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#1APEX CLEAN ENERGY Dakota Range III Roberts and Grant Counties, South Dakota#2Dakota Range III Project Basics APEX CLEAN ENERGY#3Project Overview Capacity: Land: Up to 151.2 MW. • Voluntary wind energy leases and associated facilities easements. Good neighbor agreements offered to everyone within the project boundary and 1/2 mile from a turbine. Proposed Project Footprint To Include: • • Up to 42 turbines in both Grant and Roberts Counties. Access roads, underground 34.5 kV collector lines, underground fiber-optic cables for turbine communications, etc. An operations and maintenance ("O&M") facility. Up to 3 permanent meteorological ("MET") towers. Proposed Project Substation: A 34.5- to 345-kV collection substation. Proposed Project Transmission Line: ~8-mile 345 kV feeder line, connecting the project to the Otter Tail switching station in Mazeppa Township (for access to the new Big Stone South-to-Ellendale 345 kV line). Schedule: • • Start of construction: fall 2019 Commercial Operation Date ("COD"): Fall 2020 3 APEX CLEAN ENERGY#4Project Area Day County Grant County Day County Roberts County Project Area Boundary. Proposed Transmission Line. Ortley 0 0.5 1 2 Miles 4 Sioux River Big Roberts County Grant County 81 29 • Summit • The project area is located west of Interstate 29 and abuts Hwy 12 to the north. The ~8mile 345kV transmission line would be entirely in Grant County; half located in the Dakota Range III project boundary and the other half within the Dakota Range I & II project boundary. The area is 18,717 acres APEX CLEAN ENERGY#5Project Site Plan (16,429 acres signed) Day County Roberts County Day County Grant County Ortley Project Area Boundary Turbine Location Proposed Transmission Line --Private Access Road -Underground Collection. O and M Facility Project Substation. Sioux River Big 0 0.5 1 2 Miles Roberts County Grant County Summit · • • 81 29 • ~45 landowners signed a wind energy lease. 8 landowners signed a feeder line easement. 5 landowners signed Good Neighbor Agreements; outreach continues. 45 turbine locations being permitted, no more than 42 would be built. Permanent facilities will be located on ~132 acres, less than 1% of the project area. APEX 5 CLEAN ENERGY#6APEX CLEAN ENERGY Project Owner#7Engie North America: Owner of Dakota Range III ENGIE is a global energy and services group, with wide expertise and strong international positions in the fields of electricity, natural gas and energy services. ENGIE is in 70 countries and employs 153,000 experts ihe No. 1 distributed energy storage company in the U.S. An unparalleled balance sheet you can leverage. GG A-/A2" credit rating from Standard & Poor's/Moody's No. 1 Independent power producer in the world More than 10,000MW of wind power in operation and development in North America No. 1 Energy efficiency services in the world with 5.2 billion in identified energy savings Nearly 100% of ENGIE's generation in North America is low carbon or carbon free. 740 MW of utility scale and on-site solar installed for customers in the U.S. No. 4 to non-residential customers in the U.S. 7 APEX CLEAN ENERGY#88 California 150 New York 150 ERCOT ISO PJM ISO Midcontinent ISD SPP New England 150 00 Broadening Our Reach in Wind Energy Wind Operational 100 MW 5200 MW 20 MW 150 MW -200 MW Wind Development 100 MW $20 MW 200 MW 150 MW -200 MWW Wind Construction • $5 MW $100 MW Ⓒs20 MW *200 MW 200 MIN ⚫Engie North America Headquarters located in Houston, TX with offices in CA, CO, IL, and MN. 702MW Under Construction • Over 5GW in Active Development#9APEX CLEAN ENERGY Project Partners#10Dakota Range III Partners APEX CLEAN ENERGY Xcel Energy Apex Clean Energy will develop Dakota Range III (complete the activities required prior to construction) Xcel Energy has entered into a Power Purchase Agreement to purchase the power generated from Dakota Range III APEX CLEAN ENERGY#11Project Due Diligence and Commitments APEX CLEAN ENERGY#12Due Diligence Apex coordinates with many agencies and stakeholders during the project's development. USFWS SD GFP SWO THPO SDDENR SHPO US ACOE FAA SD DOT Apex conducted numerous studies to greatly minimize impacts to the environment and its residents, including: a. Habitat Surveys b. Raptor Nest Surveys c. Avian Use Survey d. Bat Acoustic Survey e. Grouse Lek Surveys f. Tribal Consultation h. Architectural Surveys i. Level III Cultural Resources Surveys j. Sound Level Modeling Report k. Shadow Flicker Modeling Report I. Property Value Effects Studies m. Decommissioning Plan g. Level | Cultural Resources Review n. Electromagnetic Interference 12 APEX CLEAN ENERGY#13Avoidance Measures • • • . • To avoid potential impacts to Northern Long-eared Bats ("NLEB"), wind turbines are located more than 1,000 feet from four shelterbelts and woodlots greater than 15 acres in size, will feather blades to manufacturer's cut-in speed from sunset to sunrise during the bat active period (April 15 - October 15), and will avoid tree removal from June 1 through July 31 to minimize risk of impact to potential maternal roosts and other tree roosting habitat for NLEBS and other bat species; Minimize ground disturbance/clearing of potentially undisturbed land; Avoid and/or minimize impacts to potentially suitable habitat for the Dakota skipper and Poweshiek skipperling; Avoid siting turbines in wetlands and waterbodies; Design transmission facilities using APLIC guidance to minimize the risk of electrocution and collisions of birds by power lines (APLIC, 2006; 2012); Train staff to recognize eagles, and if observed, evaluate risk and respond appropriately; Conduct post construction bird and bat monitoring in coordination with FWS and SD GFP. 13 APEX CLEAN ENERGY#14Project Commitments Dakota Range III will comply with the PUC's siting requirements, local CUP wind ordinance requirements and all other applicable laws and rules. . • • . All turbine locations are currently planned to be 1,500 feet or greater from an existing residence, business, church, or other public building. Sound levels will not exceed 45 dBA at non-participating and participating occupied residences Shadow flicker will be less than 30 hours/year at non-participating and participating occupied residences, unless a waiver is signed. The project plans to use Aircraft Detection Lighting System (ADLS), if approved by FAA. Dakota Range III will have Road Use Agreements in place with the counties and townships. Generally a road use agreement establishes how the Facility will improve and repair roads before, during, and after construction. The Facility's design includes safety and control mechanisms which are monitored using a Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition ("SCADA") system. Each turbine is connected to the SCADA system via fiber-optic cable, which allows the turbines to be monitored in real time by the O&M staff. 