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18-20 October 2022



#1SARF International Road Federation IRF Fédération Routière Internationale Federación Internacional de Carreteras PIARC 2022 SARF IRF PIARC • • 7TH REGIONAL CONFERENCE FOR AFRICA & PIARC INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR ON RURAL ROADS AND ROAD SAFETY CONNECTING AFRICA THROUGH SMART, SAFE AND RESILIENT ROADS 18-20 OCTOBER 2022 Cape Town International Convention Centre 2022 RURAL ROAD CONSTRUCTION IN RURAL AREAS: CASE OF BURKINA FASO Souleman OUSSIMAN Chair of TC2.2, Accessibility and mobility in rural areas Civil Engineer and Infrastructures, Head at GEFA, private company in Burkina Faso 18-20 October 2022#2Index . . GEOGRAPHICAL SITUATION OF BURKINA FASO GENERAL INFORMATION ON THE ROAD NETWORK TECHNICAL STANDART OF RURAL ROADS METHODE OF RURAL ROAD CONSTRUCTION COMPARISON BETWEEN THE METHOD RURAL ROAD CONSTRUCTION MAINTENANCE OF RURAL ROADS PICTURES OF RURAL ROAD SARF international Road Federation JOR Federation Routière Internationale Federacion Internacional de Cas PIARC 18-20 October 2022 Cape Town 7TH REGIONAL CONFERENCE FOR AFRICA & PIARC INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR ON RURAL ROADS AND ROAD SAFETY CONNECTING AFRICA THROUGH SMART, SAFE AND RESILIENT ROADS#3SITUATION OF BURKINA FASO (1) Burkina Faso is located in the heart of West Africa. Its area is two hundred seventy-four thousands (274,000) square kilometers. It shares its borders with six countries, namely Mali to the north and west, Niger to the north and east, Benin to the south-east, Ghana and Togo to the south, Ivory Cost in the west and south. The country is subdivided into thirteen (13) regions, forty-five (45) provinces and three hundred and fifty- one (351) departments SARF DRF Federation Routere International International Road Federation Federacion Internacional de Carreteras PIARC 18-20 October 2022 Cape Town 7TH REGIONAL CONFERENCE FOR AFRICA & PIARC INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR ON RURAL ROADS AND ROAD SAFETY CONNECTING AFRICA THROUGH SMART, SAFE AND RESILIENT ROADS#4SITUATION OF BURKINA FASO (2) MALI NIGER Oushigouya Кауа Bidougou DUAGADOUGOU Koudougou Fade- Ngourma Bobo- Dioulasso Bantora CÔTE D'IVOIRE Tonkodogo GHANA BENIN TOGO#5INFORMATION ON THE ROAD GENERAL NETWORK (1) ADMINISTRATIVE CLASSIFICATION OF THE ROAD NETWORK/ BURKINA FASO 6 728 km National roads (3.47%) ■3 550 km Regional Roads (1.83%) ■5 026 km Departmental Roads (2.59%) ■178 560 km Unclassified Rural Roads (92.11%) CLASSIFIED ROAD NETWORK: 15 304 KM WITH ONLY 3,642 KM PAVED (23.79%) 6 728 KM OF NATIONAL ROADS (43.96%) 3 550 KM OF REGIONAL ROADS (23.20%) 5 026 KM OF DEPARTMENTAL ROADS (32.84%) UNCLASSIFIED ROAD NETWORK: 178 560 KM (92.11%) International Road Federation PIARC 18-20 October 2022 SADE Rul Federation Routière International 7TH REGIONAL CONFERENCE FOR AFRI & PIARC INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR ON RURAL ROADS AND ROAD SA#6GENERAL INFORMATION ON THE ROAD NETWORK (2) MAP OF CLASSIFIED ROAD SARF International Road Federation JORO Federation Routiers Internationala Federación Internacional de Carreter MINISTERE DES INFRASTRUCTURES, DU DESENCLAVEMENT ET DES TRANSPORTS SECRETARIAT GENERAL DIRECTION GENERALE DES ROUTES PIARC MALI RBOTON ON LA BOUCLE DU NRGEON DOSAURAS REGION DU SUD REGION DES CARGADES COTE D'IVOIRE REGION DU BARN RUDION DU NORD forON DU GENT-NOR OON DU CENTRE-OURET GHANA thou'r GON DU PLAPA RAL HANGA REGION DU CENTRE-AUD RADION DE GENTRD- REGION FARA HEEREMA FANA BURKINA FASO Unde Prie Justi NIGER BENIN TOGO 0 25 50 KILOMETRES CLASSIFICATION DU RESEAU ROUTIER NATIONAL LEGENDE Route National Route Regionale Route Départementale Cheflau de région Chef lieu de province Limile Dal Limite province Forts classées Plan d'eau Chef leu de département Limite departement 18 20 October 2022 Cape Town 7TH REGIONAL CONFERENCE FOR AFRICA & PIARC INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR ON RURAL ROADS