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August 2019



#1Road to 2020 Decennial Census for Department of Hawaiian Homelands Leo Kaniela Caires MBA, D.Ed. Partnership Specialist - Hawaii U.S. Census Bureau Shape your future START HERE > United States Census 2020#2Presentation Overview 5-10 minutes in length Introduction Census Overview Information Handouts 2 2020CENSUS.GOV Shape your future START HERE > United States® Census 2020#3Who You Leo? Partnership Specialist Promote. Educate. Raise Awareness. Doctorate MBA BSC Entrepreneur in Agriculture & Renewable Energy Born and Raised Maui Father 4 WHY I ACCEPTED THIS ROLE: $15 Billion Dollar Effort Impact to my community For the Next 10 Years Federal Government Volunteer County and State, Youth Dev. 3 Shape your future START HERE > United States® Census 2020#4Why? Why do we take the census? Constitution Mandates a headcount every 10 years It is in the Constitution Article 1, Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution "The actual Enumeration shall be made within three years after the first meeting of the congress of the United States, and within every subsequent term of ten Years, in such manner as they shall by Law direct." 4 ■ Apportionment Redistricting ■ Distribution of federal Funds ■ Inclusive Event ■ Civic ◉ Engagement Democracy 2020CENSUS.GOV Shape your future START HERE > United States® Census 2020#5Your Answers are Protected by Title 13 of the U.S. Code ✓ The Census is Confidential and required by Law ✓ Results of the Census are reported in Statistical format only ✓ We do not share a respondents personal information with other government agencies ✓ All Census Employees swear to a lifetime oath to protect respondent information ✓ Penalties for wrongful disclosure - Up to 5 years imprisonment and or a fine of $250,000 5 2020CENSUS.GOV Shape your future START HERE > United States® Census 2020#6Impacts of the 2020 Census Data? Power • • Congressional representation Reapportionment & redistricting ● Money • $675 Billion distributed annually Funding distributed based on Census Data 200 $2000 100 ● 2020CENSUS.GOV ADD PM00005987 T PMD0005887 100 Over 3.6 Billion Dollars in Federal Funding (2010 Census - FY 2016 +$1,533 approx. per HI resident counted* (From Just 16 Fed programs) CO 6 Shape your future START HERE > United States Census 2020#7Counting for Dollars 2020 The Role of the Decennial Census in the Geographic Distribution of Federal Funds REPORT Specific Types of Federal Funding COUNTING FOR DOLLARS 2020: HAWAII Allocation of Funds from 55 Large Federal Spending Programs Guided by Data Derived from the 2010 Census (Fiscal Year 2016) Total Program Obligations: $3,682,543,845 Program Dept. Obligations Program Dept. Obligations Financial Assistance Programs $3,512,607,820 Medical Assistance Program (Medicaid) HHS Federal Direct Student Loans ED $1,496,967,000 Community Facilities Loans/Grants $209,651,526 USDA $25,028,486 Supporting Effective Instruction State Grants ED $10,640,020 Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program USDA $484,225,008 Crime Victim Assistance DOJ $10,147,586 Medicare Suppl. Medical Insurance (Part B) HHS Highway Planning and Construction DOT Federal Pell Grant Program ED $82,140,212 Public Housing Ca $70,400,000 Bld Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers HUD Temporary Assistance for Needy Families HHS Very Low to Moderate Income Housing Loans Title I Grants to LEAS USDA Waste Disposal Systems for Communities HAWAII Social Services Block Grant $153,385,285 CDBG Entitlement Grants HUD $12,205,032 HUD $9,202,000 ev ion and Treatment HHS $8,469,866 USDA $16,022,232 HHS $7,014,384 ED $182,283,030 Rural Rental Assistance Payments $49,903,423 Business and Industry Loans USDA $10,974,656 USDA $6,486,000 State Children's Health Insurance Program HHS $46,343,000 Career and Technical Education - Basic Grants to States ED $5,496,906 National School Lunch Program USDA Special Education Grants ED Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments Program HUD $45,191,000 Homeland Security Grant Program $40,732,093 WIOA Dislocated Worker Grants $36,197,540 HOME DHS $3,734,500 DOL $1,934,001 HUD $3,016,838 Federal Transit Formula Grants DOT $6,521,000 State CDBG HUD $0 Head Start HHS $29,896,148 WIC Title IV-E Foster Care USDA WIOA Youth Activities $32,427,000 WIOA Adult Activities DOL $2,139,306 DOL $2,046,448 HHS $21,586,644 Employment Service/Wagner-Peyser DOL $2,625,025 Health Care Centers HHS $30,146,449 Community Services Block Grant HHS $3,756,915 School Breakfast Program USDA $11,598,000 Special Programs for the Aging, Title III, Part C, Nutrition Services HHS $3,348,608 Rural Electrification Loans and Loan Guarantees USDA $0 Cooperative Extension Service USDA $1,782,215 Public and Indian Housing HUD $24,041,000 Native Amer. Employment & Training DOL $2,975,236 Low Income Home Energy Assistance HHS $5,488,162 Child and Adult Care Food