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#1CHINA YUNNAN COPPER AUSTRALIA LIMITED (ASX:CYU) China Yunnan Copper Australia Ltd AGM Presentation 30th November 2009 11.30am Santos House Brisbane Norm Zillman - Co Chairman Jason Beckton - Managing Director#2CHINA YUNNAN COPPER AUSTRALIA LIMITEΠ (ASX:CY CAUTIONARY NOTE AND COMPETENT PERSONS STATEMENT Whilst this document and presentation is based on the information from sources which are considered reliable, China Yunnan its employees and consultants not represent, warrant nor guarantee, expression nor implication, that the information in this document and presentation is complete or accurate. To the maximum extent permitted by law, China Yunnan Copper Australia Limited disclaims any responsibility to inform any recipient of this document and presentation of any matter that subsequently comes to its notice, which may affect any of the information contained in and presentation Copper Australia Limited, directors, do by presentation. Competent Persons Statement The information in this report that relates to Exploration Results for Gem, Pentland and Stanleys Hope is based on information compiled by Jason Beckton, who is a Member of the Australian Institute of Geologists and a Member of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, and is the Managing Director of China Yunnan this document Copper Australia Ltd. Mr Beckton has sufficient experience relevant to the styles of mineralisation and type of deposits under consideration and to the activity he is undertaking to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the 2004 Edition of the "Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results and Mineral Resources". Mr Beckton consents to the inclusion in the report of the matters based on his information in the form and context in which it appears. The information in this report that relates to the Exploration Target for the Elaine One Anomaly is based on information compiled by Arnold van der Heyden, who is a Member of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy is a Consulting Geologist for Hellman and Schofield Pty Ltd. Mr van der Heyden has sufficient experience relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to the activity he is undertaking to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the 2004 Edition of the "Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results and Mineral Resources". Mr van der Heyden consents to the inclusion in the report of the matters based on his information in the form and context in which it appears.#3CHINA YUNNAN COPPER AUSTRALIA LIMITED (ASX:CYU) Agenda CYC ◆ CYU - Objectives - Operations →Copper Uranium. Gold CYU Future#4CHINA YUNNAN COPPER AUSTRALIA LIMITED (ASX:CYU) CYU - The Company A$0.23 4800- 4400 - CYU - Daily Line Chart [Close] XJO - Daily Line Chart [Close] CYU Simple MA [20, Close, 20, Close] Price ASX code CYU Shares issued 108.6M 4000 - Options 18.4M Market Cap. A$25M 3600 Cash A$4.6M MAJOR SHAREHOLDERS CYU - Volume April May June July "יידדון 0.320 0.280 0.240 0.200 0.160 0.120 0.080 3000000 2000000 1000000 0 August September October November BOARD OF DIRECTORS China Yunnan Copper 21.7% Norm Zillman Co Chairman (Australia) Development Co. Liang Zhong Co Chairman Norm Zillman 7.4% Jason Beckton Managing Director Elliott Nominees Pty Ltd 6.8% Zewen Yang Executive Director Top 20 shareholders hold 69% (as at 30th Nov '09) Successful Rights Issue to raise $4.6 million due to support of Yunnan