 26 33 27.08 19º Argentina 36 30 0.19 (17.99) 29 30 2.21 7.19 20º Montenegro I 29 0.18 29 21º Cameroon 28 0.18 28 22º Liberia 20 20 25 25 0.16 24.68 0.01 0.002 (66.67) 20 25 24.70 23º Venezuela 5.4 54 24 0.15 (56.10) 6.55 5.25 (19.84) 47 18 (61.14) 24º Panama 23 19 0.12 (17.77) 0.01 23 19 (17.75) 25º Chile 20 20 17 0.11 (16.11) 20 20 17 (16.18) 0.09 0.09 (1.09) Source: SECEX Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA 125 @#128Empty#129ANNEXES ABPA BRAZILIAN ASSOCIATION OF ANIMAL PROTEIN#130128 ANNEX I: OTHER DESTINATIONS OF BRAZILIAN CHICKEN MEAT EXPORTS (MT) TOTAL TOTAL Destination 2020 2021 Var. (%) Destination 2020 2021 Var. (%) Afghanistan 10,971 7,951 (27.52) Bermuda 74 171 130.79 Albania 14,573 17,147 17.67 Bolivia 5,307 5,962 12.34 Bonaire, Saint American Samoa 16 14 (7.94) 647 615 Eustatius and Saba (4.94) Anguilla 245 212 (13.36) Botswana 382 Antigua and Barbuda 2,986 3,285 10.03 British Virgin Islands 174 254 46.16 Argentina 5,292 8,376 58.29 Brunei Darussalam 4.61 Armenia 131 281 114.99 Bulgaria 605 458 (24.36) Aruba 4,239 5,354 26.30 Cambodia 1,844 5,070 174.98 Bahamas 7,842 9,404 19.93 Cameroon 586 43 (92.64) Bahrain 36,239 29,106 (19.68) Canada 11,56 16,760 44.98 Barbados 1.91 2.49 29.83 Cape Green 1,023 761 (25.57) Belarus 468 Cayman Islands 121 182 50.99 Belgium 1,522 1,306 (14.15) Central African Rep. 2,147 2,580 20.17 Belize 12 15 30.94 Chad 1,645 1,968 19.63 Benin 2,725 8,309 204.87 Comoro Islands 2,960 2,499 (15.58) *Does not include sausages and similar products Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA#131TOTAL TOTAL Destination 2020 2021 Var. (%) Destination 2020 2021 Var. (%) Congo 11,239 14,846 32.09 France 27 53 99.19 Croatia 0.18 0.09 (48.07) Gabon 7,537 6,415 (14.88) Cuba 40,952 29,314 (28.42) Gambia 3,008 7,179 138.67 Curacao 7,242 8,314 14.80 Georgia 11,340 14,570 28.49 Cyprus 64 33 (48.76) Germany 22,740 23,412 2.95 Dem. Rep. of Congo 13,476 15,686 16.40 Ghana 15,268 33,665 120.50 Denmark 95 146 54.66 Gibraltar 1.31 1.51 15.11 Djibouti 2,624 3,723 41.89 Greece 1,017 556 (45.30) Dominica 924 1,156 25.17 Grenade 3,681 4,110 11.64 Dominican Rep. 756 16,101 2,03 Guinea 2,663 5,034 89.03 East Timor 4,022 4,440 10.39 Guinea Bissau 229 124 (45.69) Egypt 58,789 33,475 (43.06) Guyana 778 1,136 46.03 Equatorial Guinea 2,697 2,341 (13.19) Haiti 13,249 14,486 9.34 Ethiopia 98 228 132.13 Honduras 28 Falklands 27 India 54 122 124.58 Source: SECEX Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA 129#132ANNEX I: OTHER DESTINATIONS OF BRAZILIAN CHICKEN MEAT EXPORTS (MT) TOTAL TOTAL Destination 2020 2021 Var. (%) Destination 2020 2021 Var. (%) Iran 29 2,870 9,706 Malawi 273 51 (81.25) Ireland 2,705 5,495 103.15 Malaysia 9,892 5,695 (42.43) Isle of Man 1.90 1.46 (22.92) Maldives 5,090 9,473 86.12 Israel 52 Malta 53 58 10.11 Italy 3.06 84 2,657 Marshall Islands 158 166 4.88 Ivory Coast 322 72 (77.56) Mauritius Islands 410 563 37.39 Kazakhstan 1,173 536 (54.33) Mauritania 6,277 9,088 44.78 Kenya 1,367 239 (82.54) Mayotte Islands 858 371 (56.81) Kiribati 1.54 8.45 450.00 Moldova 2,909 2,405 (17.33) Kyrgyzstan 325 Montenegro 800 992 23.98 Lebanon 4,855 5,740 18.22 Montserrat 103 122 18.54 Liberia 4,503 9,182 103.91 Morocco 1,044 452 (56.71) Luxembourg 0.01 0.45 5,55 Mozambique 8,119 10,872 33.91 Macedonia 6,408 8,587 34.01 Namibia 12,483 12,662 1.43 Madagascar 24 20 (17.22) Netherlands 120,930 141,078 16.66 *Does not include sausages and similar products 130 Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA#133TOTAL