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#1INVESTMENT PASSPORT Stupino District, Moscow Region 2019#2• Талдом Дмитров Сергиев Солнечногорск Посад Хилски" Щелково Пушкино Мытищи, Лотошино Клин Волоколамск Шаховская Истра Красногорск. Павловский Ногинск. Посад Балашиха Руза Одинцово Люберцы Раменское Видное Можайск Орехово-Зуево • Шатура Егорьевск Наро-Фоминск Подольск Домодедово Воскресенск Чехов Серпухов Коломна Ступино Озеры Луховицы Зарайск Кашира Серебряные Пруды Geography The urban district of Stupino of the Moscow region Located 82 km southeast of the MKAD (in the southern part of Moscow, it borders on Domodedovo, Ramensky, Voskresensky, Kolomensky, Ozersky, Kashirsky, Serpukhovsky, Chekhov urban districts of the Moscow region and the Yasnogorsky district of the Tula region) > The total area of the district is 1707 sq. km. > The population is 121 thousand people, including the employable - 68.2 thousand people. The district consists of 238 settlements#32018 FACTS AND NUMBERS Backaldrin Mars Campina Scovo Plast Proekt Marazzi Knauf large international brands opened their representative offices in FM Logistic Gruppo Concorde Kimberly Clark Phoenix Contact Mission Foods 30+ Stupino 17 new ultra-modern production facilities of international companies have already been built, several more objects are under development REMOTENESS 80 км МКАД 80 KM Ступино 25 KM A108 No 1 15 total investment, rubles investment site among the districts of the Moscow region POPULATION 120 936 billion 168 billion goods of own production are shipped, works and services are perfomed, rub. 68 200 labor resources 30% employed population with higher education 6 0000000000 00000000- 0000 educational institutions 2000 + graduates per year#4Resources Minerals: sand, clay. ➤ Cost of infrastructure networks: Electricity: from 4.4 to 4.7 rubles. for 1 kW * hour • Gas supply: from 5690 to 5770 rubles. per 1000 cubic meters Water supply: from 20.69 to 24.88 rubles. per 1 cubic meter • Water disposal: from 20.95 to 27.26 rubles. per 1 cubic meter • Heat supply: from 1577.71 to 1989.61 rubles/gcal • • Cadastral cost of land (rubles per sq. meter): IZHS houses: from 1150- to 1370 cottage and gardening associations: from 600- to 1000 • trade objects: from 400 - to 900 industry: from 350 - to 750 Tariffs are presented for legal entities, without VAT. ➤ Average wage (thousand rubles): total in the district - 53.62 ➤ • industry-64.79 • construction - 45.33 • agriculture - 34.34 ➤ transport and communications - 40.78 • ➤ financial activities- 53.13 • • trade - 29.51 ➤ education-41.58 • ➤ health and social services- 51.67#5Павелецкий вокзал Transport accessibility - competitive advantage ЦКАД Международный аэропорт «Домодедово» Железная дорога Павелецкого направления = Большая Московская окружная железная дорога Москва Чехов М4 Воскресенск Коломна Новое Ступино 1 Серпухов Ступино Озерцы | Кашира Зарайск Московская область The transport and geographical position of the Stupino urban district is very convenient. The distance to Domodedovo International Airport is 80 kilometers, to Zhukovsky International Airport - 90 kilometers. The urban district is located in the center of the most industrially developed part of the country, as close as possible to the main consumers of finished products. The uniqueness of the location across the countr has already attracted a number of world-famous investors. Федеральная трасса М4 «Дон» Московское большое кольцо#6Resources Education and Skilled Personnel ➤ Education system: Higher education institutions 1. Stupino branch of the Moscow Aviation Institute (national research university) 2. NOU VPO "RUSSIAN NEW UNIVERSITY" (NOU VPO "RosNOU") / Stupinsky branch/ 3. NOU VPO "Moscow Finance and Law Academy" (branch) Professional educational organizations: 1. GBOU SPO MO "Stupinsky Aviation - Metallurgical College named after A. T. Tumanova 2. GBOU SPO MO "Stupinsky Medical School (College)" 3. "Moscow Finance and Law University MFIUA" (Stupino branch) COLLEGE Preparation: • engineers - 492 people . ⚫ psychologists - 48 people • ⚫ pharmacists - 46 people • cook, pastry chef - 50 people • • economists - 420 people ⚫ technologists - 223 people • electricians - 49 people accountants - 55 people • lawyers -390 people •programmers - 215 people welders -75 people •painters - 24 people The main labor specialization of residents of the urban district: machine builders metallurgists builders • managers - 260 people ⚫ nurses - 263 people • • auto mechanics - 25 people locksmiths - 50 people • OVM operator -70 people Number of students: 2755 people (2018)#7Economy The district takes a leading position among the municipalities of the Moscow region in terms of industrial production, the volume of industrial production is 146 billion rubles in 2018 amounted. World-class brand companies (MARS, Campina, Kerama-Marazzi, Concord, Knauf, Mapei, La Fortezza, FM Logistic, Caparol, Kimberly-Clark, Silgan, Fipar, etc.) The proportion of innovative industrial products in the total volume of products shipped amounted to 80%. The district takes the 2nd place in the Moscow region according to the balanced financial result - 27.5 billion rubles. There are more than 4 thousand small and medium-sized businesses on the territory of the urban district of Stupino.#8Trade, offices The list of potential and initial investment projects 1. Shopping center "Stupinskoye RAIPO" (Gorodische town) 2. Shopping center LLC Stupino Plus 3. Trade and fairground in Mikhnevo Industry 4. Plant for the production of heat-insulating materials LLC "ITC" 5. Reconstruction of the factory for the production of pet food LLC "Mars" 6. Reconstruction of the production complex of Kerama Marazzi LLC 7. Greenhouse complex of LLC "Demetra Technology" 8. Construction of a digital printing enterprise on textile company with D-TEX LLC 9. Reut Torg LLC - creation of a general aviation development center in Torbeevo village. 10. Avalon-Stupino Square LLC (carpet factory) 11 LLC "Intelbio" - the development, production and promotion of cosmetics and medical products. 13 Construction of a plant for the production regeneration and reactivation of catalysts for hydrogenation processes of oil refining LLC Servis Katalizirovannih system 13. Construction of a food factory - Mustang Stupino LLC 14. Meat processing complex for the production of frozen and chilled semi-finished products MESI LLC 15. Construction of a plant for the production of steel radiators, OOO AFG RUS 16. Construction of a factory for the production of stainless steel chimneys LLC "Phenix Chimneys" 17. New House LLC - construction of a modular hotel in the territory of the SEZ 18. Frozen Beck LLC - production of frozen semi- finished products and bakery products 19. Flex Films Rus LLC - production of polyester film 20. Construction of the agricultural holding "EKO-Niva" Industrial parks and technology parks 21. Industrial Park "Stupino 1" 22. Special economic zone "Stupino Kvadrat" 23. Industrial park "Zhilevo"#91. "Stupinskaya Metallurgical Company" JSC (a diversified enterprise in the aviation industry) 2. JSC NPP "Aerosila❞ (development and production of aircraft propellers) 3. "Stupinskoe Machinostroitel'noe industrial enterprise" JSC (production of propellers for turboprop aircraft and helicopter support systems) 4. CJSC "Stupinsky Chemical Plant" (production of household chemical goods) 5. Stupinsky Fiberglass Plant LLC (manufacture of fiberglass products for mechanical engineering and automotive industry) 6. "Izomin" LLC (production of heat-insulating products from basalt fiber) Large enterprises 7. CJSC Keramogranitniy zavod❞ (production of child care products and paper products) 8. Mars LLC (production of branded confectionery, prepared pet foods) 9. "Campina" LLC (production of milk drinks, yoghurts, desserts) 10. "Kimberly-Clark" LLC (production of childcare and paper products) 11. "SKOVO" LLC (Production of aluminum cookware with non-stick coating) 12. LLC "FM Logistic Titeli" (a network of its own warehouse complexes) 13. "Knauf Insulation" LLC (manufacturer of building materials for interior and exterior decoration. 