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#1Patient Safety Red de Servicios de Salud Costa Rica INS GRUPO | INS#2National Health System Costa Rica Región Pacífico Norte -Liberia ⚫ - Filadelfia - Nicoya - Cañas CML Ministry of Health, CCSS, INS, otros Social Security Región Norte - Alajuela -San Ramón -Ciudad Quesada -Pital -Grecia Región Noreste 46 CML - Heredia 69 CML Región Atlántica -Guápiles Alajuela ° Guanacaste Heredia -Batán -Siquirres -Limón Talamanca 22 CML Primer nivel de atención: Centros de Salud Regionales CML Consultorios Médicos Laborales Segundo nivel de atención: Centros de Salud Referenciales Tercer nivel de atención: Complejo de Salud La Uruca Región Metropolitana - Guadalupe -Desamparados -Puntarenas Santa Ana -Quepos 115 CML EMPRESAS ----- 1 NIVEL Centros de Salud Re Consultorios Médicos Laborales Cartago Limón Región Central Este San José - Cartago - Turrialba Puntarenas Región Sur -San Isidro 2 NIVEL 3 NIVEL Complej de Salud La Servicios Hospitalare Popal dut Trauma ●Servicios ambalatarin National Insurance Institute • Red de Servicios de Salud • Labor Risk • Traffic related accidents Alta complejidad social Baja complejidad tecnológica Ala com diana compiades tcnclog Contral Administrativa y se calde Baja complicidad socie Na complejidad Central Administrativo y de calidəd, GRUPO | INS - Ciudad Neily 10 CML 27 CML#3Preventable Damage PROTEJAMONOS en la pandemia • Traffic Accidents Labor related accident • Patient M Patient Safety LA PREVENCIÓN NO ES MODA es una forma de vivir y en la carretera GRUPO | INS#4International Patient Safety Goals Transparencia y rapidez en la entrega de información. Familiares bienvenidos en los sitios de atención. Goal 1 Goal 2 Identify Patients Correctly Goal 4 Improve Effective Communication Goal 5 Goal 3 Ensure correct-site, correct-procedure. correct-patient surgery Goal 6 M Improve the Safety reduce the risk of health care-associated infections Reduce the Risk of Patient Harm Resulting from Falls of high alert Medication La atención es colaborativa, coordinada y accesible. La mejoría física y el bienestar emocional son las principales prioridades. Patient safety implementation 1. Leadership Bonding 2. Patient-based model of care 3. Focus on process 4. Scientific evidence review 5. Preparation / Disclosure of documentation 6. Reinforcement with health staff education 7. Inspections / measurements and issuance of recommendations 8. Generate improvement plans and follow up on these plans 9. Disclosure of results obtained El paciente y su familia están incluidos en la toma de decisiones. wood Los puntos de vista del paciente y el paciente son respetados y valorados. GRUPO | INS#5Our experience implementing patient safety • Correct patient identification • Active surveillance for high-risk patients ● • • . • Reference and counter reference program Antibiotic prophylaxis for surgery Empirical Antimicrobial Therapy Guideline Monitoring and follow-up of adverse medication events. PROA (Antimicrobial Optimization Stewardship) Allergies protocols • Surveillance in safe drug administration • Fall prevention protocol Active and passive surveillance of infections associated with health care Hand hygiene program Protocolization of bundles (installation of central venous catheter, urinary catheter) Screening for the detection of multidrug resistant germs Isolation and electronic marking for patients with MDR germs (colonized or infected) Routine and special cleaning and disinfection. Safe Surgery GRUPO | INS - Indicadores Consumo antimicrobianos orales en SOP Mmm#6Challenges and lessons learned • • Lasting changes over time Agents of change, continuous improvement • Systematization of good practices • Information transparency (IAAS) • • Incorporate more technology and data. analysis Comparable patient safety indicators. (national, international, global) Inspire/influence health personnel • Share the knowledge B Implement wwwerk Prioritize Improvements Measure Results Provide Care GRUPO | INS#7GRUPO | Achieving goals and overcoming challenges WHO: Global Patient Safety Action Plan • National policies, plans, strategies and actions • Measure results, comparable indicators • International forums • Share knowledge, best practices • Cost effectiveness of interventions • Resource allocation INS 63 Towards eliminating avoidable harm in health care Organization Safety 厦 FEATURED PUBLICATION | 3 AUGUST 2021 Global Patient Safety Action Plan 2021-2030 The Global Patient Safety Action Plan provides a framework for countries to develop their respective national action plans on patient safety, as well to align existing strategic instruments for improving patient safety in all clinical and health-related.. Download Read More#8Thanks from Costa Rica! INS Red de Servicios de Salud Dr. Kenneth Rojas Calderon, MD, Msc. [email protected] Manzanillo, Limón

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