TOTAL Destination 2020 2021 Var. (%) Destination 2020 2021 Var. (%) New Caledonia 2,360 1,900 (19.49) Sierra Leone 4,806 4,430 (7.82) Niger 269 157 (41.89) Somalia 900 2,330 159.01 Norway 27 23 (14.00) Southern Sudan 2,593 3,159 21.83 Pakistan 187 28 (85.25) Spain 18,282 18,807 2.87 Paraguay 590 626 6.13 Sri Lanka 103 22 (79.10) Portugal 1,997 549 (72.50) St Maarten 2,255 2,626 16.44 Romania 575 1,242 116.11 Sudan 703 1,316 87.25 Saint Kitts and Nevis 1,449 1,542 6.41 Suriname 2,306 3,155 36.82 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 14 Switzerland 11,175 13,140 17.58 Samoa 12 4.32 (63.09) Syria 273 San Marino 27 Tanzania 2,167 2,671 23.26 Sao Tome and 378 195 Principe (48.56) Thailand 2,674 2,895 8.28 Senegal 5.75 9.40 63.53 Togo 328 843 157.20 Serbia 372 728 95.59 Tonga 75 365 388.91 Seychelles 1,954 2,953 51.12 Trinidad and Tobago 99 127 27.54 Source: SECEX Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA 131#134ANNEX I: OTHER DESTINATIONS OF BRAZILIAN CHICKEN MEAT EXPORTS (MT) TOTAL Destination 2020 2021 Var. (%) Tunisia 193 676 251.10 Turkmenistan 933 3,023 224.13 Turks and Caicos 19 Islands Ukraine 135 907 571.53 Uruguay 4,060 3,997 (1.57) Uzbekistan 1,143 1,161 1.52 Venezuela 2,354 9,366 297.95 Zambia 1,812 1,010 (44.27) Zimbabwe 218 *Does not include sausages and similar products 132 Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA Source: SECEX#135ANNEX II: OTHER DESTINATIONS OF BRAZILIAN PORK EXPORTS (MT) TOTAL TOTAL Destination 2020 2021 Var. (%) Destination 2020 2021 Var. (%) Anguilla 80 90 12.72 Cape Green 371 241 (34.96) Antigua and Barbuda 6.71 12 83.08 Cayman Islands 2.88 2.52 (12.21) Armenia 802 1,685 110.18 Congo 3,210 2,187 (31.88) Aruba 804 675 (16.00) Cuba 0.07 84 117,615 Azerbaijan 254 341 34.52 Curacao 31 7.73 (75.27) Bahamas 349 539 54.29 Dominica 0.77 6.12 696.88 Bahrain 2.96 3.12 5.33 East Timor 106 320 202.92 Barbados 1.56 2.52 61.31 Egypt 168 168 0.33 Belize 6.47 8.46 30.78 Equatorial Guinea 344 232 (32.55) Benin 0.25 Ghana 35 52 50.03 Bermuda 83 45 (46.34) Gibraltar 1.26 1.11 (12.04) Bolivia 2,965 2,744 (7.47) Grenade 39 76 93.48 Bonaire, Saint 112 146 30.25 Guam 133 98 (26.65) Eustatius and Saba British Virgin Islands 41 55 34.13 Guyana 1.81 2.16 19.70 Cambodia 25 25 207 729.90 Honduras 1.50 29 1,833 *Does not include sausages and similar products Source: SECEX Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA 133#136134 ANNEX II: OTHER DESTINATIONS OF BRAZILIAN PORK EXPORTS (MT) TOTAL TOTAL Destination 2020 2021 Var. (%) Destination 2020 2021 Var. (%) India 28 1.28 (95.38) Norway 29 24 (17.73) Isle of Man 2.52 1.64 (34.95) Oman 11 18 62.10 Israel 8.67 Panama 549 498 (9.24) Kiribati 1.54 4.61 200.00 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines - 0.11 Lebanon 243 627 157.79 Senegal 40 53 31.57 Macao 161 19 (88.20) Seychelles 481 329 (31.71) Marshall Islands 138 136 (1.11) Sri Lanka 54 Mauritius Islands 25 269 957.07 St Maarten 731 906 23.93 Micronesia 1.58 Swaziland 0.25 Montenegro 0.31 1.20 284.29 Switzerland 33 0.83 (97.47) Montserrat 1.50 3.86 157.33 Turkey 331 296 (10.50) Mozambique 164 465 183.47 Turkmenistan 21 21 (0.03) Myanmar 109 55 (49.73) Turks and Caicos Islands 1.00 Namibia 55 22 27 (50.90) United States Virgin 27 Islands Northern Mariana 26 Islands 26 26 (0.19) Vanuatu 0.19 0.37 92.78 *Does not include sausages and similar products Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA#137TOTAL Destination 2020 2021 Var. (%) Venezuela 118 112 (5.22) Yemen 24 