Program USDA $7,103,000 Federal Tax Expenditures $49,337,931 Medicare Transportation Head Start Programs Federal Transit Business Loans Community Facilities Many Others Shape your future START HERE > United States® Census 2020#8New Ability to Self Respond Starting March 23, 2020 cl Shape your future START HERE > United States® Census 2020 Internet Phone Paper Form In-person *13 languages including English will be supported 2020CENSUS.GOV#9Timeline August 2019 March Operation Address Canvassing (AC) Update/Leave (UL) 2020 March Service Based Enumeration (SBE) Specific Dates March Group Quarters 2020 March Enumeration (GQE) Self-Response 12-20 April Census Day 1st April Early Non-Response 2020 Follow-up (NRFU) (NRFU) May Non-Response Follow-up 2020 2020CENSUS.GOV Activity Update the address frame and identify locations where people live, or could live for selected areas. Update the address along with feature data and leave a packet to encourage self-response and a paper questionnaire. Enumerate individuals receiving assistance at service based locations and people experiencing homelessness, living in transitory locations (such as recreation vehicle parks, campgrounds, tent cities, carnivals, marinas, hotels, who do not have a usual home elsewhere). Enumerate people living or staying in group quarters, such as correctional facilities, skilled nursing facilities, college residential halls, group homes, worker's dormitories). Internet Self-Response Starts. Provides an Option for respondents to complete the census questionnaire by internet. Census Day Conducted in blocks surrounding colleges and universities where students are likely to have moved out before regular NRFU begins. Reach out to households who did not respond to the 2020 Census questionnaire. your future United States® Census 2020 START HERE > 9#10Your Experience WHAT WE WILL SEND IN THE MAIL On or between March 12-20 March 16-24 You'll receive: An invitation to respond online to the 2020 Census. (Some households will also receive paper questionnaires.) A reminder letter. If you haven't responded yet: March 26-April 3 A reminder postcard. April 8-16 April 20-27 A reminder letter and paper questionnaire. A final reminder postcard before we follow up in person. We understand you might miss our initial letter in the mail. ■ Every household that hasn't already responded will receive reminders and will eventually receive a paper questionnaire. It doesn't matter which initial invitation you get or how you get it-we will follow up in person with all households that don't respond. EXPERIENCE 10 2020CENSUS.GOV Shape your future START HERE > United States® Census 2020#11Supporting Linguistically Diverse Populations LANGUAGES Available in Spanish Enumerator Instruments (hand held) 2020 Census Language Program Language List: All Non-English Languages ☐ Paper questionnaire and other mailings Field enumeration materials Spanish Italian Khmer Tamil Croatian Chinese Farsi Nepali Navajo Bulgarian 12 non English languages Spanish, Chinese (simplified), Vietnamese, Korean, Vietnamese German Urdu Hungarian Twi Russian, Arabic, Tagalog, Polish, French, Haitian Creole, Korean Armenian Romanian Hebrew Lithuanian Portuguese, Japanese Russian Hindi Telugu Malayalam Yoruba ◉ Internet option/online questionnaire Arabic Ukrainian Burmese Swahili Czech Census Questionnaire Assistance (CQAs) Tagalog Bengali Punjabi Yiddish Igbo ☐ Items available in 59 non-English languages Language glossary Language identification card Language Guides/Print and Video Additional efforts from the Census Bureau Polish Greek Lao Indonesian Marathi French Amharic Hmong Serbian Sinhala Haitian Creole Somali Albanian Tigrinya Slovak Portuguese Thai Turkish Ilocano American Sign Language Japanese Gujarati Bosnian Dutch ☐ Partner with grass roots organizations to localize the Census message Hire locally 11 2020CENSUS.GOV Shape your future START HERE > United States® Census 2020#1212 Ongoing Recruiting and Staffing Numbers for Area Census Office (ACO) - Any support Helps Summer 2018 ✓ Wave 1 ACO Management (approx. 10 per ACO) Fall 2018 ✓ACO office staff, Recruiting Assistants (approx. 30 per ACO) Spring 2019 ✓ Address Canvassing field staff (approx. 300 per ACO) Spring 2019 ✓ Wave 2 ACO Management (approx. 10 per ACO) Fall 2019 ✓Non-Response Follow-Up field staff (approx. 