Copper#5CHINA YUNNAN COPTER CYU Objectives by June 2010 AUSTRALIA LIMITED (ASX:CYU) Production Construction Feasibility Pre-Feasibility Resource + Scoping Development Drilling Prospect + Exploration Drilling Detailed Surface Evaluation Prospecting Geologic Targeting 2 by end of 2010 Gem, Elaine Dorothy Norwood, Emu, Stanely's Hope Little Isa, Yarraman, Mt Dorothy Gap, Ravenswood Australia Australia, China, Chile#6CYU - Operations CHINA YUNNAN COPPER AUSTRALIA LIMITEΠ (ASX:CYU) Projected Jan to June 2010 - Operations [Gem Resource Definition drilling and estimate. [Pentland JV Drilling of Intrusive Related Gold Targets. Elaine Dorothy Uranium Target drilling results to model. [Drilling Stanley's Hope Gold Epithermal Target. Drilling Mt Dorothy, Little Isa.#740 140° Burketown CYU's Existing Projects- Georget NW Queensland Copper Uranium 20 Cloncurry North Project Mount Isa Cloncurry Mount Isa Project Boulia 140° Pentland Project Ingham Townsville Charters Towers Bowen -20° Julia Creek Hughenden Pentland Ravenswood Project 0 Winton Longreach N 100 kilometres Geographic, GDA94 200 145° Barcaldine Clermont Project Legend Tenement CYU Office Town Clermont Emerald#8CHINA YUNNAN COPPER AUSTRALIA 19 F-20° 219 • Century Copper and Uranium Greenfields to Resources • Mt Gordon Lady Annie Lady Loretta kilometres 50 Valhalla George Fisher Hilton Mount Isa MOUNT ISA PROJECT Mt Roseby Dugald River Skal Andersons GEM Rocklands LEGEND Western Fold Belt Province Kalkadoon-Ewen Province Easter Fold Belt Province Granite CYU Tenements CYU JV Tenement Cu-Au Deposit Pb-Zn Deposit U Deposit CLONCURRY NORTH PROJECT.20° Mary Kathleen Mt Colin West Tick Hill Selwyn Copper Gold Uranium Target Dimensions Ernest Henry 167 Mt @ 1% Cu, 0.5g/t Au Mary Kathleen 9.2 Mt @ 1.2 kg/t U308 ■Ernest Target Progress - Cu Au Gem, up to Henry Swan Mt Dore Cannington 38 metres @ 1.25% Cu, 0.2g/t Au Resource late 2009, early 2010 Target Progress - U Elaine Dorothy Target Target of 0.15 to 0.25Mt @ 0.5 kg/t U308 F-22° Osborne#9Mt Isa -20°45' -21°00' Spillway Fault Uranium - Elaine Dorothy Target ☐ DELTA ANGEL KING SOLOMON Wonga Fault HARDWAY Fault Mary Kathleen MT COLIN WEST George Creek Fault CYU Tenement GSE Tenement 5 kilometres YARRAMAN 10 15 Lat/Long GDA94 CYU prospect Cu/Pb/Zn occurrence Major fault Highway Cameron LITTLE ISA 古 WEE MacGREGOR WEE WYEEMS Fountain Range Fault JUBILEE PRINCE OF WALES PINDORA 4 Overlander Fault Eastern Creek volcanics Leichhardt Volcanics Kalkadoon granodiorite ELAINE DOROTHY 1 Ballara - Corella River Fault 노 HUGGINS LOOK OUT Mixed siliciclastic/carbonate rocks Quartzite Dolerite#10CHINA YUNNAN COPPER AUSTRALIA LIMITED (ASX:CYU) Elaine Dorothy - Uranium Target Twin diamond drilling of three holes completed. Samples dispatched to laboratory. Collation in 3D of previous drilling and recent drilling on receipt of results. 7.699,250 mN 7.699.300 mN 7,699,350 mN 7,699,400 mN 7.699,450 mN 7,699,500 mN ED-01 398,250 mE 398.300 mE 398,350 mE 398,400 mE 50 y ED-012 ED.011 ED-003 Access Top of Bed Bedding Schistosity • ED,002 50 Fault (inferred) Drillhole Pit Gate 85 80 Mineralisation Trend Limestone Quartzite Garnetite (>50% Garnet) Scapolite-Diopside Granofels 398.300 mE Scale 1:1.250 CHINA YUNNAN COPPER AUSTRALIA LTD MARY K JOINT VENTURE PROJECT AUTHOR: R Hatcher DRAWN: REMPL DATE SCALE 1250 Elaine Dorothy Prospect Simplified Geology & Proposed Twin DDHs DATUM: GOA MGA ZONE 54 DIRECTORY CYCAL P REPORT NO: 398.250 mE 50% 7,699,450 mN 7,699,400 mN 7,699,350 mN 7,699,300 mN 7.699,500 mN#11CHINA YUNNAN COPPER AUSTRALIA LIMITED (ASX:CYU) Elaine Dorothy - Core Sample Uranium mineralisation (black specks) disseminated through allanite.