14. "Mapei" CJSC (production of adhesives and auxiliary products for the installation of all types of floor and wall coverings) 15. "Silgan Metal Packaging Stupino" (production of metal packaging) 16. LLC "ARVALUS" (production of raw materials and ingredients for the bakery and confectionery industry of the company) 17. CJSC "La Fortezza❞ (production of shelving equipment) 18. LLC "DAV - Russland" (production of dry building mixes) 19. OP ZAO NPO "Aviatetehnologiya" (development and production of ground equipment for preparing aviation fuel at airports and aircraft refueling) 20. LLC "Isratek-S" (production of polymer packaging membranes) 21. LLC "Eurocosmed-Stupino" (production of oral hygiene products) 22. LLC "FIPAR" (wallpaper production) 23. "Kerama Marazzi" LLC (production of ceramic granite) 24. MISSION FOODS STUPINO LLC (food production (tortillas and chips))#10➤ Total area - 1200 ha ➤ Population: Eco-city "NOVOE Stupino" Estimated - 22.0 thousand people. Actual - 8.5 thousand people. ➤ a kindergarten for 100 children, the first phase of the school for 275 places is commissioned, ➤ premises were allocated to accommodate the clinic for 100 visits per shift, ➤ shopping center.#11Objects of investment infrastructure#12Special Economic Zone "Stupino-Quadrat" •Туре - Greenfield • Management company - "Management Company Stupino-Quadrat" LLC Contacts of the representative of the SEZ: Chekrygina Natalya Alekseevna Tel: 8 926 211 75 29 E-mail: chekrygina [email protected] • Total area - 359.5 һа Land plots from 0.5 to 100 ha • Land ownership На объекте: 033 СТУПИНО КВАДРАТ DEVELOPED BY GDP QUADRAT Engineering and technical support газораспределительная станция и электрическая подстанция готовы к эксплуатации, заканчивается строительство грузового ж/д узла (ветка БК МЖД) 60 000 м³ газа 4 ВЗУ и КОС 15 000 м³ ГРПВ 4 100 МВт электричества Прямой съезд с М-4#13 ⚫Type- Greenfield BHYKOBO A108 MOCKBA M2 A107 MKAA M4 INDUSTRIAL PARK "Stupino 1" ДОМОДЕДОВО 80 KM К югу от МКАД M5 A108 KM Международный аэропорт Домодедово ступино 25 KM Трасса А108 • Total area for industrial park 25 ha • Land plots from 1 to 20 ha • Ownership of land - private . Management company - "Stupino-Pro" LLC Engineering and technical support 1 STUPINO INDUSTRIAL PARK electric power 8300 kW Ж/Д СТАНЦИЯ • Contact of the representative of the park: Shatalin Valery Valentinovich Tel: +7 985 4100652 E-mail: [email protected] KM 7 Ж/Д станция Ступино gas supply 5000 cube m per hour Water supply - 600 cubic meters/day heat supply - own boiler room Water disposal - a. 100 cubic meters / day .; b. 10000 cubic meters/day Wastewater: 1250 cubic meters per hour#14 •Type Brownfield dogle CurHe WenkaнODO Сбербанк «Ступинского Района с Ситнетщепкановский Нов Быт Contact of the representative of the park: Kuznetsov Alexander Andreevich Tel: +7 926 2542406 E-mail: [email protected] INDUSTRIAL PARK "Zhilevo" • The total area under the industrial park is 38.2 hectares • Sanitary protection zone - 300 meters Management company - "City-502" LLC ИНДУСТРИАЛЬНЫЙ ПАРК ЖИЛЁВО Engineering and technical support electric power 10 mW gas supply 20 mln. m3 in year Water supply - 2700 cubic meters/day Drainage - heat supply 5000 cubic meters per day Three wells 1200 cubic meters per day#15Industrial site of JSC "Stupinsky cellular concrete plant"; http://для-дела.p/aгеnda/stupino/ •Tyep - Brownfield Contact of the representative of the park: Khudyakova Svetlana Alekseevna Tel: 8 (495) 598-53-00 ext. 285 Mob: 8 (985) 768-30-50 E-mail: [email protected] . Over 35 rooms • Available rooms from 20 sq.m. heat supply - own boiler room Engineering and technical support electric power 10 mW gas supply 5000 m3 m per hour Water supply - 600 cubic meters/day C3AG Drainage - A.100 cubic meters/day.; b. 10000 cubic meters/day Wastewater 1250 cubic meters per hour#16Industrial site of LLC "STUPINSKIY ZAVOD STEKLOPLASTIKOV" •Type Brownfield . Production facilities of various areas: • from 1500 m2 to 10000 m2. 3 1968 Contact of the representative of the park: Kurbatova Valentina Tel: +7 (916) 198-06-99 E-mail: [email protected] P RENT PRICE only 2000-2500 rubles. per 1 sq.m, per year (including VAT) FOREIGN COMPANIES Neighborhoods: MARS, ITALON, KERAMA MARAZZI, CAMPINA, KNAUFF and others PIJ f TRANSPORT ACCESSIBILITY Only 85 km from MKAD to the south along the M4-Don ТАМОЖНЯ CUSTOMS ALL COMMUNICATIONS not less than 10 MW of electric capacity, water, heat, and gas supply, telephone ACCESSIBILITY Just 60 km from Moscow Domodedovo Airport RAILWAY Nearby is the Stupino railway station, there are railway tracks in the plant CUSTOM TERMINAL in Stupino, with a full range of services for the reception and storage of goods and containers AVAILABILITY OF SPECIALISTS Stupino is an industrial city, in it you 3 нем will find specialists of any qualification.