AND ROAD SAFETY CONNECTING AFRICA THROUGH SMART, SAFE AND RESILIENT ROADS#7STAKEHOLDERS IN RURAL ROADS PROJECTS IN BURKINA FASO SARF MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURES TECHNICAL AND FINANCIAL PARTNER MINISTRY OF INFRASTRUCTURES International Road Federation Fédération Routiere Internationale Federación internacional de C PIARC 18-20 October 2022 Cape Town MINISTRY OF WATER AND ENVIRONMENT The ministry responsible for all road infrastructure in the country LOCAL ADMINISTRATIO N (REGIONAL COUNCIL...etc) 7TH REGIONAL CONFERENCE FOR AFRICA & PIARC INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR ON RURAL ROADS AND ROAD SAFETY CONNECTING AFRICA THROUGH SMART SAFF AND RESILIENT ROADS#8TECHNICAL STANDART OF RURAL ROADS (1) WHAT IS RURAL ROAD IN BURKINA FASO? Rural road is a road axis located in a rural area, generally with a surface course of continuous lateritic materials or limited to areas that are difficult to access, summarily fitted out with temporary crossing structures. In winter, the rural road is likely to experience traffic interruptions and flooding, making practicability very difficult. The speed practiced does not exceed 50 to 60km/h in the dry season. The reference speed is 60 km/h. SARF International Road Federation.. Federation Routiere International Federación Internacional de Careers PIARC 18 20 October 2022 Cape Town 7TH REGIONAL CONFERENCE FOR AFRICA & PIARC INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR ON RURAL ROADS AND ROAD SAFETY CONNECTING AFRICA THROUGH SMART, SAFE AND RESILIENT ROADS#9TECHNICAL STANDART OF RURAL ROADS (2) We have two type of rural road: Natural tracks (No particular construction is made), Improved rural road (can be partialy recharging with submersible structures or continuous recharging with box culverts) SARF JO Federation Routière Internationale International Road Federation. Federación internacional de C PIARC 18-20 October 2022 Cape Town 25/07/2019 12:35: 7TH REGIONAL CONFERENCE FOR AFRICA & PIARC INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR ON RURAL ROADS AND ROAD SAFETY CONNECTING AFRICA THROUGH SMART, SAFE AND RESILIENT ROADS#10TECHNICAL STANDART OF RURAL ROADS (3) Referen Type of rural road Platform Pavement ce Wearing course width width speed Improved rural road type A 60 km/h 7m 6m In lateritic gravel over more than 80% of the length Improved rural road type B 40km/h 6 5m In lateritic gravel limited to difficult areas Ordinary rural road (natural) 2-5m SARF International Road Federation.. Federation Routiere International Federación Internacional de Careers PIARC 18 20 October 2022 Cape Town No wearing course 7TH REGIONAL CONFERENCE FOR AFRICA & PIARC INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR ON RURAL ROADS AND ROAD SAFETY CONNECTING AFRICA THROUGH SMART, SAFE AND RESILIENT ROADS#11TECHNICAL STANDART OF RURAL ROADS (4) SARF TYPICAL CROSS SECTION Axis of the road 500 cm 3% 3% NG 3/1(Slope of embankment) NG 3/2 2/3 3/2 2/3 Ditch of slope Layer of laterite backfill (thickness variable)! Wearing course with lateritic gravel (15 - 20 cm) NG | Ditch 100m mini international Road Federation JOR Federation Routière Internationale Federacion Internacional de Cas Platform PIARC 18-20 October 2022 Cape Town 100m mini Ditch NG 7TH REGIONAL CONFERENCE FOR AFRICA & PIARC INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR ON RURAL ROADS AND ROAD SAFETY CONNECTING AFRICA THROUGH SMART, SAFE AND RESILIENT ROADS#12TECHNICAL STANDART OF RURAL ROADS (5) TYPICAL CITY CROSS SECTION Ж Platform Axis of the road SARF 3% Slope of embankment 3/1 international Road Federation JOR Federation Routière Internationale Federacion Internacional de Cas 500 am 3% Wearing course with lateritic gravel (15 - 20 cm) PIARC 18-20 October 2022 Cape Town 3/1 1/1 7TH REGIONAL CONFERENCE FOR AFRICA & PIARC INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR ON RURAL ROADS AND ROAD SAFETY CONNECTING AFRICA THROUGH SMART, SAFE AND RESILIENT ROADS#13SARF