#1220 Mount Isa 140° Burketown Normanton CYU's Existing Projects etown- NE Queensland Gold Ingham Townsville Cloncurry North Project Cloncurry Mount Isa Project Boulia 140° Pentland Project Charters Towers Bowen -20° Julia Creek Hughenden Pentland Ravenswood Project 0 Winton Longreach N 100 kilometres Geographic, GDA94 200 145° Barcaldine Clermont Project Legend Tenement CYU Office Town Clermont Emerald#13Gold Pentland JV with ActivEX - CHINA YUNNAN COPMt Remarkable and Norwood Drill ready targets AUSTRALIA LIMITEΠ (ASX:CYU) Folwort -20 15 EPM 15055 Quartz Hill Chinamans EPM 15055 EPM 12901 EPM 14332 Scrubby Creek Shear Gorge Creek Nipple -20-30 Breaccia Eight Mile Creek 145°15 Mt Remarkable EPM 15185 Norwood Quaternary Granite Basalt Granitoids Warang Sandstone Granodiorites Cape River Metamorphics EPM 14332 Creek 145°30 EPM 12900 EPM 11487 Dead Ralphs Ridge Horse Campasp Stanleys Hope (ML 1631) PENTLAND Toomba The Gap EPM 16930 Flinders Highway CYU Tenement AIV Tenement Prospect 145°45 E S 5 0 5 10km#1420.0 Chargeability - mrad 40.0 Gold Pentland JV with ActivEX - CHINA YUNNAN COPMt Remarkable and Norwood Drill ready targets AUSTRALIA LIMITEΠ (ASX:CYU) 60.0 80.0 7726000N 7726200N 100 7726400N 9700 NW-02 120 7726600N 7726800N Anomalous gold in structures best 8m @ 2.28 ppm Au NORRC17 NORRC04 VORRC05 Mag Anomaly IP anomalies 7727C 3206 NW-03 10500 Norwood Induced Polarisation section depicting chargeability anomaly surrounding a magnetic high and proposed drill holes. 7727400N 7727400N 7727600N - Om Shallow IP anomalies 200m -600m 11300#15CHINA YUNNAN CO AUSTRAL LIMITEΠ North East Qld - Epithermal Gold Stanley's Hope Rock Chip Au g/t 5.00 to 10.35 (4) 2.50 to 4.99 (6) (ASX:CYU) 1.00 to 2.49 (3) 0.50 to 0.99 (2) 0.16 to 0.49 (5) Alluvium Cran Stanley's Hope ML1631 N Nodular Ferricrete 0.16 4.37 0.67 6.82 Π 0.61 0.26 D 0.32 3.51 5.27 3.36 0.3 1.28 1.36 1.48 2.93 3.61 10.35 6.34 Fat Hen Creek Complex Follated biotite granodiorite 200 400 metres 0.21 27 Cape River Metamorphics Biotite gneiss, mica schist quartzite Twenty Rockchip Samples averaging 2.8 g/t Au#16CHINA YUNNAN COPPER AUSTRALIA Stanley's Hope - Tested too shallow previously Vent area enriched in As-Sb-TI- Steam heated alteration Overprint (Hg±Au-Ag) Smectite-Illite Quartz-illite + adularia Quartz chlorite Breccia zones Ag Au As Sb Te TI Hg Epithermal vertical metal model#17CHINA YUNNAN COPPER AUSTRALIA (ASX:CYU) CYU Deal Flow Meeting criteria of advanced - drill ready projects in the best jurisdictions. Near our existing projects. • Copper Uranium - Mary Kathleen JV - Mt Isa Gold Pentland JV - Gold Porphyry Drilling - Gold Stanley's Hope Purchase Agreement - Three significant deals completed in three months. ● Turning over tested ground, ranking targets CYU is committed to continuing high quality deal flow in order to meet our goal of near team production.#18CHINA YUNNAN COPPER AUSTRALIA LIMITED (ASX:CYU) CYU 2009-2010 CYU Team - Toward Resources from Greenfields Exploration Success. Copper Uranium - Gem and Elaine Dorothy Gold - Pentland JV - Porphyry Gold Gold Stanley's Hope Epithermal Gold - Project Generation ● Near term production assets in quality jurisdictions (Australia, China and Chile) under review.#19CHINA YUNNAN COPPER AUSTRALIA LIMITED (ASX:CYU) Xie Xie - Thankyou ASX:CYU

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