#17Promising investment land plots, property complexes and free space at existing enterprises Director (address, phone) LLC "STUPINSKIY ZAVOD STEKLOPLASTIKOV" general director Klimenkov A.V. Phone: +7 (496) 649-26-02 Fax: +7 (496) 649-26-13, 642-53-40 LLC "Polygraphinvest" general director Potapova E.V. Tel 8-985-179-36-05 Tel 8-916-799-59-19 OJSC "Stupinsky cellular concrete plant" general director Gulevaty V.N. tel./fax (496) 642-07-34, (496) 647-89-00,, http://xn---- 8sbkbf7ad0n.xn--p1ai/ Cadastral number Type of law Land area, sq.m Land category Permitted use Location 50:33:0040121:4 private property 39,4 land settlements for industrial production 50:33:0040125:2 private property 23,5 land settlements for industrial production 50:33:0040125:8 private property 17,7 land settlements for industrial production Moscow region, Stupino, st. Zagorodnaya, bl. 5/1 Moscow region, Stupino, st. Zagorodnaya, bl. 9/4 Moscow region, Stupino, st. Transportnaya, bl. 22/2#18Director Promising investment land plots, property complexes and free space at existing enterprises (address, phone) Land area, Cadastral number Type of law Land category Permitted use sq.m Location Stupino urban district of the Moscow region, Mayor for the production land 50:33:0040216:35 Nazarov V.N., Moscow property 132 800 settlements Region, Stupino, and warehouse complex Moscow region, Stupino, behind st. Kolkhoznaya Andropova St., 43a/2 (49664) 4-20-68 Stupino urban district of the for the production Moscow region, Stupino, in the Bol'shaya Obraztsovaya Moscow region, Mayor land 50:33:0000000:83726 property 218 027 settlements and logistics complex Nazarov V.N., Moscow Region, Stupino, land Andropova St., 43a/2 50:33:0040228:8 property 100 000 settlements for industrial production (49664) 4-20-68 Moscow region, Stupino#19Name CJSC "Mapei" LLC "DAV-Russland" LLC "Mikhnevskaya Ceramics" LLC "Izomin" Useful information for investors Construction industry and construction companies Kind of activity Dry mortar production Dry mortar production Production of ceramic bricks Production of fiberglass-based insulation materials Contacts (tel., E-mail) tel.: 8 495 725-60-15 495-258-55-20 fax: 8 495 725-60-13 [email protected] Tel/fax +7 495 662 42 36, [email protected] Tel/fax 8 496 646-61-92, [email protected] [email protected] tel.: 8 49664 7-90-18 fax: 8 496 64 7-90-08 [email protected] Director CEO Luciano Longhetti CEO Davydov DB Director Kalashnikov V.A. Executive Director Ivanov V.V. LLC "STUPINSKIY ZAVOD Fiberglass production STEKLOPLASTIKOV" JSC "Keramogranitniy zavod" tel.: 8 496 642-01-42 8(495) 902-79-68 [email protected] CEO A. Klimenkov Production of ceramic tiles tel.: 8 495 2251322 fax: 8 495 2251346 [email protected] CEO Rivi Andrea#20Name LLC "Knauf Insulation" Useful information for investors Construction industry and construction companies Kind of activity Production of fiberglass-based insulation materials Contacts (tel., E-mail) tel.: 8 495 933-61-30 8 985 162-20-89 [email protected] Director CEO P. Vishnyakov LLC "Moskovskiy Okna" LLC "Kerama Marazzi" LLC "STUPINSKIY zavod ZHBI" LLC "ASG-CONSTRUCTION" Production of plastic windows Production of ceramic decorative materials Production of concrete products for use in construction Design, construction and installation of industrial enterprises and their turnkey engineering infrastructure tel.: 8 49664 9-08-37 [email protected] tel.: 8 495 795-00-45 доб. 3100, 3103 [email protected] тел.: 8 496 642-22-14, 642-22-22 [email protected] tel.: 8 495 598-59-85, 8 49664 7-51-55, 7-51-56 fax: 8 495 598-59-86 [email protected] Production director Timofeeva O.P. CEO Maffia Umberto CEO A. Ponomarev CEO Gerasimchuk A.K. LLC "Dedal-ST" Construction works tel.: 8 49664 7-15-21 [email protected] CEO Kornev M.V.