TECHNICAL STANDART OF RURAL ROADS (6) TN Standard section of a rural rural road by employment intensive method Excavations of the stone cordon Stone cordon 20 cm Laterite wearing course: 15-20 cm thick Variable from 3.5 to 5 m 0.50 0.50 International Road Federation Federation Routiere Internationale Federación Internacional de Ca PIARC 18-20 October 2022 Cape Town TN 7TH REGIONAL CONFERENCE FOR AFRICA & PIARC INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR ON RURAL ROADS AND ROAD SAFETY CONNECTING AFRICA THROUGH SMART, SAFE AND RESILIENT ROADS#14RURAL ROADS CONSTRUCTION (1) Steps of rural road construction: ☐ Local or government needs expressed Fundraising for studies ☐ Identification of rural roads and planning Choice of design offices ☐ Carrying out studies Fundraising for doing work ☐ Call for tenders followed by the recruitment of companies to carry out the work SARF International Road Federation CRU Federation Routiere International Federación Internacional de Carreras PIARC 18-20 October 2022 Cape Town 7TH REGIONAL CONFERENCE FOR AFRICA & PIARC INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR ON RURAL ROADS AND ROAD SAFETY CONNECTING AFRICA THROUGH SMART, SAFE AND RESILIENT ROADS#15RURAL ROADS CONSTRUCTION (2) Two (02) methods are used for rural road construction in Burkina Faso: i. ii. Mechanical method Labour-intensive method The mechanical method uses heavy equipment and machinery, while the high-intensity labor method uses light equipment, traditional tools and a high local workforce. SARF International Road Federation CRU Federation Routiere International Federación Internacional de Cas RURAL ROAD CONSTRUCTION BY MACHANICAL METHOD RURAL ROAD CONSTRUCTION BY HIGH INTENSITY LABOR METHOD PIARC 18-20 October 2022 Cape Town 7TH REGIONAL CONFERENCE FOR AFRICA & PIARC INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR ON RURAL ROADS AND ROAD SAFETY CONNECTING AFRICA THROUGH SMART, SAFE AND RESILIENT ROADS#16RURAL ROADS CONSTRUCTION (3) The labor intensive method is an approach aimed at limit the use of machines as much as possible, replacing mechanized activities with manual activities with the aim of creating employment. Why labor-intensive techniques in development countries like Burkina Faso? THE LOW LEVEL OF INCOME THE AVAILABILITY OF NATURAL RESOURCES (MATERIALS) AVAILABILITY OF LOCAL LABOR#17RURAL ROADS CONSTRUCTION (4) The idea of the labor-intensive characterized by: ■ The participatory approach, ■ The creation of temporary employment, Use of simple techniques, HOW ? program#18RURAL ROADS CONSTRUCTION (5) The participatory approach The participation of the beneficiary population from the identification of the rural road through construction to maintenance; Upstream, it is first of all the population who makes the request through the village structures or at the communal or provincial level; All the social components should come together to make the financial contribution required by the project;#19RURAL ROADS CONSTRUCTION (6) The participatory approach, ■ The beneficiary populations of the project organize themselves into a committee to better monitor and manage the different steps of the project; The Committee receives maintenance training. He organizes himself for the regular monitoring of the rural road, mobilizes the manpower necessary for urgent repairs as well as routine maintenance.#20RURAL ROADS CONSTRUCTION (7) The participatory approach, A well-made rural road that is not maintained deteriorates under the effect of traffic, water and man himself and falls into a state of zero passability. This is why the guarantee of of the sustainability of infrastructure maintenance is one of the major conditions for financing by certain donors;#21RURAL ROADS CONSTRUCTION (8) The creation of temporary employment The use of this method makes it possible to temporarily create jobs among the local populations of the areas crossed during the period of execution of the rural road (dry season), which generally