24 Source: SECEX Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA 135#138136 ANNEX III: OTHER DESTINATIONS OF BRAZILIAN TURKEY MEAT EXPORTS (MT) TOTAL TOTAL Destination 2020 2021 Var. (%) Destination 2020 2021 Var. (%) Anguilla 6.41 10 52.11 Gibraltar 0.04 0.02 (56.10) Antigua and Barbuda 48 58 22.01 Greece 0.33 0.32 (3.93) Bahrain 0.06 0.11 77.97 Guinea 51 Barbados 0.004 Hong Kong 115 120 4.32 Belgium 0.05 0.06 17.02 India 0.01 0.01 20.00 Bermuda 0.15 0.09 (40.91) Iraq 198 111 (43.94) British Virgin Islands 7.18 Isle of Man 0.01 Cayman Islands 0.14 0.02 (88.65) Italy 0.04 0.07 94.59 China 0.03 0.01 (69.23) Japan 0.11 1.15 905.26 Curacao 11 15 40.65 Jordan 74 54 54 (26.80) Cyprus 0.19 0.18 (5.29) Liberia 132 64 (51.86) Denmark 0.33 0.30 (8.28) Libya 69 Dominican Rep. 27 59 118.29 Malta 0.73 0.91 23.43 Georgia 102 77 (24.11) Marshall Islands 1.87 1.14 (39.09) Germany 50 50 0.03 (99.93) Moldova 101 52 52 (48.34) Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA#139TOTAL TOTAL Destination 2020 2021 Var. (%) Destination 2020 2021 Var. (%) Montenegro 0.05 Thailand 0.43 0.29 (30.99) Montserrat 0.30 Togo 9.00 3.00 (66.68) Netherlands 7,743 8,235 6.35 Tonga 118 Norway 0.23 0.30 27.47 Turkey 0.05 2.06 3,945 Oman 3.99 United States 0.17 Panama 0.99 1.17 18.02 Paraguay 132 154 16.85 Philippines 133 0.01 (99.99) Portugal 0.26 0.12 (54.17) Qatar 22 75 75 236.01 Saint Kitts and Nevis Sao Tome and 69 6.00 1.97 Principe (67.17) Seychelles 6 10 51.93 Singapore 26 54 54 109.32 St Maarten 91 37 (59.80) Source: SECEX Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA 137#140ANNEX IV: OTHER DESTINATIONS OF BRAZILIAN EXPORTS OF EGGS (MT) TOTAL TOTAL Destination 2020 2021 Var. (%) Destination 2020 2021 Var. (%) Antigua and Barbuda 3.08 7.61 147.32 Ecuador 0.09 Bahamas 17 20 19.82 Egypt 20 Barbados 1.05 2.13 103.43 Falklands (Malvinas) 0.18 Belgium 1.70 0.46 (72.95) France 0.88 1.27 44.71 Belize 0.64 0.28 (56.51) Germany 4.26 3.30 (22.42) Bermuda 5.35 0.17 (96.88) Gibraltar 0.79 0.69 (12.06) Cayman Islands 4.14 1.67 (59.73) Greece 20 33 60.92 China 6.14 5.48 (10.77) Honduras . 0.06 Colombia 0.27 1.50 452.77 India 27 2.03 (92.55) Congo Cook Islands 0.12 0.12 Irã 1.91 1.66 (12.74) Ireland 0.41 0.16 (61.11) Croatia 0.23 0.12 (46.67) Isle of Man 1.02 1.15 13.08 Curacao 0.12 Italy 14 2.86 (80.13) Cyprus 18 11 (39.23) Jordan 5.68 0.30 (94.72) Denmark 20.0 9.62 (51.92) Lebanon 0.06 0.50 762.07 138 Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA#141TOTAL TOTAL Destination 2020 2021 Var. (%) Destination 2020 2021 Var. (%) Luxembourg 0.02 0.07 242.86 Swaziland 0.65 Malaysia 0.10 0.08 (21.05) Sweden 0.14 Malta 64 35 (45.15) Switzerland 0.46 1.23 166.88 Montenegro 0.05 0.15 183.33 Taiwan 0.29 0.76 159.59 Netherlands 4.72 2.29 (51.55) Thailand 63 6.07 (90.30) Pakistan 0.01 0.25 4,900 Togo 0.05 Peru 0.94 2.78 195.63 United Kingdom 9.09 6.18 (31.96) Philippines 5.07 3.19 (37.23) US Virgin Islands 0.03 Poland 0.01 0.83 11,786 Vanuatu 0.14 0.32 125.53 Portugal 11 6.94 (38.82) Vietnam 0.35 0.48 36.57 Saint Vincent and the 0.01 0.53 4,691 Grenadines Senegal 0.08 South Korea 1.75 0.61 (65.03) Spain 0.18 0.01 (93.44) Suriname 0.02 Source: SECEX Brazilian Association of Animal Protein - ABPA 139#142ABPA BRAZILIAN ASSOCIATION OF ANIMAL PROTEIN#143Empty#144ABPA BRAZILIAN ASSOCIATION OF ANIMAL PROTEIN Brigadeiro Faria Lima Avenue, 1912-20 Floor/ 20L - São Paulo, SP - Brazil Phone: +55 11 3095-3120 - [email protected] capella

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