#21Useful information for investors Construction industry and construction companies Name LLC "Stupino specialized installation and commissioning management-58" (SSMNU-58) LLC "Fipar" Kind of activity Contacts (tel., E-mail) Director CEO Kalekin G.A. Construction of overhead and cable power lines, Tel/fax: 8 49664 7-59-42 construction of transformer substations. Performing a set of internal and external electrical installation work, commissioning. Development of design documentation for power supply facilities. Wallpaper Production [email protected] tel.: 8 496 649-22-00 [email protected] CEO Bassis Marino LLC "Egida" LLC "GAZ" General contractor and management company for the construction of facilities of any complexity Construction of utilities for water supply and sanitation, gas supply tel.: 8 49664 9-95-14 fax: 8 49664 9-95-14 egida [email protected] tel.: 8 495 215-56-65 8 929 916-55-36 [email protected] CEO Golikov G.V. CEO Komarov I.Yu.#22Contacts#23Name Useful information for investors Administration of the Stupino urban district of the Moscow region Address: 142800, Stupino district, Stupino, st. Andropova, d. 43a / 2 ([email protected]) Nazarova Vera Nikolaevna Position/Supervised industry The head of the Stupino urban district of the Moscow region Contacts (tel., E-mail) 8(49664) 3-15-56; [email protected] Kurmaeva Larisa Valerevna Razina Irina Mikhailovna Deputy heads of the Stupino urban district of the Moscow region Committee on Investments, Consumer Market and Entrepreneurship, Financial Department, Department of Economics and Analysis, Department of Procurement Formation and Program Performance Monitoring Legal Affairs Committee, Office for the Administration, Office of Information Technology, Territorial Administration, Archival Division 8(496) 642-04-04; [email protected] 8(496) 642-24-60 Skomorokhov Boris Efimovich Committee on Physical Culture and Mass Sports, Committee on Work with Youth and Youth Policy, Department of Education, Department for the Promotion of Social Protection and Public Health, Department for the Protection of Minors' Rights, Department for Media Relations 8(496) 642-75-96; Funtikov Denis Anatolevich Department of Construction, Department of Roads, Transport and Communications, Department of Urban Planning Tikhonova Alla Leonidovna Valyuzhenko Sergey Vladimirovich Property Management Committee, Rural Development and rations Administration 8(496) 64-2-13-66; 8(496) 642-18-31; Department of Housing Subsidies, Department of Civil Defense and Protection of the Population from Emergencies, Department of Housing and Communal Services and Accomplishment 8(496) 642-27-68;#24ЭЛИЦА Useful information for investors Общественные организации поддержки субъектов малого и среднего предпринимательства городского округа Ступино Московской области LLC "Egida" Golikov Gennady Vasilyevich Address: Stupino, Moscow region, st. Dostoevsky, d. 1 Tel/fax: 8 (49664) 995 14 MOб.: 89015411507 E-mail: egida [email protected] Dee Union "Southern CCI of the Moscow Region" Falin Vladimir Anatolyevich Address: 142800 Stupino, Andropova St., 16/5 Tel.:8496 6431887, 84966471679 E-mail:[email protected] P Non-profit organization Foundation "Center for Entrepreneurship Development" Kuznetsov Vladimir Anatolevich Address: 142800 Stupino, st. Tchaikovsky, d. 18/12 II Tel.: 8(903)716-20-00 E-mail: [email protected]#25Useful information for investors - Useful information for investors 8 (496) 6431556 - Appointments for entrepreneurs to the Head of the urban district Stupino V.N. Nazarova 8 (496) 6442110 - Chairman of the Committee on Investment, Consumer Market and Entrepreneurship I.I. Palamarchuk 8 (496) 6428290 - Department of Investment and Innovation Development (e-mail: [email protected]) predprinima - support from the Government of the Moscow Region - Interactive support navigator (a program for a specific enterprise) - Industrial Development Fund of the Moscow Region - The official free resource for the development of small and medium-sized businesses TV company "TV-Komset" KOMCET Address: Stupino, st. Mayakovsky, 7 Ступинская Tel. 8 (49664) 4-06-47, 7-46-49, 7-47-09 E-mail: [email protected] Social and political newspaper "Stupinskaya Panorama" NAHOPAMA Address: Stupino, st. Andropova, d. 43a/2 Tel. 8 (49664) 7-46-10, 2-84-01, 4-21-12 E-mail: [email protected] Radio stations "Radio Panorama" радио 100.3FM Address: Stupino, st. Andropova, d. 43a/2 ПАHOPAMA Tel. 8 (49664) 7-46-10, 2-84-01, 4-21-12 E-mail: [email protected] Administration Accounts Stupino stupino_go administratsiiastupino/ ន (0. O

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