corresponds to the period when the farmers are free from agricultural activities; It saves foreign currency by minimizing the use of equipment, spare parts and fuel imported by local labour; Consideration of the gender aspect in mobilization of the local workforce;#22RURAL ROADS CONSTRUCTION (9) The use of simple techniques Avoids the maximum use mechanized material means (the minimum materiel mechanized use is the vibratory roller compactor, the dump truck and the water tanker); Develops know-how at the local level through a training and demonstration strategy; Reduces investment costs; Minimizes the maintenance problem; Allows implementation by small and medium enterprises or jobbers.#23COMPARISON BETWEEN THE METHODS (1) HIGH LABOR INTENSITY METHOD HIGH INTENSITY EQUIPMENT METHOD ADVANTAGES Reduced production cost; Fast execution; Job creation and increase in ■ Quality of works; local income; Better appropriation of the works carried out; ■ Currency savings; Reduced environmental impact; Possibility of creating local capacities and organizing maintenance; Easier work organization and planning; Less monotoring; Good quality of work in general; High production cost per unit due to the cost of using the machinery;#24COMPARISON BETWEEN THE METHODS (2) HIGH LABOR INTENSITY METHOD HIGH INTENSITY EQUIPMENT METHOD DISADVANTAGES Lower quality of the workforce; Production speed is limited to the availability and organization of the workforce (Slow" execution); Greater organization and and ▪ monotoring; Higher cost construction; Low impact on the economic and social development of the action area; Low appropriation of works by the population; Very limited job creation and no income distribution; High environmental impact;#25MAINTENANCE OF RURAL ROAD (1) Without regular maintenance, the rural road deteriorates rapidly until it leads to the following consequences: Difficulties in accessing the localitie or centers served; High transport costs due to increased vehicle operating costs; High cost of road rehabilitation works; 21/1#26MAINTENANCE OF RURAL ROAD (2) Type of maintenance: Routine maintenance Periodic maintenance Emergency maintenance This type of maintenance consists of carrying out minor repairs and road maintenance activities on a regular basis. Some of these activities are carried out several times during the year It consists of operations to restore the road following normal wear and can be done once a year, every two or three years depending on the behavior of the road This maintenance carried out following a sudden and unpredictable deterioration of the road (erosion, landslide, cutting of a bridge, etc.)#27MAINTENANCE OF RURAL ROAD (3) DESCRIPTION PRIORITY ACTIVITIES Before the rains During the rains End of rainy season Dry season 123 12345 1 2345123 - Cleaning of hydraulic structures Cleaning of ditches and bleedings - Repair of ditches and anti erosion thresholds Inspection and removal of obstacles Cleaning nozzles Cleaning of ditches and bleeding Repair of ditches and thresholds Repair of erosions on the shoulders Closing of holes in the roadway Pavement reshaping Repair of erosions on shoulders and drains Reinstallation of thresholds Clearing. Vegetation control Repair of hydraulic structures Pavement reshaping#28PICTURES OF RURAL ROAD BY MICHANIZED METHOD STOP STOP#29PICTURES OF RURAL ROAD BY EMPLOYMENT INTENSIVE METHOD#30SARF International Road Federation DORF Fédération Routière Internationale Federación Internacional de Carreteras PIARC 2022 SARF IRF PIARC • 7TH REGIONAL CONFERENCE FOR AFRICA & PIARC INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR ON RURAL ROADS AND ROAD SAFETY CONNECTING AFRICA THROUGH SMART, SAFE AND RESILIENT ROADS 18-20 OCTOBER 2022 Cape Town International Convention Centre 2022 THANK YOU Souleman OUSSIMAN Chair of TC2.2, Accessibility and mobility in rural areas Civil Engineer and Infrastructures, Head at GEFA, private company in Burkina Faso

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