14 APEX CLEAN ENERGY#15Post-Construction and Safety Commitments The anticipated life of the project is approximately 25-30 years, but could be extended through replacing, retrofitting, and repowering. • Before and during operations, Dakota Range III will coordinate with local and county emergency management to protect the public and project facilities in the event of natural, manmade, or other incidents. Dakota Range III will register each turbine location and the O&M facility with the rural identification/addressing (fire number) and 911 systems. • At the end of the project's life, decommissioning will be the responsibility of Dakota Range III. Financial assurances, as a protection, will be put in place as required by state and county authorities. Decommissioning will end after the project area is restored. 15 APEX CLEAN ENERGY#16Dakota Range III Project Benefits APEX CLEAN ENERGY#17Community Economic Benefits Recipient Roberts County Annual Tax Revenue¹ (approximate) $105,800 Ortley Township $23.700 Summit Township $21,600 Total Tax Revenue (approximate) $3,174,000 $711.000 $648,000 Grant County $92.500 $2,775,000 Blooming Valley Township $19,900 $597,000 Farmington Township $17,700 $531,000 Mazeppa Township $2,600 $78,000 Summit School District $279,000 $8,370,000 South Dakota $562.800 $16,884,000 After the fifth year of receiving the total annual tax revenue as well as South Dakota State-aid funds for the school districts, the amount of the wind energy tax revenue that is considered local effort funding would increase by 20 percent each year until year 10, after which all wind energy tax revenue would be considered local effort funding in the South Dakota School Funding Formula, which may decrease the State-aid funds the school districts receive. However, as shown in the table, 100 percent of the wind tax revenue allocated to the school districts would still be received by the school districts. 17 APEX CLEAN ENERGY#18Benefiting South Dakota Communities Landowner Lease Payments Over its 30-year life, Dakota Range III will generate $26 million in lease payments to participating landowners. Prior to construction, landowners will have received well over $500,000 in development payments. Local Spending During Construction • During construction, about 250 construction workers will be living and shopping in the area, creating a boost for the local economy. Several key construction materials will be sourced locally, supporting local suppliers. Long-term Jobs • . Throughout operation, Dakota Range III will employ about 10 full-time operations and maintenance employees, creating approximately $18 million in wages paid to community members. The technicians will work out of an Operations & Maintenance (O&M) facility, built specifically for the project. The footprint of the O&M will be approximately 5 acres. 18 APEX CLEAN ENERGY#19Community Outreach and Support Dakota Range III is dedicated to being a strong community partner. Dakota Range III Wind has been in contact with stakeholders: • Roberts and Grant counties: Commissioners and Highway Superintendents, both Chambers of Commerce in Sisseton and Milbank, Tri State Extension, Sisseton Economic Development Board, Aliive in Sisseton, Sisseton Wahpeton College, 4H, Grow South Dakota, and other local organizations. Townships: Ortley, Summit, Blooming Valley, Farmington, and Mazeppa • The Towns of Sisseton and Summit Dakota Range III has an office in Summit to provide information about the project and answer questions from the community. Additional community support has included: • 19 Donation to fundraising efforts for Summit's Volunteer Fire Department Donation to the addition to the high school in Summit • • Support for Summit High School History Club's trip to Washington, DC • • • Contributions to the local Boys & Girls Club Contributions and participation in Aliive's trunk or treat in Sisseton giving out candy to 1500 kids Contributing to the rodeo at Sisseton Wahpeton College Contribution and participation to Farm Lunches and Chili cook off by the Sisseton Chamber of Commerce Contribution to Milbank Chamber of Commerce for Kite and Fly event APEX CLEAN ENERGY#20Dakota Range III Project Components APEX CLEAN ENERGY#21Turbines and Permanent Met Towers APEX CLEAN ENERGY Vestas V150 Turbine Dimensions The tallest turbine being considered for the project is the Vestas V150. It has a hub height of 105 meters (~354 feet), each blade is 73.7 meters (~248 feet), for a total height of 175 meters (591 feet) Permanent Meteorological Tower Up to three towers will be located within the project area. The purpose of the tower is to monitor the productivity of the turbines. They will be the same height as the turbine's hub height. 21 24#22Feeder Line Dimensions 22 22 The poles are installed to a depth of 14 to 15.5 feet. 80 to 105 feet tall. The poles of each structure are ~30 feet apart. Spacing intervals between structures would be approximately 600 feet apart. APEX CLEAN ENERGY#23Access Roads and Underground Collection APEX CLEAN ENERGY 16 foot wide Access Road to Turbine 34.5 kV Underground Collection Trench and Cable 23 23#24Turbine Foundations and Assembly 24 24 APEX CLEAN ENERGY#25Substation and O&M 25 Example Operations & Maintenance Facility Collection Substation Hoppesion Wind APEX CLEAN ENERGY#26Conclusion

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