500 per ACO) Summer 2018 lists Recruiting Information for All Positions 1-800-992-3529 (Recruiting Hotline) 2020CENSUS.GOV Shape your future START HERE > United States® Census 2020#13United States Census Bureau Recruiting JOB DETAILS HOW TO APPLY LOCATIONS FAQS APPLY NOW 2020 Census Jobs SAMPLE WEBSITE SCREEN SHOT ON WHERE TO APPLY The image cannot be displayed. Your computer may not have enough memory to open the image, or the image may have been corrupted. Restart your computer, and then open the file again. If the red x still appears, you may have to delete the image and then insert it again.. Access the 2020 Census Jobs Site Language Options: English 13#14SAMPLE FORM Start here or go online at [url removed] to complete your 2020 Census questionnaire. Use a blue or black pen. Before you answer Question 1, count the people living in this house, apartment, or mobile home using our guidelines. Count all people, including babies, who live and sleep here most of the time. If no one lives and sleeps at this address most of the time, go online at [url removed] or call the number on page 8. The census must also include people without a permanent place to live, so: If someone who does not have a permanent place to live is staying here on April 1, 2020, count that person. The Census Bureau also conducts counts in institutions and other places, so: Do not count anyone living away from here, either at college or in the Armed Forces. • Do not count anyone in a nursing home, jail, prison, detention facility, etc., on April 1, 2020. Leave these people off your questionnaire, even if they will return to live here after they leave college, the nursing home, the military, jail, etc. Otherwise, they may be counted twice. 1. How many people were living or staying in this house, apartment, or mobile home on April 1, 2020? Number of people = 2. Were there any additional people staying here on April 1, 2020 that you did not include in Question 1? Mark X all that apply. Children, related or unrelated, such as newborn babies, grandchildren, or foster children Relatives, such as adult children, cousins, or in-laws Nonrelatives, such as roommates or live-in babysitters People staying here temporarily No additional people 3. Is this house, apartment, or mobile home - Mark ONE box. Owned by you or someone in this household with a mortgage or loan? Include home equity loans. Owned by you or someone in this household free and clear (without a mortgage or loan)? Rented? Occupied without payment of rent? 4. What is your telephone number? We will only contact you if needed for official Census Bureau business. Telephone Number 14#15Person 1 SAMPLE FORM 5. Please provide information for each person living here. If there is someone living here who pays the rent or owns this residence, start by listing him or her as Person 1. If the owner or the person who pays the rent does not live here, start by listing any adult living here as Person 1. What is Person 1's name? Print name below First Name MI 9. What is Person 1's race? Mark X one or more boxes AND print onginis. White-Paint, for example, German, Irish, English, italan Lebanese, Egyptian, etc. Quest 9 Race On Page 2 Last Name(s) 6. What is Person 1's sex? Mark Male Female ONE box. 7. What is Person 1's age and what is Person 1's date of birth? For babies less than 1 year old, do not write the age in months. Write 0 as the age. Age on April 1, 2020 Print numbers in boxes. Month Day Year of birth years NOTE: Please answer BOTH Question 8 about Hispanic origin and Question 9 about race. For this census, Hispanic origins are not races. 8. Is Person 1 of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin? No, not of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin Yes, Mexican, Mexican Am Chicano Yes, Puerto Rican Yes, Cuban Yes, another Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin-Print, for example, Salvadoran, Dominican, Colombian, Guatemalan, Spaniard. Eavadorian, etc. 2 ☐ 2000 ☐ Black or African Am. - Print, for example, African American Jamaican, Hatian, Nigerian, Ethiopian Somali, etc. American Indian or Alaska Native - of enrolled or principal tribe(s), for example. Navajo Naton, Blackfeet Tabe Mayan, Aztec, Native Village of Barrow nupiat Traditional Govemment, Nome Eskimo Community, etc. Vietnamese Korean Japanese Chinese Filipino Asian Indian Other Asian- Print, for example, Pakistani, Cambodian. Hmong, etc. Some other race - Print race or origin. Native Hawaiian Samoan Chamarra Other Pacific Islander Print, for example. Tongan, Fylan Marshallese, etc. 15#16. Take Home Message Summary Respond before or on April 1 Its Confidential Remind your friends and family Impacts Representation and Money The image cannot be displayed. Your computer may not have enough memory to open the image, or the image may have been corrupted. Restart your computer, and then open the file again. If the red x still appears, you may have to delete the image and then insert it again. 16#17Pau........Mahalo! Call Center: 301-763-INFO (4636) or 800-923-8282 or TDD: TTY users can dial 1-800-877-8339 to use the Federal Relay Service News media: 301-763-3030 or [email protected] Leo K. Caires Partnership Specialist [email protected] Regional Office Los Angeles Regional Census Center 555 W. 5th St, 30th Floor Los Angeles California, 90013 17 2020CENSUS.GOV mahalo Shape your future START HERE > United States® Census 2020#1818 2020CENSUS.GOV END Shape your future START HERE > United States® Census 2020

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